Illinois General Assembly - SB2260Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For SB2260  103rd General Assembly

Senate Amendment 001   Senate Amendment 002   House Amendment 001
Bill Status

Legislation: SB2260
Proponents: 509Opponents: 1No Position: 0
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 4/25/2023 4:00 PM
Alexis MansfieldWomen's Justice InstituteWomen's Justice Institute
Amy FoxLife Span Inc.Life Span
Amy JahnkeSelfSelf
Ana PliegoAscend JusticeSelf
Andrea Lewis Hartungself
Anna Jaczewskiself
Anna Pastorself
Annette L MillevilleChicago Childrens Advocacy CenterChicago Childrens Advocacy Center
Ashley deRamos-StarkSelf
Ashley OlsonnaSelf
Avalon Betts-GastonIllinois Alliance for Reentry & JusticeIllinois Alliance for Reentry & Justice
Beisabel Velascoselfself
Bonnie Petersenselfself
Bonnie Richardsonselfself
Camilla SteflSelfSelf
Catherine CaporussoResistanceWomen and children
Celene Peurye-HissongSelfSelf
Charlotte MillerSelfSelf
Cheryl Jones DasSelfSelf
Chloe CoxSelf
Chris NyboChris Nybo LLCMutual Ground
Christine RaffaeleIllinois Coalition Against Domestic ViolenceIllinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Christine Alcorn CatenaCrisis Center for South SuburbiaCrisis Center for South Suburbia
Colleen AsheSingle person
Cristina LopezAnew Building Beyond Violence and AbuseSelf
Dana De Graziaselfself
David BythewoodConstituentSelf
David SchwartzSelfSelf
Deborah FennerSelfSelf
Dwain Thomasnone
Elizabeth CzechanskiSelfSelf
Elizabeth GardnernoneNONE
Ellen Caffrey Garzaselfself
Elyse EstesSelfSelf
Emily WachowiakSelfself
Erica JimenezSelfSelf
Faith MillerFaith Millerself
Gail SmithChildren's Best Interest ProjectChildren's Best Interest Project
Gray NollIllinois Prosecutor's Association
Hillary DouinYWCA Evanston NorthshoreYWCA Evanston North Shore
Ingrid HofeldtSelf
Irene LopezNASelf
Jacob StromSelf
James SchwartzSelfSelf
Jamie MosserKane County State's Attorney's Office
Jane Baldingerselfself
Janet KittlausRetiredMyself
Jason WynkoopSelfSelf
Jenna BraunsteinSelfSelf
Jennifer GreeneSelfSelf
Jonathan KriegerAttorney-at-law
Joseph J ZefranRetiredMy Family and Friends
Julie StephanSelfSelf
Julie StephanSelfSelf
Karen MontielSTOP-IT
Katherine L Yoshidaselfself
Kathleen BuckleymeSelf
Kayla MartinezMujeres Latinas en AccionSelf
Kenneth BuckleySelfSelf
Kitty KnechtNoneSelf
Kris KrafkaSelf
Kyle HillmanNational Association of Social Workers - Illinois ChapterNational Association of Social Workers - Illinois Chapter
Lainie RichSelfSelf
Latrice JohnsonWomen's Justice Institute
Laura Davisselfself
Laura Woodsselfself
Laurie Jo ReynoldsUniversity of Illinois at ChicagoChicago 400 Alliance
Lauryn R WoodwardSelfSelf
Lina HammadehSELFSELF
Linda X TortoleroMujeres Latinas en AccionMujeres Latinas en Accion
Lindsey HammondRestore Justice IllinoisRestore Justice Illinois
Loren GutierrezLegal Aid Society of Metropolitan Family ServicesLegal Aid Society of Metropolitan Family Services
Lori MyersConstituentSelf
Madeleine BehrChicago Alliance Against Sexual ExploitationChicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation (CAASE)
Maralea NegronThe Network Advocating Against Domestic ViolenceThe Network Advocating Against Domestic Violence
Maralea NegronThe Network Advocating Against Domestic ViolenceThe Network Advocating Against Domestic Violence
Maralea NegronThe Network Advocating Against Domestic ViolenceThe Network Advocating Against Domestic Violence
Margaret ByrneIllinois Clemency Project for Battered WomenIllinois Clemency Project for Battered Women
