Bill # |
Chief Sponsor |
ABR - Short Description |
Chamber |
Last Action |
Last Action Date |
HB1141 | William E Hauter | GENERAL ANESTHESIA COVERAGE | H | Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate | 2/26/2025 |
HB1146 | Suzanne M. Ness | PLASTIC BAG REDUCTION | H | Assigned to Executive Committee | 2/11/2025 |
HB1226 | Jay Hoffman | VEH CD-EXAMS | H | Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate | 2/19/2025 |
HB1227 | Sonya M. Harper | ENSLAVEMENT REDRESS ACT | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 1/28/2025 |
HB1301 | Amy Briel | RURAL HOSPITAL TASK FORCE | H | Assigned to Public Health Committee | 2/11/2025 |
HB1388 | Debbie Meyers-Martin | GAMING BOARD ID CARDS | H | Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate | 2/27/2025 |
HB1443 | Nabeela Syed | HEALTH CARE AVAILABILITY | H | To Prescription Drug Affordability Board | 2/25/2025 |
HB1503 | Camille Y. Lilly | DCEO-VETERANS PILOT PROGRAM | H | To Tax Policy: Other Taxes Subcommittee | 3/3/2025 |
HB1607 | Sonya M. Harper | ELIMINATE FOOD DESERTS | H | Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate | 3/13/2025 |
HB1608 | Sonya M. Harper | EPA-ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE | H | Assigned to Energy & Environment Committee | 2/18/2025 |
HB1612 | Kam Buckner | EPA-APPLIANCE STANDARDS | H | Assigned to Energy & Environment Committee | 2/18/2025 |
HB1613 | Nabeela Syed | UTILITIES-INFRASTRUCTURE PLANT | H | Assigned to Public Utilities Committee | 2/18/2025 |
HB1614 | Nabeela Syed | PROP TX-DISABLED PERSONS | H | To Property Tax Subcommittee | 3/3/2025 |
HB1616 | Jay Hoffman | ORGAN DONOR LEAVE-PART-TIME | H | Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate | 2/27/2025 |
HB1620 | Gregg Johnson | PEN CD-DNST FIRE-OCC DISEASE | H | Assigned to Personnel & Pensions Committee | 2/18/2025 |
HB1697 | Lisa Davis | 9-1-1 TELECOMMUNICATOR CPR | H | Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate | 3/6/2025 |
HB1700 | Kimberly Du Buclet | FUNDS-COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT | H | Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate | 3/5/2025 |
HB1701 | Nabeela Syed | PROP TX-SENIOR FREEZE | H | To Property Tax Subcommittee | 3/3/2025 |
HB1706 | Yolonda Morris | NURSE LICENSURE COMPACT | H | Assigned to Health Care Licenses Committee | 2/18/2025 |
HB1707 | Joyce Mason | EPA-LANDFILL GAS MGMT | H | Assigned to Energy & Environment Committee | 2/18/2025 |
HB1810 | Laura Faver Dias | INCARCERATED-DISABILITIES | H | Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate | 3/13/2025 |
HB1826 | Jay Hoffman | PROP TX-SENIOR FREEZE | H | To Property Tax Subcommittee | 3/3/2025 |
HB1857 | Laura Faver Dias | INS CD-INCONTINENCE SUPPLIES | H | Assigned to Insurance Committee | 2/25/2025 |
HB1923 | Camille Y. Lilly | SCH CD-SCHOOL VENTILATION | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 2/4/2025 |
HB1924 | Camille Y. Lilly | CTA-YOUTH PROGRAM TRANSPORT | H | Assigned to Transportation: Regulation, Roads & Bridges | 2/25/2025 |
HB1925 | Camille Y. Lilly | SCH-EDUCATION PRIORITIZATION | H | Assigned to Appropriations-Elementary & Secondary Education Committee | 2/25/2025 |
