Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Revenue & Finance (H) 3/24/2022 9:00 AM |
Angel Jepsen | Self | |
B David Das | Self | Self |
Bonnie Petersen | self | self |
Bridgette Bonk | Self | Self |
Brittany Hayes | Loyola University Medical Center and Lactation Link private practice | AA Homecare |
Cheryl Jones Das | Self | Self |
Daniela Mahoney | Self | Self |
David Schwartz | Self | Self |
Deborah Fenner | Self | Self |
Elizabeth Wilfong | none | none |
Jill Adams | None | Self |
Josephine Polanek | Mrs. | Self |
Judith Aulik | Self | Self |
Julia Testin | NA | Self |
Julie Stephan | Self | Self |
Katherine Burton | Self | Self |
Laura Woods | Self | Self |
Lindsay Morrison | self | self |
Margaret Vaughn | Margaret Vaughn Consulting | Mothers Milk Bank of the Western Great Lakes |
Mary Hobein | none | self |
Mary Joan Cepla | self | self |
Mary Miller | self | self |
Mary Wehking | self | self |
Matthew Slade | Myself | Self |
Patricia Graham | Self | Self |
Rachel Das | Self | Self |
Renee Trilling | self | self |
Roth George | Self | Taxpayer |
Roth Magda | Self | Taxpayer |
Susan Balaban | self | self |
Susan Walker | Self | Self |
Susie Wiechman | None | Self |
Hearing Date and Time: Revenue & Finance (H) 3/17/2022 9:00 AM |
David Schwartz | Self | Self |
Margaret Vaughn | Margaret Vaughn Consulting | Mothers Milk Bank of the Western Great Lakes |
Matthew Slade | Myself | Self |
Hearing Date and Time: Revenue (S) 2/9/2022 4:00 PM |
Brittany Hayes | Loyola University Medical Center and Lactation Link private practice | Self |
Jacque Ordner | HerSource Health Private Practice | SELF |
Abbey Bradford | None | Abbey Bradford |
Adrienne Nolan | Self | NA |
Alexandra Backis | Self | Self |
Alexis Braverman | Self | Self |
Alicia Lauhon | Self | Self |
Alisa Ungar-Sargon | MMS Solutions | Self |
Allyson Ward | Self | Breastfeeding support |
Alyssa Cline | Stay At Home Mom | Alyssa Cline |
Alyssa Croom | Lehan Drugs, Inc. | Lehan Drugs, Inc |
Amanda Alexander | Lehan Drugs, Inc. | Lehan Drugs, Inc. |
Amanda Baethke | Aeroflow | Aeroflow Healthcare |
Amanda Grantham | Self | Self |
Amy Edwards | Self | Amy Edwards |
Amy Knight Johnson | None | Amy Knight Johnson |
Amy Zumbahlen | Personal | Person |
Andrea Lara | Not applicable | Not applicable |
Andrew Miller | Total Home Health | Total Home Health |
Angela Custer | Cbd store | Cbd store |
Angela Standiford | Aeroflow breastpumps | Aeroflow Breastpumps |
Angelica Maciel | NA | NA |
Ann Anaya | Self | Self |
Anne Marie Williams | Self | Self |
Antoinetta Canada | Revest Capital | Antoinetta Canada |
Antoinette Forest | University of Illinois Chicago | None |
April Ritz | Self | Self |
Araceli Arroyo | None | Araceli Arroyo |
Ariel Meyers Litewka | The Litewka Family | Ariel Meyers Litewka |
Ashley Bernick | JPMorgan Chase | None |
Ashley Fuchs | Self | Self |
Asta Valinskas | Self | Not applicable |
Avery Farrell | none | Aeroflow Breast Pumps |
Barbara Madonia | Chicago Public Schools | Areoflow |
Belkis Cirar | Aeroflow Breastpumps | Aeroflow Breastpumps |
Betty Eo | Self | Betty Eo |
Bradly Darren Uchytil | Self | Self |
Brandi Boehler | Self | Not applicable |
Breanne Carro | NA | Breastfeeding mothers of Illinois |
