Illinois General Assembly
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Representative Terry Link (D), 30th District - 103rd General Assembly
Terry Link was a Sponsor on all bills listed below.
Click Here to see only bills where Terry Link was a Primary Sponsor.
Bill # Chief Sponsor ABR - Short Description Chamber Last Action Last Action Date
SB1Andy ManarEVIDENCE-BASED SCHOOL FUNDINGSBill Dead - Amendatory Veto8/30/2017
SB1*Andy ManarEVIDENCE-BASED SCHOOL FUNDINGSBill Dead - Amendatory Veto8/30/2017
SB7Terry LinkGAMING-VARIOUSSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB55Emil Jones, IIIBARACK OBAMA DAYSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-00378/4/2017
SB60Terry LinkTWP CD-WATER AND SEWER RATESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-05289/25/2017
SB84Heather A. SteansDHS-TASK FORCE-SERVICE OPTIONSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-00798/11/2017
SB87Terry LinkPROP TX-SURVIVING SPOUSESSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB189Scott M. BennettCRIM CD-LIMITATION-SEX OFFENSESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-00808/11/2017
SB193Kwame RaoulATTY GEN-WORKER PROTECT UNITSTotal Veto Stands5/30/2018
SB209Terry LinkVIDEO GAMING ACT-VARIOUSSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB225Terry LinkELECTIONS-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB336Don HarmonCANNABIS-MEDICAL CONDITIONSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-11148/28/2018
SB398Emil Jones, IIIECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB402John J. CullertonEMERGENCY TELEPHONE SYSTEMSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-055411/16/2017
SB403Melinda BushGOVERNMENT-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-055511/16/2017
SB419Terry LinkPEN CD-DOWNSTATE FIREFIGHTERSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-053911/8/2017
SB453Kimberly A. LightfordSAFE SCHOOLS/HEALTHY LEARNINGHThird Reading - Short Debate - Lost 058-050-00011/8/2017
SB509Terry LinkTRANSPORTATION-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB518Terry LinkRENEWABLE ENERGY-GREEN ECONOMYSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-04028/25/2017
SB576Melinda BushHUMAN RIGHTS-STAFFS-OFFICIALSSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB636Terry LinkPHARMACY-DIALYSIS DRUGSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-02188/18/2017
SB663Terry Link$DHS-YOUTHBUILDSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB664Terry LinkREGULATION-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB665Terry LinkBUSINESS-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB669Terry LinkLAKE COUNTY - BOARD CHAIRMANSTotal Veto Stands11/8/2017
SB904Michael E. HastingsINS CD-CONT ED ADVISRY COUNCILSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-111711/29/2018
SB955Heather A. SteansDEV DISABLED-DSP-WAGESSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1242Terry LinkVETERANS' AFFAIRS-COMMISSIONSSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1291Julie A. MorrisonLETHAL ORDER OF PROTECTIONSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1331Melinda BushHUMAN RIGHTS-SOURCE OF INCOMESSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1381Terry LinkTELECOMS-IP-BASED SERVICESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-056812/15/2017
SB1451Terry LinkSMALL WIRELESS FACILITIESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-05854/12/2018
SB1472Terry LinkJUDICIAL FAC FEE-LAKE COUNTYSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1473Terry LinkELEC CD-VARIOUSSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1479Terry LinkELEC-GRACE PERIOD/NURSING HOMESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-04428/25/2017
SB1559Heather A. SteansMEDICAID-PAYMENT RATESSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1597Terry LinkCOMPOSTABLE BAGS-RETAILSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1598Terry LinkPROP TX-PPV LEASESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-04568/25/2017
SB1624John J. CullertonREGULATION-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1657Don HarmonGUN DEALER LICENSINGSTotal Veto Stands4/26/2018
SB1681Martin A. SandovalVEH CD-CARRIER-INSURANCESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-04588/25/2017
SB1696Jacqueline Y. CollinsMUSLIM ADVISORY COUNCILSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-04598/25/2017
