Full Text of SB2330 94th General Assembly
Sen. Mike Jacobs
Filed: 2/22/2006
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| AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend Senate Bill 2330, AS AMENDED, | 3 |
| by replacing everything after the enacting clause with the | 4 |
| following:
| 5 |
| "Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Blind | 6 |
| Vendors Act. | 7 |
| Section 5. Definitions.
As used in this Act: | 8 |
| "Assistant Director" means the individual primarily | 9 |
| responsible for the State's management and operation of the | 10 |
| Business Enterprise Program for the Blind. | 11 |
| "Blind licensee" means a blind person licensed by the | 12 |
| Department to operate a vending facility on unit of local | 13 |
| government, State, federal, or other
property. | 14 |
| "Blind person" means a person whose central visual acuity | 15 |
| does not exceed 20/200 in the better eye with correcting lenses | 16 |
| or whose visual acuity, if better than 20/200, is accompanied | 17 |
| by a limit to the field of vision in the better eye to such a | 18 |
| degree that its widest diameter subtends an angle of no greater | 19 |
| than 20 degrees. In determining whether an individual is blind, | 20 |
| there shall be an examination by a physician skilled in | 21 |
| diseases of the eye, or by an optometrist, whichever the | 22 |
| individual shall select. | 23 |
| "Cafeteria" means a food dispensing facility capable of | 24 |
| providing
a broad variety of prepared foods and beverages |
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| (including hot meals)
primarily through the use of a line where | 2 |
| the customer serves himself
from displayed selections. A | 3 |
| cafeteria may be fully automatic or some
limited waiter or | 4 |
| waitress service may be available and provided within
a | 5 |
| cafeteria and table or booth seating facilities are always | 6 |
| provided.
| 7 |
| "Committee" means the Illinois Committee of Blind Vendors, | 8 |
| an independent representative body for blind vendors | 9 |
| established by the federal Randolph-Sheppard Act. | 10 |
| "Department" means the Department of Human Services. | 11 |
| "Director" means the Bureau Director of the Bureau for the | 12 |
| Blind in the Department of Human Services. | 13 |
| "Federal property" means any building, land, or other real
| 14 |
| property owned, leased, or occupied by any department, agency | 15 |
| or
instrumentality of the United States (including the | 16 |
| Department of
Defense and the U.S. Postal Service), or any | 17 |
| other instrumentality
wholly owned by the United States, or by | 18 |
| any department or agency of the
District of Columbia or any | 19 |
| territory or possession of the United
States. | 20 |
| "License" means a written instrument issued by the | 21 |
| Department to a blind person, authorizing such person to | 22 |
| operate a vending
facility on unit of local government, State, | 23 |
| federal, or other property.
| 24 |
| "Net proceeds" means the amount remaining from the sale of
| 25 |
| articles or services of vending facilities, and any vending | 26 |
| machine or
other income accruing to blind vendors after | 27 |
| deducting the cost of such
sale and other expenses (excluding | 28 |
| any set-aside charges required to be paid
by the blind | 29 |
| vendors). | 30 |
| "Normal working hours" means an 8 hour work period between | 31 |
| the
approximate hours of 8:00 a.m., to 6:00 p.m., Monday | 32 |
| through Friday. | 33 |
| "Other property" means property that is not unit of local | 34 |
| government, State, or federal property and
on which vending |
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| facilities are established or operated by the use of
any funds | 2 |
| derived in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, from the
| 3 |
| operation of vending facilities on any unit of local | 4 |
| government, State, or federal property. | 5 |
| "Public property" means all State property and unit of | 6 |
| local government property. | 7 |
| "Secretary" means the Secretary of Human Services. | 8 |
| "Set-aside funds" means funds that accrue to the Department | 9 |
| from an assessment against the net proceeds of each vending
| 10 |
| facility in the State's vending facility program and any income | 11 |
| from
vending machines on unit of local government, State, or | 12 |
| federal property that accrues to the Department. | 13 |
| "State agency" means any department, board, commission, or | 14 |
| agency created by the Constitution or public Act, whether in | 15 |
| the executive, legislative or judicial branch. | 16 |
| "State property" means all real property, or part thereof, | 17 |
| owned, leased, rented, or otherwise controlled or occupied by | 18 |
| any agency, department, or other governing body of this State. | 19 |
| For purposes of this Act, "State property" does not include | 20 |
| property owned or controlled by a unit of local government or | 21 |
| school district. | 22 |
| "Unit of local government" has the same meaning as provided | 23 |
| in Section 1 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution. | 24 |
| "Unit of local government property" means all real | 25 |
| property, or part thereof, owned, leased, rented, or otherwise | 26 |
| controlled or occupied by a unit of local government. | 27 |
| "Vending facility" means automatic vending machines, | 28 |
| cafeterias,
snack bars, cart service, shelters, counters, and | 29 |
| such other appropriate
auxiliary equipment that may be operated | 30 |
| by blind licensees and which
is necessary for the sale of | 31 |
| newspapers, periodicals, confections,
tobacco products, foods, | 32 |
| beverages, and other articles or services
dispensed | 33 |
| automatically or manually and prepared on or off the premises
| 34 |
| in accordance with all applicable health laws, and including |
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| the vending
or exchange of changes for any lottery authorized | 2 |
| by State law and
conducted by a State agency within the State.
| 3 |
| "Vending machine", for the purpose of assigning vending | 4 |
| machine
income under this Act, means a coin or currency | 5 |
| operated machine which
dispenses articles or services, except | 6 |
| that those machines operated by
the United States Postal | 7 |
| Service for the sale of postage stamps or other
postal products | 8 |
| and services, machines providing services of a
recreational | 9 |
| nature, and telephones shall not be considered to be
vending | 10 |
| machines. | 11 |
| "Vending machine income" means receipts (other than those | 12 |
| of a
blind vendor) from vending machine operations on public or | 13 |
| federal property, after
deducting the cost of goods sold | 14 |
| (including reasonable service and
maintenance costs in | 15 |
| accordance with customary business practices of
commercial | 16 |
| vending concerns), where the machines are operated, serviced,
| 17 |
| or maintained by, or with the approval of, a department, | 18 |
| agency, or
instrumentality of the United States, a unit of | 19 |
| local government, or the State of Illinois, or commissions paid | 20 |
| (other than to
a blind vendor) by a commercial vending concern | 21 |
| that operates,
services, and maintains vending machines on | 22 |
| public or federal property for, or
with the approval of, a | 23 |
| department, agency, or instrumentality of the
United States, a | 24 |
| unit of local government, or the State of Illinois.
| 25 |
| "Vendor" means a blind licensee who is operating a vending
| 26 |
| facility on unit of local government, State, federal, or other | 27 |
| property.
| 28 |
| Section 10. Business Enterprise Program for the Blind. | 29 |
| (a) The Business Enterprise Program for the Blind is | 30 |
| created for the purpose of providing blind persons with | 31 |
| remunerative employment, enlarging the economic opportunities | 32 |
| of the blind, and stimulating the blind to greater efforts in | 33 |
| striving to make themselves self-supporting. In order to |
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| achieve these goals blind persons licensed under this Act shall | 2 |
| be authorized to operate vending facilities on any property | 3 |
| within this State as provided by this Act. | 4 |
| It is the intent of the General Assembly that the | 5 |
| Randolph-Sheppard Act, 20 U. S. C. §§107-107f, and the federal | 6 |
| regulations for its administration set forth in Part 395 of | 7 |
| title 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations, shall serve as the | 8 |
| minimum standards for the operation of the Business Enterprise | 9 |
| Program for the Blind. | 10 |
| (b) The Secretary, through the Director, shall continue, | 11 |
| maintain, and promote the Business Enterprise Program for the | 12 |
| Blind. Some or all of the functions of the program may be | 13 |
| provided by the Department of Human Services. The Business | 14 |
| Enterprise Program for the Blind must provide that: | 15 |
| (1) priority is given to blind vendors in the operation | 16 |
| of vending facilities on public property; | 17 |
| (2) vending machine income from all vending machines on | 18 |
| public property is assigned as provided for by Section 30 | 19 |
| of this Act; | 20 |
| (3) no State agency or unit of local government may | 21 |
| impose any commission, service charge, rent, or utility | 22 |
| charge on a licensed blind vendor who is operating a | 23 |
| vending facility on public property; | 24 |
| (4) sales made at a blind vendor's vending facility are | 25 |
| exempt from all occupation and use taxes; and | 26 |
| (5) State agencies and units of local government may | 27 |
| not allow competition with a blind vendor. For purposes of | 28 |
| this item (5), "competition" includes, but is not limited | 29 |
| to, vending machines, coffee services, bake sales, or other | 30 |
| fund raising or commercial mechanisms in the same building | 31 |
| as a licensed blind vendor. | 32 |
| (c) With respect to vending facilities on federal property | 33 |
| within this State, priority shall be given as provided in the | 34 |
| federal Randolph-Sheppard Act, 20 U. S. C. §§107-107f, |
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| including any amendments thereto. This Act, as it applies to | 2 |
| federal property, is intended to conform to the federal Act, | 3 |
| and is to be of no force or effect if, and to the extent that, | 4 |
| any provision of this Act or any regulation adopted under this | 5 |
| Act is in conflict with the federal Act. Nothing in this | 6 |
| subsection shall be construed to impose limitations on the | 7 |
| operation of vending facilities on public property, or property | 8 |
| other than federal property, or to allow only those activities | 9 |
| specifically enumerated in the Randolph-Sheppard Act. | 10 |
| (d) On all other property within this State, whether owned | 11 |
| or controlled privately or by a school district, the Department | 12 |
| directly or by delegation shall take all feasible steps to | 13 |
| encourage and establish vending by blind persons licensed under | 14 |
| this Act. The Department may enter into appropriate agreements | 15 |
| with the entities or persons owning or controlling the | 16 |
| property. All such agreements shall be in writing and shall be | 17 |
| in conformity with this Act. | 18 |
| (e) The Assistant Director shall actively pursue all | 19 |
| commissions from vending facilities not operated by blind | 20 |
| vendors as provided in Section 30 of this Act, and shall | 21 |
| propose new placements of vending facilities on public property | 22 |
| where a facility is not yet in place. | 23 |
| (f) Partnerships and teaming arrangements between blind | 24 |
| vendors and private industry, including franchise operations, | 25 |
| shall be fostered and encouraged by the Department. | 26 |
| (g) Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, this Act | 27 |
| does not apply to the "State Fairgrounds" as defined in the | 28 |
| State Fair Act, any Department of Natural Resources | 29 |
| subcontract, or the World Shooting and Recreation Complex. | 30 |
| Section 15. Vending facilities on public property. | 31 |
| (a) In order to ensure that priority is given to blind | 32 |
| vendors in the operation of vending facilities on public | 33 |
| property as provided in Section 10, the Director, directly or |
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| by delegation to the Assistant Director, and the Committee | 2 |
| shall jointly develop regulations to ensure the following: | 3 |
| (1) That priority is given to blind persons licensed | 4 |
| under this Act or under its predecessor Act (the Blind | 5 |
| Persons Operating Vending Facilities Act 20 ILCS 2420/), | 6 |
| including the assignment of vending machine income as | 7 |
| provided in this Act. | 8 |
| (2) That one or more vending facilities shall be | 9 |
| established on all public property to the extent feasible. | 10 |
| Where a larger vending facility is determined by the | 11 |
| Director and the Committee to be infeasible, every effort | 12 |
| shall be made to place vending machines on the property | 13 |
| whenever possible. The Director and the Committee shall | 14 |
| take into account the following criteria when determining | 15 |
| whether establishment of a vending facility is feasible: | 16 |
| (A) the number of State or unit of local government | 17 |
| employees, visitors, and other potential facility | 18 |
| customers on the property in a given period; | 19 |
| (B) the size, in square feet, of the area owned, | 20 |
| leased, occupied, or otherwise controlled by the State | 21 |
| or the unit of local government; | 22 |
| (C) the duration the property is expected to be | 23 |
| leased or occupied by the State or the unit of local | 24 |
| government; | 25 |
| (D) whether establishment of a vending facility | 26 |
| would adversely affect the interests of the State or | 27 |
| the unit of local government; and | 28 |
| (E) the likelihood that the vending facility would | 29 |
| produce an adequate net income for a blind vendor as | 30 |
| determined by the average income of all blind vendors | 31 |
| in the State. | 32 |
| (b) Any determination by the Director, or by the State | 33 |
| agency or unit of local government controlling the property, | 34 |
| that the placement or operation of a vending facility is not |
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| feasible, or that the placement or operation would adversely | 2 |
| affect the interests of the State or the unit of local | 3 |
| government shall be in writing and shall be transmitted to the | 4 |
| Committee for review and ratification or rejection. | 5 |
| (c) The Director, through the Assistant Director, subject | 6 |
| to the regulations developed and adopted pursuant to subsection | 7 |
| (a) of this Section and the requirements of federal law and | 8 |
| regulations, is authorized to select a location for a vending | 9 |
| facility and the type of facility to be provided. | 10 |
| (d) Upon the development of plans by any State agency or | 11 |
| unit of local government to occupy, acquire, renovate, or | 12 |
| relocate a property, the State agency or unit of local | 13 |
| government shall notify the Director, who shall determine | 14 |
| whether the plans include a satisfactory site or sites for one | 15 |
| or more vending facilities. | 16 |
| (e) After January 1, 2006, no State agency or unit of local | 17 |
| government shall undertake to acquire by ownership, rent or | 18 |
| lease, or to otherwise occupy, in whole or in part, any | 19 |
| property unless, after consultation with the head of the State | 20 |
| agency or the unit of local government, it is determined by the | 21 |
| Director in accordance with regulations developed pursuant to | 22 |
| subsection (a) either: (1) that the property includes a | 23 |
| satisfactory site or sites for the location and operation of a | 24 |
| vending facility by a blind person; or (2) that, if a building | 25 |
| is to be constructed, substantially altered, or renovated, or, | 26 |
| in the case of a building that is already occupied by the State | 27 |
| agency or the unit of local government, is to be substantially | 28 |
| altered or renovated for use by the State agency or the unit of | 29 |
| local government, the design for the construction, substantial | 30 |
| alteration, or renovation includes a satisfactory site or sites | 31 |
| for the location and operation of a vending facility by a blind | 32 |
| person. | 33 |
| Each officer and employee of a State agency or unit of | 34 |
| local government charged with the responsibility or permitting |
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| the operation of vending facilities on any public property | 2 |
| shall ensure strict adherence to the priority established for | 3 |
| the operation of vending facilities by blind persons pursuant | 4 |
| to this Act. | 5 |
| (f) The provisions of subsection (e) shall not apply when | 6 |
| the Director, in consultation with the Committee, determines | 7 |
| that the number of people using the location is or will be | 8 |
| insufficient to support a vending facility. | 9 |
| Section 20. Other vending facilities. The governing body of | 10 |
| any school board owning property or persons or entities owning | 11 |
| or controlling private property are authorized and encouraged | 12 |
| to construct or install on the property, or permit the | 13 |
| construction or installation of, vending facilities for | 14 |
| operation by blind persons licensed under this Act. In | 15 |
| constructing or installing these vending facilities, the | 16 |
| amount of space allotted for this purpose should be sufficient | 17 |
| to adequately serve the number of persons at the site and to | 18 |
| provide the kind of services to be rendered. | 19 |
| Section 25. Set-aside funds; Blind Vendors Trust Fund. | 20 |
| (a) The Department may provide, by regulation, for | 21 |
| set-asides similar to those provided in Section 107d-3 of the | 22 |
| Randolph-Sheppard Act. If any funds are set aside, or caused to | 23 |
| be set aside, from the net proceeds of the operation of vending | 24 |
| facilities by blind vendors, the funds shall be set aside only | 25 |
| to the extent necessary in a percentage amount not to exceed | 26 |
| that determined jointly by the Director and the Committee and | 27 |
| published in State regulation, and that these funds may be used | 28 |
| only for the following purposes: (1) maintenance and | 29 |
| replacement of equipment; (2) purchase of new equipment; (3) | 30 |
| construction of new vending facilities; (4) funding the | 31 |
| functions of the Committee, including legal and other | 32 |
| professional services; and (5) retirement or pension funds, |
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| health insurance, paid sick leave, and vacation time for blind | 2 |
| licensees, so long as these benefits are approved by a majority | 3 |
| vote of all blind vendors that occurs after the Department | 4 |
| provides these vendors with information on all matters relevant | 5 |
| to these purposes. | 6 |
| (b) No set-aside funds shall be collected from a blind | 7 |
| vendor when the monthly net proceeds of that vendor are less | 8 |
| than $1,000. This amount may be adjusted annually by the | 9 |
| Director and the Committee to reflect changes in the cost of | 10 |
| living. | 11 |
| (c) The Department shall establish, with full | 12 |
| participation by the Committee, the Blind Vendors Trust Fund as | 13 |
| a separate account managed by the Department for the State's | 14 |
| blind vendors. | 15 |
| (d) Set-aside funds collected from the operation of all | 16 |
| vending facilities administered by the Business Enterprise | 17 |
| Program for the Blind shall be placed in the Blind Vendors | 18 |
| Trust Fund which shall include set-aside funds from facilities | 19 |
| on federal property. The Fund must provide separately | 20 |
| identified sub-accounts for moneys from (i) federal, and (ii) | 21 |
| State and other facilities, as well as vending machine income | 22 |
| generated pursuant to Section 30 of this Act. These funds shall | 23 |
| be available until expended and shall not revert to the General | 24 |
| Revenue Fund or to any other State account.
