Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Human Services (H) 2/23/2017 8:30 AM |
Carleen Spry | Self | Indivisible Illinois |
Carleen Spry | Self | Indivisible Illinois |
Carol Rodriguez | none | self |
Cynthia Hileman | Women's March Illinois, Southwest Huddle | self |
Heather Denoyer | none | self |
Heather Egland | None | Self |
Jennifer Sullivan | None | Indivisible Chicago |
Kyle Hillman | National Association of Social Workers Illinois Chapter | National Association of Social Workers - Illinois Chapter |
Kyle Hillman | National Association of Social Workers Illinois Chapter | National Association of Social Workers - Illinois Chapter |
Storey Shearer | Women's March Southwest Huddle | Self |
Hearing Date and Time: Human Services (H) 2/8/2017 3:00 PM |
Abbey Hambright | na | Abbey Hambright |
Abbey Hambright | self | self |
Abigail Garcia | NA | Self |
Abraham Levitan | None | Self |
Adam Goodkind | Northwestern | ICIRR |
Adam Levine | None | |
Adam Robersmith | Second Unitarian Church | |
Adani Sanchez | Champaign County Health Care Consumers | Health and Human Services |
Addison Mauck | Loyola University Chicago | |
Adina Weinig | None | |
Adriana Aguilera Perez | Self | Immigrant community of Illinois |
Adriana Espinoza | Not Applicable | |
Adrienne Bauer | individual | |
Adrienne Wassell | Self | Self |
Ahlam Jbara | Arab American Action Network | |
Aimee Edwards | Forest Park Public Schools | |
Aimee Starck | self | self |
Alan Mills | Uptown People's Law Center | Uptown People's Law Center |
Alana Hanson | NA | |
Alba Galarza | Self | |
Alberto Morales | Self | |
Alejandra Cruz | Department of Allies and Student Organization | |
Aleksandra Pravdic | NA | |
Alessandra Stevens | Mujeres Latinas en Accion | Mujeres Latinas en Accion |
Alex Vives | NA | NA |
Alex Paterakos-Figueroa | SEIU Healthcare | SEIU Healthcare |
Alexandra Mandl | Self | Self |
Alia Hirzalla | Muslim American socaity public affairs and civic engagement | Muslim American socaity public affairs and civic engagement |
Alibe Brambila | Instituto Health Sciences Career Academy | Alibe Brambila |
Alice Cottingham | Alice Cottingham & Associates, LLC | |
Alice Coyne | Edelman | |
Alice Thompson | Individual | |
Alicia Perla | Self | |
Alicia Riley | self | |
Alina Panek | Individual | |
Alison Boschert Downs | Self | |
Alison hodina | District 87 | |
Alissa Viesca | Erie Neighborhood House | |
Allison Joson | None | |
Allison Levine | Northeastern Illinois University | |
Allison Shackelford | NA | |
Allyson Vertigan | United Church of Christ | |
Alma Zamudio | University of Illinois at Chicago | |
Althea Christensen | none | |
Alyson Mann | None | Self |
Amanda Abraham | None | Amanda Abraham |
Amanda Benitez | Enlace Chicago | Individual |
Amanda Betancourt-Szymanowska | Personal | Immigrants |
Amanda hasseltine | None | Self |
Amanda Martin | na | |
Amanda Morris | none | |
Amanda Tozer | Self | Self |
Amanda Wolfman | Honigman Miller Schwartz and Cohn LLP | |
Amara S Martin | Enlace Chicago | Self |
Amelia Joson | Mrs. | |
Amelia Vojt | Sarah's Inn | |
Amy Hain | NA | Self |
Amy Hansmann | none | none |
Amy Hernandez | iMentor | |
Amy Levin | self | self |
Amy Madden | self employed | |
Amy Schlesinger | Self | |
Amy Schlessman | Individual | |
Amy Zajakowski Uhll | individual | |
Ana Chavez | Outpatient Mental Health | |
Ana Hernandez | NA | |
Andrea Aguilera | N A | Self |
Andrea Cordts Pastin | Andrea Cordts Pastin | Andrea Cordts Pastin |
Andrea Frazier | Self | |
Andrea Herrera | self | |
Andrew Seeger | NA | |
Andrew T Daglas | Dentons | |
Angela | Self | |
Angela Paik | Representing myself as an individual | |
Angela Ybarra | NONE | |
Angelica Magana | NA | |
Angelica Mendoza | Individual | |
Angelica Saucedo | The Learning Center House of Connections | |
Angelo Jesus Canta | Loyola University Chicago | |
Angie Dodd | self | |
Ann Berends | None | |
Ann Darnton | self-employed | |
Ann Hillman | Citizen | |
Ann Sindelar | Shifting Gears Psychotherapy, Ltd. | Shifting Gears Psychotherapy, Ltd. |
Anna Boekstegen | self | self |
Anna Bramfeld | Self | |
Anna Chiaretta Lavatelli | City of Chicago | Anna Chiaretta Lavatelli |
Anna Donnell | Independent | |
Anna Nathanson | university of Chicago | |
Anna Skorczeski | None | |
Anne Buckingham | None | |
Anne Gruettner | Public High School Teacher | |
Anne Mathias | Individual | |
Anne McNamee-Keels | Self | |
Anne Pluchar | NA | |
Anne Rosean | Self | Self |
Anne Weisblatt | Na Na | |
Anne Wick | NA | |
Anne Wick | None | |
Annie Gardner | Individual | |
April Rose Ocampo | Not applicable | |
Arij Mikati | OneGoal | |
Arissa Koines | Self | Self |
Arti Walker-Peddakotla | none | self |
Ashley Bryan | Myself | Myself |
Ashley Hietpas | Self | |
Ashley Slupski | AIDS Foundation of Chicago | |
Ashlyn Keefe | Enova | |
Athina Angel | None | Self |
Ayaa Mahmoud | Arab American Family Services | Arab American Family Services |
Ayde Flores | NA | Dream Action NIU |
Barb Martin | none | |
Barbara Danis | Self | self |
Barbara Engelskirchen | Individual | |
Barbara G Novak | Self employed | |
Barbara Slivnick | CHCA | |
Barbara Tierney | Self | Self |
Barbara Wilson | Research, Writing, and Editing | Wilson |
Beatrix Hoffman | self | |
Becky Marshall | Self | Self |
Becky Moorhead Culbertson | none | |
Benjamin DeBerry | Self | |
Benjamin Osborne | Erie Neighborhood House | |
Beth Berendsen | None | Self |
Beth Edwards | NA | NA |
Beth Litchfield | NogginLabs | |
beth Montague | Self | |
Beth Rooney | none | none |
Bethany Pagels-Minor | None | None |
Bettina Johnson | None | Self |
Bobby Biedrzycki | Northwestern University | |
Brad Dalrymple | None | |
Brandyn DeCecco | self | self |
Brandyn DeCecco | self | self |
Breana Hernandez | National Museum of Mexican Art | |
Brenda bedolla | 1992 | |
Brenda Janish | self | |
Brenna OBrien | NA | Myself |
Brenna Scheuing | Self | Self |
Brian Ho | Not Applicable | |
Brian J Clarke | NA | self |
Brian Kolva | none | Self |
