Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Insurance (S) 5/18/2016 4:30 PM |
Christina Johnson | Self | Self |
Kimberly Janas | Illinois State Medical Society | Illinois State Medical Society |
Hearing Date and Time: Insurance (H) 4/6/2016 11:00 AM |
Lydia johnson | Not Aplicable | |
Ron King | Self | |
Abigail Breeze | None | |
Adam Murphy | Self | |
Alaina Carriel | self | self |
Alan Botts | self | self |
Alec Kleczkowski | Self | |
Aleisha Cole | self | self |
Alexis Kruse | self | self |
Ali Haselhorst | self | self |
Alicia cotton | Self | |
Alicia koelz | Self | |
Alisha Agrue | self | self |
Alison Segebarth | Pandas-Pans Advocacy and Support | PANDAS Families |
Allison DeCicco | IRC Retail Center | |
Allison Dent | self | self |
Allison Smith | Allison's Wonderland | |
Alvin Drury | Self | |
Amanda Broers | self | self |
Amanda Crawford | self | self |
Amanda Dahlberg | na | Tax Payer |
AMANDA L SMITH | Parent | |
Amanda Michlig | self | self |
Amanda Ramsey | Self | |
Amanda Rohl | Self | Self |
Amanda Stone | self | self |
Amber Harper | PANDAS families | PANDAS Families |
Amber Nugent | self | self |
Amber Rascoe | self | self |
Amy Chamberlain | self | self |
Amy Cross RN | Moleculera Labs, Inc | |
Amy James | Self | Self |
Amy Kidd | P.A.N.D.A.S. | P.a.s. , P.A.N.D.A.S. |
Amy Nolan | Nolan Family | Self |
Amy Settle | Supporter | |
Amy Smith-Harris | Amy Smith-Harris, LCPC,ATR,LLC | |
Amy Suarez | self | self |
Amy Ziglinski | Self | |
Andrea Skibbe | self | self |
Andrea Stone | self | self |
Andrea Thielen | self | self |
Andrea Walston | Parent | |
Andy Meyer | self | self |
Aneta Kraus | Professional Maintenance | |
Anette Mnabhi | Synergy Health Care | Children and families dealing with PANS and PANDAS |
Angel Diaz Castenedas | SELF | self |
Angela Alfe | Self | |
Angela Byrnes | self | self |
Angela Hollingsworth | self | self |
Angelica DeLeon | None | |
Angie Barry | Self | Self |
Angie Wall | self | self |
Anita Kezdi | self | self |
Anita Marchan | self | |
Anita Serpa-Smith | Self | Self |
Anita Serpa-Smith | Self | Self |
Ann Marie Gruszkowski | Self | Pandas Families |
Ann Marie Ryan | Proponent | PANDAS Families |
Ann Whittington | self | self |
Anne Sedore | None | |
Annette Clausen | self | self |
Annette Johnson | None | |
Annette LaVia | None | |
Annie Clausen | self | self |
Anthony Martinez | SELF | SELF |
Antoinette Kuhel | KuhelGirl Fitness | Self |
Arlene Salvador | Sarah Maguire's Cottage Scents and Gifts | PANDAS family |
Ashleigh Pressy | self | self |
Ashleigh Stone | self | self |
Ashley Dewaele | self | self |
Ashley Emmett | self | self |
Ashley Emmett | self | self |
Ashley McCune | self | self |
Ashley Pace | self | self |
Ashley Skinner | self | self |
Audra Coers | self | self |
Autum Morden | Self | Self |
Barb Cavin | Self | Self |
Barbara Marriott | Not Applicable | |
Becca Hodgson | Life Care Wellness | |
Becki Kirts | Self | Self |
Benjamin Richter | self | self |
Beth Blomberg | self | |
Betsy Evans | Parent | |
Bette Resis | PANDAS support group | |
Betty sheriff | Self | |
Beverly Hollingsworth | self | self |
Beverly S Brown | Supporter | |
Billy Baier | Self | Self |
Blaga Zymali | NA | Myself |
bobbi Robinson | citizen | |
Brade Carlson | self | self |
Bradley Rogers | self | self |
Brandi McBride | self | self |
Brenda Argires | Self | Self |
Brenda Bates | Self | |
Brenda Helms | self | self |
Brenna Holcomb | Parent of child with PANDAS | |
Brian Baier | SELF | PROPONENT |
Brian Jensen | self | self |
Brian Moore | self | self |
Briana Claxton | Influx Consultants | Self |
Bridget Gualandi | self | self |
Bridgette Gallas | self | self |
Britney Serpa-Smith | Self | |
