Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB4159
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB4159  095th General Assembly



HB4159 Enrolled LRB095 13768 CMK 39738 b

1     AN ACT concerning safety.
2     Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 represented in the General Assembly:
4     Section 5. The School Code is amended by changing Sections
5 10-20.19c and 34-18.15 as follows:
6     (105 ILCS 5/10-20.19c)  (from Ch. 122, par. 10-20.19c)
7     Sec. 10-20.19c. Recycled paper and paper products and solid
8 waste management.
9     (a) Definitions. As used in this Section, the following
10 terms shall have the meanings indicated, unless the context
11 otherwise requires:
12     "Deinked stock" means paper that has been processed to
13 remove inks, clays, coatings, binders and other contaminants.
14     "High grade printing and writing papers" includes offset
15 printing paper, duplicator paper, writing paper (stationery),
16 tablet paper, office paper, note pads, xerographic paper,
17 envelopes, form bond including computer paper and carbonless
18 forms, book papers, bond papers, ledger paper, book stock and
19 cotton fiber papers.
20     "Paper and paper products" means high grade printing and
21 writing papers, tissue products, newsprint, unbleached
22 packaging and recycled paperboard.
23     "Postconsumer material" means only those products



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1 generated by a business or consumer which have served their
2 intended end uses, and which have been separated or diverted
3 from solid waste; wastes generated during the production of an
4 end product are excluded.
5     "Recovered paper material" means paper waste generated
6 after the completion of the papermaking process, such as
7 postconsumer materials, envelope cuttings, bindery trimmings,
8 printing waste, cutting and other converting waste, butt rolls,
9 and mill wrappers, obsolete inventories, and rejected unused
10 stock. "Recovered paper material", however, does not include
11 fibrous waste generated during the manufacturing process such
12 as fibers recovered from waste water or trimmings of paper
13 machine rolls (mill broke), or fibrous byproducts of
14 harvesting, extraction or woodcutting processes, or forest
15 residues such as bark.
16     "Recycled paperboard" includes paperboard products,
17 folding cartons and pad backings.
18     "Tissue products" includes toilet tissue, paper towels,
19 paper napkins, facial tissue, paper doilies, industrial
20 wipers, paper bags and brown papers. These products shall also
21 be unscented and shall not be colored.
22     "Unbleached packaging" includes corrugated and fiber
23 storage boxes.
24     (a-5) Each school district shall periodically review its
25 procurement procedures and specifications related to the
26 purchase of products and supplies. Those procedures and



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1 specifications must be modified as necessary to require the
2 school district to seek out products and supplies that contain
3 recycled materials and to ensure that purchased products and
4 supplies are reusable, durable, or made from recycled
5 materials, if economically and practically feasible. In
6 selecting products and supplies that contain recycled
7 material, preference must be given to products and supplies
8 that contain the highest amount of recycled material and that
9 are consistent with the effective use of the product or supply,
10 if economically and practically feasible.
11     (b) Wherever economically and practically feasible, as
12 determined by the school board, the school board, all public
13 schools and attendance centers within a school district, and
14 their school supply stores shall procure recycled paper and
15 paper products as follows:
16         (1) Beginning July 1, 2008 1992, at least 10% of the
17     total dollar value of paper and paper products purchased by
18     school boards, public schools and attendance centers, and
19     their school supply stores shall be recycled paper and
20     paper products. ;
21         (2) Beginning July 1, 2011 1995, at least 25% of the
22     total dollar value of paper and paper products purchased by
23     school boards, public schools and attendance centers, and
24     their school supply stores shall be recycled paper and
25     paper products. ;
26         (3) Beginning July 1, 2014 1999, at least 50% 40% of