Brian M Cross | None | |
Brian Malone | NONE | |
Brian Watson | NA | |
Bridget Dougherty | Self | Myself |
Bridget Murphy | None | None |
Bridget ODonnellDavidson | self | self |
Brigid Leahy | Planned Parenthood of Illinois | Planned Parenthood of Illinois |
Brittany Askeland | na | myself |
Brittany Frausto | Self | Self |
Brooke Devlin-Brown | Self | Self |
Brooke Pudar | Self | |
Bruce A Boyer | Loyola University Chicago School of Law | self |
Bruce R Sents | NA | self |
Bryan Tims | Non Applicable | |
Brynne Mancuso | OneGoal | Brynne Mancuso |
Caitlin Brice | Individual | Self |
Caitlin Dillon | NA | |
Caitlin Gent | Chicago Jobs Council | |
Camille Codell | self | |
Carey Farrell | none | Self |
Carla DeSisto | private citizen | self |
Carla Navoa | Alliance of Filipinos for Immigrant Rights and Empowerment | |
Carlos Jarrin | Self | Self |
Carly Kurr | Self | |
Carmen Finashina | Loyola University | |
Carol Clennon | Individual | |
Carol Mancini | NA | Self |
Carole Martz | self | self |
Carole Spreitzer | Self | |
Carolina Perez | University of Illinois at Chicago | |
Carolina Macias | None | Self |
Carolina Perez | University of Illinois at Chicago | |
Caroline Granner | Mike O'Mara | |
Caroline Hackett | UNO Charter School Network | |
Carolyn Byerly-Dean | self | self |
Carolyn Johnson | NA | Self |
Carolyn Shannon | not applicable | self |
Carolyn Wahlskog | Self | |
Carrie Codell | SELF | |
Carrie Newman | Personal | Self |
Carrie Shonk | Self | |
Caryn Davidson | Personal | |
Casey Caballero | Resident | |
Casey Pilgeram | school | |
Cassie Supilowski | OneGoal | |
Catherine Balint | none | |
Catherine Feit | Citizen of Illinois | Self |
Catherine Greim | NA | self |
Catherine King | Self | |
Cecilia Mendoza | Self | Cecilia Mendoza |
Celia Nicolson | NA | |
Celina Villanueva | Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights | |
Cesar Dominguez | Self | |
Chad Fitzgerald | none | none |
Charlotte Patten | Self | Self |
Charyn Beaumont | Self | None |
chelsea ross | Self | |
Cheryl Gandolfi | Self employed | Self |
Cheryl Jones Das | Women's March on Chicago | |
Cheryl Krugel-Lee | Self | Self |
Chloe Lahre | OneGoal | |
Chris Murphy | Loyola University Chicago | |
chris popovich | self | Self |
Chris Rhudy | Self-employed | Myself |
Christa Solotorovsky | none | |
Christian M Valladares | NA | SELF |
Christina Cavallo | Advocate Trinity Hospital | |
Christina Frasik | Loyola University Chicago | Students for Reproductive Justice |
Christine Ako | Retired | |
Christine Amstadt | none | |
Christine Breit | Loyola University Chicago | Not Applicable |
Christine Engel-Caponi | Individual | |
Christine Irvine | Self-Employed | |
Christopher Dominguez | NA | |
Christopher Garcia | Self | Self |
Christopher Kaiser-Nyman | Self | Self |
Christopher Medellin | Sokol & Company | |
Christopher Ruggles | Individual | |
Christopher Walker | none | |
Christopher Walsh | none | |
Christopher Zuschlag | Self | |
Cindy Henkin | Self | |
Cinthya Rodriguez | The Chicago Religious Leadership Network on Latin America | |
Claire Bohmann | Individual Constituent | |
Claire Heuckeroth | SURJ | SURJ Chicago |
Claire Podulka | Self | |
Clara Guerrero | NA | Myself |
Clare Milliken | individual | |
Claudia Lucero | Chicago Religiuos Leadership Network | |
Clifton Hamlett | Somos Logan Square | |
Colleen Deal | individual | myself |
Colleen Horne | NA | NA |
Colleen Norton | Between Friends | Between Friends |
Colleen Sutkus | Sarah's Inn | |
Colleen Vahey | Self | |
Connie Verzak | None | |
Constance Christian | self | |
Corey Smitke | individual | |
Courtney Kozeluh | CohnReznick | |
Craig Fass | Six Degrees Chicago dba The Bad Apple | I |
Cristina Groff | Personal | |
Cristina Hutchison | Self | |
Cristina Lombardi-Diop | Loyola University Chicago | |
Crystal J Bell | Self | |
Crystal Johnson | none | |
Crystal Patil | Self | Self |
Crystal Steltenpohl | Steans Center, DePaul University | |
Cynthia Brito | Dare to Dream Get Educated for Young Latinas | |
Cynthia Dimmitt | self | self |
Cynthia Mundell | None | Self |
D J | None | None |
Dagmara Avelar | Individual | |
Daina Jauntirans | Self | |
Dalia Hoffman | Self | |
Damian Barta | self | self |
Dana Yarak | Retired | |
Danae Scheuing | Self | Self |
Danesa Tamayo | Self | Self |
Daniel Amick | Loyola University Chicago | Loyola Refugee Outreach |
Daniel Maloney | St. Nicholas Catholic Church | |
Daniel McKeegan | private citizen | self |
Daniel N Fehrenbach | self | myself |
Daniel Nunez | Self | |
Daniel Parsons | Individual | |
Daniel Ryan | None | Self |
Daniel Schwartz | Slf | |
Danielle Jamil | Self | Self |
Danielle Reiser | none | |
Daria | None | None |
Darlene Ostrowski | none | self |
Darrin Bonecutter | self | |
Dave Lowitzki | Lowitzki Consulting, LLC | SEIU Healthcare Illinois Indiana |
David Bartlett | Self | Self |
David Bietila | self | slef |
David Castillo | Personal | |
David Dow | Wisecracker Design llc | |
Davids Folkes | Evanston Interfaith Refugee Roundtable | Evanston Interfaith Refugee Roundtable |
Dawn Goulet | none | myself |
Dawn Hougland | None | |
Dawn Roberts | Downshift Massage | |
Daysi Strong | Individual | |
Deana Lewis | Citizen | |
Debbie Kroopkin | individual | |
Debbie Patino | not applicable | self |
Deborah | does not apply | does not apply |
Deborah Christensen | Freelance | |
Deborah Hjelle | Individual | |
Deborah Lewis | Jebraweb, Inc. | Jebraweb, Inc. |
Deborah McCoy | Joel Monarch attorney at Law | |
Debra A Bakal | Bakal Dermatology Associates | |
Debra F Taitel | NA | |
Debra Giunta | self | self |
DeLaina Boggs | Individual | |
Demian Kogan | Individual | |
Denise E Dean | AAUW - Elmhurst Branch | |
Dennis Dy Nuguid | Citzen | |
Denyse Stoneback | NA | self |
Dhara V Patel | None | |
Dia Morgan | None | None |
Diana Arellano | NONE | |
Diana Baker | Diana baker | |
Diana Hamann | None | None |
Diana Lagunas | NA | |
Diana Lozano | Not Applicable | |
Diane Emich | self | |
Diane Moe | none | self |