Britney Serpa-Smith | Self | PANDAS families |
Brittany Knoll | Self | Self |
Brittany kozielski | PANDAS | |
Brook Insco | self | self |
Bruce Sanders | self | self |
Caitlin Griffin | Self | Self |
Caitlin Harris | Self | Self |
candace laudadio | PA&S | |
Candie Henderson | self | self |
Caoimhe Dardis | PAS | |
Carla Blakley | Self | |
Carli Bella | on behalf of self | self |
Carlos Davila | self | self |
Carly herter | Pandas | |
Carmel Anne Henges | Self | Self |
Carol Quick | Self | |
Caroline Hartenberger | Self | |
Carrie Folkerts | self | self |
catherine Shula | self | |
Catherine Thomas | Self | Self |
Cathi J Holic | Self | Self |
Cathy Gibson | Supporter | Supporter |
Cathy Johnson | Self | |
Cathy Kraemer | None | self |
Cathy McDaniel | self | |
Cathy Rauman | NA | |
Cathy Slou | self | self |
Celina Wiegel | None | |
Chandra Perry | Self | Self |
Charish Devoss | self | self |
Charisse Jesiolowski | self | PANDAs disease |
Charles Newton | PANDAS Parent | Parent |
Charlie Nawara | Student | Self |
Cheri Adams | P.A.N.D.A.S Network | Grandparent of child with disease |
cheryl robinson | citizen | |
Chris Argires | Self | Self |
Chris Peterson | Self | PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Strep) |
Chris Witham | Self | |
Christal Rascoe | self | self |
Christina Higens | IL | |
Christina Adreon Collier | self | self |
Christina Johnson | Individual | |
Christina ryder | Individual | |
Christine Amabile | chesterfield mental health support services | |
Christine Crain-De Hoyos | Self | |
Christine Davis | Pandas families | |
Christine Marzano | PANDAS | |
Christine Robertson | self | self |
Christine Theodore | Self | |
Christopher Tumminaro | none | |
Cindi Perry | Self | |
Cindy Heneghan | Parent | |
Claris Kaye | Parent | Parent - Claris Khodabakhshian |
Cleaburn Whiteside | Self | Self |
Colleen Gnat-Hernandez | Parent | |
Colleen Williams | self | self |
Connie Harris | Self | Self |
Corrie Lohr | Self | |
Corrie Miller | Miller Family | |
Cruz Colon | self | self |
Cynthia L Treccani | Self | |
D Thomas | Taxpayer | |
Dacia Nelson | self | self |
Dan Hasenstab | self | self |
Dan Kenney | DCCG | |
Dan Muisenga | Prairie Path Realtors | |
Dan Norton | General Motors | My self |
Dana Moreau | Topaz RG, LLC | |
Dana Szakatits | self | self |
Dana Zerbe | Self | |
Daniel Gault | self | self |
Daniel Nance | Self | Self |
Danielle Buske | self | self |
Danielle Diaz | self | self |
Danielle Ramakrishnan | self | |
Danielle Wallace | self | self |
Danyelle Cotten | Self | |
Dave Eisley | Alarm Detection Systems | |
David Anderson | self | self |
david laudadio | self employed | |
David Recchia | None | Self |
David Souba | Souba Trucking | Trujillo family |
David Tumminaro | JDA Ehealth Systems | |
David Tumminaro | None | |
Dawn Drula | Parent | PARENT |
Dawn Reglin | self | self |
Dawn Winters | self | self |
Deanna Gallagher | self | self |
Deb Duffy | Self | Self |
Deb Spratt | self | self |
Debbi Gillen | Self | Self |
Debbie Burns | Roselle School District 12 | |
Debbie Kimberg | MasterCard | PANDAS PANS support group Midwest |
Debi Johnson | self | self |
Deborah Counts | TriNowFitness | |
Deborah Larrabee | Self | Self |
Debra muth | Serenity Health Care | Self |
Debra Parrish | Self | Friend |
Dena Askew | WalMart | |
Denise Carney | grand parent | |
Denise Gault | Self | Self |
Denise Marie Greaud Gubbs | Self | |
Denney Gault | Self | Self |
diala De Sol | self | self |
Diana Stout | NA | |
Diane Krausfeldt | Self | |
Diane Marola | self | self |
Dianna Hart | Supporter | |
Dianne Baker | self | self |
Dolores Pakosz | self | self |
Donna Eisley | SASED | |
