Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Executive (S) 4/26/2023 1:30 PM |
Ally Lopshire | American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network | American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network |
clark gyure | Gyure & Associates | Southern Illinois Healthcare |
Conny Moody | Illinois Public Health Association | IPHA |
Dan Hohl | Illinois State Medical Society | Illinois State Medical Society |
Dave Gross | Illinois Health & Hospital Association | Illinois Health & Hospital Association |
Gordana Krkic CAE | IL Academy of Family Physicians | IL Academy of Family Physicians |
Jan Starr | CSC | Respiratory Health Association |
Kristina Hamilton | American Lung Association in Illinois | American Lung Association in Illinois |
LaMar Hasbrouck | Cook County Department of Public Health | Cook County Department of Public Health |
Lauren Peters | American Heart Association | American Heart Association |
Lauren Peters | American Heart Association | American Heart Association |
Mark Pfister | Lake County Health Department and Community Health Center | Lake County Health Department and Community Health Center |
Mitchell Remmert | Illinois Association of Park Districts | Illinois Association of Park Districts |
Shana Crews | Loyola Medicine | Loyola Medicine |
Timothy Jackson | AIDS Foundation Chicago | AIDS Foundation Chicago |
Hearing Date and Time: Public Health (H) 3/9/2023 8:00 AM |
Amanda Mehl | Boone County Health Department | |
Amy Huber | Self | Self |
Angela Clark | Self | Myself |
Barbara Padar | Self | |
Bart Hagston | Jackson County Health Department | Jackson County Health Department |
Beth Fiorini | Ogle County Health Dept. | Ogle County Health Department |
Carol L Ramm | American Lung Assoc. | |
Cathy Ferguson-Allen | Lee County Health Department | Lee County Health Department |
Cheryl Lee | Whiteside County Health Department | Cheryl Lee |
Christine Pozzi | LaSalle County Health Department | |
Christopher Grunow | Stickney Public Health District | Stickney Public Health District |
Clark Gyure | Gyure & Associates | Southern Illinois Healthcare |
Conny Moody | Illinois Public Health Association | IPHA |
Craig A Beintema | Stephenson County Health Dept | Stephenson County Health Dept |
Daniel Dilling | Self | Self |
Dave Gross | Illinois Health & Hospital Association | Illinois Health & Hospital Association |
Dawn M Albanese | INDIVIDUAL | SELF |
Deanna Behrens MD FAAP | Pediatrician | Self |
Dennis Brennan | DuPage County Health Department | DuPage County Health Department |
Dennis Kreiner | self | mr |
Diane H Schaar MD FAAP | Pediatrician | self |
Don Cavi | Logan County Department of Public Health | Logan County Department of Public Health |
Don Cavi | Logan County Department of Public Health | Logan County Department of Public Health |
Duane Stevens | Henry County Health Department | Henry County Health Department |
Duane Stevens | Stark Health Department | Stark County Health Department |
Elizabeth Bilotta | Will County Health Department | Will County Health Dept |
Erin OBrien | Illinois State Medical Society | Illinois State Medical Society |
Eva Book | Self | Self |
GAIL P PATY | Individual | Individual |
giulia mobarhan | PEDIATRICIAN | self |
Gordana Krkic CAE | IL Academy of Family Physicians | IL Academy of Family Physicians |
Hector Gomez | Bureau County Health Department | Not attending |
Hillary Aggertt | Woodford County Health Department | Woodford County Health Department |
James Webster MD | Northwestern Medicine | |
Jan Starr | CSC | RespiratoryHealth Association |
Janet Williams | Illinois Coalition Against Tobacco | Illinois Coalition Against Tobacco |
Jeff Workman | Clay & Effingham County Health Departments | Clay & Effingham County Health Departments |
Jenni Purdue | J & J Legislative | American Lung Association |
Jenni Purdue | J & J Legislative | American Lung Association |
Jennie Pinkwater | Illinois Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics | Illinois Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics |
Jennifer Ross | J and J Legislative, LLC | Lobbyist-American Lung Association of Illinois |
Judy Wissel | Wabash County Health Department | Wabash County Health Department |
Julie A Pryde | Champaign-Urbana Public Health District | Champaign-Urbana Public Health District |
Kristina Hamilton | American Lung Association in Illinois | American Lung Association in Illinois |
Kyndra Minchew | Self | Self |
LaMar Hasbrouck | Cook County Department of Public Health | Cook County Department of Public Health |
Laura Huaracha | self | self |
Lauren Krause | UI Health | UI Health |
Lauren Peters | American Heart Association | American Heart Association |
Leticia A Kaner | Self | Self |
Lisa Gonzalez | DeKalb County Health Department | DeKalb County Health Department |
Lori Younker | American Lung Association | American Lung Association supporter |
Maria Rahmandar | Pediatrician | Self |
Marianne Flanagan | - Select - | self |
Mark Pfister | Lake County Health Department and Community Health Center | Lake County Health Department and Community Health Center |
Mary Pohlmann | Self | Individual |
Mary Pohlmann | Self | Individual |
Michael Isaacson | Kane County Health Department | Kane County Health Department |
Michael Jarvis | Winnebago County Health Department | Self |
Michele Gabriel | Knox County Health Department | Local Public Health |
Michele Gabriel MPH | Illinois Association of Public Health Administrators | State of Illinois Local Public Health Administrators |
Michelle Lynne Brown | self | self |
Monica Dunn | Edgar County Public Health Department | Edgar County Public Health Department |
Nancy Martin | Individual | Individual |
Nawaid Shakir | Self | Self |
Nicole Anania | Pediatrician | self |
Nora Hansen | Constituent | |
Peter J Smith MD FAAP | Pediatrican | Self |
Rhonda Ray | Southern Seven Health Department | Persons in Alexander, Pulaski, Pope, Hardin, Massac, Johnson, and Union Counties |
Robin E Kalish | Pediatrician | Self |
Samaa Kemal MD MPH | Pediatrician | Self |
Sandra Martell | Winnebago County Health Department | Winnebago County Health Department |
Sean McDermott | SR McDermott Consulting Inc. | The Illinois Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics |
Shana Crews | Loyola Medicine | Loyola Medicine |
Shana Crews | Loyola Medicine | Loyola Medicine |
Sheri Drotor | Cumberland County Health Department | Self |
Susan L Fleming | Dr. | |
Susan L Fleming | Dr. | self |
susan sirota | Pediatric Partners-PediaTrust | |
Susan Walsh | self | self |
Teresa Armstrong | Cass County Health Department | Cass County Health Department |
Timothy Jackson | AIDS Foundation Chicago | AIDS Foundation Chicago |
Tom Hughes | Illinois Public Health Assoc. | Illinois Public Health Assoc. |
Tom McGee | Self | Self |
Traci Kennedy | Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights | ANR |
Tyler Lennon MD FAAP | Pediatrician | Self |
Virginia - Ginnie - Flynn | Illinois Academy of Family Physicians | Self |
william filan | william filan ltd | Northern Illinois Public Health Consortium |
william filan | william filan ltd | Northern Illinois Public Health Consortium |
Yana Malpani | SHS Catalyst | SHS Catalyst |
Zachary A Marcus MD MPhil FAAP | Pediatrician | Self |