Full Text of SB0877 95th General Assembly
SB0877 Engrossed |
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| AN ACT concerning regulation.
| 2 |
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, | 3 |
| represented in the General Assembly:
| 4 |
| Section 5. The Public Utilities Act is amended by adding | 5 |
| Section 9-220.3 as follows: | 6 |
| (220 ILCS 5/9-220.3 new) | 7 |
| Sec. 9-220.3. Renewable energy portfolio standard and | 8 |
| energy efficiency portfolio standard. | 9 |
| (a) The General Assembly finds and declares that it is | 10 |
| desirable to obtain the environmental quality, public health, | 11 |
| employment, economic development, rate stabilization, and fuel | 12 |
| diversity benefits of developing new renewable energy | 13 |
| resources for use in Illinois. The General Assembly has | 14 |
| previously found and declared that the benefits of electricity | 15 |
| from renewable energy resources accrue to the public at large, | 16 |
| thus consumers and electric utilities and alternative retail | 17 |
| electric suppliers share an interest in developing and using a | 18 |
| significant level of these environmentally preferable | 19 |
| resources in the State's electricity supply portfolio. The | 20 |
| General Assembly has previously found and declared that | 21 |
| renewable forms of energy should be promoted as an important | 22 |
| element of the energy and environmental policies of the State. | 23 |
| (b) For purposes of this Section: |
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| "Renewable energy credit" means a tradable credit that | 2 |
| represents the environmental attributes of a certain amount of | 3 |
| energy produced from a renewable energy resource. | 4 |
| "Renewable energy resources" includes energy or renewable | 5 |
| energy credits from wind, solar thermal energy, photovoltaic | 6 |
| cells and panels, dedicated crops grown for energy production | 7 |
| and organic waste biomass, hydropower that does not involve new | 8 |
| construction or significant expansion of hydropower dams, and | 9 |
| other such alternative sources of environmentally preferable | 10 |
| energy. For purposes of this Section, "renewable energy | 11 |
| resources" includes landfill gas from landfills located in the | 12 |
| State. "Renewable energy resources" does not include, however, | 13 |
| energy from the incineration, burning or heating of waste wood, | 14 |
| tires, garbage, general household, institutional and | 15 |
| commercial waste, industrial lunchroom or office waste, | 16 |
| landscape waste, or construction or demolition debris. | 17 |
| (c) The following renewable energy portfolio standards | 18 |
| shall apply: | 19 |
| (1) An electric utility shall procure or obtain | 20 |
| renewable energy resources in amounts that equal or exceed | 21 |
| the following percentages of the total electricity that | 22 |
| such electric utility supplies to its retail Illinois | 23 |
| customers: 2% by December 31, 2008; 4% by December 31, | 24 |
| 2009; 5% by December 31, 2010; 6% by December 31, 2011; 7% | 25 |
| by December 31, 2012; 8% by December 31, 2013; 9% by | 26 |
| December 31, 2014; and 10% by December 31, 2015. It shall |
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| be the goal of the State that cost-effective renewable | 2 |
| energy resources be available to supply an amount of the | 3 |
| total electricity that electric utilities supply to their | 4 |
| retail customers that will continue to increase after 2015 | 5 |
| by 1.5% per year to 25% by 2025. Provided, however, that if | 6 |
| the Commission's promulgation of rules pursuant to item (7) | 7 |
| is delayed beyond March 31, 2008, but occurs prior to April | 8 |
| 1, 2009, the initial target year and each subsequent target | 9 |
| year shall be delayed by one year; the targets shall be | 10 |
| delayed by an additional year for each additional year or | 11 |
| fraction thereof that the Commission's promulgation of | 12 |
| rules is delayed. In the event that the Commission's | 13 |
| promulgation of rules is delayed after March 31, 2008, but | 14 |
| occurs before July 1, 2008, the utility shall nonetheless | 15 |
| meet one-quarter of the target for 2008 of electricity | 16 |
| supplied to retail Illinois customers by December 31, 2008. | 17 |
| To the extent that it is available, at least 75% of the | 18 |
| renewable energy resources used to meet these standards | 19 |
| shall come from wind generation. For purposes of this | 20 |
| subsection (c), "cost-effective" shall mean that the costs | 21 |
| of procuring renewable energy resources do not cause the | 22 |
| limit stated in item (3) to be exceeded. | 23 |
| (2) For the purposes of this subsection (c), the | 24 |
| required procurement of renewable energy resources for a | 25 |
| particular year shall be measured as a percentage of the | 26 |
| actual amount of electricity (megawatt-hours) supplied by |
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| the electric utility in the calendar year ending | 2 |
| immediately prior to the procurement. | 3 |
| (3) Notwithstanding the requirements of item (1) of | 4 |
| this subsection (c), an electric utility may reduce the | 5 |
| amount of renewable energy resources procured under new | 6 |
| contracts in any single year by an amount necessary to | 7 |
| limit the estimated average increase due to the cost of | 8 |
| these resources included in the amounts paid by retail | 9 |
| customers in connection with electric service to no more | 10 |
| than 0.5% of the amount paid by such customers during the | 11 |
| preceding calendar year, with such limit increasing by 0.5% | 12 |
