State of Illinois
91st General Assembly

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 1                    AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 146

 2        AMENDMENT NO.     .  Amend Senate Bill 146 on page 2,  by
 3    deleting all of lines 13 through 15 and inserting instead the
 4    following:
 5        "8(d)).   However, on December 7, 1998, the Circuit Court
 6        granted Defendant's motion to  reconsider  and  dismissed
 7        the  Plaintiff's  Single  Subject  claim  with prejudice.
 8        Nevertheless, the Circuit Court did not vacate its August
 9        26, 1998 order declaring P.A. 85-1135 to be in  violation
10        of   the   Single   Subject   clause   of   the  Illinois
11        Constitution.  In addition, the Plaintiffs have  appealed
12        the  Circuit  Court's  dismissal  of their Single Subject
13        claim."; and

14    on page 3, by deleting all of lines 15 and 16  and  inserting
15    instead the following:
16    "amendatory  Act of 1999 was prepared, the legal challenge to
17    P.A. 85-1135 under the Single Subject clause of the  Illinois
18    Constitution was dismissed with prejudice.".

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