Illinois General Assembly - HB4260Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For HB4260  103rd General Assembly

Bill Status

Legislation: HB4260
Proponents: 458Opponents: 47No Position: 1
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 4/4/2024 10:00 AM
Aaron Sparlingselfself
Adam JeskieSelfSelf
Amanda PikerSelfSelf
Andrew MachucaSelf
Angel ConcepcionSelfSelf
Austin VerbeckSelfSelf
Austin VerbeckSelfSelf
Beverly StollSelfSelf
BJ BahrNAMyself
Brad AndersonIllinois Rifle Association
Brett LoucksSelf
Brian BahrNAMyself
Brian NorwoodNana
Brian PhippsNoneSelf
Brice RauchMyselfMyself
Bryan AlfordOn behalf of selfSelf
Burdette RosendaleSelfSelf
caleb Collinsselfself
Christine HenthornSelfSelf
Christopher FerinoSelfSelf
Christopher SwambarNAMyself
Craig BullSelfSelf
Dallas SelbySelf
Daniel BrandaMyselfL
Darrell LeslieIllinios rifle association
David ShubergBehalf of selfSelf
Denise HurtSelf
Dennis MoiceanuSelfSelf
Dennis Smithconcerned citizenindividual
Derek ChudzikOn behalf of selfSelf
Douglas L Tabornonemyself and my family
ellen smithna
Eugene YoungSelfSelf
Franklin BakerSelfSouth
Gary R Musson SrNot ApplicableMyself
Guy BaumannNASelf
Guy BaumannNASelf
Haven Mensingnoneself
Heidi LoucksSelf
Jason AlbertsSelfSelf
Jean Schiszikselfself
Jennifer Mensingnoneself
Jenny menzselfself
John HansonSelfSelf
John PatrascuMyself
John SheskierNASelf
Jon BeckerOn behalf of selfOn behalf of self
Jose ReyesSelfSelf
Josh Collinsselfself
Julie WagonerNASelf
Justin OnigkeitSelfSelf
Kallista Mensingnoneself
Karen VerbeckSelfSelf
Karl Mensingnoneself
Kim NorwoodNAna
Kimberly Sparlingselfself
Kressie MaricleNASelf
Larry Black JrSelfSelf
Larry HarrisTaxpayer
Laura MelvinNot ApplicableSelf
Leah Mensingnoneself
Leon JacksonOn Behalf of SelfSelf
Lola BahrNAMyself
Malcom A Sandsnoneself
Marc MillerNoneSelf
Marcie ShafferSelfSelf
Matthew GulattoNANA
Matthew GulattoNANA
Michael HendricksNAMyself
Michael lewisSelfSelf
Michael LuebbersIllinois Freedom Civic Coalition dba Illinois Freedom AllianceOn behalf of IFCC dba IFA
Michael Nashselfon behalf of self
Micheal WilcoxSelfSelf
Michelle BahrNAMyself
Mike Lawrencenaself
Myra ReyesSelfSelf
parker tijerinaselfself
pattie tackettna
Patty MillerSelfSelf
Paul Crutcherselfself
Randy SmithSelfSelf
Rebecca HarmsResidentsConcerned Citizens
Richard McCullumOn behalf of selfSelf
Rita Kroplewskiselfself
Robert CoulterNASELF
Robert HurstPrivate Citizen
Roland LischalkSelfSelf
Ron NorwoodNaNA
Ronald HesserSelfSelf
Scot MitchellSELF
Scott Mitchell Jrselfself
Scott RaeuberNASelf
Scott ReiserSelf
Shelly BahrNAMyself
Stephen HolmesRetired
Susan ReichartTaxpayer
Tadd RulandSelfSelf
Ted HeaterSelfSelf
Terry ThomasNAMyself
Thomas LarrySelfSelf
tim collinsselfself
Tim MillerSelfSelf
William BahrNAMyself
William CastleOn Behalf of SelfOn Behalf of Self
William Clawsonselfself
William L TrouttIndividualSelf
William MantonNAGun Rights For Illinois
Willie BahrNAMyself
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 4/2/2024 4:00 PM
