State of Illinois
90th General Assembly

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[ Introduced ][ Engrossed ][ Senate Amendment 001 ]


 1                     AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 30
 2        AMENDMENT NO.     .  Amend Senate Bill 30, AS AMENDED, by
 3    replacing everything  after  the  enacting  clause  with  the
 4    following:
 5        "Section  5.  The  State Finance Act is amended by adding
 6    Section 5.449 and changing Section 8.3 as follows:
 7        (30 ILCS 105/5.449 new)
 8        Sec. 5.449.  The Secretary of  State  Registration  Plate
 9    Replacement Fund.
10        (30 ILCS 105/8.3) (from Ch. 127, par. 144.3)
11        Sec.  8.3.  Money in the road fund shall, if and when the
12    State of Illinois incurs  any  bonded  indebtedness  for  the
13    construction of permanent highways, be set aside and used for
14    the  purpose of paying and discharging annually the principal
15    and  interest  on  that  bonded  indebtedness  then  due  and
16    payable, and for no other purpose. The surplus,  if  any,  in
17    the  road fund after the payment of principal and interest on
18    that bonded indebtedness then annually due shall be  used  as
19    follows:
20             first--to pay the cost of administration of Chapters
21        2  through  10  of  the Illinois Vehicle Code, except the
                            -2-           SRS90SB0030AKcham02
 1        cost of administration of Articles I and II of Chapter  3
 2        of that Code; and
 3             secondly--for   expenses   of   the   Department  of
 4        Transportation    for    construction,    reconstruction,
 5        improvement,   repair,   maintenance,   operation,    and
 6        administration   of   highways  in  accordance  with  the
 7        provisions of laws relating thereto, or for  any  purpose
 8        related or incident to and connected therewith, including
 9        the separation of grades of those highways with railroads
10        and  with  highways  and  including the payment of awards
11        made by the Industrial Commission under the terms of  the
12        Workers'   Compensation   Act  or  Workers'  Occupational
13        Diseases Act for injury or death of an  employee  of  the
14        Division of Highways in the Department of Transportation;
15        or  for  the  acquisition  of  land  and  the erection of
16        buildings for highway purposes, including the acquisition
17        of  highway  right-of-way  or   for   investigations   to
18        determine   the  reasonably  anticipated  future  highway
19        needs; or for making of  surveys,  plans,  specifications
20        and estimates for and in the construction and maintenance
21        of  flight  strips  and  of highways necessary to provide
22        access to military and  naval  reservations,  to  defense
23        industries and defense-industry sites, and to the sources
24        of  raw materials and for replacing existing highways and
25        highway connections shut off from general public  use  at
26        military  and  naval  reservations  and  defense-industry
27        sites,  or  for the purchase of right-of-way, except that
28        the State shall be reimbursed in  full  for  any  expense
29        incurred  in  building  the  flight  strips;  or  for the
30        operating and maintaining  of  highway  garages;  or  for
31        patrolling   and   policing   the   public  highways  and
32        conserving the peace; or for any of those purposes or any
33        other purpose that may be provided by law.
34        Appropriations for any of those purposes are payable from
                            -3-           SRS90SB0030AKcham02
 1    the road fund. Appropriations may also be made from the  road
 2    fund for the administrative expenses of any State agency that
 3    are  related to motor vehicles or arise from the use of motor
 4    vehicles.
 5        Beginning with fiscal year 1980 and thereafter,  no  road
 6    fund   monies   shall   be   appropriated  to  the  following
 7    Departments   or   agencies   of   State    government    for
 8    administration, grants, or operations; but this limitation is
 9    not  a  restriction upon appropriating for those purposes any
10    road fund monies that are eligible for federal reimbursement;
11             1.  Department of Public Health;
12             2.  Department of Transportation, only with  respect
13        to subsidies for one-half fare Student Transportation and
14        Reduced Fare for Elderly;
15             3.  Department   of   Central  Management  Services,
16        except for  expenditures  incurred  for  group  insurance
17        premiums of appropriate personnel;
18             4.  Judicial Systems and Agencies.