Diane Worobec-Serratos | Self | |
Donald Cooley | self | self |
Donna Hebreard | Public School | |
Doug Biever | Individual | NA |
Douglas Rankin | Self | Self |
Douglas Reichert Powell | Columbia College Chicago | |
Dr Nancy Luna | Private Practice | |
Dr Natasha Kohl | Unity Temple | |
Dulce Hernandez | PACO | |
E M Miller | Self | |
Eddie L Shafer | Representative for ICIRR | |
Edith Tovar | NONE | Self |
Eileen Wiviott | Skokie Citizens for Action | |
Elaine Perrecone | Self | Self |
Elaine Waite Piedra | Self | |
Elena Sakopoulos | Young Invincibles | Young Invincibles |
Eliana Callan | 2010 | |
Elinor Westfold | City College of San Francisco | |
Elisa Camp | self employed | |
Elisa Helford | SELF | self |
Elisabeth Jansen | 1985 | Thresholds |
Elise Cohen | Loyola University Chicago, Department of Sociology | |
Elizabeth Bohnsak | None | Self |
Elizabeth Clarke | Individual | Self |
Elizabeth Freeland | self | |
Elizabeth Garcia | NA | SELF |
Elizabeth Gonzalez | Self | Self |
Elizabeth Hardrick | none | none |
Elizabeth Holder | Liz Holder is an individual | |
Elizabeth Holder | self | self |
Elizabeth Kalmbach Clark | None | |
Elizabeth Kline | self | self |
Elizabeth Lehman | Self | Self |
Elizabeth Lynch | Rush University Medical Center | |
Elizabeth Markel | self | self |
Elizabeth Ranucci | Pucher & Ranucci, P.C. | ICIRR |
Elizabeth Sabo | Self | |
Elizabeth Temkin | home | |
Elizabeth West | My Home | |
Elizabeth Woodward | self | self |
Ellen Hines | self | |
Ellen Lamarre | Self | |
Ellen Rosner | none | |
Ellen Shepard | Self | |
Ellen Wehrle | Self | |
Ellen Wentland | not affiliated | |
Ellyn | none | |
Elyse Fischground | Center For Neighborhood Technology | |
Emily Kostielney | None | Individual |
Emily Kostielney | None | Individual |
Emily Kostielney | None | Individual |
emily beaufort | self | self |
Emily Boundaone | Na | |
Emily Cain | Loyola University Chicago | |
Emily Cikanek | Self | Self |
Emily Cikanek | Self | Self |
Emily Cox | NA | NA |
Emily Darling | none | self |
Emily Duong | University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign | |
Emily Graber | Ms. | |
Emily K Wachowiak | Self | |
Emily Komp | NA | |
Emily Rosen | self | self |
Emily Snowden | United Church of Christ | |
Emily Thies | CPS | |
Emily Vahora | self | |
Emily Wachowiak | Self | self |
Emma Bell Bern | Chicagoans for Prison Abolition | |
Emma Soglin | NA | |
Emmy Komada | none | |
Emory Erker-Lynch | Individual | |
Enrique Mendoza | Legal Council for Health Justice | |
Eric greenfield | Individual | |
Eric J Garcia | National Museum of Mexican Art | National Museum of Mexican Art |
Eric J Knox | Self | Self |
Eric J Knox | Self | Self |
Eric Nava | NA | Self |
Eric Wick | NA | |
Erica Corcoran | Individual | |
Erica Steadman | Self | |
Erica Stern | none | self |
Erica Vivaldo | NA | Self |
Erika M Grantier | UIC | |
Erin Andrews | self | self |
Erin Glade | University of Chicago | Self |
Erin Heckler | none | self |
Erin Higgins | Private Citizen | Not Applicable |
Erin Mackinney | Roosevelt University | |
Erin Sherer | Self | NA |
Erin Sowers | Self | |
Erin Steva | Young Invincibles | |
Esther Sciammarella | Chicago Hispanic Health Coalition | Chicago Hispanic Health Coalition |
Esther Sciammrella | Chicago Hispanic Health Coalition | Chicago Hispanic Health Coalition |
Evan Pensis | University of Chicago | Self |
Evangeline Dawson | Black and Pink Chicago | |
Eyleen | Arrupe College of Loyola University Chicago | Myself |
Faith Hillis | na | na |
Fanny Lopez | Self | |
fanny moy | homemaker | |
Farah Bousmaha | Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago | Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago |
Fatimeh Hussien | Arab American Family Services | Arab American Family Services |
Fernando Martinez | Individual | |
Frances Lefkow | self | |
Francesca Sallinger | University of Illinois | |
Fred Tsao | Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights | Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights |
Gabriela Arias | Individual | |
Gabriela Dimitrova | NA | |
Gabriela Fitz | Self | |
Gabriela Ibarra | NA | Self |
Gabrielle Sigel | Self | Self |
Gail Schechter | self | |
Gary Bledsoe | Self | |
Gary Farr | Self | Self |
Genevieve Ramos | Self | |
Georgiana Carollus | self | |
Gerald Heiman | None | Self |
Geraldine Gorman | University of Illinois at Chicago | |
Germania M Solorzano | Self | |
Gina Fedock | University of Chicago | |
Gissel | individual | individual |
Giudi Weiss | none | |
Grace Clear | none | |
Grace Clear | none | |
Gregory McCain | Human Rights Observation | |
Gretchen Klocke | Self | citizen |
Gretl Satorius | not applicable | |
Gretl Satorius | not applicable | none |
Gwen Smuda | Self | |
Gwendolyn Holeman | None | Self |
Haley Jones | none | self |
Hannah Gribetz | Private citizen | |
Hannah Kahn | Self | |
Hannah Lee | UIC | Hannah Lee |
Hannah Norwood | Not Applicable | |
Hanoch Kanhai-Zamora | Northern Illinois University College of Law | |
Heather Arguelles | Uno Charter School Network | |
Heather Booth | self | self |
Heather Crawford | self | na |
Heather Grossman | Self | Self |
Heather Horsley | University of Illinois at Chicago | |
Heather Pleune | None | |
Heather Ross | Ross & Zuckerman, LLP | Self |
Heather Sexton | Self | Self |
Heather Vogel | Myself | Self |
Heidi Phillips | None | Self |
Heidi Sleper | none | self |
Heidi Thompson | NA | |
Helen Mlynarski | NONE | |
Hillary Bachelder | none | |
Holly Dotterer | Olson Engage | |
Holly Katz | self | self |
Holly Rust | Self | |
Hope Ross | self | Self |
Huu Nguyen | Self | self |
Ian | self | self |
Ilana D Axel | Beth Tikvah Congregation | |
Ilene carson | CLRN Jewish Voice for peace Illinois coalition on immigrants and refugees | Jewish Voice for peace Tzedek Chicago CRLN |
Inbal Amit | 3126296100 | |
Ines Roman Brito | NA | |
Ingrid Roettgen | NA | |
Ireta Gasner | Ounce of Prevention Fund | Ounce of Prevention Fund |
Isabel Carter | the chicago diner | |
