Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 10/24/2017 3:00 PM |
JOANE S LIPINSKI | none | self |
Kathryn Winkler | NA | Self |
Aaron dennis | Individual | |
Adam Smestad | Smestad Law | |
Adelheid Mers | self | self |
Adelle Renzaglia | Self | Self and Family |
Aden Kumler | self | self |
Aden Kumler | self | self |
Adrienne Hahn | Self | |
Aileen Eilert | Constituent | Self |
Aileen Scarim | none | |
Aisha Noble | SELF | North Side Action & Resistance |
Al Estock | self | personal |
Alan Seese | constituent | self |
Alan Swain | Swain Music Corp | |
Aleda Diggins | Voices of Reason Bloomington-Normal | Self |
Aleksandra Pravdic | NA | self |
Alexandra Landers | Self | Self and family |
Alexandra Piechocki | none | |
Alexandra Piechocki | self | |
Alexis Gldstone | NA | NA |
Alice Mulberry | Retired Latin Teacher | |
Alice Trimmer | None | None |
Alice Trimmer | None | None |
Alicia Chastain | Citizen | Myself |
Alicia Henry | Self | Alicia Henry |
Alireza Doostdar | Not applicable | |
Alisa York | Self | Self |
Alison Hunter | Self | self |
Allen Rendel | self | self |
Allison Fakhoury | Self | Self |
Allison Longenbaugh | self | self |
Allison Mortland | None | Self |
Allison Papara | Old Town Barbershop | |
allison schein holmes | none | |
Allison Stephan | Self | Self |
Alma Kubota | None | Self |
Alyssa Amedei | self | self |
Amanda Brenner | Self | Personal |
Amanda French | On behalf of self | Self |
Amanda Hodgman | National Louis University | |
Amanda Hodgman | National Louis University | |
Amanda Martin | none | Personal |
amanda nugent | self | |
amanda nugent | self | |
Amanda Puchalski | None | Myself |
Amanda ReCupido | Self | Self |
Amanda SODERSTROM | Mrs | self |
Amanda Tozer | Self | Self |
Ami Relf | Concerned Citizen | |
Amy Bilow | School | |
Amy Carr | self | self |
Amy Carr | self | self |
Amy Carrigan | Self | |
Amy Hand | Self | Self |
Amy Heggemeyer | self | |
Amy Kelly | Self | |
Amy Louvier | Self | |
Amy Poehling | self | self |
Amy Renzulli | Self | |
Amy Telisman | NA | self |
Amy Telisman | NA | self |
Amy Wozniak | Self | Self |
Andrea Imre | self | |
Andrea Swanson | None | |
Andrew Johnson | self | self |
Andrew Stevens | Not Applicable | Self |
Angela Baker | citizen | self |
Angela Just | self | Personal |
Anjali Bidani | NA | myself |
Anjum Ali | Individual | Self |
Ann Gillespie | NA | NA |
Ann Greenstein | None | Self |
Ann Masur | self | self |
Ann P Leeds | Self | Self |
ANN ROBERTS | CTA 60091 | |
Ann Scholhamer | Women's March on Chicago | none |
Ann Soutter | self | self |
Ann Wilkerson | self | self |
Anna Clare McDermott | retired | |
Anna Darrow | Self | Self |
Anna Ha | Self | Self |
Annalee G Fjellberg | self | |
Anne Flavin | Personal | |
Anne Knafl | myself | myself |
Anne McDermott | Self | |
Anne McIntosh | NA | self |
Anne Rosean | Self | Self |
Anne Stevens | self | |
anne wagner | self | self |
Anne Wick | NA | NA |
Anne Wilson | Self | |
Annette Kleinman | indiividual | |
Annie Williams | NONE | NONE |
Anthony hilvers | Retired | |
April Oboikowitch | None | Self |
arleen campion | Lives Matter | |
Audrey Lind Lessinger | self | |
Barbara A Lannon | None | Individual |
Barbara Anne Hechenberger | Moms' Demand Action | Mom's Demand Action Gun Sense group |
barbara dutton | none | self |
Barbara Jill Williams | taxpayer | |
Barbara Johnson | Self | |
Barbara Johnson | Self | |
Barbara Lonergan | self | self |
Barbara Lonergan | self | self |
Barbara McPhail | Self | |
Barbara Nudo | Self | indivisible |
Barbara Nudo | Self | Indivisible |
Barbara Patinka | peronal | personal |
Barbara Powell | Retired | Self |
Barbara Santarelli | Self | |
Barbara Schnitzer | NA | Self |
Barbara Schwarzentraub | self | |
Barbara sutton | self | self |
Barry Hothersall | none | Barry Hothersall |
Beatrice Westrate | Myself | Myself |
Becky Marshall | Self | Self |
Becky Marshall | Self | Self |
Benjamin Jacobi | NA | Personal |
Bernadette Dvorscak | Retired | Self |
Beth Flintoft | Self | Self |
Beth Gordon | self | |
Beth McNamara | Self Employed | |
Beth Parrott | NA | Self |
Beth Polich | self | none |
Beth Vlerick | self | self |
Beth Wells | Concerned Citizen | |
Bethany Shore | NA | Self |
Beverly Beck | self | 847 |
Beverly Copeland | NCJW | NA |
Beverly Kehr | Individual | Self |
Bill Baker | self | self |
Bill Page | self | self |
Billie Braun | Not Applicable | Billie Braun |
Blair Barbour | Blair Barbour LCSW | |
Bob Haisman | none | Indivisible Oak Park Area |
Bonnie Buckley | Retired | None |
Brandelyn Nelson | NA | |
Brandie Madrid | None | |
Breanne Liscinsky | Nielsen | |
Breanne Liscinsky | Nielsen | |
Bree Makovec | Self | MY CHILDREN |
Brenda Czaya | Myself | Myself |
Brendan Carrick | Self | 815 |
Brenna OBrien | NA | Myself |
Brian Elmore | Self | Self |
Brian Kolva | None | Self |
Brian Singer | Self | Self |
Briavael OReilly | Self | Self |
Bridget Tarrant | Self | Self |
Bridgette Bonk | Private Citizen | Private Citizen |
Bridgette Bonk | Private Citizen | Private Citizen |
Bridgette Bonk | Private Citizen | Private Citizen |
Bridgette Bonk | Private Citizen | Private Citizen |
Bridgette Bonk | Private Citizen | Private Citizen |
Brittany Drehobl | none | Personal |
Brooke Devlin-Brown | Self | |
Bruce S Frazin | Self | Self |
Bruce Unterman | self | self |
Caleb Doyle | Taxpayer | Taxpayer |
Callandria Smith | Citizen | |
Camilla Dadey | self | |
Candace Sinclair | self | self |
Candace Summers | Self | Self |
