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Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Fire Sprinkler Contractor Licensing Act. Provides that all inspections and testing of existing fire sprinkler systems and control equipment must be performed by a licensee under the Act or an individual employed by a licensee. Sets forth qualifications for individuals performing the inspection and testing duties. Exempts individuals performing inspection or testing of fire sprinkler systems on behalf of a municipality, county, or fire protection district from the requirement.
House Committee Amendment No. 1 Makes a technical change to the bill title. Provides that State employees who perform inspections and testing on behalf of State institutions and who meet all other requirements of the provision concerning inspections and testing of existing fire sprinkler systems and control equipment need not be licensed under the Act or employed by a licensee under the Act in order to perform inspection and testing duties. Provides that an individual who performs inspection and testing duties must possess proof of (i) NICET Certification Level II or higher in Inspection and Testing of Water Based Systems by January 1, 2009 (now, there is no date by which the certification must be obtained) or (ii) satisfactory completion of a certified sprinkler fitter apprenticeship program approved by the U.S. Department of Labor (instead of just a certified sprinkler fitter apprenticeship program). Exempts individuals performing inspections or testing of fire sprinkler systems on behalf of the Office of the State Fire Marshal from the requirements of the provision concerning inspections and testing of existing fire sprinkler systems and control equipment.
Fiscal Note (H-AM 1) (Dept. of Financial & Prof. Regulation)
As amended, will not have a fiscal impact on the agency as written.
House Floor Amendment No. 2 Exempts cursory weekly and monthly inspections of gauges and control valves conducted in accordance with the standards of the National Fire Protection Association from the provision concerning inspections and testing of existing fire sprinkler systems and control equipment.
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