SB1702Terry LinkINC TX-HOSPITAL CREDITSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1724Antonio MuñozMEDICAID-MANAGED CARE-AMBULNCESSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1869Omar AquinoGA WEBSITE-SPANISH LANGUAGESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-03208/24/2017
SB1880Terry LinkLRB DIGEST-ONLINESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-02398/18/2017
SB1906John J. CullertonINS CD - HEARING AID COVERAGESSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB1933Andy ManarELEC-AUTO VOTER REGISTRATIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-04648/28/2017
SB2269Andy Manar$PRIOR YEAR-PERSONAL SERVICESSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2273Kwame RaoulELECTION CD-ELECTRONIC REGISTRSTotal Veto Stands11/28/2018
SB2326Dave SyversonVIDEO GAMING ACT-ENFORCEMENTSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2327Dave SyversonVIDEO GAMING-VIOLATION NOTICESSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2332Julie A. MorrisonTOBACCO PRODUCTS-UNDER 21STotal Veto Stands11/29/2018
SB2387Julie A. MorrisonFOID-DISPOSITION-AFFIDAVITSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2389Terry LinkREGULATION-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2411Omar AquinoVEH CD-LICENSE TO WORKSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2433Jacqueline Y. CollinsCURRENCY EXCHANGE - CHECKSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-07048/3/2018
SB2442John G. MulroeIDPH-MAMMOGRAPHY INFORMATIONSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2453Terry LinkUNDERGROUND FACILITY-SEWERSSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2476Terry LinkELECTIONS-VOTE BY MAIL BALLOTSSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2477Terry LinkELEC CD-WRITE-IN CANDIDATESSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2514John G. MulroeSMOKE FREE IL-CIVIL PENALTIESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-08778/14/2018
SB2544Terry LinkLOCAL GOVERNMENT REDUCTIONSBill Dead - Amendatory Veto11/28/2018
SB2563Julie A. MorrisonINC TX-ORGAN DONATIONSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2572Linda HolmesSCH CD-PHYSICAL EDUCATIONSTotal Veto Stands11/28/2018
SB2586Terry LinkLIQUOR-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2593Chapin RoseHGHWY CD-ABOLISH ROAD DISTRICTSTabled By Sponsor Sen. Chapin Rose4/26/2018
SB2619Neil AndersonMUNI-APPOINTMENT OF FIRE CHIEFSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-112611/29/2018
SB2641Antonio MuñozRENTAL CAR-DAMAGE WAIVER-VOIDSBill Dead - Amendatory Veto11/29/2018
SB2644Jil TracyADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE-EMAILSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-08808/14/2018
SB2650Terry LinkPENCD-BD OF ELECTIONS-DC PLANSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2651Terry LinkELECTIONS-PARTY MANAGING CMTESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-06237/20/2018
SB2744Terry LinkPROP TX-ASSESSORS/ASSESSMENTSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-11874/5/2019
SB2821Terry LinkELEC CD-VOTE CENTERSSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2838Jennifer Bertino-TarrantSCH CD-THIRD PARTY SUB TEACHERSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-10498/23/2018
SB2844Omar AquinoSCH CD-GROWING FUTURE EDUCATORSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-09828/19/2018
SB2854John J. CullertonELEC CD-GENDERED REFERENCESSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2873Terry LinkPROP TX-VETERANSSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2884Iris Y. MartinezPEN CD-IMRF-TRUSTEE ELECTIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-09358/17/2018
SB2891Michael ConnellyCRIM CD-EXTENDED LIMITATIONSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-09988/20/2018
SB2898Heather A. SteansMEDICAID-MC/DD FACILITIESSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2907Karen McConnaughaySTATE POLICE-RAP BACK SERVICESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-07188/3/2018
SB2913John G. MulroeDHFS-EXPEDITED LONG-TERM CARESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-06658/2/2018
SB2945Terry LinkPUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2946Terry LinkTIF-REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREASSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB2967Terry LinkCONSUMER FRAUD-VEHICLE-DEALERSSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB3030Terry LinkPEN CD-COOK-FOREST-FUNDINGSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB3102Cristina CastroCONS FRAUD REBATE STORED VALUESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-11884/5/2019
