Illinois General Assembly
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Representative Mattie Hunter (D), 3rd District - 103rd General Assembly
Click Here to see all bills from Mattie Hunter.
Bill # Chief Sponsor ABR - Short Description Chamber Last Action Last Action Date
SB102Mattie HunterCRIM CD-ONE GUN PER MONTHSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB325Mattie HunterTEXTBOOK ADVISORY COMMITTEESSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB326Mattie HunterTEXTBOOK CONSUMER INFO ACTSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB327Mattie HunterUSE/OCC TAX-TEXTBOOKS-HIGHR EDSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB552Mattie HunterPUB HLTH-OFF OF HLTHY LFSTYLESSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB558Mattie HunterMED PRAC-CULTURAL COMPETENCYSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB654Mattie HunterPB HEALTH-DIABETES INITIATIVESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-04198/24/2007
SB655Mattie HunterMERCURY ADDED PRODUCTS BANSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB656Mattie HunterDPH-LOCAL HLTH AUTHORITIESSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB657Mattie HunterHOUSING&JOB TRAINING-TECHSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB811Mattie HunterPUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB884Mattie HunterREGULATION-TECHSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB898Mattie HunterPUB AID-CHILD CARE BENEFITSSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB1131Mattie Hunter$SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITYSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB1133Mattie Hunter$BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATIONSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB1134Mattie Hunter$DCEOSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB1135Mattie Hunter$EASTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITYSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB1136Mattie Hunter$DEPT EMPLOYMENT SECURITYSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB1137Mattie Hunter$GOVERNORS STATE UNIVERSITYSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB1138Mattie Hunter$ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITYSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB1139Mattie Hunter$DEPT OF LABORSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB1140Mattie Hunter$DEPT MILITARY AFFAIRSSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB1141Mattie Hunter$NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITYSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB1142Mattie Hunter$NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB1241Mattie HunterEPA-MERCURY THERMOSTATSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-04528/27/2007
SB1390Mattie HunterCD CORR-RESTORATION OF RIGHTSSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB1391Mattie HunterCD CORR-GOOD CONDUCT CREDITSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-05398/28/2007
SB1432Mattie HunterFAMILY CAREGIVER DEMO-REPEALSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB1433Mattie HunterCIGARETTE TAX-RETAILERSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-04628/27/2007
SB1435Mattie HunterBUS CORP-CORPORATE NAMESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-05078/28/2007
SB1436Mattie HunterEDUCATION-TECHSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB1441Mattie Hunter$STATE BOARD OF EDUCATIONSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB1442Mattie Hunter$DHS-SUBSTANCE ABUSE-OFFENDERSSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB1530Mattie HunterEDUCATION-TECHSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB1531Mattie Hunter$IDPH-TECHSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB1664Mattie HunterCOMMUNITY SRVCS-GOV-COMMISSIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-068210/17/2007
SB1915Mattie HunterCRIM CD-ONE GUN PER MONTHSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB1932Mattie HunterTREASURER-FUNDS DEPOSIT/INVESTSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB1938Mattie HunterMEDICAID-PSYCHIATRIC SERVICESSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB2473Mattie HunterDPH-HEALTH CARE REGISTRYSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB2474Mattie HunterLOTTERY-TICKET FOR THE CURESSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB2475Mattie HunterPUB HEALTH-COPD STAFFSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB2476Mattie HunterRACIAL IMPACT NOTESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-099510/3/2008