| 25 |
| (e) It is the intent of the General Assembly that the | 26 |
| expenditure of set-aside funds authorized by this Section shall | 27 |
| be supplemental to any current appropriation or other moneys | 28 |
| made available for these purposes and shall not constitute an | 29 |
| offset or diminution of any previously existing appropriation | 30 |
| or other funding source. | 31 |
| (f) An amount equal to 10% of the wages paid by a blind | 32 |
| vendor to any employee who is blind or otherwise disabled shall | 33 |
| be deducted from any set-aside charge paid by the vendor each | 34 |
| month, in order to encourage vendors to employ blind and |
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| disabled workers and to set an example for industry and | 2 |
| government. No deduction shall be made for any employee paid | 3 |
| less than the State or federal minimum wage. | 4 |
| Section 30. Vending machine income and compliance. | 5 |
| (a) After January 1, 2006, all vending machine income from | 6 |
| vending machines on public property shall, except as provided | 7 |
| in subsection (e) of this Section, accrue to (1) the blind | 8 |
| vendor operating the vending facilities on the property, or (2) | 9 |
| in the event there is no blind vendor operating a facility on | 10 |
| the property, to the Blind Vendors Trust Fund for use | 11 |
| exclusively as set forth in subsection (a) of Section 25 of | 12 |
| this Act. | 13 |
| (b) The Secretary, directly or by delegation of authority, | 14 |
| shall ensure compliance with this Section and Section 15 of | 15 |
| this Act with respect to buildings, installations, facilities, | 16 |
| roadside rest stops, and any other public property, and shall | 17 |
| be responsible for the collection of, and accounting for, all | 18 |
| vending machine income on this property. The Secretary shall | 19 |
| enforce these provisions through litigation, arbitration, or | 20 |
| any other legal means available to the State, and each State | 21 |
| agency or unit of local government in control of this property | 22 |
| shall be subject to the enforcement. State agencies or unit of | 23 |
| local government failing to comply with an order of the | 24 |
| Department may be held in contempt in any court of general | 25 |
| jurisdiction. | 26 |
| (c) Any limitation on the placement or operation of a | 27 |
| vending machine by a State agency or unit of local government | 28 |
| based on a determination that such placement or operation would | 29 |
| adversely affect the interests of the State or the unit of | 30 |
| local government must be explained in writing to the Secretary. | 31 |
| The Secretary shall promptly determine whether the limitation | 32 |
| is justified. If the Secretary determines that the limitation | 33 |
| is not justified, the State agency or unit of local government |
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| seeking the limitation shall immediately remove the | 2 |
| limitation. | 3 |
| (d) The amount of vending machine income accruing from | 4 |
| vending machines on public property that may be used for the | 5 |
| functions of the Committee shall be determined annually by a | 6 |
| two-thirds vote of the Committee, except that no more than 25% | 7 |
| of the annual vending machine income may be used by the | 8 |
| Committee for this purpose, based upon the income accruing to | 9 |
| the Blind Vendors Trust Fund in the preceding year. The | 10 |
| Committee may establish its budget and expend funds through | 11 |
| contract or otherwise without the approval of the Department. | 12 |
| (e) With respect to vending machines from which the | 13 |
| Division of Developmental Disabilities or the Division of | 14 |
| Mental Health of the Department of Public Health received | 15 |
| vending machine income before the effective date of this Act, | 16 |
| vending machine income from those machines received after the | 17 |
| effective date of this Act shall accrue as provided in this | 18 |
| Section, provided that the Business Enterprise Program for the | 19 |
| Blind agrees to provide vending machine income in the same | 20 |
| amount from these machines as such Divisions were receiving | 21 |
| from those machines prior to the effective date of this Act as | 22 |
| determined by the Department. | 23 |
| With respect to vending machines from which the Division of | 24 |
| Developmental Disabilities or the Division of Mental Health of | 25 |
| the Department of Public Health received vending machine income | 26 |
| before the effective date of this Act without a written | 27 |
| agreement with a vending company, bottler, or vending machine | 28 |
| supplier, vending machine income from those machines received | 29 |
| after the effective date of this Act shall accrue as provided | 30 |
| in this Section provided that the Business Enterprise Program | 31 |
| for the Blind agrees to provide vending machine income in an | 32 |
| amount equal to 10% of the vending machine income from those | 33 |
| machines. |
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| Section 40. Licenses. | 2 |
| (a) Licenses shall be issued only to blind persons who are | 3 |
| qualified to operate vending facilities. The continuing | 4 |
| eligibility of a vendor as a blind person shall be reviewed | 5 |
| biennially for partially sighted individuals or whenever the | 6 |
| Director has information indicating the vendor is no longer | 7 |
| blind as defined under this Act. | 8 |
| (b) Following agreement by the Director, the Assistant | 9 |
| Director, and the Committee, the Secretary shall adopt and | 10 |
| publish regulations providing for (1) the requirements for | 11 |
| licensure as a blind vendor; (2) a curriculum for training, | 12 |
| inservice training, and upward mobility training for blind | 13 |
| vendors; and (3) a regular schedule for offering the training, | 14 |
| classes to be offered at least once per year. | 15 |
| (c) Each license issued pursuant to this Section shall be | 16 |
| for an indefinite period. The license of a blind vendor may be | 17 |
| terminated or suspended for good cause, but only after | 18 |
| affording the licensee an opportunity for a full and fair | 19 |
| hearing in accordance with the provisions of this Act. | 20 |
| Section 45. Committee of Blind Vendors. | 21 |
| (a) The Director, through the Assistant Director, shall | 22 |
| provide for the biennial election of the Committee, which shall | 23 |
| be fully representative of all blind licensees in the State. | 24 |
| There shall be no fewer than one committee member for each 15 | 25 |
| licensed blind vendors in the State. | 26 |
| (b) The Committee is empowered to hire staff; contract for | 27 |
| consultants including, but not limited to, legal counsel; set | 28 |
| agendas and call meetings; create a constitution and bylaws, | 29 |
| subcommittees, and budgets; and do any other thing a not for | 30 |
| profit organization may do. At the discretion of the Committee | 31 |
| major issues may be referred for initial consideration to a | 32 |
| subcommittee, or to all blind vendors in order to ascertain | 33 |
| their views. The Committee is not a State agency, board, or |
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| commission and is not subject to State ethics, sunshine, or | 2 |
| procurement laws. | 3 |
| (c) The Secretary shall ensure that the Committee jointly | 4 |
| participates with the State in the development and | 5 |
| implementation of all policies, plans, Program development, | 6 |
| and major administrative and management decisions affecting | 7 |
| the Business Enterprise Program for the Blind. The Director, | 8 |
| through the Assistant Director, shall provide to the Committee | 9 |
| all relevant financial information and data, including | 10 |
| quarterly and annual financial reports, on the operation of the | 11 |
| vending facility program in order that the Committee may fully | 12 |
| participate in budget development and formulation, the | 13 |
| establishment of set-aside levels, and other program | 14 |
| requirements. A copy of all completed audits, reports, and | 15 |
| investigations affecting the Business Enterprise Program for | 16 |
| the Blind shall be distributed to the Committee in a timely | 17 |
| manner. Any implementation of changes in administrative policy | 18 |
| or program development that are within the discretion of the | 19 |
| Department shall occur only after Committee review. | 20 |
| Section 50. Hearings; arbitration. | 21 |
| (a) Any blind vendor dissatisfied with any act or omission | 22 |
| arising from the operation or administration of the vending | 23 |
| facility program may submit to the Assistant Director a request | 24 |
| for a full evidentiary hearing. This hearing shall be provided | 25 |
| in a timely manner by the Department. Damages, including | 26 |
| compensatory damages, attorney's fees, and expenses, must be | 27 |
| paid to any operator who prevails in the full evidentiary | 28 |
| hearing; however, payment of damages may only be paid from the | 29 |
| general funds of the State treasury and not from any program | 30 |
| funds, the Blind Vendors Trust Fund, or federal rehabilitation | 31 |
| funds. If the blind vendor is dissatisfied with any action | 32 |
| taken or decision rendered as a result of the hearing, that | 33 |
| vendor may file a complaint for arbitration with the Secretary. |
09400SB2330sam003 |
- 15 - |
LRB094 16692 RSP 56189 a |
| 1 |
| (b) If the Secretary determines that any State agency has | 2 |
| failed to comply with the requirements of this Act, the | 3 |
| Secretary must establish a panel to arbitrate the dispute and | 4 |
| the decision of the panel shall be final and binding on the | 5 |
| parties. Any arbitration panel convened by the Secretary shall | 6 |
| be composed of 3 members, appointed as follows: | 7 |
| (1) one individual appointed by the Secretary; | 8 |
| (2) one individual appointed by the State agency | 9 |
| determined by the Secretary to be in noncompliance with the | 10 |
| Act; and | 11 |
| (3) one individual, who shall serve as chairman, | 12 |
| jointly designated by the members appointed under items (1) | 13 |
| and (2); provided that, if within 30 days following the | 14 |
| Secretary's determination of noncompliance either party | 15 |
| fails to appoint a panel member, or if the parties are | 16 |
| unable to agree on the appointment of the chairman, the | 17 |
| Secretary shall select the final panel member or may | 18 |
| designated a hearing officer of the Department who shall | 19 |
| preside. | 20 |
| (c) The Assistant Director may issue a letter of reprimand | 21 |
| to a blind vendor who violates program regulations or policy. | 22 |
| Depending upon the seriousness of the alleged violation, the | 23 |
| letter of reprimand may indicate the intention to suspend or | 24 |
| terminate the license of the vendor. All reprimand letters | 25 |
| shall be sent in a medium accessible by the vendor, and shall | 26 |
| be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested. The | 27 |
| Assistant Director must make every reasonable effort to assist | 28 |
| the subject vendor to correct the problem for which the vendor | 29 |
| is reprimanded. No process to suspend or terminate a license | 30 |
| shall be initiated before the vendor is accorded the | 31 |
| opportunity for a full evidentiary hearing as provided under | 32 |
| subsection (a). A vendor may be summarily removed from a | 33 |
| facility only in an emergency. |
09400SB2330sam003 |
- 16 - |
LRB094 16692 RSP 56189 a |
| 1 |
| Section 60. General provisions. | 2 |
| (a) Blind vendors operating vending facilities are subject | 3 |
| to the applicable license or permit requirements of the county | 4 |
| or city in which the facility is located necessary for the | 5 |
| conduct of their business; however, any such license or permit | 6 |
| shall be issued free of charge to vendors licensed by the | 7 |
| Department, and shall not be unreasonably withheld. | 8 |
| (b) Vendors licensed pursuant to this Act are authorized to | 9 |
| keep guide animals with them while operating vending | 10 |
| facilities. | 11 |
| (c) The Director, Assistant Director, and the Committee | 12 |
| shall cooperate in the development of regulations to be | 13 |
| promulgated by the Department regarding life standards for | 14 |
| vending facility equipment. Such regulations shall include, | 15 |
| but are not limited to, the life expectancy of equipment; time | 16 |
| periods within which equipment should be replaced; exceptions | 17 |
| to the replacement time periods for equipment with no service | 18 |
| problem history, and replacement schedules for equipment | 19 |
| subject to excessive failures not the fault of the vendor. | 20 |
| (d) The Secretary, through the Director, shall assign | 21 |
| adequate personnel to carry out duties related to the | 22 |
| administration and management of this Act. In selecting | 23 |
| personnel to fill any program position under this subsection, | 24 |
| the Secretary shall ensure that the Committee has full advance | 25 |
| opportunity to review the selections, to submit comments | 26 |
| thereon, and to assess the adequacy of staffing levels for the | 27 |
| program. | 28 |
| (e) The Assistant Director shall provide each vendor access | 29 |
| to: all financial information, his or her performance ratings, | 30 |
| and all other individual personnel documents and data | 31 |
| maintained by the Department. This includes providing each | 32 |
| vendor a written copy of all rules and policies adopted | 33 |
| pursuant to the Act. Upon request, the information shall be | 34 |
| furnished in the medium most accessible by the vendor. |
09400SB2330sam003 |
- 17 - |
LRB094 16692 RSP 56189 a |
| 1 |
| (f) The surviving spouse of a vendor who dies during the | 2 |
| operation of a vending facility under this Act may continue to | 3 |
| operate the facility for a period of 6 months following the | 4 |
| death of the vendor, provided that the surviving spouse is | 5 |
| qualified by experience or training to manage the facility. | 6 |
| Section 65. Program regulations. | 7 |
| (a) The Secretary shall promulgate and adopt necessary | 8 |
| regulations, and do all things necessary and proper to carry | 9 |
| out this Act. The Secretary by delegation shall review these | 10 |
| regulations with the Committee at least every 3 years. | 11 |
| (b) The regulations shall include, but are not limited to, | 12 |
| the following: (1) uniform procedures for vendor licensing and | 13 |
| termination; (2) criteria and standards for selecting vendors | 14 |
| and matching them to facilities to ensure that the most | 15 |
| qualified person is selected; (3) equipment life standards and | 16 |
| service standards for the inventory, repair, and purchase of | 17 |
| equipment; (4) minimum requirements for the establishment of a | 18 |
| vending facility; (5) standards for training, in-service | 19 |
| training, and upward mobility; and (6) policies and procedures | 20 |
| for the collection, deposit, reimbursement, and use of all | 21 |
| program income, including vending machine income. | 22 |
| Section 70. Property Survey and Report. | 23 |
| (a) The Department shall survey and report on public | 24 |
| property and vending facilities not later than December 31, | 25 |
| 2006. The report shall contain the following information: | 26 |
| (1) A list of all public property and all federal | 27 |
| buildings or other property within the State that does or | 28 |
| reasonably could accommodate a vending facility as | 29 |
| provided for in this Act or as provided for in the federal | 30 |
| Randolph-Sheppard Act. | 31 |
| (2) For the buildings or locations that have vending | 32 |
| facilities or vending machines in place, an indication of |
09400SB2330sam003 |
- 18 - |
LRB094 16692 RSP 56189 a |
| 1 |
| the facilities operated by licensed blind vendors under the | 2 |
| Business Enterprise Program for the Blind and an indication | 3 |
| of the facilities operated by private entities. | 4 |
| (3) For the vending facilities or vending machines | 5 |
| operated by private entities, an indication of the | 6 |
| facilities from which commissions for the Business | 7 |
| Enterprise Program for the Blind have been or are being | 8 |
| collected. | 9 |
| (4) For the buildings or other property that do not | 10 |
| have vending facilities in place, an indication of the | 11 |
| locations where a vending facility could appropriately be | 12 |
| placed, or the reasons why a vending facility is not | 13 |
| feasible in the building or property. | 14 |
| (b) The Department shall obtain all available information | 15 |
| and conduct a survey, before June 30 of every odd numbered year | 16 |
| after the effective date of this Act. This survey shall | 17 |
| identify but not be limited to the following information: | 18 |
| (1) The number and identity of the buildings owned, | 19 |
| leased, acquired, or occupied by the State and units of | 20 |
| local government. | 21 |
| (2) The number and identity of the State and units of | 22 |
| local government buildings where vending facilities or | 23 |
| vending machines are located. | 24 |
| (3) The number of employees located in or visiting | 25 |
| these buildings during normal working hours. | 26 |
| (4) The usable interior square footage of the building; | 27 |
| and | 28 |
| (5) Any other information the Department may determine | 29 |
| to be useful in expanding the Business Enterprise Program | 30 |
| for the Blind to the maximum extent feasible consist with | 31 |
| the purposes of this Act. | 32 |
| (c) All State agencies or units of local government | 33 |
| controlling public property or parts thereof where vending | 34 |
| machines or vending facilities are located must cooperate with |
09400SB2330sam003 |
- 19 - |
LRB094 16692 RSP 56189 a |
| 1 |
| the Department by providing information on the vending machines | 2 |
| or facilities at those locations. This information shall | 3 |
| include, but is not limited to, the terms of contracts for | 4 |
| vending, including financial terms, and the disbursement | 5 |
| practices for vending machine income. The Department shall | 6 |
| incorporate this information in its reports and updates. | 7 |
| (d) The Department shall use the reports and updates | 8 |
| mandated by this Section to develop greater opportunities for | 9 |
| the placement of blind vendors, to increase vending machine | 10 |
| income to the program, and to aid in establishing vending | 11 |
| machines and facilities on public property. | 12 |
| (e) The reports and surveys prepared pursuant to this | 13 |
| Section shall be provided to the Committee and to the | 14 |
| appropriate committees of the General Assembly.
