State of Illinois
90th General Assembly

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[ Introduced ][ House Amendment 002 ]


 1                     AMENDMENT TO HOUSE BILL 425
 2        AMENDMENT NO.     .  Amend House Bill  425  by  replacing
 3    everything after the enacting clause with the following:
 4        "Section  1.   Short title.  This Act may be cited as the
 5    Illinois Equal Justice Assistance Act.
 6        Section 5. Legislative findings;  purpose.   The  General
 7    Assembly finds that:
 8        (a)  There  is  a  compelling  unmet need for civil legal
 9    services as  demonstrated  by  the  fact  that  comprehensive
10    studies  have  found  that only 20% of the legal needs of the
11    poor are being met.
12        (b)  The courts are the primary forum where  the  State's
13    and   nation's goal of equal justice for all is realized, and
14    that essential to the  abiding realization of  that  goal  is
15    the  public's  perception  of the fairness of  the courts and
16    the judicial system.
17        (c)  The goal of equal justice for all is compromised and
18    the  public's faith in the  fairness  and  integrity  of  the
19    judicial system is  undermined when one party to a dispute is
20    represented  by  counsel and the other  party is not and when
21    other individuals are unable to  access  the  courts  at  all
22    because they cannot pay for counsel.
                            -2-            LRB9001738KDksam04
 1        (d)  The  courts  are  overburdened  by  large numbers of
 2    annual  filings, and this burden on litigants,  counsel,  the
 3    judiciary,  and  the  court  system  itself  is substantially
 4    increased by the existence of cases where one or more parties
 5    is unrepresented by counsel, resulting in  a  more  expensive
 6    and  protracted process.
 7        (e)  The maintenance, operation, and actual and perceived
 8    fairness  of  the  courts are significantly enhanced when all
 9    parties to a dispute have access to  legal  counsel  who  may
10    guide the litigants through settlement or  other alternatives
11    to   litigation.    Individuals   unable   to   obtain  legal
12    representation cause all  parties  in  the  court  system  to
13    experience  backlogs  and delays, often resulting in multiple
14    court appearances, lengthier court   appearances  than  would
15    otherwise  be  necessary  for all parties, or both.  When all
16    parties to a dispute are represented by counsel, the  parties
17    proceed  in  a more  productive and efficient manner, thereby
18    reducing the number of cases the    courts  must  manage  and
19    reducing  unnecessary  backlogs and delays for all  litigants
20    in the court system.
21        (f)  The assessment, collection, and distribution of fees
22    under this  Act  expands  the  availability  of  civil  legal
23    services,  is  in  the  public  interest,  and  enhances  the
24    administration of justice and the courts.
25        (g)  The  use  of the fees for the purposes prescribed by
26    this Act is consistent with the essential  functions  of  the
27    courts.
28        Section 10.  Definitions.  For the purposes of this Act:
29        "Foundation" means the Illinois Equal Justice Foundation,
30    a  not-for-profit  corporation  created by the Illinois State
31    Bar Association and the Chicago Bar Association.
32        "Civil legal  services"  means  legal  representation  or
33    advice  that  is  (1)  provided  in  non-criminal  or traffic
                            -3-            LRB9001738KDksam04
 1    matters that either (a) are pending in courts located  within
 2    the  State of Illinois or (b) have a reasonable potential for
 3    court action within the State of Illinois based on the nature
 4    of the matter at issue, provided, however, representation and
 5    advice in traffic matters shall not include representation in
 6    formal court proceedings, and (2)  provided  to  persons  who
 7    have   been  found  eligible    under  financial  eligibility
 8    guidelines established by the civil legal services  provider.
 9        "Civil legal services provider"  means  a  not-for-profit
10    corporation  that  is: (1) tax exempt under Section 501(a) of
11    the  Internal  Code  as  a  501(c)(3)     organization;   (2)
12    established   for   the  purpose  of  providing  civil  legal
13    services; and (3) either: (i) employs one or  more  attorneys
14    who are licensed to practice law in the State of Illinois and
15    who  directly  provide civil legal  services or (ii) provides
16    civil legal services through an organized panel of  pro  bono
17    attorneys.
18        "Eligible  client"  means  a  person  who  has been found
19    financially eligible for civil  legal  services  by  a  civil
20    legal services provider.
21        "Pro   bono   attorney"   means   an   attorney   who  is
22    self-employed, or employed by an entity other  than  a  legal
23    services   provider,  and  who  represents  eligible  clients
24    without charge under the auspices of a civil  legal  services
25    provider.
26        "Recipient"   means  a  qualified  civil  legal  services
27    provider receiving funds under this Act.
28        Section 15.  Foundation; distribution of funds  to  civil
29    legal services providers.
30        (a)  The  Foundation  shall  establish and administer the
31    Illinois  Equal Justice Fund.  The Fund shall consist of  all
32    moneys  remitted  to  the   Foundation in accordance with the
33    terms of this Act.  The Foundation  shall deposit all  moneys
                            -4-            LRB9001738KDksam04
 1    received  under  this  Act  into  interest  bearing accounts.
