Full Text of HB2442 100th General Assembly
| | HB2442 Engrossed | | LRB100 08092 NHT 18180 b |
| 1 | | AN ACT concerning education.
| 2 | | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| 3 | | represented in the General Assembly:
| 4 | | Section 5. The School Code is amended by changing Section | 5 | | 2-3.64a-5 as follows: | 6 | | (105 ILCS 5/2-3.64a-5) | 7 | | Sec. 2-3.64a-5. State goals and assessment. | 8 | | (a) For the assessment and accountability purposes of this | 9 | | Section, "students" includes those students enrolled in a | 10 | | public or State-operated elementary school, secondary school, | 11 | | or cooperative or joint agreement with a governing body or | 12 | | board of control, a charter school operating in compliance with | 13 | | the Charter Schools Law, a school operated by a regional office | 14 | | of education under Section 13A-3 of this Code, or a public | 15 | | school administered by a local public agency or the Department | 16 | | of Human Services. | 17 | | (b) The State Board of Education shall establish the | 18 | | academic standards that are to be applicable to students who | 19 | | are subject to State assessments under this Section. The State | 20 | | Board of Education shall not establish any such standards in | 21 | | final form without first providing opportunities for public | 22 | | participation and local input in the development of the final | 23 | | academic standards. Those opportunities shall include a |
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| 1 | | well-publicized period of public comment and opportunities to | 2 | | file written comments. | 3 | | (c) Beginning no later than the 2014-2015 school year, the | 4 | | State Board of Education shall annually assess all students | 5 | | enrolled in grades 3 through 8 in English language arts and | 6 | | mathematics. | 7 | | Beginning no later than the 2017-2018 school year, the | 8 | | State Board of Education shall annually assess all students in | 9 | | science at one grade in grades 3 through 5, at one grade in | 10 | | grades 6 through 8, and at one grade in grades 9 through 12. | 11 | | The State Board of Education shall annually assess schools | 12 | | that operate a secondary education program, as defined in | 13 | | Section 22-22 of this Code, in English language arts and | 14 | | mathematics. The State Board of Education shall administer no | 15 | | more than 3 assessments, per student, of English language arts | 16 | | and mathematics for students in a secondary education program. | 17 | | One of these assessments shall include a college and career | 18 | | ready determination that shall be accepted by this State's | 19 | | public institutions of higher education, as defined in the | 20 | | Board of Higher Education Act, for the purpose of student | 21 | | application or admissions consideration. The assessment | 22 | | administered by the State Board of Education for the purpose of | 23 | | student application to or admissions consideration by | 24 | | institutions of higher education must be administered on a | 25 | | school day during regular student attendance hours. | 26 | | Students who are not assessed for college and career ready |
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| 1 | | determinations may not receive a regular high school diploma | 2 | | unless the student is exempted from taking State assessments | 3 | | under subsection (d) of this Section because (i) the student's | 4 | | individualized educational program developed under Article 14 | 5 | | of this Code identifies the State assessment as inappropriate | 6 | | for the student, (ii) the student is enrolled in a program of | 7 | | adult and continuing education, as defined in the Adult | 8 | | Education Act, (iii) the school district is not required to | 9 | | assess the individual student for purposes of accountability | 10 | | under federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 requirements, | 11 | | (iv) the student has been determined to be an English learner | 12 | | and has been enrolled in schools in the United States for less | 13 | | than 12 months, or (v) the student is otherwise identified by | 14 | | the State Board of Education, through rules, as being exempt | 15 | | from the assessment. | 16 | | The State Board of Education shall not assess students | 17 | | under this Section in subjects not required by this Section. | 18 | | Districts shall inform their students of the timelines and | 19 | | procedures applicable to their participation in every yearly | 20 | | administration of the State assessments.