Donna L Eisner | Citizen | PAS and Families of PANDAS |
Dorit Fehrensen | Parent | |
Dorothy Grohman | self | self |
Dr Heather King DC | Serenity Health Care Center | Self |
Dr Melinda Hammond | Self | Self |
Drew Quiriconi | Naperville Central | |
Dustin Rascoe | self | self |
Earlene Jackson | Pandas Families | |
Ed McVaigh | Concerned Citizen | Statement of support on behalf of sufferers of PANDAS disease |
Edward Connelly | Self | Self |
Eileen Steinhiser | self | self |
Eileen Voelker | NA | |
Eleanore McKee | Self | Self |
Elisabeth Houtsmuller | Patient centered outcomes research institute | Parents |
Elisabeth true | PAS | PAS |
Elizabeth Heaton | Heaton farms | |
Elizabeth Bomentre | Kelly Parks | Kelly Parks |
Elizabeth Braun | Parent | |
Elizabeth Kern | PANDAS family | PANDAS family |
Elizabeth plummer | Self | |
Elizabeth Pusey | Brain Injury Association of Massachusetts | self |
Elizabeth Vollins | None | The Vollins Family |
Ellen McKenna | None | |
Ellen Verlen | Self | The Verlen Family |
Emelia Picardi | Self | Self |
Emily Loerakker | None | |
Emily Smith | Self | Self |
Emily Stagg | None | |
Emily Ware | Student | Self |
Eric Lubeck | self | self |
Erica Adams | self | self |
Erick Wahlgren | self | self |
Erin Brownlie | none | |
Erin C Russell | Self | Self |
Erin Gallagher | Student | Self |
Erin Herling | NA | |
Erin Herling | self | self |
Erin K Wittlich | Person | |
Ethel Grobe | Self | PANDAS Families |
Fidencio Campos | self | self |
Fred Baier | Self | Self |
Fred Baier | Self | Self |
Gabriella True | NE PANS PANDAS Association | NE PANS PANDAS Association |
Gadah Joudeh | Self | |
Gail calabrese | Matty mcglaughlin | |
Gary Roper | na | |
George Nawara | SELF | |
Georgia Oconnor | Na | |
Gillian Durbin | None | |
Gina Boyles | self | self |
Gina Kowalski | None | None |
Glen Gable | Aflac | |
greg sharon | Asthma and allergy Center | Physicians |
Greg Sicard | self | PAS |
Gretchen Dunn | Ms. | PANDAS family |
Gustaveson | Parent | Pandas |
Heather Anderson | none | self |
Heather Dunkel | self | self |
Heather Kraft | self | self |
Heather Lemmons | Proponent | |
Heather Meyer | self | self |
Heather Newton | PANDAS Parent | Parent |
Heather Oathout | self | self |
Heather Stabler | self | self |
Heather Ward | SELF | self |
Heidi Nelson | Sears Holdings | |
Helen Wherry | retired teacher | Pandas Family |
Henry Arce | Tax payer | Proponent |
Hilary Eckert | self | self |
Holly Lail | self | self |
Holly Richter | self | self |
Ivelisse Arce | NA | Pandas Family |
J Gordon Henges III | Self | Self |
Jaboa King | self | self |
Jack Miles | Self | Self |
Jaclyn Hood | PANDAS Insurance Bill HB5604 | |
Jaclyn Manzolillo | PANDAS | PANDAS |
Jaclyn Trujillo | PAS | |
Jacquelyn Ryan | Self | Self |
jaden armetta | self | self |
jaime tan | Pandas Network | Pandas Family |
Jaimee Gleisner | Parent of PANDAS child | PANDAS and PANS children |
james arthur rinkus | resident | |
James Kitching | None | PAS |
Jamie Husemann | self | self |
Jamie Linder | self | self |
Jamie Schell | Independent | |
Jamin Fox | self | self |
Jan Lydon | pandas group member | pandas group |
Jan Williams | self | self |
Jane Drury | Self | |
Janelle McDaniel | NA | Self |
Janessa Nikols | borderline genius | |
Janice Blanchard | PANS PANDAS Family | |
Jannie Castaneda | self | |
Jason Kern | PANDAS family | PANDAS family |
Jason Prost | Self | |
Jason Richter | self | self |
Jay Yates | Self | |
Jeanette Donahue | SELF | Self |
Jeanine Parrillo | PANDAS Families | PANDAS Families |
Jeanne McLaughlin | NSSEO | All children with PANDAS |
Jeanne Mulay | none | |
Jeff Crow | self | self |
Jeff DeSplinter | Self | Self |
Jeff Quirin | Self | Self |
