Illinois General Assembly - SB3436Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For SB3436  103rd General Assembly

Bill Status

Legislation: SB3436
Proponents: 20Opponents: 0No Position: 0
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Approp- Health and Human (S) 5/8/2024 5:30 PM
Alan J HollenbeckIllinois AARPIllinois AARP
Candice TreesNASelf
Catherine CaporussoResistanceWomen and children
David LinnearNAAARP
Diane SlezakAgeOptionsAgeOptions
Donald M BellIllinois Commission on LGBTQplus AgingAARP IL
Elaine NekritzNekritz Amdor Andersson GroupShriver Center on Poverty Law
Helen RosenbergAARPAARP
John BoumanLegal Action ChicagoLegal Action Chicago
John StrausNoneNone
Mai-Anh PhamLegal Action ChicagoLegal Action Chicago
Meghan P CarterLegal Council for Health JusticeLegal Council for Health Justice
Niya KellyChicago Coalition for the HomelessChicago Coalition for the Homeless
Rick PlanosGlobal Retail SolutionsRick Planos
Ryan GruenenfelderAARPAARP
Susan Davis LongAARPAARP, Personal
Susan Davis LongAARPAARP, Personal
Theresa CollinsSSPSelf
Timothy JacksonAIDS Foundation ChicagoAIDS Foundation Chicago