90th General Assembly
Status of SB1655
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   820 ILCS 305/18.5 new                                                       
   820 ILCS 310/18.5 new                                                       

        Amends  the  Workers'   Compensation   Act   and   the   Workers'      
   Occupational  Diseases Act.  Provides that, after an employee has been      
   convicted of an offense involving a false,  fraudulent,  or  partially      
   fraudulent  workers'  compensation  or  worker's occupational diseases      
   claim, an employer has standing before the Industrial  Commission  for      
   the sole purpose of filing and seeking disposal of the claim.               
   98-02-20  S  FIRST READING                                                  
   98-02-20  S  REFERRED TO SENATE RULES COMMITTEE       RULES                 
   99-01-12  S  SESSION SINE DIE                                               


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