Maria PetersonFitCore, Inc.Self
Marion Nowakselfself
Marissa VolkeningSelfSelf
Mary EllenSafe PassageSafe Passage Domestic Violence Agency
Mary Kate WinnNASelf
Mary Millerselfself
Mary Wehkingselfself
Matt SmithCabrini Green Legal AidCabrini Green Legal Aid
Matthew SladeMyselfSelf
Maureen KeaneShe Votes IllinoisShe Votes Illinois
Megan O'DonnellSelfSelf
Michael RabbittSelfSelf
Myra Eppingselfself
Nazizi IlanaSelfSelf
Nia Crosleyselfself
Nikki DonnelleyRights and Restoration Law Group LLC
Pam DaviesNAmyself
Pat DavenportLake county crisis centerLake county crisis center
Patricia EsquivelSelfSelf
Patricia GrahamSelfSelf
Patricia GrahamSelfSelf
Queen BrownWJI
Queen BrownWJI
Rachel BecknellConstituentSelf
Rachel C DasSelfSelf
Rachel CaidorLove and Protect
rachel ostergaardselfself
Rebecca LevinTASC - Treatment Alternatives for Safe CommunitiesTASC - Treatment Alternatives for Safe Communities
Rebecca M DasSelfSelf
Rev Allison FarnumUnitarian Universalist Prison Ministry of IllinoisUnitarian Universalist Prison Ministry of Illinois
RoseMarie CarvalloSelfSelf
Ryan GougisCook County Justice Advisory CouncilCook County Justice Advisory Council
Sara BlockAscend JusticeAscend Justice
Sarah BeuningIllinois Coalition Against Sexual AssaultIllinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault
Sarah LaydenResilience, formerly Rape Victim AdvocatesResilience, formerly Rape Victim Advocates
Scott AasengUnitarian Universalist Advocacy Network of ILUnitarian Universalist Advocacy Network of Illinois
Shannon MillikinSelfself
Shari Stone-MediatoreParole IllinoisParole Illinois
Sharlyn GraceLaw Office of the Cook County Public DefenderLaw Office of the Cook County Public Defender
Sirena SmithAgencyWJI
Sophia MadanaSelfShe Votes Illinois
Steve AnderssonNekritz, Amdor, Andersson GroupIllinois Prison Project Action Fund
Steve AnderssonNekritz, Amdor, Andersson GroupJohn Howard Association
Steve PachecoSelfSelf
Steve VoseSelfSelf
Susan Bramlet LavinIllinois National Organization for WomenIllinois NOW
Susan Gregorselfself
Susan JaffeeKnit Nirvana llcBusiness owner
Susie WiechmanNoneSelf
Sydney J HuberNA
Teresa WellmanNoneSelf
Terry Boydnoneself
Tessa KuipersFamily RescueFamily Rescue
Tessa KuipersFamily RescueFamily Rescue
Thomasine RosenthalSelfself
Timothy JacksonAIDS Foundation ChicagoAIDS Foundation Chicago
vianney leonSelfSelf
Vickie SmithIL Coalition Against Domestic ViolenceIL Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Vicky KaplanSelfSelf
William K SellersIndivisible Lincoln SquareIndivisible Lincoln Square
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 4/18/2023 4:00 PM
Aisha NobleSELFself
Alexis MansfieldWomen's Justice InstituteWomen's Justice Institute
Anne VanderWeeleMetropolitan Family ServicesMetropolitan Family Services
Annie WilliamsNONENONE
Barbara BrumfieldSelfSelf
Barbara McKassonSelfSelf
Blake MartinSelfSelf
Brenna OBrienNAMyself
Catalina CarbajalSelfSelf
Cheryl Jones DasSelfSelf
Chris NyboChris Nybo LLCMutual Ground
David BythewoodConstituentSelf
David SchwartzSelfSelf
Elsa Von HubenSelfSelf
Emily WachowiakSelfself
JoLynn Doerrselfself
Julie StephanSelfSelf
Khadine BennettACLU of IllinoisACLU of Illinois
Kyle HillmanNational Association of Social Workers - Illinois ChapterNational Association of Social Workers - Illinois Chapter
Lindsey HammondRestore Justice IllinoisRestore Justice Illinois
Marion Nowakselfself
Marissa MillerShe Votes IllinoisShe Votes Illinois
Mary Millerselfself
Matthew SladeMyselfSelf