| 15 |
| Section 85. Home rule. A home rule unit may not impose or | 16 |
| collect any occupation or use tax with respect to sales made at | 17 |
| a blind vendor's vending facility. This Section is a denial and | 18 |
| limitation of home rule powers and functions under subsection | 19 |
| (g) of Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution.
| 20 |
| (20 ILCS 2420/Act rep.)
| 21 |
| Section 90. The Blind Persons Operating Vending Facilities | 22 |
| Act is repealed. | 23 |
| Section 93. The Use Tax Act is amended by changing Section | 24 |
| 3-5 as follows:
| 25 |
| (35 ILCS 105/3-5) (from Ch. 120, par. 439.3-5)
| 26 |
| Sec. 3-5. Exemptions. Use of the following tangible | 27 |
| personal property
is exempt from the tax imposed by this Act:
| 28 |
| (1) Personal property purchased from a corporation, | 29 |
| society, association,
foundation, institution, or | 30 |
| organization, other than a limited liability
company, that is |
09400SB2330sam003 |
- 20 - |
LRB094 16692 RSP 56189 a |
| 1 |
| organized and operated as a not-for-profit service enterprise
| 2 |
| for the benefit of persons 65 years of age or older if the | 3 |
| personal property
was not purchased by the enterprise for the | 4 |
| purpose of resale by the
| 5 |
| (2) Personal property purchased by a not-for-profit | 6 |
| Illinois county
fair association for use in conducting, | 7 |
| operating, or promoting the
county fair.
| 8 |
| (3) Personal property purchased by a not-for-profit
arts or | 9 |
| cultural organization that establishes, by proof required by | 10 |
| the
Department by
rule, that it has received an exemption under | 11 |
| Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal
Revenue Code and that is | 12 |
| organized and operated primarily for the
or | 13 |
| support of arts or cultural programming, activities, or | 14 |
| services. These
organizations include, but are not limited to, | 15 |
| music and dramatic arts
organizations such as symphony | 16 |
| orchestras and theatrical groups, arts and
cultural service | 17 |
| organizations, local arts councils, visual arts organizations,
| 18 |
| and media arts organizations.
On and after the effective date | 19 |
| of this amendatory Act of the 92nd General
Assembly, however, | 20 |
| an entity otherwise eligible for this exemption shall not
make | 21 |
| tax-free purchases unless it has an active identification | 22 |
| number issued by
the Department.
| 23 |
| (4) Personal property purchased by a governmental body, by | 24 |
| a
corporation, society, association, foundation, or | 25 |
| institution organized and
operated exclusively for charitable, | 26 |
| religious, or educational purposes, or
by a not-for-profit | 27 |
| corporation, society, association, foundation,
institution, or | 28 |
| organization that has no compensated officers or employees
and | 29 |
| that is organized and operated primarily for the recreation of | 30 |
| persons
55 years of age or older. A limited liability company | 31 |
| may qualify for the
exemption under this paragraph only if the | 32 |
| limited liability company is
organized and operated | 33 |
| exclusively for educational purposes. On and after July
1, | 34 |
| 1987, however, no entity otherwise eligible for this exemption |
09400SB2330sam003 |
- 21 - |
LRB094 16692 RSP 56189 a |
| 1 |
| shall make
tax-free purchases unless it has an active exemption | 2 |
| identification number
issued by the Department.
| 3 |
| (5) Until July 1, 2003, a passenger car that is a | 4 |
| replacement vehicle to
the extent that the
purchase price of | 5 |
| the car is subject to the Replacement Vehicle Tax.
| 6 |
| (6) Until July 1, 2003 and beginning again on September 1, | 7 |
| 2004, graphic arts machinery and equipment, including
repair | 8 |
| and replacement
parts, both new and used, and including that | 9 |
| manufactured on special order,
certified by the purchaser to be | 10 |
| used primarily for graphic arts production,
and including | 11 |
| machinery and equipment purchased for lease.
Equipment | 12 |
| includes chemicals or chemicals acting as catalysts but only if
| 13 |
| the
chemicals or chemicals acting as catalysts effect a direct | 14 |
| and immediate change
upon a graphic arts product.
| 15 |
| (7) Farm chemicals.
| 16 |
| (8) Legal tender, currency, medallions, or gold or silver | 17 |
| coinage issued by
the State of Illinois, the government of the | 18 |
| United States of America, or the
government of any foreign | 19 |
| country, and bullion.
| 20 |
| (9) Personal property purchased from a teacher-sponsored | 21 |
| student
organization affiliated with an elementary or | 22 |
| secondary school located in
| 23 |
| (10) A motor vehicle of the first division, a motor vehicle | 24 |
| of the
second division that is a self-contained motor vehicle | 25 |
| designed or
permanently converted to provide living quarters | 26 |
| for recreational, camping,
or travel use, with direct walk | 27 |
| through to the living quarters from the
driver's seat, or a | 28 |
| motor vehicle of the second division that is of the
van | 29 |
| configuration designed for the transportation of not less than | 30 |
| 7 nor
more than 16 passengers, as defined in Section 1-146 of | 31 |
| the Illinois
Vehicle Code, that is used for automobile renting, | 32 |
| as defined in the
Automobile Renting Occupation and Use Tax | 33 |
| Act.
| 34 |
| (11) Farm machinery and equipment, both new and used,
09400SB2330sam003 |
- 22 - |
LRB094 16692 RSP 56189 a |
| 1 |
| including that manufactured on special order, certified by the | 2 |
| purchaser
to be used primarily for production agriculture or | 3 |
| State or federal
agricultural programs, including individual | 4 |
| replacement parts for
the machinery and equipment, including | 5 |
| machinery and equipment
for lease,
and including | 6 |
| implements of husbandry defined in Section 1-130 of
the | 7 |
| Illinois Vehicle Code, farm machinery and agricultural | 8 |
| chemical and
fertilizer spreaders, and nurse wagons required to | 9 |
| be registered
under Section 3-809 of the Illinois Vehicle Code,
| 10 |
| but excluding other motor
vehicles required to be
registered | 11 |
| under the Illinois Vehicle Code.
Horticultural polyhouses or | 12 |
| hoop houses used for propagating, growing, or
overwintering | 13 |
| plants shall be considered farm machinery and equipment under
| 14 |
| this item (11).
Agricultural chemical tender tanks and dry | 15 |
| boxes shall include units sold
separately from a motor vehicle | 16 |
| required to be licensed and units sold mounted
on a motor | 17 |
| vehicle required to be licensed if the selling price of the | 18 |
| tender
is separately stated.
| 19 |
| Farm machinery and equipment shall include precision | 20 |
| farming equipment
that is
installed or purchased to be | 21 |
| installed on farm machinery and equipment
including, but not | 22 |
| limited to, tractors, harvesters, sprayers, planters,
seeders, | 23 |
| or spreaders.
Precision farming equipment includes, but is not | 24 |
| limited to, soil testing
sensors, computers, monitors, | 25 |
| software, global positioning
and mapping systems, and other | 26 |
| such equipment.
| 27 |
| Farm machinery and equipment also includes computers, | 28 |
| sensors, software, and
related equipment used primarily in the
| 29 |
| computer-assisted operation of production agriculture | 30 |
| facilities, equipment,
activities such as, but not limited | 31 |
| to,
the collection, monitoring, and correlation of
animal and | 32 |
| crop data for the purpose of
formulating animal diets and | 33 |
| agricultural chemicals. This item (11) is exempt
from the | 34 |
| provisions of
Section 3-90.
09400SB2330sam003 |
- 23 - |
LRB094 16692 RSP 56189 a |
| 1 |
| (12) Fuel and petroleum products sold to or used by an air | 2 |
| common
carrier, certified by the carrier to be used for | 3 |
| consumption, shipment, or
storage in the conduct of its | 4 |
| business as an air common carrier, for a
flight destined for or | 5 |
| returning from a location or locations
outside the United | 6 |
| States without regard to previous or subsequent domestic
| 7 |
| stopovers.
| 8 |
| (13) Proceeds of mandatory service charges separately
| 9 |
| stated on customers' bills for the purchase and consumption of | 10 |
| food and
beverages purchased at retail from a retailer, to the | 11 |
| extent that the proceeds
of the service charge are in fact | 12 |
| turned over as tips or as a substitute
for tips to the | 13 |
| employees who participate directly in preparing, serving,
| 14 |
| hosting or cleaning up the food or beverage function with | 15 |
| respect to which
the service charge is imposed.
| 16 |
| (14) Until July 1, 2003, oil field exploration, drilling, | 17 |
| and production
including (i) rigs and parts of rigs, | 18 |
| rotary
rigs, cable tool rigs, and workover rigs, (ii) pipe and | 19 |
| tubular goods,
including casing and drill strings, (iii) pumps | 20 |
| and pump-jack units, (iv)
storage tanks and flow lines, (v) any | 21 |
| individual replacement part for oil
field exploration, | 22 |
| drilling, and production equipment, and (vi) machinery and
| 23 |
| equipment purchased
for lease; but excluding motor vehicles | 24 |
| required to be registered under the
Illinois Vehicle Code.
| 25 |
| (15) Photoprocessing machinery and equipment, including | 26 |
| repair and
replacement parts, both new and used, including that
| 27 |
| manufactured on special order, certified by the purchaser to be | 28 |
| used
primarily for photoprocessing, and including
| 29 |
| photoprocessing machinery and equipment purchased for lease.
| 30 |
| (16) Until July 1, 2003, coal exploration, mining, | 31 |
| offhighway hauling,
processing, maintenance, and reclamation | 32 |
| equipment,
including replacement parts and equipment, and
| 33 |
| including equipment purchased for lease, but excluding motor
| 34 |
| vehicles required to be registered under the Illinois Vehicle |
09400SB2330sam003 |
- 24 - |
LRB094 16692 RSP 56189 a |
| 1 |
| Code.
| 2 |
| (17) Until July 1, 2003, distillation machinery and | 3 |
| equipment, sold as a
unit or kit,
assembled or installed by the | 4 |
| retailer, certified by the user to be used
only for the | 5 |
| production of ethyl alcohol that will be used for consumption
| 6 |
| as motor fuel or as a component of motor fuel for the personal | 7 |
| use of the
user, and not subject to sale or resale.
| 8 |
| (18) Manufacturing and assembling machinery and equipment | 9 |
| used
primarily in the process of manufacturing or assembling | 10 |
| tangible
personal property for wholesale or retail sale or | 11 |
| lease, whether that sale
or lease is made directly by the | 12 |
| manufacturer or by some other person,
whether the materials | 13 |
| used in the process are
owned by the manufacturer or some other | 14 |
| person, or whether that sale or
lease is made apart from or as | 15 |
| an incident to the seller's engaging in
the service occupation | 16 |
| of producing machines, tools, dies, jigs,
patterns, gauges, or | 17 |
| other similar items of no commercial value on
special order for | 18 |
| a particular purchaser.
| 19 |
| (19) Personal property delivered to a purchaser or | 20 |
| purchaser's donee
inside Illinois when the purchase order for | 21 |
| that personal property was
received by a florist located | 22 |
| outside Illinois who has a florist located
inside Illinois | 23 |
| deliver the personal property.
| 24 |
| (20) Semen used for artificial insemination of livestock | 25 |
| for direct
agricultural production.
| 26 |
| (21) Horses, or interests in horses, registered with and | 27 |
| meeting the
requirements of any of the
Arabian Horse Club | 28 |
| Registry of America, Appaloosa Horse Club, American Quarter
| 29 |
| Horse Association, United States
Trotting Association, or | 30 |
| Jockey Club, as appropriate, used for
purposes of breeding or | 31 |
| racing for prizes.
| 32 |
| (22) Computers and communications equipment utilized for | 33 |
| any
and equipment used in the diagnosis,
| 34 |
| analysis, or treatment of hospital patients purchased by a |
09400SB2330sam003 |
- 25 - |
LRB094 16692 RSP 56189 a |
| 1 |
| lessor who leases
equipment, under a lease of one year or | 2 |
| longer executed or in effect at the
time the lessor would | 3 |
| otherwise be subject to the tax imposed by this Act, to a
| 4 |
| hospital
that has been issued an active tax exemption | 5 |
| identification number by
Department under Section 1g of the | 6 |
| Retailers' Occupation Tax Act. If the
equipment is leased in a | 7 |
| manner that does not qualify for
this exemption or is used in | 8 |
| any other non-exempt manner, the lessor
shall be liable for the
| 9 |
| tax imposed under this Act or the Service Use Tax Act, as the | 10 |
| case may
be, based on the fair market value of the property at | 11 |
| the time the
non-qualifying use occurs. No lessor shall collect | 12 |
| or attempt to collect an
amount (however
designated) that | 13 |
| purports to reimburse that lessor for the tax imposed by this
| 14 |
| Act or the Service Use Tax Act, as the case may be, if the tax | 15 |
| has not been
paid by the lessor. If a lessor improperly | 16 |
| collects any such amount from the
lessee, the lessee shall have | 17 |
| a legal right to claim a refund of that amount
from the lessor. | 18 |
| If, however, that amount is not refunded to the lessee for
any | 19 |
| reason, the lessor is liable to pay that amount to the | 20 |
| Department.
| 21 |
| (23) Personal property purchased by a lessor who leases the
| 22 |
| property, under
lease of
one year or longer executed or in | 23 |
| effect at the time
the lessor would otherwise be subject to the | 24 |
| tax imposed by this Act,
to a governmental body
that has been | 25 |
| issued an active sales tax exemption identification number by | 26 |
| the
Department under Section 1g of the Retailers' Occupation | 27 |
| Tax Act.