SB2477Mattie HunterMERCURY COLLECTION-TECHSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB2478Mattie HunterPUBLIC AID-TECHSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB2603Mattie HunterCOM COL-REPORT-CHIEF ADMINSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-10463/27/2009
SB2832Mattie HunterHIGHER ED TEXTBOOK ACT-TECHSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB2833Mattie HunterHIGHER ED TEXTBOOK ACT-TECHSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB2835Mattie HunterHIGHER ED TEXTBOOK ACT-TECHSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB2836Mattie HunterHIGHER ED TEXTBOOK ACT-TECHSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB2849Mattie HunterOPIATE PREVENTION-TREATMENTSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB2860Mattie HunterMERCURY-AD PRDCTS-COSMETICSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-101912/23/2008
SB2877Mattie HunterMINORITY MENTAL HLTH AWARENESSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-099810/3/2008
SB2878Mattie HunterAGING-TECHSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SR47Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-ESTELLA PARKERSResolution Adopted2/9/2007
SR79Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-ROOSEVELT COLLINS JRSResolution Adopted3/2/2007
SR82Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-RYAN HARRISSResolution Adopted3/2/2007
SR129Mattie HunterURGE-MICROBICIDE DEVELOPMENTSResolution Adopted5/18/2007
SR146Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-JAMES PEOPLESSResolution Adopted4/20/2007
SR170Mattie HunterYOUTH DEMOCRACY DAYSResolution Adopted5/29/2007
SR219Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-RODERICK ODENSResolution Adopted5/25/2007
SR251Mattie HunterMEMORIAL - COLLINS BROWN SRSResolution Adopted6/15/2007
SR298Mattie HunterHIGHER EDUC-TEXTBOOK COSTSSResolution Adopted7/26/2007
SR323Mattie HunterMEMORIAL - MARY WALLERSResolution Adopted8/3/2007
SR332Mattie HunterMEMORIAL - DEBRA KAY MACONSResolution Adopted8/15/2007
SR341Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-DOROTHY WILLIAMSSResolution Adopted9/18/2007
SR390Mattie HunterMEMORIAL - STEVE WILLIAMSSResolution Adopted10/12/2007
SR416Mattie HunterMEMORIAL - ISAIAH HUDSONSResolution Adopted11/2/2007
SR417Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-NIA THOMASSResolution Adopted11/2/2007
SR418Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-DR TERRA THOMASSResolution Adopted11/2/2007
SR419Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-ALDEN BLUMESResolution Adopted11/2/2007
SR422Mattie HunterMEMORIAL EARL L. DURHAMSResolution Adopted11/2/2007
SR471Mattie HunterMEMORIAL - LOICE WOODSSResolution Adopted1/10/2008
SR473Mattie HunterMEMORIAL - TYRONNE GREERSResolution Adopted1/10/2008
SR474Mattie HunterMOURNS ANNA BELLE WORRILLSResolution Adopted1/10/2008
SR481Mattie HunterIL ASTHMA PARTNERSHIP PLANSResolution Adopted as Amended4/10/2008
SR501Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-EARL WILLIAMSSResolution Adopted2/14/2008
SR510Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-MICHAEL SEATONSResolution Adopted2/14/2008
SR512Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-ARNETTE MOSEBERRYSResolution Adopted2/14/2008
SR553Mattie HunterMEMORIAL - MAGGIE PETERSONSResolution Adopted2/21/2008
SR641Mattie HunterMEMORIAL - LEON TAYLORSResolution Adopted4/10/2008
SR642Mattie HunterCONGRESS-DNA BACKLOG GRANTSSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SR648Mattie HunterLUPUS AWARENESS MONTHSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SR698Mattie HunterMENTAL HLTH SERVICS-COMMISSIONSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SR727Mattie HunterEDUC-TASK FORCE-COMM PARTNERSSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SR739Mattie HunterMEMORIAL - GEORGIA ROUNTREESResolution Adopted5/31/2008
SR741Mattie HunterMEMORIAL - GEORGIA ROUNTREESResolution Adopted5/31/2008
