State of Illinois
91st General Assembly

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[ Introduced ][ Enrolled ][ House Amendment 001 ]


SB146 Engrossed                                LRB9100650EGfg

 1        AN ACT in relation to State bonds.

 2        Be it enacted by the People of  the  State  of  Illinois,
 3    represented in the General Assembly:

 4        Section 5.  The General Obligation Bond Act is amended by
 5    adding  Section 1.5 and re-enacting Sections 2, 3, 16, and 20
 6    as follows:

 7        (30 ILCS 330/1.5 new)
 8        Sec. 1.5. Re-enactment; findings; purpose; validation.
 9        (a)  The General Assembly finds and declares that:
10             (1)  Article IV of  Public  Act  85-1135,  effective
11        July  28, 1988, contained provisions amending or creating
12        Sections 2, 3, 16, and 20 of the General Obligation  Bond
13        Act,  Section 5.242 of the State Finance Act, and Section
14        4 of the Baccalaureate Savings Act, all of which  pertain
15        to  State general obligation bonds.  These provisions (i)
16        increased the total authorization for State  of  Illinois
17        general   obligation  bonds  and  refunding  bonds;  (ii)
18        increased the limits  on  the  amount  of  State  general
19        obligation  bond  proceeds  that  may be used for various
20        purposes; and (iii) created the General  Obligation  Bond
21        Rebate  Fund,  authorized the transfer of money into that
22        Fund,   and   provided    an    irrevocable    continuing
23        appropriation   of  amounts  necessary  to  preserve  the
24        tax-free status of interest earned  by  owners  of  State
25        general  obligation  bonds.   Article  IV  also contained
26        other provisions.
27             (2)  Section 8 of Article III of Public Act 85-1135,
28        effective  September  1,   1988,   contained   provisions
29        amending  Sections 2, 4, 11, and 13 of the Build Illinois
30        Bond Act.   These  provisions  (i)  increased  the  total
31        authorization  for  Build  Illinois bonds; (ii) increased
SB146 Engrossed             -2-                LRB9100650EGfg
 1        the limits on the amount of Build Illinois bond  proceeds
 2        that  may be used for public infrastructure purposes; and
 3        (iii)  amended  the   Build   Illinois   bond   repayment
 4        schedules.
 5             (3)  In   addition,  Public  Act  85-1135  contained
 6        provisions relating to tax reform and creating the  Water
 7        Pollution Control Revolving Fund loan program.
 8             (4)  On  August  26,  1998,  the Cook County Circuit
 9        Court entered an order in  the  case  of  Oak  Park  Arms
10        Associates v. Whitley (No. 92 L 51045), in which it found
11        that  Public  Act  85-1135  violates  the  single subject
12        clause of the Illinois Constitution (Article IV,  Section
13        8(d)).   As  of  the time this amendatory Act of 1999 was
14        prepared, the order declaring P.A.  85-1135  invalid  has
15        been vacated but the case is subject to appeal.
16             (5)  The  integrity  of  the  State's  contracts and
17        bonds, the protection of  bondholders,  and  the  State's
18        continued  ability to issue bonds and borrow money are of
19        the greatest importance for the continued health, safety,
20        and welfare of the people of this State.
21             (6)  The  programs  and  projects  funded  with  the
22        proceeds of State  general  obligation  bonds  and  Build
23        Illinois  bonds affect many areas of vital concern to the
24        people of this State.  The disruption of  those  programs
25        could  constitute a grave threat to the continued health,
26        safety, and welfare of the people of this State.
27        (b)  It is the purpose of this amendatory Act of 1999  to
28    prevent or minimize any problems relating to State bonds that
29    may  result from challenges to the constitutional validity of
30    Public Act 85-1135, by (1) re-enacting the Sections  relating
31    to  State bonds that were included in Public Act 85-1135; (2)
32    validating all Build Illinois bonds, State general obligation
33    bonds, and refunding  bonds  issued  pursuant  to  provisions
34    contained  in  Public  Act 85-1135; (3) affirming the State's
SB146 Engrossed             -3-                LRB9100650EGfg
 1    obligations under those bonds and any contracts  relating  to
 2    them; and (4) validating all actions taken in reliance on the
 3    provisions  contained  in  Public  Act 85-1135 that relate to
 4    those bonds or their proceeds.
 5        (c)  This amendatory Act of 1999 re-enacts Sections 2, 3,
 6    16, and 20 of the General Obligation Bond Act, Section  5.242
 7    of  the  State  Finance Act, Sections 2, 4, 11, and 13 of the
 8    Build Illinois Bond Act, and Section 4 of  the  Baccalaureate
 9    Savings Act, as they have been amended.  This re-enactment is
10    intended to remove any question as to the validity or content
11    of  those Sections; it is not intended to supersede any other
12    Public Act that amends the text of a Section as set forth  in
13    this  amendatory Act.  The material is shown as existing text
14    (i.e., without underscoring) because, as  of  the  time  this
15    amendatory Act of 1999 was prepared, the order declaring P.A.
16    85-1135 invalid has been vacated.
17        (d)  The  re-enactment  by this amendatory Act of 1999 of
18    certain Sections relating to State bonds that were enacted or
19    amended by Public Act 85-1135 is not intended, and shall  not
20    be  construed,  to  imply  that P.A. 85-1135 is invalid or to
21    limit or impair any legal argument concerning  whether  those
22    provisions  were  substantially  re-enacted  by  other Public
23    Acts.
24        (e)  All Build Illinois bonds, State  general  obligation
25    bonds,  and  refunding bonds issued before the effective date
26    of this amendatory Act of 1999 in reliance on or pursuant  to
27    the  Sections  re-enacted  by this amendatory Act of 1999, as
28    set forth in Public Act 85-1135 or as  subsequently  amended,
29    are  hereby  validated.  All obligations of the State arising
30    under or in connection with those bonds are hereby affirmed.
31        (f)  All  otherwise  lawful  actions  taken  before   the
32    effective  date of this amendatory Act of 1999 in reliance on
33    or pursuant to the Sections re-enacted by this amendatory Act
34    of  1999,  as  set  forth  in  Public  Act  85-1135   or   as
SB146 Engrossed             -4-                LRB9100650EGfg
 1    subsequently  amended, by any officer, employee, or agency of
 2    State government or by any other person or entity, are hereby
 3    validated.
 4        (g)  This  amendatory  Act  of  1999   applies,   without
 5    limitation, to actions pending on or after the effective date
 6    of this amendatory Act.