Isabella Villa | OneGoal | Isabella Villa |
Itedal Shalabi | Arab American Family Services | Itedal Shalabi |
Ivette Morataya | none | |
Jack Bentley | NONE | |
Jackeline Aguilera | NA | SELF |
Jacob Caplan | OneGoal | |
Jacob McCurry | The People's Lobby | The People's Lobby |
Jacqueline Axe | Retired | |
Jacqueline Bauer | NA | |
Jaime Danehey | Individual | |
James Croegaert | Individual | |
James Esparza | None | Myself |
James Neeley | Wisecracker Design LLC | |
James Osborne | individual | self |
Jamie Resler | Constituent | |
Jamie Waters | Newberry Library | |
Jamie Winchell | self | self |
Jan Rogoski | Self | Self |
Jan Rogoski | Self | Self |
Jan Loomer | Self | Self |
Jan Szostek | Evanston resident | |
Jana Winch | individual | Individual |
Janaan Hashim | Amal Law Group, LLC | Amal Law Group, LLC |
Janalee Croegaert | individual | |
Jane Bang | Cgmd | |
Jane Chung | Erie Neighborhood House | Erie Neighborhood House; Immigrants; Undocumented Individuals; Refugees |
Jane Hseu | Professor | |
Jane Musgrave | self | |
Janet A Holden | Unity Temple Unitarian Universalist Congregation Faith in Action Network | Unity Temple Unitarian Universalist Congregation Faith in Action Network |
Janet Claus | none | |
Janet Claus | none | |
Janet P Gayes | Citizen | |
Janet Wilson-Hendricks | Personal caregiver DEPT HUMAN SERVICES | |
Janeth Vazquez | Individual | Individual |
Jasmin Tomlins | None | Self |
Jasmina Nuhanovic | Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights | |
Jasmine Pedraza | Self | Self |
Jason Rieger | None | Registered Voter |
Jaylene McCandlish | Citizen | |
Jazmin Branch | Sinai Health System | |
Jean Helen Vondriska | Jean H Vondriska Inc | |
Jean Lee | Individual | Individual |
Jeanette Hill | Na | |
Jeanette Velazquez | Center for Changing Lives | |
jeanne Cole | self | citizen |
Jeanne LaCasse | dna | |
Jeannie Gundry | self | self |
Jeannie Kim | individual | |
Jefferson Day | Schneider Electric | |
Jeffrey Alvarez | Self | |
Jenifer Briones | NA | |
Jenine Chiles | Jenine Chiles, PsyD | |
Jenna Downing | None | |
Jenna Leving Jacobson | Self | |
Jennie Fronczak | Self | |
Jennifer Cooley | Self Employed | Self |
Jennifer Barrios | B&B Food Service Inc | B&B Food Service Inc, Del Barrio Foods, Barrios Family, This country's founders beliefs and values |
Jennifer Bridge | On behalf of self | Self |
Jennifer Caputo | NA | Myself |
Jennifer Ceisel | Individual | |
Jennifer Ghandhi | Self | Self |
Jennifer Gnolfo | Myself | |
Jennifer Gzesh | Self | None |
Jennifer Lokshin | Self | |
Jennifer Lovell | self | self |
jennifer mannebach | self | |
Jennifer Margolis | Self | |
Jennifer Monson | University of Illinois Urbana Champaign | |
Jennifer Nudo | University of Chicago | |
Jennifer Pellant | Self | Self |
Jennifer Roman | Individual | |
Jennifer Schwarzkopf | None | |
Jennifer Smith | Individual | |
Jennifer Thom | Self | Self |
Jennifer Vest | - | Self |
Jennifer Wester | Freelance | |
Jennifer Young | self | |
Jenny Koll | Self | |
Jenny Koll | Self | |
Jenny Koll | Self | |
Jenny Lee | Individual | |
Jenny Morales | None | |
Jeremy | Direction tour marketing | Jeremy alvarez |
Jeri Shaw | none | individual |
Jessica Judge Schott | Self-Employed | Me |
Jessica Arellano | UIC | |
Jessica Brown | None | Self |
Jessica Canas | Enlace Chicago- Little Village Education Collaborative | |
Jessica Castro | self | |
Jessica Daly | Self | Self |
Jessica Droeger | NA | |
Jessica Gockley | NA | Myself |
Jessica Ibares | NA | Self |
Jessica Olson | 1976 | Self |
Jessica Rhoades | AIDS Legal Council of Chicago | immigrants who are HIV positive |
Jessica timmins | None | |
Jill Postma | Homewood Public Library District | |
Jill Seidman | Alivio Medical Center | Alivio Medical Center |
Jill Sink | none | self |
Jim Bloyd | Collaborative for Health Equity Cook County | Collaborative for Health Equity Cook County |
Jimmy Velez | Graduate Student | |
Jina Ramirez | none | |
Jo Buxbaum | Self | |
JoAnn LoSavio | None | |
Joanna Marie Byrne | individual | |
Joanne Schlichter | self | self |
Jocelyn Munguia | none | Fearless Undocumented Alliance |
Jodi Lacy | None | None |
Joe Filkins | Individual | |
Joette Conger | none | |
John Freeland | self | self |
John Kennedy | Individual | |
John Manship | none | self |
John Sents | Illinois Resident | |
Johnna Darragh Ernst | Heartland Community College | |
JoLynn Doerr | self | self |
Jonathan Bello | Arrupe College of Loyola | |
Jonathan Moreira | University Of Illinois At Chicago College Of Medicine, Department Of Medicine | |
jonathan tottleben | private citizen | private citizen |
Jordan Alcantar | University of Illinois at Chicago | Jordan Alcantar, individual |
Jordan Henrichs | Individual | |
Jordan Sadler | self | |
Jose Flores | Valu | |
Jose Perales | NA | Self |
Joseph Boyle | Self | |
Joseph Lorenz | Society of Jesus | |
Joseph Pizzo | Pizzo & Associates, Ltd. | |
Joshua Fox | Personal | Personal |
Joshua Grizzard | Asian Human Services LEAF Program | |
Joshua OConnor-Rose | None | self |
Joy Sales | None | |
Joyce Goldestern | Citizen | |
Joyce Winer | Self employed | Mike Quigley |
Juan Camacho | Allstate | |
Juan Molina Hernandez | NA | Self |
Judith Carter | Self | |
JudIth Gaietto-Grace | Self | Self |
Judith Glassenberg | self | self |
Judith Haasis | CommunityHealth | |
Judy Papi | Self | Self |
Julia Elsky | Loyola University Chicago | |
Julia Howland | Private citizen | |
Julia McNabb | CopyMidas | NW Suburban Activist Group |
Julia Sheppard | None | Myself |
Julia Turner | na | |
Julian Lazalde | Latino Policy Forum | |
Juliana M Engel | Self | Self |
Julianne Bonwit | Self | |
Julie Monberg | Law Office of Julie A. Monberg | Indivisible Chicago |
Julie Peterson | self | self |
Julie scheib-feeley | individual | individual |
Julie Stephan | Self | Self |
Jung Kim | Individual | |
Justin Lieber | On behalf of self | Self |
Justin T Clark | University of chicago | |
Justine Bayod Espoz | Individual | |
Kaara Kallen | none | none |