HB1926 | Camille Y. Lilly | SCHOOLS-WORK ETHIC INSTRUCTION | H | Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate | 3/5/2025 |
HB1927 | Camille Y. Lilly | CONSERVATION-OPEN SPACE FUND | H | Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate | 3/6/2025 |
HB1928 | Camille Y. Lilly | GENE PINGATORE DAY | H | Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate | 3/6/2025 |
HB1929 | Camille Y. Lilly | HUMAN RIGHTS-PRIOR CONVICTION | H | Assigned to Immigration & Human Rights Committee | 2/25/2025 |
HB1930 | Camille Y. Lilly | $VIOLENCE PREVENTION GRANTS | H | To Fiscal Impact Subcommittee | 3/7/2025 |
HB1931 | Camille Y. Lilly | HOSPITAL WORKFORCE INSURANCE | H | Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate | 3/12/2025 |
HB1932 | Camille Y. Lilly | NURSING SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM | H | Assigned to Higher Education Committee | 2/25/2025 |
HB2337 | Laura Faver Dias | SCH CD-SPECIAL ED-SETTLEMENT | H | Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate | 3/12/2025 |
HB2338 | Rita Mayfield | AUTO DEALERS-WARRANTY DISCLOSE | H | Assigned to Consumer Protection Committee | 2/25/2025 |
HB2344 | Laura Faver Dias | PROP TX-PROP RECORD CARDS | H | Reported Back To Revenue & Finance Committee; | 3/11/2025 |
HB2345 | Laura Faver Dias | PROP TX-PTAB HEARINGS | H | To Property Tax Subcommittee | 3/3/2025 |
HB2346 | Laura Faver Dias | IDPH-ILLINOIS DROP ACT-DUTIES | H | Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate | 3/6/2025 |
HB2363 | Camille Y. Lilly | DCEO-CAPACITY BUILDING GRANTS | H | Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate | 3/6/2025 |
HB2371 | Nicolle Grasse | DENTAL INSURANCE ASSIGNABILITY | H | Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate | 3/12/2025 |
HB2388 | Harry Benton | PROP TX-SENIOR FREEZE | H | To Property Tax Subcommittee | 3/3/2025 |
HB2397 | Nicolle Grasse | DOC-HOSPICE/PALLIATIVE CARE | H | Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate | 3/6/2025 |
HB2434 | Kam Buckner | BEREAVED MOTHERS ACT | H | To Tax Policy: Other Taxes Subcommittee | 3/3/2025 |
HB2435 | Michael Crawford | TELE SOLICITATION-AUTO DIALER | H | Assigned to Consumer Protection Committee | 2/25/2025 |
HB2467 | Camille Y. Lilly | ELEC CD-MOCK ELECTION-CHILDREN | H | Assigned to Ethics & Elections | 3/4/2025 |
HB2470 | Jehan Gordon-Booth | HIGHER ED-GROW YOUR OWN TEACHR | H | Assigned to Higher Education Committee | 3/4/2025 |
HB2475 | Camille Y. Lilly | NATL RESOURCES & AG LEGACY ACT | H | To Tax Policy: Other Taxes Subcommittee | 3/6/2025 |
HB2502 | La Shawn K. Ford | SCH CD-REFER LAW ENFORCEMENT | H | Assigned to Education Policy Committee | 3/4/2025 |
HB2503 | Laura Faver Dias | SCH CD-ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE | H | Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate | 3/12/2025 |
HB2517 | Lisa Davis | MATERNAL MORTALITY EDUCATION | H | Assigned to Health Care Licenses Committee | 3/4/2025 |
HB2546 | Will Guzzardi | CD CORR-PAROLE REVIEW | H | Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate | 3/13/2025 |
HB2584 | Kelly M. Cassidy | INS-PRIOR AUTH HIV DRUG ACCESS | H | Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate | 3/12/2025 |