19        Beginning  with  fiscal year 1981 and thereafter, no road
20    fund  monies  shall  be   appropriated   to   the   following
21    Departments    or    agencies   of   State   government   for
22    administration, grants, or operations; but this limitation is
23    not a restriction upon appropriating for those  purposes  any
24    road fund monies that are eligible for federal reimbursement:
25             1.  Department   of   State   Police,   except   for
26        expenditures  with  respect  to  the  Division  of  State
27        Troopers;
28             2.  Department  of Transportation, only with respect
29        to Intercity Rail Subsidies and Rail Freight Services.
30        Beginning with fiscal year 1982 and thereafter,  no  road
31    fund   monies   shall   be   appropriated  to  the  following
32    Departments   or   agencies   of   State    government    for
33    administration, grants, or operations; but this limitation is
34    not  a  restriction upon appropriating for those purposes any
                            -4-           SRS90SB0030AKcham02
 1    road fund monies that are eligible for federal reimbursement:
 2    Department of Central Management Services, except for  awards
 3    made  by  the  Industrial  Commission  under the terms of the
 4    Workers' Compensation Act or Workers'  Occupational  Diseases
 5    Act  for  injury  or  death of an employee of the Division of
 6    Highways in the Department of Transportation.
 7        Beginning with fiscal year 1984 and thereafter,  no  road
 8    fund   monies   shall   be   appropriated  to  the  following
 9    Departments   or   agencies   of   State    government    for
10    administration, grants, or operations; but this limitation is
11    not  a  restriction upon appropriating for those purposes any
12    road fund monies that are eligible for federal reimbursement:
13             1.  Department of State Police, except not more than
14        40% of the funds appropriated for the Division  of  State
15        Troopers;
16             2.  State Officers.
17        Beginning  with  fiscal year 1984 and thereafter, no road
18    fund monies shall be appropriated to any Department or agency
19    of State government for administration, grants, or operations
20    except as provided hereafter; but this limitation  is  not  a
21    restriction  upon  appropriating  for those purposes any road
22    fund monies that are eligible for federal reimbursement.   It
23    shall  not  be  lawful  to circumvent the above appropriation
24    limitations by governmental reorganization or other  methods.
25    Appropriations  shall  be  made  from  the  road fund only in
26    accordance with the provisions of this Section.
27        Money in the road fund shall, if and when  the  State  of
28    Illinois  incurs any bonded indebtedness for the construction
29    of permanent highways, be set aside and used for the  purpose
30    of  paying   and  discharging  during  each  fiscal  year the
31    principal and interest on  that  bonded  indebtedness  as  it
32    becomes  due  and  payable  as provided in the Transportation
33    Bond Act, and for no other purpose.  The surplus, if any,  in
34    the  road fund after the payment of principal and interest on
                            -5-           SRS90SB0030AKcham02
 1    that bonded indebtedness then annually due shall be  used  as
 2    follows:
 3             first--to pay the cost of administration of Chapters
 4        2 through 10 of the Illinois Vehicle Code; and
 5             secondly--no  road  fund  monies  derived from fees,
 6        excises,  or  license  taxes  relating  to  registration,
 7        operation and use of vehicles on public  highways  or  to
 8        fuels used for the propulsion of those vehicles, shall be
 9        appropriated   or   expended  other  than  for  costs  of
10        administering the laws imposing those fees, excises,  and
11        license  taxes, statutory refunds and adjustments allowed
12        thereunder, administrative costs  of  the  Department  of
13        Transportation, payment of debts and liabilities incurred
14        in construction and reconstruction of public highways and
15        bridges, acquisition of rights-of-way for and the cost of
16        construction,  reconstruction,  maintenance,  repair, and
17        operation  of  public  highways  and  bridges  under  the
18        direction  and  supervision  of  the   State,   political
19        subdivision, or municipality collecting those monies, and
20        the costs for patrolling and policing the public highways
21        (by   State,   political   subdivision,  or  municipality
22        collecting that money) for enforcement of  traffic  laws.