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1     the total dollar value of paper and paper products
2     purchased by school boards, public schools and attendance
3     centers, and their school supply stores shall be recycled
4     paper and paper products. ;
5         (4) Beginning July 1, 2020 2001, at least 75% 50% of
6     the total dollar value of paper and paper products
7     purchased by school boards, public schools and attendance
8     centers, and their school supply stores shall be recycled
9     paper and paper products. ;
10         (5) Beginning upon the effective date of this
11     amendatory Act of 1992, all paper purchased by the board of
12     education, public schools and attendance centers for
13     publication of student newspapers shall be recycled
14     newsprint. The amount purchased shall not be included in
15     calculating the amounts specified in paragraphs (1)
16     through (4).
17     (c) Paper and paper products purchased from private sector
18 vendors pursuant to printing contracts are not considered paper
19 and paper products for the purposes of subsection (b), unless
20 purchased under contract for the printing of student
21 newspapers.
22     (d)(1) Wherever economically and practically feasible, the
23 recycled paper and paper products referred to in subsection (b)
24 shall contain postconsumer or recovered paper materials as
25 specified by paper category in this subsection:
26          (i) Recycled high grade printing and writing paper



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1     shall contain at least 50% recovered paper material. Such
2     recovered paper material, until July 1, 2008 1994, shall
3     consist of at least 20% deinked stock or postconsumer
4     material; and beginning July 1, 2008 1994, shall consist of
5     at least 25% deinked stock or postconsumer material; and
6     beginning July 1, 2010 1996, shall consist of at least 30%
7     deinked stock or postconsumer material; and beginning July
8     1, 2012 1998, shall consist of at least 40% deinked stock
9     or postconsumer material; and beginning July 1, 2014 2000,
10     shall consist of at least 50% deinked stock or postconsumer
11     material.
12          (ii) Recycled tissue products, until July 1, 1994,
13     shall contain at least 25% postconsumer material; and
14     beginning July 1, 1994, shall contain at least 30%
15     postconsumer material; and beginning July 1, 1996, shall
16     contain at least 35% postconsumer material; and beginning
17     July 1, 1998, shall contain at least 40% postconsumer
18     material; and beginning July 1, 2000, shall contain at
19     least 45% postconsumer material.
20          (iii) Recycled newsprint, until July 1, 1994, shall
21     contain at least 40% postconsumer material; and beginning
22     July 1, 1994, shall contain at least 50% postconsumer
23     material; and beginning July 1, 1996, shall contain at
24     least 60% postconsumer material; and beginning July 1,
25     1998, shall contain at least 70% postconsumer material; and
26     beginning July 1, 2000, shall contain at least 80%



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1     postconsumer material.
2          (iv) Recycled unbleached packaging, until July 1,
3     1994, shall contain at least 35% postconsumer material; and
4     beginning July 1, 1994, shall contain at least 40%
5     postconsumer material; and beginning July 1, 1996, shall
6     contain at least 45% postconsumer material; and beginning
7     July 1, 1998, shall contain at least 50% postconsumer
8     material; and beginning July 1, 2000, shall contain at
9     least 55% postconsumer material.
10          (v) Recycled paperboard, until July 1, 1994, shall
11     contain at least 80% postconsumer material; and beginning
12     July 1, 1994, shall contain at least 85% postconsumer
13     material; and beginning July 1, 1996, shall contain at
14     least 90% postconsumer material; and beginning July 1,
15     1998, shall contain at least 95% postconsumer material.
16         (2) For the purposes of this Section, "postconsumer
17     material" includes:
18             (i) paper, paperboard, and fibrous waste from
19         retail stores, office buildings, homes and so forth,
20         after the waste has passed through its end usage as a
21         consumer item, including used corrugated boxes, old
22         newspapers, mixed waste paper, tabulating cards, and
23         used cordage; and
24             (ii) all paper, paperboard, and fibrous wastes
25         that are diverted or separated from the municipal waste
26         stream.



