Illinois General Assembly - HB4174Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For HB4174  102nd General Assembly

Bill Status

Legislation: HB4174
Proponents: 4445Opponents: 928No Position: 3
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Executive (H) 2/16/2022 10:00 AM
Christine OGradySelfSelf
Elizabeth CiprianoNot a bot lover of choiceLover of free choice
Susan Freiseself
A van Wijkselfself
Aaron David Barclayselffamily
Aaron GorbettSelfMy family
Aaron MartyniukSelfSelf
Aaron meyerSelfSelf and kids
Aaron Walkerselfself
Aaron WarnerPersonal
Abbie Ballardselfself
Abbie J ThompsonSelfSelf
Abby Kramerselfself
Abigail AlonzoSelfSelf
Abigail FlynnSelfSelf
Abigail KemperParent
Abigail WatermannSelfMy family
Abraham PhilipSELFSELF
Adam Doeringmy familyself
Adam HillSelfFamily
Adam SmithHome
Adam SnyderSelfSelf
Adam StevensNASelf
Addison HafertepeSelfSelf and family
Adele StoccoSelf
Adeline BendaSelfSelf
Adri EnneSelfself
Adrian LittleSelfSelf
Adrian MejiaSelfLiberty
Adrie Lorenzo-PerezSelf
Adrien Dumasself
Aftin Nashert08-173331067self
Agata Mitchellself
Agata RulkowskiSelfSelf
Agata SandsSelfSelf - Individual
Agatha LolisSelfSelf
Agnes BabaMy FamilyMy Famiky
Agnes BabaMy FamilyMy family
Agnes chilinskiSelfSelf
Agnes J ViardArrowHeart Coachingself and family
Agnes Pauliusselfself
Agnes WojcikSelfSelf
Agnieszka BajorekSelfSelf
Agnieszka CzechuraselfSelf
Agnieszka MendochaSelfFamily
Agustin JuarezFamily
Aidan GroppeSelfSelf
Aileen OsiasSELFSELF
Aime Gramerself
Aimee SmithSelfSelf
Ajani RowlandSelfSelf
Al Magistrelliself
Al QuebbemannSelf
Alan LindellSelf
Alan MaderSelf
Alan PhillipsSelf
Aleksandra GawleyMy familyMy family
Alex GeorgiouSelfSelf
Alex Kaiderretired
Alex KawaSelfSelf
Alex PerroneSelfMy Family
Alexa FoxSelfSelf
Alexa Kroplewskiselfself
Alexander EsserSelfSelf
Alexander HoppSELFSELF
Alexander LaraNASelf
Alexandra BernardiSelfSelf
Alexandra Kopaczselfself
alexandra marsalaSELF
Alexandra WojcikSelfSelf
Alexis BarthSelfMy Family
Alfred TinsleyFamily
Alice BusanSelf
Alice Leinbergerselfself
Alice WeberSelfSelf
Alicea GrauSelf
Alicia HorenbergerFamilyFamily
Alicia L ParkinsonSelf
Alicia MZ HagginselfSelf
Alicia Perezself
Alicia SeibertFamily
Alicja Gawle RoszkowskiFamilyFamily
Alisa ChruscielSelf
Alison GoleyFamilyFamily
Alison PoterackiSelfMy Family
Alison RosenbergSelfSelf
Alissa ShipmanSelfMy family
Alissa StaplesSelfMy family
Alitzya JedrzejekSelf and Citizen
Aliz PuskasSelfSelf
Allison CastanedaSelfSelf
Allison DoudNone
Allison KirbySelf
Allison KuhnSelfMy family
Allison LinehanSelfSelf
Allison PriceMyselfMyself and family
Allison Ryanself
Allison stephensSelf
Allysa CatrintaNoneSelf
Alonso AntonioSelf
Alycia RomanNa
Alyse DaccardoFamily
Alyssa Schmidtself
Alyssa SutorSelfSelf
Amanda SchauSelfSelf
Amanda AtchleyFamilyFamily
Amanda AugustSelfSelf
Amanda FlemingSelfSelf
Amanda GarciaSelfMy family
Amanda HansenSelfSelf
Amanda HoutSelf & family
Amanda JurczewskiSelfSelf
Amanda KernOne of the people as recognized by the Illinois ConstitutionSelf
Amanda KuhlmanSelfSelf
Amanda Mortimerselffamily
Amanda N gunterSelf
Amanda NardoniMy familyMy family
Amanda RosenthalSelfMy family
Amanda SandersSanders HouseholdSanders Household
Amanda SloanNone
Amanda solanoSelfSelf
Amanda SwordSelf
Amanda ThiryIllinois tax payerSelf
Amanda UnderfangrrSelf
Amanda Walkerselfself
Amanda Zawackina
Amara MartinezSelfSelf
Amber CarlinSelfMy Family
Amber DeClerckSELFself
Amber FrerichsSelfMy family
Amber HouseSelfSelf
Amber LarsenselfMe and my family
Amber MuellerselfSelf
Amber Pattersonself
Amber RossMyself and my family
Amber SaxConcerned parent
Amber WojcinskiSelfMy family
Amelia NatanekSelf
Amelia ErnstSelfSelf
Amelia McGregorNoneSelf
Amie OberstarAmie Oberstarself
Amie SteeleSelfSelf
Amos KaffenbargerSelfSelf
Amparo KaciusKacius Physical Therapy LLC
Amparo V KaciusKacius Physical Therapy LLC
Amy BloodSelf
Amy BoekeSelfSelf and family
Amy BuckleySelfSelf
Amy ButcherFamily
Amy ChernowskyMy kidsMy kids, my nieces and nephews
Amy CollinsSelfMy entire family
Amy DoyleSelfSelf
Amy EissensSelf
Amy EkstromSelf
Amy EllisSelfMy Family
Amy GeibelFamilyFamily
Amy GioveNone
Amy HettSelf
Amy Hinkleselffamily
Amy KaawaIndividual
Amy KielionFamilyFamily
Amy KrahulaParentSelf
Amy LambrechtSelf
Amy LemieuxLemieux FamilyLemieux Family
Amy LittleNASelf
Amy loeschSelfSelf
Amy McNealSelfSelf
Amy OstermanSelfSelf
Amy PenceSelfSelf
Amy RoachSelfSelf
Amy SchultzeSelf
Amy SharpFamilyFamily
Amy TiedtnoneSelf
Amy Ungererselfself
Amy Wellmanself
Amy Welzselfself
Anabel SmithFamily
Analisa McDermottselfself & children
Anastasia PelelasSelfSelf
Anastasios AndritsakisNaSelf
Anden HoutSelf
Andrae LewisSelfSelf
Andre StenhouseSelfMy Family
Andrea BiondiSelfSelf
Andrea ByramSelfSelf
Andrea ChadwickManager
Andrea ChuskasSelf
Andrea Chvatal-HedstromSelfSelf
Andrea DalySelfSelf
Andrea EisenbergSelfOn Behalf of Self
Andrea HeegSelfSelf
Andrea HoudekSelf
Andrea JefferySelfSelf
Andrea KinderSelf
Andrea McGuffinNA
Andrea Naughtonselfself
Andrea PrenticeSelf
Andrea RothMorton Freedom ProjectMorton Freedom Project
Andrea ShinkusSelfSelf
Andrea UnellSelfSelf
Andreas CromackSelf
Andreas KroschkeNone
Andrew BradSelfMyself
Andrew C MartinSelfSelf
Andrew FidanziaIC4ICSelf
Andrew G MiklosSelfself
Andrew LiggettSelfSelf
Andrew Naughtonselfself
Andrew OlsonSelfMy children
Andrew T HarpstSelf
Andrew Thomasselfself
Andrew Vandercarnoneself
Andrew Vittselfself
Andria BrassSelfSelf
Andria ChrabotSelfSelf
Andrzej KentlaSelf
Andrzej SadanowiczSelfMy Family
Andrzej ToczekSelfMy family, self
Andy DeClerckSELFself
Andy SjordalSelf
Aneta Kopaczselfself
Aneta NiklewiczSelf
Angel OakleySelfSelf
Angel WeyhrauchSelfSelf
Angela BranniganSelfFamily
Angela Calzada-TownsendSelfMy family
Angela CarmodySelf
angela confortiSelfSelf
Angela CushingFamilySelf
Angela DakogiannisNoneNone
Angela FabianoSelfSelf
Angela GreeneselfSelf
Angela HafertepeSelfSelf and family
Angela Krauseselfself
Angela LeySelfSelf
Angela MendezSelf
Angela MorrisonSelfSelf
Angela OlsonSelf
angela ORourkeself and familyself and familyy
Angela PersicoAngela Persico
Angela PortNa
Angela Rundleselfmy family
Angela SavageIllinois citizen
Angela SchoeberleNone
Angela WoodResident
Angelarose FabianoSelfSelf
angelica dagerhomeself
Angelica GeraldSelfMy family
Angeliki Karamitsosselfself
Angeline PanekSelfSelf
Angelique S LopezSelfSelf
Angelo J LalagosSelfSelf
Angie OlsonSelfMy children
Angie renfroeNa
Angie RunyanSelf
Angie SartoriSelfSelf
Angie SriverFamilyFamily
Ania PerroneSelfSelf
Anika SlavujevicSelfKosta Slavujevic, Kruna Slavujevic, Self
Anita MartinoSelfSelf
Ann BrownSelfSelf, Family, Community
Ann Harrisonself
Ann InendinoSelfSelf
Ann IwatsukiSelfSelf
Ann Marie Hartmannselfself
Ann MinoffselfSelf
Ann Schulerselfself
Anna Boryszewskiselfself
Anna ArceoSelfSelf
Anna BarclaySelfSelf
Anna BennettSelfSelf
Anna BoryszewskiSelf
Anna ChapmanFamily
Anna FijalkowskaConcerned citizenSelf and my family
Anna HafertepeSelfSelf and family
Anna HarlaSelf
anna HARRINGTONselfself
Anna JessHousehold
Anna KosharkoSelfSelf
Anna KujawskaSelfSelf
Anna KujawskiSelf
Anna LokajSelfSelf
Anna MalowanskiSelfSelf
Anna MistarzSelfMy family
Anna Mucciantiselfself
Anna Schmidtselfself
Anna Sophia TetzlaffSelfMy Family
Anna SpenceNA
Annabelle Meekselffamily
Annalisa GiannoneSelfFamily
Annalisa McMasterselfself
Annamaria TamasMy selfMy family
Anne Dunevself
Anne GallagherSelf
Anne Margaret Kearnsfamily
Anne NelsenCitizen
Anne RockwellMy family
Anne RothSelf
Anne TetzlaffSelfMy Family & I
Anne Von Arxselfself
Annette KirschenmannSelfSelf
Annette Kohn-LauSelfself
Annette OconnellSelf
Annika WodziakSelfSelf
Anson HanburyHomeSelf
Anthony AaronSelf
Anthony BahwellSelf
Anthony CieslakSelf
Anthony G MazzarisiSELF
Anthony HolmesselfFamily
Anthony Koehlerselfself
Anthony Mucciantiselfself
Anthony O'Detteself
Anthony PeoplesSelfFamily
anthony withersselfself
Antoinette Lenziself
Anton LukcevicSelfSelf
Antonella GarboSelfSelf
Antonia MeachamSelfSelf
Antonio HughesSelf
Antonio MartinezSelfSelf and family
Anya Hansonselfself
April MannsSelf
April StewartSelfMY FAMILY
April WickeyFamilyFamily
Ariana VegaMy family
Arkasia CoxArkasiaSelf
Arlene LanoueTaxpayerTaxpayer
Arlene M Dovichiselfself
Armando J TorresSelfSelf
Armando TorresSelfSelf
Aron Ducaself
Arthur BlachnoNA
Asha RowlandSelfSelf
Ashleah SummerMy family
Ashley BebeauSelfFamily
Ashley BedgoodSelfSelf
Ashley CatizoneMy familyMy family
Ashley ConnollySelfSelf
Ashley gannonSelfSelf
Ashley GrelaMs.self
Ashley Haberkernselfself
Ashley HillSelfMy family
Ashley LiteSelfSelf
Ashley M FloydThe Floyd Familyself
Ashley MercedSelfMy family
Ashley MurschelHouseholdMyself
Ashley NobleSelf
Ashley WadmanSelf
Ashley WenselSelfSelf
Ashly HausamSelf
Atticus GurelSelfSelf
Aubrey knellerSelf
Aubrie McShaneSelfSelf
Audrey CoxSelf
August FloydThe Floyd Familyself
Aukosua StokesStokes FamilyStokes Family
Aummy VardaNorth barrington vertical farm
Austin Karasekselfself
Austin PonzianoSelfIC4IC
Austin RussellMy familyMy family
Autumn BotkinSelfSelf
Autumn RussellSelf
Ava KinderSelf
Ava Severanceselfself
Ava Vogelmannself
Avery OrsenoSelf
B KuehnSelf
Banas JulieSelfBanas Family
Barb CoffeySelfVoter
Barb Del BroccoSelf
Barb Marquardtself
Barb salineSelfSelf
Barbara A Coteself
Barbara BlaskiSelfSelf
Barbara BohlNASelf
Barbara C BorenSelfSelf
Barbara FerrisSelfSelf
Barbara FlynnSelf
Barbara KirtsSelfSelf
Barbara Matthomeself
Barbara Mishlerself
Barbara NonteMy familyMy family
Barbara OlsonSelfSelf
Barbara PiersonSelfSelf
Barbara ScaliseSelf
Barbara ScottSelfSelf
Barbara WygodaSelfSelf
Barbie Allegrettiselfself
Barry BrownSelf
Barti GappHousehold
Beata czechuraselfSelf
Beata Drozdafamilyfamily
Beata MaciasSelfSelf
Beata MasioSelfFamily
Beata ZeroSelfSelf
Beatrix Kovacsself
Becca HarpsterMy FamilyMy Family
Becca TarockoffFamilyFamily
Becca WSelfMy Family
Becki KeltnerD47D47 parents and students
Becky BlaineSELFSELF
Becky ClarkSelfSelf
Becky FogartyNonemy family of six
Becky Grothselfself
Becky jathoNaSelf
Becky Tharpeselfself
Ben Anlikerself
BEN GRAMMBen Grammself
Ben LenciauskasSelfSelf
Ben MerrillSelfSelf
Ben MunsonNoneNone
Benjamin EfsenSelfSelf
Benjamin FranklinSelf
Benjamin FullerSelfSelf
Benjamin GrothSelfSelf
Benjamin HagenbuchSelfSelf
Benjamin LawsSelfSelf
Benjamin Taylorselfconcerned citizen
Benjamin TylerSelfMy household
Benjamin WillisSelfSelf
Benjamin WykesNone
Berardino Barattaselfself
Bernadette HudetzSelfSelf
Bernardine LoperSelf
Bernice Kozakself
Beth Barclayself
Beth DaghfalSelfSelf
Beth DillSelfSelf
Beth DincognitoSelfSelf
Beth EmhoffIllini Bluffs Parents against mandates
Beth FellerFeller familyFamily
Beth HamparianSelfSelf
Beth KronfeldSelfSelf
Beth NovakSelfSelf
Beth OMearaSelf
Beth Oosthuizenfamiy
Beth RuskSelfMy Family
Beth SweeneySELF
Beth VilledaNoneBeth Villeda
Beth Von Arxselfself
Beth WeatherfordCitizens of Illinois
Beth willisSelfSelf
Bethann KaebNoneSelf
Bethany SwartzSelfSelf
Betsy Ackersonself
Betsy DrewSelfSelf
Betty Gahmself
Betty MasioSelfFamily
Betty Milesselfself
Betty Weinbergerself
Bev JonesSelfSelf
Beverly Ann JohnsonBroken Chains Counseling
Beverly Lewisselfself
Beverly WalkerSelfSelf
Bill BivensSelfSelf
Bill KramerSelfSelf
Blain ShuffSelf
Blair HorathSelfSelf
Blair MoormanSelfSelf
Blake Nasternakselfself
Blake SnyderSelfSelf
Bob EmlerSelfSelf
Bob LindstromFamilyFamily
Bobbi QuinnSelfSelf
Bobby DieboldSelf
Bobby G HooverSelfMy Family
Bobby kinnaordFamilySelf
Bogdan GrygielSelfSelf
Bogumila TylkaSelfSelf
Bogusia MiszczyszynSelfSelf
Boguslawa TwardowskaselfSelf
Boneta Morrisselfself
Bonni McKeownselfmy household
Bonnie Hartianself
Bonnie Millikanselfself
Bonnie RickmanSelfSelf
Bonnie SmithFamilyFamily
Bonnie Verhulstselfself
Brad MatthiasSelfMy family
Brad ShemluckSelf
Bradley Cutrightselfself
Bradley DonaldNot a bot
Bradley ReckerSelf
Bradley Thompsonselfself
Brady EdwardsSelf
Brady JamrozekSelf
Braeden KittelSelf
Brandi ColePayson ElementarySelf
Brandie BowlinNoneSelf
Brandon GarciaSelfSelf
Brandon ItanoNoneSelf
Brandon ScalettaSelf
brandon sommerselfself
Brandon SwartzSelfSelf
Brandon ToleSelfSelf
Brandy BennettSelfParent
Brant WarnerSelfSelf
Braxton MoodySelfSelf
Breah R Ponceselfself
Brenda HennesseySelfSelf
Brenda Maloolyself
Brenda McCormickSelfSelf
Brenda Priesmeyerselfself
Brenda SchiszikSelfSelf
Brenda TomlinsonSelfSelf
Brenda WaldenSelfSelf
Brendan BoydSelf
Brendon LombardiSelfSelf
Brent HoutSelf
Brett EricksonSelfSelf
Brett JohnsonSelf
Brett KovelSeftSelf
Brett NovosadSelfself
Brett Smithself
Brett Wilkinsonselfself and citizens of illinois
Brian BeckerNASelf
Brian BourkeSelf
Brian BoydSelf
Brian BurkeSelfSelf
Brian Daleyselfself
Brian FosterSelfSelf
brian HARRINGTONselfself
Brian HoustonFamily
Brian McFarlandself & familyself & family
Brian Mooreself
Brian O'ConnorSelf
Brian ParrinoResident
Brian PetersonSelf
Brian PohlmanSelfSelf
Brian Reelandnana
Brian RogdeSELF
Brian RogdeSelfSelf
Brian TaylorSelf
Brian VinsonSelfSelf
Briana FlannerySelf
Brianna MeadeSelfSelf
Bridget BusseSelfSelf, family
Bridget DonovanNone
Bridget HigginsSelfSelf
Bridie Gallaglyselfself
Brittani IrishSelf
Brittany GeorgiouSelfSelf
Brittany LarsonSelfSelf
Brittany MooreSelfMy family
Brittany OliverSelfSelf
Brittany taftSelf
Brittany TanzerPrivateSelf
Brittany VailSelfSelf
Brittany WalkerSelfMy Family
Brittany WowkSelfSelf
Brittney KaluznySelfSelf
Bronson HultmarkSelf
Brooke EdwardsSelf
Brooke NovosadSelfself
Brooke Wilkinsonselfself and citizens of illinois
Brooklyn FloydThe Floyd Familyself
Bruce AndraskiSelf
Bruce DahlheimSelfSelf
Bruce JohnsonSelfSelf
Bruno Dadejselfself
Bryan AlfordOn behalf of selfSelf
Bryan Evanstax payerself
Bryan LantzNASelf
Bryan LaRocheSelfSelf
Bryan SlaySelfSelf
Bryan Stolzenonemy family
Bryan WagnerSELFSELF
Brynn Hartianself
Bryon KernSelf
Caden J HooverSelfMy Family
Cadence Clementsselfself
Caiden KovelSeftSelf
Caitlin marinoSelfSelf
Caitlin TaylorselfConcerned citizen
Caleb KittelSelf
Calvin HankinsFamilyFamily
Candace BainterSelfWe Stand For Our Students - Macomb, IL
Candace CernySelfSelf
Candice BielskiSelfSelf
Candice Maysself
Candie Katesselfself
Candy MartinezSelfSelf
Cara HrubyNone
Cara WyattSelfSelf
Carisa KriegSelfSelf and family
Carissa RemillardOn behalf of selfSelf
Carlnoneself and family
Carl E Knablenoneself
Carl HolmanSELFMy family
Carl Hopmanmy familymy family
Carl HornSelfSelf
Carl M Knablenoneself
carl zeganTaxpayer
Carla ChatmanSelfSelf
Carleen ColvinIllini Bluffs Parent Group
Carlos ZarateCarlos N zarate
Carly BrachSelfFamily
Carly DaughertySelfSelf
Carmela TomanichSelfSelf
Carmen MartinezSelf
Carmen Viramontesselfself
Carol JurczewskiSelfSelf
Carol A Willeself
Carol BashaarSelf
Carol CohenCohen Family
Carol CrissieSelfSelf
Carol Davisnonemyself
Carol HennessySelfself
Carol JohannsMy Familyfamily
Carol JohlerSelf
Carol L WiedmannSelf
Carol Nowakselfself and citizens of illinois
Carol StadelSelfSelf
Carol Vroomselfself
Carol WeberSelfSelf
Carolina MirandaSelfSelf
Caroline BundaSelfFamily
Caroline Marie Heflinself
Carolyn CacalSelf employed
Carolyn Spadafinoself
Carolyn Targosznamyself and my family
Carolyn UbriacoSELFSELF
Carolyn Van DamSelf
Carrie CalzadaSelf
Carrie DoubetNaSelf
Carrie FruhauffSELF & childrenSELF and children
Carrie KeppnerSelfSelf
Carrie RynberkSelf
Carrie WolakSelf
Carroll Normanselfself
Casey DevoreNoneSelf
Casey RivesSelf
Cassandra CosmenSelfSelf
Cassandra ErnstSelfSelf
Cassandra RamirezNone
Cassidy Nasternakselfself
Catharine CelliNASelf
Catherine BakerHomeSelf
Catherine DeddoselfSelf
Catherine E McElroy Heinrichnoneself
Catherine GerardiSelf
Catherine HolmesselfFamily
Catherine HunnSelfSelf
Catherine JenningsSelfSelf and my family
Catherine MoodySelfSelf
Catherine RothscheMy FamilyMy Family
Catherine Severanceselffamily
Catherine SzczepaniakPrivate CitizenSelf
Catherine TerpstraREMAX All Pro
Catherine UrickSelfMy Kids
Cathi YoungYoung FamilyMyself
Cathie ChristSelfSelf
Cathryn Schultzselfself
Cathryn ZacconeSelfFamily
Cathy BrinkmeierFamilyFamily
Cathy DanielSelf
Cathy GuentherSelfSelf
Cathy HetzkeSelfNA
Cathy LeachNASelf
Cathy LucianaNone
Cathy McCubbinSelfSelf
Cathy MuddSelfSelf
Cathy SullivanFamilyFamily
Cecilia BuddySelfSelf
Cecilia JohnsonSelfSelf
Cecilia RothSelf
CELESTE S JACKSONCeleste Jackson Interiors, Ltd.