Jelena anton | La Grange Hospital | |
Jen Aughenbaugh | Oswego | Self |
Jenn Ryan | self | self |
Jenna Collins | Self | Self |
Jenna Rascoe | self | self |
Jenni Riddle | self | self |
jennifer armetta | self | self |
jennifer armetta | self | self |
Jennifer Butler | self | self |
Jennifer Gregorio | PANDAS family | PANDAS |
Jennifer Hennessy | family member of child with Pandas | |
Jennifer Hooten | self | self |
Jennifer Hunzicker | Odin School | |
Jennifer Kopp | self | self |
Jennifer Lubeck | self | self |
Jennifer Miller | self | self |
Jennifer Moodie | self | self |
Jennifer Morgan | self | |
Jennifer Morgan | self | self |
Jennifer O Brien | self | self |
Jennifer Ortega | Tax Payer | Tax Payer |
Jennifer Powell | Self | Self |
Jennifer Preece | Home | Richie Preece |
Jennifer Schmitz | Supporter | |
Jennifer Seelbach | none | |
Jennifer Settecase | Residence | |
Jennifer Tumminaro | Jennifer | |
Jennifer Wenck | Stay at home mom | self |
Jennifer Whelan | Parent | |
Jennifer Winn | Self | Self |
Jennifer Wyton | Self | |
Jeremy Steder | self | self |
Jeri Zueger | self | self |
jessica cashman | self | |
Jessica Dauphinais | None | Myself |
Jessica Nance | Self | Self |
Jessica Prado | Alchemy beauty Salon | Self |
Jessica Smith | SELF | Self |
Jessica TerBush | self | self |
Jessie Stockwell | Self | |
Jill Ballard | Self | |
Jill Sicard | self | PAS |
Jill Sunderbruch | NA | |
jim and dawn coombs | pandas family | pandas family |
Joann Taylor | Panda's Family | |
Joanne Butler | NA | |
Joanne Tricoci | None | Pandas Families |
Jodi Knippen | self | |
Jodi Merrell | self | self |
Jodi Nally | self | self |
Jodi Pope | self | self |
Jodie Sexton | self | self |
Joe Casteneda | self | SELF |
John Grier | The Grier Lawfirm | |
John Grobe | None | PANDAS Children |
John Knoska | Self | PAS |
John Naylor | Nickelbys Ltd | children with PANDAS |
John Roeger | Milliman | |
Jolie Swyrtek | Self | Pandas families |
Jonathan Ritt | School District 45 | |
Joni May | none | none - Joni May |
Jose Casteneda | self | |
Joseph Armetta | Personal | |
Joseph J Armetta | self | self |
Josh Collier | self | self |
Josh Waller | self | self |
Josh Weaver | Self | Self |
Joshua Wright | Self | |
Juana Diaz | self | |
Juanita Martinez | self | |
Judy D Calhoun | Concerned family member | |
Judy Hammet-Kelly | Home | |
Julia krone | Self | Self |
Julia Martinez | self | |
Juliane Walker | self | self |
Juliane Walker | self | self |
Julianne Rasmussen | Self | |
Julie Gatesman | self | |
Julie Greenwood | self | self |
Julie Kaufhold | PANDAS network | PANDAS parent support group, son with PANDAS |
Julie krumme | Self | Self |
Julie Rediger | Self | Self |
Julie Smith | Self | Self |
Julie Tucker | Self | |
Justin Eckert | self | self |
Kala Peterson | self | self |
Karen Flynn | parent | Parent |
Karen Jackson | self | self |
Karen Oplt | self | self |
Kari Blunda | retired | |
Kari Buccambuso | Self | |
Kari Gerdes | self | self |
Karly schmitz | Supporter | |
Karrie Reesman | Parents | Parents |
Karyl Argamasilla | NA | PANDAS families |
Kassie King | self | self |
Kate bonino | Personal | |
Kate Drury | PANDAS PANS Advocacy and Support | PANDAS PANS Advocacy and Support |
Kate seiwert | Personal | |
Kate wade | Self | Self |
Kate Wilson | self | self |
Katharine West | Carle hospital | |
Katherine Podraza | PAS | |
Katherine Stauffer | Self | Self |
Kathleen Cardella | PANDAS Families | |
Kathleen Hallal | Self | LA OC Pandas support group |
Kathleen Wogen | Not applicable - individual | |
Kathryn Evans | fairbanks | |
Kathryn Hall | self | Self |
Kathy Brehan | Self | |
Kathy Foote | Self | Self |
Kathy Franks | self | self |
