Illinois General Assembly - Senator's Bills
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Senator Gregg Johnson (D), 72nd District - 103rd General Assembly
Click Here to see all bills from Gregg Johnson.
Bill # Chief Sponsor ABR - Short Description Chamber Last Action Last Action Date
HB2032Gregg JohnsonLOW-WAGE EMPLOYER-RECOUP COSTSHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2157Gregg JohnsonHIGHER ED STUDENTS-DISABILITYHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2158Gregg JohnsonHUMAN TRAFFIC NO STATE MONEYHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2256Gregg JohnsonINC TX-UNION DUESHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2305Gregg JohnsonPENCD-SERS-ALTERNATIVE FORMULAHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2448Gregg JohnsonCONSERVATION POLICE-STANDARDSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00366/9/2023
HB2451Gregg JohnsonCOMPANY-SPECIFIC SUBSIDIESHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2489Gregg JohnsonLABOR RELATIONS-UNIT STATUSHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2794Gregg JohnsonHWY CD-SALE OF PROP-I74/MOLINEHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2795Gregg JohnsonSUICIDE PREVENTION-VETERANSHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2811Gregg JohnsonBEHAVIORAL HEALTH CENTERSHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2863Gregg JohnsonLABOR RELATIONS-UNIT STATUSHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2881Gregg JohnsonPREVAILING WAGE-PUBLIC WORKSHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB2947Gregg JohnsonDEFENSE SUPERIOR SERVICE PLATEHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB4259Gregg JohnsonUTILITIES-CANCELLATION CREDITHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB4417Gregg JohnsonSCH-CD WORKPLACE READINESS WKHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05987/1/2024
HB4552Gregg JohnsonIDNR-NATIVE PLANT STUDYHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB4743Gregg JohnsonCD CORR-WORKPLACE SAFETYHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB4905Gregg JohnsonTWP OFFICIAL-EDUCATIONAL BOARDHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB4906Gregg JohnsonBIODIESEL USAGE INCENTIVEHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB4954Gregg JohnsonCOAL MINING-RESCUE OPERATIONSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-07398/2/2024
HB5027Gregg JohnsonNURSING HOMES-DIRECTORYHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB5089Gregg JohnsonLABOR RELATIONS-PD SUPERVISORHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB5150Gregg JohnsonEMPLOYMENT-ACADEMIC PERSONNELHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB5489Gregg JohnsonSCH CD-LABOR HISTORYHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HB5510Gregg JohnsonSCH CD-EDU LICENSE-SOCIAL WORKHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HR167Gregg JohnsonQUAD CITIES RAIL PROJECTHResolution Adopted5/2/2023
HR235Gregg JohnsonCONGRATS-MOLINE HIGH SCHOOLHResolution Adopted4/26/2023
HR332Gregg JohnsonFLOOD INSURANCE OPPORTUNITIESHSession Sine Die1/7/2025
HR333Gregg JohnsonCONGRATS-TIM WYNES, J.D.HResolution Adopted5/26/2023
HR459Gregg JohnsonCONGRATS-IRONWORKERS LOCAL 111HResolution Adopted10/25/2023
HR919Gregg JohnsonCONGRATS-WENDT FUNERAL HOMEHResolution Adopted11/12/2024
SB99Laura FineHIGHER ED STUDENTS-DISABILITYSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-00586/9/2023
SB895Michael W. HalpinTRANSPORTATION-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-03737/28/2023
SB1897Michael W. HalpinROCK ISLAND REG PORT DISTRICTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-02426/30/2023
SB2368David KoehlerBUILDING AND RESIDENTIAL CODESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-05108/4/2023
SB2931Patrick J. JoyceNURSING HOMES-DIRECTORYSSession Sine Die1/7/2025
SB3353Michael W. HalpinCOMMUNITY-BASED COR TASK FORCESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-09828/9/2024
SJR48Michael W. HalpinREP. EVANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAYHResolution Adopted 114-000-0001/6/2025