Candace Wilmot | none | self |
Cara Adler | Indivisible Chicago-South Side | Personal |
Carine Alfano | Self | Self |
Carleen Spry | Indivisible Illinois | Self |
Carol Buckley | Na | Self |
Carol Chavarria | Ms. | Personal |
carol finnegan | Self | Take Action 60091 |
Carol LaCasse | School district 220 | |
Carol Lauhon | Self | Self |
Carol Lind | NA | |
Carol Lorente | self | self |
Carol Mancini | NA | Self |
Carol N Wilson | self | |
Carole Buebe | Self | Self |
Carole Drennan | none | Myself |
Carole Drennan | none | Myself |
Carole Martz | self | self |
Caroline Bader | Self | Self |
Caroline Bader | Self | Self |
Carolyn Bonistalli | NA | self |
Carolyn Donarski | CKDesign | Self |
Carolyn Johnson | NA | Self |
Carrie Charles | Self | |
Carrie Felix | self | self |
Caryl Hodgdon | Individual | |
Caryn Fliegler | Myself | Myself |
Casey meyers | BHHS Starck | |
Catherine Caporusso | mom | |
Catherine Dee | Self | Family |
Catherine Gillespie | speech therapist | |
Catherine Hargreaves | none | self |
Catherine webber | None | |
Catherine Yoshimura | self employed | |
Cathryn Miller | Self | |
Cathryn Tantillo | self | self |
Cathryn Tantillo | self | self |
Cathy Deane | Retired Library Administrator | Self |
Cathy Myers | Ms. | |
Cathy Stix | Self-employed | Self |
Cathy Stix | Self-employed | Self |
Cathy Stix | Self-employed | Self |
Cathy Stix | Self-employed | Self |
Cathy Stix | Self-employed | Self |
Cathy Stix | Self-employed | Self |
Celia Bucci | none | |
Celine V Woznica | NA | |
Celine V Woznica | private citizen | |
Celiza Braganca | Self | Self |
Chantal Chandler | self | self |
Charity Haines | self | self |
Charlene J Nottoli | Nottoli & Son italisn Sausage Shop & Deli | |
Charles Cross | NA | Self |
Charles Hamilton | na | na |
Charles Kouri | Lingo Studio Inc | |
cheryl bresney | none | |
Cheryl Das | Self | |
Cheryl Geiger | Self | Self |
Cheryl Lipton | citizen | |
Chris Kious | Self | Self |
chris popovich | None | Self |
Chris Szalko | self | self |
Christa Battaglia | NA | Myself |
Christina Grom | FedEx | |
Christina Hoffmann | Representing myself | Representing myself |
Christina Krueger | Self | Self |
Christina Perez | None | Self |
Christina T Raguso | Private citizen | Private citizen |
Christine Peters | Retired | Self |
Christine A Engblom | on behalf of self | |
Christine Benson | self | |
Christine Drath | Citizen | |
Christine E Nelson | private citizen | self |
CHRISTINE FENNO | self | Self |
Christine Gavlin | none | |
Christine Pado | Citizen | Citizen |
Christine Peterson | self | self |
Christine Ritten | Self | Self |
Christine Todd | none | |
Christopher Jannink | NA | NA |
Christopher Martin | The Nicest People Company | Christopher L. Martin |
christopher reed | NA | myself |
Christy Ogilvie McCreary | self | |
Chuck Moles | As an individual citizen. | NA |
Cindy Levine | Prophet | |
Cindy Levine | Self | |
Cindy McMullan | NA | Self |
Cindy Tweten | Self | Self |
Claire Dietrich | None | |
Claire Lamontca | Self | |
Clara Mosquera | Not applicable | |
Clara Raubertas | self-employed | self |
Clare Bonistalli | NA | self |
Colette Martin-Wilde | Self | Self |
Colleen Daley | Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence | Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence |
Colleen M OLeary | Individual | |
Colleen Stenslik | Self | Self |
Connie Holroyd | Self | Self |
Connor McAndrew | none | none |
Coreen Arnold | None | |
Cori White | Self | SELF |
Corinne Banach | NONE | self |
Cory Gapstur | Self | Self |
Cory Gapstur | Self | Self |
Courtney Ashenbrenner | None | Self |
Crystal Bell | Self | Self |
CYNTHIA D FITZHARRIS | People Over Party | 847 |
Cynthia Greenwood | Self | |
Cynthia McKendall | Self | Self |
Cynthia Nelson | Self | self |
Cynthia R Broten | self | SELF |
Dale Grupe | None | Self |
Dale Grupe | None | Self |
Dan newman | Niles township hs | |
Dana Bokor | Self | Self |
DANA MORAN | None | Personal |
Dana Simpson | self | |
Daniel Augstin | Self | Self |
Daniel Coy | Self | Self |
Daniel Mahoney | None | Self |
Daniela Ion | Taxpayer | Self |
Danielle Branch | District 215 | |
Danielle Branch | Concerned Citizen | |
danielle mcmann-griffin | Self | Self |
Darcey regan | self | self |
Darilyn Dinsmoor | Self | Self |
Darlene Brand | Self | |
daryl novick | 1963 | 224 |
Dave Dimmlich | self | |
David Sjolander | None | Self |
David Bietila | self | self |
David Bietila | self | self |
David Fisher | None | Myself |
David Gurion | Self | |
David Hoyt | self-employed | Self |
David Rechs | self | self |
David Rechs | self | self |
David Schwartz | Self | Self |
David Seifert | Self | Self |
David Stimpson | DBS Group | |
David Straus | self employed | |
David Telisman | NA | self |
David Telisman | Na | self |
David Zoltan | na | Self |
dawn h frenzel | Ms. | |
Deadre Lorber | personal | personal |
Dean Rausch | NA | Myself |
Deanna Brennan | self | self |
Deb Lecos | --None-- | self |
Debbie Wang | Morningstar | Self and my children |
Debby Brauer | self | self |
Debora Johnston | none | |
Deborah A Wilson | Private Citizen | Private Citizen |
Deborah K Fulton | taxpayer | self |
Debra Doherty | NA | |
Debra Kutska | Myself | Myself |
Debra Nielsen | Self | self |
Debra Singleton | Self | Self |
Denise B Peavey McDermott | Self | self |
Denise Hixson | Self | |
Derek Bender | self | self |
Devin Veselenak | NA | NA |
Diana Dalnes | Self | |
Diana Hamann | None | None |
Diana Lauber | none | |
Diana Lauber | none | |