Kathy Stewart | self | self |
Katie Evans | supporter | |
Katie Kahlil | self | self |
Katy biewer | Pas | CHarlie Drury |
Katy Conklen | self | self |
Kayla Mattus | Self | Self |
Kayla Wilson | self | self |
Kelley Spanner | Self | |
Kelley Wooldridge | self | self |
Kellie Park | Self | |
Kelly Bay | Pandas family | PANDAS family |
Kelly Heuton | Self | Self |
Kelly Mahoney | Centegra Wound Center | self |
Kelly Muisenga | PANDAS families | |
Kelly parks | Pandas family | Pandas families |
Kelly pool | Advocate | |
Kelly Quirin | Self | Self |
Kelly Wyatt | Supporter | |
Kendall King | self | self |
Kendra Kruse | self | self |
Keri Hoffmann | self | self |
Kevin Mitchell | Tax payer | |
Kieran McHugh | self | self |
Kim A Conley | By the Book | Self |
Kim Bierman | Self | |
Kim Decker | self | self |
Kim Morton | PAS pandas | |
Kim Oshea | Pandas families | PANDAS families |
Kim Richardson | self | self |
Kimberly Dietz | self | self |
Kobra Hall | Not applicable | |
kris thompson | none | Parent advocate |
Krista | self | self |
Krista Snider | ROE 11 | |
Kristen Bonie | Self | Self |
Kristen Frederick | self | self |
Kristen Recchia | None | Self |
Kristen Respecki | Parent and taxpayer supporter | Parent and taxpayer supporter |
Kristin Bohms | self | self |
Kristin Fromich | NA | |
Kristin Hubbard | self | self |
Kristin Johnston | Self | |
Kristin Trammell | NA | |
Kristin Walters | Parent | |
Kristina Buyno | self | self |
Kristina Stoeva | NA | |
Kristine Gleason | Self | Self |
Kristine Lucas | None | |
Kristine Mushett-Vance | Martinrea International | |
Kristy Stith | Self | Self |
Kurt Evans | Parent | |
Lacey Nelson | self | self |
Lanae Mitchell | Edward Jones | |
Laura Blackburn | self | self |
Laura Clausen | self | self |
Laura Lughezzani | PAS | PAS |
Laura Miller | Na | Self |
Laura Minx | self | self |
Laura OConnor | NA | |
Laureen Mannino | individual capacity | |
Lauren Dixon | self | self |
Lauren purlee | Stonybrook Center | |
Laurie Borio | self | self |
Lawrence Erickson | Self | |
Lea Laschober | WSL Engraving, Inc. | |
Leah Sautto | Self | |
Lee Harris | Self | Self |
Lee Stauffer | Self | Self |
Leigh Steinman | Self | |
Les Saal | Self | Self |
Leslie Derrington | NA | Self |
Leslie Stratton | self | self |
Leslie Teng | self | |
Leslie Victoria Page Voth | University of Maryland | |
Lexi Haskell | Stident | |
Linda Britton | Community High School District 99 | |
Linda koelz | Self | Self |
Linda Lubeck | self | |
Linda Masteller | self | self |
Linda Salz | self | self |
Linda Vering | Individual | |
Lindsey Ganshow | self | self |
Lisa Baker | None | Self |
Lisa Beyer | self | self |
Lisa Hardy | self | self |
Lisa Jasper | PAS of IL, AZ PANDAS Group | Self |
Lisa Kelly | none | |
Lisa Kilion | PANLife | |
Lisa krillies | Person | |
Lisle Spradlin | Supporter | |
Livia Hollingsworth | self | self |
Loanne Grobe | Illinois resident and voter | |
Lori Catton | Self | Self |
Lori Gayheart | self | self |
Lori Holsapple | Self | |
Lori Mouro | Taxpayer | |
Lori Pawlecki | None | PANDAS family |
Lori Scaman | Self | |
Lori Wood | self | self |
Lorri Zbinovec | Illinois voter | |
LuAnne Trujillo | self | self |
Luca DeBenedictis | self | self |
Lucia C Diaz | self | self |
Lucijana Arman-Zubic | home | self |
Lucy Copperberg | self | self |
Lucy Juliana Diaz Del Sol Marquez Salgado-Hertz | self | self |
Lucy Trujillo | self | self |
Lynette Wenzon | Illinois PANDAS awareness | |
Lynn Gullickson Spencer | LifeCare Wellness, INC | |
Lynn Haber | PANDAS Families | PANDAS Families |
Lynn Mack | Self | |
Madeline Kleczkowski | Self | |
Madisyn McDaniel | NA | self |
Mallory Patricia Tumminaro | Self | Self |
