State of Illinois
90th General Assembly

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 1                    AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 500
 2        AMENDMENT NO.     .  Amend Senate Bill  500  on  page  1,
 3    line 10, by deleting "$30,000"; and
 4    in line 11, by replacing "5,000" with $5,000"; and
 5    in   line   21,  after  "satisfactorily."  by  inserting  the
 6    following:
 7    "Architect or engineer supervision  and  certification  shall
 8    not  apply  to  refurbishing, repair, or maintenance projects
 9    that are  determined  by  the  Illinois  Capital  Development
10    Board's  Executive Director or its designated technical staff
11    as not being the  practice  of  architecture  as  defined  in
12    Section  3 of the Illinois Architecture Practice Act of 1989,
13    nor the practice of professional engineering  as  defined  in
14    Section  3  of  the  Professional Engineering Practice Act of
15    1989, nor the practice of structural engineering  as  defined
16    in  Section  5 of the Structural Engineering Licensing Act of
17    1989.".

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