Diane J Maciejewski | Self | Self |
Diane Klock | Self | |
Diane Mather | Ms | self |
Diane Moe | none | self |
Diane Oltman Ayers | Registered Voters of McHenry County | |
Diane Surufka | INDIVISIBLE | |
Diane Surufka | None | |
Diane White | self | Self |
Dianna Rushing | NA | Self |
Dianne M Marsella | Ms | self |
Dick Cole | Me | Me |
Dina Ross | NA | Myself and my two children |
Domenic Bucci | None | |
Donna | self | selfSIXTH No Cycling |
Donna Carroll | self | |
Donna Cullen | None | |
Dorothy C Maleski | Self | Selg |
Dorothy Elfring | Aetna | |
Dorothy McDaniel | Self | Self |
Dorothy McDaniel | Self | Self |
dorothy nolen | Dorothy Nolen | Indivisible |
Douglas Bishop | University of Chicago | |
Dr Constance Catellani | C. A. Catellani MD, S.C. | |
Dr Gary L Chapman | United Church of Christ | |
Ed Lipinski | none | |
Ed Spire | self | self |
Eddie Johnson | City of Chicago | Chicago Police Department |
Edward H Soderstrom II | Self | Self |
Eileen Dordek | Eileen Dordek LCSW | |
Eileen G Soderstrom | Self | Self |
Eileen Hart | citizen | |
Eileen ORegan | Self | Self |
Eileen Pembroke | Self | |
Eileen Pembroke | Self | |
Elaina Boytor | self | Personal |
Elaine Canevaro | None | Self |
Elaine Feldman | self | |
Elaine Fisher | None | Self |
Eleanor Lipinski | self | Take Action 60091 |
Elene Cafasso | self | |
Elisa Camp | Self | Self |
Elisa Helford | Self | Self |
Elisa Redish | Self | Self |
ELISA Zusman | None | |
Elise Hauptman | Self | Myself |
Elizabeth Brune | NA | |
Elizabeth Czechanski | Self | Self |
Elizabeth Gilbert | Self | Self |
Elizabeth Gray | self | |
Elizabeth Hanauer-Friedman | self | self (mother of 3 children in Illinois) |
Elizabeth Johnston | NA | Self |
Elizabeth Mages | Self | Self |
Elizabeth Minogue | concerned citizen | self |
Elizabeth Rooney | none | none |
Elizabeth Tate | taxpayer | taxpayer |
Elizabeth Wilfong | none | |
Elizabeth Wolter | Self | |
Ellen | Citizen | |
Ellen Brady | Self | |
Ellen Moderhack | Self | Myself |
Ellen Oh | NA | Self |
Ellen Wolcott | Huddle | self |
Ellyn Drathring Jung | Self | Self |
Emilie Hogan | self | self |
emily beaufort | self | self |
Emily Biegel | Self | |
Emily Biegel | Self | |
Emily campbell | Self | Self |
Emily Corbett | on behalf of self | self |
EMILY E WILSON | citizen | self |
Emily Farr | Ardent Law, LLC | Self |
Emily Kream | NA | Self |
Emily Morrison | None | Myself |
Emily morrison | None | Myself |
Emily Provost | Self | Self |
Emily Stoner | Personal | Personal |
Emily Valencia | Self | Self |
Emily Watts | retired faculty | self and family |
Emily Zelenka | self | self |
Emma Abraham | Not applicable | |
Emma Kowalenko | Kowalenko Consulting Group, Inc. | |
Eric George | self | 646 |
Eric Ginsburg | self | |
Erica Foley | Self | Self |
Erica Van Schaik | None | Self |
Erika Bachner | Self | Self |
Erin Ewoldt | None | Self |
Erin Farlow | SELF | personal |
Erin Flanagan | Self | |
Erin Heckler | self | self |
Erin Heckler | self | self |
Erin Kissick | None | Myself |
Erin OBrien | Illinois State Medical Society | Illinois State Medical Society |
Esther Allman | Self | |
Esther Allman | Self | |
Esther Allman | Self | Self |
ethan rusin | personal | Personal |
Eugene Brand | Self | |
Evelyn Kaehler | self | self |
Ezra Wallach | Ezra Wallach | |
fanny moy | home | democrat |
fanny moy | home | democrat |
fanny moy | home | democrat |
fanny moy | home | democrat |
fanny moy | home | Sane person |
Fay Michaelis | Self | Self |
Fernanda Brasileiro | Self | Self |
Fernanda Brasileiro | Self | Self |
Frances Griffin | TechnoClin Consulting | Self |
Frank j Hammonds | NRA | Nra |
Frank Wang | Retired | Self |
Fred Hahn | Self | |
Gail Donnelly Bader | None | None |
Gail Eisenberg | Stowell & Friedman, Ltd. | Self and Family |
Gail Harris-Schmidt | none | |
Gary P Dettl | Alt F1 | |
Gary Schwartz | self | self |
Gayle Lewis | Self | Self |
George Ferrara | Concerned Citizen | Myself |
George Roth | Self | |
Georges Selvais | self | |
Gerri Rode | self | |
Gerta Sorensen | Self | Personal |
Gina Loftus | Self | Self |
Ginny Lyons | Ms. | self |
Ginny Lyons | Ms. | SELF |
Gita Punwani | Self | Self |
Giudi Weiss | self | self |
Grace Clear | none | self |
Grace Rabier | None | Self |
Grace Wallach | Grace Wallach | |
Greg Alvarado | Self | Self |
Greg Owen-Boger | Self | Indivisible 123GO |
Gregory Schwartz | Self | |
Gwen Smith | None | Self |
Gwen Smith | None | Self |
Gwyn Ciesla | NA | Myself |
Hal Snyder | NA | Myself |
Hannah Hayes | none | Self |
Harvey Feingold | Self | Self |
Heather Alderman | None | self |
Heather Colburn | none | Self |
Heather Colburn | none | Self |
Heather Dumdei | Self | Self |
Heather Egland | Illinois resident | Self |
Heather Grossman | Self | Self |
Heather Grossman | Self | Self |
Heather Johnstone | Self | |
Heather Porter | Self | Self |
Heather Ruhnke | Ruhnke family | |
Heidi Thorp | NA | Self |
Heidi Mayer | Take action | |
Heidi Sleper | Kurtz Law Offices | Self |
Hilaire Joseph Sainson | none | self |
Hilary Bouchard | Individual | self |
Hollis Apida | Self | |
Holly Fingerle | Self | |
Holly Kerr | self | |
Hugh Brady | self | self |
ivan sizemore | Mr. | self |
ivan sizemore | Mr. | self |
J Eichorst | Self | Self |
Jacalyn Zaleski | None | None |
Jacalyn Zaleski | None | None |
Jacalyn Zaleski | None | None |
Jacelyn Intres | NA | NA |
Jacqueline Baker | Self | Self |
Jacqueline Bauer | NA | self |
Jacqueline Crnkvovich | Mrs. | 630 |