SB3119Pamela J. AlthoffPEN CD-IMRF-POLICE CHIEFSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-10978/26/2018
SB3166Terry LinkVIDEO GAMING-VETERANSSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB3187Terry LinkPROP TX-PARTIAL PAYMENTSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB3256Elgie R. Sims, Jr.CRIM PRO-UNCLAIMD BAIL DEPOSITSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-06067/16/2018
SB3388James F. Clayborne, Jr.ADULT REDEPLOY-VIOLENT OFFENDRSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-09998/20/2018
SB3419Terry LinkGAMING-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB3420Terry LinkGAMING-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB3421Terry LinkGAMING-TECHSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB3452Terry LinkGAMING-ADVANCE DEPOSIT WAGERSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-06277/20/2018
SB3488John J. CullertonANTI-REGISTRY PROGRAM ACTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-10888/24/2018
SB3508Heather A. SteansFRONT-LINE PERSONNEL-BASE WAGESSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB3605Terry Link$DHS-YOUTHBUILDSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB3620Thomas CullertonSCH CD-SEXUAL ASSAULT/ABUSESSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SB3622Dale FowlerPEN CD-EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONSSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SR1*Terry LinkSPECIAL SESSION-CONVENEDSResolution Adopted8/29/2017
SR2*Terry LinkSENATE-GOVERNOR ORGANIZEDSResolution Adopted8/29/2017
SR3*Terry LinkSENATE-COMM JOURNALSSResolution Adopted8/29/2017
SR4Terry LinkSENATE ORGANIZEDSResolution Adopted; 058-000-0001/11/2017
SR55Terry LinkAMERICAN RECOVERY PROGRAMSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SR80Terry LinkMEMORIAL - MARK EARLEYSResolution Adopted1/26/2017
SR81Terry LinkMEMORIAL - EDWARD L. LESLIESResolution Adopted1/26/2017
SR82Terry LinkMEMORIAL - DANIEL J. LABUSSResolution Adopted1/26/2017
SR83Terry LinkMEMORIAL - LESLIE V. SCHNEIDERSResolution Adopted1/26/2017
SR102Terry LinkMEMORIAL - PEARL L. MAYFIELDSResolution Adopted2/9/2017
SR121Terry LinkMEMORIAL - RACHEL SHEPHERDSONSResolution Adopted2/9/2017
SR141Terry LinkMEMORIAL - SCOTT R. EDMONDSSResolution Adopted2/9/2017
SR142Terry LinkMEMORIAL - JAMES L. MATEJASResolution Adopted2/9/2017
SR143Terry LinkMEMORIAL - MARION E. O'CONNELLSResolution Adopted2/9/2017
SR144Terry LinkMEMORIAL - CYNTHIA L. WEAKLEYSResolution Adopted2/9/2017
SR164Terry LinkMEMORIAL-VELVET GRAVESSResolution Adopted2/16/2017
SR165Terry LinkMEMORIAL-BERTHA HILLSResolution Adopted2/16/2017
SR166Terry LinkMEMORIAL-SYLVIA TRYGARSResolution Adopted2/16/2017
SR175Terry LinkMEMORIAL - MILTON BROWNSResolution Adopted3/2/2017
SR236Terry LinkMEMORIAL - EMILY M. DUPREESResolution Adopted3/2/2017
SR237Terry LinkMEMORIAL - KENNETH SELFSResolution Adopted3/2/2017
SR238Terry LinkMEMORIAL - EUGENE B. SHAFFERSResolution Adopted3/2/2017
SR245Terry LinkMEMORIAL-MARIBETH KLAMANSResolution Adopted3/9/2017
SR246Terry LinkMEMORIAL-LOIS WILSONSResolution Adopted3/9/2017
SR271Terry LinkMEMORIAL - TURNER A. LOVELACESResolution Adopted3/9/2017
SR272Terry LinkMEMORIAL - JOHN T. ONANSResolution Adopted3/9/2017
SR273Terry LinkMEMORIAL -J. VAN HEIRSEELE SR.SResolution Adopted3/9/2017
SR274Terry LinkMEMORIAL - SHARON WARDSResolution Adopted3/9/2017
SR286Terry LinkMEMORIAL - NANCIE L. BLATTSResolution Adopted3/16/2017
SR287Terry LinkMEMORIAL ESTELLE GARMISASResolution Adopted3/16/2017
SR318Terry LinkSMOKE FREE ILL DAYSResolution Adopted3/29/2017
SR353Jacqueline Y. CollinsENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE AGENDASResolution Adopted5/31/2017
SR358Terry LinkMEMORIAL NANCY BOYLANDSResolution Adopted3/30/2017
SR359Terry LinkMEMORIAL - BETTY J. KERPANSResolution Adopted3/30/2017
SR360Terry LinkMEMORIAL - RALPH HEAVEN SR.SResolution Adopted3/30/2017
SR365John J. CullertonMCOS - DENTAL CARESSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SR415Terry LinkMEMORIAL - REV. R. EVANS SR.SResolution Adopted4/27/2017
SR416Terry LinkMEMORIAL - PAMELA J. CHRISTIANSResolution Adopted4/27/2017
SR417Terry LinkMEMORIAL - JEANNE R. BENGTSONSResolution Adopted4/27/2017
SR418Terry LinkMEMORIAL - TOM DERAMSResolution Adopted4/27/2017
SR419Terry LinkMEMORIAL - JUDGE R. MCQUEENSResolution Adopted4/27/2017
SR425Terry LinkMEMORIAL - ANTHONY LESNAKSResolution Adopted4/27/2017
SR468Terry LinkMEMORIAL CHESTER M. IWANSResolution Adopted4/27/2017
SR469Terry LinkMEMORIAL - DANIEL R. PATCH SR.SResolution Adopted4/27/2017