 2    Administration  and  distribution  of  these  funds  by   the
 3    Foundation does not alter their character as public funds nor
 4    alter   the   fiduciary  responsibilities  attendant  to  the
 5    administration of public funds.
 6        (b)  The Foundation may annually retain a portion of  the
 7    amounts  it  receives  under  this  Section  to reimburse the
 8    Foundation for the actual cost of  administering  grants  and
 9    making  the distributions required under this Act during that
10    year, but in no event shall the amount of this  reimbursement
11    exceed  5%  of  the  amounts received by the Foundation under
12    this Act for that year.
13        (c)  The   distribution   of   funds   available    after
14    administrative  costs  shall be made by the Foundation in the
15    following manner:
16             (1)  The Foundation shall distribute  its  funds  to
17        qualified    civil  legal services providers operating in
18        one or more counties  within the State of Illinois.
19             (2)  The Foundation shall determine the  amounts  to
20        be    distributed  to each qualified civil legal services
21        provider based  upon the following criteria:
22                  (A)  the  number  of  clients  served  and  the
23             nature of  the civil legal services caseload of each
24             qualified civil  legal services provider compared to
25             all other qualified civil  legal services  providers
26             in the State of Illinois;
27                  (B)  the   qualified   civil   legal   services
28             provider's   satisfactory compliance with Section 45
29             of this Act;
30                  (C)  the   qualified   civil   legal   services
31             provider's  general compliance  with  the  following
32             standards:
33                       (i)  the  quality,  feasibility, and cost-
34                  effectiveness of the applicant's legal services
                            -5-            LRB9001738KDksam04
 1                  delivery approach as evidenced by, among  other
 2                  things,    the  experience  of  the applicant's
 3                  staff with the  delivery of the type  of  legal
 4                  assistance  contemplated    under the proposal;
 5                  compatibility    with    the    American    Bar
 6                  Association's Standards for Providers of  Civil
 7                  Legal  Services for the Poor, where applicable;
 8                  the    applicant's  compliance  experience with
 9                  other funding  sources or regulatory  agencies,
10                  including  but not  limited to federal or State
11                  agencies, bar  associations    or  foundations,
12                  courts,  Interest  on  Lawyers  Trust  Accounts
13                  programs,   and   private     foundations;  the
14                  reputations of the applicant's  principals  and
15                  key  staff;  and  the  applicant's capacity  to
16                  ensure continuity in representation of eligible
17                  clients with pending matters, including pending
18                  matters  referred  from  other  legal  services
19                  providers.
20                       (ii)  the  applicant's  knowledge  of  the
21                  various    components  of  the  legal  services
22                  delivery   system   in   the    State  and  its
23                  willingness  to   coordinate   with   them   as
24                  appropriate, including its capacity to:
25                            (I)  develop  and  increase resources
26                       from   funds  other  than  those  provided
27                       under this Act;  and
28                            (II)  cooperate  with State and local
29                       bar  associations, private attorneys,  and
30                       pro   bono     programs  to  increase  the
31                       involvement of private  attorneys  in  the
32                       delivery  of  legal  assistance    and the
33                       availability of pro  bono  legal  services
34                       to eligible clients; and
                            -6-            LRB9001738KDksam04
 1                       (iii)  the   applicant's   knowledge   and
 2                  willingness  to    cooperate  with  other civil
 3                  legal services providers,    community  groups,
 4                  public   interest   organizations,   and  human
 5                  services  providers  in  a   manner   that   is
 6                  consistent   with   the     Illinois  Rules  of
 7                  Professional Conduct; and
 8                  (D)  where  applicable,  the  qualified   civil
 9             legal    services  provider's  status  as  an entity
10             funded by the Legal  Services Corporation.
11             (3)  The Foundation shall give annual notice of  the
12        amount   of     funds  available  for  distribution,  the
13        procedure  by  which  qualified  civil   legal   services
14        providers  can  apply  for  funds,  and  the schedule for
15        review  and distribution of funds under this Act.
16             (4)  The governing board  of  the  Foundation  shall
17        adopt  regulations  and procedures necessary to implement
18        and enforce this Act  and  to  ensure    that  the  funds
19        allocated under this Act are used to provide civil  legal
20        services  to  persons  found to be eligible clients under
21        this Act.
22             In adopting the  regulations,  the  governing  board
23        shall comply with the following procedures:
24                       (i)  the  governing  board shall publish a
25                  preliminary  draft  of  the   regulations   and
26                  procedures,   which   shall   be   distributed,
27                  together  with notice of the comment period, to
28                  members of the Foundation, potential recipients
29                  of funds, and other interested parties that the
30                  Foundation considers appropriate; and
31                       (ii)  the governing board  shall  allow  a
32                  reasonable   time   period   for  affected  and
33                  interested parties to present  written  comment
34                  regarding    the   proposed   regulations   and
                            -7-            LRB9001738KDksam04
 1                  procedures before the  governing  board  adopts
 2                  final regulations and procedures.