Jacqueline Raimo | self | self |
Jacquelyn Salek | Tax Payer | |
Jade Morem | Green Jade Design | Myself |
James Buckingham | CCDOC | |
James Giordano | Mr | self |
James T Schwartz | Self | Self |
James vogen | None | |
Jamie Winchell | self | self |
Jan Cook | NA | |
Jan Darrow | Self | Self |
Jan Pietrzak | self | self |
Jan Starzec | Self | |
Jane Bushue | none | |
Jane Landers | self | self |
Jane Neumann | self | |
Jane Verry | Self | |
Janet C Kappes | Self | |
Janet Guaderrama | Mrs. | Self |
Janet Potts | NA | Myself |
Janet Rohde | Self | |
Janet Spector Bishop | None | Self |
Janice Cha | Self Employed | |
Janice Cha | Self Employed | |
Janice Cha | Self Employed | Self |
Janice G Sackett | self | 847 |
Janice VanderMeer | Self | |
Jason Archer | University of Illinois at Chicago | |
Jason Brown | Self | Self |
Jason Michalski | Self | |
Jason Newhuis | On Behalf of Self | Self |
Jay MULBERRY | Retired school principal -- Chicago Public Schools | |
Jean Bax | none | |
Jean Des Biens | Self | |
Jean Helen Vondriska | Self | Personal |
Jean Magee | None | Progressive Women of Oak Park |
Jean Magee | None | Progressive Women of Oak Park |
Jean Richardson | ABA of Illinois | |
Jeanette Clark | Private citizen | Personal |
Jeanette I Quirk | School Psychologist | |
Jeanne Barr | home | personal |
Jeanne McKiernan | Onwensia Partners | |
Jeanne Vaver | home owner | zon |
Jeff Axelrod | Mr | |
Jeff Bachner | Self | Self |
Jeff Bonistalli | NA | self |
Jeff Grybash | Concerned Citizen Parent | MY CHILDREN |
Jeff Moore | The Lawn Moores, LLC | self |
Jeffrey Friedman | self | Self (law student, father of kids in Champaign public schools) |
Jeffrey Holst | None | |
Jeffrey Starzec | Self | |
Jenna Braunstein | Jenna Braunstein Photography | Self |
Jenna Leving Jacobson | self | self |
Jenni Wilson | None | |
Jennifer Caputo | Self | Myself |
Jennifer Carizey | Self | Self |
Jennifer Christensen | None | None |
Jennifer E Luckey Murphy | MCC | |
Jennifer E Miller | self | self |
Jennifer Gierat | None | Self |
Jennifer Hubert | Rush Oak Park Hospital | Personal |
Jennifer LaDuke | Self | Self |
Jennifer LaDuke | Self | Self |
Jennifer Lokshin | Self | Self |
Jennifer Maltas | None | |
Jennifer Manning | none | self |
Jennifer Mauk | self | self |
Jennifer Mueller | Center for Well Being | |
Jennifer Pennock | None | |
Jennifer Rhodes | NA | Myself |
jennifer romans | North Shore Indivisible | |
Jennifer Shanahan | self | self |
Jennifer Shanahan | self | self |
Jennifer Southworth | United Methodist Church | |
Jennifer Sterling | Self | |
Jennifer Swain | Swain Music Corp | |
Jenny Berman Ross | none | |
Jessica Gaffney | The Goodman Theatre | |
Jessica Gockley | NA | Myself |
Jessica LaFountain | Resident | Resident |
Jessica Wayne | Self | |
Jill Adams | None | Self |
Jill Althage | NA | |
Jill Blair | None | Self |
Jill Gimesky | Self | Self |
Jill Grulke | Myself | Self |
Jill Jaeger | None | Self |
Jill Van Buren | self | self |
Jim Longino | Self | Self |
Jim Michalik | NA | Myself |
Jim Slezak | self | self |
Jim Slezak | self | self |
Jim Veselenak | NA | NA |
Jo Aburano | self | self |
Jo Ann Potashnick | Self | Self |
Joan Anundson-Ahr | self | |
Joan Gorrell | NONE | Joan Gorrell |
Joan Ingolia | None | |
Joan Konopacki | None | Self |
Joan McGarry | Self | Self |
Joan Oh | self | self |
Joan Scheeter | PERSONAL | Personal |
Joanna Sawitz | Indivisible NLC | Indivisible NLC |
Joanna Sawitz | None | Indivisible NLC |
Joanne Diaz | Small Animal Relief Veterinarian | se |
Joanne Diaz | Small Animal Relief Veterinarian | self |
Joanne Edmonds | Retired | |
Joanne Gurion | Self | Family |
Jodell Gabriel | Ms. | 779 |
Jodi Lacy | None | Self |
Jodie Slothower | Voices of Reason | self |
Jody Coss | self | self |
Jody Coss | self | self |
Joel Wallace | self | |
John Barron | Self | Self |
John Demilio | Myself | Just myself |
John Graber | NA | Myself |
John Hamilton | NA | NA |
John Joseph Maciejewski | self | self |
John Nay | Nay Farms | |
JoLynn Doerr | self | self |
Joseph Barteau | NA | 618 |
Joseph Frerich | Self | Self |
Joseph Legault | Self | Self |
Joseph M Morales | Private | |
Josephine Polanek | Mrs. | Self |
Josephine Polanek | Mrs. | Self |
Joshua Fox | Personal | Personal |
Joy Chaplin | Self | Self |
joy kaye | IPA | IPA |
Joyce Goldenstern | Personal | Personal |
Joyce Graveley-Bleier | Self | Self |
Joyce Slavik | Self | Self |
Joyce Williams | Self | Self |
Judith Aulik | Self | Self |
Judith Horwitz | Erie Family Health Center | |
Judith McDevitt | Self | Self |
Judith Rosowicz | Citizen | |
Judy Teibloom-Mishkin | Lactation Partners | |
Judy Waldeck | Personal | Personal |
Julia Erdely | Self | |
Juliana Morawski | None | |
Julianne Bonwit | Self | |
Julie A Dawson | Private Citizen | Self |
Julie Adams | Self | Self |
Julie Adams | Self | Self |
Julie Brennan | Na | Self |
Julie Dickson | Self | Self |
Julie Grimme | RPS | |
Julie Grimme | RPS | |
Julie Kaufman | self | self |
Julie Kayaian | Self | Self |
Julie Kistler | self | |
Julie Prandi | Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington-Normal | |
Julie Stephan | Self | Self |
Julie Thompson | Self | |
Julie Thompson | Self | |
Julieta Aguilera | self | self |
Justin Rand | Self | Self |
Justin Rand | Self | Self |
K Beth Hummelberg | Self | Self |
K Beth Hummelberg | Self | Self |
Kaitlyn Kunde | NA | Myself |
kara johnson | self | |
Karee R Wallach | Karee Wallach | Karee Wallach |