Celia AmillMother
Celia GrebsSelf
Cesar LopezSelfSelf
Chad MaySelfSelf
Charis Reckowskynot applicableself
Charles Carverselffamily
Charles Leach JrNASelf
Charles NewbergerSelfFamily
Charles R Robisonselfmy family
Charles SmithRedident of DuPage CountySelf
Charles W Kitteldoes not applyself
Charles Wolfeself
Charlotte S KaplanVolunteers for Israel
charlotte van damSelf
Chelsea BrunsSelfFamily
Cheri Fuller KasleSelfFamily
Cheri RodgersSelf
Cherri KowalchukSelf
Cheryl BurnsSelfFamily
Cheryl Elaine FornelliSelfSelf
Cheryl GilmartinSelfFamily
Cheryl Gilmartin PharmDSelfSelf
Cheryl KoenigSelfSelf
Cheryl L LisyNoneSelf
Cheryl McNameeNot sure what to put hereMyself & my children
Cheryl NollSelf
Cheryl SlayPrivate citizenSelf
Cheryl StarrettSelf
Cheryl WojteckiMy FamilyMy Family
Chloe Schleserselfself
Chris AlbrechtSelf
Chris DiLulloSelfSelf
Chris EsserSelfSelf
Chris Grahamretired nurseRetired Registered Nurse
CHRIS GroszczykSelfSelf
Chris haireSelf
Chris Haleselfself
Chris HughesSelfSelf
Chris LukcevicSelfSelf
Chris MaleskerFamily
Chris opiolaSelfHealthcare worker
Chris Pedersenselfself
Chris SharpSelfSelf
Chris SkeltonMy SelfMy Self.
Chris VernonSelfSelf
Chris WeibringHoney Bear Studio
Chris Whitfieldselfself
Chrissy CatesSelfSelf
Christa MahoneySelfSelf
Christa VelosSelfSelf
Christal LaswellFree ILLINOISPerson
christian schulteselfself
Christie BartelsParentParent
Christin WoolmerWoolmer household
Christina BastillSelfSelf
Christina BastillaSelfSelf
christina Belkefamily
Christina ChaidezSelf
Christina CumboSelfTax-payer, parent
Christina D PraljakSelfSelf
Christina DavenportSelfSelf and family
Christina DorseySelf
Christina DriscollSelfSelf
Christina FischerNorthern Illinoisans For Medical FreedomNorthern Illinoisans For Medical Freedom
Christina GiuntaSelfSelf
Christina GoodSelf
Christina HayesSelf
Christina KazmierowskiSelfSelf
Christina PraljakNot availableMy family
Christina SchmiecherSelf
Christina SpilotroSelfMyself and my children
Christina YanecekSelf
Christine A KochMr familyself
Christine A TonkinSelfSelf
Christine Goodmanselfself and citizens of illinois
Christine HaskinsD41
Christine JoernSelf
Christine MarthaSelfSelf
Christine McLindenself
Christine MessinaOn behalf of selfSelf
Christine MeyerFamily
Christine MorganSelfSelf
Christine SatterleeSelfMy family and school children
Christine SmutneySelf
Christine StahlSelf
Christine WalkerSelfSelf
Christine ZemanFamilyFamily
Christopher Andersennoneself
Christopher BatemanSelf
Christopher BrachSelfFamily
Christopher ChiakulasSelfSelf
Christopher DanielSelfSelf
Christopher DerbasSelfSelf
Christopher GeorgeResident
Christopher Heinrichnoneself
Christopher HendersonHenderson Trucking
Christopher JanickiSelf
Christopher LotestoSelfSelf
Christopher MandarichSelfSelf
Christopher PayneSELF
Christopher SewellSelfSelf
Christopher ShannonSelfSelf
Christopher SiefertSelf
Christopher WilczekSelfSelf
Christopher WolffSelfSelf
Christy FosterSelfSelf
Christy KessleringKessRx
Christy LaFeminaFamilyFamily
Christy NapoleonSchools
Chuck BlazekSelfMy family
Cindi KlenkeSelf
Cindra MastersSelf
Cindy AlvisSelfSelf
Cindy BennishSelfSelf
Cindy ClendeninSelfMy Family
Cindy DavisSelfSelf
Cindy FaillaciSelf
Cindy FischerNorthern Illinoisans For Medical FreedomNorthern Illinoisans For Medical Freedom
Cindy GovekarResidentSelf
Cindy JohnsonSelfSelf
Cindy Knightselfself and future grandchildren
Cindy LeachSelf
Cindy M WilsonSelfSelf
Cindy MurphySelf
Cindy OkSelfSelf
Cindy Phillipsfamilymy family
Cindy ReckerNone
Cindy SmithSelfMyself and Family
Cindy WilsonSelfSelf
Claire IngersollSelfMy family
Claire Lymanself
Claire RogersFamilyMyself
Claire SgarbossaSELFSELF
Claire WebbSelfSelf
Clara Truongself
Clare CooleySELFSELF
Clarence RachalSelfSelf
Clark Ballardselfself
Clark ShawSelfSelf
Claudia DabrowskoSelfNathan Dabrowski, Clayton Dabrowski, Ava Dabrowski
Claudia Paquetselfself
Clayton John HettSelf
Clifford Ballardselfself
Clifford DavisSelfSelf
Clinton D FairbanksIndividualIndividual
Cody CetnarowskiSelf
Cody HenardSelfSelf
Cole SchambariSelf
Colette GastonSelfSelf
Colette HazinskiSeflSelf
Colin Carrollselfself
Colin Schaerselfself
Colleen BerrySELFSELF
Colleen ConnollySelfMy Family
Colleen DietzSelfFamily
Colleen DoyleFamilyFamily
Colleen FraynSelfSelf
Colleen HornSelfMy Family
Colleen KnoxMy familymom and wife
Colleen MilksSelfSelf
Colleen Reilleyselfself
colleen schroepferself
Colleen SiambanisSelfSelf
Conner Massie-DevoreNoneSelf
Connie AtterburySelf
Connie HankinsSelfSelf
Connie PetersonSelfSelf
Connor DavisSelf
Connor LaVallieSelfSelf
Connor Tilleynana
Constance CollinsSelf
Constance KlapperichSelf
Constance klosterSelfSelf
Constance Malinowskiselfself
Coralea Reckowskynot applicableMany Illinoisans - Thank you for writing a good bill that protects the rights and health of Illinois residents, especially our children.
Corey LudwigSelfFamily
Corey StevensSelfSelf
Corrine McClellandself
Cory LeSeureselfLover of Free Choice
Courtney Laibself
Courtney LeipartSelfMyself and family
Courtney MeyerNaSelf and kids
Courtney RenfroeNaSelf
Craig BakalichSelf
Craig Clementsselfself
Craig MagisSelfSelf
Craig SchoeberleNone
Craig SmithFamilyFamily
Cris JohansenCitizenSelf
Cristina BetancesSelfMy Family
Cristina BurkeselfSelf
Cristina JuarezSelfMy family
Cristina MafteiNA
Cronin StaciHomeowner
Crystal Foresman LandersSelfSelf
Crystal GodfreySelf
Cullen Davisselfself
Curt BussSelf
Curt D Anlikerself
Cyndi HolichSelfIllinois Voter
Cynthia A MurraySelfMy Family
Cynthia A PapeSelfSelf
Cynthia BowersSelfMy family
Cynthia CastleSelfSelf
Cynthia CharleboisSelfSelf
Cynthia DunbarSelfSelf
Cynthia HarrisSelfMy family
Cynthia Mahancitizen
Cynthia Nell Johnsonselfself
Cynthia OchoaSelfFamily
Cynthia R Websterselfself
Cynthia ReetzMy Family
Cynthia RookNAna
Cynthia SuarezSelfSelf
Cynthia TapiaNone
Cynthia Vahlingselfself
Cyranda AhonenMy familyMy family
czeslaw twardowskiselfSelf
D ChlebekSelfMy family
Dagmara KolesnichenkoMy FamilyMy Family
Dalal BeacomSelfSelf
Dale RichardsSelfSelf
Dan BarclaySelfSelf
Dan ConnollySelfSelf
Dan DonovanNone
Dan LaibSelfSelf
Dan LutgerSelfSelf, Family
Dan MoynihanSelfSelf
Dan Naughtonselfself
Dan Walkerselfself
Dana AlbersSelfSelf
Dana Anlikerself
Dana BondConcerned Mom
Dana celarSelf
dana celarselfself
Dana DearthSelfSelf
Dana EpsteinSelfSelf
Dana GriggsMy familyMy family
Dana LallySelf
Dana Lundinselfself
Dana PadillaSelfSelf
Dana VanvoorstSelfSelf
Dana Watsonsonselfself
Danae OConnorSelf
Dane Joshua Karasekselfself
Danette BarclaySelfSelf
Dani M AthansSelfSelf
Dani MarinSelf
Daniel A Klebenowself
Daniel Ballengerselfself
Daniel Beanselfself
Daniel BrehmerSelf
Daniel CashSelfIL Family
Daniel ErmelHouseholdHousehold
Daniel FischerNorthern Illinoisans For Medical FreedomNorthern Illinoisans For Medical Freedom
Daniel FrerichsSelfMy family
Daniel GrageSelfSelf
Daniel GreensladeSelf and Family
Daniel HightowerSelfSelf
Daniel ItanoNoneSelf
daniel J HARRINGTONselfself
Daniel J McSweeneySelf
Daniel Magistrelliself
Daniel MedinaSelfSelf and my children
Daniel PremoSELFSELF
Daniel R TurnerSelf
Daniel Sotelo JrCPS
Daniel SowonikSelf
Daniel Vandercaron behalf of selfself
Danielle BradenSelfSelf
Danielle BrandonSelfSelf
Danielle GallaglySelfSelf
Danielle JodisonSelf
Danielle MergnerSelfMy Family
Danielle OlsonSelfSelf
Danielle VairoSELFFAMILY
Danna WoodSelf
Dannielle BauerSelfMy Family
Danny MaldonadoSelfSelf
Danny MurovSelf
Danny P HARRINGTONselfself
Dante Fioccaselfself
Danusia SadowskiSelfSelf
DAPHNE MAXWELLDaphne Maxwellself
Darin Hoegerself
Dariusz RudzinskiOwnMy Family
Darla MahaffeySelfSelf
Darlene BrehmerSelf
Darlene ReddingtonSelfSelf
Darlene SwartzSelfSelf
Darrel W Bruck JrNone
Dave MartinoN AN A
Dave Milesselfself
David Wilkinson Srselfself and citizens of illinois
David AugspurgerSelfSelf
David backhausmyself
david blagermyselfMy family
David CaravellaSELF
David CarsonSelfSelf
David CoxDavid Cox Construction
David CoxSelf
David DenazarieSelfSelf
David DiefenbachSelfSelf
David DuvnjakSelfMy family
David FaganNot ApplicableDavid Fagan
David Fettingselfself
David GioveNone
David GreeneOn Behalf of SelfON Behalf of Self
David GrimestadSelfSelf
David HaightSelfSelf
David j nannengaSelfMy family
David JenkynsSelfSelf
David JohnsonSelfSelf
David LandgrafSelfSelf
David MikolajczakSelfSelf
David MillerSelfSelf
David Moyerself
David Nowakselfself
David RSelfSelf
David RentschSelfSelf
David Schulerselfself
David ShinkusSelfFamily and Self
David Van DamEncore Medical
David Vosselfself
David Wilkinsonselfself and citizens of illinois
Dawn BergeronSelf
Dawn BloughSelfMy Family
Dawn CoglianeseSelfSelf
Dawn DamianiSelfSelf
Dawn JacobsSelfMy family
Dawn M RogersFamilyMyself
Dawn Marie BroadhurstSelfSelf
Dawn MenkeSelfSelf
Dawn MillerMy familySelf
Dawn MongeSelfSelf & child
Dawn NovakSelfSelf
Dawn Schenoneself
Dawn SchindlerSelfSelf
Dawn SwaderSelf
Dawn VitiSelf
Dayla GentrySelf
Deana LiggettSelfSelf
Deanna AyalaNoneSelf
Deanna KellumCitizen of US
Deanna KohonSelf
Deb Hanrahanselfself
Deb SosnowskiSelfMyself and my family
Debbie Chenaultself
Debbie HallSelfSelf
Debbie Kliebertself
Debbie Rogersselfself
Debbie SnyderSelfSelf
Debbie UrbanNASelf
Debby HoldaSelfMy family
Debora Sallselfself
Debora ThompsonSelfSelf
Deborah Loftus-ErrthumSelfself
Deborah A MillerSelfSelf
Deborah Esareyselfself
Deborah haranSelfSelf
Deborah KeelingSelfSelf
Deborah KillionSelfSelf
Deborah KrebsSELFself
Deborah KruseSelfSelf
Deborah LoganSelfSelf
Deborah Manesselfself
Deborah RameyHouseholdSelf
Deborah RogersSelf
Deborah ToddParentSelf
Debra BrownSelf
Debra DeMontSelfSelf
Debra FowlerSelfSelf
Debra HanrahanSelfself
Debra Hansonselfself
Debra L CargolaIndividualMy entire family, Anthony Cargola, Clay Cargola, Mason Cargola and Kennedy Cargola
Debra L MalinowskiYearself
Debra LaPlanteSelf
Debra MainsNoneSelf
Debra PiluskiSelf