23        The  separation of grades of such highways with railroads
24        and costs associated with protection of at-grade  highway
25        and railroad crossing shall also be permissible.
26        Appropriations  for any of such purposes are payable from
27    the road fund  or  the  Grade  Crossing  Protection  Fund  as
28    provided in Section 8 of the Motor Fuel Tax Law.
29        Beginning  with  fiscal year 1991 and thereafter, no Road
30    Fund monies shall be appropriated to the Department of  State
31    Police  for  the  purposes  of  this Section in excess of its
32    total fiscal year 1990 Road  Fund  appropriations  for  those
33    purposes unless otherwise provided in Section 5g of this Act.
34    It  shall  not  be  lawful  to  circumvent this limitation on
                            -6-           SRS90SB0030AKcham02
 1    appropriations  by  governmental  reorganization   or   other
 2    methods unless otherwise provided in Section 5g of this Act.
 3        In  fiscal  year  1994,  no  Road  Fund  monies  shall be
 4    appropriated to the Secretary of State for  the  purposes  of
 5    this  Section  in  excess  of the total fiscal year 1991 Road
 6    Fund appropriations to  the  Secretary  of  State  for  those
 7    purposes,  plus  $9,800,000.   It  shall  not  be  lawful  to
 8    circumvent  this limitation on appropriations by governmental
 9    reorganization or other method.
10        Beginning with fiscal year 1995  and  thereafter,  except
11    for  road  fund moneys appropriated to the Secretary of State
12    for required replating issuance of motor vehicle registration
13    plates, no Road Fund monies  shall  be  appropriated  to  the
14    Secretary of State for the purposes of this Section in excess
15    of the total fiscal year 1994 Road Fund appropriations to the
16    Secretary of State for those purposes. It shall not be lawful
17    to   circumvent   this   limitation   on   appropriations  by
18    governmental reorganization or other methods.
19        No new program may be initiated in fiscal year  1991  and
20    thereafter  that  is  not  consistent  with  the  limitations
21    imposed  by this Section for fiscal year 1984 and thereafter,
22    insofar as appropriation of road fund monies is concerned.
23        Nothing in this Section prohibits transfers from the Road
24    Fund to the State Construction Account Fund under Section  5e
25    of this Act.
26    (Source: P.A. 87-774; 87-1228; 88-78.)
27        Section  10.  The  Illinois  Vehicle  Code  is amended by
28    changing Sections 2-119, 3-412 and 3-413 as follows:
29        (625 ILCS 5/2-119) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 2-119)
30        Sec. 2-119. Disposition of fees and taxes.
31        (a)  All moneys received from Salvage Certificates  shall
32    be deposited in the Common School Fund in the State Treasury.