 7        (30 ILCS 330/2) (from Ch. 127, par. 652)
 8        Sec.  2.  Authorization for Bonds.  The State of Illinois
 9    is authorized to issue, sell and provide for  the  retirement
10    of  General  Obligation Bonds of the State of Illinois in the
11    total amount of $10,895,296,392 herein called "Bonds".
12        Of the total amount of  bonds  authorized  above,  up  to
13    $2,200,000,000  in aggregate original principal amount may be
14    issued and sold in accordance with the Baccalaureate  Savings
15    Act in the form of General Obligation College Savings Bonds.
16        Of  the  total  amount  of  bonds authorized above, up to
17    $300,000,000 in aggregate original principal  amount  may  be
18    issued and sold in accordance with the Retirement Savings Act
19    in the form of General Obligation Retirement Savings Bonds.
20        The  issuance  and  sale of Bonds pursuant to the General
21    Obligation Bond Act is an economical and efficient method  of
22    financing  the  capital  needs  of  the State.  This Act will
23    permit the issuance of  a  multi-purpose  General  Obligation
24    Bond  with  uniform  terms  and features.  This will not only
25    lower the cost of registration but also  reduce  the  overall
26    cost  of  issuing  debt  by  improving  the  marketability of
27    Illinois General Obligation Bonds.
28        Bonds shall be issued for  the  categories  and  specific
29    purposes  expressed in Sections 2 through 8 and Section 16 of
30    this Act.
31    (Source: P.A. 90-1, eff. 2-20-97; 90-8, eff. 12-8-97; 90-549,
32    eff. 12-8-97; 90-586, eff. 6-4-98.)
SB146 Engrossed             -5-                LRB9100650EGfg
 1        (30 ILCS 330/3) (from Ch. 127, par. 653)
 2        Sec. 3. Capital Facilities. The amount of  $4,335,266,392
 3    is  authorized  to  be used for the acquisition, development,
 4    construction,   reconstruction,    improvement,    financing,
 5    architectural planning and installation of capital facilities
 6    within   the  State,  consisting  of  buildings,  structures,
 7    durable equipment,  land,  and  interests  in  land  for  the
 8    following specific purposes:
 9        (a)  $1,189,517,246  for  educational  purposes  by State
10    universities and colleges,  the  Illinois  Community  College
11    Board  created  by  the  Public Community College Act and for
12    grants to public community colleges as authorized by Sections
13    5-11 and 5-12 of the Public Community College Act;
14        (b)  $1,126,370,168 for correctional  purposes  at  State
15    prison and correctional centers;
16        (c)  $379,711,786   for  open  spaces,  recreational  and
17    conservation purposes and the protection of land;
18        (d)  $482,280,486 for child care facilities,  mental  and
19    public  health  facilities,  and  facilities  for the care of
20    disabled veterans and their spouses;
21        (e)  895,189,341 for use by the State,  its  departments,
22    authorities, public corporations, commissions and agencies;
23        (f)  $818,100  for  cargo  handling  facilities  at  port
24    districts and for breakwaters, including harbor entrances, at
25    port districts in conjunction with facilities for small boats
26    and pleasure crafts;
27        (g)  $147,267,796 for water resource management projects;
28        (h)  $16,940,269 for the provision of facilities for food
29    production  research  and  related  instructional  and public
30    service activities  at  the  State  universities  and  public
31    community colleges;
32        (i)  $34,000,000 for grants by the Secretary of State, as
33    State Librarian, for central library facilities authorized by
34    Section  8  of the Illinois Library System Act and for grants
SB146 Engrossed             -6-                LRB9100650EGfg
 1    by the Capital Development Board to units of local government
 2    for public library facilities;
 3        (j)  $25,000,000  for   the   acquisition,   development,
 4    construction,    reconstruction,    improvement,   financing,
 5    architectural planning and installation of capital facilities
 6    consisting of buildings, structures,  durable  equipment  and
 7    land   for  grants  to  counties,  municipalities  or  public
 8    building commissions with correctional facilities that do not
 9    comply with  the  minimum  standards  of  the  Department  of
10    Corrections  under  Section  3-15-2  of  the  Unified Code of
11    Corrections;
12        (k)  $5,000,000 for grants in fiscal  year  1988  by  the
13    Department  of  Conservation  for improvement or expansion of
14    aquarium facilities located  on  property  owned  by  a  park
15    district; and
16        (l)  $33,171,200  to  State  agencies for grants to local
17    governments for  the  acquisition,  financing,  architectural
18    planning,    development,   alteration,   installation,   and
19    construction of capital facilities consisting  of  buildings,
20    structures, durable equipment, and land.
21        The  amounts  authorized above for capital facilities may
22    be  used  for  the  acquisition,  installation,   alteration,
23    construction, or reconstruction of capital facilities and for
24    the  purchase  of  equipment for the purpose of major capital
25    improvements which will reduce energy  consumption  in  State
26    buildings or facilities.
27    (Source: P.A. 90-1, eff. 2-20-97; 90-8, eff. 12-8-97; 90-549,
28    eff. 12-8-97; 90-586, eff. 6-4-98.)