Maureen KeaneShe Votes IllinoisShe Votes Illinois
Merrill ColeSelfSelf
Nina CorwinNina Corwin, MA, LCSW Private PracticeNina Corwin
Rachel BecknellConstituentSelf
Rebecca M DasSelfSelf
RoseMarie CarvalloSelfSelf
Rschel C DasSelfSelf
Shannon MillikinSelfself
Steven AnderssonNekritz Amdor Andersson GroupIllinois Prison Project Action Fund
Steven AnderssonNekritz Amdor Andersson GroupJohn Howard Association
Susan Bramlet LavinIllinois National Organization for WomenIllinois NOW
Susan JaffeeKnit Nirvana llcBusiness owner
Susan Linkselfself
Susie WiechmanNoneSelf
Susie WiechmanNoneSelf
Hearing Date and Time: Sp. Comm on Crim Law and Pub Safety (S) 3/22/2023 4:00 PM
A Anne Holcombselfself
Addie ChatticHOPE of Ogle CountyVictims and survivors of domestic violence
Adela Gonzalezselfself
Aglaet De SantiagoMetropolitan Family ServicesCELL
Alan MillsUptown People's Law CenterUptown People's Law Center
Alexander J OzawaselfSelf
Alexis MansfieldWomen's Justice InstituteWomen's Justice Institute
Alicia LauhonSelfSelf
Alisha BallingerQuanadaVictims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
Allan LindrupSelfSelf only
Amanda BreedenNoneSelf
Amanda SpanheimerNANA
Ameri Klafetaselfself
Amy FoxLife Span Inc.Self
Amy Fox Michalsselfself
Amy LouvierNANA
Amy P CampanelliLawndale Christian Legal CenterLawndale Christian Legal Center
Ana ChavezErie Neighborhood Houseself
Ana-Jo MounceNot ApplicableSelf
Andrea JeffersonMetropolitan Family ServicesMetropolitan Family Services
Andrew RohmSelfSelf
Andrew T Fisherselfself
Angela BertoniSojourn Shelter & Services, Inc.Sojourn Shelter & Services, Inc.
Ann Swensonselfself
Anna JaczewskiLife- SpanLife Span
Anne-Marie Douglasretiredself
April April Flores-BraytonWINGS Program, Inc.WINGS Program, Inc.
Aristea GeroulisSelfSelf
Ashley deRamos-StarkSelfSelf
Ashley HunterFamily ResourcesFamily Resources
Avalon Betts-GastonIllinois Alliance for Reentry & JusticeIllinois Alliance for Reentry & Justice
Barbara BertiniSelfSelf
Barbara Krauseselfself
Barbara McKassonSelfSelf
Becca Greensteinselfself
Beth JohnsonRights & Restoration Law GroupWomen's Justice Institute
bill ryancitizens for parolecitizens for parole
Bonnie Petersenselfself
Camilla SteflSelfSelf
Carlann UngerUSDAMyself
Carol GsellAnew Building Beyond Violence and AbuseSurvivors of Domestic Violence
Carole LevineLevine Partnersself
Carolyn NowakowskiSelfSelf
Catalina CarbajalSELFSELF
Catherine CaporussoResistanceWomen and children
CBetty Magnessselfself
Charles DahmArchdiocese of CHicago Domestic Violence OutreachArchdiocese of CHicago Domestic Violence Outreach
Cheryl Jones DasSelfSelf
Cheryl Jones DasSelfSelf
Cheryl Jones DasSelfSelf
Chris NyboChris Nybo LLCMutual Ground
Christine RaffaeleIllinois Coalition Against Domestic ViolenceIllinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Christine Alcorn CatenaCrisis Center for South SuburbiaCrisis Center for South Suburbia
Christine BreedenNoneSelf
Cindy CottonIndividualSelf
Cindy PolkCrisis Center for South SuburbiaCrisis Center for South Suburbia
Colette PayneWomen's Justice InstituteWomen's Justice Institute
Colleen DohertyShe Votes, ILShe Votes, IL
Colleen Nortonnonenone
CRISTIAN A ARANDANot applicableSelf
Cristina LopezAnew Building Beyond Violence and AbuseNA
Cristina LopezNANA
Daniela HernandezmeDaniela Hernandez
Daniella RenteriaMujeres Latinas en AccionDaniella Renteria
Danielle YoungSelfSelf
David AndersHutchison, Anders and HickeyHutchison, Anders and Hickey
David BythewoodConstituentSelf
David SchwartzSelfSelf
Deborah FennerSelfSelf