Breeann Schneider | Self | Self |
Brenna OBrien | NA | Myself |
Brian Kolva | Self | Self |
Brianna Ruiz | Self | Self |
Bridget Heroff | Self | Self |
Bridgette Bonk | Self | Self |
Brigid Dagenfield | Not Applicable | Brigid Dagenfield |
Brittany Bullock | Citizen | Mothers of Illinois |
Brittany Drehobl | None | None |
Brittany Lough | not applicable | Self |
Brittany Murphy | Na | Brittany Murphy |
Caitlin Leppellere | Advocate Christ Medical Center | Breastfeeding Mothers |
Camilla Stefl | None | Self |
Carissa Trujillo | Starbucks | Aeroflow Breastpumps |
Carlos Gutierrez | Consumer Healthcare Products Association | Consumer Healthcare Products Association |
Carol S Ahrens | Retired | citizen |
caroline brewer | self | self |
Caroline Masso | none | Caroline Masso |
Cassie Rosalez | MedSource | MedSource LLC |
Catherine King | Self | Self |
Ceara Noyes-Kalaher | Self | Self |
Cherri Thomas | Consumer | Aeroflow |
Cheryl Jones Das | Self | Self |
Chesney Allen | Cornerstone Church | Chesney Allen |
Christi Pizarek | Starcom | Christi Pizarek |
Christina Paez | Self | Self |
Christina Vega | Ups | Aeroflow breast pump |
Christine Chow | - | - |
Christine Sweeney | Not applicable | Christine Sweeney |
Cindy Rubin | In Touch Pediatrics and Lactation, PLLC | Cindy Rubin and In Touch Pediatrics and Lactation, PLLC |
Clara Larkin | Stroger Hospital | Clara Larkin |
Clare Schultz | Self | Self |
Colleen Cappelli | Na | Breast feeding mother |
Courtney Nerovich | NA | Breastfeeding mothers |
Crystal Franklin | Grubhub Inc. | Self |
Cynthia Dvorak | self | self |
Dagmara Namasivayam | Myself | NA |
Dana Magnuson | Radisson Hotel Grouo | Mothers |
Danielle Marchese | NA | NA - personal |
Danielle Muller | SAHM | Stay at home moms |
David Schwartz | Self | Self |
Deanna Ostrenga | Personal | Myself |
Deborah Craig | Self | Self |
Deborah Fenner | Self | Self |
Deborah Stewart | self | self |
Deepi Ahuja | None | Deepi Ahuja |
Deimante Uzgalyte | None | Sen. Celina Villanueva |
Deja Adams | Deja Adams - Aeroflow breastpump | Deja Adams |
Destiny Wagner | Destiny Wagner | Destiny Wagner |
Diane Ostrowski | None | Self |
Donna Rosa Rosado | Na | Na |
Douglas K Mihevc | self | self |
Elisa Franchuk | Self | Self |
Elizabeth Farris Byerline | Self | Self |
Elizabeth La Savio | Personal | Myself |
Elizabeth Lu | Customer of Aeroflow Breast Pumps | Myself |
Elizabeth Lukehart | self | Self |
Elizabeth W Kores | mother of Tabitha Graham | none |
Ellen Caffrey Garza | self | self |
Ellen Ketter | Ketter Family | Mothers |
Elly Peterson | None | Individual |
Emilia merchen | NA | None |
Emilie Schwab | NA | NA |
Emily Harrison | Household | Individual |
Emily M Fox | Individual | Breastfeeding parents |
Emily Prather | Mother | Breastfeeding Mothers |
Emily Wachowiak | Self | self |
Emily Wells | Non applicable | Nursing mothers and infants |
Emily William | Na | Na |
Emma Towne | None | None |
Eric Bulak | Rock Valley Compounding Pharmacy | Lehan Drugs Inc |
Eric Niemerg | Self | Self |
Erica Gibson | Self | Self |
Erika Kane | self | Erika Kane, self |
Erin Baker | NA | NA |
Erin Guthrie | Dell | None |
Erin Price | Self | Self |
Erin Viliunas | Deloitte Tax LLP | Breastfeeding Mothers in Illinois |