29        (30 ILCS 330/16) (from Ch. 127, par. 666)
30        Sec.  16.  Refunding Bonds.  The amount of $2,339,025,000
31    is authorized for the  purpose  of  refunding  any  State  of
32    Illinois general obligation Bonds then outstanding, including
33    the payment of any redemption premium thereon, any reasonable
SB146 Engrossed             -7-                LRB9100650EGfg
 1    expenses of such refunding, any interest accrued or to accrue
 2    to  the  earliest  or  any  subsequent  date of redemption or
 3    maturity of such outstanding Bonds and any interest to accrue
 4    to  the  first  interest  payment  on  the  refunding  Bonds;
 5    provided that such refunding Bonds shall mature no later than
 6    the final maturity date of Bonds being refunded.
 7        Refunding Bonds may be sold in such amounts and  at  such
 8    times,  as  directed  by the Governor, upon recommendation by
 9    the Director of the Bureau of the Budget.  The Governor shall
10    notify the State Treasurer and Comptroller of such refunding.
11    The proceeds received from the sale of refunding Bonds  shall
12    be  used for the retirement at maturity or redemption of such
13    outstanding Bonds on any maturity  or  redemption  date  and,
14    pending  such  use,  shall  be placed in escrow. Proceeds not
15    needed for deposit in an escrow account shall be deposited in
16    the General Obligation Bond  Retirement  and  Interest  Fund.
17    This  Act  shall  constitute  an  irrevocable  and continuing
18    appropriation of all amounts necessary to establish an escrow
19    account for the  purpose  of  refunding  outstanding  general
20    obligation  Bonds  and to pay the reasonable expenses of such
21    refunding.  Any such escrowed proceeds may  be  invested  and
22    reinvested  in  direct  obligations  of  the United States of
23    America,  maturing  at  such  time  or  times  as  shall   be
24    appropriate to assure the  prompt payment of the principal of
25    and  interest and redemption premium, if any, on the refunded
26    Bonds.  After  the  terms  of  the  escrow  have  been  fully
27    satisfied,   any  remaining  balance  of  such  proceeds  and
28    interest, income  and  profits  earned  or  realized  on  the
29    investments  thereof  shall  be paid into the general revenue
30    fund.  The liability  of  the  State  upon  the  Bonds  shall
31    continue,  provided that the holders thereof shall thereafter
32    be entitled to payment only out of the  moneys  deposited  in
33    the escrow account.
34        Except as otherwise herein provided in this Section, such
SB146 Engrossed             -8-                LRB9100650EGfg
 1    refunding Bonds shall in all other respects be subject to the
 2    terms and conditions of this Act.
 3    (Source: P.A. 87-836; 87-873; 88-93; 88-552.)

 4        (30 ILCS 330/20) (from Ch. 127, par. 669a)
 5        Sec.  20.   A  separate fund in the State treasury called
 6    the "General Obligation Bond Rebate Fund" is hereby  created.
 7    The  State  Treasurer  is  hereby  authorized  to create such
 8    separate accounts within the General Obligation  Bond  Rebate
 9    Fund  from  time  to  time in connection with the issuance of
10    Bonds pursuant to this Act and  to  transfer  moneys  to  the
11    General  Obligation Bond Rebate Fund from the Funds described
12    in subsection (a) of Section 19 of this Act at such times and
13    in such amounts as shall be deemed necessary to preserve  the
14    exclusion  of  the  interest  earned  by  the owners of Bonds
15    issued under this Act from the federal gross income  of  such
16    owners.    This  Act  shall  constitute  an  irrevocable  and
17    continuing  appropriation  of  all  amounts necessary for the
18    purpose described in this Section.
19    (Source: P.A. 85-1135.)

20        Section  10.   The  State  Finance  Act  is  amended   by
21    re-enacting Section 5.242 as follows:

22        (30 ILCS 105/5.242) (from Ch. 127, par. 141.242)
23        Sec. 5.242.  The General Obligation Bond Rebate Fund.
24    (Source: P.A. 85-1135.)

