Illinois General Assembly - Senator's Bills
Illinois General Assembly

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Senator Linda Holmes (D), 42nd District
Linda Holmes is a Sponsor on all bills listed below.
Click Here to see only bills where Linda Holmes is Primary Sponsor.
Bill # Chief Sponsor ABR - Short Description Chamber Last Action Last Action Date
SB9Linda HolmesEND-OF-LIFE OPTIONS ACTSAssigned to Executive1/22/2025
SB76Linda HolmesGOV IMMUNITY-DATA BREACHESSTo Torts1/31/2025
SB77Linda HolmesLIBRARIES-BIDDING THRESHOLDSAssigned to Local Government1/22/2025
SB123Linda HolmesED-WAIVER PROCESS TASK FORCESAssigned to Education1/28/2025
SB255Linda HolmesLOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSReferred to Assignments1/22/2025
SB256Linda HolmesWILDLIFE CD-KILLING CONTESTSSReferred to Assignments1/22/2025
SB257Linda HolmesCAT DECLAWING ACTSReferred to Assignments1/22/2025
SB1290Linda HolmesREGULATION-TECHSReferred to Assignments1/28/2025
SB1360Patrick J. JoyceISP RADIO INTEROPERABILITYSAssigned to Appropriations- Public Safety and Infrastructure2/4/2025
SB1412Linda HolmesMUNI CODE-ADMIN ADJUDICATIONSReferred to Assignments1/31/2025
SB1413Linda HolmesSCH CD-APPOINTED STATE WORKSAssigned to Labor2/11/2025
SB1449Linda HolmesFOREST PRESERVE-REVENUESAssigned to Revenue2/11/2025
SB1471Linda HolmesINS-HEALTH CARE/AMBULANCESAssigned to Insurance2/11/2025
SB1472Linda HolmesPROP TX-BOARD OF REVIEWSAssigned to Executive2/11/2025
SB1545Linda HolmesANIMAL WELFARE-DOG DEALERSReferred to Assignments2/4/2025
SB1622Cristina CastroLIQUOR-VARIOUSSAssigned to Executive2/11/2025
SB1951Linda HolmesIDNR-GRAY FOX SEASONSReferred to Assignments2/6/2025
SB2178Linda HolmesCONCEALED CARRY-RETIRED COPSSReferred to Assignments2/7/2025
SB2180Linda HolmesGAS PIPELINE PERMIT/NOTICESReferred to Assignments2/7/2025
SB2262Linda HolmesEDU LABOR RELATIONS-NOTICESReferred to Assignments2/7/2025
SB2414Linda HolmesCONSUMER ELECTRONICS RECYCLINGSReferred to Assignments2/7/2025