Illinois General Assembly - HB4623Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For HB4623  103rd General Assembly

House Amendment 001   House Amendment 002   House Amendment 003
Bill Status

Legislation: HB4623
Proponents: 549Opponents: 24No Position: 0
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 4/2/2024 4:00 PM
Brad Baurertaxpayer
Carol WagnerTax payer
Chris NyboChris Nybo LLCMutual Ground
Daniel MillerSelfSelf
Dave HaslettOffice of the Illinois Attorney GeneralOffice of the Illinois Attorney General
David Curtin -- Illinois Family InstituteIllinois Family InstituteIllinois Family Institute
David SchwartzSelfSelf
Jennifer RolandIllinois Collaboration on YouthIllinois Collaboration on Youth
Jerry BrownTaxpayer
Kara EngTaxpayer
Mary LambertTaxpayer
Michael J ZalewskiTaft LawIllinois State Attorney's Association
Michael LuebbersIllinois Freedom Civic Coalition dba Illinois Freedom AllianceOn behalf of IFCC dba IFA
Patrice RonczkowskiCitizen
Rachel BirkyselfNone
Rhonda Zemantaxpayer
Roger Birkytaxpayer
Sarah BeuningIllinois Coalition Against Sexual AssaultIllinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault
Steve WalshOffice of the Illinois Attorney GeneralOffice of the Illinois Attorney General
Tamara EfsenSelfSelf
Vickie VinesSelf
Wendy OwanoSelfSelf
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 3/21/2024 4:00 PM
Addison Sharpenoneself
Alan Dorfmeyerself
Alice Cainretired
Alice Ruscittitaxpayer
Alvin AlexanderOn behalf of selfIllinois Voter
Alyssa SonnenburgNoneself
Andinet WadhamsSelf
Angela Eskertaxpayer
Ann Ritternoneself
Anna Butzinselfself
Anne CooperTaxpayer
Austin James MinkSelfSelf
Barbara FischerSelfSelf
Barbara SteinTaxpayer
Belinda GuytonOn behalf of selfSelf
Benjamin SonnenburgNoneself
Beth Carol RueggNorthside GOPIllinois Family Institute
Beth Novakselfself
Betty NelsonTaxpayer
Beverley Dawn Houseworthnoneself
Beverly BryantSelfSelf
Beverly GarlandNASelf
Bill LehmanTaxpayer
Billie BingenheimerNASELF
bonnie bakerselfself
Brett Wiegerscitizen
Brian Josephsselfself
Brian PettlonOn behalf of selfSelf
Brooklyn MaysTaxpayerSelf
Bruce GussPersonPerson
Bryan LaForgeSelf
Burdette RosendaleSelfSelf
Cari Klinkenborgnana
Carol HowardSelfSelf
Carol MossesSelfSelf
Carol RobbenTaxpayerSelf
Carol SchaapTaxpayer
Carol SkasickCitizenMyself
Carol VossGardening Angels
Carol WagnerSelf
Carole ReversTaxpayerself
Catherine HansenSelfSelf
Charles SmithSelfSelf
Cherie R IngoldTaxpayer
Cheryl E FornelliSelf
Cheryl Mathewsselfself
Chonya DavisTaxpayerSelf
Chris DrewelFamilyfamily
Chris NyboChris Nybo LLCMutual Ground
Christine DubaTaxpayerSelf
Christine MuratoriSelfSELF
Christopher Raymondselfself
Cindy HeslingaSelfSelf
Cindy ParrTaxpayerSelf
Claudia Loethenself
Colleen SylvesterTaxpayerSelf
Constance Malinowskiselfself
Craig Bakalichselfself
Cyndi HolichIllinois VoterOn behalf of self
Cynthia Dunnvoter
Dale A DaltonOn behalf of self
Dan Risleytaxpayercitizen