25        Section  15.   The  Build Illinois Bond Act is amended by
26    re-enacting Sections 2, 4, 11, and 13 as follows:

27        (30 ILCS 425/2) (from Ch. 127, par. 2802)
28        Sec. 2.  Authorization for Bonds.  The State of  Illinois
29    is  authorized  to issue, sell and provide for the retirement
SB146 Engrossed             -9-                LRB9100650EGfg
 1    of limited obligation bonds, notes  and  other  evidences  of
 2    indebtedness  of the State of Illinois in the total principal
 3    amount  of  $2,036,500,000  herein  called   "Bonds".    Such
 4    authorized amount of Bonds shall be reduced from time to time
 5    by amounts, if any, which are equal to the moneys received by
 6    the  Department  of  Revenue  in  any fiscal year pursuant to
 7    Section 3-1001 of the "Illinois Vehicle Code", as amended, in
 8    excess of the Annual Specified Amount (as defined in  Section
 9    3  of  the  "Retailers'  Occupation Tax Act", as amended) and
10    transferred at the end of such fiscal year from  the  General
11    Revenue  Fund to the Build Illinois Purposes Fund as provided
12    in Section 3-1001 of said Code; provided,  however,  that  no
13    such reduction shall affect the validity or enforceability of
14    any  Bonds  issued  prior  to such reduction.  Such amount of
15    authorized Bonds shall be exclusive of  any  refunding  Bonds
16    issued  pursuant  to  Section 15 of this Act and exclusive of
17    any Bonds issued pursuant to this Section which are redeemed,
18    purchased, advance refunded, or defeased in  accordance  with
19    paragraph  (f)  of  Section  4  of  this Act.  Bonds shall be
20    issued for the categories and specific purposes expressed  in
21    Section 4 of this Act.
22    (Source: P.A. 86-44; 86-78; 86-1473.)

