Full Text of SB2348 95th General Assembly
SB2348 Engrossed |
LRB095 15983 DRJ 41995 b |
| 1 |
| AN ACT concerning public aid.
| 2 |
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| 3 |
| represented in the General Assembly:
| 4 |
| Section 5. The Illinois Public Aid Code is amended by | 5 |
| changing Section 5-5 as follows: | 6 |
| (305 ILCS 5/5-5) (from Ch. 23, par. 5-5)
| 7 |
| Sec. 5-5. Medical services. The Illinois Department, by | 8 |
| rule, shall
determine the quantity and quality of and the rate | 9 |
| of reimbursement for the
medical assistance for which
payment | 10 |
| will be authorized, and the medical services to be provided,
| 11 |
| which may include all or part of the following: (1) inpatient | 12 |
| hospital
services; (2) outpatient hospital services; (3) other | 13 |
| laboratory and
X-ray services; (4) skilled nursing home | 14 |
| services; (5) physicians'
services whether furnished in the | 15 |
| office, the patient's home, a
hospital, a skilled nursing home, | 16 |
| or elsewhere; (6) medical care, or any
other type of remedial | 17 |
| care furnished by licensed practitioners; (7)
home health care | 18 |
| services; (8) private duty nursing service; (9) clinic
| 19 |
| services; (10) dental services, including prevention and | 20 |
| treatment of periodontal disease and dental caries disease for | 21 |
| pregnant women , provided by an individual licensed to practice | 22 |
| dentistry or dental surgery; for purposes of this item (10), | 23 |
| "dental services" means diagnostic, preventive, or corrective |
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| procedures provided by or under the supervision of a dentist in | 2 |
| the practice of his or her profession ; (11) physical therapy | 3 |
| and related
services; (12) prescribed drugs, dentures, and | 4 |
| prosthetic devices; and
eyeglasses prescribed by a physician | 5 |
| skilled in the diseases of the eye,
or by an optometrist, | 6 |
| whichever the person may select; (13) other
diagnostic, | 7 |
| screening, preventive, and rehabilitative services; (14)
| 8 |
| transportation and such other expenses as may be necessary; | 9 |
| (15) medical
treatment of sexual assault survivors, as defined | 10 |
| in
Section 1a of the Sexual Assault Survivors Emergency | 11 |
| Treatment Act, for
injuries sustained as a result of the sexual | 12 |
| assault, including
examinations and laboratory tests to | 13 |
| discover evidence which may be used in
criminal proceedings | 14 |
| arising from the sexual assault; (16) the
diagnosis and | 15 |
| treatment of sickle cell anemia; and (17)
any other medical | 16 |
| care, and any other type of remedial care recognized
under the | 17 |
| laws of this State, but not including abortions, or induced
| 18 |
| miscarriages or premature births, unless, in the opinion of a | 19 |
| physician,
such procedures are necessary for the preservation | 20 |
| of the life of the
woman seeking such treatment, or except an | 21 |
| induced premature birth
intended to produce a live viable child | 22 |
| and such procedure is necessary
for the health of the mother or | 23 |
| her unborn child. The Illinois Department,
by rule, shall | 24 |
| prohibit any physician from providing medical assistance
to | 25 |
| anyone eligible therefor under this Code where such physician | 26 |
| has been
found guilty of performing an abortion procedure in a |
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| wilful and wanton
manner upon a woman who was not pregnant at | 2 |
| the time such abortion
procedure was performed. The term "any | 3 |
| other type of remedial care" shall
include nursing care and | 4 |
| nursing home service for persons who rely on
treatment by | 5 |
| spiritual means alone through prayer for healing.
| 6 |
| Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section, a | 7 |
| comprehensive
tobacco use cessation program that includes | 8 |
| purchasing prescription drugs or
prescription medical devices | 9 |
| approved by the Food and Drug administration shall
be covered | 10 |
| under the medical assistance
program under this Article for | 11 |
| persons who are otherwise eligible for
assistance under this | 12 |
| Article.
| 13 |
| Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, the | 14 |
| Illinois
Department may not require, as a condition of payment | 15 |
| for any laboratory
test authorized under this Article, that a | 16 |
| physician's handwritten signature
appear on the laboratory | 17 |
| test order form. The Illinois Department may,
however, impose | 18 |
| other appropriate requirements regarding laboratory test
order | 19 |
| documentation.
| 20 |
| The Department of Healthcare and Family Services shall | 21 |
| provide the following services to
eligible for | 22 |
| assistance under this Article who are participating in
| 23 |
| education, training or employment programs operated by the | 24 |
| Department of Human
Services as successor to the Department of | 25 |
| Public Aid:
| 26 |
| (1) dental services provided by or under the |
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| supervision of a dentist , which shall include but not be | 2 |
| limited to
prosthodontics ; and
| 3 |
| (2) eyeglasses prescribed by a physician skilled in the | 4 |
| diseases of the
eye, or by an optometrist, whichever the | 5 |
| person may select.