Austin VerbeckSelfSelf
Brett CofflandNAMyself
Brian NorwoodNana
Bryan AlfordOn behalf of selfSelf
Bryan AlfordOn behalf of selfSelf
caleb collinsselfself
Christopher FerinoSelfSelf
Christopher HendersonHenderson Trucking
Christopher SwambarNAMyself
Colleen D Skarinselfself
Craig BullSelfSelf
Debra GilbertNASelf
Dennis Smithconcerned citizenindividual
Donald GilbertNASelf
ellen smithna
Gary NelsonAdams Electric Coop
Gary R Musson SrNot ApplicableMyself
Greg McKeanSelfSelf
James LemieuxSelfSelf
James LilesSelfSelf
Janet BladeNoneNone
Jeffrey GoetzenGoetzen HouseholdIllinois Concerned Citizen
jenny menzselfself
Jeremy CurranNot ApplicableSelf
John PatrascuMyself
John ZielsdorfSelf
John ZirbesSelf
Josh Collinsselfself
Justin StarcherSelfSelf
Karen VerbeckSelfSelf
Kim NorwoodNAna
Kressie MaricleNASelf
Larry Black JrSelfSelf
Lee Ann Samfordself
Lenvil CurtisSelf
Linda WolfeSelfAwake Illinois
Lisa WellsSelfMr & Mrs Christopher Wells
Loretta Hatchselfself
Matthew AdamsOn behalf of selfSelf
Matthew GulattoNANA
Michael HendricksNAMyself
Michael lewisSelfSelf
Michael LuebbersIllinois Freedom Civic Coalition dba Illinois Freedom AllianceOn behalf of IFCC dba IFA
Mike Lawrencenaself
Neal ZirbesSelf
P WilliamsSelfSelf
Pamela ZirbesSelf
parker tijerinaselfself
Pat BurrisSelfSelf
pattie tackettna
Patty MillerSelfSelf
Phillip CookOn behalf of myself and my 2 childrenSelf
Rachel CrutcherSelfSelf
Randy SmithSelfSelf
Richard McCullumOn behalf of selfSelf
Robert CooleyBullet Trap, inc.Dan Cooley
Robert CoulterNASELF
Robert HurstPrivate citizen
Robert WolfeSelfFamilies
Roland LischalkSelfSelf
Ron NorwoodNaNA
Ronald GrovesTaxpayerTaxpayer
Ronald HesserSelfSelf
Ryan BrkljacicOn behalf of selfSELF
Ryan FloydSelfSelf
Scott RaeuberNASelf
Shelly HarrisSelfSelf
Susan ReichartTaxpayer
Tadd RulandSelfSelf
tim collinsselfself
Tim MillerSelfSelf
Tyler DeFoeSelfLaw Abiding Gun Owners of IL, Myself, My Family
Will LudwigSelfSelf
William CastleOn Behalf of SelfOn Behalf of Self
William MantonNAGun Rights For Illinois
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 3/21/2024 4:00 PM
A Matthew BukovyJefferson Courte Condo Assn
Adam NehrtSelf
Alex Frandsenself
Anna Butzinselfself
Austin VerbeckSelfSelf
Beth Novakselfself
Bob Krousecitizen of Illinoisself
Bradley ReinkeNANA
Brett LoucksSelf
Brian MackCitizenSelf
Brinley RaySelfSelf
Bruce GussPersonPerson
caleb collinsselfself
Carl ZeganSelf
Carol VossGardening Angels
Casey CameronSelfSelf
Cheryl KozlovNaSelf
Christine MuratoriSelfSELF
Christopher FerinoSelfSelf
Clifford SpeareSelfMyself
Clyde RushOn behalf of selfself
Cody PorterNASelf
craig bakalichselfself
Craig BullSelfSelf
Cynthia SavoieOn behalf of selfSelf
Dan comitzNAMYSELF
Daniel TagliaIllinois Valley Community CollegeDaniel Michael Taglia. (Born, 08-02-2001. Chicago, IL)
David BrownNAMyself
David GussPersonPerson
David JacksonNASelf
David MorrisNoneSelf
David PorterNASelf
Deborah brozioAd
Deborah EsareySelfSelf