Kaitlin Ramsey | Sarah's Inn | |
Kapan Shipman | Self | Self |
Kara Johnson | SELF | SELF |
Karen Aguirre | University of Illinois at Chicago | |
Karen J Montiel | Westlake Hospital | Immigrants |
Kari Abboud | Self | Self |
Karin Cecere | ICCI | |
Karin Johnsey | Self | Self |
Karina Hurtado | Health care | |
Karla Ramirez | Self | |
Kat Johnson | Institute of Global Homelessness | |
Katarzyna Bartoszynska | Monmouth College | |
Kate Denmead | individual | Katherine Denmead in support of the Immigration Safe Zones Act (HB0426) |
Kate Gronstal | Citizen | |
Kate McCormack | Brewing Advocacy | |
Katherine Ansell | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | |
Katherine K Walts | Loyola University Chicago | Center for the Human Rights of Children, Loyola University Chicago |
Katherine Kasserman | self | |
Katherine Truesdale | None | |
Katherine VanderHeide | Erie Neighborhood House | |
Katherine Wester | self | |
Kathleen Belew | University of Chicago | |
Kathleen Bernhardt | Self | |
Kathleen Culhane | NA | |
Kathleen Lantto | Loyola University Chicago | |
Kathleen M Wilson | City Colleges of Chicago | |
Kathleen OConnor | Dominican University | |
Kathleen Odell | na | |
Kathleen Powers | Individual | |
Kathleen Smigielski | private citizen | |
Kathleen Yurkewicz | not applicable | self |
Kathryn Curtin | Pritzker College PRep | |
Kathryn E Miller | HST MATERIALS, INC. | |
Kathryn Kaplan | Personal | |
Kathryn Mendelsohn | Private citizen | |
Kathryn Oberdeck | None | |
Katie Dorpinghaus | One Million Degrees | |
Katie Dozier | Unity Temple Unitarian Universalist congregation | |
Katie Gilbert | The People's Lobby | |
Katie Gruber | none | none |
Katlin Brown | NA | |
Katthleen Gundry | self | self |
katy hilbert | Spotlight Marketing | |
Katya Nuques | Enlace Chicago | Enlace Chicago |
Kayla Villalobos | Center for Changing Lives | |
Kaylie Honkala | CPS | |
keelie witzel | Title | Self |
Keith Zander | OneGoal | |
Kelin Hall | YWCA | self (Kelin Hall) not representing any organization |
Kelley Shorr | None | |
Kelly Benkert | NA | |
kelly goldberg | Self | |
Kelly Huggins | none | Self |
Kelly Jones | none | self |
Kelly Maginot | Individual | |
Kelly McCarthy | NA | |
Kelly Mitchell | NA | |
Kelsey McGrath | Self | Self |
Kerri Calvert | na | |
Kerry Cardoza | none | |
Kerry Gawne | Not applicable | Self |
Kevin H Axe | personal | |
Kevin Kennedy | Individual | |
Kevin Langson | Purple Binder | |
Kevin M Bates | None | Self |
Keyana Payne | NAACP | NAACP |
Khundmeer Syed | Myself | Dreamers and Allies Student Organization (DASO) |
Kiana Narvaez | Self | |
Kiernan Michau | Individual | |
Kim Biggs | none | self |
Kim Cavill | NA | self |
Kim Norwood | IGOR | na |
Kimberly bello | Arrupe college of Loyola | Myself |
Kimberly Engblom | Self | |
Kimberly Lunte | NA | Self |
Kimberly Silva | University of Illinois at Chicago | Immigrants |
Korinta Maldonado | Individual Citizen | |
Kristen Mongoven | None | None |
Kristen Pitzen | Self | Self |
Kristen Pitzen | Self | Self |
Kristin Kalitowski | self | self |
Kristin Mack | Mack Family | |
Kristin Nava | NA | Self |
Kristin Thomas | self-employed | |
Kristina Entner | self | |
Kristy Ulrich Papczun | None | Self |
Kujtim DeMane | Self | Self |
Kurt Hilgendorf | Chicago Teachers Union | Chicago Teachers Union |
Kyle Hillman | National Association of Social Workers Illinois Chapter | National Association of Social Workers - Illinois Chapter |
Lara Levitan | self | self |
Laura Bagby | 6 Degrees | Individual |
Laura Cinat | Cinat Consulting | |
Laura Cummings | OneGoal | |
Laura Debolt | None | Self and family |
Laura Eisen | Pandora | |
Laura Ericson | Self | Self |
Laura Jendusa | Beth Osten & Associates | Laura Jendusa |
Laura Lambert | Self-Employed | Self-Employed |
Laura Mixter | self | self |
Laura Passe | Individual | self |
Laura Przybysz | Alternatives, Inc. | |
Laura Ring | Self | Self |
Laura Sakiyama | NA | |
Laura Temple | na | na |
Laura Vivaldo Cholula | NA | Self |
Laurel Hays | citizen | |
Lauren Barski | none | |
Lauren Boegen | Self | Self |
Lauren Markt | Markt, Inc. | |
Lauren Rich | Not applicable | Individual |
Lauren Seward | Self | Self |
Laurie Condra | Self | self |
Laurie Hunken | self | Self |
Laurie Walter | self | self |
Lawrence Kameya | self | |
Leah Ball | Leah Ball LLC | |
Leah Cooper | Self | |
Leah Welty-Rieger | MYSELF | none |
Leah Whitesel | private citizen | |
Leanna Boychenko | Loyola University Chicago | |
Lee Deitesfeld | ProQuest | |
Lee DeLong | self | |
leila rahravan | Center for Changing Lives | |
Leksa Pravdic | Fastener SuperStore, Inc. | Leksa Pravdic |
Lena Singer | None | |
Lesley Hollenberg | none | none |
Leslie Okamura | Erie Neighborhood House | |
Liam Elward | Individual | |
Liana Fu | None | Self |
Lily Baker | Self | Self |
Lily Oberman | None | Self |
LINDA BUCHANAN | Ms. | Jaime Andrade |
Linda Chandler | None | Self |
Linda Grady | Self | Self |
Linda Kruhmin | self-employed | |
Linda Lunt | Self | |
Linda Matthes | Individual | NA |
Lindsay Crammond | None | Self |
Lindsay Cutler | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Lindsay Eanet | NA | |
Lindsay Hagy | Self | Self |
Lindsey Hammond | Community Renewal Society | Community Renewal Society |
Lisa May Simpson | NA | NA |
Lisa Rademacher | self | |
Lisa Roberts | none | self |
Lisa Samra | None | Self |
Lisa Setlak | Self | |
Lisa Sharkey | Self | Self |
Liz Brown | Self | Self |
Liz Friedman | Self | Self |
Liz Jones | One Million Degrees | |
Lizbeth Garcia Escutia | NA | Lizbeth Garcia Escutia |
Lizbeth Roman | NA | |
Lois Thiessen Love | self | |
Lonnie Dunlap | Retired | |
Lora Salley | individual | |
Loralyn Cozy | None | Self |
LOREL JANISZEWSKI | Citizen | Self |
Loren Mendez | unemployed | |
Lori Leon | none | none |
Lori Palfalvi | unknown | |
Lubia Nunez-Montelongo | Private Citizen | |
Lucina Schell | none | |
Lucinda Nicholas | Self | Self |
Lucy Pick | self | self |
Luis Roman | ALMA | ALMA |