Esmeralda Ojeda | NA | Self |
Evelyn Boyzo | NA | NA |
Faith Mavity | Self | Self |
Faith Naoi | None | Self |
Flor Marie Carter | NA | NA |
Gabriela Ospinal | Na | Breastfeeding mothers |
Gayoung Jin | University of Illinois | Gayoung Jin |
Genna McCuen | None | Self |
Gina Savage | Self | Self |
Guoste Strumila | self | self |
Hannah Cave | None | Self |
Hannah Klein | Self | Self |
Hayley Logan | Appearing as an individual | Hayley Logan |
Heriberto Leon | self | NA |
Hilary Crotty | Hilary Crotty | Hilary Crotty |
Holly Zaleski | Self | Self |
Ihsan Alhasnawy | Self | Sb 3634 |
Isabel Salgado | Individual | Self |
Jacqueline Bauer | NA | self |
Jacqueline Gibson | Jacqueline D. Gibson, Esq. LLM | Support of affordable breastfeeding under SB 3634 |
James Lehan | Lehan Drugs Inc | Lehan Drugs, Inc. |
Jamie Babin | ThoughtWorks | Jamie Babin |
Jamie Bass Hoffman | X | Aeroflow |
Jamie Moore | Self | Self |
Jamie Plackett | Femrestore Physical Therapy, PLLC | Jamie Plackett |
Janely Barrera | NA | Aeroflow Breastpumps |
Janet Sullivan | self | Self |
Janette A Pinto | Rush | Janette A Pinto |
Jeanette Novak | Aeroflow Breast Pumps | Women of Illinois |
Jeffrey Ordner | Self | On behalf of self |
Jen Johnson | D34 | breastfeeding mothers |
Jen Stellato | AutoNation | Jen Stellato |
Jenna Ferrari | Evolent Health | breastfeeding mother |
Jenna Patel | NA | NA |
Jennifer Allen | Mother | Breast pumping mothers |
Jennifer Kitun | NA | Jennifer Kitun |
Jennifer Koskie | Self | Women of Illinois |
Jennifer Rodriguez | None | None |
Jennifer Stanovich | Self | Jennifer Stanovich |
Jeremy Schaffer | Mark Drug | na |
Jerrod Marshall | none | none |
Jessica D'Ambrose | Jessica dambrose | Aeroflow |
Jessica Fuentes | Fuentes Consulting | Fuentes Consulting |
Jessica Householder | NA | NA |
Jessica Rivera-Meyer | Aeroflow | Exclusively Breastfeeding Mother, Illinoisan |
Jessica Wozniak | None | Jessica Wozniak |
Jessie Lea Uchytil | Crowning Achievement Birth Services | Self |
Jessie Maag | self | self |
Jill Adams | None | Self |
Jill Sanchez | Getty Images | Self |
Joan K Bradbury | Self | Self |
Jocelyn perry | Self | Self |
joel mermelsteinn | Home Medical Inc | self |
JoLynn Doerr | self | self |
Julia Diedrich | Lehan Drugs, Inc. | Lehan Drugs, Inc. |
Julia Mohan | Filing individually | Filing individually on behalf of all women and parents |
Julia Testin | NA | Self |
Julianne Knowles | ETHOS Event Collective | Julianne Knowles |
K-Rae Knowles | Self | Self |
Kaitlin Streyle | not applicable | not applicable |
Kaitlyn Olson | None | Kaitlyn Olson |
Kam Yuricich | Great Lakes Home Medical Services Association | Great Lakes Home Medical Services Association |
Kamolchanok Saetang | Individual | NA |
Kari Brennan | Self | Self |
Karyn Rosenthal | NA | Self |
Kassie Hall | NA | NA |
Kate Daufeldt | NA | NA |
Kate L Radtke | Ozinga | Self |
Katharine Carr | Self | Self |
Katherine Burton | Self | Self |
Katherine Flom | Northwestern University | Kate Flom Derrick |
Katherine Pavlik | Self | Self |
Katherine Siers | Aeroflow | Aeroflow |
Katherine Smith | Self | Self |
Kathryn Custer | None | Kathryn custer |
Kathryn PaganRoman | Self | Self |
Katie Budrow | None | Katie Budrow |