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1         (3) For the purposes of this Section, "recovered paper
2     material" includes:
3             (i) postconsumer material;
4             (ii) dry paper and paperboard waste generated
5         after completion of the papermaking process (that is,
6         those manufacturing operations up to and including the
7         cutting and trimming of the paper machine reel into
8         smaller rolls or rough sheets), including envelope
9         cuttings, bindery trimmings, and other paper and
10         paperboard waste resulting from printing, cutting,
11         forming and other converting operations, or from bag,
12         box and carton manufacturing, and butt rolls, mill
13         wrappers, and rejected unused stock; and
14             (iii) finished paper and paperboard from obsolete
15         inventories of paper and paperboard manufacturers,
16         merchants, wholesalers, dealers, printers, converters
17         or others.
18     (e) Nothing in this Section shall be deemed to apply to art
19 materials, nor to any newspapers, magazines, text books,
20 library books or other copyrighted publications which are
21 purchased or used by any school board or any public school or
22 attendance center within a school district, or which are sold
23 in any school supply store operated by or within any such
24 school or attendance center, other than newspapers written,
25 edited or produced by students enrolled in the school district,
26 public school or attendance center.



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1     (e-5) Each school district shall periodically review its
2 procedures on solid waste reduction regarding the management of
3 solid waste generated by academic, administrative, and other
4 institutional functions. Those waste reduction procedures must
5 be designed to, when economically and practically feasible,
6 recycle the school district's waste stream, including without
7 limitation landscape waste, computer paper, and white office
8 paper. School districts are encouraged to have procedures that
9 provide for the investigation of potential markets for other
10 recyclable materials that are present in the school district's
11 waste stream. The waste reduction procedures must be designed
12 to achieve, before July 1, 2020, at least a 50% reduction in
13 the amount of solid waste that is generated by the school
14 district.
15     (f) The State Board of Education, in coordination with the
16 Departments of Central Management Services and Commerce and
17 Economic Opportunity, may adopt such rules and regulations as
18 it deems necessary to assist districts in carrying out the
19 provisions of this Section.
20 (Source: P.A. 94-793, eff. 5-19-06.)
21     (105 ILCS 5/34-18.15)  (from Ch. 122, par. 34-18.15)
22     Sec. 34-18.15. Recycled paper and paper products and solid
23 waste management.
24     (a) Definitions. As used in this Section, the following
25 terms shall have the meanings indicated, unless the context



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1 otherwise requires:
2     "Deinked stock" means paper that has been processed to
3 remove inks, clays, coatings, binders and other contaminants.
4     "High grade printing and writing papers" includes offset
5 printing paper, duplicator paper, writing paper (stationery),
6 tablet paper, office paper, note pads, xerographic paper,
7 envelopes, form bond including computer paper and carbonless
8 forms, book papers, bond papers, ledger paper, book stock and
9 cotton fiber papers.
10     "Paper and paper products" means high grade printing and
11 writing papers, tissue products, newsprint, unbleached
12 packaging and recycled paperboard.
13     "Postconsumer material" means only those products
14 generated by a business or consumer which have served their
15 intended end uses, and which have been separated or diverted
16 from solid waste; wastes generated during the production of an
17 end product are excluded.
18     "Recovered paper material" means paper waste generated
19 after the completion of the papermaking process, such as
20 postconsumer materials, envelope cuttings, bindery trimmings,
21 printing waste, cutting and other converting waste, butt rolls,
22 and mill wrappers, obsolete inventories, and rejected unused
23 stock. "Recovered paper material", however, does not include
24 fibrous waste generated during the manufacturing process as
25 fibers recovered from waste water or trimmings of paper machine
26 rolls (mill broke), or fibrous byproducts of harvesting,



