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Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Mobile Home Landlord and Tenant Rights Act. Provides that a park owner shall present a lease to a prospective tenant at least one day before signing the lease. Provides that when a mobile home park is owned by an entity that is publicly traded on any national stock or securities exchange, then the following conditions apply: 1) the park owner is to have a refund procedure for a lease or purchase agreement that a prospective tenant cancels within 3 days after signing the lease or purchase agreement; 2) if a tenant leaves the park because of a temporary illness or disability, the park owner shall allow qualified, including age in a park that has "housing for older persons", relatives designated by the tenant or the tenant's guardian to live in the home; 3) automatic lease renewal for 2 years unless certain requirements are met, such as a 30-day notice and a notice of reasons for the non-renewal of the lease; 4) the park owner is to give 12 months notice of a decision to close all or part of the park. Provides that a park owner may enter into a month-to-month rental agreement with a tenant if the agreement requires that there must be a rent increase notice given at least 90 days in advance of any increase and the tenant signs a statement that acknowledges that he or she wanted a shorter lease and was offered a longer lease. Provides a 90 day period following the effective date of the statutory changes to allow leases to be issued or modified in order to conform to the statutory changes. Provides for delivery of notices by first class mail. Provides that if the only change in a lease for a new term is the amount of the rent, the park owner may issue a rent increase notice, rather than issue a new lease.
Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Mobile Home Park Act. Makes various changes concerning: annual license fees; imposition of administrative monetary penalties by the Department of Public Health; and the deposit of administrative monetary penalties into the Facility Licensing Fund for the enforcement of the Act. Amends the Mobile Home Landlord and Tenant Rights Act. Makes various changes concerning: duration of leases; provision of rent increase projections to current and prospective tenants; notice of rent increases and acceptance or rejection of rent increases; deferral of payment of rent increases; sales of homes by tenants; temporary occupants and ill or disabled tenants; lease renewal and cancellation; park closures; fee or rent increases; delivery of notices; abandoned or repossessed property; and other matters. Adds a severability clause. Effective January 1, 2008.
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