Illinois General Assembly, Legislative Employee Training
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Employee Training for Legislators and Employees of the House and Senate, District Offices, and Legislative Support Services Agencies


   Per 5 ILCS 430/5-10 of the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act, each officer, member, and employee must complete, at least annually beginning in 2004, an ethics training program conducted by the appropriate State agency. Additionally, a newly hired, appointed, or elected person must complete their initial ethics training within 30 days after commencement of their employment.

   Per 5 ILCS 430/5-10.5 of the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act, beginning in 2020, each officer, member, and employee must complete, at least annually, a harassment and discrimination prevention training program. Additionally, a newly hired, appointed, or elected person must complete their initial harassment and discrimination prevention training within 30 days after commencement of their employment.

   If you have questions regarding your requirement to complete either of these training programs, or how to do so, please contact your staff Ethics Officer.

Ethics Awareness Training
  • Ethics Awareness Training (Video)
  • Ethics Awareness Training (Video With Closed Captioning)
  • Ethics Awareness Training (pdf)
  • Appendix A - Citations (pdf)
  • Appendix B - Links (pdf)
  • Appendix C - Personnel Policies and Ethics Officers (pdf)
  • Harassment and Discrimination Prevention Training
  • Harassment and Discrimination Prevention Training (Video)
  • Harassment and Discrimination Prevention Training (Video With Closed Captioning)
  • Harassment and Discrimination Prevention Training (pdf)
  • Appendix A - Citations (pdf)
  • Appendix B - Links (pdf)
  • Appendix C - Ethics Officers (pdf)