Full Text of SB1746 95th General Assembly
SB1746 Engrossed |
LRB095 11090 CMK 31417 b |
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| AN ACT concerning Latino families.
| 2 |
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| 3 |
| represented in the General Assembly:
| 4 |
| Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the | 5 |
| Illinois Latino Family Commission Act. | 6 |
| Section 5. Legislative Findings. It is the policy of this | 7 |
| State to promote family preservation and to strengthen | 8 |
| families. | 9 |
| Latinos are well represented among the families of | 10 |
| Illinois. The Illinois Latino population is the fifth largest | 11 |
| in the nation. Over 14% of the estimated 12,000,000 people that | 12 |
| live in Illinois are Latinos. According to the 2000 Census | 13 |
| figures, more than 1,750,000 Latinos make Illinois their home. | 14 |
| This figure represents a 69.2% increase from the 1990 Census | 15 |
| figures compared to about 3.5% for non-Latinos. The Latino | 16 |
| population explosion accounted for two-thirds of the total | 17 |
| population change in Illinois and it is visible throughout the | 18 |
| State. | 19 |
| In Cook County alone, the Latino population has increased | 20 |
| to about 1,071,740. In the 6 county region including Cook | 21 |
| County, nearly 69% of new residents were Hispanic. Roughly | 22 |
| 23.7% of Kane County residents are Latino. In Lake County, | 23 |
| Latinos make up 14.4% of the total county population. |
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| Latinos are not only the fastest growing ethnic group in | 2 |
| the State, they are also the youngest. The median age for | 3 |
| Latinos in Illinois is 25, compared to 36 for non-Latinos. | 4 |
| Despite unprecedented population growth, Latinos lag behind in | 5 |
| major indicators of well-being relative to education, health, | 6 |
| employment, and child welfare, as well as representation | 7 |
| throughout the State. Moreover, Latino children and families | 8 |
| present unique linguistic, cultural, and immigration issues | 9 |
| for the State. | 10 |
| Latinos have a well-established presence in the child | 11 |
| welfare system. Of the total 86,973 children that were reported | 12 |
| abused or neglected in Fiscal Year 2001, about 8,442 or 9.7% | 13 |
| were Hispanic children. About 25% of these hotline reports were | 14 |
| indicated, for a total of 2,155 Latino children in Fiscal Year | 15 |
| 2001. As of August 2003, there were about 1,367 open Latino | 16 |
| child abuse cases in Illinois. This figure is only slightly | 17 |
| lower than the 1,491 open Latino child cases reported for the | 18 |
| previous fiscal year. Hispanic cases make up about 6% of all | 19 |
| open child cases (excluding adoption assistance and home of | 20 |
| parent living arrangement). Latino families receiving services | 21 |
| make up about 16% of all intact family cases. It is estimated | 22 |
| that between 60% and 80% of all Latino families involved with | 23 |
| the Illinois Department of Child and Family Services (IDCFS) | 24 |
| will need bilingual services at some point during the time | 25 |
| their case is open. However, IDCFS struggles to meet the demand | 26 |
| for bilingual services. There are similar examples throughout |
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| the State demonstrating that Illinois lacks a unified and | 2 |
| comprehensive strategy for addressing the unique needs of | 3 |
| Latino families. | 4 |
| Latino families remain outside of the margins of | 5 |
| opportunities in the State. There are tremendous challenges | 6 |
| faced by Latino families and children in the State. Clearly, | 7 |
| the growing Latino presence demands that government, child and | 8 |
| family advocates, and other key stakeholders come together to | 9 |
| identify and implement policy strategies that can create an | 10 |
| infrastructure of support for Latino families in the State. | 11 |
| Building this needed infrastructure of policies must involve | 12 |
| multiple State agencies. The Illinois Latino Family Commission | 13 |
| shall lead the effort, advising the Governor and assisting | 14 |
| State agencies with this task. | 15 |
| Section 10. Established. The Illinois Latino Family | 16 |
| Commission is established. | 17 |
| Section 15. Purpose and objectives. | 18 |