Dana WagnerPersonalSelf
Daniel MillerSelfSelf
Daniel MitchellretiredSelf
Daniel Whitesideselfself
Daniel Whitesideselfself
Darla DayTax payerTax payer
Darrell WittenbergSelfSelf
Dave HeslingaMyselfMyself
David GussPersonPerson
David SchwartzSelfSelf
David SchwartzSelfSelf
David WeinbergerOn Behalf of SelfSelf
deborah brownself
Delores TanisselfVOTER
Dennis DetweilerSelfTaxpayer
Dennis Menkeselfself
Dennis Menkeselfself
Devin CorbettSelfSelf
Diane JohnsonTaxpayer---
Diane StrieterSelf
Douglas C Carrself
Edward Kighttaxpayerself
Elizabeth DetweilerSelfTaxpayer
Ellen SimsTaxpayer
Elsie MorrisseyIllinois Right to Life
Eric Bridgestaxpayer
Eric GastonTaxpayerSelf
Erin LyonsTaxpayerTaxpayer
Gary Foglemantaxpayer
Gaye AhlersSelfSelf
Gayle Holsteselfself
Geniece BrandtTaxpayerVoter
Gina JayNASelf
Glen MeisnerSelfSelf
Grant RichterIllinois CitizenSelf
Heidi SiebertTaxpayerSelf
Herb BackhausSelfSelf
Hollie ShoupIL citizenself
Holly MockoTaxpayerSelf
Ilene Brinernonenone
Illinois Family InstituteIllinois Family InstituteIllinois Family Institute
Jack Sheltonselfself
James A DaltonOn behalf of self
James MuratoriSelfSELF
James Spielertaxpayer
James Troskyself
Janet MohrmanSelf
Janet Ulmertaxpayer
Janet Van RyswykNANA
Janice MillerNoneIllinois Freedom Alliance
Janine RockeSelf
Jean Schiszikselfself
Jeannette Nedzatax payer
Jeff MillerNANA
Jeffrey MorinTaxpayerself
Jennifer HughesSelfSelf
Jennifer RolandIllinois Collaboration on YouthIllinois Collaboration on Youth
Jerry Hengeholdtaxpayerself
Jessica WengerNAtaxpayer
Jim LazaroNoneSelf
Joanne SavageSelfSelf
Jody Oltmanselfself
Joe ReinhardTaxpayerIL tax payer
Joseph A RodrickSelfSelf
Joseph P SkaffSelfSelf
Judith Bergselfself
Justus DetweilerSelfTaxpayer
Kandy WaldieNoneSelf
Karen RednourCitizenSelf
Karen RednourCitizenSelf
Kathleen Andersonselfself
kathleen domitrovitsselfself
Kathleen DownTaxpayer
Kathleen Fanoneself
Kathleen Kaufmanselfself
Kathy R Resslerselfself
Kathy ValenteIllinois Family InstituteIllinois Family Institute
Kathy WolsingSelfSelf
Keith DixonTaxpayer
Kenneth B Cooley JrMyselfMyself
Kenneth FischerSelfSelf
Kevin Lemanpersonalpersonal
Kevin Savageselfself
Kim M Paputsaself
Kimberly RappTaxpayerSelf
Kristin SalzmanTaxpayerNone
Kristin SalzmanTaxpayerNone
Kurt BobsinSelf
Kurt GlazierSelfSelf
Kyle CounterTaxpayer
L R BechtoldtNASelf
Lana KeeTaxpayer
Laura Millerretiredself
Laura S GieseSelfSelf
Laurie Whitakerself
Laurinda MeisnerSelfSelf
Lawrence ServinTaxpayer
Linda Calzadaselfself
Linda H Carrolltaxpayerself
Linda HeifnerTax Payerself
Linda Hutchesonselfself
Linda L Calanoneself
Lisa WellsSelfMr & Mrs Christopher Wells
Lissette GuzmanSelfSelf
Loraine HenthornTaxpayer
Lori WhiteTaxpayerSelf
Lorrie K Crosetaxpayer
Luann LytellSelfSelf
Lynn BosSelfSelf
Lynn BosSelfSelf
Manuel Calzadaselfself
Margaret L Furtotaxpayerself
Margarita MatlisSelfSelf
Marian Crossselfself
Marian Crossselfself
Marietta LoweryTaxpayerSelf