Debra piluskiSelfSelf
Debra SwanonSelf
Debra ValeSelf
Debra WelserSelfSelf
Dee Ann HaightSelfSelf
Deidre HerrimanSelfSelf
Deirdre LandgrafSelfSelf
Della L DemeSelfSelf
Delores KoopmansFamilyself
Delores Stachuraprivate citizen
Demetrios PappageorgeSelfself
Denelle HetrickSelf - NOT A BOTSelf
Denille JorgensenSelfSelf
Denise AdamsSelfSelf
Denise CassidySelf
Denise ClaytonSelfSelf
Denise FergusonHousehold
Denise GarciaSelfSelf
Denise Isaacsself
Denise JoyceNoneSelf
Denise LudwigSelf
Denise SciannaFamily
Denise UgasteSelfSelf
Denise ZabelleSelfself
Dennis B Nolannoneself
Dennis CristFamilySelf, Family
Dennis CrowleySelf
Dennis HolikFamilyFamily
Dennis MillerSelfSelf
Dennis ThorntonCarr Realty
Derek Allen SchusseleSelfMy Family
Derek BaronSelfFamily
Derek Kochfamilyfamily
Derek Withersselfself
Desiree BennyhoffSELFSELF
Desiree Lenzselfself
Desiree MartyniukSelfSelf
Devin CorbettSelfSelf
Devon BentonSelfMy family & I
Devon lenzselfself
Devyn BorysiewiczNone
Diana Clarisseselfself
Diana CroweSelfSelf
Diana DinapoliSelfSelf
Diana DuvnjakSelfSelf
Diana KamyszSelfSelf
Diana L AshleyMarketPlace ChaplainsSelf
Diana LarsonNASelf
Diana PraljakSelf
Diana RendonNicor Gasself
Diana SheedyMy FamilyMy Family
Diane AntonelliSelfSelf
Diane C BarangoSelfSelf
Diane DreherSelf
Diane Graynone
Diane HunnSelfSelf
Diane KernSelf
Diane MathewSelf
Diane MathiasSelf
Diane MurphyMyselfMyself
Dianna GonzalezSelf & family
Dianna GroffNoneSelf
Dianna stewartNASelf
Dianne FalcoIllinois citizen
Dianne NovosadSelfself
Dina AustinMy familyMy family
Dina HanburyHomeSelf
Dina HanburySelfSelf
Dina Luscherretired
Dina RubakhaSelfSelf
DJuanna Sommerselfself
DL ZigmontSelfSelf
Dolores MinkleySelfSelf and family
Doloresa Seniunienefamilyfamily
Domenico GiannoneSelfFamily
Dominik GryglakSelf
Dominique castilloCitizen
Dominique SistoFreedom IllinoisIndividual
Don DinapoliSelfSelf
Donald Gaikselfself
Donald KliebertConcerned Resident Of Illinois
Donald KochNone
Donald LarsonNASelf
Donica BlagerselfMy family
Donna Caliselfself
Donna DuffySelfMy family and I
Donna Gerlichna
Donna GuzzioSelfSelf
Donna Lynn RoeschelSelf
Donna RitchieSELFSELF
Donna ScanlanSelfMy family
Donna ShinkusSelf
Donna Sizemorenone
Donna StolarekSELFFAMILY
Donna SusdorfNASelf
Donna Tiberi BlaszczykNa
Donyelle DeVore-KempSelfSelf
Dorian KristonSelfSelf
Doris BarrySelfSelf
Doris SantschiSelfMy Family
Dorle WilkinsonSelfSelf
Dorothy AmorellaSelfSelf
Dorothy BurmanSelfSelf
Dorothy KotschaSelfSelf
Dorothy M WoodsSelfSelf
Dorothy Myersselfself
Doshin L ParkSelfPro Medical Freedom
Doug ErbesErbes elecLori is not on board with Covid shots in school n answered wrong. Change her answe please
Doug FeigenSelfSelf
Doug SusdorfNASelf
Doug WhiteSelfSelf
Dr Gwain ZarbuckZarbuck Chiropractic ClinicIllinois Palmer College of Chiropractic Alumni Association
Dr Tim EricksonSelfSelf
Draghina HauresSelfMy family
Drake Kurtzselfself
Drew DerricoSelfSelf
Duane ChristensenDimitras BridalErin Christensen
Duncan BillingsSelfSelf
Dunteman KariSelfSelf
Dusica MarticNa
Dusk KoenigSelfSelf
Dustin SliwaSelfSelf
Dwayne J TerrySelf
Dylan BorysiewiczNone
Ean TetzlaffSelfMy Family
Earl L VanRoeyenselfself
Earl RussellSelfSelf
Edith Yee-FisherSelf
Edward B SchoonveldJ.A. Watts, Inc.Self
Edward CollinsSelfSelf
Edward GreySelf
Edward HessSelfSelf
Edward KurczSelfSelf
Edward LeesonSelfSelf
Edward Lynnnone
Edward RosenbergSELFSelf
Edward Tandy--SELECT AN ITEM--
Edward WodziakSelfSelf
Eileen Banach OcasioSelfSelf
Eileen CorcoranSelf
Eileen Gableselfself
Eileen Rollins Petzoldself
Eileen Stoiberself
Eileen WalshSelf
Elaine PerezSelfSelf
Eleanor OsborneSelfSelf
Eleanor DiefenbachSelfSelf
ELENA A LITVINTSEVself and family
Elena GalatSelf
ELENA SAHAYDAKMyself and my family
Eleni Karamitsosselfself
Eleni PappageorgeSelfSelf
Eleonora JanickiSelf
Eliana Hartianself
Elianna HettSelf
Elijah Beanselfself
Elijah OlayoSelfSelf
Elijah SuttonSelfSelf
Elina AbdrakhmanovaSelf
Elisa MeyersSelfMy Family
Elise BrandFamily
Elise ChurchillSelf
Elissa HydeSelf
ElizabethSelfThe people of Illinois
Elizabeth GryglakSelf
Elizabeth Altmy family
Elizabeth AthansSelfSelf
Elizabeth BenoitSelfSelf and family
Elizabeth BettagSelf
Elizabeth BrownSelfFamily
Elizabeth Ciprianoself
Elizabeth Cutrightselfself
Elizabeth DiefenbachSelfSelf
Elizabeth EwingSelfSelf
Elizabeth FallsFamilyFamily
Elizabeth GreenSelfSelf
Elizabeth HernandezSelfSelf
Elizabeth HudsonSelfSelf
Elizabeth JoyceNoneSelf
Elizabeth K BohneSELFSelf
Elizabeth KopecSelf
Elizabeth KotlarczykSelfSelf
Elizabeth LarsenMidwest Lending
Elizabeth LenahanNoneSelf
Elizabeth MeltonSelfMelton family
Elizabeth Michele LoperSelfSelf
Elizabeth MillerMy family
Elizabeth Minerself
Elizabeth NahasselfSelf
Elizabeth NemuraSelfSelf
Elizabeth OganSelfSelf
Elizabeth PappalardoSelfSelf
Elizabeth ParrinoResident
Elizabeth rogalMyselfMyself and my family
Elizabeth RottmanSelfSelf
Elizabeth ShepherdSelfSelf
Elizabeth SimutisSelf
Elizabeth SmetanaMy family
Elizabeth StanekFamily selfFamily self
Elizabeth vantasselNone
Elizabeth Watersself
Elizabeth WheatleySelfSelf
Ella Blasgenselfself
Ella Williamsselfself
Ellen CaravellaSELF
Ellen LundquistSelfSelf
Ellen Podgorski SchmidSelfMy Family
Ellen Ryanself
ellen smithna
Ellie ChinchillaSelfSelf
Elliel MartinezSelfSelf
Elliot JacksonIC4ICMyself
Elzbieta MarkowskiSelfSelf
Emilee Petersonmyself and my familymyself and my family
Emilia Sanderselfself
Emilia SmithFamilyFamily
Emily Bender HooperSelf
Emily Brownselfself
Emily EmlerSelfSelf
Emily GroszczykSelfSelf
Emily ItanoNoneSelf
Emily JohannsMy Familyfamily
Emily LittleNASelf
Emily SallSelfSelf
Emily TaborSelf
Emily WernsmanSelfSelf
Emily WykesNone
Emily Youngselfself
Emma Beanselfself
Emma BrandonSelfFor daughter
Emma Hinkleselffamily
Emma Walkerselfself
Emmett McGregorNoneSelf
Endres NicoleSelf
Eric ThompsonSelfSelf
Eric Freckmanselffamily
Eric GastonSelf
Eric GrothSelfSelf
Eric LeonSelfSelg
Eric PhillipsNone
Eric Strasserselfself
Eric willisSelfSelf
Erica BuceyNA
Erica HilbertMy FamilyMy family
Erica Moeserfamilyfamily
Erica S EppersonFamilyFamily
Erica StottsSelfSelf
Erica VanaSelfself
Erik AaronSelf
Erik Perezself
Erika Perezselfself
Erika VernonSelfSelf
Erin BuzeckySelfSelf
Erin ChristensenDimitras BridalErin Christensen
Erin HopeSelfSelf
Erin JacekCitizen
Erin MickSelfSelf
Erin SchoeberleNone
Ernie Priesmeyerselfself
Errin Carletonselfself
Ervin GarciaSelf
Ester WagnerSelfSelf
Ester WisdomSelf
Esther GrossklasSelfSElf
Esther HagenbuchIllinois Valley Childbirth CollectiveSelf
Esther JulaSelfSElf
Ethan DahlSelfSelf
Etta OostmanSelfSelf
Eugene L Gillispieself
Eugene PolisskySELF
Eugene ShinkusSelfFamily
Eunicia SoptSelf
eva blihovdeselfself
Eva ChaudoirSelfSelf
Eva CieslaSelf
Eva CromackFamilyFamily
Eva GreensladeSelf And FamilySelf and family
Eva LaRocheSelfSelf
Eva Marie EconomySelf
Eva RudzinskiOwnMy Family
Eva StockSelfSelf
Evan FroehlichSelfSelf
Evan HydzikIllinois resident
Evan LaskarisNoneNone
Ewa DziedzicSelf
Ewa KoserMy familyMy family
Ewa MajcherNASelf
Ewa roszkowskaSelf
Ewa WojcikSelfSelf
Ewelina E KitlasSelfMy family
Ewellina Wochself
Ezekiel KinderSelf
Faith PhilipSELFSELF
Farah KesslerSelfSelf
Farrah HicksSelf
Felicia Ducaself
Felicia RuszSelf
Fenie SchusterSelfMy family
Filomena MalhamCitizenConcerned Citizen
Fina ChaidezSelf
Fran FattaFamilySelf
Fran RehbergerSelf
Frances HentonSelf
Frances HentonSymmetry
Francesco Garciamyself and my familymyself and my family
Francesco GiannoneFamilyFamily
Francine CichonSelfNo proof or requirement of covid19 vaccination should be enacted
Francis RunzelFamilyFamily
Frank DebartoloNASelf
Frank EvansSelfSelf
Frank Hanniganselfself
Frank T ConcialdiGPFE LLC
Frank Williamsselfself
Frank WilsonSelfSelf
Fred Luscherretired
Frederick Graneretired
Frencesca GioveNone
G KuehnSelf
Gabe ShepherdSelfself and MY FAMILY. Stay away from my kids
Gabrial ThompsonSelfSelf
Gabriel NatanekSelf
Gabriela Koisselfic4ic
Gabriela VardaDiversey Day Care
Gabrielle Barattaselfself
Gabrielle FoxSelfSelf
Gabrielle WhiteSelfGabrielle
Gaetano Calandriniselfmy family
Gahbriella NovakSelf
Gail Galivanself
Gail KreiserNA
Gail PeckSelfSelf
Gail ShannonNo
Gail Williamsselfself
Garrett DoveSelfSelf
Garrett FisherSelf
Garrett OrosSelf
Gary BowlinNoneSelf
Gary DeddoSelfSelf
Gary FeltmanSelf
Gary Lee RickmanSelfSelf
Gary MetkeSelfSelf
Gary NesvacilHomeFamily of 4
Gary OlkowskiSelfMy family
Gary SorisWeldstarSELF
Gary WymanSelf
Gaston Cordovaselfchildren
Gaston CordovaSelfChildren and staff members
Gavin BarclaySelfSelf
Gavin GonzalezNASelf
Gavin GrageSelfSelf
Gavin ZieglerSelfSelf
Gay SellersSelfSelf
Genevieve ConnessSelfSelf
Genevieve SerinoSelfSelf
Genica Evansnone
George DanielSelf
George K Efsen JrSelfSelf
George KalopisisSELFMY FAMILY
George MatsoukasSelf
Georgette JoyceSelfSelf
Georgette Lou Wursterfamily
Gerald LaveryNa
Gerald LDavisResident
Gerald VetterSelfSelf
Geraldine PerrySelf
Gerard LaLondeSelfSelf
Geza RadicsSelfSelf
Giedre Tulperselfstop medical tyronny
Gilbert Kirby IISelfself
Gina BenjaminSelf
Gina FoxSelfSelf
Gina Garvida DayHousehold
Gina Grossmannselfself
Gina JaySelfSelf
Gina JonesSelfSelf
Gina LechmanSelfSelf
Gina McLarenSelfSelf
Gina Orlandoprivate citizenMy family
Gina PuleoFamily
Gina TappSelfSelf
Gina WeberSelfSelf
Gina WilliamsFamily
Giovanna GioveNone
Giovanni AristodemoParents Union
Giovanni GonzalezNASelf
Gladys GarciaSelfSelf
Gladys HernandezSelfSelf
Glen HankinsFamilyFamily
Glen SchneiderSelfSelf
Glenda DeDonckerselfSelf
Glenda EdwardsEdwards Health CenterSelf
Gloria Kramerselfself
Gloria PepperellSelfSelf
Glory BorgesonSelfSelf
Gordie Leahyself
Gordon HankinsSelfSelf
Grace BeckerSelfSelf
Grace Blasgenselfself
Grace GiampaSelf
Grace GriffinResident
Grace HafertepeSelfSelf and famiky
Grace LuxtonSelfSelf
Grace MadsenSelfSelf
Grace SoraparuSelfSelf
Grace WojtowiczSelfSelf
Grady Shepherdselfself.