Katie Overstreet | NA | NA |
Katie Thomas | None | Moms of IL |
Katrina McGrath | Not Applicable | Katrina McGrath |
Katya Mischenko | Citizen | Self |
Kaylee Wilson | Self | Self |
Kayli Albright | Self | Self |
kelcy Johnnic | None | Self |
Kelleen Chernick | Tessitura | Not appearing. |
Kelsey Zienty | AMITA Health | SB 3634 |
Kenosha Tannahill | Not applicable | Not applicable |
Kimberly Kilgore | Myself | Kimberly Kilgore |
Kimberly Pecka | Self | Kimberly Pecka |
Kristen L Mihevc | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Kristen Probst | Self | Self |
Kristen Stromski | Self | Self |
Kristina Halley | Aeroflow | Aeroflow |
Kristine Boehnke | None | Myself |
Kristy Nittskoff | none | parents in IL |
Larice Davis | Self | Self |
Laura Lynette Williard | American Association for Homecare | American Association for Homecare |
laura nikolovska | na | aeroflow breatspumps |
Laura Raucci | Aeroflow | self |
Laura Zupko | self | self |
Lauren Cressler | Na | Na |
Lauren Deiss | None | Self |
Lauren Dowden | Self | Lauren Dowden |
Lauren Fish | Na | Na |
Lauren Koenig | NA | Lauren Koenig |
Lauren Randle | None | IL |
Lauren Yearwood | None | breastfeeding mothers |
Leah Barba | None | Aeroflow Breastpumps |
Leah Robinson | self | Self |
Leslie Tuffy | none | none |
Lexi Niemerg | Effingham Equity | Lexi Niemerg |
Lili Martin | Aeroflow breast pumps | Breastfeeding moms |
Lindsey Gilger | NA | NA |
Lindsey Wheeler | NA | NA |
Lisa Rexroat | Rexroats | Person |
Luann Cullison | Lehan Drugs, Inc. | Lehan Drugs, Inc. |
Macaire Grambauer | self | self |
Mackenzie Drosd | Illinois Housing Council | Aeroflow |
Madeline S Weiland | NA | Madeline Weiland |
Margaret Cline | Mother | Mothers of Illinois |
Margaret Reilly | NA | NA |
Margaret Selan | Aeroflownbreast pumps | Margaret Selan |
Margaret Vaughn | Margaret Vaughn Consulting | Mothers Milk Bank of the Western Great Lakes |
Mariah Gagnon | NA | NA |
Mariana Delcourt | Grainger | Women |
mariel portillo | Bmo | Mariel portillo |
Marina Molenda | Self | Self |
Marissa Sutera | Self | Self |
Marshon Campbell Jr | Lehan Drugs, Inc. | Lehan Drugs, Inc. |
Marta Bahriy | Na | Marta bahriy |
Mary Hayes | Disney | self |
Mary Miller | self | self |
Mary Wehking | self | self |
Matthew Slade | Myself | Self |
Maureen Keane | She Votes Illinois | She Votes Illinois |
Megan Finnegan | Self | Self |
Megan Lichterman | Individual | None |
Megan Murphy | None | Self |
Megan T Crowley | Aeroflow | Women seeking breast pumps and equipment (Aeroflow) |
Melanie Bourgoine | Ottawa Township High School | Aeroflow Breastpumps |
Melanie De Caprio | New Sky Strategies | Melanie De Caprio |
Melissa Paluck | Counselor | Self |
Melissa Simmons | Initial Thought inc | Women |
Michael Bauer | NA | self |
Michelle Longo | Northwestern Medicine | Areoflow |
Michelle Tortorello | Home | Michelle Tortorello |
Miranda Clark | Not applicable | Not applicable |
Monica Cloghessy | Self | Self |
Morgan seabloom | None | None |
Morgan Woltering | VeloSource | Breastfeeding Mothers |
Myra Epping | self | self |
Nadine Rivera | Homemaker | Nadine Rivera |
Naima A Eggleston | Northgate financial | Naima Eggleston |
Namrita Mathew | Namrita Mathew | Na |
Nancy Jones | Self | self |