SR479Terry LinkMEMORIAL - AUDREY H. NIXONSResolution Adopted5/5/2017
SR505Terry LinkMEMORIAL - THOMAS STRAUSSSResolution Adopted5/12/2017
SR551Terry LinkMEMORIAL - BILLY L. FRANKLINSResolution Adopted5/31/2017
SR552Terry LinkMEMORIAL - HOWARD J. GOODWINSResolution Adopted5/31/2017
SR553Terry LinkMEMORIAL - LARRY O. KLEMMSResolution Adopted5/31/2017
SR554Terry LinkMEMORIAL - JAMES MCDONOUGH SR.SResolution Adopted5/31/2017
SR555Terry LinkMEMORIAL - RICHARD NIXONSResolution Adopted5/31/2017
SR558Terry LinkMEMORIAL NORMAN C. GEARYSResolution Adopted5/31/2017
SR559Terry LinkMEMORIAL - ROGER B. HILTONSResolution Adopted5/31/2017
SR560Terry LinkMEMORIAL - RUTH H. IVANTICSResolution Adopted5/31/2017
SR570Terry LinkMEMORIAL - DONALD DOERHOEFERSResolution Adopted5/31/2017
SR571Terry LinkMEMORIAL - DON J. KREULSResolution Adopted5/31/2017
SR572Terry LinkMEMORIAL - A. MALCOLM LAYSONSResolution Adopted5/31/2017
SR600Terry LinkMEMORIAL - ARTHUR ATKINSONSResolution Adopted7/1/2017
SR601Terry LinkMEMORIAL - ERICA BUSCHICKSResolution Adopted7/1/2017
SR602Terry LinkMEMORIAL - WILLIAM D. DREWSResolution Adopted7/1/2017
SR603Terry LinkMEMORIAL - HELENA FINKASResolution Adopted7/1/2017
SR604Terry LinkMEMORIAL - JAMES R. HAGERTYSResolution Adopted7/1/2017
SR605Terry LinkMEMORIAL - MARY A. HODNIKSResolution Adopted7/1/2017
SR606Terry LinkMEMORIAL - MAVIS M. LANDSVERKSResolution Adopted7/1/2017
SR607Terry LinkMEMORIAL - ROBERT W. MACGRUDERSResolution Adopted7/1/2017
SR614Terry LinkMEMORIAL - WALTER SCZYGIELSKISResolution Adopted7/1/2017
SR618Terry LinkMEMORIAL - JOHN J. LUMBERSResolution Adopted7/1/2017
SR654Terry LinkMEMORIAL - THADDEUS V. KILLIANSResolution Adopted7/1/2017
SR683Terry LinkMEMORIAL - EVELYN KAMIKOWSResolution Adopted7/4/2017
SR686Terry LinkMEMORIAL - A. L. CHRISTOPULOSSResolution Adopted7/4/2017
SR739Terry LinkMEMORIAL - IAN MICHAEL DUSTANSResolution Adopted8/13/2017
SR740Terry LinkMEMORIAL - GEORGE SAMUELIANSResolution Adopted8/13/2017
SR745Terry LinkMEMORIAL - DYLAN M. CLINESResolution Adopted8/13/2017
SR746Terry LinkMEMORIAL - JAMES H. JOHNSONSResolution Adopted8/13/2017
SR773Terry LinkMEMORIAL - MARY A. SHINSKYSResolution Adopted8/13/2017
SR776Terry LinkMEMORIAL - PATRICIA BOYNEWICZSResolution Adopted8/13/2017
SR777Terry LinkMEMORIAL - RICHARD D. HUGHESSResolution Adopted8/13/2017
SR778Terry LinkMEMORIAL - JEREMIAH C. LAPISHSResolution Adopted8/13/2017
SR790Terry LinkMEMORIAL - RALPH W. SWANK JR.SResolution Adopted8/13/2017
SR791Terry LinkMEMORIAL - JANET K. JACOBSResolution Adopted8/13/2017
SR794Don HarmonNEO-NAZIS/DOMESTIC TERRORISMSResolution Adopted8/13/2017
SR801Terry LinkMEMORIAL - RYAN C. KOSKISResolution Adopted10/25/2017
SR828Terry LinkMEMORIAL - CHERYL A. ROSSSResolution Adopted10/25/2017
SR829Terry LinkMEMORIAL - ALICIA M. SCANDIFFSResolution Adopted10/25/2017
SR835Terry LinkMEMORIAL - GARY L. ZARAZINSKISResolution Adopted10/25/2017
SR875Terry LinkMEMORIAL - ROSE A. JURKOVACSResolution Adopted10/25/2017
SR876Terry LinkMEMORIAL - JOHN P. RYGIEL SR.SResolution Adopted10/25/2017
SR900Terry LinkMEMORIAL-ALDONA M. BARROWSSResolution Adopted10/25/2017
SR901Terry LinkMEMORIAL-JERRY HAAPANENSResolution Adopted10/25/2017
SR902Terry LinkMEMORIAL-DAVID PIKTELSResolution Adopted10/25/2017
SR903Terry LinkMEMORIAL-VERNA WILSONSResolution Adopted10/25/2017
SR907Terry LinkMEMORIAL-THE FILIPOWICZSSResolution Adopted10/25/2017
SR908Terry LinkMEMORIAL-EUGENE GRIFFINSResolution Adopted10/25/2017
SR909Terry LinkMEMORIAL-IRIS NIXONSResolution Adopted10/25/2017
SR910Terry LinkMEMORIAL-GLADYS M. RAETHERSResolution Adopted10/25/2017
SR911Terry LinkMEMORIAL-ROBERT REIFSResolution Adopted10/25/2017
SR912Terry LinkMEMORIAL-IRENE F. WEATESResolution Adopted10/25/2017
SR943Terry LinkMEMORIAL-JEANNE KALINOSKISResolution Adopted10/25/2017
SR944Terry LinkMEMORIAL-RONALD KNODELSResolution Adopted10/25/2017
SR945Terry LinkMEMORIAL-MARY LOU MARTINSResolution Adopted10/25/2017
SR946Terry LinkMEMORIAL-MARK A. MILLERSResolution Adopted10/25/2017
SR947Terry LinkMEMORIAL-STEPHEN NORDSTROMSResolution Adopted10/25/2017
SR948Terry LinkMEMORIAL-WILLIAM TRAYNORSResolution Adopted10/25/2017
SR976Terry LinkMEMORIAL-BERTRAM BROWNSResolution Adopted10/25/2017
SR977Terry LinkMEMORIAL-ROBERT THRASHER SR.SResolution Adopted10/25/2017
SR1028Terry LinkMEMORIAL-JOHN R. CARDENSResolution Adopted10/25/2017
SR1029Terry LinkMEMORIAL-ARNELL V. GREGORSKISResolution Adopted10/25/2017
SR1057Terry LinkMEMORIAL- PASTOR WILLIAM KINGSResolution Adopted11/9/2017
SR1058Terry LinkMEMORIAL-HENRIETTA PIGGSResolution Adopted11/9/2017
SR1059Terry LinkMEMORIAL-JAMES J. SALATASResolution Adopted11/9/2017
