Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Executive (S) 1/5/2025 1:15 PM |
Austin James Mink | Self | Self |
Benjamin Ruddell | ACLU of Illinois | ACLU of Illinois |
David Schwartz | Self | Self |
Jennifer Roland | Illinois Collaboration on Youth | Illinois Collaboration on Youth |
Kyle Hillman | National Association of Social Workers - Illinois Chapter | National Association of Social Workers - Illinois Chapter |
Maureen Keane | She Votes Illinois | She Votes Illinois |
Michael Ziri | Equality Illinois | Equality Illinois |
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 4/4/2024 10:00 AM |
Jennifer Roland | Illinois Collaboration on Youth | Illinois Collaboration on Youth |
Madeleine Behr | Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation | Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation (CAASE) |
Matt Smith | Cabrini Green Legal Aid | Cabrini Green Legal Aid |
Maureen Keane | She Votes Illinoi | She Votes Illinois |
Sarah Beuning | Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault | Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault |
Susan Bramlet Lavin | Illinois National Organization for Women | Illinois NOW |
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 4/2/2024 4:00 PM |
Amy Jahnke | Self | Self |
Bonnie Petersen | self | self |
Bonnie Petersen | self | self |
Catherine King | Self | Self |
Cheryl Jones Das | Self | Self |
Christine Raffaele | Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence | Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence |
David Schwartz | Self | Self |
Deborah Fenner | Self | Self |
Elizabeth Czechanski | Self | Self |
Emily Wachowiak | Self | self |
Faith Miller | Faith Miller | self |
GUS R GONZALEZ | Refuse Fascism Chicago | Self |
Irene Asta | Self | Self |
Jacob Strom | Self | Self |
Jennifer Roland | Illinois Collaboration on Youth | Illinois Collaboration on Youth |
Joseph J Zefran | Self | My Family and Friends |
Joy Bunton | United Working Families | Self |
Katelyn Jimenez | Self | Self |
Kathryn Luedke | She Votes IL | |
Kristin Jacobson | NA | Self |
Leslie Cummings | self | self |
Lindsay Morrison | self | self |
LIsa Rademacher | self | self |
LIsa Rademacher | self | self |
Liza Roberson-Young | ACLU of Illinois | ACLU of Illinois |
Macaire Grambauer | self | self |
Madeleine Behr | Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation | Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation (CAASE) |
Maralea Negron | The Network Advocating Against Domestic Violence | The Network Advocating Against Domestic Violence |
Maria Peterson | Retired | |
Marion Nowak | self | self |
Mary Joan Cepla | self | self |
Maureen Keane | She Votes Illinois | She Votes Illinois |
Megan Sanks | Not applicable | Self |
Meredith Payne | Self | Self |
Michael Ziri | Equality Illinois | Equality Illinois |
Patricia Graham | Self | Self |
Patricia Graham | Self | Self |
Rachel Becknell | Constituent | Self |
Rachel Becknell | Constituent | Self |
Rhoda Reeling | None | Self |
Robin Miller | self | |
RoseMarie Carvallo | self | self |
Sara Block | Ascend Justice | Ascend Justice |
Sara Kurensky | self | |
Sarah Beuning | Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault | Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault |
Susan Balaban | self | self |
Susan Bramlet Lavin | Illinois National Organization for Women | Illinois NOW |
Susan Jaffee | Knit Nirvana llc | Business owner |
Teri Gidwitz | self | self |
Vicky Kaplan | Self | Self |
Wendy Posner | Self | Self |
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 3/21/2024 4:00 PM |
Amanda Jenkins | Self | Self |
Amelia Betz | None | |
Austin James Mink | Self | Self |
Camilla Stefl | Self | Self |
Candace Sinclair | self | self |
Catherine King | Self | Self |
Catherine Mardikes | self | na |
Cathy L Christensen | Self | Self |
Cathy L Christensen | Self | Self |
Cheryl Jones Das | Self | Self |
Chris Nybo | Chris Nybo LLC | Mutual Ground |
Christine Raffaele | Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence | Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence |
David Schwartz | Self | Self |
Deborah Fenner | Self | Self |
Elizabeth Czechanski | Self | Self |
Ellen Caffrey Garza | Self | |
Emily Haitge | NA | Self |
Emily Wachowiak | Self | self |
Faith Miller | Faith Miller | self |
Garrick Balk | None | Self |
Georgia Libbares | self | self |
Heather M McMeekan | Self. | Self |
Jacquelyn Haynes | NA | Self |
Janet Guaderrama | none | |
Jenna Braunstein | Self | Self |
Jennifer Roland | Illinois Collaboration on Youth | Illinois Collaboration on Youth |
Joseph J Zefran | Self | My Family and Friends |