23        (30 ILCS 425/4) (from Ch. 127, par. 2804)
24        Sec. 4. Purposes of Bonds.  Bonds shall be issued for the
25    following  purposes  and  in  the  approximate amounts as set
26    forth below:
27        (a)  $1,470,419,000 for the expenses of issuance and sale
28    of  Bonds,  including  bond  discounts,  and  for   planning,
29    engineering,   acquisition,   construction,   reconstruction,
30    development,   improvement   and   extension  of  the  public
31    infrastructure in  the  State  of  Illinois,  including:  the
32    making  of  loans  or  grants  to local governments for waste
33    disposal systems, water and sewer line extensions  and  water
SB146 Engrossed             -10-               LRB9100650EGfg
 1    distribution  and  purification  facilities,  rail  or air or
 2    water port improvements, gas and electric utility extensions,
 3    publicly owned industrial  and  commercial  sites,  buildings
 4    used  for  public  administration  purposes  and other public
 5    infrastructure capital improvements; the making of  loans  or
 6    grants  to  units  of  local  government  for  financing  and
 7    construction   of   wastewater   facilities;  refinancing  or
 8    retiring bonds issued between January 1, 1987 and January  1,
 9    1990  by  home  rule municipalities, debt service on which is
10    provided from a tax imposed by home rule municipalities prior
11    to January 1, 1990 on the sale of food and drugs pursuant  to
12    Section   8-11-1   of  the  Home  Rule  Municipal  Retailers'
13    Occupation Tax  Act  or  Section  8-11-5  of  the  Home  Rule
14    Municipal  Service Occupation Tax Act; the making of deposits
15    not to exceed $70,000,000 in the  aggregate  into  the  Water
16    Pollution  Control  Revolving  Fund  to provide assistance in
17    accordance  with  the  provisions  of  Title  IV-A   of   the
18    Environmental  Protection  Act;  the  planning,  engineering,
19    acquisition,    construction,   reconstruction,   alteration,
20    expansion, extension and improvement  of  highways,  bridges,
21    structures  separating  highways  and  railroads, rest areas,
22    interchanges, access roads to and from  any  State  or  local
23    highway  and  other transportation improvement projects which
24    are related to economic development activities; the making of
25    loans or grants for  planning,  engineering,  rehabilitation,
26    improvement  or  construction of rail and transit facilities;
27    the   planning,   engineering,   acquisition,   construction,
28    reconstruction and improvement of watershed, drainage,  flood
29    control,  recreation and related improvements and facilities,
30    including expenses related to land and easement  acquisition,
31    relocation, control structures, channel work and clearing and
32    appurtenant  work;  the  making of grants for improvement and
33    development of  zoos  and  park  district  field  houses  and
34    related  structures; and the making of grants for improvement
SB146 Engrossed             -11-               LRB9100650EGfg
 1    and development of Navy Pier and related structures.
 2        (b)  $46,301,500 for fostering economic  development  and
 3    increased  employment  and  the well being of the citizens of
 4    Illinois, including: the making of grants for improvement and
 5    development of McCormick Place and  related  structures;  the
 6    planning  and  construction  of  a  microelectronics research
 7    center, including the  planning,  engineering,  construction,
 8    improvement,   renovation   and   acquisition  of  buildings,
 9    equipment and related utility support systems; the making  of
10    loans  to  businesses  and  investments  in small businesses;
11    acquiring real properties for industrial or  commercial  site
12    development;   acquiring,   rehabilitating   and  reconveying
13    industrial and  commercial  properties  for  the  purpose  of
14    expanding employment and encouraging private and other public
15    sector  investment in the economy of Illinois; the payment of
16    expenses associated with  siting  the  Superconducting  Super
17    Collider  Particle  Accelerator  in  Illinois  and  with  its
18    acquisition,  construction, maintenance, operation, promotion
19    and  support;  the  making  of  loans   for   the   planning,
20    engineering,   acquisition,   construction,  improvement  and
21    conversion of facilities and equipment which will foster  the
22    use of Illinois coal; the payment of expenses associated with
23    the  promotion,  establishment,  acquisition and operation of
24    small business incubator facilities and agribusiness research
25    facilities,  including  the  lease,   purchase,   renovation,
26    planning,   engineering,   construction  and  maintenance  of
27    buildings, utility support systems and  equipment  designated
28    for  such  purposes  and the establishment and maintenance of
29    centralized support services within such facilities; and  the
30    making  of  grants  or loans to units of local government for
31    Urban  Development  Action  Grant  and  Housing   Partnership
32    programs.
33        (c)  $461,128,600  for the development and improvement of
34    educational, scientific, technical  and  vocational  programs
SB146 Engrossed             -12-               LRB9100650EGfg
 1    and facilities and the expansion of health and human services
 2    for  all  citizens  of  Illinois,  including:  the  making of
 3    construction and  improvement  grants  and  loans  to  public
 4    libraries and library systems; the making of grants and loans
 5    for  planning, engineering, acquisition and construction of a
 6    new State  central  library  in  Springfield;  the  planning,
 7    engineering,  acquisition  and  construction of an animal and
 8    dairy   sciences   facility;   the   planning,   engineering,
 9    acquisition and construction of  a  campus  and  all  related
10    buildings,  facilities,  equipment and materials for Richland
11    Community  College;  the  acquisition,   rehabilitation   and
12    installation  of  equipment  and materials for scientific and
13    historical  surveys;  the  making  of  grants  or  loans  for
14    distribution to eligible vocational  education  instructional
15    programs  for the upgrading of vocational education programs,
16    school shops and  laboratories,  including  the  acquisition,
17    rehabilitation  and  installation  of technical equipment and
18    materials; the making of grants or loans for distribution  to
19    eligible local educational agencies for the upgrading of math
20    and science instructional programs, including the acquisition
21    of   instructional  equipment  and  materials;  miscellaneous
22    capital improvements for universities and community  colleges
23    including    the    planning,    engineering,   construction,
24    reconstruction,   remodeling,   improvement,    repair    and
25    installation  of  capital  facilities  and costs of planning,
26    supplies,  equipment,  materials,  services,  and  all  other
27    required expenses; the making of grants or loans for  repair,
28    renovation   and   miscellaneous   capital  improvements  for
29    privately operated colleges and  universities  and  community
30    colleges,  including  the planning, engineering, acquisition,
31    construction, reconstruction, remodeling, improvement, repair
32    and installation of capital facilities and costs of planning,
33    supplies,  equipment,  materials,  services,  and  all  other
34    required expenses; and the making  of  grants  or  loans  for
SB146 Engrossed             -13-               LRB9100650EGfg
 1    distribution  to  local  governments  for  hospital and other
 2    health care facilities including the  planning,  engineering,
 3    acquisition,    construction,   reconstruction,   remodeling,
 4    improvement, repair and installation  of  capital  facilities
 5    and   costs  of  planning,  supplies,  equipment,  materials,
 6    services and all other required expenses.
 7        (d)  $58,650,900    for     protection,     preservation,
 8    restoration  and  conservation  of  environmental and natural
 9    resources, including: the making of grants to soil and  water
10    conservation districts for the planning and implementation of
11    conservation  practices  and  for  funding contracts with the
12    Soil Conservation Service for watershed planning; the  making
13    of  grants  to  units  of  local  government  for the capital
14    development and improvement of  recreation  areas,  including
15    planning  and  engineering  costs,  sewer projects, including
16    planning and engineering costs and water projects,  including
17    planning  and  engineering  costs, and for the acquisition of
18    open space lands, including the acquisition of easements  and
19    other  property  interests of less than fee simple ownership;
20    the  acquisition  and  related  costs  and  development   and
21    management of natural heritage lands, including natural areas
22    and  areas  providing  habitat  for  endangered  species  and
23    nongame  wildlife, and buffer area lands; the acquisition and
24    related costs  and  development  and  management  of  habitat
25    lands,  including  forest, wildlife habitat and wetlands; and
26    the  removal  and  disposition   of   hazardous   substances,
27    including   the   cost   of  project  management,  equipment,
28    laboratory analysis, and contractual services  necessary  for
29    preventative   and   corrective   actions   related   to  the
30    preservation,   restoration   and   conservation    of    the
31    environment.
32        (e)  The  amount  specified  in paragraph (a) above shall
33    include an amount necessary to  pay  reasonable  expenses  of
34    each  issuance  and  sale  of  the Bonds, as specified in the
SB146 Engrossed             -14-               LRB9100650EGfg
 1    related Bond Sale Order (hereinafter defined).
 2        (f)  Any unexpended proceeds from any sale of Bonds which
 3    are held in the Build Illinois  Bond  Fund  may  be  used  to
 4    redeem,  purchase,  advance  refund,  or  defease  any  Bonds
 5    outstanding.
 6    (Source: P.A. 86-44; 86-78; 86-1028; 86-1473; 87-873.)

