Illinois General Assembly - SB3514Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For SB3514  103rd General Assembly

Bill Status

Legislation: SB3514
Proponents: 183Opponents: 1No Position: 3
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: State Government Administration (H) 5/1/2024 2:00 PM
Alice TellLeague of Women Voters ChicagoLeague of Women Voters Chicago
Ariel HamptonIllinois Environmental CouncilIllinois Environmental Council
Cynthia KannerPrairie State Conservation CoalitionPrairie State Conservation Coalition
David SchwartzSelfSelf
Deborah HalpernLeague of Women Voters ChicagoLWV Chicago
Jerry M HerstSelfself
Nicole Saulsberrysierra club IllinoisSierra Club Illinois
Hearing Date and Time: State Government (S) 3/6/2024 1:30 PM
Adi Alsaid HabiaNANA
Aimee mandikPrairie school of dupagePrairie School of Dupage
Alasdair ThompsonNoneNone
Alex HandelSelfSelf
Alison StodolanonePrairie School of Dupage
Alyssa MaurernonePrairie School of DuPage
Alyssa TheodorIllinois Master NaturalistsSelf
Amanda WareingPrivate CitizenPrivate Citizen
Amelia PolheberPolheber householdPolheber Family
Amy CunninghamSelfSelf
Amy PentzienNAPrairie School of Dupage
Ann KlestIndividualPrairie School of DuPage
Anna LeopoldononePrairie School of Dupage
Anna OBrienSelfSelf
Aras SipaviciusSelfPrairie School of DuPage
Ashley ClarknaPrairie School of DuPage
Atticus VaughanNonePrairie school of Dupage
Ayris BagjasNoneNone
Betty AmoreSelfSelf
Billy MillsPrairie School of DuPagePrairie School of DuPage
Brian MaurerNaNone
Brian QuirkPrairie School of DuPagePrairie School of DuPage
Brian SuchySprovieri's Custom CountersPrairie School of DuPage
Bridget DoveattPrairie School of DupagePrairie School of Dupage
Brigid Trimbleselfself
Camilo ZamudioPrairie School of DuPagePrairie School of DuPage
Carol Ergoselfself
Carrie CoxIndividualIndividual
Carrie ThompsonSelfself
Casey GoughNorth Central CollegeJust myself
Charlotte GallagherThe Gallagher FamilyPrairie School of DuPage
Chris coxIndividualIndividual
Chris Wissmannprivate citizenFriends of Joe McFarland
Christopher BolgerThe Theosophical Society in AmericaChristopher Bolger
Christy del SaltoMyselfMyself
Cindy RibaPersonPerson
Courtney Henderson743377Prairie School of Dupage
Dan LobbesSelfSelf
Dane NelsonNot applicableMyself
Danielle FineganSelfSelf
Deanna and Brian BazanKendall County residentsupporting the Prairie School of DuPage
Deanna DoohalukSelfSelf
Diana PierceDNAUpper Elementary
Elisa ONeillNot applicableSelf
Elizabeth Bachnaself
Elizabeth MaurerNASelf
Elizabeth PeluseSelfSelf
Ellen G SoukupSikichSoukup Family
Emily KennySelfSelf
Erin AtkinsonPrairie School of DuPagePrairie School of DuPage
Erin AtwellLoyola University ChicagoPrairie School of DuPage
Erin DiGangiPrairie School of DupagePrairie School of Dupage
Erin HemmerIndividualPrairie School of Dupage
Finnnoneprairie school
Finn ZownoregaPrairie School of DuPagePrairie School of DuPage
Frank Dominick D'AnnanoneErin Hemmer
Frank GogliottiNAself
Frank SladekIllinois Department of Natural ResourcesIDNR
Gina MusielskinoneNone
Greg FairbankNASelf
Gregory MuellerRetiredIllinois Mycological Association and International Union for the Conservation of Nature Species Survival Commission Fungal Conservation Committee
Guisselle WismerSelfPrairie School of Dupage
Guy ZimmermanNANA
Heather Craig-SomerlotNANA
Heiko MitzkusNAPrairie School of DuPage
Holly DunkelSelfSelf
Hudson GeritanoNaAppearing with Prairie School of DuPage
Iryna AruteNaIryna Arute
Jack Ergoselfself
james fineganselfself
James KleinwachterThe Conservation FoundationUpper Elementary Students
Jamie ImpastatoSelfSelf
Jane BarnettNoneJane Barnett
Jane Van NortwickselfSelf
Janet Ergo Zimmernanselfself
Janice WhiteSustain DuPageSustain DuPage
Jarett Reinwaldselfself
Jay DammWoodland StringsJay Damm
Jennifer BatesSelfSelf
Jennifer OlsonNASelf