SR759Mattie HunterMEMORIAL - MERCEDES LAINGSResolution Adopted7/10/2008
SR767Mattie HunterMEMORIAL - SANDRA BLOUNTSResolution Adopted7/10/2008
SR796Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-CALVIN ASHFORD JRSResolution Adopted7/10/2008
SR827Mattie HunterSPRINGFIELD RACE RIOTS 100THSResolution Adopted8/19/2008
SR845Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-CHARLOTTE GOSSSResolution Adopted9/23/2008
SR851Mattie HunterMEMORIAL - NINA GILBERTSResolution Adopted9/23/2008
SR852Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-DOUGLAS LINDSEYSResolution Adopted9/23/2008
SR867Mattie HunterMEMORIAL - WARREN ELLISONSResolution Adopted9/23/2008
SR874Mattie HunterMEMORIAL - ANNA R. LANGFORDSResolution Adopted11/13/2008
SR881Mattie HunterMEMORIAL - MARY ELLEN WIGGINSSResolution Adopted11/13/2008
SR894Mattie HunterMEMORIAL - DESCENIA COLEMANSResolution Adopted11/13/2008
SR973Mattie HunterMEMORIAL-MATTIE HINESSResolution Adopted1/13/2009
SJR3Mattie HunterSLAVE TRADE COMMISSIONSAdopted Both Houses6/7/2007
SJR9Mattie HunterJUSTICE STUDY COMSAdopted Both Houses7/26/2007
SJR35Mattie HunterCHRNIC OBSTR PULMONARY DISEASESAdopted Both Houses6/28/2007
HB182Patricia R. BellockFORENSIC PSYCHIATRY FELLOWSHIPHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-00228/3/2007
HB281Esther GolarCRIM CD-THEFT LIMITATIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-05488/30/2007
HB420Chapin RoseVEH CD-SPECIAL OLYMPIC PLATESHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB724Kenneth DunkinPRIV BUS/VOC SCHOOL-EXEMPTIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-01268/13/2007
HB921Sara FeigenholtzOFF-HIGHWAY TRAILS FUNDHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB943Karen MayMERCURY ADDED PRODUCTS BANHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-00878/13/2007
HB948Elga L. JefferiesIL CARES RX-COVERED RX DRUGSHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB949Elga L. JefferiesDHS-TANF-GRANT INCREASEHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB951Arthur L. TurnerDPH-LOCAL HLTH AUTHORITIESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-02058/16/2007
HB1040Kevin JoyceMULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SCRATCH-OFFHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB1138Jack D. FranksVEHICLE CODE-REGISTRATIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-02078/16/2007
HB1293Constance A. HowardCD CORR-GOOD CONDUCT CREDITHTotal Veto Stands - No Positive Action Taken10/5/2007
HB1462Careen M GordonCIV PRO-SEXUAL INJ LIMITATIONSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-05899/10/2007
HB2748Constance A. HowardCRIMINAL LAW-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2749John D'AmicoCRIMINAL LAW-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB3653Esther GolarMED MALPRACTICE LIABILITY FUNDHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB3671James H. MeyerSTATE GOV-EXPEDITED PERMITSHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB4195LaShawn K. FordCIVIL LAW-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-08268/14/2008
HB4513Elga L. JefferiesDHS-TANF-GRANT INCREASEHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB4553Esther GolarCOMMUNITY YOUTH EMPLOYMENT ACTHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB4611Constance A. HowardIHDA-HOUSING STABILZATION LOANHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-08348/15/2008
HB5150William DavisPUB HEALTH-COPD STAFFHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB5297Elizabeth HernandezDHS-TANF-CHILD CARE-COPAYMENTHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB5348Naomi D. JakobssonEPA-MERCURY REDUCTIONHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB5703Julie HamosCOMMUNITY SENIOR SERVCS-REPEALHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB5866Mary E. FlowersDCFS-SERVICE PLANS-GOALSHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB6350Michael J. Madigan$ST BD ED-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HJR19Barbara Flynn CurrieJANE ADDAMS MEMORIAL TOLLWAYHAdopted Both Houses5/22/2007
HJR27Karen A. YarbroughREAL ID ACTHAdopted Both Houses5/22/2007
HJR71Esther GolarLOCAL SCHOOL COUNCILSHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HJR76Constance A. HowardPARENTS ACCOUNTABLTY COMMITTEEHSession Sine Die1/13/2009