If the
property is leased in a manner that does not | 28 |
| qualify for
this exemption
or used in any other non-exempt | 29 |
| manner, the lessor shall be liable for the
tax imposed under | 30 |
| this Act or the Service Use Tax Act, as the case may
be, based | 31 |
| on the fair market value of the property at the time the
| 32 |
| non-qualifying use occurs. No lessor shall collect or attempt | 33 |
| to collect an
amount (however
designated) that purports to | 34 |
| reimburse that lessor for the tax imposed by this
Act or the |
09400SB2330sam003 |
- 26 - |
LRB094 16692 RSP 56189 a |
| 1 |
| Service Use Tax Act, as the case may be, if the tax has not been
| 2 |
| paid by the lessor. If a lessor improperly collects any such | 3 |
| amount from the
lessee, the lessee shall have a legal right to | 4 |
| claim a refund of that amount
from the lessor. If, however, | 5 |
| that amount is not refunded to the lessee for
any reason, the | 6 |
| lessor is liable to pay that amount to the Department.
| 7 |
| (24) Beginning with taxable years ending on or after | 8 |
| December
31, 1995
ending with taxable years ending on or | 9 |
| before December 31, 2004,
personal property that is
donated for | 10 |
| disaster relief to be used in a State or federally declared
| 11 |
| disaster area in Illinois or bordering Illinois by a | 12 |
| manufacturer or retailer
that is registered in this State to a | 13 |
| corporation, society, association,
foundation, or institution | 14 |
| that has been issued a sales tax exemption
identification | 15 |
| number by the Department that assists victims of the disaster
| 16 |
| who reside within the declared disaster area.
| 17 |
| (25) Beginning with taxable years ending on or after | 18 |
| December
31, 1995 and
ending with taxable years ending on or | 19 |
| before December 31, 2004, personal
property that is used in the | 20 |
| performance of infrastructure repairs in this
State, including | 21 |
| but not limited to municipal roads and streets, access roads,
| 22 |
| bridges, sidewalks, waste disposal systems, water and sewer | 23 |
| line extensions,
water distribution and purification | 24 |
| facilities, storm water drainage and
retention facilities, and | 25 |
| sewage treatment facilities, resulting from a State
or | 26 |
| federally declared disaster in Illinois or bordering Illinois | 27 |
| when such
repairs are initiated on facilities located in the | 28 |
| declared disaster area
within 6 months after the disaster.
| 29 |
| (26) Beginning July 1, 1999, game or game birds purchased | 30 |
| at a "game
and hunting preserve area" or an "exotic | 31 |
| game hunting area" as those terms are
used in
the Wildlife Code | 32 |
| or at a hunting enclosure approved through rules adopted by
| 33 |
| Department of Natural Resources. This paragraph is exempt from | 34 |
| the provisions
Section 3-90.
09400SB2330sam003 |
- 27 - |
LRB094 16692 RSP 56189 a |
| 1 |
| (27) A motor vehicle, as that term is defined in Section | 2 |
| 1-146
of the
Vehicle Code, that is donated to a | 3 |
| corporation, limited liability company,
society, association, | 4 |
| foundation, or institution that is determined by the
Department | 5 |
| to be organized and operated exclusively for educational | 6 |
| purposes.
For purposes of this exemption, "a corporation, | 7 |
| limited liability company,
society, association, foundation, | 8 |
| or institution organized and operated
exclusively for | 9 |
| educational purposes" means all tax-supported public schools,
| 10 |
| private schools that offer systematic instruction in useful | 11 |
| branches of
learning by methods common to public schools and | 12 |
| that compare favorably in
their scope and intensity with the | 13 |
| course of study presented in tax-supported
schools, and | 14 |
| vocational or technical schools or institutes organized and
| 15 |
| operated exclusively to provide a course of study of not less | 16 |
| than 6 weeks
duration and designed to prepare individuals to | 17 |
| follow a trade or to pursue a
manual, technical, mechanical, | 18 |
| industrial, business, or commercial
| 19 |
| (28) Beginning January 1, 2000, personal property, | 20 |
| including
purchased through fundraising
events for the | 21 |
| benefit of
a public or private elementary or
secondary school, | 22 |
| a group of those schools, or one or more school
districts if | 23 |
| the events are
sponsored by an entity recognized by the school | 24 |
| district that consists
primarily of volunteers and includes
| 25 |
| parents and teachers of the school children. This paragraph | 26 |
| does not apply
to fundraising
events (i) for the benefit of | 27 |
| private home instruction or (ii)
for which the fundraising | 28 |
| entity purchases the personal property sold at
the events from | 29 |
| another individual or entity that sold the property for the
| 30 |
| purpose of resale by the fundraising entity and that
profits | 31 |
| from the sale to the
fundraising entity. This paragraph is | 32 |
| exempt
from the provisions
of Section 3-90.
| 33 |
| (29) Beginning January 1, 2000 and through December 31, | 34 |
| 2001, new or
used automatic vending
machines that prepare and |
09400SB2330sam003 |
- 28 - |
LRB094 16692 RSP 56189 a |
| 1 |
| serve hot food and beverages, including coffee, soup,
other | 2 |
| items, and replacement parts for these machines.
Beginning | 3 |
| January 1,
2002 and through June 30, 2003, machines and parts | 4 |
| for machines used in
commercial, coin-operated amusement and | 5 |
| vending business if a use or occupation
tax is paid on the | 6 |
| gross receipts derived from the use of the commercial,
| 7 |
| coin-operated amusement and vending machines.
| 8 |
| is exempt from the provisions of Section 3-90.
| 9 |
| (30) Food for human consumption that is to be consumed off | 10 |
| the premises
where it is sold (other than alcoholic beverages, | 11 |
| soft drinks, and food that
has been prepared for immediate | 12 |
| consumption) and prescription and
nonprescription medicines, | 13 |
| drugs, medical appliances, and insulin, urine
testing | 14 |
| materials, syringes, and needles used by diabetics, for human | 15 |
| use, when
purchased for use by a person receiving medical | 16 |
| assistance under Article 5 of
the Illinois Public Aid Code who | 17 |
| resides in a licensed long-term care facility,
as defined in | 18 |
| the Nursing Home Care Act.
| 19 |
| (31) Beginning on
the effective date of this amendatory Act | 20 |
| of the 92nd General Assembly,
computers and communications | 21 |
| equipment
utilized for any hospital purpose and equipment used | 22 |
| in the diagnosis,
analysis, or treatment of hospital patients | 23 |
| purchased by a lessor who leases
the equipment, under a lease | 24 |
| of one year or longer executed or in effect at the
time the | 25 |
| lessor would otherwise be subject to the tax imposed by this | 26 |
| Act, to a
hospital that has been issued an active tax exemption | 27 |
| identification number by
the Department under Section 1g of the | 28 |
| Retailers' Occupation Tax Act. If the
equipment is leased in a | 29 |
| manner that does not qualify for this exemption or is
used in | 30 |
| any other nonexempt manner, the lessor shall be liable for the | 31 |
| tax
imposed under this Act or the Service Use Tax Act, as the | 32 |
| case may be, based on
the fair market value of the property at | 33 |
| the time the nonqualifying use
occurs. No lessor shall collect | 34 |
| or attempt to collect an amount (however
designated) that |
09400SB2330sam003 |
- 29 - |
LRB094 16692 RSP 56189 a |
| 1 |
| purports to reimburse that lessor for the tax imposed by this
| 2 |
| Act or the Service Use Tax Act, as the case may be, if the tax | 3 |
| has not been
paid by the lessor. If a lessor improperly | 4 |
| collects any such amount from the
lessee, the lessee shall have | 5 |
| a legal right to claim a refund of that amount
from the lessor. | 6 |
| If, however, that amount is not refunded to the lessee for
any | 7 |
| reason, the lessor is liable to pay that amount to the | 8 |
| Department.
This paragraph is exempt from the provisions of | 9 |
| Section 3-90.
| 10 |
| (32) Beginning on
the effective date of this amendatory Act | 11 |
| of the 92nd General Assembly,
personal property purchased by a | 12 |
| lessor who leases the property,
under a lease of one year or | 13 |
| longer executed or in effect at the time the
lessor would | 14 |
| otherwise be subject to the tax imposed by this Act, to a
| 15 |
| governmental body that has been issued an active sales tax | 16 |
| exemption
identification number by the Department under | 17 |
| Section 1g of the Retailers'
Occupation Tax Act. If the | 18 |
| property is leased in a manner that does not
qualify for this | 19 |
| exemption or used in any other nonexempt manner, the lessor
| 20 |
| shall be liable for the tax imposed under this Act or the | 21 |
| Service Use Tax Act,
as the case may be, based on the fair | 22 |
| market value of the property at the time
the nonqualifying use | 23 |
| occurs. No lessor shall collect or attempt to collect
an amount | 24 |
| (however designated) that purports to reimburse that lessor for | 25 |
| the
tax imposed by this Act or the Service Use Tax Act, as the | 26 |
| case may be, if the
tax has not been paid by the lessor. If a | 27 |
| lessor improperly collects any such
amount from the lessee, the | 28 |
| lessee shall have a legal right to claim a refund
of that | 29 |
| amount from the lessor. If, however, that amount is not | 30 |
| refunded to
the lessee for any reason, the lessor is liable to | 31 |
| pay that amount to the
Department. This paragraph is exempt | 32 |
| from the provisions of Section 3-90.
| 33 |
| (33) On and after July 1, 2003 and through June 30, 2004, | 34 |
| the use in this State of motor vehicles of
the second division |
09400SB2330sam003 |
- 30 - |
LRB094 16692 RSP 56189 a |
| 1 |
| with a gross vehicle weight in excess of 8,000 pounds and
that | 2 |
| are subject to the commercial distribution fee imposed under | 3 |
| Section
3-815.1 of the Illinois Vehicle Code. Beginning on July | 4 |
| 1, 2004 and through June 30, 2005, the use in this State of | 5 |
| motor vehicles of the second division: (i) with a gross vehicle | 6 |
| weight rating in excess of 8,000 pounds; (ii) that are subject | 7 |
| to the commercial distribution fee imposed under Section | 8 |
| 3-815.1 of the Illinois Vehicle Code; and (iii) that are | 9 |
| primarily used for commercial purposes. Through June 30, 2005, | 10 |
| this exemption applies to repair and
replacement parts added | 11 |
| after the initial purchase of such a motor vehicle if
that | 12 |
| motor
vehicle is used in a manner that would qualify for the | 13 |
| rolling stock exemption
otherwise provided for in this Act. For | 14 |
| purposes of this paragraph, the term "used for commercial | 15 |
| purposes" means the transportation of persons or property in | 16 |
| furtherance of any commercial or industrial enterprise, | 17 |
| whether for-hire or not.
| 18 |
| (34) Beginning on and after the effective date of this | 19 |
| amendatory Act of the 94th General assembly, personal property | 20 |
| purchased from a blind vendor's vending facility licensed by | 21 |
| the Department of Human Services under the Blind Vendors Act. | 22 |
| This paragraph is exempt
from the provisions
of Section 3-90.
| 23 |
| (Source: P.A. 92-35, eff. 7-1-01; 92-227, eff. 8-2-01; 92-337, | 24 |
| eff. 8-10-01; 92-484, eff. 8-23-01; 92-651, eff. 7-11-02; | 25 |
| 93-23, eff. 6-20-03; 93-24, eff. 6-20-03; 93-840, eff. 7-30-04; | 26 |
| 93-1033, eff. 9-3-04; revised 10-21-04.)
| 27 |
| Section 94. The Service Use Tax Act is amended by changing | 28 |
| Section 3-5 as follows:
| 29 |
| (35 ILCS 110/3-5) (from Ch. 120, par. 439.33-5)
| 30 |
| Sec. 3-5. Exemptions. Use of the following tangible | 31 |
| personal property
is exempt from the tax imposed by this Act:
| 32 |
| (1) Personal property purchased from a corporation, |
09400SB2330sam003 |
- 31 - |
LRB094 16692 RSP 56189 a |
| 1 |
| society,
association, foundation, institution, or | 2 |
| organization, other than a limited
liability company, that is | 3 |
| organized and operated as a not-for-profit service
enterprise | 4 |
| for the benefit of persons 65 years of age or older if the | 5 |
| personal
property was not purchased by the enterprise for the | 6 |
| purpose of resale by the
| 7 |
| (2) Personal property purchased by a non-profit Illinois | 8 |
| county fair
association for use in conducting, operating, or | 9 |
| promoting the county fair.
| 10 |
| (3) Personal property purchased by a not-for-profit arts
or | 11 |
| cultural
organization that establishes, by proof required by | 12 |
| the Department by rule,
that it has received an exemption under | 13 |
| Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal
Revenue Code and that is | 14 |
| organized and operated primarily for the
or | 15 |
| support of arts or cultural programming, activities, or | 16 |
| services. These
organizations include, but are not limited to, | 17 |
| music and dramatic arts
organizations such as symphony | 18 |
| orchestras and theatrical groups, arts and
cultural service | 19 |
| organizations, local arts councils, visual arts organizations,
| 20 |
| and media arts organizations.
