Illinois General Assembly - Senator's Bills
Illinois General Assembly

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Senator Seth Lewis (R), 24th District
Seth Lewis is a Sponsor on all bills listed below.
Click Here to see only bills where Seth Lewis is Primary Sponsor.
Bill # Chief Sponsor ABR - Short Description Chamber Last Action Last Action Date
SB39Sally J. TurnerVETS-TINY HOMES-EV EXEMPTIONSPlaced on Calendar Order of 2nd Reading February 4, 20251/31/2025
SB54Seth LewisELEC CD-VOTE BY MAIL COUNTSAssigned to Executive1/22/2025
SB91Ram VillivalamVEH CD-EXAMSSReferred to Assignments1/17/2025
SB93Willie PrestonPROHIBITED FOOD ADDITIVESSPlaced on Calendar Order of 2nd Reading February 18, 20252/5/2025
SB98Steve McClureSCH CD-EXPEL STU-SEX VIOLENCESReferred to Assignments1/17/2025
SB233Seth LewisCONTROLLED SUB-FENTANYLSAssigned to Criminal Law1/28/2025
SB234Seth LewisCRIM CD-VIOL ORDERS OF PROTECTSReferred to Assignments1/22/2025
SB235Seth LewisSTATE'S ATTORNEY-INVESTIGATORSAssigned to Executive1/28/2025
SB236Seth LewisCRIM CD-ID THEFT-PERSONSSReferred to Assignments1/22/2025
SB1270Seth LewisLOCAL GOVERNMENT TERM LIMITSSReferred to Assignments1/28/2025
SB1271Seth LewisDCEO-TAX CREDIT REPORTSReferred to Assignments1/28/2025
SB1495Seth LewisTRANSPORTATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments1/31/2025
SB1601Seth LewisREVENUE-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/4/2025
SB1714Seth LewisHEALTH-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/5/2025
SB2074Seth Lewis$IDOT-TECHSReferred to Assignments2/6/2025
SB2075Seth LewisCYCLE RIDER SAFETY-VARIOUSSReferred to Assignments2/6/2025
SB2343Seth LewisSELF-CERTIFICATION PROGRAMSReferred to Assignments2/7/2025
SR12Seth LewisCOURT REPORTING/CAPTIONING WKSResolution Adopted2/5/2025
SR13Seth LewisHINDU AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTHSReferred to Assignments1/17/2025
SR26Seth LewisDISTRACTED DRIVING AWARE-MNTHSAssigned to Transportation1/28/2025
SR42Seth LewisLAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL WEEKSReferred to Assignments1/28/2025