Marina SteinTaxpayer
Marjorie McCulloughCitizenNone
MarkSt Marys Catholic ChurchSt Mary's Pittsfield Illinois
Marla Ainscoughvoter
Mary Ann KerleyNoneNone
Mary C NedzaTaxpayer
Mary Gorskiselfself
Mary Gorskiselfself
Mary WolskiTaxpayerSelf
Meegan McNultyselfself
Megan BradySelf
Megan ClohertyTaxpayerNA
Melissa WilliamsonTaxpayerself
Michael Francis Delaneyselfself
Michael GassoTaxpayer
Michael O'TooleSelfSelf
Michelle Lapeyreself-employedself
Mike and Pat HardisonNone
Mike Lawrencenaself
Mike SteffenRICO GOP
Monte LarrickSelf
Morgan Fultonselfself
Nancy Albrechttax payer
Nancy KelseySelfSelf
Nicholas DeVriesTaxpayer
Pam JohnsonPam JohnsonSelf
Pamela G Fritzenmeiertaxpayerself
Pamela HallTaxpayer
Pamela R CooleyTaxpayerSelf
Pamela RoseTaxpayerCitizens
Patricia Josephsself
Patricia NeumannSelfSelf
Patricia SchneppRetired Law Firm AdministratorSelf
Patrick WeberTax payerSelf
Patti Sharpenoneself
Patty BertrandSelfSelf
Paul KennaIllinois IntiativeCitizen
Paul LindstromSelfSelf and Church
Paul WhiteTaxpayerSelf
Paula EsserTaxpayer
Paula KonczalTaxpayer
Peter BriaTaxpayerNone
Peter BriaTaxpayerNone
Peter Tarchaselfself
Quincy Vanderhoofcitizen
Rachel BirkyTaxpayer
Rebecca DarlingNoneSelf
Rebecca TerharkTaxpayerSelf
Regina Ngon behalf of self
Richard BurkhartSelf
Richard G VoglerSelfSelf
Richard J MarcantonioOn behalf of self.On behalf of self.
Rick LaibSelfSelf
Robert E GoettingTaxpayer
Robert StrieterSelf
Roberta Updykeself
Roberta Updykeself
Roberta Wilson-DreifkeTaxpayer
Robin NetzelTaxpayer
Robyn MurovSelfConcerned citizens
Roger Birkytaxpayer
Ronald D RockCITIZEN
Rose Anna NelsonSelf
Roxann Mosstaxpayerself
Roy HorrasSelfSelf
Ruby J Geilertaxpayer
Russell ChristTaxpayerSelf
Ruth ThompsonSelfSelf
Sam Entileself
Samantha Stutzcitizenindividual
Sandra FritzenmeierTaxpayerSelf
Sarah BeuningIllinois Coalition Against Sexual AssaultIllinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault
Sarah Lindquistselfself
Scott Butzinselfself
Scott HendrieTaxpayer
Sharon ThomasTaxpayerSelf
Sheila B DaltonOn behalf of self
Sherri Urbantax payerself
Sherrie SaratoreSelfSelf
Sherry L kurzSelfSelf
Stephen Crossselfself
Steve ScherrerNASelf
Sue Prattselfself
Susan A Evanstaxpayer
Susan BeeverTaxpayerSelf
Susan P Jordanon behalf of selfon behalf of self
Suzanne H PavlusSelf
Terry Spulerna
Tex DarlingNoneSelf
Tiffany EhlersTaxpayer
Tim SteinTaxpayer
Timothy P Friedrichnoneself
Tina LehmanTaxpayer
tom laharttaxpayernone
Walter CercavschiselfSelf
Wendy Bartoliniself
William BulthuisTaxpayerSelf
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 3/12/2024 4:00 PM
Austin James MinkSelfSelf
David Curtin -- Illinois Family InstituteIllinois Family InstituteIllinois Family Institute
David SchwartzSelfSelf
Jennifer RolandIllinois Collaboration on YouthIllinois Collaboration on Youth
Lynn WilsonNAself
Sarah BeuningIllinois Coalition Against Sexual AssaultIllinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 3/5/2024 4:00 PM