Jennifer RydzewskiN Aself
Jessica CampNANA
Jessica SalasekNAself
Jessica WashburnSelfSelf
Jesslyn JobeNoneFriend of Joe
Jill GeritanoIndividualSelf
Jill JohnsonThe Conservation FoundationMyself
Jillmarie KawaokaIndependantSelf
Joe McFarlandIllinois Department of Natural ResourcesPrairie School of DuPage
John OBrienSelfSelf
Julia EnglandSelfSelf
Julieta fallaNoneNone
Kacie JumaniIndividualIndividual - Kacie Jumani
Kaileen WallsNonePrairie School of DuPage
Karen DugoPrairie School of DuPagePrairie School of DuPage
Katherine SuchySTAR NET Region IIPrairie School of Dupage
Kathy SheehanSelfSelf
Katy ZimmermanSelfSelf
Kellen SchumacherSelfPrairie School of DuPage
Kelly Jirschele-Prairie School mushroom bill
Kelly ZownoregaSELFPrairie School of DuPage
Kevin ClarkSunSourcePrairie School of Dupage
Kristen AlmNAPrairie School of Dupage
Kurt HemmerSelfSelf
Kyla MuhammadSelfSelf
Laine ClarknaPrairie School of DuPage
Landon HyderSelfPrairie School of DuPage
Laura CollinsPrairie School of DupagePrairie School of Dupage
Laura FairbankSelfNA
Laura KamedulskiSelfSelf
Laurel FineganSelfSelf
Lauren CooperPrairie School of DuPagePrairie School of DuPage
Lauren KaesebergSelfSelf
Lenice AbbottSelfSelf
leo clarknaprairie School of DuPage
Lester VaughanSelfSelf
Liam ZownoregaNonePrairie School Of Dupage
Lillian GerkenGerken HomeGerken Family
Linda LoodUniversity of IllinoisUniversity of Illinois Master Natualist
Lindsay ZimmermanselfSelf
Linnet ShahrokhSelfSelf
Lisa Tiedemannretired teacherPrairie School of DuPage
Liza MoraitisPrairie School of DuPagePrairie School of DuPage
Malia ChiangNonenone
Margaret ReslerNonePrairie School
Marifran GeorgisIndividualSchool
Marissa OwenPrairie School of DuPagePrairie school of dupage
Mary GogliottiNAself
Mary KleinMary KleinMary Klein
Mary PlunkettMary PlunkettSelf
MaryVandevordHeartLands ConservancyHeartLands Conservancy
Megan E SchumacherIndividualPrairie School of Dupage
Megan NeffNoneSelf
Melanie DaweNo businessPrairie school of DuPage
Michael KusekRepublic Bank of ChicagoMichael Kusek
Miranda WaldmannonePrairie School of DuPage
Nicole PalmerNASelf
Olesya IgnatenkoNASelf
Olympia WolfJill Wiles WolfPrairie School Of DuPage
Penelope KusekPrairie School of DuPagePenelope Kusek
Rachael ZimmermanSelfPrairie School of DuPage
Rachel TurnerPrairie School of DuPageRachel Turner
Randall KrugKrug Haus PublishingPrairie School of DuPage
Rebecca PruimSt. Raphael Catholic SchoolRebecca Pruim
Reid ClarknaPrairie School of DuPage
Rikki RanieriNANA
Robert DiGangiNoneSelf
Robert EnglandSelfSelf
Robert ZownoregaVerlare Cleaners of ElmhurstPraire School of Dupage
Roger SuchyThe Bronx GroupPrairie School of DuPage
Rory ZownoregaPrairie School of DuPagePrairie School of DuPage
Ruslan SalimovBeglaroff CoRuslan Salimov, Maria Beglarova
Sadie NeuhalfenPrairie School of DuPagePrairie School of DuPage
Sally FairbankSelfSelf
Samantha KyrkostasPrairie School of DuPagePrairie School of DuPage
Samantha SmithFairfield FFAIAVAT Member
Sandy YoungstromPrairie School of DuPagePrairie School of DuPage
Sara CampbellN-aSelf
Sarah FinkPrairie School of DupagePrairie School of DuPage
Shantal AlonsoPrairie School of DuPagePrairie School of DuPage
Stefanie HarrisonNonePrairie School of Dupage
Steven GeritanoSelfIn support of the students of Prairie School of DuPage
Steven LeopoldoSelfSelf
steven r washburnSteve WashburnSelf
Susan F GogliottiNAself
Susan StyerSelfSelf
Tammy BristolSelfMyself
Thomas Van NortwickSelfNA
Tristan ZamudioSelfPrairie School of DuPage
Tyler MartinSelfSelf
Wendy VernonSelfSelf
William BoardmanHeartlands ConservancyHeartlands Conservancy
Wioletta LyszczarzPrairie school of dupagePrairie school of du page
Xander NeuhalfenPrairie School of DuPagePrairie School of DuPage
Yannis MoraitisNonePrairie School of Dupage
Zachary RussavagePrairie School of DuPagePrairie School of DuPage