 3             (5)  The   Foundation   shall   make   payments   to
 4        recipients   on   a   calendar-year  basis  in  quarterly
 5        installments.
 6        Section 20. Foundation; other powers.  The Foundation may
 7    make, enter into, and execute contracts, agreements,  leases,
 8    and  other  instruments  with  any  person, including without
 9    limitation any federal, State, or local governmental  agency,
10    and   may  take  other  actions  that  may  be  necessary  or
11    convenient to accomplish any purpose authorized by this Act.
12        Section  25.   Foundation;  acceptance  of   funds.   The
13    Foundation  has  the  authority to receive and accept any and
14    all grants, loans, subsidies, matching funds, reimbursements,
15    federal grant moneys, fees for services, and other things  of
16    value  from  the federal or State government or any agency of
17    any other state or from any  institution,  person,  firm,  or
18    corporation,  public  or private, to be used to carry out the
19    purposes of this Act.
20        Section 30. Reports.
21        (a)  Each recipient of funds for the provision  of  civil
22    legal services  under this Act shall annually submit a report
23    to  the  Foundation.   This report  shall include either: (i)
24    an audit of the funds received from  the  Foundation    by  a
25    certified  public accountant or (ii) a fiscal review approved
26    by the  Foundation setting forth the  manner  and  amount  of
27    expenditures   made   with  the    funds  received  from  the
28    Foundation and a description of the programs on which    they
29    were expended.  The reports shall be public records available
30    for inspection upon request.
31        (b)  The  governing board of the Foundation shall prepare
                            -8-            LRB9001738KDksam04
 1    an annual report to the Governor, the Senate  President,  the
 2    Senate   Minority   Leader,  the  Speaker  of  the  House  of
 3    Representatives,  the  Minority  Leader  of  the   House   of
 4    Representatives,  and  the  Justices  of the Illinois Supreme
 5    Court.  The report shall include (i) a statement of the total
 6    receipts and  a  breakdown  by  source  during  each  of  the
 7    previous  2  calendar  years;  (ii)  a  list of the names and
 8    addresses of the qualified  civil  legal  services  providers
 9    that are currently receiving funds and that received funds in
10    the  previous  year, and the amounts committed to civil legal
11    providers for the current year and paid in the previous year;
12    (iii)  a breakdown of the amounts paid  during  the  previous
13    year  to  civil  legal  services  providers,  and the amounts
14    committed to each  civil  legal  services  provider  for  the
15    current  year;  (iv) a breakdown of the Foundation's costs in
16    administering the Fund; and  (v)  a  statement  of  the  Fund
17    balance  at  the  start  and  at  the  close  of the previous
18    calendar year and the interest  earned  during  the  previous
19    calendar  year.    The  report  shall include any notices the
20    Foundation issued denying applications for funds  under  this
21    Act.   The  report, in its entirety, shall be a public record
22    and shall be made available for inspection by the  Foundation
23    and the Governor  upon request.
24        Section   35.  Qualified legal service providers. A civil
25    legal services provider qualifies  for  and  is  entitled  to
26    receive    funds  under  this  Act  if it meets the following
27    criteria:
28        (1)  it makes financial eligibility determinations before
29    providing civil  legal services;
30        (2)  it has demonstrated or demonstrates  its  commitment
31    to  the  provision   of  high quality civil legal services to
32    eligible clients and has demonstrated   or  demonstrates  the
33    viability of its continued operation; and
                            -9-            LRB9001738KDksam04
 1        (3)  it  either:  (a) received and expended cash funds in
 2    Illinois in the previous fiscal year  in  the  amount  of  at
 3    least  $50,000  for the provision of civil legal services, or
 4    (b) it demonstrates its prospective ability to  provide  high
 5    quality  civil  legal  services  to  the  indigent  under the
 6    criteria set forth in this Act.
 7        Section 40.  Responsibilities of recipients. With respect
 8    to the provision of civil legal services  funded  under  this
 9    Act, each recipient shall ensure all of the following:
10             (1)  the   maintenance   of   quality   service  and
11        compliance  with  the  Illinois  Rules  of   Professional
12        Conduct; and
13             (2)  compliance  with this Act in the expenditure of
14        funds received under this Act.
15        No restrictions from any  other  funding  entity  may  be
16    applied to funds  granted to a recipient by the Foundation.
17        Section 45. Noninterference with attorneys.
18        (a)  If  an  attorney  employed  by  or  acting under the
19    auspices of a recipient is  providing  civil  legal  services
20    that  are  funded  in whole or in part by this Act, no person
21    may interfere with that attorney's carrying out  his  or  her
22    professional  responsibility  to  his or her client under the
23    Illinois Rules of Professional Conduct.
24        (b)  No question of whether representation is  authorized
25    or  whether a client is eligible under this Act may be raised
26    or considered in or affect the disposition of any  matter  in
27    which  a  person is represented by an attorney employed by or
28    acting under the auspices of a recipient of funds under  this
29    Act.   Any  questions  regarding  these  issues first must be
30    raised directly with the executive director of the recipient,
31    and if not resolved, then with the Foundation.
