Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Human Services (H) 4/19/2023 8:30 AM |
Aaron Myers | MLD Foundation | Princess Amelia Myers Daughter |
Abby Warrner | Advocate representing Reed Warrner HDLS ALSP Leukodystrophy child | |
Alayna Davis | Advocate representing Axel Riordan, MLD Child | |
Alejandra Balicki | Personal | |
Alexandra Madison | Myself | Myself |
Alicia Colter | NA | |
Alyssa Terven | State farm | |
Amanda Capodice Kinsella | advocate | |
Amy Hatfield | Advocate for Maggie Larson | |
Angela Maloney | Chicago Public Schools | |
Angelo Lozano | Advocate for axel rordan, MLD child | |
Ashley hankins | Advocate for axel | |
Barbara Burton MD | Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago | |
Beth Wong | Advocate representing myself - Kirkland and Ellis | Advocate representing myself |
Bob Evanosky | The Evanosky Foundation | The Evanosky Foundation |
Breanna Stewart | Advocate representing Axel Riordan, MLD child | |
Brianna Cochran | Advocate for Axel Riordan, MLD child | |
Brittany Amell | Advocate for Axel Riordan MLD child | |
Brittney Samek | MLD Foundation | MLD advocate |
Brooke Iyer | MLD Advocate | Axel Riordan |
Carolyn Rasmussen | Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital | Self |
Carrie Maloney | None | |
Charlotte Lilley | Advocating for Alice Kohut MLD child | |
Christen Bollig | General Assembly | |
Colby Riordan | Advocate for Axel Riordan, MLD child | |
Conrad Devon Riordan | Advocate representing Axel Riordan for MLD child | |
Corin Chapman | The Global Foundation for Peroxisomal Disorders | The Global Foundation for Peroxisomal Disorders |
Courtney Railey | Advocate representing axel Riordan | |
Courtney Riordan | Advocate representing Axel Riordan, MLD child | |
Curt Annis | Chicago Fire Department | |
Dane woodard | Representative for Axel Riordan | |
Dave Gross | Illinois Health & Hospital Association | Illinois Health & Hospital Association |
David Schwartz | Self | Self |
Dean Suhr | MLD Foundation | MLD Foundation, Families with Metachromatic Leukodystrophy |
Debbe Harris | mother of MLD child | self (parent of child with MLD), MLD Foundation |
Devan Flessner | Advocate representing Alex Riorden, MLD child. | |
Devon Busick | Nons | |
Dr Paul McDermott | Summit Hill School District 161 | Myself |
Eileen Pappas | Self | |
Elizabeth Bloomberg | Advocate representing axel riordan, MLD child | |
Elizabeth Brady | Aunt | |
Elizabeth Crabtree | DND | |
Elizabeth M Madison | None | |
Emily Conquest | On behalf of an MLD child | Self |
Erica Mocilan | advocate representing for Axel Riordan, MLD child | |
Ericka Schroeder | Advocate representing Axel Riordan MLD child | |
Heather Davison | Na | Metabolic newborn screening |
Holly Stoner | Carle Health | Axle |
Jacob Jording | Advocate | |
Janelle Cross | Advocate representing Axel Riordan, MLD child | |
Janet Hunt | Advocate representing Axel Riordan, MLD child | |
Jazmin Patterson | Advocate, representing Axel Rordan MLD Child | |
Jean Riordan | Axel Riordan | MLD |
Jenna Law Yarborough | Self | |
Jennifer Davis | Self | Self |
Jennifer Walter | Cousin of MLD child , Axel Riordan | Cousin of Axel Riordan, MLD child |
Jessica Riordan | Advocate representing Axel Riordan, an MLD child | |
Jim E Walters | Advocate of Axel Riordin, MLD child | |
Joshua Baker | Ann & Robert H Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago | Joshua Baker |
Joyce E Williams | Advocate representing Axel Riordan , MLD child | |
Julie Serrano | Self | |
Kaileigh Lake | Advocate representing Axel Riodan, MLD child | |
Kailey Westerfield | State Farm | |
Kaitlyn Kindig | Advocate representing Axel Riordan, MLD child | |
Karen Woolridge | Advocate representing Axel Riordan, MLD child | |
Kathleen Katrenak | private citizen | |
Kawaiya Stearly | Advocate Representing Axel Riordan, MLD child | |
Keisha Patel | Lurie Children's | Lurie Children's |
Kelli Riordan | Advocate representing Axel Riordan, MLD child | |
Kelly Breedlove | Advocate representing Axel Riordan, MLD Child | |
Kristen Grubich | Self | MLD Community |
Kristin | No | |
Kristin Larson | Advocate representing Maggie Larson | |
Krystle MYERS | MLD Foundation | Amelia Myers |
Kylie little | Advocate | |
Laura Cripe | Advocate for Axel Riordan | |
Laura Worth | Advocate for Axel Riordan MLD | |
Lauren K Lype | Advocate for Axel Riordan, MLD child | |
Laurence Madison | None | None |
Leigh Hayes | Advocate representing Axel Riordan, MLD child | |
Leo Worth III | MLD NBS | For MLD Axel Riordan |
Leo Worth Jr | MLD NBS | For MLD Axel Riordan |
Lexi Worth | Advocate representing Axel Riordan, MLD child | |
Linda Holzner | Caring Relative | |