On and after the effective date | 21 |
| of this amendatory Act of the 92nd General
Assembly, however, | 22 |
| an entity otherwise eligible for this exemption shall not
make | 23 |
| tax-free purchases unless it has an active identification | 24 |
| number issued by
the Department.
| 25 |
| (4) Legal tender, currency, medallions, or gold or silver | 26 |
| coinage issued
by the State of Illinois, the government of the | 27 |
| United States of America,
or the government of any foreign | 28 |
| country, and bullion.
| 29 |
| (5) Until July 1, 2003 and beginning again on September 1, | 30 |
| 2004, graphic arts machinery and equipment, including
repair | 31 |
| and
replacement parts, both new and used, and including that | 32 |
| manufactured on
special order or purchased for lease, certified | 33 |
| by the purchaser to be used
primarily for graphic arts | 34 |
| production.
Equipment includes chemicals or
chemicals acting |
09400SB2330sam003 |
- 32 - |
LRB094 16692 RSP 56189 a |
| 1 |
| as catalysts but only if
the chemicals or chemicals acting as | 2 |
| catalysts effect a direct and immediate
change upon a graphic | 3 |
| arts product.
| 4 |
| (6) Personal property purchased from a teacher-sponsored | 5 |
| student
organization affiliated with an elementary or | 6 |
| secondary school located
in Illinois.
| 7 |
| (7) Farm machinery and equipment, both new and used, | 8 |
| including that
manufactured on special order, certified by the | 9 |
| purchaser to be used
primarily for production agriculture or | 10 |
| State or federal agricultural
programs, including individual | 11 |
| replacement parts for the machinery and
equipment, including | 12 |
| machinery and equipment purchased for lease,
and including | 13 |
| implements of husbandry defined in Section 1-130 of
the | 14 |
| Illinois Vehicle Code, farm machinery and agricultural | 15 |
| chemical and
fertilizer spreaders, and nurse wagons required to | 16 |
| be registered
under Section 3-809 of the Illinois Vehicle Code,
| 17 |
| but
excluding other motor vehicles required to be registered | 18 |
| under the Illinois
Vehicle Code.
Horticultural polyhouses or | 19 |
| hoop houses used for propagating, growing, or
overwintering | 20 |
| plants shall be considered farm machinery and equipment under
| 21 |
| this item (7).
Agricultural chemical tender tanks and dry boxes | 22 |
| shall include units sold
separately from a motor vehicle | 23 |
| required to be licensed and units sold mounted
on a motor | 24 |
| vehicle required to be licensed if the selling price of the | 25 |
| tender
is separately stated.
| 26 |
| Farm machinery and equipment shall include precision | 27 |
| farming equipment
that is
installed or purchased to be | 28 |
| installed on farm machinery and equipment
including, but not | 29 |
| limited to, tractors, harvesters, sprayers, planters,
seeders, | 30 |
| or spreaders.
Precision farming equipment includes, but is not | 31 |
| limited to,
soil testing sensors, computers, monitors, | 32 |
| software, global positioning
and mapping systems, and other | 33 |
| such equipment.
| 34 |
| Farm machinery and equipment also includes computers, |
09400SB2330sam003 |
- 33 - |
LRB094 16692 RSP 56189 a |
| 1 |
| sensors, software, and
related equipment used primarily in the
| 2 |
| computer-assisted operation of production agriculture | 3 |
| facilities, equipment,
and activities such as, but
not limited | 4 |
| to,
the collection, monitoring, and correlation of
animal and | 5 |
| crop data for the purpose of
formulating animal diets and | 6 |
| agricultural chemicals. This item (7) is exempt
from the | 7 |
| provisions of
Section 3-75.
| 8 |
| (8) Fuel and petroleum products sold to or used by an air | 9 |
| common
carrier, certified by the carrier to be used for | 10 |
| consumption, shipment, or
storage in the conduct of its | 11 |
| business as an air common carrier, for a
flight destined for or | 12 |
| returning from a location or locations
outside the United | 13 |
| States without regard to previous or subsequent domestic
| 14 |
| stopovers.
| 15 |
| (9) Proceeds of mandatory service charges separately | 16 |
| stated on
customers' bills for the purchase and consumption of | 17 |
| food and beverages
acquired as an incident to the purchase of a | 18 |
| service from a serviceman, to
the extent that the proceeds of | 19 |
| the service charge are in fact
turned over as tips or as a | 20 |
| substitute for tips to the employees who
participate directly | 21 |
| in preparing, serving, hosting or cleaning up the
food or | 22 |
| beverage function with respect to which the service charge is | 23 |
| imposed.
| 24 |
| (10) Until July 1, 2003, oil field exploration, drilling, | 25 |
| and production
equipment, including
(i) rigs and parts of rigs, | 26 |
| rotary rigs, cable tool
rigs, and workover rigs, (ii) pipe and | 27 |
| tubular goods, including casing and
drill strings, (iii) pumps | 28 |
| and pump-jack units, (iv) storage tanks and flow
lines, (v) any | 29 |
| individual replacement part for oil field exploration,
| 30 |
| drilling, and production equipment, and (vi) machinery and | 31 |
| equipment purchased
for lease; but
excluding motor vehicles | 32 |
| required to be registered under the Illinois
Vehicle Code.
| 33 |
| (11) Proceeds from the sale of photoprocessing machinery | 34 |
| and
equipment, including repair and replacement parts, both new |
09400SB2330sam003 |
- 34 - |
LRB094 16692 RSP 56189 a |
| 1 |
| and
used, including that manufactured on special order, | 2 |
| certified by the
purchaser to be used primarily for | 3 |
| photoprocessing, and including
photoprocessing machinery and | 4 |
| equipment purchased for lease.
| 5 |
| (12) Until July 1, 2003, coal exploration, mining, | 6 |
| offhighway hauling,
maintenance, and reclamation | 7 |
| equipment, including
replacement parts and equipment, and | 8 |
| including
equipment purchased for lease, but excluding motor | 9 |
| vehicles required to be
registered under the Illinois Vehicle | 10 |
| Code.
| 11 |
| (13) Semen used for artificial insemination of livestock | 12 |
| for direct
agricultural production.
| 13 |
| (14) Horses, or interests in horses, registered with and | 14 |
| meeting the
requirements of any of the
Arabian Horse Club | 15 |
| Registry of America, Appaloosa Horse Club, American Quarter
| 16 |
| Horse Association, United States
Trotting Association, or | 17 |
| Jockey Club, as appropriate, used for
purposes of breeding or | 18 |
| racing for prizes.
| 19 |
| (15) Computers and communications equipment utilized for | 20 |
| any
and equipment used in the diagnosis,
| 21 |
| analysis, or treatment of hospital patients purchased by a | 22 |
| lessor who leases
equipment, under a lease of one year or | 23 |
| longer executed or in effect at the
the lessor would | 24 |
| otherwise be subject to the tax imposed by this Act,
to a
| 25 |
| hospital
that has been issued an active tax exemption | 26 |
| identification number by the
Department under Section 1g of the | 27 |
| Retailers' Occupation Tax Act.
If the
equipment is leased in a | 28 |
| manner that does not qualify for
this exemption
or is used in | 29 |
| any other non-exempt manner,
the lessor shall be liable for the
| 30 |
| tax imposed under this Act or the Use Tax Act, as the case may
| 31 |
| be, based on the fair market value of the property at the time | 32 |
| the
non-qualifying use occurs. No lessor shall collect or | 33 |
| attempt to collect an
amount (however
designated) that purports | 34 |
| to reimburse that lessor for the tax imposed by this
Act or the |
09400SB2330sam003 |
- 35 - |
LRB094 16692 RSP 56189 a |
| 1 |
| Use Tax Act, as the case may be, if the tax has not been
paid by | 2 |
| the lessor. If a lessor improperly collects any such amount | 3 |
| from the
lessee, the lessee shall have a legal right to claim a | 4 |
| refund of that amount
from the lessor. If, however, that amount | 5 |
| is not refunded to the lessee for
any reason, the lessor is | 6 |
| liable to pay that amount to the Department.
| 7 |
| (16) Personal property purchased by a lessor who leases the
| 8 |
| property, under
lease of one year or longer executed or in | 9 |
| effect at the time
the lessor would otherwise be subject to the | 10 |
| tax imposed by this Act,
to a governmental body
that has been | 11 |
| issued an active tax exemption identification number by the
| 12 |
| Department under Section 1g of the Retailers' Occupation Tax | 13 |
| Act.
If the
property is leased in a manner that does not | 14 |
| qualify for
this exemption
or is used in any other non-exempt | 15 |
| manner,
the lessor shall be liable for the
tax imposed under | 16 |
| this Act or the Use Tax Act, as the case may
be, based on the | 17 |
| fair market value of the property at the time the
| 18 |
| non-qualifying use occurs. No lessor shall collect or attempt | 19 |
| to collect an
amount (however
designated) that purports to | 20 |
| reimburse that lessor for the tax imposed by this
Act or the | 21 |
| Use Tax Act, as the case may be, if the tax has not been
paid by | 22 |
| the lessor. If a lessor improperly collects any such amount | 23 |
| from the
lessee, the lessee shall have a legal right to claim a | 24 |
| refund of that amount
from the lessor. If, however, that amount | 25 |
| is not refunded to the lessee for
any reason, the lessor is | 26 |
| liable to pay that amount to the Department.
| 27 |
| (17) Beginning with taxable years ending on or after | 28 |
| December
ending with taxable years ending on or | 29 |
| before December 31, 2004,
personal property that is
donated for | 30 |
| disaster relief to be used in a State or federally declared
| 31 |
| disaster area in Illinois or bordering Illinois by a | 32 |
| manufacturer or retailer
that is registered in this State to a | 33 |
| corporation, society, association,
foundation, or institution | 34 |
| that has been issued a sales tax exemption
identification |
09400SB2330sam003 |
- 36 - |
LRB094 16692 RSP 56189 a |
| 1 |
| number by the Department that assists victims of the disaster
| 2 |
| who reside within the declared disaster area.
| 3 |
| (18) Beginning with taxable years ending on or after | 4 |
| December
31, 1995 and
ending with taxable years ending on or | 5 |
| before December 31, 2004, personal
property that is used in the | 6 |
| performance of infrastructure repairs in this
State, including | 7 |
| but not limited to municipal roads and streets, access roads,
| 8 |
| bridges, sidewalks, waste disposal systems, water and sewer | 9 |
| line extensions,
water distribution and purification | 10 |
| facilities, storm water drainage and
retention facilities, and | 11 |
| sewage treatment facilities, resulting from a State
or | 12 |
| federally declared disaster in Illinois or bordering Illinois | 13 |
| when such
repairs are initiated on facilities located in the | 14 |
| declared disaster area
within 6 months after the disaster.
| 15 |
| (19) Beginning July 1, 1999, game or game birds purchased | 16 |
| at a "game
and hunting preserve area" or an "exotic | 17 |
| game hunting area" as those terms are
used in
the Wildlife Code | 18 |
| or at a hunting enclosure approved through rules adopted by
| 19 |
| Department of Natural Resources. This paragraph is exempt from | 20 |
| the provisions
Section 3-75.
| 21 |
| (20) A motor vehicle, as that term is defined in Section | 22 |
| 1-146
of the
Illinois Vehicle Code, that is donated to a | 23 |
| corporation, limited liability
company, society, association, | 24 |
| foundation, or institution that is determined by
the Department | 25 |
| to be organized and operated exclusively for educational
| 26 |
| purposes. For purposes of this exemption, "a corporation, | 27 |
| limited liability
company, society, association, foundation, | 28 |
| or institution organized and
exclusively for | 29 |
| educational purposes" means all tax-supported public schools,
| 30 |
| private schools that offer systematic instruction in useful | 31 |
| branches of
learning by methods common to public schools and | 32 |
| that compare favorably in
their scope and intensity with the | 33 |
| course of study presented in tax-supported
schools, and | 34 |
| vocational or technical schools or institutes organized and
09400SB2330sam003 |
- 37 - |
LRB094 16692 RSP 56189 a |
| 1 |
| operated exclusively to provide a course of study of not less | 2 |
| than 6 weeks
duration and designed to prepare individuals to | 3 |
| follow a trade or to pursue a
manual, technical, mechanical, | 4 |
| industrial, business, or commercial
| 5 |
| (21) Beginning January 1, 2000, personal property, | 6 |
| including
purchased through fundraising
events for the | 7 |
| benefit of
a public or private elementary or
secondary school, | 8 |
| a group of those schools, or one or more school
districts if | 9 |
| the events are
sponsored by an entity recognized by the school | 10 |
| district that consists
primarily of volunteers and includes
| 11 |
| parents and teachers of the school children. This paragraph | 12 |
| does not apply
to fundraising
events (i) for the benefit of | 13 |
| private home instruction or (ii)
for which the fundraising | 14 |
| entity purchases the personal property sold at
the events from | 15 |
| another individual or entity that sold the property for the
| 16 |
| purpose of resale by the fundraising entity and that
profits | 17 |
| from the sale to the
fundraising entity. This paragraph is | 18 |
| exempt
from the provisions
of Section 3-75.
| 19 |
| (22) Beginning January 1, 2000
and through December 31, | 20 |
| 2001, new or used automatic vending
machines that prepare and | 21 |
| serve hot food and beverages, including coffee, soup,
other | 22 |
| items, and replacement parts for these machines.
Beginning | 23 |
| January 1,
2002 and through June 30, 2003, machines and parts | 24 |
| for machines used in
commercial, coin-operated
and | 25 |
| vending business if a use or occupation tax is paid on the | 26 |
| gross receipts
derived from
the use of the commercial, | 27 |
| coin-operated amusement and vending machines.
| 28 |
| is exempt from the provisions of Section 3-75.
| 29 |
| (23) Food for human consumption that is to be consumed off | 30 |
| the
where it is sold (other than alcoholic beverages, | 31 |
| soft drinks, and food that
has been prepared for immediate | 32 |
| consumption) and prescription and
nonprescription medicines, | 33 |
| drugs, medical appliances, and insulin, urine
testing | 34 |
| materials, syringes, and needles used by diabetics, for human |
09400SB2330sam003 |
- 38 - |
LRB094 16692 RSP 56189 a |
| 1 |
| use, when
purchased for use by a person receiving medical | 2 |
| assistance under Article 5 of
the Illinois Public Aid Code who | 3 |
| resides in a licensed long-term care facility,
as defined in | 4 |
| the Nursing Home Care Act.
| 5 |
| (24) Beginning on the effective date of this amendatory Act | 6 |
| of the 92nd
General Assembly, computers and communications | 7 |
| equipment
utilized for any hospital purpose and equipment used | 8 |
| in the diagnosis,
analysis, or treatment of hospital patients | 9 |
| purchased by a lessor who leases
the equipment, under a lease | 10 |
| of one year or longer executed or in effect at the
time the | 11 |
| lessor would otherwise be subject to the tax imposed by this | 12 |
| Act, to a
hospital that has been issued an active tax exemption | 13 |
| identification number by
the Department under Section 1g of the | 14 |
| Retailers' Occupation Tax Act. If the
equipment is leased in a | 15 |
| manner that does not qualify for this exemption or is
used in | 16 |
| any other nonexempt manner, the lessor shall be liable for the
| 17 |
| tax imposed under this Act or the Use Tax Act, as the case may | 18 |
| be, based on the
fair market value of the property at the time | 19 |
| the nonqualifying use occurs.