Lurana Brown | Firefly Healing LLC | |
Luvia Quinones | individual | |
Lydia Young | OneGoal | |
Lynette Pellettiere | A Better Tomorrow - Elmhurst | |
Lynn Leo | World Relief | |
Lynn Pollack | Ms. | Self |
Lynn Trevarthen | Teacher | myself |
LYNNE A KAVIN | Self | |
mabe wassell | retired | |
Mac Hinson | private citizen | |
Macaire M Grambauer | McAlpine Consulting for Growth | |
Madeleine Katherine Shea | CPS | |
Madeline Baum | Self | Self |
Madeline Talbott | na | |
Madelyn Ryan | None | Self |
magane koshimura | Concordia University Chicago | |
Magdalena Aguilar | IL Resident | |
Magdalena Slowik | private citizen | |
Maggie Spanuello | Self | Self |
Maggie Spanuello | Self | Self |
Malik Turley | self | |
Mallory Cooper | Myself | |
MANDY MCGEE | Self | |
Mara Scheuing | Self | Self |
Mara Tierney | Ms. | |
Maral Zonooz | non-profit college access & persistence org | |
Marcia Ross | Self | |
Marcia Sprengel | Delta Transportation | Marcia Sprengel |
Marcia Sprengel | None | None |
Marcus Mason | Loyola University Chicago | |
Margaret A Brandt | none | self |
Margaret Argyelan | Self | |
Margaret Feit Clarke | St. Nicholas Roman Catholic Church, Peace & Justice Committee | self |
Margaret Hutton | None | Self |
Margaret McGuire | None | |
Margaret Ninjo | None | self |
Margaret Schwartz | None | |
Margaret Sents | Retired teacher | |
Margaret Sents | Retired teacher | |
Margaret Walsh | None | self |
Mari G Feuer | Individual | |
Maria Caroline Post | Filing as a private citizen | |
Maria Erdmann | self | |
Maria Gonzalez | Self | Self |
Maria Gregorio | Community Consolidated School District 59 | |
Maria Mahoney | Self | Self |
maria morales | DePaul Univesity | |
Maria Preuhs | NA | Myself |
Maria Storm | Freelance | |
Maria Torres | NA | SELF |
Maria Veronica Llerena | Individual | |
Maria Zeller Brauer | NA | Self |
Maricarmen Alvarez | NIU | |
Marie E Shebeck | NA | self |
Marie Kudrys | self | |
Marina Martinez | NA | Self |
Mario Alberto Lucero | PASO - West Suburban Action Project | |
Marion Flynn | none | |
Marisol Martinez | CPA | |
Marisol Martinez | NA | LULAC Rochelle |
Marjorie Worthington | Private Citizen | |
Mark Bonges | self | |
Mark F Haggarty | OneGoal | Mark Haggarty |
Mark Fleming | National Immigrant Justice Center | National Immigrant Justice Center |
Mark OBrien | O'Brien Counseling Services | |
Mark Silgalis | None | Self |
Marlen Garcia | None | |
Marly Schott | CCT | |
Marta Steele | none | self |
Martha A Zuniga | not applicable | self |
Martha Clarke | self | self |
Martha Kearsley | self | |
Marti Goldzwig | self | |
Martin Torres | Latino Policy Forum | Latino Policy Forum |
Martina Munsters | Individual | |
Mary Amanda Myers | Self | |
Mary Ann Goode | individual | |
Mary Beth Clarke | Self | |
Mary Bowman | Retired | |
Mary Carter | Individual | |
Mary Claire Schmit | Centro de Trabajadores Unidos | Centro de Trabajadores Unidos |
Mary Gallitano | Self | |
Mary Joan Cepla | self | self |
Mary Katlyn Keppler | Self | |
Mary Lantz | NA | NA |
Mary Margaret Greening | Loyola University Chicago | |
Mary McCormick | NorthShore University Health System | |
Mary P Frank | Individual | |
Mary Prechel | None | Individual |
Mary Tipton-Green | none | |
Maryellen Schwartz | Slf | |
Mason Astill | Northern Illinois University | Illinois Yearly Meeting of Friends (Quakers), NIU DREAM Action, NIU PRISM, and NIU Active Minds |
Mateo Muro | University of Illinois | |
Matt Hauske | University of Chicago | |
Maura Rocks | Loyola University Chicago | Loyola University Chicago |
Maureen Keane | Self | |
Maureen Kelleher | The Resurrection Project | |
Maxwell N Beshers | none | |
Mayra Ligeza | Mayra Ligeza | Mayra Ligeza |
Meaghan Fritz | None | Self |
Meaghan Murphy | Animalz | Meaghan Murphy |
Meg Bates | self | self |
Meg Matray | None | |
Megan Grandstaff | Self | Self |
Megan Kelly | Loyola University of Chicago | |
Megan Lehrman | OneGoal | |
Megan Mekinda | Self | Self |
Megan Monahan | ICIRR | ICIRR |
Megan Sanks | Student | |
Megan Wills | N | |
Melanie Castillo | HUD | |
Melanie Wagner | PASO - West Suburban Action Project | |
Melanie Welch | Self | self |
Melinda Spitzer Johnston | none | self |
Melissa Calhoun | self | |
Melissa Connelly | self | |
Melissa Gonzalez | none | self |
Melissa McGowan | Citizen | Citizen |
Melissa Narum | SELF | |
Melissa Nuttall | Na | |
Melissa Sterne | None | Self |
Melissa Whitney | None | |
Meredith Dean | Self | |
Meredith McBride | NA | |
Meredith Wilkinson | University of Illinois at Chicago | |
Merri Furlong | N a | |
Micaella Verro | Erie Neighborhood House | |
Michael Aguhar | Alliance of Filipinos for Immigrant Rights and Empowerment | Alliance of Filipinos for Immigrant Rights and Empowerment |
Michael Bauer | NA | |
Michael Crino | Self | |
Michael Darnton | Self employed | |
Michael Kaiser-Nyman | NA | NA |
Michael La Porte | None | Self |
Michael Lassiter | Self | |
Michael McGlinn | Erie Neighborhood House | |
Michael McNamara | Personal | Myself and my family |
Michael Slater | Self | |
Michael Whitlow | Mr. | Michael Whitlow |
Michele Zurakowski | self | |
Michelle Freedman | None | Self |
Michelle Gnau | Private | |
Michelle Levine | Sentinel Travel | |
Michelle Renee Woehrle | none | |
Michelle Renee Woehrle | none | Myself, as a citizen |
Michelle Zacarias | Longview Publishing | |
Micki Burton | NA | Myself |
Mimi Nguyen | None | |
Miranda Hart | Erie Family Health | |
Miriam Attia | University of Chicago | |
Misty DeMars | Concerned citizen | self |
Miwa Shimokogawa | none | |
Moira Hughes | None | |
Molly B Allscheid | Homeowner | |
Molly Dunlea | Teacher Chicago | |
Molly Powers | University of Illinois at Chicago | |
Mony Ruiz-Velasco | PASO - West Suburban Action Project | PASO - West Suburban Action Project |
Morgan Reed | Self | none |
Morgen Alexander-Young | University of Chicago | |
muhammad azhar | Mr. | Representing myself |
Myra Hart | Individual | Self |
Nancy D Valladares | NA | self |
