Full Text of SB2906 95th General Assembly
SB2906 Engrossed |
LRB095 19489 RCE 45785 b |
| 1 |
| AN ACT concerning wildlife.
| 2 |
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| 3 |
| represented in the General Assembly:
| 4 |
| Section 5. The Fish and Aquatic Life Code is amended by | 5 |
| changing Section 20-45 as follows:
| 6 |
| (515 ILCS 5/20-45) (from Ch. 56, par. 20-45)
| 7 |
| Sec. 20-45. License fees for residents. Fees for licenses | 8 |
| for residents
of the State of Illinois shall be as follows:
| 9 |
| (a) Except as otherwise provided in this Section, for | 10 |
| sport fishing
devices as defined in Section 10-95 or | 11 |
| spearing devices as defined in
Section 10-110 the fee is | 12 |
| $12.50 for individuals 16 to 64 years old, and
one-half of | 13 |
| the current fishing license fee for individuals age 65 or | 14 |
| older,
commencing with the 1994 license year.
| 15 |
| (b) All residents before using any commercial fishing | 16 |
| device shall
obtain a commercial fishing license, the fee | 17 |
| for which shall be $35.
Each and every commercial device | 18 |
| used shall be licensed by a resident
commercial fisherman | 19 |
| as follows:
| 20 |
| (1) For each 100 lineal yards, or fraction thereof, | 21 |
| of seine
the fee is $18. For each minnow seine, minnow | 22 |
| trap, or net for commercial
purposes the fee is $20.
| 23 |
| (2) For each device to fish with a 100 hook trot |
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| line
basket trap, hoop net, or dip net the fee | 2 |
| is $3.
| 3 |
| (3) When used in the waters of Lake Michigan, for | 4 |
| the first 2000
lineal feet, or fraction thereof, of | 5 |
| gill net the fee is $10; and
for each 1000 additional | 6 |
| lineal feet, or fraction thereof, the fee is $10.
These | 7 |
| fees shall apply to all gill nets in use in the water | 8 |
| or on drying
reels on the shore.
| 9 |
| (4) For each 100 lineal yards, or fraction thereof, | 10 |
| of gill net
or trammel net the fee is $18.
| 11 |
| (c) Residents of the State of Illinois may obtain a | 12 |
| sportsmen's
combination license that shall entitle the | 13 |
| holder to the same
non-commercial fishing privileges as | 14 |
| residents holding a license as
described in subsection (a) | 15 |
| of this Section and to the same hunting
privileges as | 16 |
| residents holding a license to hunt all species as
| 17 |
| described in Section 3.1 of the Wildlife Code. No | 18 |
| sportsmen's combination
license shall be issued to any | 19 |
| individual who would be ineligible for
either the fishing | 20 |
| or hunting license separately. The sportsmen's
combination | 21 |
| license fee shall be $18.50.
For residents age 65 or older, | 22 |
| the fee is one-half of the fee charged for a
sportsmen's | 23 |
| combination license.
| 24 |
| (d) For 24 hours of fishing
by sport fishing devices
as | 25 |
| defined in Section 10-95 or by spearing devices as defined | 26 |
| in Section
10-110 the fee is $5. This license exempts the |
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| licensee from the
requirement for a salmon or inland trout | 2 |
| stamp. The licenses provided for
by this subsection
are not | 3 |
| required for residents of the State of Illinois who have | 4 |
| obtained the
license provided for in subsection (a) of this | 5 |
| Section.
| 6 |
| (e) All residents before using any commercial mussel | 7 |
| device shall
obtain a commercial mussel license, the fee | 8 |
| for which shall be $50.
| 9 |
| (f) Residents of this State, upon establishing | 10 |
| residency as required
by the Department, may obtain a | 11 |
| lifetime hunting or fishing license or
lifetime | 12 |
| sportsmen's combination license which shall entitle the | 13 |
| holder to
the same non-commercial fishing privileges as | 14 |
| residents holding a license
as described in paragraph (a) | 15 |
| of this Section and to the same hunting
privileges as | 16 |
| residents holding a license to hunt all species as | 17 |
| described
in Section 3.1 of the Wildlife Code. No lifetime | 18 |
| sportsmen's combination
license shall be issued to or | 19 |
| retained by any individual
who would be ineligible for | 20 |
| either the fishing or hunting license
separately, either | 21 |
| upon issuance, or in any year a violation would
subject an | 22 |
| individual to have either or both fishing or hunting | 23 |
| privileges
rescinded. The lifetime hunting and fishing | 24 |
| license fees shall be as follows:
| 25 |
| (1) Lifetime fishing: 30 x the current fishing | 26 |
| license fee.