| 6 |
| The Illinois Department, by rule, may distinguish and | 7 |
| classify the
medical services to be provided only in accordance | 8 |
| with the classes of
persons designated in Section 5-2.
| 9 |
| The Department of Healthcare and Family Services must | 10 |
| provide coverage and reimbursement for amino acid-based | 11 |
| elemental formulas, regardless of delivery method, for the | 12 |
| diagnosis and treatment of (i) eosinophilic disorders and (ii) | 13 |
| short bowel syndrome when the prescribing physician has issued | 14 |
| a written order stating that the amino acid-based elemental | 15 |
| formula is medically necessary.
| 16 |
| The Illinois Department shall authorize the provision of, | 17 |
| and shall
authorize payment for, screening by low-dose | 18 |
| mammography for the presence of
occult breast cancer for women | 19 |
| 35 years of age or older who are eligible
for medical | 20 |
| assistance under this Article, as follows: a baseline
mammogram | 21 |
| for women 35 to 39 years of age and an
annual mammogram for | 22 |
| women 40 years of age or older. All screenings
include a | 23 |
| physical breast exam, instruction on self-examination and
| 24 |
| information regarding the frequency of self-examination and | 25 |
| its value as a
preventative tool. As used in this Section, | 26 |
| "low-dose mammography" means
the x-ray examination of the |
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| breast using equipment dedicated specifically
for mammography, | 2 |
| including the x-ray tube, filter, compression device,
image | 3 |
| receptor, and cassettes, with an average radiation exposure | 4 |
| delivery
of less than one rad mid-breast, with 2 views for each | 5 |
| breast.
| 6 |
| Any medical or health care provider shall immediately | 7 |
| recommend, to
any pregnant woman who is being provided prenatal | 8 |
| services and is suspected
of drug abuse or is addicted as | 9 |
| defined in the Alcoholism and Other Drug Abuse
and Dependency | 10 |
| Act, referral to a local substance abuse treatment provider
| 11 |
| licensed by the Department of Human Services or to a licensed
| 12 |
| hospital which provides substance abuse treatment services. | 13 |
| The Department of Healthcare and Family Services
shall assure | 14 |
| coverage for the cost of treatment of the drug abuse or
| 15 |
| addiction for pregnant recipients in accordance with the | 16 |
| Illinois Medicaid
Program in conjunction with the Department of | 17 |
| Human Services.
| 18 |
| All medical providers providing medical assistance to | 19 |
| pregnant women
under this Code shall receive information from | 20 |
| the Department on the
availability of services under the Drug | 21 |
| Free Families with a Future or any
comparable program providing | 22 |
| case management services for addicted women,
including | 23 |
| information on appropriate referrals for other social services
| 24 |
| that may be needed by addicted women in addition to treatment | 25 |
| for addiction.
| 26 |
| The Illinois Department, in cooperation with the |
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| Departments of Human
Services (as successor to the Department | 2 |
| of Alcoholism and Substance
Abuse) and Public Health, through a | 3 |
| public awareness campaign, may
provide information concerning | 4 |
| treatment for alcoholism and drug abuse and
addiction, prenatal | 5 |
| health care, and other pertinent programs directed at
reducing | 6 |
| the number of drug-affected infants born to recipients of | 7 |
| medical
| 8 |
| Neither the Department of Healthcare and Family Services | 9 |
| nor the Department of Human
Services shall sanction the | 10 |
| recipient solely on the basis of
her substance abuse.
| 11 |
| The Illinois Department shall establish such regulations | 12 |
| governing
the dispensing of health services under this Article | 13 |
| as it shall deem
appropriate. The Department
seek the | 14 |
| advice of formal professional advisory committees appointed by
| 15 |
| the Director of the Illinois Department for the purpose of | 16 |
| providing regular
advice on policy and administrative matters, | 17 |
| information dissemination and
educational activities for | 18 |
| medical and health care providers, and
consistency in | 19 |
| procedures to the Illinois Department.
| 20 |
| The Illinois Department may develop and contract with | 21 |
| Partnerships of
medical providers to arrange medical services | 22 |
| for persons eligible under
Section 5-2 of this Code. | 23 |
| Implementation of this Section may be by
demonstration projects | 24 |
| in certain geographic areas. The Partnership shall
be | 25 |
| represented by a sponsor organization. The Department, by rule, | 26 |
| shall
develop qualifications for sponsors of Partnerships. |
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| 1 |
| Nothing in this
Section shall be construed to require that the | 2 |
| sponsor organization be a
medical organization.