Nancy Hagen | self employed | |
nancy M Syburg | INDIVIDUAL | |
Nancy McDaniel | none | |
Nandita Bhargava | OneGoal | |
Natalie Blitt | none | |
Natalie Daniels | not applicable | |
Natalie Parrillo | Self | Self |
Natalie Quist | NA | Self |
Natalie Ramos-Castillo | Individual | |
Natalie Rodriguez | The Center for Teaching and Learning | |
Nathan La Porte | Self | Self |
Neil Codell | self | |
Neta Jackson | Castle Rock Creative Inc | |
nicholas peneff | public health & safety inc | |
Nick Nottoli | GolinHarris | |
Nick strutzel | None | |
Nickolas Kaplan | Self | Self |
Nicolas Ranucci | Chicago Fire | |
Nicole Kramer | None | Self |
Nicolle Wood | self | self |
Nike Roman | None | |
Nikki Orvis | Self | Self |
Nirupam Gupta | PressPage | Nirupam Gupta |
Niya Kelly | Chicago Coalition for the Homeless | Homeless and Housing Advocacy |
Noah Moskowitz | Somos Logan Square | |
Nora Bingham | 1991 | |
Olivia | University of Chicago | |
Olivia Barrett | NA | self |
Olivia Cruz | 1992 | |
Omero Jimenez | University of Illinois at Chicago | |
Orit Schwartz | None | |
Pam Pintozzi | None | Self |
Pam Witmer | Self | |
Pamela Carpentier | self | |
Pamela Davies | NA | myself |
Pamela Harcourt | self | |
Pamela Jones | Self | |
Pamela Rumancik | Unitarian Church of Hinsdale | |
Pamela Shearman | Individual | |
Pamela sourelis | NONE | |
Patrice Gronwick | NA | |
Patricia Boblick | Self | |
Patricia Fragen | None | Self |
Patricia Islas | Community Organizing and Family Issues | |
Patricia Land | Personal | |
Patricia Pint | private citizen | |
Patricia Sullivan | not applicable | |
Patrick Mahoney | Self | Self |
Patrick Mahoney | Self | Self |
Paul Axel | National Louis University | |
Paul Kopp | Center for Changing Lives | |
Paul Morgan | MYSELF | PAUL MORGAN |
Paul Sexton | self | self |
Paula Camaya | Loyola University | |
Paula Gremley | Gremleycare | |
Paula Gremley | home | 9th District |
Paula Gremley | home | 9th District |
Paula Gremley | home | 9th District |
Paula Gremley | home | 9th District |
Paula Gremley | home | 9th District |
Paula Gremley | home | 9th District |
Paula Gremley | home | 9th District |
Paula Gremley | home | 9th District |
Paula Gremley | home | 9th District |
Paula Gremley | home | 9th District |
Paula Gremley | home | 9th District |
Paula Gremley | home | 9th District |
Paula Gremley | home | 9th District |
Paula Gremley | home | 9th District |
Paula Gremley | home | 9th District |
Paula Patrick | none | |
Paula Stecker | ELCA | |
Peggy Cain | self | |
Peter Gunther | self | |
Peter Kaplan | -- | self |
Peter Lamick CSV | Clerics of St. Viator | |
Phoebe Flaherty | individual | |
Priscilla Vasquez | NA | |
PuraCarina Gonzalez | One Million Degrees | PuraCarina Gonzalez |
Rachel Bennett | OneGoal | |
Rachel Breckon Hare | Out u go pet care | |
Rachel Cole | NONE | |
Rachel Constanzo | School of Social Service Administration, University of Chicago | |
rachel heuman | Ms. | Immigrant Advocacy Project, a member of the Illilnois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights |
Rachel Lessem | NA | Self |
Rachel Lyons | Old St. Patrick's Church | Old St. Patrick's Church |
Rachel Morris | Self | |
Rachel Sollinger | Self | |
Rachel Sollinger | self | |
Rachel Wallis | None | Rachel Wallis |
Rachel White-Domain | none | Rachel White-Domain |
Rachel Zimmerman | none | not applicable |
Raegan Carter | Personal | |
Raghed Naser | Arab American Family Services | Arab American Family Service |
Randall Roberts | Village of Skokie | |
Raquel Aguinaga-Martinez | National Museum of Mexican Art | |
Raquel Perez | None | Self |
Rasa Avizienis | Self | |
Rasa Gierstikas | Self | Self |
Raunel Urquiza | dominican university | individual |
Raven Tayborn | University dormitory | |
Rebecca Adelsheim | Steppenwolf Theatre Company | Individual |
Rebecca Atwood | none | self |
Rebecca Carl | Lurie Children's Hospital | Self |
Rebecca Clough | None | |
Rebecca Cox | Self | |
Rebecca Culbertson | Chicago Public Schools | |
Rebecca D Meyers | National Museum of Mexican Art | |
Rebecca Groble | NA | |
Rebecca Harris | Self | |
Rebecca Hendrickson | Self | Self |
Rebecca Mafazy | Individual | Individual |
Rebecca Moriero | Laguna Livery | |
Rebecca Pfisterer | NA | |
Rebecca R Weber | Weber's Bakery | |
Rebecca Silton | Loyola University Chicago | |
Rebecca Stealey | Contemporary Medicine | |
Rebecca Sturgeon | Self | Rebecca Sturgeon |
Rebekah Camm | none | Rebekah Camm |
Regan Murphy | Ms. | individual |
Regina Farnsworth | NA | self |
Regina Thoeming | none | self |
Reinhard Andress | Private Citizen | Private Citizen |
Rene Craig | None | Self |
Reverend Emily Gage | Unity Temple Unitarian Universalist Congregation | self |
Rhea Scheuing | Self | Self |
Ricardo Hernandez | Loyola | |
Richard Gayes | Not applicable | |
Richard V Pokorny | Self | |
Rita Porter | Constituent | |
Rita Zuponeck | Self | Self |
Robert Churchwell | not applicable | myself |
Robert Zuponeck | A2Z Consulting | Self |
Roberta Holzmueller | self | |
Robin Kessler | Not applicable | |
Rodolfo Rosiles | Northern Illinois University | |
Rodolfo Rosiles | Northern Illinois University | |
Rodrigo Anzures-Oyorzabal | Organizer | |
Ronnie Ben-Ami | self | self |
Rosa Cabrera | individual | |
Rosa Hernandez-Warner | NONE | |
Rosalie Murphy | NA | Self |
Rosalie Riegle | Rosalie Riegle Books | |
Rosalind Hurwitz | Self | Self |
Rosalyn Lopez | Erie Neighborhood House | |
Roselind Lindau | none. | |
Ruth Fink-Winter | NA | Self |
Ruth Orme-Johnson | Self | |
Ryan Dohoney | Self | |
Ryan Morick | Individual | |
Sabine Champagne | OneGoal | |
sally timms | self | self |
Sam Hsieh | na | |
Samantha Skolmoski | NA | SELF |
Samantha Stalling | Myself | |
Samir Tanna | Illinois Action for Children | Illinois Action for Children |
Sandra Gonzalez | Teacher | |
Sandra Hubbard | na | |
Sandra Sullivan-Dunbar | Self | |
Sandy Lopez | DREAM Action NIU | SELF |
Sandy Lopez | NA | |
Sara Bee | Self | self |
Sara Dady | Ms. | Self |