Linda Wagner Greene | Want inc. | |
LIONEL LENZ | None | |
LOGAN MCKEON | Advocate representing Axel Riordan, MLD Child | |
Lori Pacura | LJP Watercolors | MLD |
Lucas Woolridge | Advocate of Axel Riordan | |
Madalyn Lee-Ann Prichard | Advocate representation Axel Riordan, MLD child | |
Margaret Madison | Advocate representing myself | |
Maria Dombrowski | Deloitte | Self |
Marlene Greenberg | Advocate representing myself | |
mary keen | Marianjoy rehabilitation Hospital | |
Melissa Adamson | McHenry County Department of Health | McHenry County Department of Health |
Michelle Myszka | Viking Liquors | |
Molly McCready | Advocate representing Axel Riordan, MLD child | |
Monica Arcaro | Monica Arcaro | |
Olivia Worth | Advocate for MLD and Axel Riordan | |
Orla Conlon | Supporter | Supporter |
Paige DeVary | Advocate representing Axel Riordan, MLD child | |
Priscilla Montalvo | Advocate representing Axel Riordan, MLD child | |
Rebecca Randolph | Self | |
Richard Harris | MLD foundation, parent of MLD child | self (parent of child with MLD), MLD Foundation |
Rosella Young | self | self |
Roxanne Birriel | Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago | |
Rozlyn Gray | None | |
Ruth Brady | Axelstrong. MLD child | Axel Riordan |
ryder riordan | advocate for axel riordan | |
Sara Cherny | Lurie Childrens | Self |
Sarah Villafuerte | Advocate representing Axel Riordan, MLD child | |
Sean Madison | Innovafeed | |
Sean McDermott | SR McDermott Consulting Inc. | Northern Illinois Public Health Consortium |
Shannon Maloney | Dental Professionals of Lincoln Park | Axel Strong |
Sonya Evanosky | The Evanosky Foundation | |
Soo Shim | Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital | Please add Metachromatic Leukodystrophy diagnosis to the Illinois Newborn Screen |
Stephanie Gallo | Representing self | |
Stephanie Roberts | Advocate representing Axel Rioden, MLD Child | |
Susan Groenwald | None | |
Teri Lype | Advocate representing Axel Rhodan MLD | |
Teryn Suhr | MLD Foundation | |
Therese Madison | Advocate representing self | |
Tiffany woodard | Representative for Axel Riordan- an MLD child | |
Tobi Mcbride | None | |
Todd Eicher | Self | |
Vighnesh Iyer | MLD Advocate | Axel Riordan, MLD foundation |
Virginia Campbell | Human Resources Committee | Human Resources Committee |
Zach Darnall | MLD advocate Axel Riordan | |
Hearing Date and Time: Health and Human Services (S) 2/21/2023 3:30 PM |
Alejandra Balicki | Advocate representing myself | Advocate representing myself |
Amy Johns | MLD Foundation | Cullen Johns child of Amy & Travis Johns |
Anna Grantham | Hunter's Hope Foundation | Hunter's Hope Foundation |
Anna Pappas | Self | Self |
Barbara Burton MD | Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital | Barbara K. Burton, MD |
Bob Evanosky | The Evanosky Foundation | Bob Evanosky |
Brooke Iyer | NA | Axel Riordan and family |
David Schwartz | Self | Self |
Dean Suhr | MLD Foundation | On behalf of MLD families living in Illinois |
Debbe Harris | The MLD Foundation | Own behalf as a parent of an MLD child and also on behalf of the MLD Foundation |
Dennis Brennan | DuPage County Health Department | DuPage County Health Department |
Eileen Pappas | Self | Self |
Holly Blastic | NA | Myself |
Jean Riordan | Grandmother of a MLD child | Jean riordan |
Jennifer Rubin | Lurie Children's Hospital | NBS |
Keely Mata | United Leukodystrophy Foundation | From the United Leukodystrophy Foundation on behalf of all MLD affected families in Illinois. |
Krystle MYERS | CureMLD | Amelia Myers, Krystle Myers |
Kurt Schauer | None | Myself |
Lesa Brackbill | Leukodystrophy Newborn Screening Action Network | Leukodystrophy Newborn Screening Action Network |
Lynn Chandler | Self | Proponent of the bill |
Maria Kefalas | The Calliope Joy Foundation | The Calliope Joy Foundation |
Marly McGowan | Cure MLD | Cure MLD |
mary keen | Marianjoy rehabilitation Hospital | my patients with MLD |
Melanie Turenne | Self | Self |
Natasha Spencer | Parent Advocate | Not Appllicable |
Paul McDermott | Summit Hill School District 161 | Summit Hill School District 161 |
Richard Harris | The MLD Foundation | Own behalf as a parent of an MLD child and also on behalf of the MLD Foundation |
Robert Steele | self | self |
Ruth brady | Axel Strong | Ruth brady |
Sean McDermott | SR McDermott Consulting Inc | Northern Illinois Public Health Consortium |
Sonya Evanosky | The Evanosky Foundation | Advocate |
Steve Curatti | Kendall County Health Department | Public Health - Kendall County Health Department |
Virginia Campbell | MLD | MLD |
Hearing Date and Time: Health and Human Services (S) 2/14/2023 3:00 PM |
David Schwartz | Self | Self |