                            -7-           SRS90SB0030AKcham02
 1        (b)  Beginning  January  1,  1990 and concluding December
 2    31, 1994, of the money  collected  for  each  certificate  of
 3    title,   duplicate   certificate   of   title  and  corrected
 4    certificate of title, $0.50 shall be deposited into the  Used
 5    Tire   Management   Fund.   Beginning  January  1,  1990  and
 6    concluding December 31, 1994, of the money collected for each
 7    certificate of title,  duplicate  certificate  of  title  and
 8    corrected  certificate  of title, $1.50 shall be deposited in
 9    the Park and Conservation Fund.  Beginning January  1,  1995,
10    of  the  money  collected  for  each  certificate  of  title,
11    duplicate  certificate  of title and corrected certificate of
12    title, $2 shall be deposited in  the  Park  and  Conservation
13    Fund.  The moneys deposited in the Park and Conservation Fund
14    pursuant  to  this  Section shall be used for the acquisition
15    and development of bike paths  as  provided  for  in  Section
16    63a36 of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. Except as
17    otherwise   provided  in  this  Code,  all  remaining  moneys
18    collected for certificates of title, and all moneys collected
19    for filing of security interests,  shall  be  placed  in  the
20    General Revenue Fund in the State Treasury.
21        (c)  All  moneys collected for that portion of a driver's
22    license fee designated for  driver  education  under  Section
23    6-118  shall  be  placed  in the Driver Education Fund in the
24    State Treasury.
25        (d)  Prior to December 28, 1989, of the monies  collected
26    as a registration fee for each motorcycle, motor driven cycle
27    and  motorized pedalcycle, $4 of each annual registration fee
28    for such vehicle and $2 of each semiannual  registration  fee
29    for  such  vehicle  is  deposited  in  the Cycle Rider Safety
30    Training Fund. Beginning  on  December  28,  1989  and  until
31    January  1,  1992,  of the monies collected as a registration
32    fee for each motorcycle, motor  driven  cycle  and  motorized
33    pedalcycle,  $6  of  each  annual  registration  fee for such
34    vehicle and $3 of each semiannual registration fee  for  such
                            -8-           SRS90SB0030AKcham02
 1    vehicle shall be deposited in the Cycle Rider Safety Training
 2    Fund.
 3        Beginning  January  1, 1992 and until January 1, 1994, of
 4    the  monies  collected  as  a  registration  fee   for   each
 5    motorcycle,  motor  driven cycle and motorized pedalcycle, $7
 6    of each annual registration fee for such vehicle and $3.50 of
 7    each  semiannual  registration  fee  for  such   vehicle   is
 8    deposited in the Cycle Rider Safety Training Fund.
 9        Beginning  January  1, 1994, of the monies collected as a
10    registration fee for each motorcycle, motor driven cycle  and
11    motorized  pedalcycle, $8 of each annual registration fee for
12    such vehicle and $4 of each semiannual registration  fee  for
13    such  vehicle is deposited in the Cycle Rider Safety Training
14    Fund.
15        Beginning January 1, 1998, of  the  moneys  collected  as
16    registration  fees  under  Section  3-414.1  of this Code, 75
17    cents of each registration or renewal fee shall be  deposited
18    in  the  Secretary  of  State  Registration Plate Replacement
19    Fund.
20        (e)  Of the monies received by the Secretary of State  as
21    registration fees or taxes or as payment of any other fee, as
22    provided  in  this Act, except fees received by the Secretary
23    under paragraph (7) of subsection (b) of  Section  5-101  and
24    Section  5-109  of this Code, 37% shall be deposited into the
25    State Construction Fund.
26        (f)  Of the total money collected for a  CDL  instruction
27    permit  or  original  or  renewal  issuance  of  a commercial
28    driver's license (CDL) pursuant  to  the  Uniform  Commercial
29    Driver's  License  Act  (UCDLA),  $6  of the total fee for an
30    original or renewal CDL, and $6 of the total CDL  instruction
31    permit fee when such permit is issued to any person holding a
32    valid  Illinois  driver's  license,  shall  be  paid into the
33    CDLIS/AAMVAnet  Trust  Fund  (Commercial   Driver's   License
34    Information  System/American  Association  of  Motor  Vehicle
                            -9-           SRS90SB0030AKcham02
 1    Administrators  network Trust Fund) and shall be used for the
 2    purposes provided in Section 6z-23 of the State Finance Act.
 3        (g)  All remaining moneys received by  the  Secretary  of
 4    State  as  registration  fees  or  taxes or as payment of any
 5    other fee, as provided in this Act, except fees  received  by
 6    the  Secretary  under  paragraph  (7)  of  subsection  (b) of
 7    Section 5-101 and  Section  5-109  of  this  Code,  shall  be
 8    deposited  in the Road Fund in the State Treasury.  Moneys in
 9    the Road Fund shall be used  for  the  purposes  provided  in
10    Section 8.3 of the State Finance Act.
11        (h)  (Blank).
12        (i)  (Blank).
13        (j)  (Blank).