Deborah L JenssenNA
Debra GilbertNASelf
Debra MeyerIllinoisSelf
Denise HurtSelf
Dennis DetweilerSelfTaxpayer
Devin CorbettSelfSelf
Dominick DiomedeOn behalf of selfSelf
Donald GilbertNASelf
Donna calderisiNAMYSELF
Donna PorterNASelf
Eileen MullenSelf
Elizabeth DetweilerSelfTaxpayer
ellen smithna
ellen smithna
Emily VossNaSelf
Frank AndrekusSelfNA
Franklin BakerSelfSouth
Fred A BebarSelf
Frederick P FollmerNASelf
Gary R Musson SrNot ApplicableMyself
Gary R Musson SrNot ApplicableMyself
Gary RickmanSelfSelf
George LochnerSelfSelf
Greg EccherSelfSelf
Gregory SchroederNAMyself
Harper JackSelfSelf
Heidi LoucksSelf
Heinemeier NatalieSelf
Hollie ShoupIL citizenself
James AltigMyselfMyself
James ArnoldSelfSelf
James Bennett IIIMyselfGR4I
James FischerNone
James MuratoriSelfSELF
James ThompsonNaSelf
Jamie PorterNASelf
Janet M MeyerSelfSelf
Jarred FlowersSelf
Jarred FlowersSelf
Jason BeilsmithSelfSelf
Jay KatzSelfSelf
Jean Schiszikselfself
Jeff EvilsizerSelf
Jeffrey RoesnerNANA
Jeffrey SavoieOn behalf of selfOn behalf of self
Jennifer HughesSelfSelf
jenny menzselfself
Jeremy CurranNot ApplicableSelf
Jody Oltmanselfself
Joe PetruskiNAGunRights 4 Illinois
John HansonSelfSelf
Jose ReyesSelfSelf
Joseph A RodrickSelfSelf
Joseph P SkaffSelfSelf
Joseph TyderekSelf
Josh Collinsselfself
Joshua HuckerUSAUSA
Julie BoeckenstedtSelfsSelf
June HoltSelf
Justus DetweilerSelfTaxpayer
Karen GollhardtKarilyn DesignsSelf
Karen RednourCitizenSelf
Karen ReederSelfSelf
Katherine MurschelHouseholdSelf
Kathryn BeilsmithSelfSelf
Katie DavisIllinois citizenself
Kent ShafferNaSelf
Kevin LowerNA
Kimberly MantzorosSelfSelf
Kurt GlazierSelfSelf
Kurt KapusinskiNAMyself
Kurtis MantonNAGun Rights For Illinois
Larry HarrisMyself
Laura LaswellSelfSelf
Laura MelvinNot ApplicableSelf
Laura Millerretiredself
Laurie Whitakerself
Linda L Calanoneself
Linda WolfeSelfMy Family
Lisa Cunninghamself
Lucas DieboldSelf
Marcie ShafferSelfSelf
Margarita MatlisSelfSelf
Mark E Gregselfself
Mary CarlisleSelfSelf
Matthew MieszalaNoneSelf
Meghan RaglandOn Behalf Of SelfOn Behalf Of Self
Michael BaileyNAIGOR
Michael BojanSelfSelf
michael calderisiNAMYSELF
Michael HendricksNAMyself
Michael LuebbersIllinois Freedom Civic Coalition dba Illinois Freedom AllianceOn behalf of IFCC dba IFA
Michael Nashselfon behalf of self
Michael O'TooleSelfSelf
Michael PolkNASelf
Michael SaraciniGunRights4IllinoisGunRights4Illinois
Michael StroheckerNA
Michelle TrckaWe The Peopleself
Mike KonsoerSelfSelf
Mitch FletcherNAMyself
Myra ReyesSelfSelf
Nicole cottoneNAMYSELF
parker tijerinaselfself
Patricia GoodwinSelf
Patricia SchneppRetired Law Firm AdministratorSelf
pattie tackettna
pattie tackettna
Patty MillerSelfSelf
Paul HeikkilaSelfSelf
Paul KennaIllinois IntiativeCitizen
Paul SwearengenNAOn behalf of self
Penny FischerNone
Peter Tarchaselfself
Ray LoganNoneNone
Richard BloughNone
Richard McCullumOn behalf of selfSelf
Rita HagenNone
Robbie RaglandOn Behalf Of SelfOn Behalf Of Self
Robert Adamspersonalself