                            -10-           LRB9001738KDksam04
 1        Section 50. Termination of funds; procedures.
 2        (a)  The Foundation may suspend or terminate funds it has
 3    authorized  under this Act  upon  its  determination  that  a
 4    recipient   is   not   operating   in   compliance  with  the
 5    requirements of this Act.
 6        (b)  An action by the Foundation proposing to suspend  or
 7    to  terminate  an  existing grant of funds under this Act may
 8    not become final until the recipient has been afforded notice
 9    of the proposed action and the opportunity  to  be  heard  in
10    accordance with the procedures established by the Foundation.
11        Section  55.   No other restrictions. Nothing in this Act
12    shall  be  construed  to  impose   any   limitations   on   a
13    recipient's  use  of  funds received from a source other than
14    the Foundation. A recipient may not use funds received  under
15    this   Act   to  influence  the  passage  or  defeat  of  any
16    legislation,    constitutional     amendment,     referendum,
17    initiative,  or  any  similar  procedure of the Congress or a
18    State or local legislative body.  This includes  payment  for
19    any  personal  service,  advertisement,  telegram,  telephone
20    communication,    letter,    printed   or   written   matter,
21    administrative expense, or related  expense  associated  with
22    this prohibited activity.
23        Section  70.  The  State Finance Act is amended by adding
24    Section 5.449 as follows:
25        (30 ILCS 105/5.449 new)
26        Sec. 5.449.  The Illinois Equal Justice Fund.
27        Section 75.  The Illinois Income Tax Act  is  amended  by
28    adding  Section  507R and by changing Sections 509 and 510 as
29    follows:
                            -11-           LRB9001738KDksam04
 1        (35 ILCS 5/507R new)
 2        Sec. 507R.  Illinois Equal  Justice  Fund  checkoff.  The
 3    Department  shall print on its standard individual income tax
 4    form a provision indicating that if the  taxpayer  wishes  to
 5    contribute to the  Illinois Equal Justice Fund, as authorized
 6    by  this  amendatory  Act  of  1997,  he  or she may do so by
 7    stating the amount of the contribution (not less than $1)  on
 8    the  return  and  that  the  contribution  will  reduce   the
 9    taxpayer's  refund  or    increase  the  amount of payment to
10    accompany the return.   Failure  to  remit  any    amount  of
11    increased  payment shall reduce the contribution accordingly.
12    This  Section shall not apply to any amended return.
13        (35 ILCS 5/509) (from Ch. 120, par. 5-509)
14        Sec. 509.  Tax  checkoff  explanations.   All  individual
15    income   tax   return   forms   shall   contain   appropriate
16    explanations  and spaces to enable the taxpayers to designate
17    contributions to the Child  Abuse  Prevention  Fund,  to  the
18    Community  Health  Center Care Fund, to the Illinois Wildlife
19    Preservation  Fund  as  required  by  the  Illinois  Non-Game
20    Wildlife Protection Act, to the Alzheimer's Disease  Research
21    Fund  as required by the Alzheimer's Disease Research Act, to
22    the Assistance to the Homeless Fund as required by this  Act,
23    to the Heritage Preservation Fund as required by the Heritage
24    Preservation Act, to the Child Care Expansion Program Fund as
25    required by the Child Care Expansion Program Act, to the Ryan
26    White   AIDS   Victims  Assistance  Fund,  to  the  Assistive
27    Technology  for  Persons  with  Disabilities  Fund,  to   the
28    Domestic  Violence  Shelter  and  Service Fund, to the United
29    States Olympians Assistance Fund, to  the  Youth  Drug  Abuse
30    Prevention  Fund, to the Persian Gulf Conflict Veterans Fund,
31    to the Literacy Advancement Fund, to the Ryan White Pediatric
32    and  Adult  AIDS  Fund,  to  the  Illinois  Special  Olympics
33    Checkoff Fund, to the Breast  and  Cervical  Cancer  Research
                            -12-           LRB9001738KDksam04
 1    Fund,  to  the Korean War Memorial Fund, to the Heart Disease
 2    Treatment and Prevention Fund, to  the  Hemophilia  Treatment
 3    Fund,  to the Women in Military Service Memorial Fund, to the
 4    Illinois Equal Justice Fund, and to the Meals on Wheels Fund.
 5    Each form shall contain a statement  that  the  contributions
 6    will  reduce  the taxpayer's refund or increase the amount of
 7    payment to accompany the return.  Failure to remit any amount
 8    of  increased   payment   shall   reduce   the   contribution
 9    accordingly.