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| (2) Lifetime hunting: 30 x the current hunting | 2 |
| license fee.
| 3 |
| (3) Lifetime sportsmen's combination license: 30 x | 4 |
| the current
sportsmen's combination license fee.
| 5 |
| Lifetime licenses shall not be refundable. A $10 fee shall | 6 |
| be charged
for reissuing any lifetime license. The Department | 7 |
| may establish rules and
regulations for the issuance and use of | 8 |
| lifetime licenses and may suspend
or revoke any lifetime | 9 |
| license issued under this Section for violations of
those rules | 10 |
| or regulations or other provisions under this Code or the
| 11 |
| Wildlife Code. Individuals under 16 years of age who possess a | 12 |
| lifetime
hunting or sportsmen's combination license shall have | 13 |
| in their possession,
while in the field, a certificate of | 14 |
| competency as required under Section
3.2 of the Wildlife Code. | 15 |
| Any lifetime license issued under this Section
shall not exempt | 16 |
| individuals from obtaining additional stamps or permits
| 17 |
| required under the provisions of this Code or the Wildlife | 18 |
| Code.
Individuals required to purchase additional stamps shall | 19 |
| sign the stamps
and have them in their possession while fishing | 20 |
| or hunting with a lifetime
license. All fees received from the | 21 |
| issuance
of lifetime licenses shall be deposited in the Fish | 22 |
| and Wildlife Endowment
| 23 |
| Except for licenses issued under subsection (e) of this | 24 |
| Section, all
licenses provided for in this Section shall expire | 25 |
| on March 31 of
each year, except that the license provided for | 26 |
| in subsection (d) of
this Section shall expire 24 hours after |
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| the effective date and time listed
on the face of the license.
| 2 |
| Any person on active duty with the Armed Forces of the | 3 |
| United States who (i) is now and was at the time of entering | 4 |
| the Armed Forces a resident of Illinois, (ii) entered the Armed | 5 |
| Forces from this State, and (iii) is presently on leave from | 6 |
| the Armed Forces may fish as permitted by this Code without | 7 |
| procuring a license, but only during such period of time and | 8 |
| only with sport fishing devices as are permitted by this Code. | 9 |
| All individuals required to have and failing to have the | 10 |
| license provided
for in subsection (a) or (d) of this Section | 11 |
| shall be fined according to the
provisions of Section 20-35 of | 12 |
| this Code.
| 13 |
| All individuals required to have and failing to have the | 14 |
| licenses
provided for in subsections (b) and (e) of this | 15 |
| Section shall be guilty of a
Class B misdemeanor.
| 16 |
| (Source: P.A. 89-66, eff. 1-1-96; 90-225, eff. 7-25-97; 90-743, | 17 |
| eff.
| 18 |
| Section 10. The Wildlife Code is amended by changing | 19 |
| Section 3.1 as follows:
| 20 |
| (520 ILCS 5/3.1) (from Ch. 61, par. 3.1)
| 21 |
| Sec. 3.1. License and stamps required.
| 22 |
| (a) Before any person shall take or attempt to take any of | 23 |
| the species
protected by Section 2.2 for which an open season | 24 |
| is established under this
Act, he shall first have procured and |
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| possess a valid hunting license, except as provided in Section | 2 |
| 3.1-5 of this Code.
| 3 |
| Before any person 16 years of age or older shall take or
| 4 |
| attempt to take any bird of the species defined as migratory | 5 |
| waterfowl by
Section 2.2, including coots, he shall first have | 6 |
| procured a State
Migratory Waterfowl Stamp.
| 7 |
| Before any person 16 years of age or older takes, attempts | 8 |
| to take, or
pursues any species of wildlife protected by this | 9 |
| Code, except migratory
waterfowl, coots, and hand-reared birds | 10 |
| on licensed game breeding and hunting
preserve areas and state | 11 |
| controlled pheasant hunting areas, he or she shall
first obtain | 12 |
| a State Habitat Stamp. Disabled veterans and former prisoners | 13 |
| of
war shall not be required to obtain State Habitat Stamps. | 14 |
| Any person who
obtained a lifetime license before January 1, | 15 |
| 1993, shall not be required to
obtain State Habitat Stamps. | 16 |
| Income from the sale of State Furbearer Stamps and
State | 17 |
| Pheasant Stamps received after the effective date of this | 18 |
| amendatory Act
of 1992 shall be deposited into the State | 19 |
| Furbearer Fund and State Pheasant
Fund, respectively.