| (a) The purpose of the Illinois Latino Family Commission is | 19 |
| to advise the Governor and General Assembly, as well as work | 20 |
| directly with State agencies to improve and expand existing | 21 |
| policies, services, programs, and opportunities for Latino | 22 |
| families. Subject to appropriation, the Illinois Latino Family | 23 |
| Commission shall guide the efforts of and collaborate with | 24 |
| State agencies, including: the Department on Aging, the |
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| Department of Children and Family Services, the Department of | 2 |
| Commerce and Economic Opportunity, the Department of | 3 |
| Corrections, the Department of Human Services, the Department | 4 |
| of Public Aid, the Department of Public Health, the Department | 5 |
| of Transportation, and others. This shall be achieved primarily | 6 |
| by:
| 7 |
| (1) monitoring and commenting on existing and proposed | 8 |
| legislation and programs designed to address the needs of | 9 |
| Latinos in Illinois;
| 10 |
| (2) assisting State agencies in developing programs, | 11 |
| services, public policies, and research strategies that | 12 |
| will expand and enhance the social and economic well-being | 13 |
| of Latino children and families;
| 14 |
| (3) facilitating the participation and representation | 15 |
| of Latinos in the development,
implementation, and | 16 |
| planning of policies, programs, and services; and
| 17 |
| (4) promoting research efforts to document the impact | 18 |
| of policies and programs
on Latino families.
| 19 |
| The work of the Illinois Latino Family Commission shall | 20 |
| include the use of existing reports, research, and planning | 21 |
| efforts, procedures, and programs. | 22 |
| Section 20. Appointment; terms. The Illinois Latino Family | 23 |
| Commission shall be comprised of 15 members. Members shall be | 24 |
| appointed by the Governor. Each member shall have working | 25 |
| knowledge of human services, community development, and |
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| economic public policies in Illinois. The Governor shall | 2 |
| appoint the chairperson or chairpersons. | 3 |
| The members shall reflect regional representation to | 4 |
| ensure that the needs of Latino families and children | 5 |
| throughout the State are met. The members shall be selected | 6 |
| from a variety of disciplines. They shall represent a | 7 |
| partnership and collaborative effort between public and | 8 |
| private agencies, the business sector, and community-based | 9 |
| human services organizations. | 10 |
| Members shall serve 3-year terms, except in the case of | 11 |
| initial appointments. Five members, as determined by lot, shall | 12 |
| be appointed to one-year terms; 5 members shall be appointed to | 13 |
| 2-year terms; and 5 members shall be appointed to 3-year terms, | 14 |
| so that the terms are staggered. Members shall serve without | 15 |
| compensation, but shall be reimbursed for Commission-related | 16 |
| expenses. | 17 |
| The Department on Aging, the Department of Children and | 18 |
| Family Services, the Department of Commerce and Economic | 19 |
| Opportunity, the Department of Corrections, the Department of | 20 |
| Human Services, the Department of Public Aid, the Department of | 21 |
| Public Health, and the Department of Transportation shall each | 22 |
| appoint a liaison to serve ex-officio on the Commission. | 23 |
| Section 25. Funding. The Illinois Latino Family Commission | 24 |
| may receive funding through specific appropriations available | 25 |
| for its purposes made to the Department on Aging, the |
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| Department of Children and Family Services, the Department of | 2 |
| Commerce and Economic Opportunity, the Department of | 3 |
| Corrections, the Department of Human Services, the Department | 4 |
| of Public Aid, the Department of Public Health, and the | 5 |
| Department of Transportation. The funding allocation for the | 6 |
| Commission shall be no less than $500,000. | 7 |
| Section 30. Reporting. The Illinois Latino Family | 8 |
| Commission shall annually report to the Governor and the | 9 |
| General Assembly on the Commission's progress towards its goals | 10 |
| and objectives.
| 11 |
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | 12 |
| becoming law.