Illinois General Assembly - SB3214Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For SB3214  103rd General Assembly

Bill Status

Legislation: SB3214
Proponents: 23Opponents: 0No Position: 1
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Approp- Health and Human (S) 5/1/2024 9:00 AM
Abygail FranklinRAMP Center for Independent Livingself
Beth BendtsenSELFSELF
Cathy ContarinoIMPACT CILindividuals with disabilities
Christina HodgeSelfSelf
Craig FettyIllinois ResidentIndividuals with Disabilities in Winnebago, Boone, DeKalb and Stephenson Counties.
Dawn RichardsonConstituentSelf
Eric BrownRAMP Center for Independent LivingIndividuals with Disabilities in Winnebago, Boone DeKalb and Stephenson Counties
Heather FoulkerRAMPA person with a disability, a parent of a daughter with a disability, an advocate of people with disabiilties
Jackie SundquistRAMPDHS-DRS CIL funding
Kindall F Carmouche-PullenDisability Resource CenterDisability Resource Center
Kristina ReisProgress Center for Independent Livingself
Lynne Manna-FisherSelfSelf
Megan HowardRAMPIndividuals with Disabilities in Winnebago, Boone DeKalb, and Stephenson Counties
Michelle GarciaAccess Livingpersons with disabilities
Missy MartinDisability Resource CenterDisability Resource Center
Ron JacksonRaMPRAMP
Sarah MichaelsonSally Is Sarah Productions, LLCSelf
Scott FisherselfSelf
Steven JohnsonSouthern Illinois Center for Independent LivingSouthern Illinois Center for Independent Living
Susan PrachtSelfSelf
Timotheus Gordon JrNASelf-advocate in the Illinois disability community
vici douglasselfself