Illinois General Assembly - HB5539Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For HB5539  100th General Assembly

Bill Status

Legislation: HB5539
Proponents: 94Opponents: 0No Position: 1
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Human Services (H) 6/21/2018 1:00 PM
Angela CaldwellParent
Dan McCarthyCTI, Inc.
Daniela MahoneySelfSelf
Gail Schnitzer EisenbergNew Trier TownshipSelf
Janet PottsNAMyself
Michael BakerRepresenting my son with autism19 year old son with autism
Paul KozaRetired
Thomas J KennedyIl Triello Consulting
Yung Cong-HuyenSelfSelf
Bradley CohnCenter For Enriched LivingCenter For Entiched Living
Jean Pageselfself
Laurie DodichCenter for Enriched Living
Linda McCarthyCti,inc
Mary Keltyselfself
Richard KengottAmeriken Die Supply Inc.
Amy SchmidtSchmidt
Daniel J KozaCenter for Enriched Living
Gene BensingerAutism Speaks Chicagoland ChapterAutism Speaks Chicagoland Chapter
Heather WirthThe Center for Enriched LivingThe Center for Enriched Living
Julia RadasevichNapervillle CUSD 203
Mary Beth M KennedyPrivate Citizen
Nicole DavidsonThe Center For Enriched Living
Roseanne EdwardsNoneAutism Speaks
William Vaughn MooreCenter for Enriched Living
Abigail RadasevichOlam SVI
Hilda c SchultzMrs.
John LekichSightAxis, Inc
Linda BakerNoneParent of a young adult with autism
Linda HarrisonArc of Illinois
Madeline ChudyThe Center for Enriched Living
Pam MorganCenter for Enriched Living
Paul Keltyselfself
paulina hamlinpersonal
Rebecca J WeaverIndependent With Autism
Stuart CharneySixDegrees Health CareCitizens concerned about the state of individuals living with developmental disabilities
Ingrid Martinezselfself
Karen FayCenter for Enriched Living
Lenice AbbottSelfSelf
Miriam LanemanParent
Susan HudkinsFamily
Caryn TuttClearbrook
Darrell HammondRetired
Eileen RadasevichRadFam
Lori Kashself
Mary BelliveauParent
Matthew SladeVillage of DurandSelf
Michael WasmerAutism SpeaksAutism Speaks
Michelle SchwartzClearbrookClearbrook
Pamela SaxelbySaxelby's Children's Books LLC
Randi FrankCenter for Enriched Living
April L BoozeCenter for Enriched Living
Candice GoldsteinSelfSelf
DIANNE MARSELLADianne MarsellaConcerned citizen
Jacqueline BakerSelfSelf
Jeffrey and Valerie AdamsMontrose Colors, Inc
Juliana MorawskiNoneNone
Marianne EmbreeIndependent With AutismIndependent with Autism
Pamela DaviesNAmyself
Robert PetersonNone
ShaDonna Collins-WhiteArc of Illinois
Sharon KostelAID
william e saxelbyOcean Harvest Technology
Catherine BedardMrs.
Francis KostelAID
Harriet LevyCELRepresenting adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities who deserve to lead a good quality of life in the community
Jason RenoBewell Fitness
Katherine FarnsworthAnn and Robert H. Lurie Children Hospital of Chicago
Omaida FigueroaAdvocate
Robert RadasevichNeal, Gerber & Eisenberg LLP
Sarah Russeselfself
Sean R Kozaenter For Enriched Living
Hearing Date and Time: Human Services (H) 4/10/2018 8:00 AM
Michael BakerRepresenting my son with autism19 year old son with autism
Nancy ClowSelf
Tracy HellnerSelfChild
Mercedes GonzalezChicago Coalition for the HomelessChicago Coalition for the Homeless
Rosemary BellaireUCP Seguin of Greater Chicago
Ellen Herbertcaregiver for an adult in Illinois with severe and profound disabilitiescaregiver for an adult in Illinois with severe and profound disabilities
JULIETTE NAJAResources For living, Incna
Michele Westmaasselfself
Sherry HealeySelfSelf
Barbara W SerotaEncompass Edge
Elisabeth GrzywaIPADDIPADD
John ChikaParent and guardian of disabled adult childDisabled
Kathleen OrlowSelfMy adult daughter, Bethany Orlow, who has multiple disabilities.
Kathryn Maffeiselfon behalf of all adults and children with disabilities
Laura castallanteIpadd
Kimbell Gaborindividualparent of adult disabled child
Kristina StilesHorizon house of Il ValleyKristina Stiles
Laurie MaalulSelfLaurie Maalul
Diane ChikaParent and guardian of disabled adultDisabled adult child
Jennifer HumbertIPADD. UnitePersons with IDD
Tammie SinibaldiTammieOn behalf of my son and others with special needs