Marcy Parks | self | self |
Margaret Chapman | Self | |
Margaret Grobe | Self | |
Margaret M Grobe | Self | |
Margery Erickson | none | Self |
Maria DeVries | Self | Self |
Maria Holmes | Mom | |
Maria Medema | self | self |
Maria Pisano | self | self |
Marianne Grobe | Self | PANDAS Families |
Marilyn K Kelly | Self | Self |
Marilyn Linhardt | PERSONAL | |
Marilyn Rose | School District 127.5 | |
Marilyn Steinhiser | self | self |
Marion F Woods | Pandas | |
Mark beasley | Ibm | |
Marlene Armetta | self | self |
Martha Roberts | Pandas mother | |
Mary Beth Lewis | Advocacy and Support of Illinois | |
Mary Blakert | self | self |
Mary Bonet | None | PAS |
Mary Crombez | PAS | |
Mary E Connelly | Self | Self |
Mary Hartenberger | Self | |
Mary keels | single person | |
Mary Knoska | Self | Self |
Mary Mcgreer | Mt Vernon city schools | |
Mary Nameche | Self | self |
Mary Naylor | Nickelby's | children with PANDAS |
Mary Ruth Spradlin | Supporter | |
Mary Svec | self | self |
Mary Theodore | Mary Theodore | |
Mary Thoele | Private Citizen, Friend of young woman with PANDAS | |
Matt Jones | self | self |
Matthew Baier | Self | Self |
Matthew Phalen | self | self |
Maureen Conner | self | self |
Maureen Finegan | PANDA | PANDA family |
Max nawara | self | |
Maylan Dunn-Kenney | NIU | |
Meagan Johnson | self | self |
Megan Battles | Self | |
Megan Battles | Self | Self |
Megan Carter | self | self |
Megan cox | 3rd street dance academy | |
Megan Evans | PANS patient | |
Megan Hafer | Personal residence | |
Megan Hammond | Self | Self |
Megan Mott | NA | |
Megan Stinnett | Self | |
Meghan Vosloo | Life Care Wellness | |
Melanie Hicks | Parent | |
Melinda M Thoele | Private Citizen, Aunt of young woman with PANDAS | PANDAS Supporter |
Melissa Carrie | self | self |
Melissa Davis | Self | Self |
Melissa Gault | self | self |
Melissa Gibbons | self | self |
Melissa Latoria | Self | |
Melissa Merritt | none | |
Melissa Millar | Self | |
Melissa Mladek | Self | Self |
MeLissa Ramsey | Friend | |
Melissa Schwoerer | None | |
Melissa Siemers | individual | |
Melissa Theodore | None | self |
Michael | Customs & Border Protection Homelans Security | |
Michael Burke | CBBEL | |
Michael Jesiolowski | self | self |
Michael Morgan | self | self |
Michael Murray | None | Citizens of Illinois |
Michaeleen Michlig | self | self |
Michale Thoele | Private Citizen, Friend of young woman with PANDAS | |
Michele Davis | self | self |
Michele Jones | self | self |
Michele Kerwin | self | self |
Michele Kleczkowski | Parent | |
Michele Lyerla | self | self |
Michele Taets | Parent | |
Michele Thoele | Private Citizen, Friend of young woman with PANDAS | |
Michelle | Supporter | |
Michelle Cole | PANDAS families | PANDAS families |
Michelle DiDomenico | self | self |
Michelle Hinkle | self | self |
Michelle Palmer | Self | |
Michelle Paluch | Self | |
Michelle Shufelt | SELF | |
Michelle Spears | self | self |
Mike Wilson | self | self |
MIndy LaBelle | None | Pandas families |
Miodrag Zubic | home | self |
Misty Slover | Self | |
Molly Hunt | self | self |
Monica Davis | none | |
Murphy Hockett | Student | Self |
Myra | Self | |
Myra | Self | |
Myra | Self | |
Nadia Kroll | self | PAS |
Nadia Wieringa | no agency | |
Nancy Barnard | self | self |
NancyBrennan | Pandas Pans Advocacy and Support | PANDAS Famlies |
Nanitha | virat inc | |
natalie lambajian-DRummond MD | whole child pediatrics | |
Nathan Steward | self | self |
Nedra Foster | pandas parent | |
Nicholas McCune | self | self |
Nick Harris | Self | Self |
Nicole | Parent | |
Nicole Jordan | self | self |
Nicole Lefebvre | Ozanam School | |
Nicole Mikrut | self | self |