Karen Plonty | NA | NA |
Karen Plonty | NA | NA |
Karen Barron | Self | Self |
Karen Barron | Self | self |
Karen Barron | Self | Self |
Karen Clausing | retired | concerned citizen |
Karen Courtright | NA | NA |
Karen Garvin | Resident | |
Karen Groom | none | |
Karen Groom | self | |
karen p david | self employed | |
Karen W George up | Prefix | |
Karen Wagner | Self | |
Karen Yee Reid | Self | Self |
Karherine Daniels | Self | Action for a Better Tomorrow |
Kari Dillon | individual | |
Karin Evans | self | self |
Karin Evans | self | self |
Karin Evans | self | self |
Karin Schueler | Self | Self |
Karin Schueler | Self | Self |
Karleen McAllester | NA | |
Kate Glass | Concerned Citizen | |
Kate Monkus | Indivisible Chicago | |
Kate Monkus | Personal | NA |
Katharine Mueller | Self | SELF |
Katharine Quinn | on behalf of self | |
Katherine Burton | Self | Indivisible |
Katherine Gjaja | Self | Self |
Katherine Heintz | Self | Self |
Katherine Hermann Stone | NA | Personal |
Katherine Shatto | Self | Self |
Katherine Wood | Self | SELF |
Kathie Shur | self | |
Kathleen Boyle | Self | |
Kathleen Brown Krieg | Mrs. | |
Kathleen Buckley | none | |
Kathleen Carter | Self | Self |
Kathleen Hannigan | Self | Self |
Kathleen Maher Lipinski | None | Self |
Kathleen Rospenda | Self | Self |
Kathryn Loewy | Self | Self |
Kathryn Ryan | Self | Self |
Kathryn Wagner | Self | |
Kathryn Westburg | Ms. | SELF |
Kathryn Wise | Self | Self |
Kathy Feingold | Self | Self |
Kathy Lombardino | None | Self |
Katie Aburano | Self | Self |
Katie Adelsberger | Knox College | self |
Katie Cousino | Self | Self |
Katie Ramirez | SELF | self |
Katy Stein | Self | |
Kay Christ | None | |
Kay Schloesser | self | self |
Keelie Fallon | self | self |
keelie witzel | Self | Self |
Kelli Wegener | Mrs. | 847 |
Kelly Albright | Myself | Myself |
Ken Artner | SELF | SELF |
Ken Olson | Dr. | |
Ken Olson | Dr. | |
Kent Smith | Executive Producer | MDA |
Keri Cascio | Self | Self |
Kerri Calvert | self | individual |
Kerry Kraemer | 1971 | Self |
Kerry Rogers | Self | Self |
Kerry Turk | Self | Self |
Kevin Bartlett | Security | |
Kevin Harrington | Self | |
Kim Cavill | NA | self |
Kim Hines | Self | Self |
Kim Ostrander | SELF | |
Kimberly Alcantara | Self | Self |
Kimberly Alexander | none | self |
Kimberly Engblom | Self | |
Kimberly Fraher | self | self |
Kimberly Fraher | self | self |
Kimberly Romain | Self | |
Kris OConnor | NA | NA |
Kristen Pitzen | Self | Self |
Kristi barnwrll | Self | |
Kristi Cox | Mrs. | Self |
Kristin Clegg | Self | Self |
Kristin Curtis | na | self |
Kristin Kalitowski | self | self |
Kristina Del Pino | Self | Self |
Kristina Grbavac | na | na |
Kristina Rice | NA | NA |
Kurt Mueller | self | self |
Kym Teslik | Self | |
Lara Taylor | none | |
Larissa Levitan | self | self |
Laura Bednar | self | indivisible |
Laura Cinat | Self | |
Laura Crossan | Self | Self |
Laura Dias | Mom | |
Laura Fisher | None | |
Laura Frankiewicz | Self | Self |
Laura Frankiewicz | Self | Self |
Laura Frankiewicz | Self | Self |
Laura Frankiewicz | Self | Self |
Laura Frankiewicz | Self | Self |
Laura Graf | None | |
Laura Hein | Northwestern University | personal |
Laura Jacobs | self-employed | |
Laura Jacobs | self-employed | |
Laura Kamps | self | |
Laura R Dewan | Self | Self |
Laura Singer | None | |
Laura Sova | Broadlands | |
Laura Strong | none | Laura Strong |
Laura Woods | Self | Self |
Laurel Hays | citizen | na |
Lauren Harper | Self | |
Lauren Quinn | self | self |
lauren schwanke | none | |
Lauren Stenzel | Concerned Citizen Parent | |
Laurie Goldstein | Self | |
Laurie Goldstein | Self | |
Lea Cline | self | Self |
Leah Handel | self | self |
Leah Kirschner | self | representing self |
Leah Mayers | 222 Trial & Error | Personal |
Leah Roberts | NA | |
Leah Whitesel | self | |
Leanne Primrose-Brown | self | self |
Lee DeLong | Ms. | none |
Lee Mehn | Self | |
Lee Mehn | Self | |
Lena Walent | Lena Walent Design | |
Lenice Abbott | Self | Self |
Lenice Abbott | Self | Self |
Leon Bernstein | Retired | self |
Leslie Cummings | self | self |
Leslie Grayson | Self | Self |
Leslie Hirsch | self | self |
Leslie Rye | None | Self |
Leslie travis | Self | Self |
Leslie Travis | Self | Self |
Lewis Kirk | NA | |
Lilly Simmons | Ms. | |
Linda Boyd | Myself | 77 |
Linda Brumback | self | self |
Linda Burton | Self | |
Linda Burton | Self | Self |
Linda Chandler | None | Self |
Linda Hinde | Resident | |
Linda Hinde | Resident | Resient |
Linda Johnson | Self | Self |
Linda Kallas | Self | |
Linda Koch | None | |
Linda Lopata | self | self |
Linda Lopata | self | self |
Linda Lunt | Action for a Better Tomorrow Elmhurst | Action for a Better Tomorrow Elmhurst |
Linda Polenzani | HUDDLE | |
Linda Scott | na | self |
Linda Unterman | Mrs. Linda Unterman | Mrs. Linda Unterman |
Linda Waycie | self | self |
Linda Ziemer | Self | Self |
Lindsay Eanet | Self | |
Lindsay Hagy | Self | Self |
Lindsay Morrison | self | self |
Lindsay Welbers | Ms. | Self |
Lindsey Hammond | Community Renewal Society | Community Renewal Society |
Lindsey Hewitt | Oakton Community College | |
Linnea ONeill | self | |
Lisa Crocker | Action for a Better Tomorrow | 217 |
Lisa Griffin | none | none |
Lisa Hendrickson | Self | Record of appearance only |
Lisa Hendrickson | Self | Record of appearance only |
Lisa Kaihara | self | self |
Lisa Kouba | Self | Self |
Lisa leipus | None | Self |
Lisa leipus | None | Self |
Lisa leipus | None | Self |