Joy Bunton | United Working Families | Self |
Kathryn Luedke | She Votes IL | |
Kathy McNeil | self | Self |
Katie Best | self | self |
Katie Olsson | Self | |
Lane Silvas | self | self |
Laura James | self | self |
Lisa May Simpson | Self | Self |
LIsa Rademacher | self | self |
Madeleine Behr | Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation | Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation (CAASE) |
Maria Peterson | FitCore, Inc. | Self |
Mary Miller | self | self |
Matthew Slade | Myself | Self |
Maureen Keane | She Votes Illinois | She Votes Illinois |
Michelle Langhout | Burger King | Myself |
Nora Kyger | self | self |
Rhoda Reeling | None | Self |
Robin Dusek | Me | self |
Sarah Beuning | Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault | Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault |
Shawn Michael | self | self |
Sophie Mucciaccio | Self | |
Susan Balaban | Self | Self |
Susan Bramlet Lavin | Illinois National Organization for Women | Illinois NOW |
Susan Budde | Self | self |
Susan Jaffee | Knit Nirvana llc | Business owner |
Susan Jaffee | Knit Nirvana llc | Business owner |
Terrence Leonard | Self | Self |
Wendy Posner | Self | Self |
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 3/12/2024 4:00 PM |
Adelaide Zwick | Planned Parenthood Illinois Action | Planned Parenthood Illinois Action |
Austin James Mink | Self | Self |
Bonnie Petersen | self | self |
Catherine King | Self | Self |
Cheryl Jones Das | Self | Self |
Christine Raffaele | Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence | Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence |
David Bythewood | Constituent | Self |
Deborah Fenner | Self | Self |
Deborah Fenner | Self | Self |
Deborah W McCoy | Individual | |
Dr Ron Cox | Please Select | Self |
Eileen Dordek | Eilee Dordek LCSW | Self |
Elizabeth Czechanski | Self | Self |
Emily Wachowiak | Self | self |
Faith Miller | Faith Miller | self |
Jenna Braunstein | Self | Self |
Jennifer Roland | Illinois Collaboration on Youth | Illinois Collaboration on Youth |
Joseph J Zefran | Self | My Family and Friends |
Joy Bunton | United Working Families | Self |
Judy Pinson | Self | |
Kathryn Luedke | She Votes IL | |
Kathy McNeil | self | Self |
Kathy McNeil | self | Self |
Katie Olsson | Self | |
Laura Lambert | Self-Employed | Self-Employed |
Leah Robinson | self | self |
Linda stanley | none | self |
Linda stanley | none | self |
Lindsay Morrison | self | self |
LIsa Rademacher | self | self |
Liza Roberson-Young | ACLU of Illinois | ACLU of Illinois |
Lonette Sims | Black Women Organizing for Power | BWOP Chicago |
Madeleine Behr | Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation | Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation (CAASE) |
Maria Peterson | FitCore, Inc. | Self |
Maureen Keane | She Votes Illinois | She Votes Illinois |
Patricia Graham | Self | Self |
Rachel Becknell | Constituent | Self |
Rachel Becknell | Constituent | Self |
Rschel C Das | Self | Self |
Sarah Beuning | Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault | Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault |
Sarah Lincoln | self | self |
Susan Bramlet Lavin | Illinois National Organization for Women | Illinois NOW |
Susan Jaffee | Knit Nirvana llc | Business owner |
Teri Gidwitz | self | self |
Tracy Ritter | Self | Self |
William K Sellers | Indivisible Lincoln Square | Indivisible Lincoln Square |
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 3/5/2024 4:00 PM |
Christine Raffaele | Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence | Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence |
Jennifer Greene | Life Span | Life Span |
Jennifer Roland | Illinois Collaboration on Youth | Illinois Collaboration on Youth |
Madeleine Behr | Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation | Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation (CAASE) |
Maralea Negron | The Network Advocating Against Domestic Violence | The Network Advocating Against Domestic Violence |
Matthew Slade | Myself | Self |
Sarah Beuning | Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault | Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault |
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 2/20/2024 4:00 PM |
Alison Stanton | self | self |
Craig Willert | Craig Willert Consulting | Ernestine's Daughter |
Craig Willert | Craig Willert Consulting | Rights4Girls |
Craig Willert | Craig Willert Consulting | World Without Exploitation |
Jennifer Roland | Illinois Collaboration on Youth | Illinois Collaboration on Youth |
Matthew Slade | Myself | Self |