Grazyna MarusarzFamilyFamily
Greg Blasgenselfself
Greg CarlsonSelfSelf
Greg DanielSelf
Greg Gorskiselfself
Greg Riceself
Greg RitcheySelfSelf
greg schejbalSelf
Greg Tannehillselfself
gregg novosadSelfself
Gregory AntonacciAntonacci custom woodworksSelf
Gregory BillingsSelfSelf
Gregory BranskiSelfSelf
Gregory GoldmanNoneSelf
Gregory Hallselfself
Gregory HoppSELFSELF
Gregory HornSelfMy Family
Gregory HydeSelf
Gregory KistSelfSelf
Gregory StanekFamily selfFamily self
Gretchen DietzSelfSelf
Gretchen HoeferSelfSelf
Grzegorz RileyNAMyself
Guillermo PerezSelf
Gulnara PayneSELF
Gustavo RodriguezIllinois Coalition for Informed ConsentSelf
Guy Karmself
H van Wijkselfself
Hadessah FaithSelfSelf
Hailey RoachSelfSelf
Halli TumiltyResident
Hallie BusseSelfSelf
Hank corliousSelf
Hanna ThoromanSelfSelf
Hannah LuxtonSelfSelf
Hannah Strasserselfself
Harmony SchmidtBlondies
Harold Walkerself
Harper GorbettSelfMy family
Harry MItchellSelf
Hayley RodgersHousehold
Heath KinderSelf
Heather WoodwardNASelf
Heather BeckSelfSelf
Heather Camrenselfself
Heather Clementsselfself
Heather ConroySelfSelf
Heather DaleySelfSelf
Heather DvorakA Baby PlaceNone
Heather HankinsFamilyFamily
Heather HillFamilyMy Family
Heather KatesSelf
Heather LingnerSelfself
Heather LoveSelf
Heather ManningSelfself
Heather McBrideSelfSelf and famly
Heather McCurrySELFSELF
Heather MossSelf
Heather NelsonNASelf
Heather PetersonSelf
Heather RayNo firm
Heather RussellMy familyMy family
Heather Schwartzrockfamilyfamily
Heather SharpSelf
Heather StallingsSelfSelf
Heather WodziakSelfSelf
Hector PerezSelf
Heidi MillerIllinois Resident
Heidi Rae KlekampIndividual
Helen HumannSelfSelf
Helen Seilerselfself
Helen WargoSelfSelf
Helena HuelkeMyselfMyself
Helena ObrochtaFamilyFamily
Helga LukcevicSelfSelf
Helga LukcevicSelfSelff
Henry DiefenbachSelfSelf
Henry Hinkleself
Henry JonesSelfSelf
Henry MistarzSelfMy Family
Hero Tamelingselfself
Hilary ReiffSelf Tax Payer
Hilary SopataSelfSelf
Hollie Shoupselfself
HollyCUSD 300
Holly GerhartMy familyMyself
Holly BarajasSelfCitizen
Holly EisenbergSelf
Holly joyceSelfSelf
Holly MakanoeichSelfSelf
Holly MershonSelf
Holly WatermannSelfMy family
Honore WoodsideSelf
Hope WaszSelfSelf
Hugh Gallaglyselfself
Hugo B Cordovaselfchildren
Hunter PaskertSelf
I van Wijkselfself
Ian Davisselfself
Ian HarrisSelf
Igor ShevchenkoNASelf
Ilene BrinerSelfself
Ilona LaRocheSelfSelf
Inga Dainiusselfself
Irene Aielloselfself
Irene MakropoulosSelfSelf
Iryna BrushSelfMy family
Iryna TatsenkoNASelf
Iryna ZhlobitskaSelfSelf
Isaac McAnallyselfSelf
Isaac VahlingNAself
Isabella LiaceSelfSelf
Isabella SchwagerSelf
Isak Nicholsselfself
Isla CiprianoselfNot a bot lover of choice
Isla CiprianoNot a bot lover of choiceLover of free choice
Ivan SalvaSelfSelf
Iwona PiwowarczykSelf
J PartykaSelfSelf
J Scott BarngroverSELFSELF
Jack CiprianoNot a bot lover of choiceLover of free choice
Jack CiprianoselfNot a bot lover of choice
Jack Hinkleselffamily
Jackie Burnsself
Jackie Drozdafamilyfamily
Jackie EkstromSelf
Jackie GerdesSelfMy family
Jackie GilbertNone
Jackie GrabarekSelfSelf
Jackie HaasNASelf
Jackie J KapcheckSelf
Jackie TamerSelfSelf
Jackson FritchMy familyMy family
Jackson KarstenSelfSelf
Jackson Thiemself
Jaclyn KneppSelf
Jaclyn ThompsonSelfSelf
Jacob Aaron Smithselfself
Jacob Clementsselfself
Jacob DallasSelfSelf
Jacob ForgeronNASelf
Jacob JuniaSelf
Jacob McAnallyselfSelf
Jacob ThompsonSelfSelf
Jacob TidwellSelfSelf
jacqueline GallowaySelfMy family
Jacqueline Kappermyselfmyself
Jacqueline KosirKosir familyKosir family
Jacqueline MantelSelfSelf
Jacqueline RisleySELFMy family
Jacqueline SkibbensSelfMy family
Jacqueline Stutsmanself
Jade Ponceselfself
Jagoda kompielMrs.My family and self
Jaime Bautistaselfself
Jaime HollandSelf
Jaime LewandowskiSelf
Jaime SchumacherSelf
Jairus Ponceselfself
jake corcoranself
Jake Fettingselfself
Jake HankinsFamilyFamily
Jake JacksonSelfSelf
Jake jathoNaSelf
Jakub MoravecFamilySelf
Jakub RusinSelfSelf
James A Klebenowself
James Aielloselfself
James AndersonSelfSelf
James BaileyAAA Heating & Cooling Inc
James BoneSelfSelf
James CiprianoNot a bot lover of choiceLover of free choice
James CiprianoselfNot a bot lover of choice
James ClemensSelf
James ClemensSelfSelf
James Cowellselfself
James CubberleySelf and familyFamily
James Daniel WoodResident
James DeYoungSelfSelf
James F Holderman IIISelfMy Family
James FoxSelfSelf
James GortnerFamily
James HafertepeSelfSelf and family
James HerrimanSelfSelf
James HopkinsNANA
James JodisonSelf
James KellerSelfSelf
James KirbySelf
James LedererSelfSelf
James LoganNAMyself
James Lymanself
James M JeffriesOn Behalf Of SelfSelf
James McKeeself
James McLuckieSelfSelf
James MillerTaxpayer
James MorsovilloSelfSelf
James NaughtonNaSelf
James Naughton JrNaSelf
James Nowakselfself
James PedersenResidentSelf
James PitzerSelfSelf
James RuskSelfMy Family
James StaplesSelfSelf
James Troskymy familyMy family
James UrickSelfMy Kids
James WascherSelfSelf
James Zumhagenself
Jami CarverselfFamily
Jamie BloughSelfMy Family
Jamie Busmanselfself
Jamie EberhardSelf
Jamie GraverFamilyMy family
Jamie MartinoFamilyFamily
Jamie NunnMy family
Jamie Racutt-PokryfkeSelfSelf
Jamie SchultzIL. Resident
Jamie ThomureSelf
Jammie Esker Schaerselfself
Jammie GourleySelfSelf
Jan DoveSelfSelf
Jan KlaasSelfMy Family
Jan MetkeSelfSelf
Jan TervydisSelfSelf
Jana KalkowskiSelf
Jana McAnallyselfself
Jancy AudetSelf
Jane BourkeSelf
Jane BrookesIC4ICSelf
Jane DidwayMy FamilyMy Family
Jane GordonSelf
Jane JohansenCitizenMyself
Jane PapadimitriouSchool Children of COVID 19 vaccine
Jane Thompsonselfself
Jane ZhangSelfSelf
Janeen BackesSelfSelf
Janeen ZaurSelfSelf
Janel BurkhartSelfSelf
Janelle BastianSelfSelf
Janelle BeckerSelfSelf
Janelle HustonRPS205
Janelle WojtczakMy familyMy Family
Janet BluhmSelf
Janet BoosterSelfSelf
Janet Hammself
Janet HarlowSelfSelf
Janet HendershotSelf
Janet LeighSelfSelf
Janet LopezSelf
Janet NoguchiNONE
Janet PolickySelfSelf
Janet StarrSelfSelf
Janet Vanneselfself
Janey H Tamelingselfself
Janice Clarkselfmy family
Janice DavernSelf
Janice DoyleSelfSelf
Janice FisherSelfSelf
Janice Shipmanselfself
Janie FoxSelf
Janine Downingmy familymy family
janke shulteselfself
Janness AbrahamNA
Jared LendySelf
Jared WolfParent of students
Jarrod BrandonSelfFor Husband
Jarrod CromwellFamilyFamily
Jarrod CunninghamSelfSelf
Jasmin Perezself
Jasmina RochesSelfMy family
Jasmine MaherSelfSelf
Jason AhonenselfMy family
Jason AlsobrookSELF
Jason AlsobrookSELFSelf
Jason AustinMy familyMy family
Jason Baugherselfself
Jason CegielskiNoneSelf
Jason ErnstFamilyFamily
Jason Hinkleparentfamily
Jason LassilaselfSelf
Jason MarshallSelfSelf
Jason MoodySelf
Jason PaganessiSelfSelf
Jason Paul FalejczykSelfSelf
Jason PoboznySelf
Jason RaisnerSelf
Jason SelfSelfSelf
jason SommerfeldSelf
Jason Strasserselfself
Jason Wengernonemyself
Jay GurelSelfSelf
Jay MilesConcerned parent
Jay MooreFamilyMy family
Jay PerlmanSelfMyself and Family
JD DiefenbachSelfSelf
Jean BolligerSelfSelf
Jean Hoganselfmyself and my family of 5
Jeanine BohanSelf
Jeanine Jahaskeselfself
Jeanne BrongeSelf
Jeanne DeYoungSelfSelf
Jeanne HedgepethSelf
Jeanne M VallemSelfSelf
Jeannette C Dysonself
Jeannie MarkionniHouseholdSelf
Jeff CalhounSelfSelf
Jeff HosfieldSelfSelf
Jeff Johnsonselfself
Jeff JonesSelfSelf
Jeff JudgeSelfSelf
Jeff KingMidland
jeff mytychselfself
Jeff OtterbySelfSelf
Jeff peeblesFamilyFamily
Jeff StenhouseSelfMy Family
Jeff WhitneySelfSelf
Jeffery BrownSelfFamily
Jeffrey and Cynthia GrantFamily
Jeffrey Andersenself
jeffrey j kapcheckSelf
Jeffrey JuniaSelf
Jeffrey KawaSelfSelf
Jeffrey MuellerSelfSelf
Jeffrey Smithselfself
Jen Freckmanselfself
jen kingselfself
Jen OtterbySelfSelf
Jena FisherSelf
Jenai GregoryMrs.Individual
Jenell JohnsonSelf
Jenelle AndersonMyselfMyself
Jenna FeigenSelfSelf
Jenni LeSeureselfLover of Free Choice
Jenni MartinelliSelfSelf
Jennie Shepherdselfself
Jennifer BrownSelfSelf
Jennifer A HellmerSELFMY FAMILY
Jennifer BarronSELFSELF
Jennifer Blanchardcitizen
Jennifer BrauchSelfSelf
Jennifer BullockJen bullock
Jennifer CoutureSelfSelf
Jennifer CruzSelfFamily
Jennifer CundiffChicago Health and Physical Therapy
Jennifer DahlSelfSelf
Jennifer dambrosioSelf
Jennifer DavisNoneSelf
Jennifer DiehlIndividualSelf
Jennifer DillonSelf
Jennifer DriscollSelf
Jennifer Edwards-SteffaniSelfSelf
Jennifer EmlingSelf
Jennifer FergusonNone
Jennifer Fioccaselfself
Jennifer FuhrmannSelfSelf
Jennifer HattenM3 EventsMyself
Jennifer HoganSelfMy family
Jennifer HongSelfSelf
Jennifer HughesSelfSelf
Jennifer HuntzickerSelfSelf
Jennifer JacksonSelf
Jennifer KatsoulisSelf
Jennifer Kilpatrickself
Jennifer L Parlierselfself
Jennifer LeeMy familyMy Family
Jennifer LucarzSelfSelf
Jennifer LuthySelfSelf
Jennifer MalinowskiYearself
Jennifer Massilloself
Jennifer MaySelfSelf
Jennifer McFaddenselfself
Jennifer McNicholasNa
Jennifer MillerSelf
Jennifer Millerselfself
Jennifer MooreSELF
Jennifer MooreSHCSHC
Jennifer MoriartyIndependent
Jennifer MoriartySelf
Jennifer MorrealeSelf
Jennifer MoseleyNAThe Moseley Family
Jennifer Mucciantiselfself
Jennifer MunsellSelfSelf
Jennifer MurraySelfSelf
Jennifer Nicholsselfself
Jennifer NottmeierNone
Jennifer Nowakselfself and citizens of illinois
Jennifer PaganessiSelfSelf
Jennifer PetersonSelfSelf
Jennifer ReedFamilyFamily
Jennifer Riceself
Jennifer RoosSelfSelf
Jennifer RyderRyder householdSelf and kids
Jennifer SebastianSelfSelf & children
Jennifer SewellSelfSelf
Jennifer SkuttaSelfSelf
Jennifer SkymSelfMy Family
Jennifer SommerSelfSelf
Jennifer ThompsonSelfSelf
Jennifer Vainisiself
Jennifer Vander MeerschSelfSelf
Jennifer VrabecSelfSelf
Jennifer WadeSelf
Jennifer WarnerSelfSelf
Jennifer WeaverSelfSelf
Jennifer Weglarzselfself
Jennifer WingstedtParent
Jenny GonzalezNASelf
Jenny GorskySelfSelf
Jenny Williamsselfself
Jeremy FritchMy familyMy family
Jeremy HeraufSelfSelf
Jeremy Lohmannonefamily
Jeremy Meekselffamily
Jeremy RamboSelfSelf
Jeri FalejczykSelfSelf
Jerod Williams Davisself
Jerry FurnishSelfFurnish family
Jerry Heinrichnoneself
Jerry SchippersSelfSelf
Jerry WestfallNoneMy son
jerzy trzcinskiSelfFamily
Jesse ErnstSelfSelf
Jesse millerSelf
Jesse ThompsonSelfSelf
Jessi RobertSelfSelf
Jessica Alyssa Pistoriusselfself
Jessica Anne McMahonSelf
Jessica BieleckiMyselfMyself
Jessica BrummelSelf IL resident
Jessica EwaldSelfMy family
Jessica FritchMy familyMy family
Jessica Karasekselfself
Jessica KolendaNone
Jessica LaReauSelfSelf
Jessica MahoneySelf
Jessica MorrisseySelfSelf
Jessica OtlewskkSelfSelf
Jessica PetersonSelfSelf
Jessica RitterSelfSelf
Jessica SanfilippoAntioch CCSD 34
Jessica SchererSelfSelf
Jessica SchnellSelf
Jessica SmosnaSelfSelf
Jessica StoutSelf
Jessica Wengernonemyself
Jessica WilsonSelfMy family
Jessica WolfMy FamilyMy Family
Jessie LongselfMy family
Jewel McClardMcClard Clan ConstructionFamily
Jill KraissSelfSelf
Jill BerscheidNANA
Jill CryderNoneSelf
Jill D HenrySelf
Jill JohnsonSelfSelf
Jill O'MalleyselfSelf
Jill RedaSelfSelf
Jill WestfallNoneMy son
Jill WhiteSelfSelf
Jillian JanickiSelf
Jim Aielloselfself
Jim BluhmSelf
Jim BohanSelf
Jim Condonselfself
Jim Costasselfself
Jim FisherSelfSelf
Jim HuntzickerSelfSelf
Jim Prestonnonemy family
Jim ProudfootSelfSelf
Jim SchinlerSelfSelf
Jin SimIndividualSelf
jo haydenselfself
Joan HoffmannSelfSelf
Joan KriebsSelfProponate
Joann Pancikselfself
Joanna Nika-HyptaSelfSelf
Joanna RusinSelfSelf
Joanna WiniarskiselfMY FAMILY
Joanna ZelayaSelfSelf
Joanne Forkinself
Joanne GastonSelf
Joanne IdaSelfFamily
Joanne ShannonSelf
Joanne SweeneySelfSelf
Jodi carlsonDeep in thyme
Jodi KautzSelf
Jodi L Millerselfself
Jody OltmanSelfSelf
Joe Hoffmann JrSelfSelf and Family
Joe EdmondsSelfSelf
Joe HughesSelfGod
Joe LynnSelfMy family
Joe McFaddenselfself
Joe MirusSelfSelf
Joe ReinhardSelfSelf
joe schulteselfself
Joe Sperabutcher
JoEllen TappendorfSelfSelf
Joey JonesSelfMyself and family
Joey LittleNASelf
Johanna BerghoferSelfSelf
Johanna StarrSelfSelf
Johannah Olsonselfself
John BlahusiakSelf
John bourqueSelfSelf
John BurkePersonal
John Cookselfself
John D GrahamSELF
John DiedrichselfSelf
John DriscollSelfSelf
John FlemingSelfSelf
John GastonSelf
John GiacominoResidentself
John hearndenNoneNone
John HoeferSelfSelf
John Hofstetterselfself
John HoniotesSelf
John JanickiSelf
john kinlenselffamily
John kopplelSelf
John LawlessJohn LawlessSelf
John LehockySelfSelf
John LoeschSelfSelf
John MajorSelf
John ManteSelfSelf
John McKinley LintonSelf
John Nowakselfself and citizens of illinois
John P McNicholasSelfSelf
John PanekSelfSelf
John PavlisMyself
John PrincipeSelf
John Schmidtself
John Severanceself
John Shipmanself
John SmosnaSelfSelf
john Solisselfself
John StrattonSelfSelf
John Von Arxselfself
John warrenselfself
John Zahosself
John ZirbesSelf
Jolanta SikoraMy familyMy family
JoMarie ShiresSelfSelf
Jon PfleegerParent
Jonathan Ebreoselfself
Jonathan KettleSelfSelf and family
Jonathan ThurberD205 Parent
Jonathon BresemanNASelf
Jonica McBridenoneself
Jordan Clayselfself
Jordan CunninghamSelfSelf
Jose FloresJose M Flores JrMy Family
Joseph MeyersSelfMy Family
Joseph A BarangoSelfSelf
Joseph BauersSelfSelf
Joseph BendaSelfSelf
Joseph Brinkerselfself
Joseph CoronaCity of Chicago
Joseph HaxtonFamilyFamily
Joseph HoffmannSelfSelf
Joseph J Von Arxselfself
Joseph KosmanSelf
Joseph LenahanNoneSelf
Joseph MucciantiSelfSelf
Joseph NorrisSelfSelf
Joseph P SkaffSelfSelf
Joseph R CorcoranSelfSelf
Joseph SandersSanders HouseholdSanders Household
Joseph sansonA & K
Joseph SchollMyselfFamily
Joseph SgarbossaSELFself
JOSEPH T HOARESpectrum Products, Inc
Joseph TetzlaffSelfMy Family & I
Joseph YoungYoung FarmsFamily
Josephine AttentoSelfFamily
Josephine ScumaciSelf
Josh BervenSelfSelf
Josh BoyerSelfMy family
Josh CournayaSelf
Josh HettSelf
Josh ItanoNoneSelf
Josh McDowellself
josh Youngselfself
Joshua AckertSelfSelf
Joshua ByersSelfSelf
Joshua DarlingNoneSelf
Joshua GurnseySelfSelf
Joshua HuckerUSAUSA
Joshua R Robisonselfmy family
Joshua SouchetSelfSelf
Joshua TroianoSelfSelf
Jourdan ChiakulasSelfelf
Jovana BursacSelf
Joy BihunFamily
Joy Schaefferpower tower pilates
Joyce AugustusSelfSelf
Joyce HebeinConstituentConstituent
Joyce Normanselfself
Joyce Smithself
Jozef PiwowarczykSelfSelf
JT FurnishselfFurnish family
Juan NavarroSelf
Juan SotoSelfSelf
Judith A Mooreself
Judith A SmallSelfSelf
Judith CastriconeSelfSelf
Judith FosterIllinois citizenMyself
Judith GierutSelfSelf
Judy Gibbsselfself
Judy HerschaFamilySelf
Judy McGowanNone
Judy NaughtonNaSelf
Julia A BarrySelf
Julia BeleutzSelf
Julia Belyavskayaself
Julia FosdickMy familyMy family
Julia L HolkenbrinkSelf
Julia Marquardtself
JULIA SowonikParent
Julian Patinoself
Juliann Mary LaRocqueMy Family
Julie AdamsSelf
Julie ArmstrongSelfSelf
Julie BauerSelf
Julie BotkinSelfSelf
Julie CaiseSelfSelf
Julie DanielsonSelfSelf
Julie DepaSelfMy Family
Julie HamelauSelfSelf
Julie HanniganselfSelf and Family
Julie HoustonFamily
Julie Loganselfself and family
julie mclaughlinMcLaughlin Chiropractic Clinic LTDMcLaughlin Chiropractic Clinic LTD
julie naglenaIL voter
Julie Nowakselfself
Julie RudeSelfMy Family
Julie Thiemself
Julie Vanderpoelselfself
Juliet CalabreseSelfSelf
Juliette FreyerParent of district 58 students
Juliette Hopmanstudentmy family
June HoltFamily
Justin Carlsonselffamily
Justin DoyleSelfSelf
Justin ErnstSelfSelf
Justin GrageSelfSelf
Justin GreeneSelfselg
Justin HollowaySelf-FamilySelf-Family
Justin JamesCcsd 59Self
Justin JohnsonNa
Justin Laibself
Justin OrsenoSelf
Justin ScherfNa
Justyna KisielFamily
Justyna WronkaSelf and my familySelf and my family
K PartykaSelfSelf
Kacie BiniakSelfSelf
Kaelan SmithSelfSelf