No lessor shall collect or | 20 |
| attempt to collect an amount (however
designated) that purports | 21 |
| to reimburse that lessor for the tax imposed by this
Act or the | 22 |
| Use Tax Act, as the case may be, if the tax has not been
paid by | 23 |
| the lessor. If a lessor improperly collects any such amount | 24 |
| from the
lessee, the lessee shall have a legal right to claim a | 25 |
| refund of that amount
from the lessor. If, however, that amount | 26 |
| is not refunded to the lessee for
any reason, the lessor is | 27 |
| liable to pay that amount to the Department.
This paragraph is | 28 |
| exempt from the provisions of Section 3-75.
| 29 |
| (25) Beginning
on the effective date of this amendatory Act | 30 |
| of the 92nd General Assembly,
personal property purchased by a | 31 |
| lessor
who leases the property, under a lease of one year or | 32 |
| longer executed or in
effect at the time the lessor would | 33 |
| otherwise be subject to the tax imposed by
this Act, to a | 34 |
| governmental body that has been issued an active tax exemption
09400SB2330sam003 |
- 39 - |
LRB094 16692 RSP 56189 a |
| 1 |
| identification number by the Department under Section 1g of the | 2 |
| Retailers'
Occupation Tax Act. If the property is leased in a | 3 |
| manner that does not
qualify for this exemption or is used in | 4 |
| any other nonexempt manner, the
lessor shall be liable for the | 5 |
| tax imposed under this Act or the Use Tax Act,
as the case may | 6 |
| be, based on the fair market value of the property at the time
| 7 |
| the nonqualifying use occurs. No lessor shall collect or | 8 |
| attempt to collect
an amount (however designated) that purports | 9 |
| to reimburse that lessor for the
tax imposed by this Act or the | 10 |
| Use Tax Act, as the case may be, if the tax has
not been paid by | 11 |
| the lessor. If a lessor improperly collects any such amount
| 12 |
| from the lessee, the lessee shall have a legal right to claim a | 13 |
| refund of that
amount from the lessor. If, however, that amount | 14 |
| is not refunded to the lessee
for any reason, the lessor is | 15 |
| liable to pay that amount to the Department.
This paragraph is | 16 |
| exempt from the provisions of Section 3-75. | 17 |
| (26) Beginning on and after the effective date of this | 18 |
| amendatory Act of the 94th General assembly, personal property | 19 |
| purchased from a blind vendor's vending facility licensed by | 20 |
| the Department of Human Services under the Blind Vendors Act. | 21 |
| This paragraph is exempt
from the provisions
of Section 3-75.
| 22 |
| (Source: P.A. 92-16, eff. 6-28-01; 92-35, eff. 7-1-01; 92-227, | 23 |
| eff. 8-2-01; 92-337, eff. 8-10-01; 92-484, eff. 8-23-01; | 24 |
| 92-651, eff. 7-11-02; 93-24, eff. 6-20-03; 93-840, eff. | 25 |
| 7-30-04.)
| 26 |
| Section 95. The Service Occupation Tax Act is amended by | 27 |
| changing Section 3-5 as follows:
| 28 |
| (35 ILCS 115/3-5) (from Ch. 120, par. 439.103-5)
| 29 |
| Sec. 3-5. Exemptions. The following tangible personal | 30 |
| property is
exempt from the tax imposed by this Act:
| 31 |
| (1) Personal property sold by a corporation, society, | 32 |
| association,
foundation, institution, or organization, other |
09400SB2330sam003 |
- 40 - |
LRB094 16692 RSP 56189 a |
| 1 |
| than a limited liability
company, that is organized and | 2 |
| operated as a not-for-profit service enterprise
for the benefit | 3 |
| of persons 65 years of age or older if the personal property
| 4 |
| was not purchased by the enterprise for the purpose of resale | 5 |
| by the
| 6 |
| (2) Personal property purchased by a not-for-profit | 7 |
| Illinois county fair
association for use in conducting, | 8 |
| operating, or promoting the county fair.
| 9 |
| (3) Personal property purchased by any not-for-profit
arts | 10 |
| or cultural organization that establishes, by proof required by | 11 |
| the
Department by
rule, that it has received an exemption under | 12 |
| Section 501(c)(3) of the
Internal Revenue Code and that is | 13 |
| organized and operated primarily for the
or | 14 |
| support of arts or cultural programming, activities, or | 15 |
| services. These
organizations include, but are not limited to, | 16 |
| music and dramatic arts
organizations such as symphony | 17 |
| orchestras and theatrical groups, arts and
cultural service | 18 |
| organizations, local arts councils, visual arts organizations,
| 19 |
| and media arts organizations.
On and after the effective date | 20 |
| of this amendatory Act of the 92nd General
Assembly, however, | 21 |
| an entity otherwise eligible for this exemption shall not
make | 22 |
| tax-free purchases unless it has an active identification | 23 |
| number issued by
the Department.
| 24 |
| (4) Legal tender, currency, medallions, or gold or silver | 25 |
| coinage
issued by the State of Illinois, the government of the | 26 |
| United States of
America, or the government of any foreign | 27 |
| country, and bullion.
| 28 |
| (5) Until July 1, 2003 and beginning again on September 1, | 29 |
| 2004, graphic arts machinery and equipment, including
repair | 30 |
| and
replacement parts, both new and used, and including that | 31 |
| manufactured on
special order or purchased for lease, certified | 32 |
| by the purchaser to be used
primarily for graphic arts | 33 |
| production.
Equipment includes chemicals or chemicals acting | 34 |
| as catalysts but only if
chemicals or chemicals acting as |
09400SB2330sam003 |
- 41 - |
LRB094 16692 RSP 56189 a |
| 1 |
| catalysts effect a direct and immediate change
upon a graphic | 2 |
| arts product.
| 3 |
| (6) Personal property sold by a teacher-sponsored student | 4 |
| organization
affiliated with an elementary or secondary school | 5 |
| located in Illinois.
| 6 |
| (7) Farm machinery and equipment, both new and used, | 7 |
| including that
manufactured on special order, certified by the | 8 |
| purchaser to be used
primarily for production agriculture or | 9 |
| State or federal agricultural
programs, including individual | 10 |
| replacement parts for the machinery and
equipment, including | 11 |
| machinery and equipment purchased for lease,
and including | 12 |
| implements of husbandry defined in Section 1-130 of
the | 13 |
| Illinois Vehicle Code, farm machinery and agricultural | 14 |
| chemical and
fertilizer spreaders, and nurse wagons required to | 15 |
| be registered
under Section 3-809 of the Illinois Vehicle Code,
| 16 |
| but
excluding other motor vehicles required to be registered | 17 |
| under the Illinois
Horticultural polyhouses or | 18 |
| hoop houses used for propagating, growing, or
overwintering | 19 |
| plants shall be considered farm machinery and equipment under
| 20 |
| this item (7).
Agricultural chemical tender tanks and dry boxes | 21 |
| shall include units sold
separately from a motor vehicle | 22 |
| required to be licensed and units sold mounted
on a motor | 23 |
| vehicle required to be licensed if the selling price of the | 24 |
| tender
is separately stated.
| 25 |
| Farm machinery and equipment shall include precision | 26 |
| farming equipment
that is
installed or purchased to be | 27 |
| installed on farm machinery and equipment
including, but not | 28 |
| limited to, tractors, harvesters, sprayers, planters,
seeders, | 29 |
| or spreaders.
Precision farming equipment includes, but is not | 30 |
| limited to,
soil testing sensors, computers, monitors, | 31 |
| software, global positioning
and mapping systems, and other | 32 |
| such equipment.
| 33 |
| Farm machinery and equipment also includes computers, | 34 |
| sensors, software, and
related equipment used primarily in the
09400SB2330sam003 |
- 42 - |
LRB094 16692 RSP 56189 a |
| 1 |
| computer-assisted operation of production agriculture | 2 |
| facilities, equipment,
and activities such as, but
not limited | 3 |
| to,
the collection, monitoring, and correlation of
animal and | 4 |
| crop data for the purpose of
formulating animal diets and | 5 |
| agricultural chemicals. This item (7) is exempt
from the | 6 |
| provisions of
Section 3-55.
| 7 |
| (8) Fuel and petroleum products sold to or used by an air | 8 |
| common
carrier, certified by the carrier to be used for | 9 |
| consumption, shipment,
or storage in the conduct of its | 10 |
| business as an air common carrier, for
a flight destined for or | 11 |
| returning from a location or locations
outside the United | 12 |
| States without regard to previous or subsequent domestic
| 13 |
| stopovers.
| 14 |
| (9) Proceeds of mandatory service charges separately
| 15 |
| stated on customers' bills for the purchase and consumption of | 16 |
| food and
beverages, to the extent that the proceeds of the | 17 |
| service charge are in fact
turned over as tips or as a | 18 |
| substitute for tips to the employees who
participate directly | 19 |
| in preparing, serving, hosting or cleaning up the
food or | 20 |
| beverage function with respect to which the service charge is | 21 |
| imposed.
| 22 |
| (10) Until July 1, 2003, oil field exploration, drilling, | 23 |
| and production
including (i) rigs and parts of rigs, | 24 |
| rotary rigs, cable tool
rigs, and workover rigs, (ii) pipe and | 25 |
| tubular goods, including casing and
drill strings, (iii) pumps | 26 |
| and pump-jack units, (iv) storage tanks and flow
lines, (v) any | 27 |
| individual replacement part for oil field exploration,
| 28 |
| drilling, and production equipment, and (vi) machinery and | 29 |
| equipment purchased
for lease; but
excluding motor vehicles | 30 |
| required to be registered under the Illinois
Vehicle Code.
| 31 |
| (11) Photoprocessing machinery and equipment, including | 32 |
| repair and
replacement parts, both new and used, including that | 33 |
| manufactured on
special order, certified by the purchaser to be | 34 |
| used primarily for
photoprocessing, and including |
09400SB2330sam003 |
- 43 - |
LRB094 16692 RSP 56189 a |
| 1 |
| photoprocessing machinery and equipment
purchased for lease.
| 2 |
| (12) Until July 1, 2003, coal exploration, mining, | 3 |
| offhighway hauling,
maintenance, and reclamation | 4 |
| equipment, including
replacement parts and equipment, and | 5 |
| including
purchased for lease, but excluding motor | 6 |
| vehicles required to be registered
under the Illinois Vehicle | 7 |
| Code.
| 8 |
| (13) Food for human consumption that is to be consumed off | 9 |
| the premises
where it is sold (other than alcoholic beverages, | 10 |
| soft drinks and food that
has been prepared for immediate | 11 |
| consumption) and prescription and
non-prescription medicines, | 12 |
| drugs, medical appliances, and insulin, urine
testing | 13 |
| materials, syringes, and needles used by diabetics, for human | 14 |
| use,
when purchased for use by a person receiving medical | 15 |
| assistance under
Article 5 of the Illinois Public Aid Code who | 16 |
| resides in a licensed
long-term care facility, as defined in | 17 |
| the Nursing Home Care Act.
| 18 |
| (14) Semen used for artificial insemination of livestock | 19 |
| for direct
agricultural production.
| 20 |
| (15) Horses, or interests in horses, registered with and | 21 |
| meeting the
requirements of any of the
Arabian Horse Club | 22 |
| Registry of America, Appaloosa Horse Club, American Quarter
| 23 |
| Horse Association, United States
Trotting Association, or | 24 |
| Jockey Club, as appropriate, used for
purposes of breeding or | 25 |
| racing for prizes.
| 26 |
| (16) Computers and communications equipment utilized for | 27 |
| any
and equipment used in the diagnosis,
| 28 |
| analysis, or treatment of hospital patients sold to a lessor | 29 |
| who leases the
equipment, under a lease of one year or longer | 30 |
| executed or in effect at the
time of the purchase, to a
| 31 |
| hospital
that has been issued an active tax exemption | 32 |
| identification number by the
Department under Section 1g of the | 33 |
| Retailers' Occupation Tax Act.
| 34 |
| (17) Personal property sold to a lessor who leases the
09400SB2330sam003 |
- 44 - |
LRB094 16692 RSP 56189 a |
| 1 |
| property, under a
lease of one year or longer executed or in | 2 |
| effect at the time of the purchase,
to a governmental body
that | 3 |
| has been issued an active tax exemption identification number | 4 |
| by the
Department under Section 1g of the Retailers' Occupation | 5 |
| Tax Act.
| 6 |
| (18) Beginning with taxable years ending on or after | 7 |
| December
31, 1995
ending with taxable years ending on or | 8 |
| before December 31, 2004,
personal property that is
donated for | 9 |
| disaster relief to be used in a State or federally declared
| 10 |
| disaster area in Illinois or bordering Illinois by a | 11 |
| manufacturer or retailer
that is registered in this State to a | 12 |
| corporation, society, association,
foundation, or institution | 13 |
| that has been issued a sales tax exemption
identification | 14 |
| number by the Department that assists victims of the disaster
| 15 |
| who reside within the declared disaster area.
| 16 |
| (19) Beginning with taxable years ending on or after | 17 |
| December
31, 1995 and
ending with taxable years ending on or | 18 |
| before December 31, 2004, personal
property that is used in the | 19 |
| performance of infrastructure repairs in this
State, including | 20 |
| but not limited to municipal roads and streets, access roads,
| 21 |
| bridges, sidewalks, waste disposal systems, water and sewer | 22 |
| line extensions,
water distribution and purification | 23 |
| facilities, storm water drainage and
retention facilities, and | 24 |
| sewage treatment facilities, resulting from a State
or | 25 |
| federally declared disaster in Illinois or bordering Illinois | 26 |
| when such
repairs are initiated on facilities located in the | 27 |
| declared disaster area
within 6 months after the disaster.
| 28 |
| (20) Beginning July 1, 1999, game or game birds sold at a | 29 |
| "game breeding
hunting preserve area" or an "exotic game | 30 |
| hunting area" as those terms are used
in the
Wildlife Code or | 31 |
| at a hunting enclosure approved through rules adopted by the
| 32 |
| Department of Natural Resources. This paragraph is exempt from | 33 |
| the provisions
Section 3-55.
| 34 |
| (21) A motor vehicle, as that term is defined in Section |
09400SB2330sam003 |
- 45 - |
LRB094 16692 RSP 56189 a |
| 1 |
| 1-146
of the
Illinois Vehicle Code, that is donated to a | 2 |
| corporation, limited liability
company, society, association, | 3 |
| foundation, or institution that is determined by
the Department | 4 |
| to be organized and operated exclusively for educational
| 5 |
| purposes. For purposes of this exemption, "a corporation, | 6 |
| limited liability
company, society, association, foundation, | 7 |
| or institution organized and
exclusively for | 8 |
| educational purposes" means all tax-supported public schools,
| 9 |
| private schools that offer systematic instruction in useful | 10 |
| branches of
learning by methods common to public schools and | 11 |
| that compare favorably in
their scope and intensity with the | 12 |
| course of study presented in tax-supported
schools, and | 13 |
| vocational or technical schools or institutes organized and
| 14 |
| operated exclusively to provide a course of study of not less | 15 |
| than 6 weeks
duration and designed to prepare individuals to | 16 |
| follow a trade or to pursue a
manual, technical, mechanical, | 17 |
| industrial, business, or commercial
| 18 |
| (22) Beginning January 1, 2000, personal property, | 19 |
| including
purchased through fundraising
events for the | 20 |
| benefit of
a public or private elementary or
secondary school, | 21 |
| a group of those schools, or one or more school
districts if | 22 |
| the events are
sponsored by an entity recognized by the school | 23 |
| district that consists
primarily of volunteers and includes
| 24 |
| parents and teachers of the school children. This paragraph | 25 |
| does not apply
to fundraising
events (i) for the benefit of | 26 |
| private home instruction or (ii)
for which the fundraising | 27 |
| entity purchases the personal property sold at
the events from | 28 |
| another individual or entity that sold the property for the
| 29 |
| purpose of resale by the fundraising entity and that
profits | 30 |
| from the sale to the
fundraising entity. This paragraph is | 31 |
| exempt
from the provisions
of Section 3-55.
| 32 |
| (23) Beginning January 1, 2000
and through December 31, | 33 |
| 2001, new or used automatic vending
machines that prepare and | 34 |
| serve hot food and beverages, including coffee, soup,
other |
09400SB2330sam003 |
- 46 - |
LRB094 16692 RSP 56189 a |
| 1 |
| items, and replacement parts for these machines.