Sara E Williamson | School of the Art Institute of Chicago | |
Sara Hamdan | IMAN | |
Sara Keene | Individual | |
Sara Kennedy | individual | |
Sara Moffitt | na | |
Sara Turk | On Behalf Of Self | Self |
Sara Wohlleb | United Church of Christ | |
Sarah Abu-Absi | none | |
Sarah Aubry | Self | Self |
Sarah Blanco | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | |
Sarah Bonaccorsi | Kirkland & Ellis International LLP | |
Sarah Christensen | None | Self |
Sarah Cohen | Not available | |
Sarah Eberhard | 270 Strategies | |
Sarah Gore | NA | |
Sarah Hernandez | NA | self |
Sarah Jane Rhee | NA | Self |
Sarah L Harmon | self | self |
Sarah L Jones | University Church, Chicago | |
Sarah Maritza Hernandez | none | Myself |
Sarah Mateles | self | |
Sarah Saks-Fithian | Individual | |
Sarah Schar | NA | NA |
Sarah Tipperreiter | none | |
Sarahi Perez | UIC | UIC |
Saren Nofs-Snyder | Self | |
Sasha Snowden | Individual | |
Savannah Morris | Nine | Self |
Scott Sakiyama | NA | None |
Sean McClellan | Rush University Medical College | |
Shaney Swift | Self | |
Shannon Carton | Private Citizen | Self |
Shannon Hanson | Self | |
Shanti Angelina Calabrese | Individual | |
Shanti Elliott | Francis Parker School | |
Shareny Mota | NA | Self |
Shari Joffe | Self | |
Sharlyn Grace | Not Applicable | Self |
Sharmili Majmudar | Self | |
Sharon Hunter-Smith | CRLN | |
Shea Smith | NA | |
Sheila Beale | Myself | Myself |
Sheila Majumdar | Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago | |
Sheila Ondrachek | NA | NA |
Sheila Sheridan | Na | |
Shikha Sharma | NONE | |
Simone Waller | Individual | |
Siobhan Moffitt | self | |
Sipora Katz-Janssen | Ms. | |
Sonja Lane | Private citizen | |
Sonja Rotenberg | none | self |
Soon Har Tan | Self | |
Sophia Kortchmar | none | self |
Stacey Masliansky | ReadWriteFlourish | |
Stephanie Altman | Shriver Center | Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law |
Stephanie Arias | Illinois Network of Charter Schools | |
stephanie dhubert | none | self |
Stephanie Guzman | Erie Neighborhood House | Individual |
Stephanie Hasz | Self | Self |
Stephanie Ruehl | On behalf of self | Self |
Stephanie Scheitler | None | |
Stephanie Shea-Joyce | Appraisal Institute | |
Stephanie Sheridan | Elm Place School | |
Stephanie Socall | Individual | |
Steve Pfisterer | NA | Myself |
Steve Schlesinger | Self | Self |
Steven McKenzie | NA | Self |
Steven Serikaku | None | self |
Steven Smalley | Self Employed | |
Stormy Weaver | Self | |
Sue Burnet | person | |
Sumit L Desai | NA | |
Susan Avila | NA | |
Susan Bauer | private citizen | |
Susan Bauer | Private citizen | |
Susan Coleman | self | self |
Susan Coleman | self | self |
Susan Farmer | Self | |
Susan Lamberts | None | Self |
Susan Lucci | none | self |
Susan McFaul | Retired | |
Susan ODonnell | Action for a Better Tomorrow - Elmhurst | |
Susan P Malone | Law Office of Susan P Malone | |
Susan Tracy | Self | Self |
Susan Walker | Self | Self |
Susan Zographos | self | self |
Suzanne C Linder | University of Illinois | |
Suzanne Holly | Taxpayer | |
Suzanne Kaufman | Self | Self |
Suzanne Mahoney | Self | Self |
Suzanne Mahoney | Self | Self |
Sydney Bakal | Bakal residence | Sydney Bakal |
Tae Yeon Kim | NA | |
Tamara Chase | self | self |
Tara Tidwell Cullen | Not applicable | |
Teresa Carlton | House of Human Service Committee | |
Teresa Moro | Self | Self |
Teresa Mullen | DMD Marketing Corp | |
Teresa Powell | Village of Oak Park | Self |
Teresa Walker | NA | |
Teri McCaskill | None | |
Terren Wein | self | self |
Terren Wein | self | self |
Thais Fletcher | Individual | |
Thomas Carney Jr | Self | Self |
THOMAS J BRODERICK | Chicago Democratic Socialists of America | Chicago Democratic Socialists of America |
THOMAS J BRODERICK | Greater Oak Park Democratic Socialists of America | Greater Oak Park Democratic Socialists of America |
Thomas N Terrell | Christ Lutheran Church | Christ Lutheran Church, Chicago IL |
Thomas Scudder | self | |
Thomas Westerkamp | none, private citizen | |
Tiffany Kirichkow | Self | Self |
Tim Lacy | Education | Independent citizen of 48th Ward in the City of Chicago |
Tim Lovell | On behalf of self | Self |
Timna Axel | Chicago Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights | |
Timothy Kasckow | Peace Corps | |
Timothy Love | Loyola University Chicago | |
Timothy Nordberg | NA | |
Timothy P Gaster | Monmouth College | |
Tisha Rajendra | Loyola University Chicago | |
Toby Beauchamp | none | |
Tom Hughes | Il.Public Health Assoc. | Il.Public Health Assoc. |
Tom Cain | self | |
Tomas Uriostegui | 1990 | |
Tonya Utkina | self | |
Tracey Printen | self | |
Tracy Scaduto | Self | |
Tracy Silverman | Self | Self |
Trey Thompson | Individual | Individual |
Ulysses Diaz | Individual | |
Umang Sharma | I am a physician, filing as a private citizen | myself |
Ursula S Aspel | NA | Self |
Valerie Kalita | self | |
Valerie Shull | none | |
vanessa borjon | personal | |
vanessa oniboni | surj chicago | |
Vanessa Soto | Illinois State University | |
Veer Kothari | Individual | |
Vera Junge | Individual | |
Vianna Newman | Art Institute of Chicago | |
Vicki Byrd | self | self |
Victoria De La Rosa | Self | Self |
Victoria deMartelly | University of Illinois at Chicago | |
Victoria Long | Self | Self |
Victoria Watkins | City of Chicago | Office of the Mayor |
Virginia Dimond | Dimond Consulting Group | |
Virginia Rivera | Loyola University | |
Vishal Disawar | None | None |
vivian chou | na | |
vivian chou | na | |
Whitney Waters | none | self |
Will Hudson | Mr. | Will Hudson |
William Grant Little Jr | Self | Self |
William Hayward | citizen | myself |
William Heineke Jr | Individual | |
William Walker | Self | |
Winnie Miranda | na | |
Xochitl Cruz | Individual | |
Yael Hoffman | NA | |
Yareli Gutierrez | UIC | |
Yaritza Guilen | pic | UIC |
Yesenia Cazares | Self | |
Yesica barrios | None | |
Yusef Watson | None | self |
Zach Day | None | Self |
Zayra Solis | Arrupe College of Loyola Chicago | individual |