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Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Firearm Owners Identification Card Act. Defines "patient" for purposes of the Act. Provides that renewal applications shall be approved or denied within 60 business days, provided the applicant submitted his or her renewal application prior to the expiration of his or her Firearm Owner's Identification Card. Provides that if a renewal application has been submitted prior to the expiration date of the applicant's Firearm Owner's Identification Card, the Firearm Owner's Identification Card shall remain valid while the Department processes the application, unless the person is subject to or becomes subject to revocation under the Act. Provides that the cost for a renewal application shall be $10 which shall be deposited into the State Police Firearm Services Fund. Provides that the Department of State Police may, by rule in a manner consistent with the Department's rules concerning revocation, provide for the suspension of the Firearm Owner's Identification Card of a person whose Firearm Owner's Identification Card is subject to revocation and seizure under the Act for the duration of the disqualification if the disqualification is not a permanent grounds for revocation of a Firearm Owner's Identification Card under the Act. Provides that the cost for replacement of a lost, destroyed, or stolen card shall be $5 if the loss, destruction, or theft of the card is reported to the Department of State Police. Provides the fee shall be deposited into the State Police Firearm Services Fund. Makes other changes.
House Floor Amendment No. 2 Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the provisions of the introduced bill with changes. Defines "patient" for purposes of the Act as a person who is admitted as an inpatient or resident of a public or private mental health facility for mental health treatment under the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code as an informal admission, a voluntary admission, a minor admission, an emergency admission, or an involuntary admission, unless the treatment was solely for an alcohol abuse disorder; or a person who voluntarily or involuntarily receives mental health treatment as an out-patient or is otherwise provided services by a public or private mental health facility, and who poses a clear and present danger to himself, herself, or to others (in the introduced bill, as a person who: is admitted as an in-patient or resident of a public or private mental health facility for mental health treatment under the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code as an informal admission, a voluntary admission, a minor admission, an emergency admission, or an involuntary admission; or is otherwise provided mental health treatment as an in-patient or resident by a public or private mental health facility, unless the treatment was solely for an alcohol abuse disorder and no other secondary substance abuse disorder or mental illness; or a person who voluntarily or involuntarily receives mental health treatment as an out-patient or is otherwise provided services by a public or private mental health facility, and who poses a clear and present danger to himself, herself, or to others).
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