Beginning | 2 |
| January 1,
2002 and through June 30, 2003, machines and parts | 3 |
| for
machines used in commercial, coin-operated amusement
and | 4 |
| vending business if a use or occupation tax is paid on the | 5 |
| gross receipts
derived from
the use of the commercial, | 6 |
| coin-operated amusement and vending machines.
This paragraph | 7 |
| is exempt from the provisions of Section 3-55.
| 8 |
| (24) Beginning
on the effective date of this amendatory Act | 9 |
| of the 92nd General Assembly,
computers and communications | 10 |
| equipment
utilized for any hospital purpose and equipment used | 11 |
| in the diagnosis,
analysis, or treatment of hospital patients | 12 |
| sold to a lessor who leases the
equipment, under a lease of one | 13 |
| year or longer executed or in effect at the
time of the | 14 |
| purchase, to a hospital that has been issued an active tax
| 15 |
| exemption identification number by the Department under | 16 |
| Section 1g of the
Retailers' Occupation Tax Act. This paragraph | 17 |
| is exempt from the provisions of
Section 3-55.
| 18 |
| (25) Beginning
on the effective date of this amendatory Act | 19 |
| of the 92nd General Assembly,
personal property sold to a | 20 |
| lessor who
leases the property, under a lease of one year or | 21 |
| longer executed or in effect
at the time of the purchase, to a | 22 |
| governmental body that has been issued an
active tax exemption | 23 |
| identification number by the Department under Section 1g
of the | 24 |
| Retailers' Occupation Tax Act. This paragraph is exempt from | 25 |
| the
provisions of Section 3-55.
| 26 |
| (26) Beginning on January 1, 2002, tangible personal | 27 |
| property
from an Illinois retailer by a taxpayer | 28 |
| engaged in centralized purchasing
activities in Illinois who | 29 |
| will, upon receipt of the property in Illinois,
temporarily | 30 |
| store the property in Illinois (i) for the purpose of | 31 |
| subsequently
transporting it outside this State for use or | 32 |
| consumption thereafter solely
outside this State or (ii) for | 33 |
| the purpose of being processed, fabricated, or
manufactured | 34 |
| into, attached to, or incorporated into other tangible personal
09400SB2330sam003 |
- 47 - |
LRB094 16692 RSP 56189 a |
| 1 |
| property to be transported outside this State and thereafter | 2 |
| used or consumed
solely outside this State. The Director of | 3 |
| Revenue shall, pursuant to rules
adopted in accordance with the | 4 |
| Illinois Administrative Procedure Act, issue a
permit to any | 5 |
| taxpayer in good standing with the Department who is eligible | 6 |
| for
the exemption under this paragraph (26). The permit issued | 7 |
| under
this paragraph (26) shall authorize the holder, to the | 8 |
| extent and
in the manner specified in the rules adopted under | 9 |
| this Act, to purchase
tangible personal property from a | 10 |
| retailer exempt from the taxes imposed by
this Act. Taxpayers | 11 |
| shall maintain all necessary books and records to
substantiate | 12 |
| the use and consumption of all such tangible personal property
| 13 |
| outside of the State of Illinois. | 14 |
| (27) Beginning on and after the effective date of this | 15 |
| amendatory Act of the 94th General assembly, personal property | 16 |
| purchased from a blind vendor's vending facility licensed by | 17 |
| the Department of Human Services under the Blind Vendors Act. | 18 |
| This paragraph is exempt
from the provisions
of Section 3-55.
| 19 |
| (Source: P.A. 92-16, eff. 6-28-01; 92-35, eff. 7-1-01; 92-227, | 20 |
| eff. 8-2-01; 92-337, eff. 8-10-01; 92-484, eff. 8-23-01; | 21 |
| 92-488, eff. 8-23-01; 92-651, eff. 7-11-02; 93-24, eff. | 22 |
| 6-20-03; 93-840, eff. 7-30-04.)
| 23 |
| Section 96. Retailers' Occupation Tax Act is amended by | 24 |
| changing Section 2-5 as follows:
| 25 |
| (35 ILCS 120/2-5) (from Ch. 120, par. 441-5)
| 26 |
| Sec. 2-5. Exemptions. Gross receipts from proceeds from the | 27 |
| sale of
the following tangible personal property are exempt | 28 |
| from the tax imposed
by this Act:
| 29 |
| (1) Farm chemicals.
| 30 |
| (2) Farm machinery and equipment, both new and used, | 31 |
| including that
manufactured on special order, certified by the | 32 |
| purchaser to be used
primarily for production agriculture or |
09400SB2330sam003 |
- 48 - |
LRB094 16692 RSP 56189 a |
| 1 |
| State or federal agricultural
programs, including individual | 2 |
| replacement parts for the machinery and
equipment, including | 3 |
| machinery and equipment purchased for lease,
and including | 4 |
| implements of husbandry defined in Section 1-130 of
the | 5 |
| Illinois Vehicle Code, farm machinery and agricultural | 6 |
| chemical and
fertilizer spreaders, and nurse wagons required to | 7 |
| be registered
under Section 3-809 of the Illinois Vehicle Code,
| 8 |
| but
excluding other motor vehicles required to be registered | 9 |
| under the Illinois
Vehicle Code.
Horticultural polyhouses or | 10 |
| hoop houses used for propagating, growing, or
overwintering | 11 |
| plants shall be considered farm machinery and equipment under
| 12 |
| this item (2).
Agricultural chemical tender tanks and dry boxes | 13 |
| shall include units sold
separately from a motor vehicle | 14 |
| required to be licensed and units sold mounted
on a motor | 15 |
| vehicle required to be licensed, if the selling price of the | 16 |
| tender
is separately stated.
| 17 |
| Farm machinery and equipment shall include precision | 18 |
| farming equipment
that is
installed or purchased to be | 19 |
| installed on farm machinery and equipment
including, but not | 20 |
| limited to, tractors, harvesters, sprayers, planters,
seeders, | 21 |
| or spreaders.
Precision farming equipment includes, but is not | 22 |
| limited to,
soil testing sensors, computers, monitors, | 23 |
| software, global positioning
and mapping systems, and other | 24 |
| such equipment.
| 25 |
| Farm machinery and equipment also includes computers, | 26 |
| sensors, software, and
related equipment used primarily in the
| 27 |
| computer-assisted operation of production agriculture | 28 |
| facilities, equipment,
and activities such as, but
not limited | 29 |
| to,
the collection, monitoring, and correlation of
animal and | 30 |
| crop data for the purpose of
formulating animal diets and | 31 |
| agricultural chemicals. This item (7) is exempt
from the | 32 |
| provisions of
Section 2-70.
| 33 |
| (3) Until July 1, 2003, distillation machinery and | 34 |
| equipment, sold as a
unit or kit,
assembled or installed by the |
09400SB2330sam003 |
- 49 - |
LRB094 16692 RSP 56189 a |
| 1 |
| retailer, certified by the user to be used
only for the | 2 |
| production of ethyl alcohol that will be used for consumption
| 3 |
| as motor fuel or as a component of motor fuel for the personal | 4 |
| use of the
user, and not subject to sale or resale.
| 5 |
| (4) Until July 1, 2003 and beginning again September 1, | 6 |
| 2004, graphic arts machinery and equipment, including
repair | 7 |
| and
replacement parts, both new and used, and including that | 8 |
| manufactured on
special order or purchased for lease, certified | 9 |
| by the purchaser to be used
primarily for graphic arts | 10 |
| production.
Equipment includes chemicals or
chemicals acting | 11 |
| as catalysts but only if
the chemicals or chemicals acting as | 12 |
| catalysts effect a direct and immediate
change upon a
graphic | 13 |
| arts product.
| 14 |
| (5) A motor vehicle of the first division, a motor vehicle | 15 |
| of the second
division that is a self-contained motor vehicle | 16 |
| designed or permanently
converted to provide living quarters | 17 |
| for recreational, camping, or travel
use, with direct walk | 18 |
| through access to the living quarters from the
driver's seat, | 19 |
| or a motor vehicle of the second division that is of the van
| 20 |
| configuration designed for the transportation of not less than | 21 |
| 7 nor more
than 16 passengers, as defined in Section 1-146 of | 22 |
| the Illinois Vehicle
Code, that is used for automobile renting, | 23 |
| as defined in the Automobile
Renting Occupation and Use Tax | 24 |
| Act.
| 25 |
| (6) Personal property sold by a teacher-sponsored student | 26 |
| organization
affiliated with an elementary or secondary school | 27 |
| located in Illinois.
| 28 |
| (7) Until July 1, 2003, proceeds of that portion of the | 29 |
| selling price of
a passenger car the
sale of which is subject | 30 |
| to the Replacement Vehicle Tax.
| 31 |
| (8) Personal property sold to an Illinois county fair | 32 |
| association for
use in conducting, operating, or promoting the | 33 |
| county fair.
| 34 |
| (9) Personal property sold to a not-for-profit arts
or |
09400SB2330sam003 |
- 50 - |
LRB094 16692 RSP 56189 a |
| 1 |
| cultural organization that establishes, by proof required by | 2 |
| the Department
rule, that it has received an exemption under | 3 |
| Section 501(c)(3) of the
Internal Revenue Code and that is | 4 |
| organized and operated primarily for the
or | 5 |
| support of arts or cultural programming, activities, or | 6 |
| services. These
organizations include, but are not limited to, | 7 |
| music and dramatic arts
organizations such as symphony | 8 |
| orchestras and theatrical groups, arts and
cultural service | 9 |
| organizations, local arts councils, visual arts organizations,
| 10 |
| and media arts organizations.
On and after the effective date | 11 |
| of this amendatory Act of the 92nd General
Assembly, however, | 12 |
| an entity otherwise eligible for this exemption shall not
make | 13 |
| tax-free purchases unless it has an active identification | 14 |
| number issued by
the Department.
| 15 |
| (10) Personal property sold by a corporation, society, | 16 |
| association,
foundation, institution, or organization, other | 17 |
| than a limited liability
company, that is organized and | 18 |
| operated as a not-for-profit service enterprise
for the benefit | 19 |
| of persons 65 years of age or older if the personal property
| 20 |
| was not purchased by the enterprise for the purpose of resale | 21 |
| by the
| 22 |
| (11) Personal property sold to a governmental body, to a | 23 |
| corporation,
society, association, foundation, or institution | 24 |
| organized and operated
exclusively for charitable, religious, | 25 |
| or educational purposes, or to a
not-for-profit corporation, | 26 |
| society, association, foundation, institution,
or organization | 27 |
| that has no compensated officers or employees and that is
| 28 |
| organized and operated primarily for the recreation of persons | 29 |
| 55 years of
age or older. A limited liability company may | 30 |
| qualify for the exemption under
this paragraph only if the | 31 |
| limited liability company is organized and operated
| 32 |
| exclusively for educational purposes. On and after July 1, | 33 |
| 1987, however, no
entity otherwise eligible for this exemption | 34 |
| shall make tax-free purchases
unless it has an active |
09400SB2330sam003 |
- 51 - |
LRB094 16692 RSP 56189 a |
| 1 |
| identification number issued by the Department.
| 2 |
| (12) Tangible personal property sold to
interstate | 3 |
| carriers
for hire for use as
rolling stock moving in interstate | 4 |
| commerce or to lessors under leases of
one year or longer | 5 |
| executed or in effect at the time of purchase by
interstate | 6 |
| carriers for hire for use as rolling stock moving in interstate
| 7 |
| commerce and equipment operated by a telecommunications | 8 |
| provider, licensed as a
common carrier by the Federal | 9 |
| Communications Commission, which is permanently
installed in | 10 |
| or affixed to aircraft moving in interstate commerce.
| 11 |
| (12-5) On and after July 1, 2003 and through June 30, 2004, | 12 |
| motor vehicles of the second division
with a gross vehicle | 13 |
| weight in excess of 8,000 pounds
subject to the | 14 |
| commercial distribution fee imposed under Section 3-815.1 of
| 15 |
| the Illinois
Vehicle Code. Beginning on July 1, 2004 and | 16 |
| through June 30, 2005, the use in this State of motor vehicles | 17 |
| of the second division: (i) with a gross vehicle weight rating | 18 |
| in excess of 8,000 pounds; (ii) that are subject to the | 19 |
| commercial distribution fee imposed under Section 3-815.1 of | 20 |
| the Illinois Vehicle Code; and (iii) that are primarily used | 21 |
| for commercial purposes. Through June 30, 2005, this
exemption | 22 |
| applies to repair and replacement parts added
after the
initial | 23 |
| purchase of such a motor vehicle if that motor vehicle is used | 24 |
| in a
manner that
would qualify for the rolling stock exemption | 25 |
| otherwise provided for in this
Act. For purposes of this | 26 |
| paragraph, "used for commercial purposes" means the | 27 |
| transportation of persons or property in furtherance of any | 28 |
| commercial or industrial enterprise whether for-hire or not.
| 29 |
| (13) Proceeds from sales to owners, lessors, or
shippers of
| 30 |
| tangible personal property that is utilized by interstate | 31 |
| carriers for
hire for use as rolling stock moving in interstate | 32 |
| commerce
and equipment operated by a telecommunications | 33 |
| provider, licensed as a
common carrier by the Federal | 34 |
| Communications Commission, which is
permanently installed in |
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| 1 |
| or affixed to aircraft moving in interstate commerce.
| 2 |
| (14) Machinery and equipment that will be used by the | 3 |
| purchaser, or a
lessee of the purchaser, primarily in the | 4 |
| process of manufacturing or
assembling tangible personal | 5 |
| property for wholesale or retail sale or
lease, whether the | 6 |
| sale or lease is made directly by the manufacturer or by
some | 7 |
| other person, whether the materials used in the process are | 8 |
| owned by
the manufacturer or some other person, or whether the | 9 |
| sale or lease is made
apart from or as an incident to the | 10 |
| seller's engaging in the service
occupation of producing | 11 |
| machines, tools, dies, jigs, patterns, gauges, or
other similar | 12 |
| items of no commercial value on special order for a particular
| 13 |
| purchaser.
| 14 |
| (15) Proceeds of mandatory service charges separately | 15 |
| stated on
customers' bills for purchase and consumption of food | 16 |
| and beverages, to the
extent that the proceeds of the service | 17 |
| charge are in fact turned over as
tips or as a substitute for | 18 |
| tips to the employees who participate directly
in preparing, | 19 |
| serving, hosting or cleaning up the food or beverage function
| 20 |
| with respect to which the service charge is imposed.