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1 extraction or woodcutting processes, or forest residues such as
2 bark.
3     "Recycled paperboard" includes paperboard products,
4 folding cartons and pad backings.
5     "Tissue products" includes toilet tissue, paper towels,
6 paper napkins, facial tissue, paper doilies, industrial
7 wipers, paper bags and brown papers. These products shall also
8 be unscented and shall not be colored.
9     "Unbleached packaging" includes corrugated and fiber
10 storage boxes.
11     (a-5) The school district shall periodically review its
12 procurement procedures and specifications related to the
13 purchase of products and supplies. Those procedures and
14 specifications must be modified as necessary to require the
15 school district to seek out products and supplies that contain
16 recycled materials and to ensure that purchased products and
17 supplies are reusable, durable, or made from recycled
18 materials, if economically and practically feasible. In
19 selecting products and supplies that contain recycled
20 material, preference must be given to products and supplies
21 that contain the highest amount of recycled material and that
22 are consistent with the effective use of the product or supply,
23 if economically and practically feasible.
24     (b) Wherever economically and practically feasible, as
25 determined by the board of education, the board of education,
26 all public schools and attendance centers within the school



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1 district, and their school supply stores shall procure recycled
2 paper and paper products as follows:
3         (1) Beginning July 1, 2008 1992, at least 10% of the
4     total dollar value of paper and paper products purchased by
5     the board of education, public schools and attendance
6     centers, and their school supply stores shall be recycled
7     paper and paper products. ;
8         (2) Beginning July 1, 2011 1995, at least 25% of the
9     total dollar value of paper and paper products purchased by
10     the board of education, public schools and attendance
11     centers, and their school supply stores shall be recycled
12     paper and paper products. ;
13         (3) Beginning July 1, 2014 1999, at least 50% 40% of
14     the total dollar value of paper and paper products
15     purchased by the board of education, public schools and
16     attendance centers, and their school supply stores shall be
17     recycled paper and paper products. ;
18         (4) Beginning July 1, 2020 2001, at least 75% 50% of
19     the total dollar value of paper and paper products
20     purchased by the board of education, public schools and
21     attendance centers, and their school supply stores shall be
22     recycled paper and paper products. ;
23         (5) Beginning upon the effective date of this
24     amendatory Act of 1992, all paper purchased by the board of
25     education, public schools and attendance centers for
26     publication of student newspapers shall be recycled



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1     newsprint. The amount purchased shall not be included in
2     calculating the amounts specified in paragraphs (1)
3     through (4).
4     (c) Paper and paper products purchased from private sector
5 vendors pursuant to printing contracts are not considered paper
6 and paper products for the purposes of subsection (b), unless
7 purchased under contract for the printing of student
8 newspapers.
9     (d)(1) Wherever economically and practically feasible, the
10 recycled paper and paper products referred to in subsection (b)
11 shall contain postconsumer or recovered paper materials as
12 specified by paper category in this subsection:
13         (i) Recycled high grade printing and writing paper
14     shall contain at least 50% recovered paper material. Such
15     recovered paper material, until July 1, 2008 1994, shall
16     consist of at least 20% deinked stock or postconsumer
17     material; and beginning July 1, 2008 1994, shall consist of
18     at least 25% deinked stock or postconsumer material; and
19     beginning July 1, 2010 1996, shall consist of at least 30%
20     deinked stock or postconsumer material; and beginning July
21     1, 2012 1998, shall consist of at least 40% deinked stock
22     or postconsumer material; and beginning July 1, 2014 2000,
23     shall consist of at least 50% deinked stock or postconsumer
24     material.
25         (ii) Recycled tissue products, until July 1, 1994,
26     shall contain at least 25% postconsumer material; and