SR1076Melinda BushSEXUAL HARASSMENT TASK FORCESResolution Adopted; 055-000-00011/7/2017
SR1113Terry LinkMEMORIAL-ROBERT CRITTENDON JR.SResolution Adopted1/31/2018
SR1114Terry LinkMEMORIAL-PRESTON GARTLEY JR.SResolution Adopted1/31/2018
SR1115Terry LinkMEMORIAL-MAX KUDERKOSResolution Adopted1/31/2018
SR1116Terry LinkMEMORIAL-FREDERIC J. WOLDTSResolution Adopted1/31/2018
SR1118Terry LinkMEMORIAL-ANNA MARIE ABDULASResolution Adopted1/31/2018
SR1119Terry LinkMEMORIAL-JERRY BOBOSResolution Adopted1/31/2018
SR1120Terry LinkMEMORIAL-ORVILLE CHILDERSSResolution Adopted1/31/2018
SR1121Terry LinkMEMORIAL-LAWRENCE FERRYSResolution Adopted1/31/2018
SR1122Terry LinkMEMORIAL-JEANETTE HASKESResolution Adopted1/31/2018
SR1123Terry LinkMEMORIAL-ERIC HOLDERBAUMSResolution Adopted1/31/2018
SR1124Terry LinkMEMORIAL-TIMOTHY KRISTANSResolution Adopted1/31/2018
SR1125Terry LinkMEMORIAL- ROBERT MORRISSEY SR.SResolution Adopted1/31/2018
SR1126Terry LinkMEMORIAL-MARIANNE NAGODESResolution Adopted1/31/2018
SR1127Terry LinkMEMORIAL-ANTONIO TORRESSResolution Adopted1/31/2018
SR1128Terry LinkMEMORIAL-MANLEY ZANCOSResolution Adopted1/31/2018
SR1148Terry LinkMEMORIAL-JANET T. COLLINSSResolution Adopted1/31/2018
SR1149Terry LinkMEMORIAL-ELIZABETH MORRISSEYSResolution Adopted1/31/2018
SR1150Terry LinkMEMORIAL-WILLIAM J. OGRINSResolution Adopted1/31/2018
SR1151Terry LinkMEMORIAL-ROBERT J. OSTERMILLERSResolution Adopted1/31/2018
SR1152Terry LinkMEMORIAL-RAYMOND STASKEWICHSResolution Adopted1/31/2018
SR1186Thomas CullertonPERFORM AUDIT DEPT OF V.A.SResolution Adopted; 048-000-0002/15/2018
SR1190Terry LinkMEMORIAL-REV. W. C. BLOMQUISTSResolution Adopted1/31/2018
SR1191Terry LinkMEMORIAL-REV. GEORGE J. DYERSResolution Adopted1/31/2018
SR1192Terry LinkMEMORIAL-ALEXANDROS MANTISSResolution Adopted1/31/2018
SR1204Terry LinkMEMORIAL-CHARLES R. GOODWINSResolution Adopted1/31/2018
SR1205Terry LinkMEMORIAL-ELIZABETH SCZYGIELSKISResolution Adopted1/31/2018
SR1206Terry LinkMEMORIAL-ROSE NOWAK ZEGARSResolution Adopted1/31/2018
SR1215Terry LinkMEMORIAL-JUDITH T. BRUCKNERSResolution Adopted1/31/2018
SR1216Terry LinkMEMORIAL-CAROL CARTERSResolution Adopted1/31/2018
SR1217Terry LinkMEMORIAL-WILLIAM DOWDEN JR.SResolution Adopted1/31/2018
SR1218Terry LinkMEMORIAL-ZAROUHE MAURSTADSResolution Adopted1/31/2018
SR1219Terry LinkMEMORIAL-GENEVIEVE RYANSResolution Adopted1/31/2018
SR1295Terry LinkMEMORIAL-SEN. BILL O'DANIELSResolution Adopted1/31/2018
SR1388Terry LinkMEMORIAL-PHILIP CARRIGANSResolution Adopted2/8/2018
SR1389Terry LinkMEMORIAL-CELESTINE FRAGASSISResolution Adopted2/8/2018
SR1390Terry LinkMEMORIAL-H. EUGENE JONESSResolution Adopted2/8/2018
SR1418Terry LinkMEMORIAL-JOHN F. MOORESResolution Adopted2/22/2018
SR1436Terry LinkMEMORIAL-PETER D. FLAMENTSResolution Adopted3/1/2018
SR1447Terry LinkMEMORIAL-WALTER T. KOZIOLSResolution Adopted3/1/2018
SR1448Terry LinkMEMORIAL-NICK LYNNSResolution Adopted3/1/2018
SR1458Terry LinkMEMORIAL-SANDRA R. RESCIGNOSResolution Adopted3/1/2018
SR1459Terry LinkMEMORIAL-MARK SOMPOLSKISResolution Adopted3/1/2018
SR1617Terry LinkMEMORIAL-RICHARD H. HYDESResolution Adopted4/19/2018
SR1618Terry LinkMEMORIAL-FRANK KAUCICSResolution Adopted4/19/2018
SR1619Terry LinkMEMORIAL-MYRON J. LENCIONISResolution Adopted4/19/2018
SR1620Terry LinkMEMORIAL-GEORGE F. SZOSTAKSResolution Adopted4/19/2018
SR1621Terry LinkMEMORIAL-VERONICA C. WELSHSResolution Adopted4/19/2018
SR1622Terry LinkMEMORIAL-STEPHEN J. WERENSKISResolution Adopted4/19/2018
SR1626Terry LinkMEMORIAL JOHN ANGELOSSResolution Adopted4/19/2018
SR1627Terry LinkMEMORIAL-HELEN I. CLARKSResolution Adopted4/19/2018
SR1628Terry LinkMEMORIAL-LAWRENCE PHILIPP JR.SResolution Adopted4/19/2018
SR1629Terry LinkMEMORIAL-JAMES STANCZAKSResolution Adopted4/19/2018
SR1630Terry LinkMEMORIAL-BESSIE TSAUSISSResolution Adopted4/19/2018
SR1656Terry LinkMEMORIAL-WALTER J. CIESLASResolution Adopted5/3/2018
SR1657Terry LinkMEMORIAL-PRESTON HELGRENSResolution Adopted5/3/2018
SR1658Terry LinkMEMORIAL-DONALD PAULSEN SR.SResolution Adopted5/3/2018
SR1659Terry LinkMEMORIAL-PAUL L. SATTLERSResolution Adopted5/3/2018
SR1660Terry LinkMEMORIAL-SUSAN C. SYKESSResolution Adopted5/3/2018
SR1717John J. CullertonSUPPORT ISRAELSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SR1731Terry LinkMEMORIAL-KENNETH H. BRUNERSResolution Adopted5/18/2018
SR1732Terry LinkMEMORIAL-WILLARD K. DAVIDSONSResolution Adopted5/18/2018
SR1733Terry LinkMEMORIAL-JOHN V. JUNCERSResolution Adopted5/18/2018
SR1734Terry LinkMEMORIAL-DUANE M. KOVACEKSResolution Adopted5/18/2018