| 21 |
| (16) Petroleum products sold to a purchaser if the seller
| 22 |
| is prohibited by federal law from charging tax to the | 23 |
| purchaser.
| 24 |
| (17) Tangible personal property sold to a common carrier by | 25 |
| rail or
motor that
receives the physical possession of the | 26 |
| property in Illinois and that
transports the property, or | 27 |
| shares with another common carrier in the
transportation of the | 28 |
| property, out of Illinois on a standard uniform bill
of lading | 29 |
| showing the seller of the property as the shipper or consignor | 30 |
| of
the property to a destination outside Illinois, for use | 31 |
| outside Illinois.
| 32 |
| (18) Legal tender, currency, medallions, or gold or silver | 33 |
| coinage
issued by the State of Illinois, the government of the | 34 |
| United States of
America, or the government of any foreign |
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| 1 |
| country, and bullion.
| 2 |
| (19) Until July 1 2003, oil field exploration, drilling, | 3 |
| and production
equipment, including
(i) rigs and parts of rigs, | 4 |
| rotary rigs, cable tool
rigs, and workover rigs, (ii) pipe and | 5 |
| tubular goods, including casing and
drill strings, (iii) pumps | 6 |
| and pump-jack units, (iv) storage tanks and flow
lines, (v) any | 7 |
| individual replacement part for oil field exploration,
| 8 |
| drilling, and production equipment, and (vi) machinery and | 9 |
| equipment purchased
for lease; but
excluding motor vehicles | 10 |
| required to be registered under the Illinois
Vehicle Code.
| 11 |
| (20) Photoprocessing machinery and equipment, including | 12 |
| repair and
replacement parts, both new and used, including that | 13 |
| manufactured on
special order, certified by the purchaser to be | 14 |
| used primarily for
photoprocessing, and including | 15 |
| photoprocessing machinery and equipment
purchased for lease.
| 16 |
| (21) Until July 1, 2003, coal exploration, mining, | 17 |
| offhighway hauling,
maintenance, and reclamation | 18 |
| equipment, including
replacement parts and equipment, and | 19 |
| including
equipment purchased for lease, but excluding motor | 20 |
| vehicles required to be
registered under the Illinois Vehicle | 21 |
| Code.
| 22 |
| (22) Fuel and petroleum products sold to or used by an air | 23 |
| carrier,
certified by the carrier to be used for consumption, | 24 |
| shipment, or storage
in the conduct of its business as an air | 25 |
| common carrier, for a flight
destined for or returning from a | 26 |
| location or locations
outside the United States without regard | 27 |
| to previous or subsequent domestic
| 28 |
| (23) A transaction in which the purchase order is received | 29 |
| by a florist
who is located outside Illinois, but who has a | 30 |
| florist located in Illinois
deliver the property to the | 31 |
| purchaser or the purchaser's donee in Illinois.
| 32 |
| (24) Fuel consumed or used in the operation of ships, | 33 |
| barges, or vessels
that are used primarily in or for the | 34 |
| transportation of property or the
conveyance of persons for |
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| 1 |
| hire on rivers bordering on this State if the
fuel is delivered | 2 |
| by the seller to the purchaser's barge, ship, or vessel
while | 3 |
| it is afloat upon that bordering river.
| 4 |
| (25) Except as provided in item (25-5) of this Section, a
| 5 |
| motor vehicle sold in this State to a nonresident even though | 6 |
| the
motor vehicle is delivered to the nonresident in this | 7 |
| State, if the motor
vehicle is not to be titled in this State, | 8 |
| and if a drive-away permit
is issued to the motor vehicle as | 9 |
| provided in Section 3-603 of the Illinois
Vehicle Code or if | 10 |
| the nonresident purchaser has vehicle registration
plates to | 11 |
| transfer to the motor vehicle upon returning to his or her home
| 12 |
| state. The issuance of the drive-away permit or having
| 13 |
| out-of-state registration plates to be transferred is prima | 14 |
| facie evidence
that the motor vehicle will not be titled in | 15 |
| this State.
| 16 |
| (25-5) The exemption under item (25) does not apply if the | 17 |
| state in which the motor vehicle will be titled does not allow | 18 |
| a reciprocal exemption for a motor vehicle sold and delivered | 19 |
| in that state to an Illinois resident but titled in Illinois. | 20 |
| The tax collected under this Act on the sale of a motor vehicle | 21 |
| in this State to a resident of another state that does not | 22 |
| allow a reciprocal exemption shall be imposed at a rate equal | 23 |
| to the state's rate of tax on taxable property in the state in | 24 |
| which the purchaser is a resident, except that the tax shall | 25 |
| not exceed the tax that would otherwise be imposed under this | 26 |
| Act. At the time of the sale, the purchaser shall execute a | 27 |
| statement, signed under penalty of perjury, of his or her | 28 |
| intent to title the vehicle in the state in which the purchaser | 29 |
| is a resident within 30 days after the sale and of the fact of | 30 |
| the payment to the State of Illinois of tax in an amount | 31 |
| equivalent to the state's rate of tax on taxable property in | 32 |
| his or her state of residence and shall submit the statement to | 33 |
| the appropriate tax collection agency in his or her state of | 34 |
| residence. In addition, the retailer must retain a signed copy |
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| 1 |
| of the statement in his or her records. Nothing in this item | 2 |
| shall be construed to require the removal of the vehicle from | 3 |
| this state following the filing of an intent to title the | 4 |
| vehicle in the purchaser's state of residence if the purchaser | 5 |
| titles the vehicle in his or her state of residence within 30 | 6 |
| days after the date of sale. The tax collected under this Act | 7 |
| in accordance with this item (25-5) shall be proportionately | 8 |
| distributed as if the tax were collected at the 6.25% general | 9 |
| rate imposed under this Act.
| 10 |
| (26) Semen used for artificial insemination of livestock | 11 |
| for direct
agricultural production.
| 12 |
| (27) Horses, or interests in horses, registered with and | 13 |
| meeting the
requirements of any of the
Arabian Horse Club | 14 |
| Registry of America, Appaloosa Horse Club, American Quarter
| 15 |
| Horse Association, United States
Trotting Association, or | 16 |
| Jockey Club, as appropriate, used for
purposes of breeding or | 17 |
| racing for prizes.
| 18 |
| (28) Computers and communications equipment utilized for | 19 |
| any
and equipment used in the diagnosis,
| 20 |
| analysis, or treatment of hospital patients sold to a lessor | 21 |
| who leases the
equipment, under a lease of one year or longer | 22 |
| executed or in effect at the
time of the purchase, to a
| 23 |
| hospital
that has been issued an active tax exemption | 24 |
| identification number by the
Department under Section 1g of | 25 |
| this Act.
| 26 |
| (29) Personal property sold to a lessor who leases the
| 27 |
| property, under a
lease of one year or longer executed or in | 28 |
| effect at the time of the purchase,
to a governmental body
that | 29 |
| has been issued an active tax exemption identification number | 30 |
| by the
Department under Section 1g of this Act.
| 31 |
| (30) Beginning with taxable years ending on or after | 32 |
| December
31, 1995
ending with taxable years ending on or | 33 |
| before December 31, 2004,
personal property that is
donated for | 34 |
| disaster relief to be used in a State or federally declared
09400SB2330sam003 |
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LRB094 16692 RSP 56189 a |
| 1 |
| disaster area in Illinois or bordering Illinois by a | 2 |
| manufacturer or retailer
that is registered in this State to a | 3 |
| corporation, society, association,
foundation, or institution | 4 |
| that has been issued a sales tax exemption
identification | 5 |
| number by the Department that assists victims of the disaster
| 6 |
| who reside within the declared disaster area.
| 7 |
| (31) Beginning with taxable years ending on or after | 8 |
| December
31, 1995 and
ending with taxable years ending on or | 9 |
| before December 31, 2004, personal
property that is used in the | 10 |
| performance of infrastructure repairs in this
State, including | 11 |
| but not limited to municipal roads and streets, access roads,
| 12 |
| bridges, sidewalks, waste disposal systems, water and sewer | 13 |
| line extensions,
water distribution and purification | 14 |
| facilities, storm water drainage and
retention facilities, and | 15 |
| sewage treatment facilities, resulting from a State
or | 16 |
| federally declared disaster in Illinois or bordering Illinois | 17 |
| when such
repairs are initiated on facilities located in the | 18 |
| declared disaster area
within 6 months after the disaster.
| 19 |
| (32) Beginning July 1, 1999, game or game birds sold at a | 20 |
| "game breeding
hunting preserve area" or an "exotic game | 21 |
| hunting area" as those terms are used
in the
Wildlife Code or | 22 |
| at a hunting enclosure approved through rules adopted by the
| 23 |
| Department of Natural Resources. This paragraph is exempt from | 24 |
| the provisions
Section 2-70.
| 25 |
| (33) A motor vehicle, as that term is defined in Section | 26 |
| 1-146
of the
Illinois Vehicle Code, that is donated to a | 27 |
| corporation, limited liability
company, society, association, | 28 |
| foundation, or institution that is determined by
the Department | 29 |
| to be organized and operated exclusively for educational
| 30 |
| purposes. For purposes of this exemption, "a corporation, | 31 |
| limited liability
company, society, association, foundation, | 32 |
| or institution organized and
exclusively for | 33 |
| educational purposes" means all tax-supported public schools,
| 34 |
| private schools that offer systematic instruction in useful |
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| 1 |
| branches of
learning by methods common to public schools and | 2 |
| that compare favorably in
their scope and intensity with the | 3 |
| course of study presented in tax-supported
schools, and | 4 |
| vocational or technical schools or institutes organized and
| 5 |
| operated exclusively to provide a course of study of not less | 6 |
| than 6 weeks
duration and designed to prepare individuals to | 7 |
| follow a trade or to pursue a
manual, technical, mechanical, | 8 |
| industrial, business, or commercial
| 9 |
| (34) Beginning January 1, 2000, personal property, | 10 |
| including food, purchased
through fundraising events for the | 11 |
| benefit of a public or private elementary or
secondary school, | 12 |
| a group of those schools, or one or more school districts if
| 13 |
| the events are sponsored by an entity recognized by the school | 14 |
| district that
consists primarily of volunteers and includes | 15 |
| parents and teachers of the
school children. This paragraph | 16 |
| does not apply to fundraising events (i) for
the benefit of | 17 |
| private home instruction or (ii) for which the fundraising
| 18 |
| entity purchases the personal property sold at the events from | 19 |
| another
individual or entity that sold the property for the | 20 |
| purpose of resale by the
fundraising entity and that profits | 21 |
| from the sale to the fundraising entity.
This paragraph is | 22 |
| exempt from the provisions of Section 2-70.
| 23 |
| (35) Beginning January 1, 2000 and through December 31, | 24 |
| 2001, new or used
automatic vending machines that prepare and | 25 |
| serve hot food and beverages,
including coffee, soup, and other | 26 |
| items, and replacement parts for these
machines. Beginning | 27 |
| January 1, 2002 and through June 30, 2003, machines
and parts | 28 |
| for machines used in
commercial, coin-operated amusement and | 29 |
| vending business if a use or occupation
tax is paid on the | 30 |
| gross receipts derived from the use of the commercial,
| 31 |
| coin-operated amusement and vending machines. This paragraph | 32 |
| is exempt from
the provisions of Section 2-70.
| 33 |
| (35-5) Food for human consumption that is to be consumed | 34 |
| off
the premises where it is sold (other than alcoholic |
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| 1 |
| beverages, soft drinks,
and food that has been prepared for | 2 |
| immediate consumption) and prescription
and nonprescription | 3 |
| medicines, drugs, medical appliances, and insulin, urine
| 4 |
| testing materials, syringes, and needles used by diabetics, for | 5 |
| human use, when
purchased for use by a person receiving medical | 6 |
| assistance under Article 5 of
the Illinois Public Aid Code who | 7 |
| resides in a licensed long-term care facility,
as defined in | 8 |
| the Nursing Home Care Act.
| 9 |
| (36) Beginning August 2, 2001, computers and | 10 |
| communications equipment
utilized for any hospital purpose and | 11 |
| equipment used in the diagnosis,
analysis, or treatment of | 12 |
| hospital patients sold to a lessor who leases the
equipment, | 13 |
| under a lease of one year or longer executed or in effect at | 14 |
| the
time of the purchase, to a hospital that has been issued an | 15 |
| active tax
exemption identification number by the Department | 16 |
| under Section 1g of this Act.
This paragraph is exempt from the | 17 |
| provisions of Section 2-70.
| 18 |
| (37) Beginning August 2, 2001, personal property sold to a | 19 |
| lessor who
leases the property, under a lease of one year or | 20 |
| longer executed or in effect
at the time of the purchase, to a | 21 |
| governmental body that has been issued an
active tax exemption | 22 |
| identification number by the Department under Section 1g
of | 23 |
| this Act. This paragraph is exempt from the provisions of | 24 |
| Section 2-70.
| 25 |
| (38) Beginning on January 1, 2002, tangible personal | 26 |
| property purchased
from an Illinois retailer by a taxpayer | 27 |
| engaged in centralized purchasing
activities in Illinois who | 28 |
| will, upon receipt of the property in Illinois,
temporarily | 29 |
| store the property in Illinois (i) for the purpose of | 30 |
| subsequently
transporting it outside this State for use or | 31 |
| consumption thereafter solely
outside this State or (ii) for | 32 |
| the purpose of being processed, fabricated, or
manufactured | 33 |
| into, attached to, or incorporated into other tangible personal
| 34 |
| property to be transported outside this State and thereafter |
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| 1 |
| used or consumed
solely outside this State. The Director of | 2 |
| Revenue shall, pursuant to rules
adopted in accordance with the | 3 |
| Illinois Administrative Procedure Act, issue a
permit to any | 4 |
| taxpayer in good standing with the Department who is eligible | 5 |
| for
the exemption under this paragraph (38). The permit issued | 6 |
| under
this paragraph (38) shall authorize the holder, to the | 7 |
| extent and
in the manner specified in the rules adopted under | 8 |
| this Act, to purchase
tangible personal property from a | 9 |
| retailer exempt from the taxes imposed by
this Act. Taxpayers | 10 |
| shall maintain all necessary books and records to
substantiate | 11 |
| the use and consumption of all such tangible personal property
| 12 |
| outside of the State of Illinois. | 13 |
| (34) Beginning on and after the effective date of this | 14 |
| amendatory Act of the 94th General assembly, personal property | 15 |
| purchased from a blind vendor's vending facility licensed by | 16 |
| the Department of Human Services under the Blind Vendors Act. | 17 |
| This paragraph is exempt
from the provisions
of Section 2-70.
| 18 |
| (Source: P.A. 92-16, eff. 6-28-01; 92-35, eff. 7-1-01; 92-227, | 19 |
| eff. 8-2-01; 92-337, eff. 8-10-01; 92-484, eff. 8-23-01; | 20 |
| 92-488, eff. 8-23-01; 92-651, eff. 7-11-02; 92-680, eff. | 21 |
| 7-16-02; 93-23, eff. 6-20-03; 93-24, eff. 6-20-03; 93-840, eff. | 22 |
| 7-30-04; 93-1033, eff. 9-3-04; 93-1068, eff. 1-15-05.)".