Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: State Government (S) 5/10/2017 2:30 PM |
Anna Ha | Self | Self |
Blanca Campos | CBHA | Community Behavioral Health Providers |
Caitlin Groh | Illinois Attorney General's Office | Illinois Attorney General's Office |
David Schwartz | Self | Self |
Dr Brandon Myers | The Samuel R. Myers Foundation for Suicide and Mental Health Awarness | The Samuel R. Myers Foundation for Suicide and Mental Health Awareness |
Dr Brandon Myers | The Samulel R. Myers Foundation for Suicide and Mental Health Awareness | The Samuel R. Myers Foundation for Suicide and Mental Health Awareness |
John Donovan | Office of the Cook County Sheriff | Office of the Cook County Sheriff |
John Keigher | Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board | IL Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board |
Josh Evans | IARF | Community-based providers serving children and adults with intellectual-developmental disabilities and serious mental illnesses. |
Khadine Bennett | ACLU of Illinois | ACLU of Illinois |
Kyle Hillman | National Association of Social Workers Illinois Chapter | National Association of Social Workers - Illinois Chapter |
Mark Heyrman | Mental Health Summit | Mental Health Summit |
Maryellen Schwartz | Taxpayer | Taxpayer |
Samantha Axton | Furring & Purr Associates | Self |
Terry Steczo | Government Strategy Associates | Association of Community Mental Health Authorities of Illinois |
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 3/28/2017 4:00 PM |
Cara Smith | Office of the Cook County Sheriff | Office of the Cook County Sheriff |
John Donovan | Office of the Cook County Sheriff | Office of the Cook County Sheriff |
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 3/21/2017 4:00 PM |
John Donovan | Office of the Cook County Sheriff | Office of the Cook County Sheriff |
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 2/15/2017 3:00 PM |
Cara L Smith | Office of the Cook County Sheriff | Office of the Cook County Sheriff |
Joe Ryan | Office of the Cook County Sheriff | Office of the Cook County Sheriff |
John T Donovan | Office of the Cook County Sheriff | Office of the Cook County Sheriff |
Josh Evans | Illinois Association of Rehabilitation Facilities | Community providers serving children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and mental illnesses. |
Kevin Schneider | Self | Self |
Mark Heyrman | Mandel Legal Aid clinic | Mental Health America of illinois |
Patrick Keenan-Devlin | James B. Moran Center for Youth Advocacy | Juvenile Justice |
Terry Steczo | Government Strategy Associates | Association of Community Mental Health Authorities of Illinois |
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 2/8/2017 2:00 PM |
Bethany Parnell | Self | Self |
emily beaufort | self | self |
Holly Vanzant | Self | Self |
John T Donovan | Office of the Cook County Sheriff | Office of the Cook County Sheriff |
Terry Steczo | Government Strategy Associates | Association of Community Mental Health Authorities of Illinois |