| 20 |
| Before any person 16 years of age or older shall take, | 21 |
| attempt to
take, or sell the green hide of any mammal of the | 22 |
| species defined as
fur-bearing mammals by Section 2.2 for which | 23 |
| an open season is established
under this Act, he shall first | 24 |
| have procured a State Habitat Stamp.
| 25 |
| (b) Before any person who is a non-resident of the State of | 26 |
| Illinois
shall take or attempt to take any of the species |
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| protected by Section
for which an open season is | 2 |
| established under this Act, he shall,
unless specifically | 3 |
| exempted by law, first procure a non-resident
license as | 4 |
| provided by this Act for the taking of any wild game.
| 5 |
| Before a nonresident shall take or attempt to take | 6 |
| white-tailed deer,
he shall first have procured a Deer Hunting | 7 |
| Permit as defined in Section
2.26 of this Code.
| 8 |
| Before a nonresident shall take or attempt to take wild | 9 |
| turkeys, he
shall have procured a Wild Turkey Hunting Permit as | 10 |
| defined in Section 2.11
of this Code.
| 11 |
| (c) The owners residing on, or bona fide tenants of, farm | 12 |
| lands and their
children, parents, brothers, and sisters | 13 |
| actually permanently residing on
their lands shall have the | 14 |
| right to hunt any of the species protected by
Section 2.2 upon | 15 |
| their lands and waters without procuring hunting licenses;
but | 16 |
| the hunting shall be done only during periods of time and with | 17 |
| devices
and by methods as are permitted by this Act. Any person | 18 |
| on active duty
with the Armed Forces of the United States who | 19 |
| is now and who was at the
time of entering the Armed Forces a | 20 |
| resident of Illinois and who entered
the Armed Forces from this | 21 |
| State, and who is presently on ordinary leave
from the Armed | 22 |
| Forces, and any resident of Illinois who is disabled may hunt
| 23 |
| any of the species protected by Section 2.2 without procuring a | 24 |
| hunting
license, but the hunting shall be done only during such | 25 |
| periods of time and
with devices and by methods as are | 26 |
| permitted by this Act. For the purpose of
this Section a person |
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| is disabled when that person has a Type 1 or Type 4,
Class 2 | 2 |
| disability as defined in Section 4A of the Illinois | 3 |
| Identification Card
Act. For purposes of this Section, an | 4 |
| Illinois Disabled Person Identification
Card issued pursuant | 5 |
| to the Illinois Identification Card Act indicating that
the | 6 |
| person named has a Type 1 or Type 4, Class 2 disability shall | 7 |
| be adequate
documentation of the disability.
| 8 |
| (d) A courtesy non-resident license, permit, or stamp for | 9 |
| taking game
may be issued at the
discretion of the Director, | 10 |
| without fee, to any person officially employed
in the game and | 11 |
| fish or conservation department of another state or of the
| 12 |
| United States who is within the State to assist or consult or | 13 |
| cooperate
with the Director; or to the officials of other | 14 |
| states, the United States,
foreign countries, or officers or | 15 |
| representatives of conservation
organizations or publications | 16 |
| while in the State as guests of the Governor
or Director. The | 17 |
| Director may provide to nonresident participants and
official | 18 |
| gunners at field trials an exemption from licensure while
| 19 |
| participating in a field trial.
| 20 |
| (e) State Migratory Waterfowl Stamps shall be required for | 21 |
| those persons
qualifying under subsections (c) and (d) who | 22 |
| intend to hunt migratory
waterfowl, including coots, to the | 23 |
| extent that hunting licenses of the
various types are | 24 |
| authorized and required by this Section for those persons.
| 25 |
| (f) Registration in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Migratory | 26 |
| Bird Harvest
Information Program shall be required for those |
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| persons who are required to
have a hunting license before | 2 |
| taking
or attempting to take any bird of the species defined as | 3 |
| migratory game birds
by Section 2.2, except that this | 4 |
| subsection shall not apply to crows in this
or | 5 |
| hand-reared birds on licensed game breeding and hunting | 6 |
| preserve areas, for
which an open season is established by this | 7 |
| Act. Persons registering with the
Program must carry proof of | 8 |
| registration with them while migratory bird
| 9 |
| The Department shall publish suitable prescribed | 10 |
| regulations pertaining to
registration by the migratory bird | 11 |
| hunter in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Migratory Bird | 12 |
| Harvest Information Program.
| 13 |
| (Source: P.A. 94-1024, eff. 7-14-06.)