| 3 |
| The sponsor must negotiate formal written contracts with | 4 |
| medical
providers for physician services, inpatient and | 5 |
| outpatient hospital care,
home health services, treatment for | 6 |
| alcoholism and substance abuse, and
other services determined | 7 |
| necessary by the Illinois Department by rule for
delivery by | 8 |
| Partnerships. Physician services must include prenatal and
| 9 |
| obstetrical care. The Illinois Department shall reimburse | 10 |
| medical services
delivered by Partnership providers to clients | 11 |
| in target areas according to
provisions of this Article and the | 12 |
| Illinois Health Finance Reform Act,
except that:
| 13 |
| (1) Physicians participating in a Partnership and | 14 |
| providing certain
services, which shall be determined by | 15 |
| the Illinois Department, to persons
in areas covered by the | 16 |
| Partnership may receive an additional surcharge
for such | 17 |
| services.
| 18 |
| (2) The Department may elect to consider and negotiate | 19 |
| financial
incentives to encourage the development of | 20 |
| Partnerships and the efficient
delivery of medical care.
| 21 |
| (3) Persons receiving medical services through | 22 |
| Partnerships may receive
medical and case management | 23 |
| services above the level usually offered
through the | 24 |
| medical assistance program.
| 25 |
| Medical providers shall be required to meet certain | 26 |
| qualifications to
participate in Partnerships to ensure the |
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| delivery of high quality medical
services. These | 2 |
| qualifications shall be determined by rule of the Illinois
| 3 |
| Department and may be higher than qualifications for | 4 |
| participation in the
medical assistance program. Partnership | 5 |
| sponsors may prescribe reasonable
additional qualifications | 6 |
| for participation by medical providers, only with
the prior | 7 |
| written approval of the Illinois Department.
| 8 |
| Nothing in this Section shall limit the free choice of | 9 |
| practitioners,
hospitals, and other providers of medical | 10 |
| services by clients.
In order to ensure patient freedom of | 11 |
| choice, the Illinois Department shall
immediately promulgate | 12 |
| all rules and take all other necessary actions so that
provided | 13 |
| services may be accessed from therapeutically certified | 14 |
| optometrists
to the full extent of the Illinois Optometric | 15 |
| Practice Act of 1987 without
discriminating between service | 16 |
| providers.
| 17 |
| The Department shall apply for a waiver from the United | 18 |
| States Health
Care Financing Administration to allow for the | 19 |
| implementation of
Partnerships under this Section.
| 20 |
| The Illinois Department shall require health care | 21 |
| providers to maintain
records that document the medical care | 22 |
| and services provided to recipients
of Medical Assistance under | 23 |
| this Article. The Illinois Department shall
require health care | 24 |
| providers to make available, when authorized by the
patient, in | 25 |
| writing, the medical records in a timely fashion to other
| 26 |
| health care providers who are treating or serving persons |
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| eligible for
Medical Assistance under this Article. All | 2 |
| dispensers of medical services
shall be required to maintain | 3 |
| and retain business and professional records
sufficient to | 4 |
| fully and accurately document the nature, scope, details and
| 5 |
| receipt of the health care provided to persons eligible for | 6 |
| medical
assistance under this Code, in accordance with | 7 |
| regulations promulgated by
the Illinois Department. The rules | 8 |
| and regulations shall require that proof
of the receipt of | 9 |
| prescription drugs, dentures, prosthetic devices and
| 10 |
| eyeglasses by eligible persons under this Section accompany | 11 |
| each claim
for reimbursement submitted by the dispenser of such | 12 |
| medical services.
No such claims for reimbursement shall be | 13 |
| approved for payment by the Illinois
Department without such | 14 |
| proof of receipt, unless the Illinois Department
shall have put | 15 |
| into effect and shall be operating a system of post-payment
| 16 |
| audit and review which shall, on a sampling basis, be deemed | 17 |
| adequate by
the Illinois Department to assure that such drugs, | 18 |
| dentures, prosthetic
devices and eyeglasses for which payment | 19 |
| is being made are actually being
received by eligible | 20 |
| recipients. Within 90 days after the effective date of
this | 21 |
| amendatory Act of 1984, the Illinois Department shall establish | 22 |
| a
current list of acquisition costs for all prosthetic devices | 23 |
| and any
other items recognized as medical equipment and | 24 |
| supplies reimbursable under
this Article and shall update such | 25 |
| list on a quarterly basis, except that
the acquisition costs of | 26 |
| all prescription drugs shall be updated no
less frequently than |
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| every 30 days as required by Section 5-5.12.
| 2 |
| The rules and regulations of the Illinois Department shall | 3 |
| require
that a written statement including the required opinion | 4 |
| of a physician
shall accompany any claim for reimbursement for | 5 |
| abortions, or induced
miscarriages or premature births. This | 6 |
| statement shall indicate what
procedures were used in providing | 7 |
| such medical services.