14        (k)  There  is  created  in  the State Treasury a special
15    fund to be known as the Secretary of  State  Special  License
16    Plate  Fund.  Money deposited into the Fund shall, subject to
17    appropriation, be used by the  Office  of  the  Secretary  of
18    State  (i)  to  help  defray  plate  manufacturing  and plate
19    processing costs  for  the  issuance  and,  when  applicable,
20    renewal  of  any  new or existing special registration plates
21    authorized under this Code and (ii) for grants  made  by  the
22    Secretary   of   State  to  benefit  Illinois  Veterans  Home
23    libraries.
24        On or before October 1,  1995,  the  Secretary  of  State
25    shall  direct  the  State  Comptroller and State Treasurer to
26    transfer any unexpended balance in the Special  Environmental
27    License  Plate  Fund,  the Special Korean War Veteran License
28    Plate Fund, and the Retired Congressional License Plate  Fund
29    to the Secretary of State Special License Plate Fund.
30        (l)  The  Motor Vehicle Review Board Fund is created as a
31    special fund in the State Treasury.   Moneys  deposited  into
32    the  Fund  under  paragraph  (7) of subsection (b) of Section
33    5-101 and Section 5-109 shall, subject to  appropriation,  be
34    used  by  the  Office of the Secretary of State to administer
                            -10-          SRS90SB0030AKcham02
 1    the Motor Vehicle Review Board, including without  limitation
 2    payment  of  compensation and all necessary expenses incurred
 3    in administering the Motor Vehicle  Review  Board  under  the
 4    Motor Vehicle Franchise Act.
 5        (m)  Effective  July  1,  1996,  there  is created in the
 6    State Treasury a special fund  to  be  known  as  the  Family
 7    Responsibility  Fund.   Moneys deposited into the Fund shall,
 8    subject to appropriation,  be  used  by  the  Office  of  the
 9    Secretary  of  State  for the purpose of enforcing the Family
10    Financial Responsibility Law.
11        (n) (k)  The Illinois Fire  Fighters'  Memorial  Fund  is
12    created  as  a  special  fund  in the State Treasury.  Moneys
13    deposited into the Fund shall, subject to  appropriation,  be
14    used by the Office of the State Fire Marshal for construction
15    of  the Illinois Fire Fighters' Memorial to be located at the
16    State Capitol grounds in  Springfield,  Illinois.   Upon  the
17    completion  of  the  Memorial,  the  Office of the State Fire
18    Marshal  shall  certify   to   the   State   Treasurer   that
19    construction of the Memorial has been completed.
20        (o)  The  Secretary  of  State Registration Plate Fund is
21    created as a special fund  in  the  State  treasury.   Moneys
22    deposited  into  the Fund shall, subject to appropriation, be
23    used by the Office of the Secretary of State  for  the  plate
24    manufacturing  and  plate  processing costs for registrations
25    issued under Section 3-414.1.
26    (Source: P.A. 88-333; 88-485; 88-589, eff.  8-14-94;  88-670,
27    eff.  12-2-94;  89-92,  eff.  7-1-96;  89-145,  eff. 7-14-95;
28    89-282, eff.  8-10-95;  89-612,  eff.  8-9-96;  89-626,  eff.
29    8-9-96; 89-639, eff. 1-1-97; revised 9-9-96.)".
30        (625 ILCS 5/3-412) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-412)
31        Sec.   3-412.  Registration   plates   and   registration
32    stickers to be furnished by the Secretary of State.
33        (a)  The  Secretary  of  State upon registering a vehicle
                            -11-          SRS90SB0030AKcham02
 1    subject to annual registration  for  the  first  time   shall
 2    issue   or  shall  cause  to  be  issued  to  the  owner  one
 3    registration plate for a  motorcycle,  trailer,  semitrailer,
 4    motorized  pedalcycle or truck-tractor, 2 registration plates
 5    for other  motor  vehicles  and,  where  applicable,  current
 6    registration   stickers  for  motor  vehicles  of  the  first
 7    division.   The  provisions  of  this  Section  may  be  made
 8    applicable to such vehicles of the second  division,  as  the
 9    Secretary  of State may, from time to time, in his discretion
10    designate. On subsequent annual registrations during the term
11    of the registration plate as provided in Section 3-414.1, the
12    Secretary shall issue or  cause  to  be  issued  registration
13    stickers  as  evidence  of current registration. However, the
14    issuance  of  annual  registration   stickers   to   vehicles
15    registered  under  the  provisions of Section 3-402.1 of this
16    Code may not be required if the Secretary deems the  issuance
17    unnecessary.