Alvin AlexanderOn behalf of selfIllinois Voter
Andrea Dennertaxpayer
Angela Eskernoneself
Ann Marie SalemiTaxpayerTaxpayer
Ann Ritternoneself
Annette SmithNa
Barbara StillmanTax payerTaxpayer
Beth Carol RueggParents Matter
Beverley Dawn Houseworthnoneself
Bill KramerSelfSelf
Bill LehmanTaxpayerSelf
Billie BingenheimerNASELF
Brenda GlahnIL Secretary of StateIL Secretary of State
Brenda Marshallcitizencitizen
Brenda PottsSelfSelf
Brian Josephsselfself
Burdette RosendaleSelfSelf
Byron R Severselfself
Carol HowardSelfSelf
Carol Robbentaxpayerself
Carrie Savinotaxpayertaxpayer
Catherine HansenSelfSelf
Catherine Stacktaxpayerself
Cheryl Mathewsselfself
Cheryl Mathewsselfself
Christine HenthornTaxpayerNone
Cindy HallahanTaxpayerCitizen
Colleen SylvesterSelfSelf
Connie HesterNANA
Cynthia LascoTaxpayerself
Deborah CoonleyTaxpayerSelf
Debra L MalinowskiYearself
Don BoydSelfSelf
Donna GerthTaxpayerSelf
Donna K BishopSelfSelf
Edward KightNAna
Emmett McGovernNorthridge Prepself
Eric Bridgestaxpayer
Franklin D LewisselfSelf
Gabriela BanatTaxpayer
Gary Foglemantaxpayer
Glen MeisnerSelfSelf
Grant RichterIllinois CitizenSelf
Herb BackhausSelfSelf
Hollie ShoupIL citizenself
Illinois Family Institute -- David CurtinIllinois Family InstituteIllinois Family Institute
jan sosinskinone
Jeff MillerNANA
Jennifer Mucciantitaxpayerself
Jennifer RolandIllinois Collaboration on YouthIllinois Collaboration on Youth
Jim Veenstrataxpayer
Joanne SavageTaxpayerSelf
John ZirbesSelfSelf
Joseph P SkaffSelfSelf
Joseph Regantaxpayer
Karen ReedSelfSelf
Kathleen Clark-ColtonTaxpayer
kathleen domitrovitsselfself
Kathleen Kaufmanselfself
Kathy KramerSelfSelf
Kathy ValenteIllinois Family InstituteIllinois Family Institute
Kathy WolsingSelfSelf
Kay HoganTaxpayerSelf
Keith OwanoSelfSelf
Kenneth James CooleySelfSelf
Kevin Savageselfself
Kim R MersmanSelfSelf
L R BechtoldtNA
L R BechtoldtNASelf
Laurinda MeisnerSelfSelf
Linda H CarrollNoneself
Linda HeifnerTax payerSelf
Linda Hutchesonselfself
Linda JohnsonTaxpayerSelf
Lisa M BrunsTaxpayerSelf
Lisa WellsSelfMr & Mrs Christopher Wells
Lois RowlingIllinois resident tax payerSelf
Lori WhiteSelfSelf
Lynn Fergusontaxpayer
Marcia E Sailsburynonenone
Margaret FioreTaxpayer
Marietta LoweryTaxpayerSelf
Mark WelchSt Mary's Catholic Church PittsfieldSt Mary's Pittsfield Illinois
Mary Ann KerleyNoneNone
Mary BridgestaxpayerPerson
Mary Carol PowersSelfSelf
Mary M LewisselfSelf
Mary Rita McCarthyFamilyFamilies
Melissa Jamesonselfself
Michelle Lapeyreself-employedself
Mrs Judith Idorwattselfself
Nancy J Woodcocktaxpayer
Nancy MottNA
Neal ZirbesSelfSelf
Pamela R CooleyTaxpayerSelf
Pamela ZirbesSelfSelf
Patricia Josephsnoneself
Patty BertrandSelfSelf
Peter BriaTaxpayerNone
Rachel ValentinSelf
Randall C BogottTaxpayer
Randall C BogottTaxpayer
Rebecca DarlingNone
Rebecca TerharkTaxpayerSelf
Richard BrowneTax PayerSelf
Richard J MarcantonioOn behalf of self.On behalf of self.