SR1735Terry LinkMEMORIAL-IRVING YAFFE.SResolution Adopted5/18/2018
SR1754Terry LinkMEMORIAL-MICHAEL DIAMONDSResolution Adopted5/18/2018
SR1755Terry LinkMEMORIAL-LOUIS G. FIORELLISResolution Adopted5/18/2018
SR1785Terry LinkMEMORIAL-DAWN E. MILLERSResolution Adopted5/25/2018
SR1791Terry LinkMEMORIAL-THOMAS A. BRISCOESResolution Adopted5/31/2018
SR1792Terry LinkMEMORIAL-FRANCISCO DIAZSResolution Adopted5/31/2018
SR1793Terry LinkMEMORIAL-STEPHEN MICHAEL KELLYSResolution Adopted5/31/2018
SR1794Terry LinkMEMORIAL-THOMAS F. LEAHYSResolution Adopted5/31/2018
SR1795Terry LinkMEMORIAL-WILLIAM POULSENSResolution Adopted5/31/2018
SR1812Terry LinkMEMORIAL-KENNETH HUNNEMEDERSResolution Adopted5/31/2018
SR1813Terry LinkMEMORIAL-EMMONS RANDOLPH JR.SResolution Adopted5/31/2018
SR1846Terry LinkMEMORIAL-EDWARD J. GINSBERGSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR1847Terry LinkMEMORIAL-NORMA J. JENSENSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR1848Terry LinkMEMORIAL-BETTY L. MCSHANESResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR1862Terry LinkMEMORIAL-JOSEPH R. CULATSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR1863Terry LinkMEMORIAL-JAMES T. GILLESPIESResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR1864Terry LinkMEMORIAL-GLADYS PIATSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR1865Terry LinkMEMORIAL-KENNETH RYCKMAN IIISResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR1866Terry LinkMEMORIAL-SANDRA M. RUKSTALESSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR1867Terry LinkMEMORIAL-BETTY STANCZAKSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR1868Terry LinkMEMORIAL-EDWARD A.C. STREEDSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR1869Terry LinkMEMORIAL-PASTOR HENRY WOODSSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR1870Terry LinkMEMORIAL-SUZANNE A. LINDSAYSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR1871Terry LinkMEMORIAL-JAMIE L. O'MEARASResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR1916Terry LinkMEMORIAL-DOUGLAS CYGANSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR1917Terry LinkMEMORIAL-PHYLLIS ANN LUCASSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR1918Terry LinkMEMORIAL-RAYMOND R. MAYFIELDSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR1919Terry LinkMEMORIAL-ROBERT MATTHEW SUSMANSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR1920Terry LinkMEMORIAL-TERENCE A. TUCKERSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR1921Terry LinkMEMORIAL-VAN CYBULSKISResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR1922Terry LinkMEMORIAL-MARGARET JEAN YOUNGSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR1930Terry LinkMEMORIAL-JACKIE MARIE DOBBSSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR1931Terry LinkMEMORIAL-HELEN M. GLADUESResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR1933Terry LinkMEMORIAL-GEORGE MAKELASResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR1948Terry LinkMEMORIAL-EVAN A. KITZMILLERSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR1963Terry LinkMEMORIAL-RUSSELL H. LEBEAU SR.SResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR1996Terry LinkMEMORIAL-ROBERT S. GEERSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR1997Terry LinkMEMORIAL-RAYMOND C. GERYOLSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR1998Terry LinkMEMORIAL-DEBRA J. HALASSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR1999Terry LinkMEMORIAL-DOROTHY E. LAYSONSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR2011Terry LinkMEMORIAL-MARY CATHERINE SHAWSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR2013Emil Jones, IIIPASS BUTCH LEWIS ACTSSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SR2016Terry LinkMEMORIAL-JOSEPH CINOTTOSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR2017Terry LinkMEMORIAL-NAYDEAN FIELDSSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR2059Terry LinkMEMORIAL-J. ARMSTRONG-MOONSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR2060Terry LinkMEMORIAL-MARY C. BARNESSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR2061Terry LinkMEMORIAL-ANTHONY V. CASAGRANDESResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR2062Terry LinkMEMORIAL-DONNA R. COUVALLSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR2063Terry LinkMEMORIAL-RAYMOND C. KLINE JR.SResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR2064Terry LinkMEMORIAL-DAN E. PARRSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR2065Terry LinkMEMORIAL-JOHN M. SCROGGINSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR2066Terry LinkMEMORIAL-JOHN A. SHUBITZSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR2085Terry LinkMEMORIAL-RICHARD ALFANOSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR2086Terry LinkMEMORIAL-KENNETH C. GUTMANSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR2087Terry LinkMEMORIAL-CHARLENE HENDRICKSONSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR2088Terry LinkMEMORIAL-DONALD KOSTYLOSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR2089Terry LinkMEMORIAL-ERLINDA PALACIO NUNAGSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR2102Terry LinkMEMORIAL-JOHN CHARLES SR.SResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR2136Terry LinkMEMORIAL-FREDERICK BREANSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR2137Terry LinkMEMORIAL-VICTORIA M. CULLITONSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR2138Terry LinkMEMORIAL-GARY DEL RESResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR2139Terry LinkMEMORIAL-HOWARD A. DONOHUESResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR2140Terry LinkMEMORIAL-GLORIA J. KNAPPSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR2141Terry LinkMEMORIAL-KENNETH L. LARSENSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR2142Terry LinkMEMORIAL-ANTHONY LOIZZOSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR2143Terry LinkMEMORIAL-PENNY L. PETITCLAIRSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR2144Terry LinkMEMORIAL-MARY LEE GARDNERSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR2145Terry LinkMEMORIAL-MARTIN F. ZAHNLESResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR2146Terry LinkMEMORIAL-JOSEPH ZDANOWICZSResolution Adopted11/15/2018
SR2245Terry LinkMEMORIAL-LOIS J. POWELLSResolution Adopted1/9/2019
SR2264Terry LinkMEMORIAL-CHARLES CERKSResolution Adopted1/9/2019
SR2265Terry LinkMEMORIAL-BETTY P. CLASSSResolution Adopted1/9/2019
SR2266Terry LinkMEMORIAL-WILLIAM DOLINARSResolution Adopted1/9/2019
SR2267Terry LinkMEMORIAL-MARK J. GALLAGHERSResolution Adopted1/9/2019
SR2268Terry LinkMEMORIAL-PATRICIA A. GOODMANSResolution Adopted1/9/2019
SR2269Terry LinkMEMORIAL-ANDREW GROMSResolution Adopted1/9/2019
SR2270Terry LinkMEMORIAL-ANGELA E. HUTTENSResolution Adopted1/9/2019
SR2274Terry LinkMEMORIAL-SHELDON LOVINGERSResolution Adopted1/9/2019
SR2275Terry LinkMEMORIAL-CORRINE LUKASResolution Adopted1/9/2019
SR2276Terry LinkMEMORIAL-BONNIE L. POWLESSResolution Adopted1/9/2019
SR2277Terry LinkMEMORIAL-DAVID R. NENNSResolution Adopted1/9/2019
SR2278Terry LinkMEMORIAL-GERARD F. SALATASResolution Adopted1/9/2019
SR2279Terry LinkMEMORIAL-KATHLEEN TEKAMPESResolution Adopted1/9/2019
SR2280Terry LinkMEMORIAL-JOHN J. WALKUPSResolution Adopted1/9/2019
SR2281Terry LinkMEMORIAL-ROBERT WHITLOCK JR.SResolution Adopted1/9/2019
SR2282Terry LinkMEMORIAL-JEFFREY S. WINBURNSResolution Adopted1/9/2019
SR2283Terry LinkMEMORIAL-JOHN C. ZICKUSSResolution Adopted1/9/2019
SR2296Terry LinkJOURNAL REVIEW COMMITTEESResolution Adopted1/9/2019
SJR29John J. CullertonMCOS - DENTAL CARESSession Sine Die1/9/2019
SJR48Terry LinkADJOURN HOUSE & SENATESAdopted Both Houses10/25/2017
SJR53Terry LinkADJOURN HOUSE & SENATESAdopted Both Houses1/31/2018
SJR61Terry LinkADJOURN HOUSE & SENATEHResolution Adopted4/13/2018
SJR68Terry LinkADJOURN HOUSE & SENATESAdopted Both Houses4/26/2018
HB40Sara FeigenholtzABORTION-VARIOUSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-05389/28/2017
HB123Anthony DeLucaGOVERNMENT-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-01198/18/2017
HB137Arthur TurnerSTATE GOVERNMENT-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-055311/16/2017
HB138Barbara Flynn CurrieSTATE GOVERNMENT-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-05886/8/2018
HB162Michael J. ZalewskiREVENUE-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-05119/18/2017
HB175Jay HoffmanPUBLIC AID-TECHHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB302Robert MartwickLIFE INS-UNCLAIMED BENEFITSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-054311/9/2017
HB311Gregory HarrisNETWORK ADEQUACY TRANSPARENCYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-05029/15/2017
HB370Rita MayfieldSCH CD-CHILD ABUSE HOTLINEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-04689/8/2017
HB386Rita MayfieldVEH CD-REPEAL COM DISTRIB FEEHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB496Tom DemmerTWP CD-TWP CONSOLIDATIONHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB643Katie StuartGA-PER DIEM & COLASHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-00257/26/2017