18        (b)  Every  registration  plate shall have displayed upon
19    it the registration number assigned to the vehicle for  which
20    it   is  issued,  the  name  of  this  State,  which  may  be
21    abbreviated, the year number for which it was  issued,  which
22    may  be  abbreviated, the phrase "Land of Lincoln", except as
23    provided in Sections  3-626,  Section  3-629,  3-633,  3-634,
24    3-637, and 3-638 and Section 3-631, and such other letters or
25    numbers  as  the  Secretary  may  prescribe.    However,  for
26    apportionment  plates  issued  to  vehicles  registered under
27    Section 3-402.1, the phrase "Land of Lincoln" may be  omitted
28    to  allow  for  the  word "apportioned" to be displayed.  The
29    Secretary may in his discretion  prescribe  that  letters  be
30    used  as  prefixes  only  on  registration  plates  issued to
31    vehicles of the first division  which  are  registered  under
32    this  Code and only as suffixes on registration plates issued
33    to other vehicles.   Every  registration  sticker  issued  as
34    evidence  of  current  registration  shall designate the year
                            -12-          SRS90SB0030AKcham02
 1    number for which it is  issued  and  such  other  letters  or
 2    numbers  as  the  Secretary  may  prescribe and shall be of a
 3    contrasting  color   with   the   registration   plates   and
 4    registration stickers of the previous year.
 5        (c)  Each registration plate and the required letters and
 6    numerals  thereon,  except  the year number for which issued,
 7    shall be of sufficient size to be  plainly  readable  from  a
 8    distance  of  100  feet  during daylight, and shall be coated
 9    with reflectorizing material.  The dimensions  of  the  plate
10    issued  to  vehicles  of  the first division shall be 6 by 12
11    inches.
12        (d)  The  Secretary  of  State  shall  issue  for   every
13    passenger motor vehicle rented without a driver the same type
14    of  registration  plates  as  the type of plates issued for a
15    private passenger vehicle.
16        (e)  The  Secretary  of  State  shall  issue  for   every
17    passenger  car  used  as  a  taxicab  or  livery, distinctive
18    registration plates.
19        (f)  The  Secretary  of  State  shall  issue  for   every
20    motorcycle  distinctive  registration  plates  distinguishing
21    between  motorcycles  having  150  or  more cubic centimeters
22    piston displacement, or having less than 150 cubic centimeter
23    piston displacement.
24        (g)  Registration plates issued to vehicles for-hire  may
25    display  a  designation  as  determined by the Secretary that
26    such vehicles are for-hire.
27        (h)  The Secretary of State shall issue for each electric
28    vehicle   distinctive   registration   plates   which   shall
29    distinguish  between  electric  vehicles  having  a   maximum
30    operating speed of 45 miles per hour or more and those having
31    a maximum operating speed of less than 45 miles per hour.
32        (i)  The  Secretary of State shall issue for every public
33    and private ambulance  registration  plates  identifying  the
34    vehicle  as an ambulance.  The Secretary shall forward to the
                            -13-          SRS90SB0030AKcham02
 1    Department of Public Aid  registration  information  for  the
 2    purpose  of  verification of claims filed with the Department
 3    by ambulance  owners  for  payment  for  services  to  public
 4    assistance recipients.
 5        (j)  The  Secretary of State shall issue for every public
 6    and  private  medical  carrier  or  rescue   vehicle   livery
 7    registration  plates  displaying  numbers  within  ranges  of
 8    numbers reserved respectively for medical carriers and rescue
 9    vehicles.   The  Secretary shall forward to the Department of
10    Public  Aid  registration  information  for  the  purpose  of
11    verification of claims filed with the Department by owners of
12    medical carriers or rescue vehicles for payment for  services
13    to public assistance recipients.
