Illinois General Assembly - Senator's Bills
Illinois General Assembly

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Senator Michael E. Hastings (D), 19th District
Michael E. Hastings is a Sponsor on all bills listed below.
Click Here to see only bills where Michael E. Hastings is Primary Sponsor.
Bill # Chief Sponsor ABR - Short Description Chamber Last Action Last Action Date
SB24Michael E. HastingsMISSING PERSONS IDENTIFICATIONSAssigned to Criminal Law1/22/2025
SB25Michael E. HastingsSWIMMING FACILITY COLD SPASReferred to Assignments1/13/2025
SB26Michael E. HastingsPARENTAGE ACT-SCOPESPlaced on Calendar Order of 2nd Reading February 4, 20251/31/2025
SB27Michael E. HastingsMARRIAGE ACT-CHILD SUPPORTSPlaced on Calendar Order of 2nd Reading February 4, 20251/31/2025
SB55Karina VillaINS CD-MENTAL HEALTH PARITYSReferred to Assignments1/13/2025
SB99Michael E. HastingsPROP TX-VETERANSSAssigned to Revenue1/22/2025
SB100Michael E. HastingsGAMING BOARD ID CARDSSAssigned to Executive1/22/2025
SB101Mike PorfirioPROCUREMENT-VETERAN PREFSAssigned to Executive1/22/2025
SB149Michael E. HastingsRTS CRIME VICTIMS-DISCOVERYSReferred to Assignments1/17/2025
SB176Michael E. HastingsETHICS-PROCUREMENT BIDSSReferred to Assignments1/17/2025
SB219Mike PorfirioINC TX-POLICE OVERTIMESReferred to Assignments1/22/2025
SB268Michael E. HastingsINSURANCE RATE FAIRNESSSReferred to Assignments1/24/2025
SB269Michael E. HastingsINSURANCE RATE TRANSPARENCYSReferred to Assignments1/24/2025
SB1289Michael E. HastingsINS-SURPLUS LINE HOME STATESAssigned to Insurance2/4/2025
SB1353Mike PorfirioHIGHER ED-IL VETERAN GRANTSAssigned to Appropriations- Education2/4/2025
SB1354Michael E. HastingsTIF & ZONING ETHICSSReferred to Assignments1/28/2025
SB1355Michael E. HastingsNATURAL RESOURCE MISUSESReferred to Assignments1/28/2025
SB1356Michael E. HastingsVID GAMING/POLI CONTRIB PROHIBSReferred to Assignments1/28/2025
SB1357Michael E. HastingsFOIA-ABUSE BY OFFICIALSReferred to Assignments1/28/2025
SB1443Michael E. HastingsMORTGAGE DEBT-RELEASESAssigned to Judiciary2/11/2025
SB1444Michael E. HastingsSTUDY CHICAGO WATER CONTRACTSSReferred to Assignments1/31/2025
SB1466Julie A. MorrisonCORPORATION-INCORPORATION DATESAssigned to Judiciary2/11/2025
SB1622Cristina CastroLIQUOR-VARIOUSSAssigned to Executive2/11/2025
SB1715Michael E. HastingsINC TX-BASIS ADJUSTMENTSReferred to Assignments2/5/2025
SB1716Michael E. HastingsCRIM CD-NONCONSENSUAL DISSEMSReferred to Assignments2/5/2025
SB1717Michael E. HastingsELEC CD-NOMINATING PETITIONSSReferred to Assignments2/5/2025
SB1718Michael E. HastingsUSE/OCC TAX-SCHOOL HOLIDAYSReferred to Assignments2/5/2025
SB2056Michael E. HastingsMOBILE TELEDENTISTRY EXAMSSReferred to Assignments2/6/2025
SB2057Michael E. HastingsSCH SAFE DRILL-RULESSReferred to Assignments2/6/2025
SB2066Michael E. HastingsCDB-WASTEWATER REGULATIONSReferred to Assignments2/6/2025
SB2278Michael E. HastingsPROP TX-VETERANSSReferred to Assignments2/7/2025
SB2303Michael E. HastingsFIRE SPRINKLER SERVICE PENALTYSReferred to Assignments2/7/2025
SB2468Michael E. HastingsPUBLIC SAFETY BENEFITS-SPOUSESSReferred to Assignments2/7/2025
SB2469Michael E. HastingsOPIOIDS-VETERINARIAN PRESCRIPTSReferred to Assignments2/7/2025