HB768Emanuel Chris WelchCHARTER SCHOOL COMMISSIONHTotal Veto Stands - No Positive Action Taken3/16/2018
HB1010LaToya GreenwoodELECTIONS-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-10278/22/2018
HB1560Rita MayfieldBUSINESS-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-00046/30/2017
HB2354Kathleen WillisLETHAL ORDER OF PROTECTIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-06077/16/2018
HB2462Anna MoellerEQUAL PAY ACT-WAGE HISTORYHTotal Veto Stands - No Positive Action Taken12/11/2017
HB2617Robyn GabelINS CD-FERTILITY PRESERVATIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-11028/27/2018
HB2647Stephanie A. KifowitVETERANS' SUICIDE TASK FORCEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-04829/8/2017
HB2721Deb ConroyINSURANCE-PANDAS/PANSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-00247/18/2017
HB2771Christian L. MitchellHEALTHY WORKPLACE ACTHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB3010Rita MayfieldNORTH SHORE WATER RECLAMATIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-00318/4/2017
HB3012Rita MayfieldSCH CD-FUND TRANSFERSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-00328/4/2017
HB3223Ann M. WilliamsINS CD-MULTIPLE SCLEROSISHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB3519Tim ButlerELEC CD-DIGITIZED SIGNATUREHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB3691Robyn GabelHIGHER ED-SAVINGS PROGRAMHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB4146Laura FinePATIENT RIGHTS-TRANSITIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-10528/24/2018
HB4237Jonathan CarrollINC TX-CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB4377Emanuel Chris WelchREAR-FACING CHILD RESTRAINTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-06728/3/2018
HB4383Sara FeigenholtzMCO-DISENROLLMENT REQUIREMENTSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-09508/19/2018
HB4508Nick SauerUTILITY-WATER & SEWER VALUEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-07518/10/2018
HB4515Daniel SwansonPHYSICIAN-DISCIPLINE EXEMPTIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-113711/30/2018
HB4637David McSweeneyLOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHHBill Dead - No Positive Action Taken - Amendatory Veto1/15/2019
HB4643Daniel J. BurkePHYSICAL THERAPY-DIAGNOSISHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-08978/16/2018
HB4742Rita MayfieldSCH CD-THIRD PARTY SUB TEACHERHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-08138/13/2018
HB4771Norine K. HammondMEDICAID-LONG-TERM CARE-DOCSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-114111/30/2018
HB4808Mike FortnerELECTIONS-WRITE-IN CANDIDATESHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB4821Laura FineINS CODE-STAGE 4 CANCER DRUGSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-10578/24/2018
HB4873Lou LangPAYDAY INSTALLMENT LOAN FEESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-11681/4/2019
HB4882Rita MayfieldEDUCATION-TECHHTotal Veto Stands - No Positive Action Taken11/28/2018
HB4922Theresa MahCONS FRAUD REBATE STORED VALUEHTotal Veto Stands - No Positive Action Taken11/28/2018
HB5148Stephanie A. KifowitSCH CD-SEX ED-SEXUAL CONSENTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-06848/3/2018
HB5180Robert RitaLOTTERY-CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDHSession Sine Die1/8/2019
HB5197Jay HoffmanMUNI-FOREIGN FIRE INSURANCE BDHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-06567/31/2018
HB5231Brian W. StewartENFORCEMENT CONFIDENTIALITYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-09118/17/2018
HB5752Natalie Phelps FinnieBROADBAND ADVISORY COUNCILHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-08338/13/2018
HB5971Michael J. MadiganARAB AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 100-115012/14/2018
HJR1*Barbara Flynn CurrieADJOURN HOUSE & SENATEHAdopted Both Houses8/29/2017
HJR64John M. CabelloSGT. B. EVANS MEM HGWYHAdopted Both Houses10/25/2017
HJR83Sara FeigenholtzSEXUAL HARASSMENT IN GOV.HAdopted Both Houses11/7/2017
HJR88Barbara Flynn CurrieADJOURN HOUSE & SENATEHAdopted Both Houses11/9/2017
HJR96Barbara Flynn CurrieSTATE OF THE STATESResolution Adopted1/31/2018
HJR101Barbara Flynn CurrieJOINT SESSION-BUDGET MESSAGEHAdopted Both Houses2/14/2018
HJR103Barbara Flynn CurrieADJOURN HOUSE & SENATEHAdopted Both Houses2/8/2018
HJR107Barbara Flynn CurrieADJOURN HOUSE & SENATEHAdopted Both Houses2/15/2018
HJR113Barbara Flynn CurrieADJOURN HOUSE & SENATEHAdopted Both Houses3/1/2018
* indicates a special session bill