10        If,  on October 1 of any year, the total contributions to
11    any one of the funds made under this  Section  do  not  equal
12    $100,000 or more, the explanations and spaces for designating
13    contributions   to   the  fund  shall  be  removed  from  the
14    individual income tax return forms for the following and  all
15    subsequent years and all subsequent contributions to the fund
16    shall be refunded to the taxpayer.
17    (Source: P.A.  88-85;  88-130;  88-459; 88-666, eff. 9-16-94;
18    88-670, eff.  12-2-94;  89-230,  eff.  1-1-96;  89-324,  eff.
19    8-13-95.)
20        (35 ILCS 5/510) (from Ch. 120, par. 5-510)
21        Sec.  510.  Determination  of  amounts  contributed.  The
22    Department shall determine the total  amount  contributed  to
23    each  of  the following: the Child Abuse Prevention Fund, the
24    Illinois Wildlife Preservation  Fund,  the  Community  Health
25    Center  Care  Fund,  the Assistance to the Homeless Fund, the
26    Alzheimer's Disease Research Fund, the Heritage  Preservation
27    Fund,  the  Child Care Expansion Program Fund, the Ryan White
28    AIDS Victims Assistance Fund, the  Assistive  Technology  for
29    Persons with Disabilities Fund, the Domestic Violence Shelter
30    and  Service  Fund,  the  United  States Olympians Assistance
31    Fund, the Youth Drug Abuse Prevention Fund, the Persian  Gulf
32    Conflict  Veterans  Fund,  the Literacy Advancement Fund, the
33    Ryan White  Pediatric  and  Adult  AIDS  Fund,  the  Illinois
                            -13-           LRB9001738KDksam04
 1    Special  Olympics  Checkoff  Fund,  the  Breast  and Cervical
 2    Cancer Research Fund, the Korean War Memorial Fund, the Heart
 3    Disease  Treatment  and  Prevention  Fund,   the   Hemophilia
 4    Treatment  Fund, the Women in Military Service Memorial Fund,
 5    the Illinois Equal Justice Fund,  and  the  Meals  on  Wheels
 6    Fund;  and  shall  notify the State Comptroller and the State
 7    Treasurer of the amounts to be transferred from  the  General
 8    Revenue   Fund  to  each  fund,  and  upon  receipt  of  such
 9    notification  the  State  Treasurer  and  Comptroller   shall
10    transfer the amounts.
11    (Source: P.A.  88-85;  88-130;  88-459; 88-666, eff. 9-16-94;
12    88-670, eff.  12-2-94;  89-230,  eff.  1-1-96;  89-324,  eff.
13    8-13-95.)
14        Section 80.  The Appellate Court Act is amended by adding
15    Section 19 as follows:
16        (705 ILCS 25/19 new)
17        Sec.  19.   Illinois  Equal  Justice  Fund surcharge. The
18    clerks of the Appellate Courts shall collect any   surcharges
19    imposed  by Supreme Court Rule for the Illinois Equal Justice
20    Fund in the manner in which the clerks collect all other fees
21    and charges.  The clerks  shall  remit  monthly  all  amounts
22    collected under this Section to the State Treasurer who shall
23    disburse these amounts monthly to the Illinois  Equal Justice
24    Foundation for deposit into the Illinois Equal Justice Fund.
25        Section  85.  The  Clerks  of  Courts  Act  is amended by
26    adding Sections 27.3d and 28.5 as follows:
27        (705 ILCS 105/27.3d new)
28        Sec. 27.3d.  Fee; collection and remittance.
29        (a)  The clerk of the circuit court of each county having
30    a  population of 3,000,000 or more shall charge  and  collect
                            -14-           LRB9001738KDksam04
 1    an  Illinois Equal Justice Fund surcharge in all civil cases.
 2             (1)  For filing a civil case or for a confession  of
 3        judgment,  the  surcharge shall be $6, except as follows:
 4        if the  amount in controversy does not exceed  $250,  the
 5        surcharge  shall  be  $1; if the amount in controversy is
 6        at least $250 but does not exceed  $1,000, the  surcharge
 7        shall  be  $2;  if the amount in controversy  is at least
 8        $1,000 but does not exceed $2,500, the surcharge shall be
 9        $3; if the amount in controversy is at least  $2,500  but
10        does  not  exceed  $5,000, the surcharge shall be $4; and
11        if the amount in controversy  is at least $5,000 but does
12        not exceed $15,000, the surcharge shall be  $5.
13             (2)  For filing a forcible entry and detainer  case,
14        the    surcharge  shall  be  $4  when the plaintiff seeks
15        possession only or  unites with  his  or  her  claim  for
16        possession  of  the property a claim  for rent or damages
17        or both in the amount of $15,000  or  less.   When    the
18        plaintiff  unites  his or her claim for possession with a
19        claim  for rent or damages or both exceeding $15,000, the
20        surcharge shall  be $6.