| 8 |
| The Illinois Department shall require all dispensers of | 9 |
| medical
services, other than an individual practitioner or | 10 |
| group of practitioners,
desiring to participate in the Medical | 11 |
| Assistance program
established under this Article to disclose | 12 |
| all financial, beneficial,
ownership, equity, surety or other | 13 |
| interests in any and all firms,
corporations, partnerships, | 14 |
| associations, business enterprises, joint
ventures, agencies, | 15 |
| institutions or other legal entities providing any
form of | 16 |
| health care services in this State under this Article.
| 17 |
| The Illinois Department may require that all dispensers of | 18 |
| medical
services desiring to participate in the medical | 19 |
| assistance program
established under this Article disclose, | 20 |
| under such terms and conditions as
the Illinois Department may | 21 |
| by rule establish, all inquiries from clients
and attorneys | 22 |
| regarding medical bills paid by the Illinois Department, which
| 23 |
| inquiries could indicate potential existence of claims or liens | 24 |
| for the
Illinois Department.
| 25 |
| Enrollment of a vendor that provides non-emergency medical | 26 |
| transportation,
defined by the Department by rule,
shall be
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| conditional for 180 days. During that time, the Department of | 2 |
| Healthcare and Family Services may
terminate the vendor's | 3 |
| eligibility to participate in the medical assistance
program | 4 |
| without cause. That termination of eligibility is not subject | 5 |
| to the
Department's hearing process.
| 6 |
| The Illinois Department shall establish policies, | 7 |
| procedures,
standards and criteria by rule for the acquisition, | 8 |
| repair and replacement
of orthotic and prosthetic devices and | 9 |
| durable medical equipment. Such
rules shall provide, but not be | 10 |
| limited to, the following services: (1)
immediate repair or | 11 |
| replacement of such devices by recipients without
medical | 12 |
| authorization; and (2) rental, lease, purchase or | 13 |
| lease-purchase of
durable medical equipment in a | 14 |
| cost-effective manner, taking into
consideration the | 15 |
| recipient's medical prognosis, the extent of the
recipient's | 16 |
| needs, and the requirements and costs for maintaining such
| 17 |
| equipment. Such rules shall enable a recipient to temporarily | 18 |
| acquire and
use alternative or substitute devices or equipment | 19 |
| pending repairs or
replacements of any device or equipment | 20 |
| previously authorized for such
recipient by the Department.
| 21 |
| The Department shall execute, relative to the nursing home | 22 |
| prescreening
project, written inter-agency agreements with the | 23 |
| Department of Human
Services and the Department on Aging, to | 24 |
| effect the following: (i) intake
procedures and common | 25 |
| eligibility criteria for those persons who are receiving
| 26 |
| non-institutional services; and (ii) the establishment and |
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| development of
non-institutional services in areas of the State | 2 |
| where they are not currently
available or are undeveloped.
| 3 |
| The Illinois Department shall develop and operate, in | 4 |
| cooperation
with other State Departments and agencies and in | 5 |
| compliance with
applicable federal laws and regulations, | 6 |
| appropriate and effective
systems of health care evaluation and | 7 |
| programs for monitoring of
utilization of health care services | 8 |
| and facilities, as it affects
persons eligible for medical | 9 |
| assistance under this Code.
| 10 |
| The Illinois Department shall report annually to the | 11 |
| General Assembly,
no later than the second Friday in April of | 12 |
| 1979 and each year
thereafter, in regard to:
| 13 |
| (a) actual statistics and trends in utilization of | 14 |
| medical services by
public aid recipients;
| 15 |
| (b) actual statistics and trends in the provision of | 16 |
| the various medical
services by medical vendors;
| 17 |
| (c) current rate structures and proposed changes in | 18 |
| those rate structures
for the various medical vendors; and
| 19 |
| (d) efforts at utilization review and control by the | 20 |
| Illinois Department.
| 21 |
| The period covered by each report shall be the 3 years | 22 |
| ending on the June
30 prior to the report. The report shall | 23 |
| include suggested legislation
for consideration by the General | 24 |
| Assembly. The filing of one copy of the
report with the | 25 |
| Speaker, one copy with the Minority Leader and one copy
with | 26 |
| the Clerk of the House of Representatives, one copy with the |
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| President,
one copy with the Minority Leader and one copy with | 2 |
| the Secretary of the
Senate, one copy with the Legislative | 3 |
| Research Unit, and such additional
with the State | 4 |
| Government Report Distribution Center for the General
Assembly | 5 |
| as is required under paragraph (t) of Section 7 of the State
| 6 |
| Library Act shall be deemed sufficient to comply with this | 7 |
| Section.
| 8 |
| (Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07; 95-520, eff. 8-28-07.)