Deborah MeekerGuardian Angel Community ServicesGuardian Angel Community Services
Delaney HFamily RescueFamily Rescue
Demetria S PapadopoulosCrisisCenterforSouthSuburbiaCrisisCenterforSouthSuburbia
Diane IorioSelfSelf
Diane RosenbaumNA.NA
Dona LeanardCrisis Center FoundationVictims of domestic violence
Donna GovasNoneself
Donna SchnellSWANVictims of Domestic Violence
Elaine NekritzNekritz Amdor Andersson GroupIllinois Prison Project Action Fund
Elisa EscamillaFamily RescueFamily Rescue
Elizabeth CzechanskiSelfSelf
Elizabeth G Lentselfself
Elizabeth Morris Downieselfself
Ellen Caffrey Garzaselfself
Ellen LindeenSelfSelf
Ellie ImmermanThe Network, Advocating Against Domestic ViolenceSelf
Emily WachowiakSelfself
Emily WachowiakSelfself
Emily Werthselfself
Emma WilliamsConstituentSelf
Emma WilliamsSelfSelf
Emma WilliamsSelfSelf
Erica AustinSelfSelf
Erica JimenezSelfSelf
Erica JimenezSelfSelf
Erika SmithSelfSelf
Evelyn RuizSarah's InnUnknown
Faith MillerFaith Millerself
Fatimeh HussienSelfSelf
Flor EsquivelIL-CHEPIllinois Coalition for Higher Education in Prison
Folashade SamuelAnew Building Beyond Violence and AbuseAnew Building Beyond Violence and Abuse
Gail SmithChildren's Best Interest ProjectChildren's Best Interest Project
Gregory ChambersLive Free Illinois-ChicagoLive Free Illinois
Gregory ChambersLive Free Illinois-ChicagoSelf
Gretchen NeidhardtNAself
Haley RobichaudSelfSelf
Heather BeaufilsRemedies Renewing LivesRemedies Renewing Lives
Heather CanuelWJISelf
Holly Kerrselfself
Holly SmithSelfSelf
Ian TurnipseedNorth Suburban Legal Aid ClinicIan Turnipseed
Ilana ForbesMyselfMyself
Irene LopezNANA
Irene LopezNANA
Jaclyn KoriathSelfSelf
Jacquelyn HaynesSelfSelf
Jacquelyn SeamanSelfChicago Books to Women in Prison
James SwanseyRestore JusticeSelf
James SwanseyRestore Justice FoundationSelf
James Swansonselfself
Jamie ViebachSelfSelf
Janet A BurnsSelfSelf
Janet KittlausRetiredMyself
Janet KittlausRetiredMyself
Janice Gintzler- None -self
Jasmine SteeleSelfSelf
Jason WynkoopSelfSelf
Jenna BraunsteinSelfSelf
Jennifer CacciapagliaMayor's Office of Domestic and Community Violence PreventionMayor's Office of Domestic and Community Violence Prevention, Rockford Family Peace Center
Jennifer GabrenyaAnew Building Beyond Violence and AbuseSurvivors of domestic violence
Jennifer HeineckeNANA
Jennifer JohnsonFreedom HouseFreedom House
Jennifer ManganoNASelf
Jennifer VancilQuanadaDomstic violence
Jessica BowenQuanadaQuanada
Jessica SchrantzSelfSelf
Joan SteffenInstitute to End Mass IncarcerationSELF
Joanne Archibaldselfself
Jodie EasonSelfSelf
JoEllen ChernowSurvivors KnowSurvivors Know
John McLeesselfself
John O'MalleyNANA
JoLynn Doerrselfself
Jonathan KriegerAtty-at-lawSelf
Joy BuntonUnited Working FamiliesSelf
Joy BuntonUnited Working FamiliesSelf
judith corbeillenaself
Juli BrownCommunity Crisis CenterCommunity Crisis Center
Julia HamiltonReal EstateSelf
Julie BiehlChildren and Family Justice Ceself
Julie Orlemanskinoneself
Julie StephanSelfSelf
Julie StephanSelfSelf
Justin MansfieldselfSelf
Karen M SilvaSelfSelf
Karla SuarezErie Neighborhood HouseOrganization
Karli MolignoniNANA
Katelyn KennonIndividualSelf
Katherine HeidtSelfSelf
Katherine L Yoshidaselfself
Kathy BojczukSELFSelf
Katie OlssonNASelf
Katie OlssonNASelf
Katlynn DallmannI AM ABLE Center for Family DevelopmentProponent
Keith BrillCommunity Crisis CenterCommunity Crisis Center
Kelley SeifertNANA
Kelli Lynn Ervin-SmithPretty Girl Beauty,LLCSelf
kelly A meyersQuanadaQuanada
Ken BreedenNoneSelf