Lisa Moss | None | None |
Lisa Mullett | none | |
Lisa Mysker | Self | |
Lisa Perez | Self | Self |
Lisa Roberts | Self | Self |
Lisa Rose | Individual | None |
Lisa Rouff | None | None |
Lisa Sachs | self | |
Lisa Sparagna | Owner | |
Lisa Walsh | Self | Self |
Lisabeth Van Damme | None | Self |
Liz Adams | None | Self |
Liz Keys | Self | Self |
Liz Willock | individual | |
Lohra Vogel | self | self |
Lois Brockman | Retired | Self |
Lola Augstin | Self | Self |
Lonnie Dunlap | Retired | |
Lori McKiernan | NA | NA |
Lori Myers | Constituent | Self |
Loyd Clayton | NA | Myself |
Lucas Hergert | North Shore Unitarian Church | |
Lucinda Mellott | none | self |
Lucy Pick | self | self |
Luke Adams | Luke Adams Design | |
Lydia Vincenty | residence | self |
Lynda Throm | none | self |
Lynda Throm | none | self |
Lynda Throm | none | self |
Lynn Franger | None | None |
Lynn Griffis | self | self |
Lynn Lanese | Lynn Lanese | Self |
Lynn Sakata | Myself | Myself |
Lynn Sakata | Myself | Myself |
Lynn Samaroo | Resident | |
Lynn Sieben | self | self |
Lynn Stanczuk | Self | Self |
Lynne Lenz | self | self |
Lynne M Westphal | Self | Self |
Lynne Ruben | Self | |
M Gregory | Myself IL voter | Myself IL voter |
Macaire Grambauer | self | Self |
Madeline Baum | Self | Self |
Madhuri Patel | self as a citizen | |
Madonna Pence | self | |
Magda Roth | Self | |
Maggie Lu | Self | SELF |
Maggie Morris | self | self |
Malia Zoghlin | Self | self |
Mallory Caise | NA | Myself |
Mande Mischler | NA | NA |
Mara E Meyer | Self | Self |
Marcia Bernstein | self | self |
Marcia M Bollo | 1942 | |
Margaret Hartman | Self | |
Margaret Jacome | self | |
Margaret Lindsay | self | self |
Margaret Mass | SELF | self |
Margaret Michelson | Northshore University Health System | |
Margaret Pissarreck | NA | NA |
Margaret Sents | Retired | |
Maria Glaser | Self | Self |
Maria Randazzo | Individual | |
mariann stephens | none | |
Marianne Griebler | Myself | Myself |
Marie A Cabiya | self | self |
Marie Grygienc | None | Self |
Marie Grygienc | None | Self |
Marie Grygienc | None | Self |
Marie Popkin | Self | Self |
Marie-Claude Schauer | Orion Marine Corporation | |
Marilyn Freese | Self | Self |
Marilyn Friedman | NA | self |
Marilynn Gortowski | myself | myself |
Marion Nowak | self | self |
Marissa Kalman | Self | Self |
Mark Bonges | self | |
Mark Mason | Father | |
Mark Muehlhausen | Self | Self |
mark Novotny | none | myself |
Mark Stasiorowski | NA | Self |
Mark Walsh | Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence | ichv |
Marla Barch | not applicable | |
Marsha Lee | Self | |
Martha Carlson | na | |
Martha klems | Self | |
Marti Swanson | IRTA | self |
Martin Cuellar | Self | Personal |
Marva Watkins | personal | personal |
Marvin L Doolin | none | self |
Marvin L Doolin Jr | Self | |
Mary Ann Phillips | Self | Self |
Mary Barteau | NA | |
Mary Beth Lang | None | |
Mary Getty | self | 630 |
Mary Grose | self | |
Mary Hughes | 19th Ward Parents for Special Education | Parents of Children with Special Needs in the 19th Ward of Chicago |
Mary Hughes | Citizen | Self |
Mary Jayaraman | None | Self |
Mary Jeanette Moran | Self | |
Mary Joan Cepla | self | self |
Mary Kay Mace | none | self |
Mary Lane | self | |
Mary Lou Ludicky | self | |
Mary Lyman-Parrish | Self | Self |
Mary Miller | ABT | self |
Mary Morrissey | Office of the Illinois Attorney General | Office of the Illinois Attorney General |
Mary Pat Forston | citizen | |
Mary Patrcia Ernst | Ernst Financial | self |
Mary Patrcia Ernst | Ernst Financial | self |
Mary Posner | Self | Self |
Mary Quinlan | Self | Self |
Mary Shapiro | Self | |
Mary Tavegia | Self | Self |
Mary Tworek-Tupper | self | self |
Maryam Brotine | Self | Self |
Maryann DImprerio | self | self |
Maryann Vazquez | Self | Self-Constituent |
Maryann Vazquez | Self | Self-Constituent |
Maryann Vazquez | Self | Self-Constituent |
MaryBeth Napier | Personal | Indivisible Evanston |
Maryellen Schwartz | Taxpayer | Taxpayer |
Marygael Cullen | NA | NA |
Mason Schloesser | self | self |
Mato Grbavac | na | na |
Matt Kovalcik | Individual | Personal |
Matthew Gulatto | None | |
Matthew Lenz | self | self |
Maureen Baird | Self | Self |
Maureen Baird | Self | Self |
Maureen Baird | Self | Self |
Maureen Hickey | Self | Self |
Maureen Keane | Self | Maureen Keane |
Maureen McGonagle | self | self |
Maureen McGonagle | self | self |
Maureen Vana | Self | self |
Meg Reynolds | Self | self |
Meg Reynolds | self | self |
Megan Beltran Jewett | Self | Self |
Megan Kivarkis | Self | Self |
Megan Michalski | Self | |
Megan Mockaitis | Self | My Self and My Family |
Meghan Zefran | Self | Personal |
Meghann McEntee | none | Myself |
Melanie Chapman | self | self |
Melanie Patric | None | Self |
Melanie Schikore | Countryside Church Unitarian Universalist | |
Melanie Scott-Dockery | individual | self |
Melissa Chen | self | self |
Melissa Chen | self | self |
Melissa Chen | self | self |
Melissa Diebold | Home | Self |
Melissa MacGregor | Self | Self |
Melissa Prober | none | none |
Melissa Raguseo | self | self |
Melissa Sanko | self | self |
Melissa Schwartz | Self | |
Melissa Sterne | None | Self |
Meredith D Schacht | NA | Self |
Meredith Payne | Self | Self |
Merle Monroe | Individual | Individual |
Merlin Mather | Mr | Self |
Merrill Cole | Self | Self |
MICHAEL BREMER | Cumberland Group | |
Michael Conroy | Michael Conroy & Asscocates | Michael Conroy |
Michael I Rothstein | Tabet DiVito & Rothstein LLC | |
