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Office of the Legislative Ethics Commission

Annual Training Notifications


Per Section 5-10.5 (b) of the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act, each ultimate jurisdictional authority shall submit to the applicable Ethics Commission, at least annually, or more frequently as required by that Commission, a report that summarizes the harassment and discrimination prevention training program that was completed during the previous year, and lays out the plan for the training program in the coming year. Each Ethics Commission shall make the reports available on its website. The reports listed below fulfill this requirement.

Office of Senate Republican Leader for CY2024 Recd 12-20-24
Office of Senate Republican Leader for CY2023 Recd 12-12-23
Secretary of the Senate for CY2023 Recd 12-18-23
Joint Committee Report for CY2023 Recd 01-17-24
Office of House Minority Leader for CY2023 Recd 090624
Office of the Speaker of the House for CY2023 Recd 120924
Office of the Senate President for CY 2023 Recd 011625
Office of the House Minority Leader for CY2022 Recd 07-26-23
Secretary of the Senate for CY2022 Recd 12-18-23
Office of the Senate Republican Leader for CY2022 Recd 12-18-23
Office of the Senate President for CY2022 Recd 12-22-23
Joint Committee Report for CY2022 Recd 01-17-24
Office of the Speaker of the House for CY2022 Recd 4-23-24
House Republican Leader for CY2021 Recd 03-24-22
Office of the Speaker of the House for CYs 2017-2021 Recd 7-29-21
Joint Committee on Legislative Support Services for CY2021 Recd 12-13-2021
Office of the Senate President for CY2021 Recd 8-5-22
Secretary of the Senate for CY2021 Recd 8-5-22
Senate Republican Leader for CY2021 Recd on 12-13-21
Office of the Speaker of the House for CY2021 Follow Up Recd 11-21-23
Office of the Senate President for CY2020 Recd 11-16-21
Office of the Senate Republican Leader for CY2020 Recd 12-31-20
Office of the Speaker of the House for CYs 2017-2021 Recd 7-29-21
Office of the House Republican Leader for CY2020 Recd 11-29-21
Secretary of the Senate for CY2020 Recd 8-5-22
Office of the Senate President for CY2019 Rec 12-17-20
Office of the Senate Republican Leader for CY2019 Recd 11-9-20
Office of the Speaker of the House for CYs 2017-2021 Recd 7-29-21
Office of the House Republican Leader for CY2019 Recd 09-16-20
Office of the Senate President for CY2018 Recd 2019
Office of the Senate Republican Leader for CY2018 Recd 3-8-19
Office of the Speaker of the House for CYs 2017-2021 Recd 7-29-21
Office of the House Republican Leader for CY2018 Recd 9-18-19
Office of the Speaker of the House for CYs 2017-2021 Recd 7-29-21