HB2656 | La Shawn K. Ford | CCAP-FEDERAL HOLIDAY PAYMENT | H | Assigned to Appropriations-Health and Human Services Committee | 3/4/2025 |
HB2674 | Margaret Croke | DEPT OF THE LOTTERY-VARIOUS | H | Re-assigned to Executive Committee | 3/11/2025 |
HB2680 | Camille Y. Lilly | INS CD-DRUG COST-SHARING | H | Assigned to Insurance Committee | 3/4/2025 |
HB2681 | Camille Y. Lilly | PARK DIST AQUARIUM/MUSEUM ACT | H | To Tax Policy: Other Taxes Subcommittee | 3/6/2025 |
HB2685 | William "Will" Davis | EDUC-SCHOOL LIBRARY TASK FORCE | H | Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate | 3/13/2025 |
HB2691 | Camille Y. Lilly | HEALTH & WELLNESS IMPACT NOTE | H | Assigned to Executive Committee | 3/4/2025 |
HB2692 | Camille Y. Lilly | PROCUREMENT-DEI TASK FORCE | H | Assigned to State Government Administration Committee | 3/4/2025 |
HB2693 | Camille Y. Lilly | STATE AGENCY BONUS PROHIBITION | H | Assigned to State Government Administration Committee | 3/4/2025 |
HB2727 | La Shawn K. Ford | VEH CD-TOWING | H | Assigned to Transportation: Vehicles & Safety | 3/4/2025 |
HB2755 | Kimberly Du Buclet | COMMEMORATIVE DAY-EMMETT TILL | H | Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate | 3/13/2025 |
HB2756 | Kimberly Du Buclet | ISP-ACTIVE SHOOTER ALRT SYSTEM | H | Assigned to Gun Violence Prevention Committee | 3/4/2025 |
HB2757 | Kimberly Du Buclet | REVITALIZE DOWNTOWN CHICAGO | H | Assigned to Labor & Commerce Committee | 3/4/2025 |
HB2758 | Kimberly Du Buclet | ELEC CD-VOTER PREREGISTRATION | H | Assigned to Ethics & Elections | 3/4/2025 |
HB2760 | Kimberly Du Buclet | COMMISSION ON TOURISM | H | Assigned to International Relations, Tourism, and Trade | 3/4/2025 |
HB2781 | Marcus C. Evans, Jr. | VITAL RECORDS-DEATH CERT | H | Assigned to State Government Administration Committee | 3/4/2025 |
HB2805 | Tony M. McCombie | INS CD-COST SHARING RESTRICT | H | Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate | 3/12/2025 |
HB2837 | La Shawn K. Ford | PEN CD-CHI FIREFIGHTER-SALARY | H | Assigned to Appropriations-Pensions & Personnel | 3/4/2025 |
HB2853 | Debbie Meyers-Martin | PARK DIST - COMPETITIVE BIDS | H | Assigned to State Government Administration Committee | 3/4/2025 |
HB2928 | Rita Mayfield | CREDIT REPORT-SEALED RECORDS | H | Assigned to Judiciary - Civil Committee | 3/4/2025 |
HB2929 | La Shawn K. Ford | DHS-OVERDOSE PREVENTION SITES | H | Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate | 3/13/2025 |
HB2939 | Camille Y. Lilly | AGING-DHS-GRANT ASSISTANCE | H | Assigned to Human Services Committee | 3/4/2025 |
HB2949 | Debbie Meyers-Martin | ALOPECIA AWARENESS MONTH | H | Assigned to State Government Administration Committee | 3/4/2025 |
HB3077 | Camille Y. Lilly | STATE GOVERNMENT-TECH | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 2/6/2025 |
HB3078 | Camille Y. Lilly | DHS-HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATION | H | Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate | 3/12/2025 |
HB3191 | Camille Y. Lilly | YOUTH PROTECTION NICOTINE | H | Assigned to Executive Committee | 3/11/2025 |