Michael Kaiser-Nyman | NA | NA |
Michael Kalasunas | self | |
Michael La Porte | None | Self |
Michael Mellini | NA | |
Michael Mellini | NA | NA |
Michael Raguseo | Self | Self |
Michal Palatnik | None | |
Michele Beaulieux | self | Indivisible |
Michele Beaulieux | self | Indivisible |
Michele Edelmuth | Self | |
Michele Jaye Solomon | NA | |
michele pulver | Ms | 1 |
Michelle Bautista | Self | |
Michelle Berry | Self | |
Michelle Farra | Self | Self |
Michelle Freedman | None | Self |
Michelle Kritselis | N.A. | Self |
Michelle ORton Loftus | ORTON LOFTUS LAW GROUP | IL children |
Michelle Roskens | Self | Self |
Michelle Singleton | Midwestern University | 773 |
Michelle Thomas | self | self |
Michelle Trayne | Self | Self |
Miguel Bautista | Citizen | Citizen |
Mike Bishop | self | |
Mildred V Palmer | individual | 847 |
Miranda Wilgus | ACA Consumer Advocacy | Aca consumer Advocacy |
Miriam Wagner | Self | Self |
Monica Velez | None | Self |
Monica Velez | None | Self |
Monica Velez | None | Self |
Monica Courson | Self | Self |
Monica Leventhal | Self Employed | None |
Monica McGill | Self | Self |
Morgan Paulus | self | self |
Morgan Snouffer | None | Self |
Morgan Snouffer | None | Self |
Musette Michael | MUSETTE A MICHAEL | |
Musette Michael | Musette Michael | |
Myra Gillespie | Self | Educators |
Nadine Robertson DiMare | Self | Self |
Nancy Jones | Self | Self |
Nancy Arlen | self-employed | |
Nancy Cunov | Individual | |
Nancy Gorman | Self | |
Nancy Graham Miller | SELF | |
Nancy Graham Miller | SELF | Self |
Nancy Grandone | Na | Self |
Nancy Grandone | NA | Self |
nancy hagen | self employed | |
Nancy Holst | None | |
Nancy Holst | None | 630 |
Nancy J Patush | none | |
Nancy J Patush | none | |
Nancy Kelly-Martin | Indivisual | Indvidual |
Nancy Nelson | Self | |
Nancy Schietzelt | Citizen | Myself |
Nancy Schietzelt | Mrs. | |
Nancy Schulz | Self | Self |
Nancy Soren | none | myself |
Natalie Warren | none | none |
Natalya Fishman | not applicable | myself |
Nathan | Citizen | |
Nathan La Porte | Self | Self |
Neal Katz | self | self |
Nicole Crudup | Self | |
Nicole Serna | Self | Self |
Nicole Stemler | Self | self |
Nilsa Sweetser | Self | Self |
NIna Coppola | self | Nina Coppola |
Nina Corwin | Nina Corwin, MA, LCSW Private Practice | Nina Corwin |
Noel Zak | self | self |
Noelle McDonough | self | self |
Noreen McAndrew | Domestic Engineer | |
olga domchenko | resident not rep of any agency or firm | |
Oscar Alcantara | Self | Self |
P L Watt | self | self |
Pam Prosch | Ms. | |
Pamela Gray | None | Self |
Pamela Koerkel | none | self |
Pamela Metcalf Waud | self | self and family |
Pamela Ohman | self | self |
Pamela Taylor | none | self |
Pat Perrier | Just Breathe Yoga Studio | |
Patricia A Roop | na | |
Patricia Adelman | Self | Self |
Patricia Armstrong | On behalf of self | Illinois voter |
Patricia B Rocco | Self | |
Patricia Heise | Self | Self |
Patricia Heise | Self | Self |
Patricia Inman | None | |
Patricia Masek | None | Self |
Patricia Masek | None | Self |
Patricia McAdams | Self | |
Patricia McAdams | Self | |
Patricia Seliga | NA | Self |
Patrick McMullan | NA | myself |
Paul Safyan | Northshore Unitarian Church | |
Paula Belnap | self | personal |
Paula Wallrich | Private citizen | |
Peggy Sloyan | self | self |
Penelope Mulch | Self | Self |
Penny Shepherd | Mrs. | Self |
Pete Eriksson | Self | |
phil oelkers | na | self |
Philip Garbe | Self | self |
Philipp Robert Palmer | none | |
Phyllis Orzechowski | Personal | Personal |
Priya Dugad | Self | Self |
Rachel Erdman | Citizen | Ncjw and The Jewish people |
Rachel Becknell | Constituent | Self |
Rachel Fandel | self | |
Rachel Goad | self | self |
Rachel Kligerman | Self-employed | Self |
Rachel Wallach | None | Self |
Rachelle Stivers | Self | Self |
Randi Stern | independent | Individual |
Randolph Roller | NA | NA |
Randy Ewoldt | None | Self |
Rebecca Bennett | none | personal |
Rebecca Fortner | Resident | |
Rebecca Hinrichs Glimco | Self | |
Rebecca Hoover | Self | Self |
Rebecca Kidd | Thousand Waves Martial Arts and Self Defense center | self |
Rebecca Mills | Self | Self |
Rebecca Pfisterer | NA | Self |
Rebecca Weinberg | Self | None |
Regina Marie Ferrera | Self-employed | Personal |
Renea Good | Self | Self |
Renee Gladstone | none | self |
Renee Wsol | Self | Self |
Renita Miller | self | self |
Renita Miller | Self | Self |
Rhonda Present | NA | NA |
Rhonda RK | Citizen | Self |
Richard Goldberg | self | Self |
Richard M Wallach | Richard Wallach | |
Richard Pocius | None | Self |
Richard Schreiber | self | self |
Richard Schwier | NA | Myself |
Richell Mintzlaff | Not Applicable | Citizens |
Richell Mintzlaff | Not Applicable | Citizens |
Rita Rossi-Foulkes | None | None |
Rita Rossi-Foulkes | None | None |
Rita Rossi-Foulkes | None | None |
Robert Bernstein | Self | Self |
Robert Louis Woodley | na | |
Robert W Linzmeier | -. | |
Roberta Conboy | Self | |
Roberta Moore | self | SELF |
Roberta Novak | Ms. | Personal |
Roberta Ruben | Self | |
Robin Charleston | None | |
Robin Dusek | Me | self |
Robin Dusek | Me | self |
Robin M Ryan | None | Self |
Robin Ragan | Knox College | |
Robin Wickenkamp | self | |
Robyn Tanny | self | self |
Rodney A Patterson | NONE | |
Ronda Feller | Self | Self |
Ronda Michels | Individual | None |
Rosa SanMarchi | Self | |
Rosalind Blaurock | Self | Self |
Rosemarie Colacino | Heartland Resistance Coalition | Personal |