14        (k)  Beginning  in  1999,  the  Secretary  of State shall
15    begin to replace multi-year registration plates issued  under
16    Section  3-414.1  After  completion of the replacement of the
17    multi-year  registration  plates  beginning  in   1999,   the
18    Secretary  of  State  shall,  in  the  Secretary  of  State's
19    discretion,   periodically  replace  multi-year  registration
20    plates issued under Section 3-414.
21    (Source: P.A. 88-45; 88-485;  89-424,  eff.  6-1-96;  89-564,
22    eff.  7-1-97;  89-612,  eff.  8-9-96;  89-621,  eff.  1-1-97;
23    89-639, eff. 1-1-97; revised 9-9-96.)
24        (625 ILCS 5/3-413) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-413)
25        Sec. 3-413.  Display of registration plates, registration
26    stickers and driveway decal permits.
27        (a)  Registration plates issued for a motor vehicle other
28    than   a  motorcycle,  trailer,  semitrailer,  truck-tractor,
29    apportioned bus,  or  apportioned  truck  shall  be  attached
30    thereto,  one  in  the  front  and  one  in  the  rear.   The
31    registration  plate  issued  for  a  motorcycle,  trailer  or
32    semitrailer  required  to  be  registered  hereunder  and any
33    apportionment plate issued to a bus under the  provisions  of
                            -14-          SRS90SB0030AKcham02
 1    this  Code  shall  be  attached  to  the  rear  thereof.  The
 2    registration   plate   issued   for  a  truck-tractor  or  an
 3    apportioned truck required to be registered  hereunder  shall
 4    be attached to the front thereof.
 5        (b)  Every  registration  plate  shall  at  all  times be
 6    securely fastened in a horizontal position to the vehicle for
 7    which it is issued so as to prevent the plate  from  swinging
 8    and  at  a height of not less than 12 inches from the ground,
 9    measuring from the bottom of  such  plate,  in  a  place  and
10    position  to  be clearly visible and shall be maintained in a
11    condition to be clearly legible, free from any materials that
12    would obstruct the visibility of the plate,   including,  but
13    not  limited  to,  glass  covers  and  tinted plastic covers.
14    Clear plastic covers are permissible as long as  they  remain
15    clear  and  do  not  obstruct  the  visibility of the plates.
16    Registration stickers issued as evidence  of  renewed  annual
17    registration  shall  be  attached  to  registration plates as
18    required by the Secretary of State, and be clearly visible at
19    all times.
20        (c)  Every driveway decal permit issued pursuant to  this
21    Code shall be firmly attached to the inside windshield of the
22    motor  vehicle  in  such  a  manner that it cannot be removed
23    without being destroyed.  If such decal permits  are  affixed
24    to  a  motor  vehicle in any other manner the permit shall be
25    void and of no effect.
26        (d)  The Illinois  prorate  decal  issued  to  a  foreign
27    registered  vehicle  part  of a fleet prorated or apportioned
28    with Illinois, shall be displayed on a registration plate and
29    displayed on the front of such vehicle in the same manner  as
30    an Illinois registration plate.
31        (e)  The  registration  plate  issued  for  a camper body
32    mounted on a truck displaying registration  plates  shall  be
33    attached to the rear of the camper body.
34        (f)  No  person  shall  operate a vehicle, nor permit the
                            -15-          SRS90SB0030AKcham02
 1    operation of a vehicle, upon which is displayed  an  Illinois
 2    registration plate, plates or registration stickers after the
 3    termination  of  the  registration period for which issued or
 4    after the expiration date set pursuant to Sections 3-414  and
 5    3-414.1  of  this Code. A person who violates this subsection
 6    (f) is guilty of a petty offense and shall be fined not  less
 7    than $300 and not more than $500.
 8    (Source: P.A. 89-245, eff. 1-1-96; 89-375, eff. 8-18-95.)
 9        Section  99.  Effective date.  This Act takes effect upon
10    becoming law.".

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