21             (3)  For filing a probate case, the surcharge  shall
22        be  $2  except  as follows: for filing a probate case for
23        administration of  an estate of  a  decedent  or  missing
24        person  in which the value of  real and personal property
25        exceeds $15,000, the surcharge shall  be    $6;  and  for
26        filing  a  probate  case for administration of the estate
27        of a ward  in  which  the  value  of  real  and  personal
28        property exceeds  $15,000, the surcharge shall be $4.
29             (4)  For  appearing in a civil action, the surcharge
30        shall be  $5, except as follows:  in a probate case,  the
31        surcharge  shall  be    $2  unless  subparagraph  (D)  of
32        paragraph  (3) of subsection (v) of Section 27.2a of this
33        Act is applicable, in which case no  surcharge  shall  be
34        charged;  in  a  forcible entry case or a case  where the
                            -15-           LRB9001738KDksam04
 1        amount  in  controversy  does  not  exceed  $1,500,   the
 2        surcharge  shall  be $1; and if the amount in controversy
 3        is at least $1,500  but  does  not  exceed  $15,000,  the
 4        surcharge shall be $2.
 5             (5)  The surcharge shall be in addition to all other
 6        surcharges  and charges of the clerk, shall be assessable
 7        as costs,  and shall be paid by each party  at  the  time
 8        the  party  files his or  her first pleading in all civil
 9        cases.  The surcharge  shall  not  be    charged  in  any
10        proceeding commenced by or on behalf of the State or  any
11        State  agency or by a unit of local government, nor shall
12        the  surcharge be charged in any  proceeding  to  modify,
13        vacate, or enforce  an existing order or judgment.
14        (b)  In  all  counties  having  a  population of at least
15    650,000 but not   more  than  3,000,000,  the  clerk  of  the
16    circuit  court  shall  charge  and  collect an Illinois Equal
17    Justice Fund surcharge in all civil cases.
18             (1)  For filing a civil case or for a confession  of
19        judgment,  the  surcharge shall be $6, except as follows:
20        if the  amount in controversy does not exceed  $250,  the
21        surcharge  shall  be  $1; if the amount in controversy is
22        at least $250 but does not exceed  $1,000, the  surcharge
23        shall  be  $2;  if the amount in controversy  is at least
24        $1,000 but does not exceed $2,500, the surcharge shall be
25        $3; if the amount in controversy is at least  $2,500  but
26        does  not  exceed  $5,000, the surcharge shall be $4; and
27        if the amount in controversy  is at least $5,000 but does
28        not exceed $15,000, the surcharge shall be  $5.
29             (2)  For filing a forcible entry and detainer  case,
30        the    surcharge  shall  be  $4  when the plaintiff seeks
31        possession only or  unites with  his  or  her  claim  for
32        possession  of  the property a claim  for rent or damages
33        or both in the amount of $15,000  or  less.   When    the
34        plaintiff  unites  his or her claim for possession with a
                            -16-           LRB9001738KDksam04
 1        claim  for rent or damages or both exceeding $15,000, the
 2        surcharge shall  be $6.
 3             (3)  For filing a probate case, the surcharge  shall
 4        be  $2   except as follows: for filing a probate case for
 5        administration of  an estate of  a  decedent  or  missing
 6        person  in which the value of  real and personal property
 7        exceeds $15,000, the surcharge shall  be    $6;  and  for
 8        filing  a  probate  case for administration of the estate
 9        of a ward  in  which  the  value  of  real  and  personal
10        property exceeds  $15,000, the surcharge shall be $4.
11             (4)  For  appearing in a civil action, the surcharge
12        shall be  $5, except as follows:  in a probate case,  the
13        surcharge  shall  be    $2  unless  subparagraph  (D)  of
14        paragraph  (3) of subsection (v) of Section 27.2a of this
15        Act is applicable, in which case no  surcharge  shall  be
16        charged;  in  a  forcible entry case or a case  where the
17        amount  in  controversy  does  not  exceed  $1,500,   the
18        surcharge  shall  be $1; and if the amount in controversy
19        is at least $1,500  but  does  not  exceed  $15,000,  the
20        surcharge shall be $2.
21             (5)  The surcharge shall be in addition to all other
22        surcharges  and charges of the clerk, shall be assessable
23        as costs,  and shall be paid by each party  at  the  time
24        the  party  files his or  her first pleading in all civil
25        cases.  The surcharge  shall  not  be    charged  in  any
26        proceeding commenced by or on behalf of the State or  any
27        State  agency or by a unit of local government, nor shall
28        the  surcharge be charged in any  proceeding  to  modify,
29        vacate, or enforce  an existing order or judgment.