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1     beginning July 1, 1994, shall contain at least 30%
2     postconsumer material; and beginning July 1, 1996, shall
3     contain at least 35% postconsumer material; and beginning
4     July 1, 1998, shall contain at least 40% postconsumer
5     material; and beginning July 1, 2000, shall contain at
6     least 45% postconsumer material.
7         (iii) Recycled newsprint, until July 1, 1994, shall
8     contain at least 40% postconsumer material; and beginning
9     July 1, 1994, shall contain at least 50% postconsumer
10     material; and beginning July 1, 1996, shall contain at
11     least 60% postconsumer material; and beginning July 1,
12     1998, shall contain at least 70% postconsumer material; and
13     beginning July 1, 2000, shall contain at least 80%
14     postconsumer material.
15         (iv) Recycled unbleached packaging, until July 1,
16     1994, shall contain at least 35% postconsumer material; and
17     beginning July 1, 1994, shall contain at least 40%
18     postconsumer material; and beginning July 1, 1996, shall
19     contain at least 45% postconsumer material; and beginning
20     July 1, 1998, shall contain at least 50% postconsumer
21     material; and beginning July 1, 2000, shall contain at
22     least 55% postconsumer material.
23         (v) Recycled paperboard, until July 1, 1994, shall
24     contain at least 80% postconsumer material; and beginning
25     July 1, 1994, shall contain at least 85% postconsumer
26     material; and beginning July 1, 1996, shall contain at



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1     least 90% postconsumer material; and beginning July 1,
2     1998, shall contain at least 95% postconsumer material.
3         (2) For the purposes of this Section, "postconsumer
4     material" includes:
5              (i) paper, paperboard, and fibrous waste from
6         retail stores, office buildings, homes and so forth,
7         after the waste has passed through its end usage as a
8         consumer item, including used corrugated boxes, old
9         newspapers, mixed waste paper, tabulating cards, and
10         used cordage; and
11              (ii) all paper, paperboard, and fibrous wastes
12         that are diverted or separated from the municipal waste
13         stream.
14         (3) For the purpose of this Section, "recovered paper
15     material" includes:
16              (i) postconsumer material;
17              (ii) dry paper and paperboard waste generated
18         after completion of the papermaking process (that is,
19         those manufacturing operations up to and including the
20         cutting and trimming of the paper machine reel into
21         smaller rolls or rough sheets), including envelope
22         cuttings, bindery trimmings, and other paper and
23         paperboard waste resulting from printing, cutting,
24         forming and other converting operations, or from bag,
25         box and carton manufacturing, and butt rolls, mill
26         wrappers, and rejected unused stock; and



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1              (iii) finished paper and paperboard from obsolete
2         inventories of paper and paperboard manufacturers,
3         merchants, wholesalers, dealers, printers, converters
4         or others.
5     (e) Nothing in this Section shall be deemed to apply to art
6 materials, nor to any newspapers, magazines, text books,
7 library books or other copyrighted publications which are
8 purchased or used by the board of education or any public
9 school or attendance center within the school district, or
10 which are sold in any school supply store operated by or within
11 any such school or attendance center, other than newspapers
12 written, edited or produced by students enrolled in the school
13 district, public school or attendance center.
14     (e-5) The school district shall periodically review its
15 procedures on solid waste reduction regarding the management of
16 solid waste generated by academic, administrative, and other
17 institutional functions. Those waste reduction procedures must
18 be designed to, when economically and practically feasible,
19 recycle the school district's waste stream, including without
20 limitation landscape waste, computer paper, and white office
21 paper. The school district is encouraged to have procedures
22 that provide for the investigation of potential markets for
23 other recyclable materials that are present in the school
24 district's waste stream. The waste reduction procedures must be
25 designed to achieve, before July 1, 2020, at least a 50%
26 reduction in the amount of solid waste that is generated by the



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1 school district.
2     (f) The State Board of Education, in coordination with the
3 Departments of Central Management Services and Commerce and
4 Economic Opportunity, may adopt such rules and regulations as
5 it deems necessary to assist districts in carrying out the
6 provisions of this Section.
7 (Source: P.A. 94-793, eff. 5-19-06.)
8     Section 90. The State Mandates Act is amended by adding
9 Section 8.32 as follows:
10     (30 ILCS 805/8.32 new)
11     Sec. 8.32. Exempt mandate. Notwithstanding Sections 6 and 8
12 of this Act, no reimbursement by the State is required for the
13 implementation of any mandate created by this amendatory Act of
14 the 95th General Assembly.
15     Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
16 becoming law.