HB3253 | Mary Beth Canty | PROP TX-HOMESTEAD | H | To Property Tax Subcommittee | 3/13/2025 |
HB3269 | Camille Y. Lilly | HOUSING EQUITY-AFFORDABILITY | H | Assigned to Housing Committee | 3/11/2025 |
HB3275 | Laura Faver Dias | SCH-CARDIAC EMERGENCY RESPONSE | H | Assigned to Education Policy Committee | 3/11/2025 |
HB3328 | Natalie A. Manley | ALZHEIMERS & DEMENTIA ASSESS | H | Assigned to Health Care Availability & Accessibility Committee | 3/11/2025 |
HB3332 | Theresa Mah | CD CORR-SENTENCING REVIEW | H | Assigned to Restorative Justice & Public Safety Committee | 3/11/2025 |
HB3431 | Camille Y. Lilly | CD CORR-TASK FORCE-ADA | H | Assigned to Judiciary - Criminal Committee | 3/11/2025 |
HB3441 | Camille Y. Lilly | CD CORR-RESOURCES-RELEASE | H | Assigned to Restorative Justice & Public Safety Committee | 3/11/2025 |
HB3451 | Camille Y. Lilly | COMMUNITY BENEFITS-REPORTS | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 2/18/2025 |
HB3605 | Camille Y. Lilly | INS-GENETIC TESTING & SCREEN | H | Assigned to Insurance Committee | 3/11/2025 |
HB3606 | Camille Y. Lilly | TOBACCO-ELECTRONIC CIGARETTE | H | Assigned to Executive Committee | 3/11/2025 |
HB3607 | Camille Y. Lilly | INS CD-LIMIT COST SHARING | H | Assigned to Insurance Committee | 3/11/2025 |
HB3625 | Camille Y. Lilly | REGISTERED OFFENDERS-REQUIRE | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 2/18/2025 |
HB3650 | Camille Y. Lilly | UTIL-2050 HEAT DECARBONIZATION | H | Assigned to Public Utilities Committee | 3/11/2025 |
HB3652 | Camille Y. Lilly | FUEL GAS DETECTOR ACT | H | Assigned to Police & Fire Committee | 3/11/2025 |
HB3717 | Tracy Katz Muhl | COM COL-BACCALAUREATE DEGREE | H | Assigned to Higher Education Committee | 3/11/2025 |
HB3734 | Camille Y. Lilly | PUB AID-AABD CASH ASSISTANCE | H | Assigned to Appropriations-Health and Human Services Committee | 3/11/2025 |
HB3777 | Camille Y. Lilly | HEALTH-TECH | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 2/18/2025 |
HB3786 | Camille Y. Lilly | OFFICE OF CIVILITY | H | Assigned to Executive Committee | 3/11/2025 |
HB3836 | Camille Y. Lilly | PROP TX-SENIOR HOMESTEAD | H | To Tax Policy: Other Taxes Subcommittee | 3/13/2025 |
HB3961 | Will Guzzardi | PEN CD-DIVEST FOSSIL FUELS | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 2/25/2025 |
HB4014 | Camille Y. Lilly | $AGING-FAMILY CAREGIVER | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 3/5/2025 |
HR36 | Camille Y. Lilly | MEMORIAL-BRADLEY DILWORTH | H | Resolution Adopted | 1/29/2025 |
HR52 | Maurice A. West, II | MEMORIAL-REP. C. JEFFERSON | H | Resolution Adopted | 1/29/2025 |
HR54 | Camille Y. Lilly | MEMORIAL-FRANCES SULLIVAN | H | Resolution Adopted | 1/29/2025 |
HR60 | Camille Y. Lilly | MEMORIAL-BERTHA PURNELL | H | Resolution Adopted | 1/29/2025 |
HR150 | Kam Buckner | CONGRATS-SPEAKER CHRIS WELCH | H | Resolution Adopted | 2/20/2025 |
HR167 | Camille Y. Lilly | MEMORIAL-JERRY BUTLER | H | Resolution Adopted | 3/5/2025 |
HR189 | Kam Buckner | MEMORIAL-JERRY BUTLER | H | Filed with the Clerk by Rep. Kam Buckner | 3/13/2025 |
HJRCA13 | Camille Y. Lilly | CONAMEND-PREAMBLE | H | Referred to Rules Committee | 2/18/2025 |