Kahla DavisSelfSelf
Kai lenciauskasselfSelf
Kaia SuttonSelfSelf
kaili schulteselfself
Kaitlin BrinkmeierFamilyFamily
Kaleigh CunninghamSelfNa
Kali FeverAiD
Kalin BuerSelfSelf
Kalli KaskovichSelf
Kanyanat MillerSelfSelf
Kara BakerSelfSelf
Kara BrodeurBrodeur FamilyMy Family
Kara HillSelfSelf
Kara J ArenaNASelf
Karen BertholdSelf
Karen CiprianoIllinois resident
Karen CollinsSelfFamily
Karen CubberleyMy familyFamily
Karen Dempseyself
Karen FoxSelf
Karen Grelaselfself
Karen GuidoSelf
karen Haberstockselfself
Karen Hagenselfself
Karen HannemanSelfMyself
Karen HealerSelfSelf
Karen HullingerSelf
Karen J LalagosSelfSelf
Karen KoserSelfSelf
Karen KowalczykNone
Karen Krollsekf
Karen kruseSelfSelf
Karen MansoSelf
Karen MarkertSelf
Karen MartinSelfSelf
Karen McAuliffeSelfSelf
Karen McClatchySelfSelf
Karen MundaySelfSelf
Karen OberlanderSelfSelf
Karen OlayoSelfSelf
Karen PerliaSelfSelf
Karen Portenselfself
Karen RednourCitizen
Karen SampsonSelf
Karen Schindlerselffamily
Karen ScudderSelf
Karen SimmonsSelfSelf
Karen ThomasSelfMy family
Karen ThomasonSelf
Karen TirioMcGOPac
Karen TrogliaSELF and FAMILY
Karen Walkerself
Karen WhitneySelfSelf
Karen WolffNASelf
Kari DuntemanSelfSelf
karina kinlenselffamily
Karine Gabriniselfself
Karissa McCallumFamilyFamily
Karissa ShemluckSelf
Karl AdenSelf
Karl ArmstrongSelfSelf and Family
Karl ForgeronNASelf
Karl Mensingnoneself
KARL W WELZselfself
Karla Greenselfself
Karla TeafoeSelfMy family
Karlie KrehbielSelf
Karon S ImpsonSelfSelf
Karyn BordenFamilySelf
Kasia PowroznikMrs.Myself and my family
Kasprzak AnneSelf
Katarzyna BlahusiakSelf
Katarzyna JanuszkoSelf
Katarzyna KowalczykSelf
Katarzyna LabnoSelf
Katarzyna LazarczukSelfSelf
Katarzyna ManteSelfSelf
Katarzyna RytSelf
Katarzyna SliwaMyself
Katarzyna SliwaMyselfFamily, myself
Katarzyna ToczekSelfMy family, self
Kate BoyleIndividual
Kate DerricoSelfSelf
Kate DeWittSelf
Kate DiMarcoselfhousehold
Kate Walshselfself
Kate WojcikSelfSelf
Katelyn BrushSelf
Katerina AvgerinosSelfSelf
Katharina McCollumSelf
Katherine AndraskiSelf
Katherine BeegunSelf and familySelf and family
Katherine CavanaghCitizen
Katherine EricksonSelfSelf
Katherine FelzSelfSelf
Katherine FranklinSelf
Katherine GilmanSelf
Katherine GroppeSelfSelf
Katherine JaneckoSelf
Katherine MeisterAmerican CitizenSelf
Katherine MistarzSelfMy Family
Katherine MurschelHouseholdMyself not a bot
Katherine SilvaySelfSelf
katherine StevensHealthcare workerHealthcare worker
Katherine SutterSelfSelf
Katherine Valerugoselfself
Katherine VanDeWegheSelf
Katherine Wlodarski.Wlodarski family
Kathie Faveroselfamerica
Kathleen ChristianIllinois Citizen
Kathleen Cordovaselfchildren
kathleen HARRINGTONselfself
Kathleen HigginsSelfSelf
Kathleen JonesSelfMyself and family
Kathleen Kaufmanselfself
Kathleen m valentineSelfMy family
Kathleen MacKinnonSelf
Kathleen McAuliffeSelf
Kathleen McGovernSelf
Kathleen Meyers-GroppeSelfSelf
Kathleen OReillyself
Kathleen Quinnselfself
Kathryn A McVeighSelfSelf
Kathryn AlvearSelfSelf
Kathryn ChapmanMy FamilyMy Family
Kathryn DolanSelf
Kathryn FroehlichSELF
Kathryn HunterFamy
Kathryn KirbySelf
Kathryn L DietzenSelf
Kathryn LuxtonSelfSelf
Kathryn M Gillispieself
Kathryn M TalbotSelfSelf
Kathryn MuellerSelfSelf
Kathryn RespassSelfSelf
Kathryn RileyNAMyself
Kathryn RodriguezSelfSelf
Kathryn SubjectSelfMy Family
Kathryne PirtleSelfSelf
Kathyselfmy family
kathy augustynskiFull cycle accounting, ability to wear multiple hats, entrepreneurial problem solverFamily
Kathy Bowmanselfself
Kathy Brownselfself
Kathy CernickSelfSelf
Kathy DyjakSelfSelf
Kathy KramerSelfSelf
Kathy LandisSelfSelf
Kathy LybargerX
Kathy MoraFamily
Kathy NelsonSelfSelf
Kathy PavlisSelf
Kathy PerrettaSelfSelf
Kathy WonsowskiFamilyFamily and self
Katie AllisonSelf
Katie AssellCitizenSelf
Katie BrocatoSelfSelf
Katie CollinsSelfSelf
Katie DavisSelfMy family
Katie DieboldSelf
Katie DillSelfSelf
Katie EvansSelfSelf
Katie GurnseySelfSelf
Katie HowellSelfSelf
Katie Knableselfself
Katie MatutisSelf
Katie MillerSelf
katie Muellerselfself
Katie NewbergerSelfFamily
Katie PetriwSelfSelf, Family
Katie SharpSelf
Katie Sleighselfself
Katie TwohySelfSelf
Katie WesterkampSelfSelf
Katie ZinkSelfPeople of Illinois
Katrina Steffesselfmy family
Katy KidwellSelfSelf
Kay AkinsSelf
Kayah MendochaSelfSelf
Kayla BlakesleeSelfSelf
Kayla Cowellselfself
Keegan ShemluckSelf
Keira BoydSelf
Keith BebonisNoneNone
Keith EllettSelfSelf
Keith MunsellSelfSelf
Keith OwanoSelfSelf
Keith Paarenselfself
Keith RitterSelfSelf
Keith Seabergnaself
Keli DudekSelf
Kelli DiGilioSelf
Kellie HazlettParent
Kellie JohnsonSelf
KellyselfMY FAMILY
Kelly BroganMyselfMy self
Kelly BallMy familyMyself
Kelly BourisSelf
Kelly BridgemanSelfSelf
Kelly CarlsonSelfSelf
Kelly CarlsonSelf and FamilySelf and Family
Kelly DouglassSelfSelf
Kelly FosterSelf
Kelly HokenessSelf
Kelly KeeganSelfSelf
Kelly KirbyMrs
Kelly LotrietSelfMy family
Kelly MendozaSelffamily
Kelly MetkeSelfSelf
Kelly NelsonSelfSelf
Kelly NordlieSelf
Kelly RhodesSelf
Kelly RowdenSelf
Kelly S JohnsonSelfself
Kelly ScottFamilyFamily
Kelly SegretiSelfMe & my beautiful family
Kelly Shermanselfself
kelly slagleselfself
Kelly SmithFamilyFamily
Kelly SmithSelfSelf
Kelly Synowiec-Moroneyselfself
Kelly TenutaSelf
Kelly VielSelfMy Family
Kelly WolakSelfSelf
Kelsey CollinsSelfSelf
Kelsey JonesSelfSelf
Kem L WilsonSelfMy family
Kema AlyoSelfSelf
Ken KeeganSelfSelf
Ken Schroepferself
Kendall PriceAurora Chiropracticself
Kendra JudgeSelfSelf
Kendra RenfroeNa
Kenna Hartianself
Kennard Lee WottowaLatitude Partners
Kenneth catesSelfSelf
Kenneth J Willeynoneself- parent, grandparent
Kenneth Kevin TworekSelfMy Family
Kenny DoubetNaSelf
Kent Alexander RobbenSelf
Kent WilliamsSelfSelf
Kerri FullerSelfSelf
Kerri Hoodselfmy children
Kerri KovelSeftSelf
Kerri WeissSelf
Kerry CromackFamilyFamily
Kerry Hessself
Kevin AdleySelf
Kevin AugustusSelfSelf
Kevin BarbierSelfMy Family
Kevin BristolSelfSelf
Kevin ClarkSelfSelf
Kevin DobrzynskiThe Fitness Doctor LLCself
Kevin dunneSelf
Kevin EdwardsSelfSelf
kevin fordselfmyself
Kevin G Krallnoneself
Kevin IscraNASelf
Kevin JohnsonSelf D205 Parent
Kevin LemanSelfSelf
Kevin McLindenself
Kevin MetkeSelfSelf
Kevin Moyerself
Kevin O PritchettMyselfMyself
Kevin ObrienSelf
Kevin ryanselfpersonal
Kevin SchoeberleNone
Khanh NguyenSelfMy Family
Kiefer KaskovichSelf
Kiersten Davisselfmy family
kiersten humboldtself
Kiersten JacksonMyselfMyself
Kim BrahmSelf
Kim CalabriaFamily
Kim DuerkopSelfSelf
Kim FlanaganSelfSelf
Kim GoodallSelfSelf
Kim GravesSelfSelf
Kim IaffaldanoSelf
Kim JanickiSelf
Kim KenneySelfSelf
Kim Kolbertnoneself
Kim McLuckieSelfSelf
Kim McQuillanSelfSelf
Kim Periman-BurtonSelf
Kim R WynnSelfSelf
Kim sarrosSelfSelf
Kim SechristSelf
Kim SzalkusselfSelf
Kim TworekSelfMy Family
Kimber Brownself
Kimberly Andersenself
Kimberly AntonelliSelf
Kimberly BairdSelfSelf
Kimberly BernerSelf
Kimberly BrownMy FamilyMy Family
Kimberly BurkettSelfSelf
Kimberly BurnsFamily
Kimberly CantwellIndividual
Kimberly Cookself
Kimberly CorleySelfself
Kimberly D Burkettself
Kimberly D Burkettselfself
Kimberly FayNoneSelf
Kimberly KatheSelfSelf
Kimberly LabickiNone
Kimberly LagunasSelfSelf
Kimberly LaugtugSelfSelf
Kimberly LavinNa
Kimberly LigunasSelfFamily
Kimberly MillerSelfSelf
Kimberly Reelandnana
Kimberly RoseSelf
Kimberly TylerSelfMy household
Kimberly WittmayerNurseMyself
Kimberly WolfSelfMy family
Kinga Gawle-JanikSelfSelf
Kinga MusialSelfSelf
Kinga PerhonFamilyFamily
Kinsay SmithSelf
Kirk Alan OrelupSelfSelf
Kirsten PjeskySelf
Klaudia ToczekSelfMy family, self
Klayton BotkinSelfSelf
Konstantina MavropoulosSelf
Koreena haireSelf
Korey EndressSelfSelf
Korrel CrawfordSelf
Korry ThomasSelfSelf
Kory McAllisterMyselfMyself
Kraig McDermottNoneSelf
Kris DoubetNa
Kris Feddorpersonalself
Kris ReetzSelf
Kris RogdeSelfSelf
Kris Zagerselfself
Krissy Nielsen-LombardiMyselfMyself
Krista SheldonFamilyFamily
Kristal MooreSelfSelf
Kristan Hansonself
Kristen ErnstFamilyFamily
Kristen Eschselfself
Kristen MilaniSELFIllinois Parents Union
Kristen MittsSelfSelf
Kristen RobertsSelfMy family.
Kristen RosenbergSELFSelf
Kristen SmithSelfSelf
Kristen StaffordSelfSelf
Kristi KendzieSelfSelf
Kristi KittelSelf
kristi macekselfself
Kristi NiedzwieckiSelf
Kristi TippieSelfIllinoisans For Medical Freedom
Kristie BernhardSelfFire Pritzker
Kristin Ballengerselfmy family
Kristin BeringerNA
Kristin BrustNASelf
Kristin CunninghamSelf
Kristin EricksonNA
Kristin FoxSelfFamily
Kristin FrostSelfSelf
Kristin Horbachself
Kristin JaniszewskiSelfKristin Janiszewski, Mike Janiszewski, Avery Janiszewski, Michael Janiszewski
Kristin JonesSelf
Kristin JuniaSelf
Kristin MantelNoneSelf
Kristin RouthieauxSelfSelf
Kristin RusSelf
Kristin SkeltonMy SelfMy Self.
Kristin Solisselfself
Kristin ThirionSelfMy Family
Kristin TrevinoSelfSelf
Kristina BalciunasSelf
Kristina Govorovskaselfself
Kristina Healyselfself
Kristina JurkovicSelfSelf
Kristina KellerSelfSelf
Kristina Nevilleselfself
Kristina WingSelfSelf
Kristine BrownSelfFamily
Kristine RentschNASelf
Kristine RogdeSELF
Kristine SchlichtPersonal
Kristopher IwanskiSelfSelf
Kristy Corteseselfself
Kristy HaywoodSelfSelf
Kristy PfefferSelfSelf
Kristy ThurberD205 Parent
Krysta LlerezaSelfSelf and My family
Krystina JovicSelfSelf
krystyna trzcinskaselfFamily
Krzysztof KolczynskiSelfSelf
Krzysztof kompielMyselfMy famile and myself
Krzysztof ParaSelf
Krzysztof Slipeckinaself
Krzysztof WojcikSelfSelf
Kurk JonawaySelfSelf
Kurt JohnsonSelfSelf
Kurt KudelkaSelfMy Family taxpayers
Kurt PepperellSelfSelf
Kurt PfefferSelfSelf
Kyla Smithself
Kyle HulsebusSelfSelf
Kyle Nowakselfself
Kyle S FloydThe Floyd Familyself
Kyle Toenjesself
Kyli KaufmannseflMy family
Kyna Corleyselfself
Kyndal Corleyselfself
L van Wijkselfself
Laimutis Lenciauskasselfself
Lana KanekoSelf
Lana NotteSelf
Lara SolonickneMy familyMy family
Larissa AkrawiLarissa Akrawi
Larry DidwayMy FamilyMy Family
Larry DyjakSelfSelf
Larry FosdickMy familyMy family
Larry J TappSelf
Larry Oppriechtnone
Larry WilsonSelfSelf
Latasha Fieldsfamily
Latosha BowlinNoneSelf
Laura BachenbergSelfSelf
Laura BrunoSelfFamily
Laura DeYoungSelfSelf
Laura FoxSelfSelf
Laura G VrandericSelfSelf
laura henriksonSelfSelf
Laura HidalgoSelfSelf
Laura La PorteSelf
Laura LaneSelfSelf
Laura LaswellSelfSelf
Laura McAuliffeSelfSelf
Laura MillerSelf
Laura PerezIC4ICMyself
Laura S Klebenowself
Laura SanfilippoSelf
Laura ShaySelf
Laura SotoSelf
Laura SutterSelfSelf
Laura ValeciaSelfSelf
Laura Vandercarnoneself
Laura Williamsself
Laura WilsonNA
laura zenkerselfself
LauraDeAthSwank Creek Farm
Laurel BraunschweigSelf
Laurel LaLondeSelfSelf
Laurel MazeSelfSelf
Lauren GussSelf employed
Lauren KellySelf
Lauren Marquardtself
Lauren VielSelfMy Family
Laurie Bernardiniself
Laurie BianchettaMyselfSelf
Laurie GeibSelf
Laurie GorvettSelf
Laurie NourseSelf
Laurie WhitakerNONEFamily
Lawrence GierutSelfSelf
Lawrence John BieszczadNone
Leah BrittonSelf
Leah HoppesSelf
Leah JohansenCitizenMyself
Leah Kochfamilyfamily
Leah Williamsselfself
Leann TaylorSelf
Leanna BahwellSelf
LeAnna LynnSelf
Lee DansonOn behalf of Self
Lee StahlSelf
Leigh Ann BoscarinoSELFSELF
Leigh Anne RohlSelfSELF
Leigh K MinasianselfMy Family
Leigh Kossmanselfself
Lesley CoxSelf
Lesley HillSelfFamily
Leslie Blasgenselfself
Leslie FrenkSelfSelf
Leslie HunterSelf employed
Leslie Kruserself
Leslie MorganSelfSelf
Leslie Perezself
Leslie RobbinsParent
Leslie WillisSelfSelf
Lesly TisdaleFamilySelf and family
Leszek MalowanskiSelfSelf
Letta KochalisSelfSelf
Levi LuxtonSelfSelf
Levi Shepherdselfself
Levi WagnerSelfSelf
Leviana MoodySelf
Lewis C MantelsNASelf
Liam LaRocheSelfSelf
Liam Nicholsselfself
Lieselotte ForgeronNASelf
Lilian HaleSelfself
Liliana peeblesFamilyFamily
Liliya YampolskayaNeitherMy family
Lillie BernhardSelfSelf
Lily Blasgenselfself
Linda AyresSelfSelf
Linda BaaskeSelfSelf
Linda Calzadaselfself
Linda Carrollselfself
Linda ChiaroSelf
linda cranSELF
Linda DickersonFamilyFamily
Linda DoubetNaSe6
Linda FuggerFamily
Linda JacksonSelf
Linda JohnsonSelfFamily
Linda KolevSelfSelf
Linda Kozaknonenone
Linda L Latoneself
Linda LaFrancisselfSelf
Linda MurphyMyselfMyself
Linda OBrienSelf
Linda ProudfootSelfSelf
Linda S Gabrilonone
Linda SaboResident
Linda SamutaSelfSelf
Linda SanzeriMy FamilyMy Family
Linda sronkoskiNa
Linda WilkieHouseholdHousehold
Linda Woodself
Lindsay GarciaSelf
Lindsay krusSelfMy family
Lindsay RathbunNoneMy Family
Lindsey SandersSelf
Lindy EndressSelfSelf
Linnea Beanselfself
Linnea Christine Muellerself
Linnea OmholtSelfSelf
Linsdey E Handrinosfamily
Lisa ArenasSelfSelf
Lisa BattinSelfIllinois Voter
Lisa BluntNAMyself
Lisa BoiliniSelfSelf
Lisa Bolandselfself
Lisa BonvillainPrivate
Lisa BrinkerLisa M. Brinkerself
Lisa BussSelf
Lisa ClarkSelfSelf
Lisa ElertFamilyFamily
Lisa FraineySelfSelf
Lisa FredricksonSelfSelf
Lisa GiannoneSelfFamily
Lisa GoodePharmacy PlusParent
Lisa GravenCitizenFamily
Lisa HavenerSelfSelf
Lisa HerrmannSelf
Lisa HornSelfSelf
Lisa Houtchens-MohanSelfSelf
Lisa HultmarkSelf
Lisa JuarezFamily
Lisa Krallnoneself
Lisa KuehnSelf
Lisa KurczSelfSelf
Lisa M Brunsself
Lisa M BrunsselfSelf
Lisa M ChristopherFamilyMy family
Lisa M MackPersonal Cardself
Lisa M SeskoNASelf
Lisa MaherHome
Lisa McGregorHouseholdSelf
Lisa McNeeleySelfself
Lisa MiskaSelfSelf
Lisa PhillipsSelfMyself
Lisa ReckerSelfSelf
Lisa ReichertSelfFamily
Lisa RiveraSelfSelf
Lisa SchauSelfSelf
Lisa SjordalSelf
Lisa ThompsonMy Family
Lisa WadlerFamilySelf
lisa yerkesself
Lisette SantillanesMy family
Lissette GuzmanSelfSelf
Liz HeywoodSelf
Liz MurphySelf
Liz YoreSelf
Logan HankinsFamilyFamily
London peeblesFamilyFamily
Lora KaterSelfSelf
Lora MorsovilloSelfSelf
Loredana BecheanuSelf
Lorel CunninghamSelfSelf
Lorelee Majornot applicable
Loretta ReveszSELF
Lori DownenSelf
Lori ItanoNoneSelf
Lori Magistrelliself
Lori MillerSelf
Lori Powellselfself
Lori RichardsSelf
Lori RodriguezSelfSelf
Lori ScherfNa
Lori SchippersSelfSelf
Lori SheahanRetired
Lori VerhulstSelfSelf
Lori WhiteNoneSelf
Lori Woodcockself
Lori YoungSelfSelf
Lorirae FurstSelfSelf
Lorne D GushiniereSelf
Lorraine JonesSelf
Lorri ZbinovecNoneSelf
Louis InendinoSelfSelf
Louis BendaSelfSelf
Louis F ParkerSelf
Louis SotoSelf
Louis VicelliSelf
Louisa BattinSelfSelf
Lourdes ReynoldsSelfSelf
Luba ReznikovaSelfSelf
Lubav ReznikovaSelfSelf
Lucas Ahonenselfself
Lucas BrownSelf
Lucas Hapunikselfself
Lucas KirbySelf
Lucas Nicholsselfself
Lucas OsborneFuzzy brothers llc
Lucia MurdzaSelfSelf
Luciana AlanaziSelf
Lucie MoravecFamilySelf
lucinda warrenself
Luetta WeichertSelfSelf
Luis CancioNASelf
Lukasz A WalegaSelfMy family
Lukasz czechuraselfSelf
Lukasz WojtowiczSelfSelf
Luke Matthew SgarbossaSELFSelf
Luke Naughtonselfself
Luke SatterleeSelfMy family
Luke Schmidtselfself
Luna Mikelselfself
Lupita SignorellaSelfSelf
Lydia Walknone
Lyn Doeringmy familyself
Lyn NovelliSelfSelf
Lynda WaddickSelfmy family
Lynette BendaSelfSelf
Lynn EsserSelfSelf
Lynn FergusonSelf
Lynn FergusonSelfSelf
Lynn GozdeckiSelfSelf
Lynn LindellSelf
Lynn Lohmannone
Lynn MatyasSelf
Lynn WellmanHousehold
Lynn WilsonNAself
M ChlebekSelfMy family
M Lee DahlheimSelfSelf
M Vito SpadafinoSelf
Maci Slayselfself
Mackenzie Fresonself
Madeleine Lymanselfself
Madeline RuszSelf
Madelyn D FlahertySELFSELF
Madison BillingsSelfSelf
Madison Fresonself
Madison Garciaselfself
Maeve GroppeSelfSelf
Magdalena GryglakSelf
Magdalena Seniunasfamilyfamily
Magdalena Wawer-GrotkowskaMy familyMy family
Magen FolkSelfFamily
Maggie DanielSelf
Maggie KinnFamilyKinn Family
Maja SandsSelfSelf - Individual
Malena KellerSelfLover of Free Choice
Malgorzata WrobelSelf
Mali Patinoself
Malia NoguchiSelfMe and my family. Humanity.