30        (c)  In  all  counties  having  a  population of at least
31    180,000 but not  more than 650,000, the clerk of the  circuit
32    court  shall  charge  and  collect an  Illinois Equal Justice
33    Fund surcharge in all civil cases.
34             (1)  For filing a civil case or for a confession  of
                            -17-           LRB9001738KDksam04
 1        judgment,  the  surcharge shall be $6, except as follows:
 2        if the  amount in controversy does not exceed  $250,  the
 3        surcharge  shall  be  $1; if the amount in controversy is
 4        at least $250 but does not exceed  $1,000, the  surcharge
 5        shall  be  $2;  if the amount in controversy  is at least
 6        $1,000 but does not exceed $2,500, the surcharge shall be
 7        $3; if the amount in controversy is at least  $2,500  but
 8        does  not  exceed  $5,000, the surcharge shall be $4; and
 9        if the amount in controversy  is at least $5,000 but does
10        not exceed $15,000, the surcharge shall be  $5.
11             (2)  For filing a forcible entry and detainer  case,
12        the    surcharge  shall  be  $4  when the plaintiff seeks
13        possession only or  unites with  his  or  her  claim  for
14        possession  of  the property a claim  for rent or damages
15        or both in the amount of $15,000  or  less.   When    the
16        plaintiff  unites  his or her claim for possession with a
17        claim  for rent or damages or both exceeding $15,000, the
18        surcharge shall  be $6.
19             (3)  For filing a probate case, the surcharge  shall
20        be  $2   except as follows: for filing a probate case for
21        administration of  an estate of  a  decedent  or  missing
22        person  in which the value of  real and personal property
23        exceeds $15,000, the surcharge shall  be    $6;  and  for
24        filing  a  probate  case for administration of the estate
25        of a ward  in  which  the  value  of  real  and  personal
26        property exceeds  $15,000, the surcharge shall be $4.
27             (4)  For  appearing in a civil action, the surcharge
28        shall be  $5, except as follows:  in a probate case,  the
29        surcharge  shall  be    $2  unless  subparagraph  (D)  of
30        paragraph  (3) of subsection (v) of Section 27.2a of this
31        Act is applicable, in which case no  surcharge  shall  be
32        charged;  in  a  forcible entry case or a case  where the
33        amount  in  controversy  does  not  exceed  $1,500,   the
34        surcharge  shall  be $1; and if the amount in controversy
                            -18-           LRB9001738KDksam04
 1        is at least $1,500 but does not is at least $15,000,  the
 2        surcharge shall be $2.
 3             (5)  The surcharge shall be in addition to all other
 4        fees,    surcharges,  and  charges of the clerk, shall be
 5        assessable as costs,  and shall be paid by each party  at
 6        the  time  the  party files his or  her first pleading in
 7        all civil cases.  The surcharge shall not be  charged  in
 8        any  proceeding commenced by or on behalf of the State or
 9        any State agency or by a unit of  local  government,  nor
10        shall  the    surcharge  be  charged in any proceeding to
11        modify,  vacate,  or  enforce    an  existing  order   or
12        judgment.
13        (d)  In  all  counties  having  a population of less than
14    180,000, the clerk of the  circuit  court  shall  charge  and
15    collect  an    Illinois  Equal  Justice Fund surcharge in all
16    civil cases.
17             (1)  For filing a civil case or for a confession  of
18        judgment,  the  surcharge shall be $6, except as follows:
19        if the  amount in controversy does not exceed  $250,  the
20        surcharge  shall  be  $1; if the amount in controversy is
21        at least $250 but does not exceed  $1,000, the  surcharge
22        shall  be  $2;  if the amount in controversy  is at least
23        $1,000 but does not exceed $2,500, the surcharge shall be
24        $3; if the amount in controversy is at least  $2,500  but
25        does  not  exceed  $5,000, the surcharge shall be $4; and
26        if the amount in controversy  is at least $5,000 but does
27        not exceed $15,000, the surcharge shall be  $5.
28             (2)  For filing a forcible entry and detainer  case,
29        the    surcharge  shall  be  $4  when the plaintiff seeks
30        possession only or  unites with  his  or  her  claim  for
31        possession  of  the property a claim  for rent or damages
32        or both in the amount of $15,000  or  less.   When    the
33        plaintiff  unites  his or her claim for possession with a
34        claim  for rent or damages or both exceeding $15,000, the
                            -19-           LRB9001738KDksam04
 1        surcharge shall  be $6.
 2             (3)  For filing a probate case, the surcharge  shall
 3        be  $2   except as follows: for filing a probate case for
 4        administration of  an estate of  a  decedent  or  missing
 5        person  in which the value of  real and personal property
 6        exceeds $15,000, the surcharge shall  be    $6;  and  for
 7        filing  a  probate  case for administration of the estate
 8        of a ward  in  which  the  value  of  real  and  personal
 9        property exceeds  $15,000, the surcharge shall be $4.
10             (4)  For  appearing in a civil action, the surcharge
11        shall be  $5, except as follows:  in a probate case,  the
12        surcharge  shall  be    $2  unless  subparagraph  (D)  of
13        paragraph  (3) of subsection (v) of Section 27.2a of this
14        Act is applicable, in which case no  surcharge  shall  be
15        charged;  in  a  forcible entry case or a case  where the
16        amount  in  controversy  does  not  exceed  $1,500,   the
17        surcharge  shall  be $1; and if the amount in controversy
18        is at least $1,500 but does not is at least $15,000,  the
19        surcharge shall be $2.