| in each of the 3 years 2009 through 2011, for a maximum cap | 13 |
| on the allowed estimated average increase due to the cost | 14 |
| of these resources of 2.0%. The maximum cap on the allowed | 15 |
| estimated average increase due to the cost of these | 16 |
| resources is 2%. No later than June 30, 2011, the | 17 |
| Commission shall review the rate limitation and report to | 18 |
| the General Assembly its findings as to whether the rate | 19 |
| cap unduly constrains the procurement of renewable energy | 20 |
| resources that are cost effective. | 21 |
| (4) Renewable energy resources shall be counted for the | 22 |
| purpose of meeting the renewable energy standards set forth | 23 |
| in item (1) of this subsection (c) only if they are | 24 |
| generated from facilities located in the State, provided | 25 |
| that cost-effective renewable resources are available from | 26 |
| such facilities. After December 31, 2011, renewable energy |
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| resources located in states that adjoin Illinois may be | 2 |
| counted towards compliance with the standards set forth in | 3 |
| item (1) of this subsection (c) so long as such resources | 4 |
| are generated from resources that meet the definition of | 5 |
| renewable energy resources as defined by this statute. Any | 6 |
| electric utility with fewer than 100,000 but more than | 7 |
| 50,000 customers in Illinois as of January 1, 2007 shall be | 8 |
| allowed to count renewable energy resources generated in a | 9 |
| state adjoining Illinois for the purpose of meeting the | 10 |
| renewable energy standard set forth in item (1) of this | 11 |
| subsection (c) if such resources are generated from a | 12 |
| facility constructed in the year 2006. | 13 |
| (5) Each electric utility shall report to the | 14 |
| Commission on compliance with these standards by April 1 of | 15 |
| each year, beginning in 2009. | 16 |
| (6) If an electric utility does not, during a calendar | 17 |
| year, procure or obtain the full amount of renewable energy | 18 |
| resources specified by the standards in item (1) of this | 19 |
| subsection (c), as modified by the limitations of item (3) | 20 |
| of this subsection (c), then the electric utility shall pay | 21 |
| a penalty of $40 per megawatt-hour for any shortfall during | 22 |
| such year unless and until the utility makes sufficient | 23 |
| additional purchases in the following year to offset the | 24 |
| shortfall. Provided, however, that, if the electric | 25 |
| utility proves to the Commission that cost-effective | 26 |
| renewable energy resources are not available in sufficient |
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| quantities to meet the renewable energy standards set forth | 2 |
| in item (1) of this subsection (c), as modified by the | 3 |
| limitations of item (3) of this subsection (c), and, if the | 4 |
| Commission finds that the electric utility has, in fact, | 5 |
| proved that the cost-effective renewable energy resources | 6 |
| are not available in sufficient quantities, after notice | 7 |
| and a hearing conducted in accordance with the Commission's | 8 |
| rules of practice, then the Commission shall waive the | 9 |
| penalty. Any penalty payment shall be deposited into the | 10 |
| Renewable Energy Resources Trust Fund to be used by the | 11 |
| Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for the | 12 |
| sole purposes of supporting the actual development, | 13 |
| construction, and utilization of renewable energy projects | 14 |
| in the State. | 15 |
| (7) The Commission shall promulgate rules as necessary | 16 |
| within 9 months after the effective date of this Act to | 17 |
| assist in implementing this subsection (c) including, but | 18 |
| not limited to, methods of procurement, accounting, | 19 |
| tracking, and reporting in order to achieve the full | 20 |
| objectives of this subsection (c). The rules shall also | 21 |
| provide for recovery of costs incurred and the pass-through | 22 |
| to customers of any savings achieved by electric utilities | 23 |
| as a result of procuring or obtaining the renewable energy | 24 |
| resources specified under item (1) of this subsection (c). | 25 |
| The rate elements and rates used for such cost recovery may | 26 |
| be established by the electric utility, subject to the |
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| Commission's review and approval, outside the context of a | 2 |
| general rate case. | 3 |
| (8) In connection with their compliance with the | 4 |
| requirements of item (1) of this subsection (c), electric | 5 |
| utilities may enter into long-term contracts of up to 20 | 6 |
| years in length with providers of renewable energy | 7 |
| resources, and the costs or savings associated with those | 8 |
| contracts shall be reflected in tariffed rates for the | 9 |
| duration of those contracts. | 10 |
| (9) Nothing shall prohibit an electric utility from | 11 |
| issuing a competitive solicitation for renewable energy | 12 |
| resources in order to meet the standards of item (1) of | 13 |
| this subsection (c) and from beginning to recover the | 14 |
| associated costs in advance of the conclusion of the | 15 |
| rulemaking referenced in item (7) of this subsection (c), | 16 |
| provided that such electric utility shall have first | 17 |
| requested and received Commission approval for the design | 18 |
| and conduct of such solicitation and the associated cost | 19 |
| recovery methodology and tariff, which the Commission | 20 |
| shall review and consider.
| 21 |
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | 22 |
| becoming law.