Nicole Portell | self | self |
Nicole Ranieri | Self | |
Nikki Johnson | self | self |
Olive Pakosz | self | self |
Ornela Campbell | Self | |
Owen Ryan | Komori America Corporation | |
Owen Ryan | Self | SELF |
Pam Elsby | Self | Self |
Pamela Meyer | self | self |
Pamela Vandiver | Self | Self |
Pamm Larry | family member | |
Patricia A Roman | Na | |
Patricia Danaher | PANDA's families | |
Patricia Hubbartt | None | |
Patricia Jett | Self | Self |
Patricia Smith | Personal | |
Patrick Grobe | Schamberger Bros, Inc. | Self |
Patty fike | Life Care Wellness | |
Paul Lubeck | self | |
Paul Martinez | self | self |
Paul park | Self | |
Paula Bunyo | self | self |
Paula Lough | self | self |
Paula Rogus | self | Self |
Penny Crowe | self | self |
Peter Rogus | self | self |
Plamen Ivanov | NA | |
Preston McDaniel | self | na |
Rachel Castillo | self | self |
Rachel Moses | Sunflowe Gardens | |
Rachel Richmond | Self | self |
Rachel Towey | Parent | Parent |
Ramona Kitching | none | Self |
Ray See | Individual | PANDAS Families |
Raymond Sanders | self | self |
Rebecca Estrada | Pandas families | Pandas network |
Rebecca Lichucki | Na | |
Rebecca Mullins | PANDAS Advocate | |
Rebekah Koch | Parent | Parent PANS PANDAS Advocacy Group |
Regina Reed | BriovaRx | |
Renee Ghenciu | NA | Ghenciu household |
Renee Lumio | self | |
Resha McCarley | PANDAS Family | PANDAS Family |
Rev Steven M Smith | Murrayville United Methodist Church | PANDAS Supporter |
Reyna Hoppe | None | PASPANDAS Children |
Rhonda Beaber | Self | Self |
Rhonda Horowitz | self | self |
Rhonda Kelloway | Life Care Wellness, Inc. | None |
Rhonda Tompkins | self | self |
Richard Grobe Jr | None | |
Rick Hollingsworth | self | self |
Rick Martinez | self | |
Rita Byrd | Self | Self |
Rita May | self | self |
Robert Cross | Moleculera Labs, Inc | |
Robert Hollander | CRSD 1275 | |
Robert Lederer | Retired | |
Robert Mattingly | self | self |
Robin Mooney | Self | |
Rodney Drury | Self | PAS, pandas family |
Rosalie Fischer | Bolingbrook Compounding Pharmacy | |
Rose E Church | PANDAS Mother | |
Rose jJaniszewski | Pandas Families | Pandas Families |
Rosemarie Crawford | Heartland bank | |
Roxanne Clark | LEISD | PANDAS |
Ruth jennings | Self | |
Samantha Davies | Self | Self |
Samantha Elkins | SELF | |
Samantha Williams | self | self |
Sandee | Self | |
Sandra A Vacho | NA | |
Sandra billish | Housewife | |
Sandy blythe | Feather river hospital | |
Sandy Green | self | self |
Sara | schiller household | |
Sara DiFucci | Select... | Self |
Sara Howell | self | self |
Sarah Alleman | Kentucky PANDAS PANS Support | |
Sarah Bohac | self | self |
Sarah Kennedy | Self | Self |
Sarah Munson | None | Citizen |
Sarah Payne | self | self |
Sarah Politics Hefner | self | self |
Savanah Berlin | self | self |
Shae Jones | Community Resource Center | |
Shane Harris | UIS | |
Shannon Mulnix | self | self |
Shannon Zajac | none | PAS |
Shantel Smith | Self | Self |
Sharee parkhomchuk | Rentall affairs llc | |
Sharon Knudsen | Self | Self |
Sharon Nelson | Self | Self |
sharon vish | none | |
Shay Franks | self | self |
Sheila Gann | Parent | |
Shelia A Cramer | McNerney Wenzon Dental | |
Shelly Barnett | self | self |
Shelly Bourdo | self | self |
Shelly LeGere | Lagrange hospital | |
Shelly Meier | self | self |
Sherri Sturm | Self | Self |
Sherri Worthen | Pandas Family | Pandas family |
Sherry Harmon | Friend | |
siena armetta | self | self |
Silvia Martinez | Self | Self |
Sonia Calles Mesa | self | self |
Staci Morgan | self | |
Staci Ryan | self | |
Staci Wahlgren | self | self |
Stacy Rhodes | self | self |
Stephanie Clemens | Academy of Movement and Music | |
Stephanie Fitzpatrick | Self | |