Robert BahrOn behalf of selfSelf
Robert CoulterNASELF
Robert HurstPrivate citizen
Robert WolfeSelfFamilies
Ronald HesserSelfSelf
Roy HorrasSelfSelf
Ruthie PietaSelfSelf
Sam TimbushMyselfMyself
Scott BrangenbergSelf
Scott Butzinselfself
Scott CarlsenSelf
Scott DidierPrivate Citizen
Scott RaeuberNASelf
Scott ShoupSelfSelf
Shannon flowersSelf
Shannon FlowersSelf
Shannon MorrisNoneSelf
Sharon FettingSelfSelf
Sharon HollandSelf
shawn tackettna
shawn tackettna
Steve VanbussumOn behalf of selfSelf
Steven AbbaNASelf
Steven ElsterSelfSelf
Steven ElsterSelfSelf
Steven FoxSelfSelf
Steven McKenzieOn behalf of selfSelf
Suzanne RickmanSelfSelf
Tamara EfsenSelfSelf
Thomas HallNaMyself
Thomas HallNaMyself
Thomas SheridanNANA
tim collinsselfself
Tim MillerSelfSelf
Todd hopkinsSelf
Tom KellySelfSelf
Tyler DeFoeSelfLaw Abiding Gun Owners of IL, Myself, My Family
Vanessa RaySelfSelf
Waylon RaySelfSelf
Will LudwigSelfSelf
William MantonNAGun Rights For Illinois
William MantonNAGun Rights For Illinois
William MantonNAGun Rights For Illinois
William MantonNAGun Rights For Illinois
Zachary RaySelfSelf
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 3/12/2024 4:00 PM
Casey CameronSelfSelf
janet s thompsonselfself
Jeff EvilsizerSelf
Michael E Thompsonselfself
Michael LuebbersIllinois Freedom Civic Coalition dba Illinois Freedom AllianceOn behalf of IFCC dba IFA
Will LudwigSelfSelf
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 3/5/2024 4:00 PM
Casey CameronSelfSelf
Casey CameronSelfSelf
Jason M LambBethalto Police Dept.
Jeff EvilsizerSelf
Will LudwigSelfSelf
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 2/20/2024 4:00 PM
Allan LuzbetakCitizenSelf
Anna Mucciantiselfself
Anthony Mucciantiselfself
Christopher HendersonHenderson Trucking
Craig BullselfSelf
David LyonsSelf
David TessmannnaSelf
Deborah Cohorstnonemyself
Debra GilbertNASelf
Debra GilbertNASelf
Debra GilbertNASelf
Donald GilbertNASelf
ellen smithna
James WakefieldSelfSelg
Jennifer Mucciantiselfself
Joe Mucciantiselfself
John ZirbesSelf
Jorge GomezSelfFamily
Lee Ann Samfordself
Matthew SladeMyselfSelf
Michael HendricksNAMyself
Mike Lawrencenana
Nancy TessmannnaSelf
Neal ZirbesSelf
Nick Mucciantiselfself
Pamela ZirbesSelf
pattie tackettna
Patty MillerSelfSelf
Patty MillerSelfSelf
Rhonda BodkinSelf
Rita WakefieldSelfSelf
Robert Dziedzicnoneself
shawn tackettna
Steven AllenSelfSelf
Steven McKenzieOn behalf of selfSelf
Tim MillerSelfSelf
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 2/6/2024 3:00 PM
Casey CameronSelfSelf
Cheryl KozlovNaSelf
Craig BullSelfSelf
Eugene YoungSelfSelf
Malcom A Sandsnoneself
Matthew SladeMyselfSelf
Michael LuebbersIllinois Freedom Civic Coalition dba Illinois Freedom AllianceOn behalf of IFCC dba IFA
Mike Lawrencenaself
Patty MillerSelfSelf
Paula BullSelfSelf
Ray Logannone
Robert FitzgeraldChicago Gun ClubChicago Gun Club
Thomas HallNaMyself
Thomas SheridanNANA
Tim MillerSelfSelf
William MantonNAGun Rights For Illinois