20             (5)  The surcharge shall be in addition to all other
21        fees,    surcharges,  and  charges of the clerk, shall be
22        assessable as costs,  and shall be paid by each party  at
23        the  time  the  party files his or  her first pleading in
24        all civil cases.  The surcharge shall not be  charged  in
25        any  proceeding commenced by or on behalf of the State or
26        any State agency or by a unit of  local  government,  nor
27        shall  the    surcharge  be  charged in any proceeding to
28        modify,  vacate,  or  enforce    an  existing  order   or
29        judgment.
30        (e)  In all counties, the clerk of the circuit court also
31    shall  charge  and  collect  an  Illinois  Equal Justice Fund
32    surcharge of $2 for petty offenses under the Illinois Vehicle
33    Code or a  similar  local  ordinance  or  a  local  ordinance
34    governing  the  standing  or  parking of motor vehicles. This
                            -20-           LRB9001738KDksam04
 1    surcharge shall be assessed against the defendant  for  petty
 2    offenses  under  the Illinois Vehicle Code or a similar local
 3    ordinance or a local  ordinance  governing  the  standing  or
 4    parking  of motor vehicles upon a plea of guilty, stipulation
 5    of facts, or finding of guilty,  resulting in a  judgment  or
 6    conviction,   or   order   of  supervision,  or  sentence  of
 7    probation without entry of judgment.  No surcharge  shall  be
 8    imposed  or    collected,  however, in petty traffic cases in
 9    which fines are paid  without a court appearance.
10        (f)  The clerk of the circuit  court  shall  collect  the
11    surcharges  imposed under this Section in the manner in which
12    the clerk collects all other  fees  or  charges.   The  clerk
13    shall remit monthly all amounts collected under this  Section
14    to  the  State  Treasurer  who  shall  disburse these amounts
15    monthly to the Illinois Equal Justice Foundation for  deposit
16    into the Illinois Equal Justice Fund.
17        (705 ILCS 105/28.5 new)
18        Sec.  28.5.   Supreme Court Clerk; Illinois Equal Justice
19    Fund surcharge. The Clerk of the Supreme Court shall  collect
20    any  surcharges  imposed    by  Supreme  Court  Rule  for the
21    Illinois Equal Justice Fund in the manner in  which the Clerk
22    collects all other fees and charges.  The Clerk  shall  remit
23    monthly all amounts collected under this Section to the State
24    Treasurer  who  shall  disburse  these amounts monthly to the
25    Illinois Equal   Justice  Foundation  for  deposit  into  the
26    Illinois Equal Justice Fund.
27        Section   90.    The  Uniform  Disposition  of  Unclaimed
28    Property Act is amended by changing Section 9 as follows:
29        (765 ILCS 1025/9) (from Ch. 141, par. 109)
30        Sec. 9.  All intangible personal property, not  otherwise
31    covered  by  this  Act,  including  any  income  or increment
                            -21-           LRB9001738KDksam04
 1    thereon that the owner would be entitled to and deducting any
 2    lawful charges, that is held or owing in this  State  in  the
 3    ordinary  course  of  the  holder's business and has remained
 4    unclaimed by the owner for more than 5 years after it  became
 5    payable   or  distributable  is  presumed  abandoned.  Before
 6    reporting and delivering property as required under this Act,
 7    a  business  association  may  deduct  from  the  amount   of
 8    otherwise   reportable   intangible   personal  property  the
 9    economic  loss  suffered  by  it  in  connection  with   that
10    intangible   personal   property  arising  from  transactions
11    involving the sale of tangible personal property  at  retail.
12    Except  as provided in Section 10.5, this provision shall not
13    apply to intangible personal property held prior  to  October
14    1,  1968  by business associations.  Property remitted to the
15    State pursuant to this Act, prior to the  effective  date  of
16    this  amendatory  Act  of 1982, shall not be affected by this
17    amendatory Act of 1982.
18        This Act shall not apply to abandoned  funds  held  in  a
19    lawyer's  trust    account  established  under  Supreme Court
20    Rules.  Intangible personal property held in a lawyer's trust
21    account  established  under  Supreme  Court  Rules  that  has
22    remained unclaimed by the owner for more than 5  years  after
23    it  became  payable or distributable shall be remitted to the
24    State Treasurer who shall disburse these amounts  monthly  to
25    the  Illinois  Equal  Justice Foundation for deposit into the
26    Illinois Equal Justice Fund.
27    (Source: P.A. 87-925; 88-435.)
28        Section  95.   Severability.  The  provisions   of   this
29    amendatory  Act  of  1997 are severable under Section 1.31 of
30    the  Statues on Statutes.".

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