Ron NorwoodNaNA
Rose Anna NelsonSelfSelf
Roxann Mosstaxpayerself
Rudolf HeblingTaxpayercitizen
Russell ChristTaxpayer
Ruth ThompsonSelfSelf
Sarah BeuningIllinois Coalition Against Sexual AssaultIllinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault
Scott StrackMyselfMyself
Sharon ThomasTaxpayerSelf
Sue MacRoyTaxpayer
Susan BeeverTaxpayerSelf
Susan Ordnerselfself
Terry CoonleyTaxpayerSelf
Tex DarlingNone
Theresa R HardestyTaxpayerSelf
Thomas Cavaliertaxpayerself
Timothy P Friedrichnoneself
Tina LehmanTaxpayerSelf
Tina LehmanTaxpayerSelf
Tina LehmanTaxpayerSelf
Victoria TiltonTax payerCitizen
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 2/20/2024 4:00 PM
Amber FreesmeyerNANA
Angela Eskernoneself
Angela RenfroeNa
Ann CaravelloSelfSelf
Ann Ritternoneself
Beverley Dawn Houseworthnoneself
Bill KramerSelfSelf
Brian R BackstromSelf
Bryan KopmanSelfSelf
Burdette RosendaleSelfSelf
Carlos ArnaldoOffice of the Illinois Attorney GeneralOffice of the Illinois Attorney General
Carol TaylorSelfSelf
Carole Stannardselfself
Catherine HansenSelf
Catherine HansenSelf
Catherine HansenSelfSelf
Cheryl KozlovNaSelf
Cheryl Mathewsselfself
Christian JepsenSelfSelf
Colleen SylvesterSelfSelf
Connie HesterNANA
Constance Malinowskiselfself
Cynthia CobbSelfSelf
Daniel Whitesideselfself
David SchwartzSelfSelf
David SmithIllinois Family InstituteIllinois Family Institute
Dawn LeardinoneSelf
Deanna MooreNoneMyself
Debra LynnNoneMyself
Don BoydSelfSelf
Doreen JenkelFamilyFamily
Elizabeth BaileyNANA
Elizabeth ParatNA
Gary BertelsNASelf
Harold MillsSelf
Harold MillsSelf
Helen KinserHelen Kinserself
Hollie ShoupIL citizenself
Illinois Family Institute -- David CurtinIllinois Family InstituteIllinois Family Institute
jan sosinskinone
Jane CarrellSelf
Jean Schiszikselfself
Jeannette Nedzaselfself
Jennifer AllenSelfSelf
Jennifer Mucciantiselfself
Jennifer RolandIllinois Collaboration on YouthIllinois Collaboration on Youth
Joseph D Eskernoneself
Joseph P SkaffSelfSelf
Joseph SepseySelfself
Josiah JohnsonNAJosiah Johnson
Judy McCoySelfSelf
Karen KelleherSelfMy Family
Karen Stinsonselfna
Karen WhitneySelfSelf
Karen WhitneySelfSelf
Katherine HegartyOffice of the Illinois Attorney GeneralOffice of the Illinois Attorney General
Kathy KramerSelfSelf
Kathy ValenteIllinois Family InstituteIllinois Family Institute
Keith EngNAself
Kevin Lemanpersonalpersonal
Kevin Rustselfself
Kevin Savageselfself
Linda H CarrollNoneSelf
Linda Keltynonenone
Linda M Johnsonselfself
Lissette guzmanSelffSELF
Luann LytellSelfSelf
Lynn A CookSelfSelf
Margaret TanneySelfSelf
Marta McCormackSelfSelf
Mary CarolSelfSelf
Mary DriscollNASelf
Mary l GuerreroNANA
Mary NeubeckerselfNA
Matthew SladeMyselfSelf
Meegan McNultyselfself
Nancy A HurlimanNAself
Nicole BartellOffice of the Illinois Attorney GeneralOffice of the Illinois Attorney General
Norma whiteNone
Pat BurtRetiredSelf
Patricia BertrandSelfSelf
Patricia NeumannSelfSelf
Patricia Sue HatterRetiredCitizen
Patty MillerSelfSelf
Paul LindstromSelfSelf and Church
Paul M Grotelueschenselfself
Paula BorowskiResident of IllinoisVoters
Paula BorowskiResident of IllinoisVoters
Rachel ValentinSelf
Richard J MarcantonioOn behalf of self.On behalf of self.
Robin NetzelRJN Associates
Ruby Geilerself
Ruth Hahnselfself
Steve ScherrerNANA
Steve WalshOffice of the Illinois Attorney GeneralOffice of the Illinois Attorney General
Steven RudolphSelfSelf
Susan MillsSelf
Theresa R HardestySelfSelf
Tim MillerSelfSelf
Tom DavisIndividualIndividual
Warren DormanSelfSelf