Mallory GalloSELF
Mallory RentschNASelf
Manfredo Winton-SortoSelfSelf
Manuel Calzadaselfself
Marc BuschnyjSelf
Marcel BorceanFamily
Marcela SaldanaselfFAMILY
Marcell StrbichSelf and Family of 3
Marcella CheaureSelfSelf, my children, my family
Marci E Bohnertself
Marcia BornerSelfSelf
Marcia E Sailsburynone
Marcia MoranSelf
Marcia SchattauerNAself
Marcin SzaflarskiSelfMy family
Marcin WisniewskiNone
Marco LiaceSelfSelf
Marcos A LopezSelfSelf
Marcos A Lopez IISelfSelf
Marcus GilmanSelf
Marcy WalshSelf
Marek DudekSelf
Margaret AckertSELFSELF
Margaret BeierwaltesSelf
Margaret BridgewaterFamily
Margaret ChlystekHouseholdSelf
Margaret Cipollaselfself
Margaret GagliardoSelf
Margaret J Klebenowself
Margaret JoAnn SommersSelf
Margaret KeeveSelf
Margaret maioranoBrass duck hospitality
Margaret PernerSelfSelf
Margaret RaderSelfSelf
Margaret Showalterself
Margaret WargoSelfSelf
Margarita MatlisSelfSELF
Margot DallstreamSelfFamily
marguerite HARRINGTONselfself
Mari FerrazzuoloSelfSelf
MariaNew City Community Church
Maria AielloSelf
Maria BovioIllinois Coalition for informed consentSelf
Maria CorreaSelf
Maria D BovioSelf
Maria FonNone
Maria GarciaSelfSelf
Maria HolikFamilyFamily
Maria Janasovamyselfmyself
Maria Karamitsosselfself
Maria KrolSelfSelf
Maria LindstromFamilyFamily
Maria McMahonSelf
Maria PapageorgiouFamily
Maria PlonkaSelfSelf
Maria RafidiaSelfSelf
Maria SchreiberSelfSelf
Maria SliwaSelfSelf
Maria SoteloCPS
Maria Zacharias-OszajecSelf
Marian Janasmyselfmyself
Mariann JohnstonSelfSelf
Marianne Hopmanmy familymy family
marianne wilhusenselfself
Marie DanielSelf
Marie GerthSelf
Marie GroppeSelfSelf
Marie HatlandSelfSelf
Marie Littleselfself
Marie Longoselfself-family
Marie QuintanaselfSelf
Marie SchnaitmanSelf
Marie WaymelNA
Marija Goichpersonal
Marilyn FurnishsselfFurnish family
Marilyn Hanniganselfself
Marilyn Prestonnonemy family
Marina IdzikSelfSelf
Marina Molendaself
Marina ShustermanSelf
Mariola DziedzicSelfSelf
Marion BuffardiMarion Buffardiself
Marion CainSelf
Marion Combsselfself
Marisa GorbettSelfMy family
Marisa RousselSelf
Marisela UrbinaHousehold
Marissa HallNoneSelf
Marius Seniunasfamilyfamily
Mark Boryszewskiselfself
Mark BoryszewskiSelf
Mark DepaSelf
Mark Holtschlagselfself
Mark JohlerSelf
mark koenigselfself
Mark KollarSelfSelf
Mark LandersSelfSelf
Mark LigunasSelfFamily
Mark LundquistSelfSelf
Mark MalinowskiYearself
Mark MellensSelf
Mark NotteSelf
Mark Peppingself
Mark Powellselfself
Mark ReckowskyNot applicableSelf
Mark SvendsenSelfSelf
Mark TrappZion-Concord Lutheran School
Mark Zumhagenself
Marla Mussononemy family
Marla SgarbossaselfSelf
Marla WalczakSelfSelf
Marlena VandercarNoneself
Marlene Annerinoon behalf of selfself
Marlo RiveraSelfSelf and family
Marlon RodriguezSelfSelf
Marsha McClarynot applicableself
Marsha MilesMyselfMyself
Marsha ShipleyselfMy family
Marta Johnson Lettofskynone
Martha GreeleySelfSelf
Martha HanesSelfSelf
Martha LiaceSelfSelf
Marty HighSelf
Mary Von Arxselfself
Mary AdenSelf
Mary AdleySelfSelf and children
Mary Ann MikolajczakSelfSelf
Mary Ann VitoneselfThe Citizens of Illinois
Mary Anne Prostselfself
Mary Anne QuintanaSelfSelf
Mary Augustynselfself
Mary Beth HoppSELFSELF
Mary Beth PressleyNA
Mary BohneSelfSelf
Mary BoustanySelf
Mary Bradyselfself
Mary CarlisleSelfSeld
Mary Carmen Vera Shababyselfself
Mary CurtisPersonal
Mary DoetschSelfSelf
Mary DriscollNASelf
Mary Dumasself
Mary Ellen Fitzgibbonshousehold
Mary Ellen NeriSelf
Mary EnglertNA
Mary FrierdichNA
Mary Gorskiselfself
Mary GossFishers of men academySelf
Mary Graneself
Mary Hsuehselfself
Mary JohnsonSelf
Mary Kate AlbrechtSelf
Mary KatesSelf
Mary KennedyRetired
Mary Lymanmom
Mary Lymanself
Mary MaxeySelfSelf
Mary MellensSelf
Mary NelsonSelfSelf
Mary Neubeckerselfself
Mary PlepelSELF
Mary Powellselfself
Mary PulliNone
Mary RitterSelfSelf
Mary RogersMissy's Maid Service, Inc.
Mary RossowSelfself
Mary UmentumSelfSelf
Mary Yolanda Veranoneself
Maryalice Dewbrayselfchildren
Maryalice DewbraySelfChildren and teachers
Maryam Ahsan ForgeronNASelf
maryann hightowerselfself
Maryanna RoddelMy Daily Choice
MaryBeth DietmeyerNAParents of school ages children
MaryKate MartinelliFamilySelf
Masahiko MatsushitaSelf
Mason HopfnerNASelf
Mason McCormickSelfSelf
Mateo A LopezSelfSelf
Mateusz Wochself
Matt BertrandSelfSelf
Matt HallsteinMcHenry County College
Matt HoganSelfSelf
Matt HuffnusSelfSelf
matt McAnallyselfSelf
Matt McLaughlinSelf
Matt MooreSelfSelf
Matt ThompsonSelf
Matthew Clemensself
Matthew EnglertNA
Matthew GreenbergWest Suburban WellnessSelf
Matthew J McDermottselfself & children
Matthew JohannsMy Familyfamily
Matthew Johnsonselfself
Matthew KernOne of the people as recognized by the Illinois ConstitutionSelf
Matthew Lemanselfself
Matthew Lindbergfamilyfamily
Matthew M ArenaNASelf
Matthew Merrittselfself
Matthew Mikelselfself
Matthew MorsovilloSelfSelf
Matthew PetersonSelfSelf
Matthew Powellselfself
Matthew RetzlaffSelfMy Family
Matthew SommerselfFamily and I
Matthew SoraparuSelfSelf
Matthew SriverFamilyFamily
Matthew ToczekSelfMy family, self
Matthew W Fridleyselfself
Matthew WaggonerselfSelf
Matthew WaiteSelfMy family
Maureen BarnesSelfSelf
Maureen CooneyGrady Cooney Speech Partners Ltd
Maureen FisherSelfMy Family
Maureen KenneallyFamily
Maureen RafalinSelfSelf
Maureen Severanceselfself
Maureen ShafferCitizen
Maurissa BrownParent
Maxwell Anlikerself
Meagan Begleynaself
Meagan CaliendoSelf & familySelf & family
Meagan LockSelf
Meaghan Clemensself
Meejung Jane ParkselfSelf
Meg AbnerSelfSelf
Megan Barclayselffamily
Megan BrunetResident
Megan ConnollySelf
Megan E norrisself
Megan FredonaSelf
Megan HowrigonSelfself
Megan JablonskiSelfSelf
Megan KeilNot available
Megan KurczSelfSelf
Megan MoranIC4ICSELF
Megan T QuenzerSelfMy family
Megan TinsleyMyself and family
Megan wallsSelf
Meggan Lyonsnaour children
Meghan BrandonSelfFor daughter
Meghan BrennanSelf
Meghan GargasSelfSelf
Meghan OstrekoselfMy children
Meghan RyeSelfMy family
Meghan Schmidtself
Melanie AntonacciSelf
Melanie BrinkmanSelf
Melanie BungerSelf
Melanie Burnsself
Melanie DevoreNoneSelf
MELANIE DiedrichselfSelf
Melanie GurelSelfSelf
Melanie hawkinsSelfSelf
Melanie M VanderLaanSatori Energy
Melanie RodgersSelfSelf
Melanie RoyNASelf
Melanie WorkmanSelf
Melinda I Rhodesself
Melissa Bodziochselfself
Melissa CortezSelf
Melissa FergusonSelf
Melissa GrimshawSelfMyself and my family
Melissa HaydenSelf
Melissa HeerenTeam Good Vibes, LLCSelf
Melissa HigginsMother
Melissa Jacksonselfself
Melissa JaegerJaeger FamilyJaeger Family
Melissa kaskovichSelf
Melissa KeeganSelfSelf
Melissa Kidderfamilyfamily
Melissa Lamekaconcerned parentMy children in D205
Melissa Leavellselfself
Melissa LewisSelfSelf
Melissa MandarichSelfSelf
Melissa MorrisonSelfSelf
Melissa NamSelfFamily
Melissa Pintoself
Melissa SelfSelfSelf & Family
Melissa Shimerselfself
Melissa Smithself
Melissa SnyderMy FamilyMy Family
Melissa Strasserselfself
Melissa WalshSelf
Melissa WengerNA
Melissa ZeagerSelfself
Melissia JacobsenSelf
Melody McClurena
Melody Thomasselfself
Meribeth DunsmoorSELFMy Family
Merissa A HubertSelf
Micah HETTSelf
Michael JurczewskiSelfSelf
Michael a saboMyself
Michael AntonelliSelf
Michael BarngroverSelfSelf
Michael Bautistaselfself
Michael Beckerself
Michael BelkeFamily
Michael C JurczewskiSelfSelf
Michael Chiovariselfself
Michael ConnollySelfMy Family
Michael DanaherSelf
Michael DeCaignyFamily
Michael DunbarSelfSelf
Michael E BorenSelf
Michael EmbachFamily
Michael FidanziaselfSelf
Michael FrancoSelfSelf
Michael GardnerselfMy family
Michael GarwoodSelfSelf
Michael GravattSelfSelf
Michael Hansonselfself
Michael HarringtonSelfSelf
Michael HaugSelfself
Michael HessFamilyFamily
Michael HillSelfMy family
Michael Ivan MergleVtehk
Michael J LoperSelfSelf
Michael James GardnerselfMy family
Michael James Salerno Jrselfself
Michael Jamison Bautistaselfself
Michael JenningsSelf
Michael KochanskiCelar Chiropracticself and family
Michael KowalchukSelf
Michael Kroplewskiselfself
Michael KutaSelfSelf
Michael LazzaroniFortitude International, LLC
Michael LynchSelfMy family
Michael McBridenoneself
Michael MulveyMy familyMy family
Michael Nashselfon behalf of self
Michael NowakowskiSelf
Michael PhillipsSelf
Michael ProchaskaSelf
Michael QuintanaMind Body Balance ClinicMind Body Balance Clinic
Michael RafalinSelfSelf
Michael SandsSelfSelf - Individual
Michael SerinoSelfSelf
Michael ShannonNo
Michael SladeSelfSelf
Michael SmosnaSelfSelf
Michael StephensSelf
Michael SzczepaniakSelfSelf
Michael V PardoJCI
Michael WargoSelfSelf
Michael WasielewskiNone
Michael WilleSelfSelf
Michaela Rosenbaumselfself
Michele GwathmeySelfSelf
Michele HeckermannSelfHousehold
Michele L DoyleSelfSelf
Michele LambelSelfSelf
Michele MorganMy FamilyMy Family
Michele Stuglisself and familyself and family
Michelle AaronSelf
Michelle BaccariniSelfSelf
Michelle BoydSelf
Michelle FettnerMy FamilySelf
Michelle GadSelf
Michelle Gatsesnoneself
Michelle Grimestadselfself
Michelle Guedea-MartinezSelfSelf and family
Michelle HanSelfMy family
Michelle HarkenSelf
Michelle Hernandez-BurkeFamily
Michelle HollockSelfSelf
Michelle K PerezSelf
Michelle KempfSelf
Michelle L JohnsonSelfSelf
Michelle LangworthySelfSelf
Michelle LukeSelf
Michelle MerrittSelfself
Michelle NicoletSelfSelf
Michelle NiehausRegistered VoterOn behalf of self and family
Michelle OliverSelf
Michelle ParishSelf
Michelle PrescherSelfSelf
Michelle SchrockSelf
Michelle SchultzSelf
Michelle SerinoSelfSelf
Michelle TrenerySelf
Michelle WeigandtSelf
Mieke Jacobsselfself
Miguel RosalesHousehold
Mikah WattsSelfMy family
Mike Cioe SrSelf
Mike DearthSelfFamily
Mike Dumasself
mike kochanskiselfself
Mike MarcheseSelf
Mike MiskinSelfFamily
Mike MoranSelf
Mike OGradySelfSelf
Mike Quinnselfself
Mike SallSelf
Milan VrabecSelfSelf
Miles Johnsonselfself
Milosava BulajicSELF
Milton ZavalaSelfself
Mindie Walkerselfself
Mindy ShaferSelfSelf
Miner LawrenceSelf
Mira FrancoSelfSelf
Miranda BrushSelfSelf
Miranda JungeSelfSelf
Miranda MarshallSelfSelf
Miranda SpragueSelfSelf
Miriam R BauersSelfSelf
Mitchell WhiteSelfMitchell
Molly DonovanSELFSELF
Molly McShaneVoter
Mona BogardSelf
Monica Ballselfself
Monica Mikucki McKeenFamiily
Monika Bryjaselfself
Monika GebaviSelfSelf
Monika NatanekSelf
Monika Ratajczakselfself
Monika SandsSelfSelf - Individual
Monika WojtowiczSelf
Monika ZakrzewskaSelfSelf
Monique JohnsonHarlem Middle Schoolself
Morgan FultonSelfSelf
Morgan McGarryFamilyMy Family
Morgan Nicholsselfself
Morgan Patinoself
Morgan Theresa BrandonSelfFor daughter
Morris Mikelselfself
Mylee RabideauSelfSelf
Myra L EllisselfSelf
N StuertzSelfSelf
Nadia BorceanFamily
Nadia WodziakSelfSelf
Naila EngelkesSelf
Nan RegasNone
Nancy BenderSelfSelf
Nancy DeBennetteSelfSelf
Nancy GorskiSelfSelf
Nancy GrissomFamily
Nancy Kingsburyself
Nancy L HartmanSelfSelf
Nancy NaumanSelf
Nancy PerlmanSelfSelf and Family
Nancy SchoessSelfSelf
Nancy WellmanHousehold
Nancy Wilkinsonselfself and citizens of illinois
Nancy WynnSelfSelf
Naomi ReckowskyDoes not applySelf
Natalee RoseboomNa
Natalia LaVallieSelfSelf
Natalia LitbargNASelf
Natalia SirkoSelfSelf
Natalie AlonzoSelfSelf
Natalie BorceanFamily
Natalie CarnesSelfSelf
Natalie DuewerSelfself
Natalie Fiallosselfmy family
Natalie Gorskiselfself
Natalie HansenFamily
Natalie McCaskySelfSelf
Natalie Minetteself
Natalie SamraSelfSelf
Natasha MarxDistrict 15 CCSD
Nate SteeleNot Applicable
Nathan AltSelf
Nathan Caliendo IIISelf & familySelf & family
Nathan CryderNoneSelf
Nathan Karasekselfself
Nathan krullSelf
Nathan Ludwigselfself
Nathan Moyerself
Nathan OostmanSelfSelf
Nathan VailSelfSelf
Nathaniel BodwellSelfSelf
Nathaniel Hansonselfself
Naya SuttonSelfSelf
Ndele SuttonSelfSelf
Neal ReynoldsSELF
Neal ZirbesSelf
Neerar AlbertNA
Neesa HayseSelfMy family and I
Neil Davisselfself
Nelda munozSelfSelf
Nelson Cruz JrSelfMy family
Nelson Cruz JrSelfSelf
Nenad NikolicNA
Nicholas DiClementiSELFMY FAMILY
Nicholas FredonaNASelf
Nicholas HagginSelfSelf and Family
Nicholas HarazinSelfSelf
Nicholas LoganSelfSelf
Nicholas MorsovilloSelfSelf
Nicholas Mucciantiselfself
Nicholas OliverSelfSelf
Nicholaus MooreSelfMy family
Nichole AccardiSelf
Nichole RamlowFamily
Nick BradacSelf
Nick CiprianoNot a bot lover of choiceLover of free choice
Nick CiprianoselfNot a bot lover of choice
Nick ItanoNoneSelf
Nick KaiderMy familyMy family
Nicol RomoSelfFamily
Nicolas Clarisseselfself
Nicole AielloParent
Nicole AndersenVoterHousehold
Nicole BayertSelfnone
Nicole CSelfMy family
Nicole CournayaSelf
Nicole DillonSelfSelf
Nicole GardnerselfMy family
Nicole GiuntaSelfMy Family