Nancy Nguyen | Not applicable | not applicable |
Narelle Lee | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Nathan La Porte | Self | Self |
Nicole Cawthon | Self | Self |
Nicole M Albold | Self | Self |
Nicole Thalheimer | Crossover Healthcare | Myself |
Nikki Kopelson | Aeroflow Breastpumps | not applicable |
Noni York | Aeroflow | self |
Norma Fuentes | Fuentes Consulting | AA Homecare |
Paige Gregory | Horner & Shifrin | Paige Gregory |
Pallav Agarwala | PANG Organic Tea | NA |
Paloma Peterson | Self | Self |
Pamela Davies | NA | myself |
Parvathi Santhosh-Kumar | None | None |
Patricia Armstrong | On behalf of self | Illinois voter |
Patricia Graham | Self | Self |
Pegan Latham | Unknown | Areoflow |
Prerana Bharadwaj | Aeroflow | Aeroflow |
Rachel Das | Self | Self |
Rachel Schiavone Collins | None | None |
Rashidah Abdullah | Mother's Druthers | self |
Raven DeVaughn | Brice Investment Group, LLC | All Mothers in IL |
Reem J Elayan | Aeroflow breastpumps | Aeroflow breast pumps |
Rita Dryden | Self | Self |
Robin Dusek | Me | self |
Ronda Michels | Individual | None |
Ryan O'Neill | MCZ Capital Ventures | Self |
S Russell | Self | S Russell |
Sahand Mirzahossein | self | self |
Sally Golden | Individual | Breastfeeding Mothers in IL |
Samantha Diaz | Self | Self |
Samantha Kidrowski | Kohls Department Inc | Samantha Kidrowski |
samantha salwierak | NA | NA |
Sana Nooria | None | None |
Sara McNulty | self | self |
Sarah Hoppe Nelson | Self | Self |
Savannah Durr | Self | Self |
Seung Whan Woo | NA | Seung Whan Woo |
Shaina Mugve | None | None |
Shannon ONeill | NA | NA |
Sharron O'Bear | Individual | Self |
Shawna Villatoro | Aeroflow | Shawna Villatoro |
Shea Votava | Breastfeeding Mothers | Breastfeeding Mothers |
Sheena Ahmed | NA | NA |
Shirice Harris | None | Self |
Shondele Gillens-Vazquez | not applicable | aeroflow |
Shy Ann Smith | Aeroflow | Aeroflow breatspumps |
Sierra Bartlett | Investigator | Self |
Sophia Lee | individual | self |
Stefanie Midden | na | na |
Stephanie Mistretta | The Mom Evolution | NA |
Stephen Sear | Mar Drug Medical supply | Mark Drug |
Steve Farris | None | None |
Susan Balaban | self | self |
Susan Bramlet Lavin | Illinois National Organization for Women | Illinois NOW |
Susan Jaffee | Knit Nirvana llc | Business owner |
Suzanne Markin | Kane County | mothers |
Sylvia Morales | Sensient Technologies | Self |
Tammi Thomos | NA | NA |
Tania Padilla | NA | NA |
Tara Musselman | NA | Breastfeeding mothers |
Taylor Overstreet | self | self |
Terri Gens | self | self |
Terri Shih | Self | Self |
Tiana Durr | None | Tiana Durr |
Tiffany Mcspadden | Aeroflow | Tiffany |
Tilly Gambill | American Association for Homecare | American Association for Homecare |
Torie Denby | Home | Torie Denby |
Tracy Ritter | Will County NOW | Will County IL chapter of the National Organization for Women (NOW) |
Victoria Laswell | Stay at home | Victoria Laswell |
Victoria Roulette | Aeroflot Breastpump | Everyone |
William Little | Self | Self |
William T Wilson | na | na |
Yazmin Azucena Pecoraro | NA | NA |
Yuyi Li | Soft Landing Services, Inc. | Aeroflow Breastpumps |
Yvette Clay | Thyme | Owner |
Zoe Thompson | Lehan drugs Inc | Lehan Drugs Inc. |