Stephanie Gonigam | self | self |
Stephanie Hosszu | None | Self |
Stephanie Olivass | self | self |
Stephanie Rosania | Self | |
Stephanie Ruszkowski | self | self |
Stephen Gibson | Pandas Supporter | |
Stephen Spencer | none | none |
Susan Brooks | Self | Self |
Susan Cole | grandparent | |
Susan Grier | Concerned citizen | Parent of child with PANDAS |
Susan L Morrison | self | self |
Susan Moe | None | |
Susan Punturieri | Pandas family | Pandas family |
Susan Rock | self | self |
Susan Rosenow | NA | Self |
Susan Ryder | Pandas family | |
Susan Wingfield | Self | |
Suzanne | None | |
Suzanne Bower | Pans parent | |
Suzanne Bower | Pans parent | |
Tamara Purcell | 1969 | |
Tambre Rasmussen | Boulder Bodyworks | |
Tami Huseman | self | self |
Tammy Carlson | self | self |
Tammy Cheever | Self | Mother of child with PANDAS. We have Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois hmo insurance. It has no coverage for my 9 yr. old son with PANDAS. |
Tammy Joseph | Supporter | |
Tammy Monier | self | self |
Tammy Nation | Parent | Two Daughters |
Tanya Richter | self | self |
Tara Carter | PANDAS Resource Network | PANDAS Families |
Tara Case | SELF | |
Tara Mitchell | Illinois Gas Co | |
Tara Tinnin | NA | |
teresa conrick | Have a child diagnosed with PANDAS | |
teresa mackey | autism home support | |
Teri Nawara | SELF | self |
Terrence McDaniel | self | |
Terri Ann Jamison | self | self |
Theresa Neshiem | Pandas Family | Pandas Family for Twin Cities PANDAS organization |
Thomas G Hallal | Tomworks,Ltd. | |
Thomas Hannan | self | self |
Thomas Robinson | Citizen | |
Thomas Trujillo | self | self |
Tiffani Maxwell | parent | Parent |
Tiffany rozzelle | North american lighting | |
Tiffany Donahue | self | self |
Tiffany Johnson | self | self |
tiffany tumminaro | Life Care Wellness | none |
Tiffini Welka | none | |
Tiffiny Leon | None | |
Tim Morris | self | self |
Timothy koelz | Self | |
Tina Cannon | Friend | Emily Stinnett |
Tina Coffey | self | self |
Tina DeSplinter | Self | Self |
Tina Pearcy | Self | |
Todd holsapple | New horizons | |
Todd Wenzon | PAS | |
Tom Nawara | Self | Self |
Tommy Pisano | self | self |
Tonia Inskeep | Self | |
Tony Tumminaro | Self | |
Tonya Hasenstab | self | self |
Tonya Miller | Pandas parent | PANDAS Family |
Tori McHugh | self | self |
Tracey Pawlowski | Self | Self |
Tracy Stocker | self | |
Tricia Hutton | Self | Self |
Tricia Madison | self | self |
Trisha Hamrick | self | self |
Trisha Maynard | self | self |
Troy Wall | self | self |
Tyler Minx | self | self |
Valerie Rothgeb | None | |
Vanessa Baier | Parent | |
Vanessa Hulin | Self | self |
Vanna Villarreal | self | self |
Vickie B | na | |
Vickie Baier | Self | Self |
Vickie pokorney | Self | |
Vicky L DeMay | Self | Self |
Victoria McHugh | self | self |
Vincent Carroll | self | self |
Virgilio Bonet MD | none | PAS |
Virginia Tumminaro | self | |
Viviane Ellingson | Self | self |
Wendy Johns | self | self |
Wendy Michlig | self | self |
Wendy Nawara | PANDAS PANS Advocacy and Support | PANDAS PANS Advocacy and Support |
Wendy S Dunbar | Serenity Health Care Center | Self |
Wesley Loucka | Not a business | |
Whitney Behrmann | Self | |
William Barnard | self | self |
william D Gibson | Grandparent of child with PANDAS | |
William D Hartenberger | Self | |
William F Murphy | Retired Village of Woodridge | Self |
William G Hartenberger | self | |
william mccaleb | self | self |
William Pakosz | self | self |
William Ryder | Pandas family | |
William Steinman | Retired | PANDAS |
Xavier Carroll | self | self |
Yerlis Peralta | Parent | |
Zach dreiling | Na | |
Zackery Sommer | S | |
Zoe Walts | Student | Self |