 7        (30 ILCS 425/11) (from Ch. 127, par. 2811)
 8        Sec.  11.  Repayment. (a) To provide for the repayment of
 9    Bonds and required deposits into reserve funds required to be
10    maintained as security for  the  Bonds,  the  Governor  shall
11    include  an  appropriation  in  each  annual  State Budget of
12    moneys in the following  amounts  for  the  following  fiscal
13    years 1986 through 1993:
14    Fiscal Year                               Amount Appropriated
15    1986                                              $15,000,000
16    1987                                              $25,000,000
17    1988                                              $40,000,000
18    1989                                              $54,000,000
19    1990                                             $ 85,400,000
20    1991                                             $133,600,000
21    1992                                             $164,400,000
22    1993                                             $188,900,000
23        To  provide  for  the  repayment of Bonds in fiscal years
24    1994  and  thereafter,  the   Governor   shall   include   an
25    appropriation  in  each annual State Budget of moneys in such
26    amount as shall be necessary and sufficient, for  the  period
27    covered  by  such  Budget,  to  pay the interest, as it shall
28    accrue, on all Bonds  issued  under  this  Act,  to  pay  and
29    discharge  the principal of such Bonds, including any sinking
30    fund redemptions, as shall fall due during  such  period,  to
31    pay  the  premium,  if  any, on Bonds to be redeemed prior to
32    maturity and to make required deposits to any  reserve  funds
33    required  to  be  maintained as security for Bonds or for the
SB146 Engrossed             -15-               LRB9100650EGfg
 1    purpose  of  retiring  or  defeasing  Bonds,  including   any
 2    replenishments  in  the  event of deficiencies in any reserve
 3    funds; provided,  however,  that  amounts  included  in  such
 4    appropriations for payment of interest on Variable Rate Bonds
 5    shall be the maximum amounts of interest which may be payable
 6    for  the  period  covered  by  such  Budget after taking into
 7    account  any  credits  permitted  in  the  related  indenture
 8    against  the  amount  of  such  interest   required   to   be
 9    appropriated for such period; and, further provided that such
10    appropriated  amount  shall  not  be  less  than  the  Annual
11    Specified  Amount (as defined in Section 3 of the "Retailers'
12    Occupation Tax Act", as amended) for any such fiscal year.
13        (b)  A separate fund in the  State  Treasury  called  the
14    "Build  Illinois Bond Retirement and Interest Fund" is hereby
15    created.
16        (c)  The   General   Assembly   shall    annually    make
17    appropriations  to  pay  the  principal  of  and interest and
18    premium, if any, on the Bonds sold under this Act and to make
19    required  deposits  into  reserve  funds   required   to   be
20    maintained  as security for the Bonds from the Build Illinois
21    Bond Retirement and Interest Fund in  the  following  amounts
22    for the following fiscal years 1986 through 1993:
23    Fiscal Year                               Amount Appropriated
24    1986                                              $15,000,000
25    1987                                              $25,000,000
26    1988                                              $40,000,000
27    1989                                              $54,000,000
28    1990                                             $ 85,400,000
29    1991                                             $133,600,000
30    1992                                             $164,400,000
31    1993                                             $188,900,000
32        To  provide  for  the repayment of the Bonds and required
33    reserve fund deposits in fiscal years 1994 and thereafter the
34    General Assembly shall annually make appropriations from  the
SB146 Engrossed             -16-               LRB9100650EGfg
 1    Build  Illinois  Bond  Retirement  and  Interest Fund in such
 2    amounts as shall be  necessary  and  sufficient  to  pay  the
 3    principal  of,  premium,  if  any,  and interest on the Bonds
 4    coming due in each such fiscal year,  including  any  sinking
 5    fund  redemptions,  and  to make required deposits to reserve
 6    funds for the  purpose  of  securing  Bonds  or  retiring  or
 7    defeasing  Bonds, including replenishment of any deficiencies
 8    therein; provided, however, that  amounts  included  in  such
 9    appropriations for payment of interest on Variable Rate Bonds
10    shall be the maximum amounts of interest which may be payable
11    during such fiscal year after taking into account any credits
12    permitted in the related indenture against the amount of such
13    interest  required  to  be appropriated for such period; and,
14    further provided, that such appropriated amount shall not  be
15    less  than  the  Annual  Specified Amount for any such fiscal
16    year. If for any reason the State Treasurer  and  Comptroller
17    fail to (i) credit amounts to the Build Illinois Bond Account
18    (the  "Build  Illinois  Bond  Account") in the Build Illinois
19    Fund in the State Treasury created under Section 6z-9 of  "An
20    Act in relation to State finance", approved June 10, 1919, as
21    amended, (the "Finance Act") as required by Sections 6z-9 and
22    8.25  of  the Finance Act or (ii) make transfers to the Build
23    Illinois Bond Retirement and Interest  Fund  from  the  Build
24    Illinois  Bond  Account  as  required  by Section 8.25 of the
25    Finance Act or (iii) make payments from  the  Build  Illinois
26    Bond  Retirement  and  Interest Fund to the trustee under the
27    Master Indenture as required by Section 13 of this Act, or if
28    for  any  reason  the  General   Assembly   fails   to   make
29    appropriations  from  the  Build Illinois Bond Retirement and
30    Interest Fund sufficient to pay the principal of and interest
31    and premium, if any, on the Bonds, as the same by their terms
32    shall become due, and to make required deposits into  reserve
33    funds  required to be maintained as security for the Bonds or
34    to retire or defease Bonds, including  replenishment  of  any
SB146 Engrossed             -17-               LRB9100650EGfg
 1    deficiencies,  this  Act  shall constitute an irrevocable and
 2    continuing appropriation of all amounts necessary for all  of
 3    the  above  purposes,  and  the  irrevocable  and  continuing
 4    authority  for  and  direction to the State Treasurer and the
 5    Comptroller to make the necessary transfers and deposits,  as
 6    directed  by  the  Governor,  from  the  sources specified in
 7    Sections 6z-9 and 8.25  of  the  Finance  Act  to  the  Build
 8    Illinois  Bond  Account  and  from  the  Build  Illinois Bond
 9    Account to the Build Illinois Bond  Retirement  and  Interest
10    Fund  and  to  make  the  necessary  payments  from the Build
11    Illinois Bond Retirement and Interest  Fund  to  the  trustee
12    under the Master Indenture.
13    (Source: P.A. 86-17; 86-44.)