Nicole GoyetteSelfSelf
Nicole GrabowSelfSELF
Nicole KaletaSelfSelf
Nicole KaysSelfSelf
Nicole L SwansonSwanson FamilySelf
Nicole Lemanselfself
Nicole Lynn FanshierPersonalPersonal
Nicole MajeedSelf
Nicole Mary HernandezWe the People
Nicole Moltzselfmy family
Nicole Muellerselfself
Nicole peeblesFamilyFamily
Nicole PepperellSelfSelf
Nicole PetkovaNone
Nicole PizarroHousehold
Nicole PorterSelfSelf
Nicole privettSelf
Nicole R WoottonSelf
Nicole RokasMother
Nicole StachonSelf
Nicole StachonSelfSelf
Nicole Turnernoneself
Nicole UlrichSelfSelf
Nicole WronkaSelfSelf
Nicolette WodziakSelfSelf
Nik Pancikselfself
Nikeata Schulerselfself
Nikki FreemanSelf and family
Nikki GardnerselfMy family
Nikki KnapSelf
Nikolaos MakropoulosSelfSelf
Nikole CooperNone
Nikole WaiteSelfFamily
Nila Gail RiggsSelfSelf
Nina Arora-RowlandSelfSelf
Nina LediaevaMyselfMyself
Nina SchusterNASelf
Noah Boryszewskiselfself
Noah BoryszewskiSelf
Noah BristolSelfSelf
Noah GioveNone
Noelle LewisSelfSelf
Nolan BarrettSelfSelf
Nora HipskindSelfSelf
Nora Pruszynski JenkynsSelfSelf
Norene Moyerself
Norman LauSelfself
Nova EmmonsNova Emmons
Oksana ShtogrynSelfSelf
Olga Charakchievselffamily
Olga PopkoSelf
Olivia CelliNASelf
Olivia Doeringselfself
Olivia EvansSelfSelf
Olivia Freckmanselfself
Olivia NelsonSelfSelf
Olivia PiwowarczykSelfSelf
Olivia R Iversonnoneself
Olivier Clarisseselfself
Omayra SouchetSelfSelf
Otto Ballardselfself
Owen Nicholsselfself
Paige Clementsselfself
Paige macekselfself
Paige NeuhausSelf
pam gaunkyself
Pam hoganSelfSelf
Pamala DilksSelfSelf
Pamela cantoreSelfSelf
Pamela JenningsSelf
Pamela LiesendahlSelf
Pamela MannoMy FamilyMy Family
Pamela MartinIllinois resident
Pamela SignorellaSelf
Pamela Weberself
Pamela ZirbesSelf
Pastor Marcia FormanFirst Presbyterian Church
Pat RochleauSelf
Patrice Renee Kuwitzkyself
Patricia BarbierSelfMy Family
Patricia BurtonSelf
Patricia EdmondsSelfSelf
Patricia Fronnot applicableself
Patricia GregorHousehold
Patricia GullySelf
patricia marekselfself
Patricia MeyersSelfself
Patricia MillerTaxpayer
patricia s withersselfIllinois Vaccine Awareness Coalition
patricia signorellaselfself
Patricia TriolaNANA
Patricia Tymaself
Patricia WentzellSelfSelf
Patricia WirtzNASelf
Patriciakelly WilsonSelf
Patricio AguilarSelf
Patrick Bautistaselfself
Patrick ConwaySelfMy family
Patrick GannonFamilyFamily
Patrick HanniganselfSelf and Family
Patrick HeflinSelf
Patrick McAuliffeSelfSelf
Patrick McCallumMy FamilyFamily
Patrick RafalinSelfSelf
Patrick RileySelfSwlf
Patrick SeveranceSelfMy family
Patrick TumiltyResident
patrycja skrzyniarznamy family
Patti Hofstetterselfself
Patti LeesonSelfSelf
Patti S JohnsonSelfSelf
pattie tackettna
Patty AndritsakisSelf
Patty Aumentselfself
Patty BertrandSelf
Patty MillerNone
Paul BeckerSelfSelf
Paul C Schattauerselfself
Paul Cameronselfself
Paul GiffinMy self and familySelf and family
paul Graynone
Paul HedstromSelfSelf
Paul KennaSelf
Paul N Iversonnoneself
Paul PeldyakPaul E. Peldyak, AttorneyMyself
Paul RobertsonSelfself
Paul Thiemself
Paul WhiteNoneSelf
Paul ZierothSelf
Paula BorowskiCitizenRegistered Voter
Paula ErmilioHouseholdSelf
Paula M MooreSelf
Paula SmithSelfSelf
Paula SmithTaxpayer
Paula SternerSelfself
PAULETTE J ZAAGMANSelf & FamilySelf and Family
Pavi TiruppathiSelf
Pawel BajorekSelfSelf
Pawel MarkowskiSelfSelf
Paxton HankinsFamilyFamily
Payton HultmarkSelf
Paz PeasleeSelf
Peggy MeansIC4ICSelf
Peggy KalkounosSelfSelf
Peggy VeachSelfSelf
Penka PerfanovSelfMy family
Penner DurbinSelf
Penney KerstenSelfSelf
Penney PlumbPL Plumb Enterprises, Inc.Penney Plumb
Perry PlotkinOn behalf of selfSelf
Pete MaffiaD158
Peter DinapoliSelfSelf
Peter Grossmannselfself
Peter KaramitsosNone
Peter Krausselfself
Peter KrolSelfMy family
Peter KruseSelfSelf
Peter PenkavaSelfFamily
Peter SmithSelfSelf
Peyton JanickiSelf
Peyton meyerNaSelf
Philip Kopaczselfself
Phillip BaaskeSelfSself
Phillip Jacob StarrSelfSelf
Phillip laswellFree Illinois
Phillip LaswellFree IllinoisPerson
Phillip R StarrSelfSelf
Phillip Rosenbaumselfself
Phillip ThomasonSelf
Phyllis Ericksenself
Phyllis WolfPlaza Des Plainesself
Pietro Latrofaselfself
Piotr WojtanowiczSelfFamily
Presley meyerNaSelf and freedom
Preston GurelSelfSelf
Przemyslaw GryglakSelf
Quintin Sleighselfself
R DeMontSelfSelf
Rachael ThibodeauxIndependentIndependent
Rachel HolikNANA
Rachel A BodziochNoneMyself
Rachel A BodziochNoneSelf
Rachel BorceanFamily
Rachel BradSelfMyself
Rachel De NazarieSelfMy Family
Rachel DietzelSelfSelf
Rachel DumasSelf
Rachel DurbinSelf
Rachel ErmelHouseholdHousehold
Rachel Garrityself
Rachel GeraghtySelfMy Family
Rachel Kramerselfself
Rachel OwenOn behalf of self
Rachel RiegerSelf
Rachel SapozhnikovMy family
Rachel SmithSelf
Rachel TrumboreSelfSelf
Rachel YeakelSelfSelf
Radu VasilescuSelf
raechel reidyself
Raegan CatesSelf
Rafael OlayoSelfSelf
Rafal MendochaSelfSelf
Raffaella prestaSelfSelf
Raini YeakelSelfSelf
Rakestraw MarciCitizen of ILSelf and family
Ralph ScaliseSelf
Ralph YeakelSelfSelf
Ramona WerdaHomeSelf
Randall RoachSelfSelf
Randy A PriceSelfSelf
Randy ThoromanSelfSelf
Raquel CarsonSelfSelf
Raul Jr Perezself
Raul Perezself
Ray John Simmons IISelfSelf
Ray PirtleSelfSelf
Ray WaszselfOn behalf of self
Raymond Beacomnone
Raymond G HuntSelfMy Family
Raymond Hatlandselfself
Raymond KutzSelf
Raymond LewisSelfSelf
Rayna YeakelSelfSelf
Raynella RachalSelfSelf
Rayner RehbergerSelf
Raynette CamfieldSelf
Rebeca bustosIllinois
Rebecca claypoolSelfFamily
Rebecca CrossSelfMy Family
Rebecca DalsethSelfSelf
Rebecca DarlingNoneFree Americans
Rebecca HarmsMy FamilyPrivate Citizens
Rebecca HendershottSelfSelf
Rebecca HighlandN.a
Rebecca HinesSelfSelf
Rebecca L KurtzHumanSelf
Rebecca LaibSelfSelf
Rebecca LarsonSelf
Rebecca LukensFamilyFamily
Rebecca NadelhofferSelf
Rebecca NorrisSelfSelf
Rebecca PeoplesSelfFamily
Rebecca RuffNone
Rebecca Shawverselfself
Rebecca Vanden HeuvelSelf
Rebecca VanDeWegheSelf
Rebecca YeakelSelfSelf
Rebecca ZarateRebecca zarate
Rebekah OlkowskiSelfMy family
Rebekah WojtysiakFamilyFamily
Regina A Schlicksup-Johnsonselfself
Regina HughesSelfGod and country
Renae Lindbergfamilyfamily
Renata Winnickaselfself
Renee Alcornselffamily
Renee BorysiewiczNone
Renee PedersenNoneSelf
Renee RileySelfSwlf
Renee schlenhardtSelf
Renee settelsselfself
Renee VisageSelfSelf
Rhonda McClellanSelfSelf
Rhonda Phillipsmy familyMy family
Rian Bautistaselfself
Rich BeleutzSelf
Rich Hartianself
Rich StachonSelf
Richard Abbatiellononeself
Richard BeleutzSelf
Richard BendaSelfSelf
Richard DuxburySelfOn behalf of self
Richard Grelaselfself
Richard HazinskiSelfSelf
Richard Huntself
Richard IdaSelfFamily
Richard KingSelfRichard King
Richard klosterSelfSelf
Richard LewisMy Family
Richard LiaceSelfSelf
RICHARD LYNCHLynch Chiropractic
Richard Meyersselfself
Richard Schultzselfself
Richard T Rundleselfmy family
Richard Wozniczkaself
Rick BurnsHouseholdMyself and my elementary students
Rick LaibSelfSelf
Ricky Hartianself
Ricqui RiggsSelf
Rita DrydenSelf
Rita GouldSelfProponent
Rita KellerSelfSelf
Rita Kroplewskiselfself
Rita M AuthSelf
Rita M AuthSelfSelf
Ritarose BattinSelfIllinois Voter
Rj meade MeadeParent
RJ SimmonsSelfSelf
Rob BattinSelfIllinois Voter
Rob FastSelf
Rob RenfroeNa
Rober RitchieSELFSELF
Robert A MartinelliFamilySelf
Robert Adamspersonalself
Robert AldersonSelfSelf
Robert AlgasNASelf
Robert AthansSelfSelf
Robert Beanselfself
Robert BianchettaMyselfSelf
Robert BillingsSelfSelf
Robert ChapmanMy FamilyMy Family
Robert F StankerJohn W Callahn LTD
Robert HacekSELFSELF
Robert HallahanSelfFamily
Robert HanviriyapuntHana Enterprises, LLCHana Enterprises, LLC
Robert HarlowSelfSelf
Robert HooperSelfSelf
Robert HopperSelf
Robert J DemeSelf
Robert J MartinelliFamilySelf
Robert JahaskeSELFSELF
Robert JanikSelfSelf
Robert KaluznySelfSelf
Robert Kappermyselfmyself
Robert L GueSelfSelf
Robert LopezSelfSelf
Robert M MoserNoneSelf
Robert MargettsMyselfMyself
Robert MeltonselfMelton family
Robert MillerSelf
Robert MillerSelfSelf and Children
Robert NiehausSelfOn behalf of self and family
Robert PalumboRobert Palumbo
Robert SieczkaSelf
Robert SignorellaSelf
Robert SilvayNone
Robert T Jahaskeselfself
Roberta J Robisonselfmy family
Roberta M LorenzSelfSelf
Roberta Updyke--- Select ---self--- Select ---self
Robin BondSelf
Robin BoothMs.
Robin ShaferSelfMy Family
Robyn Beckerselffamily
Robyn Meekselffamily
Robyn MurovSelf
Robyn StoetzelSelfSelf
Rochelle Ann ArnoldSelf
Rochelle StephensSelf
Roderick Davisfamily
Rodney KremerSelfSelf
Roger BotkinSelfSeld
Roger CarbonellOn behalf of selfMyself
Roman MurdzaSelfSelf
Ron AllenSelf
Ron DaccardoFamily
Ron Gramerself
Ron JaegerNA
Ronald BloughSelfMy Family
Ronald CichonSelfSelf
Ronald CoxNoneNone
Ronald DavinroySelfSelf
Ronald J FuggerSelf
Ronald KaskovichSelf
Ronald Ross JrMyself and my family
Ronan BarrettSelfSelf
Rosalina Perezself
Rosalyn DekkerFamilyself
Rose BeelowAmazon
Rose DriscollSelfSelf
Rose Holstenselfself
Rose LuxtonSelfSelf
Rose Marie ZimmermanSelf
Rose Normannoneself
Rose NormanSelfSelf
Rose WilkesSelf
Roseanne FeltmanSelf
Rosemarie LewandowskiNone
Rosemary OConnorselfself
Rosemary ArmocidaSelfSelf
Rosemary Eileen SwankselfSelf
Rosemary KondritzSelfSelf
Rosemary SharpeSelf
ross calderaroSELF
Roszko AnetaSelfSelf
Roxanne WagnerSelfSelf
Royal Ballardselfself
Roza EdelmanSelfSelf
Ruben RodriguezSelfSelf
Russell ChristRetiredSelf
Russell ReevesNASelf
Ruth Ann HeltonSelfSelf
Ruth CuchraSelf
Ruth SeagerSELFFamily
Ruth WoodsselfMy family
Ryan BernhardSelfSelf
Ryan EvansSelfSelf
Ryan FlanneryMyselfSelf
Ryan HopfnerNASelf
Ryan JablonskiSelfSelf
Ryan KarstenSelfSelf
Ryan KendzieSelfSelf
Ryan LaReauSelfSelf
Ryan LarsonNASelf
Ryan MajewskiNoneSelf
Ryan McGregorHouseholdSelf
Ryan SmithSelf
Ryan SnyderSelfSelf
Ryan SullivanSelfMy family
Ryan ZimaNot applicable
Ryder Saakselfself
Sabrina Clevelandselfself
Sabrina Davisselfself
Sabrina SchoonveldnoneSelf
Sabrina Wagnerselfself
Sabrina WhiteSelfMy Family
Sally KlasenSelfSelf
Sally Milowselfself
Salome Patinoself
Salvador GarciaSelfSelf
sam anlikerself
Sam friuciomSelf
Sam KuhlmanSelfSelf
Sam Thiemself
Sam Von Arxselfself
Samantha bohneSelfSelf
Samantha BradleyGenerations Chiropractic Wellness
Samantha OlsenSelfOlsen family
Samuel SmithSelfSelf
Sandra Aristodemoparent
Sandra DiVarcoSelf
Sandra EstradaSelfSelf
Sandra FidanziaIC4ICSelf
Sandra FloresSelf
Sandra FortmannFamily
Sandra FortmannSelfSelf
Sandra HockSelfSelf
Sandra Johnsonself
Sandra Marie MustoselfSelf
Sandra Wilkinsonselfself and citizens of illinois
Santiago GarciaSelfSelf
Sara BoychakSelfSelf
Sara ColeSelfSelf
Sara DiMaggioPrivate residentSelf
Sara Elizabeth GroppeSelfSelf
Sara Johnsonselfself
Sara PessmanSelfSelf and family
Sara SchluchterSelf
Sara Schmidtself
Sara WagnerSelf
Sarah A WilleyRetiredself- parent, grandparent
Sarah DinapoliSelfSelf
Sarah FahringerSELFSELF
Sarah HanviriyapuntSelf and familySelf and family
Sarah HavleNone
Sarah Huntselfself
Sarah JohlerSelfSelf
Sarah KelbusSelf
Sarah KellerFamilyFamily
Sarah KemerlySelfSelf
Sarah KottSelf
Sarah M FloresSarah M FloresMy Family
Sarah McGowanSelf
Sarah PerezSelf
Sarah Rothself
Sarah Schmidt-HarrisNCH
Sarah StarkeFamilyFamily
Sarah TaylorSelf
Sarah TurnerNoneFamily
Sarah WatsonSelgself
Sarah WeiskeSELFMy family
Sarah WoodwardSelfSelf
Saro LoucksSelf
Sarrah YavorshakSelfSelf
Satina BradleySelfSelf
Savhanna ThiryIllinois tax payerSelf
Sawyer Adamspersonalself
Schablow NeciaSelfSelf
Schuyler McFarlandSELFSELF, FAMILY
Scott Corleyselfself
Scott DahlSelfSelf
scott gaunkyself
Scott Gerrickself
Scott gerrikself
Scott KinzieSelf
Scott Larsonselfself
Scott M Vanaselfself
Scott Nasternakselfself
Scott Nowakselfself and citizens of illinois
Scott Paquetselfself
Scott PokryfkeSelfSelf
Scott Portenselfself
Scott StearSelfSelf
Sean CooneyNA
Sean DurbinSelf
Sean GibbsRiverside Chiropractic Center
Sean HowrigonSelfself
Sean Strasserselfself
Sean WhitleySelf
Sebastian GryglakSelf
sebastian skrzyniarznafamily
Sebastien HuelkeMyselfMyself
Selena LaveryNA
Sena BradleyselfMy family
Serena Kleinstubselfself
Sergio RiveraSelfSelf
Serin KellerSelfLover of Free Choice
Seth Pomeroyselfself
Seth TurnboughSELFSELF
Shana KagelSelfSelf
Shana MagisSelfHousehold
Shane LivelySelfSelf
Shanna NikolicNA
Shanna OrrSelfSelf
Shannan KrullSelf
Shannon BeckOn Behalf of SelfTaxpayer
Shannon DonaldsonShannon Donaldson
Shannon FastSelfSelf
Shannon GastonSelfSelf
Shannon HagerSelf, my family, my childrenSelf, my family, my children
Shannon KudiaSelfMy family
Shannon LowryWe Stand For Our Students
shannon mcsweeneyselfself
shannon mcsweeneyselfself