The State Board of | 21 | | Education shall establish periods of time in each school year | 22 | | during which State assessments shall occur to meet the | 23 | | objectives of this Section. | 24 | | (d) Every individualized educational program as described | 25 | | in Article 14 shall identify if the State assessment or | 26 | | components thereof are appropriate for the student. The State |
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| 1 | | Board of Education shall develop rules governing the | 2 | | administration of an alternate assessment that may be available | 3 | | to students for whom participation in this State's regular | 4 | | assessments is not appropriate, even with accommodations as | 5 | | allowed under this Section. | 6 | | Students receiving special education services whose | 7 | | individualized educational programs identify them as eligible | 8 | | for the alternative State assessments nevertheless shall have | 9 | | the option of taking this State's regular assessment that | 10 | | includes a college and career ready determination, which shall | 11 | | be administered in accordance with the eligible accommodations | 12 | | appropriate for meeting these students' respective needs. | 13 | | All students determined to be English learners shall | 14 | | participate in the State assessments, excepting those students | 15 | | who have been enrolled in schools in the United States for less | 16 | | than 12 months. Such students may be exempted from | 17 | | participation in one annual administration of the English | 18 | | language arts assessment. Any student determined to be an | 19 | | English learner shall receive appropriate assessment | 20 | | accommodations, including language supports, which shall be | 21 | | established by rule. Approved assessment accommodations must | 22 | | be provided until the student's English language skills develop | 23 | | to the extent that the student is no longer considered to be an | 24 | | English learner, as demonstrated through a State-identified | 25 | | English language proficiency assessment. | 26 | | (e) The results or scores of each assessment taken under |
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| 1 | | this Section shall be made available to the parents of each | 2 | | student. | 3 | | In each school year, the scores attained by a student on | 4 | | the State assessment that includes a college and career ready | 5 | | determination must be placed in the student's permanent record | 6 | | and must be entered on the student's transcript pursuant to | 7 | | rules that the State Board of Education shall adopt for that | 8 | | purpose in accordance with Section 3 of the Illinois School | 9 | | Student Records Act. In each school year, the scores attained | 10 | | by a student on the State assessments administered in grades 3 | 11 | | through 8 must be placed in the student's temporary record. | 12 | | (f) All schools shall administer an academic assessment of | 13 | | English language proficiency in oral language (listening and | 14 | | speaking) and reading and writing skills to all children | 15 | | determined to be English learners. | 16 | | (g) All schools in this State that are part of the sample | 17 | | drawn by the National Center for Education Statistics, in | 18 | | collaboration with their school districts and the State Board | 19 | | of Education, shall administer the biennial academic | 20 | | assessments under the National Assessment of Educational | 21 | | Progress carried out under Section 411(b)(2) of the federal | 22 | | National Education Statistics Act of 1994 (20 U.S.C. 9010) if | 23 | | the U.S. Secretary of Education pays the costs of administering | 24 | | the assessments. | 25 | | (h) Subject to available funds to this State for the | 26 | | purpose of student assessment, the State Board of Education |
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| 1 | | shall provide additional assessments and assessment resources | 2 | | that may be used by school districts for local assessment | 3 | | purposes. The State Board of Education shall annually | 4 | | distribute a listing of these additional resources. | 5 | | (i) For the purposes of this subsection (i), "academically | 6 | | based assessments" means assessments consisting of questions | 7 | | and answers that are measurable and quantifiable to measure the | 8 | | knowledge, skills, and ability of students in the subject | 9 | | matters covered by the assessments. All assessments | 10 | | administered pursuant to this Section must be academically | 11 | | based assessments. The scoring of academically based | 12 | | assessments shall be reliable, valid, and fair and shall meet | 13 | | the guidelines for assessment development and use prescribed by | 14 | | the American Psychological Association, the National Council | 15 | | on Measurement in Education, and the American Educational | 16 | | Research Association. | 17 | | The State Board of Education shall review the use of all | 18 | | assessment item types in order to ensure that they are valid | 19 | | and reliable indicators of student performance aligned to the | 20 | | learning standards being assessed and that the development, | 21 | | administration, and scoring of these item types are justifiable | 22 | | in terms of cost. | 23 | | (j) The State Superintendent of Education shall appoint a | 24 | | committee of no more than 21 members, consisting of parents, | 25 | | teachers, school administrators, school board members, | 26 | | assessment experts, regional superintendents of schools, and |
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| 1 | | citizens, to review the State assessments administered by the | 2 | | State Board of Education. The Committee shall select one of its | 3 | | members as its chairperson. The Committee shall meet on an | 4 | | ongoing basis to review the content and design of the | 5 | | assessments (including whether the requirements of subsection | 6 | | (i) of this Section have been met), the time and money expended | 7 | | at the local and State levels to prepare for and administer the | 8 | | assessments, the collective results of the assessments as | 9 | | measured against the stated purpose of assessing student | 10 | | performance, and other issues involving the assessments | 11 | | identified by the Committee. The Committee shall make periodic | 12 | | recommendations to the State Superintendent of Education and | 13 | | the General Assembly concerning the assessments. | 14 | | (k) The State Board of Education may adopt rules to | 15 | | implement this Section.
| 16 | | (Source: P.A. 98-972, eff. 8-15-14; 99-30, eff. 7-10-15; | 17 | | 99-185, eff. 1-1-16; 99-642, eff. 7-28-16.)
| 18 | | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect July 1, | 19 | | 2017.