14        (30 ILCS 425/13) (from Ch. 127, par. 2813)
15        Sec. 13.  Computation of Principal and Interest; Transfer
16    from Build Illinois Bond Account; Payment from Build Illinois
17    Bond  Retirement  and  Interest  Fund.  Upon each delivery of
18    Bonds authorized to be issued under  this  Act,  the  trustee
19    under  the  Master Indenture shall compute and certify to the
20    Director of the Bureau of the Budget, the Comptroller and the
21    Treasurer (a) the total amount of the principal  of  and  the
22    interest  and  the  premium,  if any, on the Bonds then being
23    issued and on Bonds previously issued  and  outstanding  that
24    will be payable in order to retire such Bonds at their stated
25    maturities  or  mandatory  sinking fund payment dates and (b)
26    the amount of principal of and interest and premium, if  any,
27    on  such  Bonds  that  will  be  payable  on  each principal,
28    interest and mandatory sinking fund payment date according to
29    the tenor of such Bonds during  the  then  current  and  each
30    succeeding  fiscal  year.   Such certifications shall include
31    with respect to interest payable on Variable Rate  Bonds  the
32    maximum  amount  of  interest  which  may  be payable for the
33    relevant  period  after  taking  into  account  any   credits
SB146 Engrossed             -18-               LRB9100650EGfg
 1    permitted in the related indenture against the amount of such
 2    interest required to be appropriated for such period pursuant
 3    to subsection (c) of Section 11 of this Act.
 4        On  or before June 20, 1993 and on or before each June 20
 5    thereafter so long as Bonds remain outstanding,  the  trustee
 6    under  the  Master Indenture shall deliver to the Director of
 7    the Bureau of the Budget, the Comptroller and the Treasurer a
 8    certificate setting forth the "Certified Annual Debt  Service
 9    Requirement"  (hereinafter  defined)  for the next succeeding
10    fiscal year.  If Bonds are issued subsequent to the  delivery
11    of  any such certificate, upon the issuance of such Bonds the
12    trustee  under  the  Master   Indenture   shall   deliver   a
13    supplemental certificate setting forth the revisions, if any,
14    in  the  Certified  Annual Debt Service Requirement resulting
15    from the issuance of such Bonds.  The "Certified Annual  Debt
16    Service  Requirement"  for any fiscal year shall be an amount
17    equal to (a) the aggregate amount of principal, interest  and
18    premium,  if  any,  payable  on outstanding Bonds during such
19    fiscal year plus (b) the amount required to be deposited into
20    any reserve fund securing such Bonds or for  the  purpose  of
21    retiring  or  defeasing such Bonds plus (c) the amount of any
22    deficiencies in required transfers of  amounts  described  in
23    clauses  (a) and (b) for any prior fiscal year, minus (d) the
24    amount, if any,  of  such  interest  to  be  paid  from  Bond
25    proceeds  on  deposit under any indenture; provided, however,
26    that  interest  payable  on  Variable  Rate  Bonds  shall  be
27    calculated at the maximum  rate  of  interest  which  may  be
28    payable during such fiscal year after taking into account any
29    credits permitted in the related indenture against the amount
30    of  such interest required to be appropriated for such period
31    pursuant to subsection (c) of Section 11 of this Act.
32        In each month during fiscal years 1986 through 1993,  the
33    State  Treasurer  and Comptroller shall transfer, on the last
34    day of such month, from the Build Illinois  Bond  Account  to
SB146 Engrossed             -19-               LRB9100650EGfg
 1    the  Build  Illinois  Bond  Retirement  and Interest Fund and
 2    shall make payment from the Build  Illinois  Bond  Retirement
 3    and  Interest  Fund to the trustee under the Master Indenture
 4    of an amount equal to 1/12 of 150% of the  amount  set  forth
 5    below   for  each  such  fiscal  year,  plus  any  cumulative
 6    deficiency in such transfers and payments for  prior  months;
 7    provided  that such transfers shall commence in October, 1985
 8    and such amounts for fiscal year 1986 shall equal 1/9 of 150%
 9    of the amount set forth below for such fiscal year:
10    Fiscal Year                                            Amount
11    1986                                              $15,000,000
12    1987                                              $25,000,000
13    1988                                              $40,000,000
14    1989                                              $54,000,000
15    1990                                              $85,400,000
16    1991                                             $133,600,000
17    1992                                             $164,400,000
18    1993                                             $188,900,000
19    provided  that  payments  of  such  amounts  from  the  Build
20    Illinois Bond Retirement and Interest  Fund  to  the  trustee
21    under  the Master Indenture shall commence on the last day of
22    the month in which Bonds are initially issued under this Act;
23    and, further provided, that the first such  payment  to  said
24    trustee  shall equal the entire amount then on deposit in the
25    Build  Illinois  Bond  Retirement  and  Interest  Fund;  and,
26    further provided, that the aggregate amount of transfers  and
27    payments for any such fiscal year shall not exceed the amount
28    set forth above for such fiscal year.
29        In  each  month  in  which  Bonds  are outstanding during
30    fiscal year 1994 and each fiscal year thereafter,  the  State
31    Treasurer  and Comptroller shall transfer, on the last day of
32    such month, from the Build Illinois Bond Account to the Build
33    Illinois Bond Retirement and Interest  Fund  and  shall  make
34    payment  from the Build Illinois Bond Retirement and Interest
SB146 Engrossed             -20-               LRB9100650EGfg
 1    Fund to the trustee under the Master Indenture of  an  amount
 2    equal  to  the greater of (a) 1/12th of 150% of the Certified
 3    Annual Debt Service Requirement or (b) the Tax Act Amount (as
 4    defined in Section 3 of the "Retailers' Occupation Tax  Act",
 5    as  amended)  deposited  in  the  Build Illinois Bond Account
 6    during such month, plus any  cumulative  deficiency  in  such
 7    transfers  and  payments for prior months; provided that such
 8    transfers and payments for any such  fiscal  year  shall  not
 9    exceed  the  greater of (a) the Certified Annual Debt Service
10    Requirement or (b) the Tax Act Amount.
11    (Source: P.A. 86-17; 86-44; 86-1028.)