Shannon MillikinNorthwestern Universityself
Shannon ShaverSelf
Shannon TobinSelfSelf
Shannon WaylandselfSelf
Shannon WilsonSelf
Shantel SmithSelf
Shara JacksonSelfSelf
Shari GiffinSelf and familySelf and family
Shari KatzSelfSelf, family
Sharon BraceDepartment of DefenseSelf
Sharon Fettingselfself
Sharon HofeditzSelfSelf
Sharon KickelSelfSelf
Sharon McGuireSelfSelf
Sharon NilesHouseholdSelf
Sharon SchroederSelfSelf
Sharon Spinosselfself and citizens of illinois
Sharon ThomasRetiredMyself
Sharon ThompsonSelf
Sharon TowellSelfSelf
Sharon WiestSelfMy Grandchildren
Sharron CoeurvieListen...Adult and Pediatric ServicesMy clients who are immunocompromised
Shaun SullivanNa
Shaun UnellSelfSelf
shawn boutonselfself
Shawn BretonSelfFamily
Shawn CarverSelf
Shawn SmosnaSelfSelf
shawn tackettna
Shawna DavisSelfSelf
Shawna Faraselfmy family
Shawna McSheffreySelfSelf
Shayna SandefurSelfMy family
Sheba SandsSelfSelf - Individual
Sheila CookSelfSelf
Sheila OGaraselfself and citizens of illinois
Sheila PearcySelf
Sheila sheppardSelfSelf
Sheila ZygmuntSelfSelf
Shelby ShipleySelfSelf
Shelby VukicSelf
Shelley Meyersselfself
Shelly Antoinette SuttonSelfSelf
Sheri Paleka WalkerSelfSelf
Sheri RykenSelfMy family
Sheri StyczenPersonal
Sherri ConnellyNot applicable
Sherri ConnellySelf
Sherri kuzmarFamily
Sherry ChenSelfSelf
Sherry ElwartSelf
Sherry J McChristyselfself
Sherry Kirbyparentparent
Sherry KurzChristian Liberty Academy
Sherwood RachaelHeyworth school
Sheryl KudelkaSelfMy Family taxpayers
Sheryl L ShortSelf
Shirley BolligerPrivate Citizen
Shirley FordFamily
Shirley JohnsonSelf
Sienna KochanskiSelfSelf
Simeon Hansonselfself
Simon KoopmansFamilyself
Simon ReinertMy familyMy family
Sinai OlayoSelfSelf
Siri LynnSelf
Skyla SchererSelfSelf
Skylar SchoonveldOld Oaks AcademySelf
Skylee ErnstSelfSelf
Slawomir WojtysiakFamilyFamily
Solomon Brownselfself
Sonia Goveselfself
Sonia RiveraInner Spring WellnessSelf
Sonia WilliamsSelfSelf
Sophia Calandriniselfmy family
Sophia FoxSelfSelf
Sophia FriasSelfSelf
Sophia KamberosParent
Sophia KarnezisSelfSelf
Sophia MaldonadoSelfSelf
Sophia SeveranceSelfSelf
Spencer HoppSELFSELF
Spring sulliventSelfSelf
Stacey CarliSelfSelf
Stacey Lambertselfself
Stacey SchinlerSelfSelf
Stacey SimmonsFamilyFamily
Stacy GiulianoSlefSlef
Stacy H Fridleyselfself
Stacy HinrichsNA
Stacy PacilioNone
Stacy SlotwinskiSelfSelf
Stalyu ShishmanovSelfSelf
Stanislaw GryglakSelf
Stanislaw CzechuraselfSelf
Stanislaw MarusarzFamilyFamily
Stanislaw Rydzewskiselffamily
Stanislaw WronkaSelfSelf and my family
Starla SampsonSelfSelf
Stefan SimionSelf
Stefani DonaldsonSelfSelf
Stefanie AbramsonSelf
Stefanie HaugenSelfMy family
Steffani SchoonveldnoneSelf
Stella BakopoulosSelf
Stephanie BergquistSelfSelf
Stephanie Bilenkoretiredself
Stephanie BradacSelfSelf
Stephanie CarverSelf
Stephanie FargoSelfSelf
Stephanie FillingimSelfSelf and family
Stephanie FisherFamilyMy family of 4
Stephanie GorhamSelfSelf
Stephanie HasanSelf
Stephanie JohnsonSelf
Stephanie KimmeNANA
stephanie KovacikSelfSelf
Stephanie KruegerSelfSelf
Stephanie Maderselfself
Stephanie Nowakselfself
Stephanie PetrovicSelfMy family
Stephanie PoettSelfFamily
Stephanie SimpkoNASimpko Family
Stephanie TurroSelfSelf
Stephen FletcherA & K
Stephen Giunta JrSelfSelf
Stephen Giunta SrSelfMy Family
Stephen HegartySelfself
Stephen JacekCITIZEN
Stephen S KristonSelfSelf
Stephen SwalleySelfSelf
Steve BusseSelfSelf
Steve Healyselfself
Steve HulettSelfMy Family
Steve KarnezisSelfSelf
Steve KochankovskiSelfSelf
Steve kudiaSelfMy family
Steve Prostselfself
Steve RynberkSelf
Steve Sommerselfself
Steve Verhulstselfself
Steven J SmithNoneSelf
Steven LukasiewiczSelfFamily
Steven MiszczyszynSelf
Steven PoterackiSelfMy Family
Steven Zumhagenself
Stewart LewisNONEOn behalf of Myself
Stratton NatalieFamilySelf
Stuart FoxSelf
Sue DiederichSelfSelf
Sue EmlerSelfSelf
Sue johnsonselfself
Sue KittelD300
Sue Mielkeself
Sue ToomireSelf
Sue WylandNoneMyself
Suella I TuckerSELFSELF
Sullivan SchoonveldnoneSelf
Surachna Virdi-HulsebusSelfSelf
Susan AlbrechtSelfSelf
Susan BlazekSelfMy family
Susan Corcoranself
Susan DansonOn behalf of Self
Susan DemmaSelfSelf
Susan Diaferiaself
Susan Ellsworthself
Susan FichterSelfSelf
Susan Fischerselfslef
Susan FoosSelf
Susan Gaikselfself
Susan GallantTherapy
Susan HooverSelfMy Family
Susan K TipreSelfSelf
Susan KatzFamily
Susan Kulagaselfself
Susan LamoureuxSelf
Susan LoveSelfSelf
Susan M RodriguezSelfSelf
Susan ParisSelfSelf
Susan ReichartSelf
Susan SierakowskiSelf
Susan Walker Schulenbergselfself
Susan Weinself
Susan Wilkenself
Susie HillSelf
Suzanne BesteIndividual
Suzanne FitchSelf
Suzanne HenkelmanNone
Suzanne M AllmartselfSelf
Suzanne Marie RickmanSelfSelf
Suzanne Schmidtselfself
Suzanne ShortSelf
Suzie OstermanSelfSelf
Sven ThirionSelf
Sydney BartlettNASelf
Sylvester CieslakSelf
Sylvia GiessingerselfSelf
Sylvia ThomanSelfFamily
Sylvia YlaAgancy
Szymon HyptaSelfSelf
T ODonnellselfself
Tabatha BrouilletteSelfAlice, Penelope, Madeline Brouillette
Tabra GomskiIllinois residentSelf
Tadeusz TylkaSelfSelf
Tahnee BauerSelfMy children
Tamara BeckerNASelf
Tamara Boneselfself
Tamara Canadahouseholdself
Tamara EfsenSelfSelf
Tamara GratkinsResident
Tamara Kilpatrickselffamily and self
Tami WilsonSelf
Tammy BristolSelfSelf
Tammy CavenderSELFSELF
Tammy McDonaldSelf
Tammy RidensSelf employed
Tammy TrefnySelf
Tanja AleksicSelfSelf
tanya kutaSelfSelf
Tanya LM SchoonveldnoneSelf
Tanya SmithSelfMy Family
Tara DanielsSelfSelf
Tara KarstenSelfSelf
Tara Lynn GriffinSelfSelf
Tara Schleserselfself
Tara SchultzSelfSelf
Tarrifa PaduchMom
Taryn OwensSelfSelf
Tasha MuddSelfSelf
Tasos MaroulisDimitras BridalErin Christensen
Tayden M BertrandSelfSelf
Tayler Winton-SortoSelfSelf
Taylor NoeSelfMyself
Ted DayHousehold
Ted W LarsenNASelf
Ted WalkerSelfSelf
TeJuan JacksonMyselfMyself
Telisa SimpsenNoneSelf
Tera GebhardtSelfSelf
Teresa Armstrongselfself
Teresa BarnettRetiredSelf
Teresa BungerNASelf
Teresa GradyEmmett P. Grady, DDS
Teresa K MeltonselfMelton family
Teresa LacekNoneSelf
Teresa PrazmaSef
Teresa Von Arxselfself
Teresa WaggonerSelfSelf
Teri ThomasselfSelf
Terilyn SchulteTerilyn Wodka-Schulte
Terra OrsenoSelf
Terrence LeonardSelfSelf
Terri Deckerprivate citizen
Terri Lynn ReineckNA
Terry BluntNAMyself
Terry BurkeselfSelf
Terry CrossinSelfMy Family
Terry J KochKoch familyself
Terry PitzerMy familySelf
Terry VanHussSelf
Tessa HaleSelfSelf
Tetyana OpanasyukSelfMy Family
Tex DarlingNoneSelf
Thad VuagniauxUpper Cervical Health Centers
Thawivann Spaldingselffamily
Theodore TomlinsonSelfSelf
Theresa BaronNA
Theresa BrownSelf
Theresa CariniSelf
Theresa ClendeningSelfMy Family
Theresa DambacherDambacher Farms Partnership
Theresa GarneauFamilyParent
Theresa MaskelMyself
Theresa Schlosserselfself
Theresa Shepherdselfself
Theresa StubitzSelfSelf
Therese CatesSelfSelf
Therese J KochSelfSelf
Therese M ScarlatiResidentself
Therese Scarlatiresidentself
Thirmanda ZavalaSelfself
Thomas Barloselfself
Thomas BergeNon
Thomas DewbraySelfChildren and teachers
Thomas GonzalezNASelf
Thomas HigginsSelf
Thomas KerbsNANA
Thomas Kroplewskiselfself
Thomas M Dewbrayselfchildren
Thomas MurschelHouseholdMyself
Thomas PonzianoSelfIC4IC
Thomas RobertsSelf and familyMy family
Thomas RoosRoos HouseholdSelf
Thomas StechmillerSelfFamily
Thomas Vahlingselfself
Thomas Wesley PhillipsMy familyMy family
Thomas WojcikSelfSelf
Thomasine LaibSelf
tian schulteselfself
Tiara BertrandSelfSelf
Tiffany AlgasNASelf
Tiffany AndreaeCitizen
Tiffany BryantFamilySelf
Tiffany GoldrichSelf
Tiffany HoegerSelf
Tiffany KirkKirk FamilyKirk Fsmily
Tiffany KobitSelfSelf
Tiffany NguyenSelfSelf
Tim C KochSelfSelf
Tim FelmonSelf
Tim Gorskiselfself
Tim LuthySelfMy Family
Tim MillerNoneSelf
Tim Millikanselfself
Tim ThompsonSelfSelf
Tim WandMyselfMyself
Tim Weselakselfself
Tim westerkampSelfSelf
Tim Whalennone
Tim Williamsselfself
Tim WoodcockSelf
Timothy Augustynselfself
Timothy BoswellSelfSelf
Timothy Cuga-MoylanSelf
Timothy Pelletierselfself
Timothy VendegnaSelf
Timothy W FiorSelfFamily
Timothy Websterselfself
Timothy WolfMy FamilyMy Family
Tina FicarelliSelfSelf
Tina M YagowTina YagowFamily of three
Tina RepkingSelf
Tina SellersSelf
Tobias RespassSelf
Toby ItanoNoneSelf
Tod LuxtonSelfSelf
Tod ToddParentSelf
Todd BraunschweigSelf
Todd Busmanselfself
Todd HultmarkSelf
Todd witherowSelf
Tom Bowmanselfself
tom augustynskiSelfFamily
Tom CzubernatNone
Tom FidanziaIC4ICSelf
Tom Forkinself
Tom GallagherSelfPersonal freedom
Tom Kopaczselfself
tom mascarinone
tom mcclellandself
Tom MurphyMyself
Tom NelsonSelfSelf
Tom NilesHouseholdSelf
Tom Roszkowskiselffamily
Tomasz NatanekSelf
Tomasz GrotkowskiMyselfMyself
Tomasz JablonskiSelfSelf
Tomasz SalamonSelf
Toni PicciolaFamilyFamily
Toni SebastianSelf
Tonia Batogowskiselfself
Tonja JohnsonNa
Tony Andreattaselffamily and I
Tony Fettingselfself
Tony MessinaOn behalf of selfSelf
Tony Stanczykself
Tori BrixiusResidentSelf
Tori ChapmanSelfself
torre palandriselfself
Tracey JakaitisSelfCitizen
Tracey SimpsonSelfSelf
Traci MillerSelfSelf and Children
Traci Odetteself
Traci SotoSelf
Tracie BirkenmaierMy familyMy family
Tracie PeytonSelf
Tracy and James Sloanselfself
Tracy Czechselfself
Tracy FalconerSelfSelf
Tracy Heming-LittwinFamilyfamily
Tracy lapshinSelf
Tracy LewisMy Family
Tracy MillerSelf
Tracy Nasternakselfself
Tracy PolselliNA
Trever MertzSelfSelf
Trever Schulerselfself
Trevor Allen WestSELFSELF
Trevor DahlselfSelf
Trevor SnyderSelfSelf
Trevor StottsSelfSelf
Tricia Ann DavisTricia Davis
Tricia JohlerSelf
Tricia KistSelfSelf
Tricia TaborSelf and familyMy Family
Trina VogelNa
Trish McGillSelfSelf and familly
Trisha CoulterSelf
Trisha RobertsonSelf
Trista MoodySelf
Troy ClaytonPersonalSELF
Troy DawdyNASelf
Troy HenardSelfSelf
Truman SellersSelf
Ty Stutsmanself
Tyler BowlinNoneSelf
Tyler GassSelf
Tyler GriggsSelfMy family
Tyler Nasternakselfself
Tyra RaisnerSelf
Tyson SchrockSelf
Ursula AugustynskiSELF
Ursula LaskowskiSelfself
Urszula LelenSelfSelf
Urszula ParaSelf
Uzma LauritzenNANA
Valentina VerkhovykhMyselfMyself
Valerie DrewsBirth and Wellness with ValerieSelf
Valerie HanburyHomeSelf
Valerie KulakSelf
Valerie Pecoraroselfself and citizens of illinois
Valerie RehSelfSelf
Van EwingSelfSelf
Vanessa Eggerselfwork for Chicago Public Schools
Vanessa MozdyniewiczSelfParent
Vasiliy GalatSelfSelf
Vasyl AndrusyshynSelfSelf
Vera KulezicSelfSelf
Vera RadivojevichRemax
Veronica Davis-HemphillNoneSelf
Veronica BrownSelfFamily
Veronica KaminskiNASelf
Veronica MarcheseSelf
Veronica MiskaSelfSelf
Veronica VandeleurSelf
Vicki Erbacciself
Vicki KremerSelfSelf
Vicki Laskarisnone
Vicki MillerNoneFamily
Vicki PaskertSelf
Vicki TerrySelf
Vickie Danceselfself
Vickie WymanSelf
Victor ConnorSelfSelf
Victor RoshiorSelfMy Family
Victoria KarnatzSelf
Victoria L SubjectSelf
Victoria RiveraSelfSelf
Vincent CaliendoSelfSelf
Vincent Watsonselfself
Vinny Aielloself
violeta heligonselfself
Virginia FosterSelfSelf
Virginia GrahamSelfSelf
Virginia Zumhagenselfself
Vita DebartoloNASelf
Vivienne Smithself
Vladimir EgorinSelfSelf and family
Voyo Gabrilonone
W Dean MindockOceanpine HealthFamily
wade gaunkyself
Wanda ZimnySELF
Wanda AldersonSelfSelf
Wanda Grantself
Wayne K KernSELF
Wayne SmithSelfSelf
Wendie DinapoliSelfSelf
Wendie Ludwigselfself
Wendy KrahnSelf
Wendy MurrayFamilyFamily
Wendy OwanoSelfSelf
Wendy PhillipsSelf
Wendy RueschhoffSelfMy family
Wendy SiefertnoneSELF
Werner Haberstockselfself
Wesley VeachSelfSelf
will anlikerself
Willia MyresFamilyMyres Family
William Anders Karasekselfself
WILLIAM BOWMANselfHundreds of acquaintances
William ByramSelfSelf
William ChristianIllinois Citizen
William Corteseselfself
William H Wiest JrSelfMy Grandchildren
William HavleNone
William J AlbrechtSelfSelf
William J Albrecht IIISelfSelf
William KarstenSelfSelf
William L GravesEvangelical AssociationSelf
William LaFrancisselfSelf
William LopotkoSelfMyself
William Malinowskiselfself
William McGowanSelfFamily
William StuertzSelfSelf
William VrandericSelfSelf
William WagnerSelfSelf
William Watersself
Willow HedstromSelfSelf
Wioletta HouleCitizenSelf
Wioletta HouleTaxpayerself
Wolfe lindaSelfMy family
Xavier L AyalaSELF
Yekaterina GalatSelf
Yelena EliopolosSelfSelf
Yessica BrownSelfSelf
Yolanda MaldonadoSelfSelf
Young SarahCusd 430
Yuliana ReznikovaSelfSelf
Yulianna ReznikovaSelfSelf
Yvette Burnsself
Yvette Maderselfself
Yvonne EvansSelfSelf
Zac Ballardselfself
Zachary BauerSelfMy Family
Zachary Steffesselfmy family
Zander WilsonSelfSelf
Zechariah Beanselfself
Zoe sederHome
Zofia Bryjaselfself
Zofia SzaflarskiSelfSelf
Zuzanna CzechuraselfSelf