Illinois General Assembly - Senator's Bills
Illinois General Assembly

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Senator Camille Y. Lilly (D), 78th District
Click Here to see all bills from Camille Y. Lilly.
Bill # Chief Sponsor ABR - Short Description Chamber Last Action Last Action Date
HB1503Camille Y. LillyDCEO-VETERANS PILOT PROGRAMHTo Tax Policy: Other Taxes Subcommittee3/3/2025
HB1923Camille Y. LillySCH CD-SCHOOL VENTILATIONHReferred to Rules Committee2/4/2025
HB1924Camille Y. LillyCTA-YOUTH PROGRAM TRANSPORTHAssigned to Transportation: Regulation, Roads & Bridges2/25/2025
HB1925Camille Y. LillySCH-EDUCATION PRIORITIZATIONHAssigned to Appropriations-Elementary & Secondary Education Committee2/25/2025
HB1926Camille Y. LillySCHOOLS-WORK ETHIC INSTRUCTIONHPlaced on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate3/5/2025
HB1927Camille Y. LillyCONSERVATION-OPEN SPACE FUNDHPlaced on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate3/6/2025
HB1928Camille Y. LillyGENE PINGATORE DAYHPlaced on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate3/6/2025
HB1929Camille Y. LillyHUMAN RIGHTS-PRIOR CONVICTIONHAssigned to Immigration & Human Rights Committee2/25/2025
HB1930Camille Y. Lilly$VIOLENCE PREVENTION GRANTSHTo Fiscal Impact Subcommittee3/7/2025
HB1931Camille Y. LillyHOSPITAL WORKFORCE INSURANCEHPlaced on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate3/12/2025
HB1932Camille Y. LillyNURSING SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMHAssigned to Higher Education Committee2/25/2025
HB2363Camille Y. LillyDCEO-CAPACITY BUILDING GRANTSHPlaced on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate3/6/2025
HB2467Camille Y. LillyELEC CD-MOCK ELECTION-CHILDRENHAssigned to Ethics & Elections3/4/2025
HB2475Camille Y. LillyNATL RESOURCES & AG LEGACY ACTHTo Tax Policy: Other Taxes Subcommittee3/6/2025
HB2680Camille Y. LillyINS CD-DRUG COST-SHARINGHAssigned to Insurance Committee3/4/2025
HB2681Camille Y. LillyPARK DIST AQUARIUM/MUSEUM ACTHTo Tax Policy: Other Taxes Subcommittee3/6/2025
HB2691Camille Y. LillyHEALTH & WELLNESS IMPACT NOTEHAssigned to Executive Committee3/4/2025
HB2692Camille Y. LillyPROCUREMENT-DEI TASK FORCEHAssigned to State Government Administration Committee3/4/2025
HB2693Camille Y. LillySTATE AGENCY BONUS PROHIBITIONHAssigned to State Government Administration Committee3/4/2025
HB2939Camille Y. LillyAGING-DHS-GRANT ASSISTANCEHAssigned to Human Services Committee3/4/2025
HB3077Camille Y. LillySTATE GOVERNMENT-TECHHReferred to Rules Committee2/6/2025
HB3078Camille Y. LillyDHS-HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATIONHPlaced on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate3/12/2025
HB3191Camille Y. LillyYOUTH PROTECTION NICOTINEHAssigned to Executive Committee3/11/2025
HB3269Camille Y. LillyHOUSING EQUITY-AFFORDABILITYHAssigned to Housing Committee3/11/2025
HB3431Camille Y. LillyCD CORR-TASK FORCE-ADAHAssigned to Judiciary - Criminal Committee3/11/2025
HB3441Camille Y. LillyCD CORR-RESOURCES-RELEASEHAssigned to Restorative Justice & Public Safety Committee3/11/2025
HB3451Camille Y. LillyCOMMUNITY BENEFITS-REPORTSHReferred to Rules Committee2/18/2025
HB3605Camille Y. LillyINS-GENETIC TESTING & SCREENHAssigned to Insurance Committee3/11/2025
HB3606Camille Y. LillyTOBACCO-ELECTRONIC CIGARETTEHAssigned to Executive Committee3/11/2025
HB3607Camille Y. LillyINS CD-LIMIT COST SHARINGHAssigned to Insurance Committee3/11/2025
HB3625Camille Y. LillyREGISTERED OFFENDERS-REQUIREHReferred to Rules Committee2/18/2025
HB3650Camille Y. LillyUTIL-2050 HEAT DECARBONIZATIONHAssigned to Public Utilities Committee3/11/2025
HB3652Camille Y. LillyFUEL GAS DETECTOR ACTHAssigned to Police & Fire Committee3/11/2025
HB3734Camille Y. LillyPUB AID-AABD CASH ASSISTANCEHAssigned to Appropriations-Health and Human Services Committee3/11/2025
HB3777Camille Y. LillyHEALTH-TECHHReferred to Rules Committee2/18/2025
HB3786Camille Y. LillyOFFICE OF CIVILITYHAssigned to Executive Committee3/11/2025
HB3836Camille Y. LillyPROP TX-SENIOR HOMESTEADHTo Tax Policy: Other Taxes Subcommittee3/13/2025
HB4014Camille Y. Lilly$AGING-FAMILY CAREGIVERHReferred to Rules Committee3/5/2025
HR36Camille Y. LillyMEMORIAL-BRADLEY DILWORTHHResolution Adopted1/29/2025
HR54Camille Y. LillyMEMORIAL-FRANCES SULLIVANHResolution Adopted1/29/2025
HR60Camille Y. LillyMEMORIAL-BERTHA PURNELLHResolution Adopted1/29/2025
HR167Camille Y. LillyMEMORIAL-JERRY BUTLERHResolution Adopted3/5/2025
HJRCA13Camille Y. LillyCONAMEND-PREAMBLEHReferred to Rules Committee2/18/2025