12        Section 20.  The Baccalaureate Savings Act is amended  by
13    re-enacting Section 4 as follows:

14        (110 ILCS 920/4) (from Ch. 144, par. 2404)
15        Sec.  4.  Issuance and Sale of College Savings Bonds.  In
16    order to provide investors with  investment  alternatives  to
17    enhance  their  financial  access  to  Institutions of Higher
18    Education  located  in  the  State  of   Illinois,   and   in
19    furtherance   of   the  public  policy  of  this  Act,  bonds
20    authorized by the provisions of the General  Obligation  Bond
21    Act,  in  a  total aggregate original principal amount not to
22    exceed $2,200,000,000 may be issued and  sold  from  time  to
23    time,  and  as often as practicable, as College Savings Bonds
24    in  such  amounts  as  directed   by   the   Governor,   upon
25    recommendation  by  the Director of the Bureau of the Budget.
26    Bonds to be issued and sold as College Savings Bonds shall be
27    designated by the Governor and the Director of the Bureau  of
28    the  Budget  as "General Obligation College Savings Bonds" in
29    the proceedings authorizing the issuance of such  Bonds,  and
30    shall  be  subject  to all of the terms and provisions of the
31    General Obligation Bond  Act,  except  that  College  Savings
32    Bonds may bear interest payable at such time or times and may
SB146 Engrossed             -21-               LRB9100650EGfg
 1    be  sold  at  such  prices  and  in  such  manner  as  may be
 2    determined by the Governor and the Director of the Bureau  of
 3    the  Budget and except as otherwise provided in this Act.  If
 4    College Savings Bonds are sold at  public  sale,  the  public
 5    sale  procedures  shall  be as set forth in Section 11 of the
 6    General Obligation Bond Act.  College Savings  Bonds  may  be
 7    sold  at negotiated sale if the Director of the Bureau of the
 8    Budget determines that  a  negotiated  sale  will  result  in
 9    either  a  more  efficient and economic sale of such Bonds or
10    greater access to such Bonds by investors who  are  residents
11    of  the  State of Illinois.  If any College Savings Bonds are
12    sold at a negotiated sale, the underwriter or underwriters to
13    which  such  Bonds  are  sold   shall   (a)   be   organized,
14    incorporated or have their principal place of business in the
15    State  of Illinois, or (b) in the judgment of the Director of
16    the Bureau of the Budget, have sufficient capability to  make
17    a  broad  distribution of such Bonds to investors resident in
18    the  State  of  Illinois.    In  determining  the   aggregate
19    principal  amount  of  College  Savings  Bonds  that has been
20    issued pursuant to this Act, the aggregate original principal
21    amount of such Bonds issued and  sold  shall  be  taken  into
22    account.   Any bond issued under this Act shall be payable in
23    one payment on a fixed date,  unless  the  Governor  and  the
24    Director of the Bureau of the Budget determine otherwise.
25    (Source: P.A. 90-1, eff. 2-20-97.)

26        Section  99.  Effective date.  This Act takes effect upon
27    becoming law.

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