Rosemary Esch | None | Self |
Russell Grafton | Self | Self |
Ruth Fink-Winter | NA | |
Ruth Orme-Johnson | Hustler | |
Ruth Rich | Self | Self |
Ruth Rich | Self | Self |
Ruth Scifo | Not Applicable | |
Sabine Selvais | self | |
Sally Nador | Pstchologist | |
Sandra Giordano | Mrs. | |
Sandra Giordano | self | self |
Sandra Silva | self | self |
Sandra Simonis | none | self |
Sandra Swantek | Self | Written |
Sandra Ulbrich Almazan | NA | |
Sara Berner | None | Self |
Sara Brown | NA | Self |
Sara Horan | self | self |
Sara Horan | self | self |
Sara Kurensky | self | |
Sara Lewis | na | na |
Sara Rezvi | self | self |
Sara Ryerson | Sara Ryerson, LCSW | |
Sara Spaniol | College of DuPage | self |
Sarah Bauer | Self | Self |
Sarah Breeden | None | Self |
Sarah Collyer | Self | |
Sarah Contorer | None | Self |
Sarah Ellis | Self | Self |
Sarah Novey | self | self |
Sarah Oehler | Self | Swlf |
Sarah Petersen | Self | Self |
Sarah Polich | citizen | citizen |
sarah silins | self | myself and my two minor children |
Scott Clark | na | myself |
Scott Flack | State Farm Insurance | Self |
Scott Horwitz | none | none |
Scott Horwitz | none | none |
Scott Migaldi | Self | Self |
Scott Spaniol | Morton College | Self |
Sean Bradley | self | Self |
Sean Graham-White | NA | self |
Seth Teske | None | |
Shalini Chadha | NA | INDIVISIBLE |
Shalini Chadha | NA | INDIVISIBLE |
shana Bernstein | none | 773 |
shana Bernstein | slef | 773 |
Shanna Simpson | Self | |
Shannon Carey | None | None |
Shannon McDonnell | None | Self |
Sharon Branch | Self | |
Sharon Hellman | Voices of REason | |
Sharon Khurana | Self | self |
Sharon L Boughner | Taxpayer | 217 |
Sharon L Boughner | taxpayer | 217 |
Sharon Seliga | NA | Self |
Shawn Burk | Citizen | |
Shawn Michael | self | self |
Shayna watchinski | Self | Self |
Sheila Ondrachek | not applicable | |
Sheila Snyder | Self | |
Sheldon Copeland | NA | NCJW |
Shelley Sutherland | Self | Self |
Sheri Zierdt | None | Self |
Sherrilyn Drew | Ms. | |
Sherry Hawkins | Self | Self |
Sherry Jain | Self | Self |
Shira Koffman | SLP | self |
Siobhan Connors | None | |
Sol Misener | NA | Myself |
Sonja Rotenberg | None | self |
Sonny Cohen | self | Self |
Sophia | self | self |
Stacy Saef | self | self |
Steffanie Flack | None | Self |
Stephanie Bassett | Self | Self |
Stephanie Gray | NA | NA |
Stephanie Holt | none | none |
Stephanie Scheitler | None | |
Steve Branch | Concerned Citizen | |
Steven B Philoon | illinois citizen | self |
Steven Pacheco | Self | Self |
Steven Pacheco | Self | Self |
Storey Shearer | Sel | Self |
Stuart Greenspan | self | self |
Stuart Greenspan | self | self |
Sue Friedman | Retired | Self |
Sue Rio | None | Self |
Susan Balaban | self | self |
Susan Becker | Ms. | 630 |
Susan Budde | Indivisible Chicago | Personal |
Susan Farmer | Self | Self |
Susan Friedman | Retired | Self |
Susan Gallagher | Self | Self |
Susan Guironnet | Self | Self |
Susan Helwig | None | Self |
Susan Jaffee | Knit Nirvana llc | Business owner |
susan link | self | |
Susan Mason | Susanmasonfineart | Self |
Susan McFaul | Self | Self |
Susan Munro | none | Evanston Moms Demand Action |
Susan Schomburg | self | self |
Susan Schomburg | self | self |
Susan Sobon | NA | Myself |
Susan Walker | Self | Self |
Susan Welch | Self employed | Self |
Susan Wiechman | Self | Self |
Suzanne Besaw | Self | Self |
Suzanne Stroemer | NA | |
Sylvia Renteria | self | self |
Tami Martin | Concerned citizen | Self |
Tamiko Baker | Self | Self |
Tammy Georgiou | Self | |
Tammy Leanne Green | Self Employed | |
Tanja Murray | None | Self |
Tara Hedges | Self | |
Tara McClellan McAndrew | - None - | none |
Ted Ganchiff | Self | Self |
Teresa Moro | Dr. | Self |
Terri Gens | self | self |
Terri Klowden | Self | Self |
Terry Boyd | none | none |
Terry Boyd | Self | Self |
Terry Boyd | Self | Self |
Terry Boyd | Self | Self |
Terry Boyd | Self | Self |
Terry Sill | CITIZEN | |
Thomas A Williams | self | self |
Thomas Morel | personal | personal |
Thomas Moss | Self | Personal |
Tiffany Spaw | None | Self |
Tiffany Spaw | None | Self |
Tiffany Spaw | None | Self |
Tiffany Walsh | Self | Self |
Tim Lacy | None | None |
Tim Lovell | On behalf of self | Indivisible Chicago |
Timna Axel | Chicago Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights | |
Toni Duncan | NA | |
Toni Duncan | NA | self |
Traci Bernthal | Self | Self |
Traci Kurtzer | Self | Self |
Tracy Ahr | self | |
Tracy McGonagle | Self | Self |
Tracy Nicholson | none | concerned parent |
Tracy Scaduto | Self | |
Tracy Silverman | Self | Self |
Valerie Powers | none | |
Valerie Shull | self | self |
Vanessa Griffin | individual | |
Verena Block | SELF | SELF |
Verena Block | SELF | SELF |
Vicki Dvorak Isely | Self | |
Victoria Carlee | Retired | |
Victoria Grahm | self | self |
Victoria Long | Self | Self |
Victoria Watkins | City of Chicago | Office of the Mayor |
viktoria erhardt | self | |
vivian chou | na | self |
Vivian Tedford | NA | myself |
Vivien Eisenberg | none | |
Walter Seliga | NA | Self |
wayne rhodes | self | self |
Wendy Gifford | NA | Self |
Wendy Parris | self | |
Wendy Pollock | Ms. | Self employed |
Whitney Waters | none | self |
William Bianchi | NA | Personal |
William Emrich | Moms Demand Action | Moms Demand Action |
William J Carroll Jr | self | self |
William Robert McAndrew | - None - | none |
Ximena Ann Reedy | Self | |
Yuki Spellman | Self | |
Yulia Bjekic | Self | Self |
Yung Cong-Huyen | Self | Self |