Kevin BrownSafer FoundationSafer Foundation
Kevin Sheehanlegal aid clinicSelf
Khadine BennettACLU of IllinoisACLU of Illinois
Khadine BennettACLU of IllinoisACLU of Illinois
Khemarey KhoeunSelfSelf
Kim R EnglishMY STEPSSelf
Kris KrafkaSelfSelf
Kris KrafkaSelfSelf
Kristen Lyonsselfself
Kristi GreenFamily RescueFamily Rescue
Kristina LindsayNAMyself
Kyle HillmanNational Association of Social Workers - Illinois ChapterNational Association of Social Workers - Illinois Chapter
Kyle MalcolmSelfSelf
Kyle MalcolmSelfSelf
LaNeesha GIVENSnana
Laura Davisselfself
Laura Davisselfself
Laura M ParkerNoneSelf
Lauren DeanSelfSelf
Lauren Schroederselfself
Lauryn R WoodwardSelfSelf
Lindsay BridegumHealthcare Alternative SytemsHAS
Lindsey HammondRestore Justice IllinoisRestore Justice Illinois
Lisa M MolloyCrisis Center for South SuburbiaCrisis Center
Lucas HerzogNot ApplicableSelf
Lydia HillNANA
Macaire Grambauerselfself
Madeleine BehrChicago Alliance Against Sexual ExploitationChicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation (CAASE)
Mandy CarpenterQuanadaQuanada
Mara JauntiransSelfSelf
Maralea NegronThe Network Advocating Against Domestic ViolenceThe Network Advocating Against Domestic Violence
Margaret ByrneIllinois clemency project for Battered womenIllinois clemency project for Battered women
Margaret MisiolekTurning Point, Inc.Turning Point, Inc.
Maria P PetersonSelfSelf
Marian FreireSouth Suburban Crisis CenterSouth Suburban Crisis Center
Mariana PuentesErie Neighborhood Houseself
Marianne FlanaganCrisis centerCrisis Center
Marilyn SteenwykRetiredSelf
Marina Maricselfself
Marlene Copeland DodinvalSHALVASHALVA
Mary Ellen SchaidSafe PassageSafe Passage
Matt SmithCabrini Green Legal AidCabrini Green Legal Aid
Matthew SladeMyselfSelf
Maureen KeaneShe Votes IllinoisShe Votes Illinois
Maureen ManningCommunity Crisis CenterCommunity Crisis Center
Megan RosadoConnections for Abused Women and their ChildrenSelf
Megan McShaneCrisis Center for South SuburbiaCrisis Center for South Suburbia
Megan Merrillnot applicablenot applicable
Megan O'DonnellSelfSelf
Megan SanksSelfSelf
megan wiesnerwings program, inc.Wings Program, Inc.
Meghan MokateCrisis Center for South SuburbiaSelf
Meher RehmanThe NetworkSELF
Melanie Michelle SobenesMujeres Latinas en AccionMujeres Latinas en Accion
Melinda Straussselfself
Melissa Rose McGrawSafe Passagesurvivors of domestic and sexual violence
Michael FeinermanNANA
Michelle DeVossFreedom HouseFreedom House
Michelle FreedmanNoneSelf
Michelle Harringtonselfself
Michelle KnipmeyerNASelf
Michelle KnipmeyerNASelf
Miryana SiamposSelfSelf
Naomi SenserNoneself
Naomi SenserNoneself
Narze EncarnacionFamily Shelter Service of Metropolitan Family Services DuPageFamily Shelter Service of Metropolitan Family Services DuPage
Natali RehmanIMANIMAN
Natalie PattilloFull Picture StudiosSelf
Natiera RobinsonAscend JusticeSelf
Nazizi IlanaSelfSelf
Nazizi IlanaSelfSelf
Newland SmithSelfSelf
Nikki DonnelleyRights and Restoration Law Group LLCNikki Donnelley
Nora VailCook Countyself
Olivia DowningnoneSelf
Pamela HarcourtSelfSelf
Pamela Woodselfself
Patricia EsquivelSelfSelf
Patricia GrahamSelfSelf
Patricia MarinoselfSelf
Paul RothschildSelfSelf
Paula Belnapselfself
Paula SimsSelfSelf
Peter TruschkeCommunity Crisis Center, Inc.Community Crisis Center, Inc.
Priyanka Zylstraselfself
Quanada Domestic Violence NetworkQuanadaQuanada Domestic Violence Network
Rachek C DasSelfSelf
Rachel BecknellConstituentSelf
Rachel C DasSelfSelf
Rachel CaidorLove & ProtectLove and Protect
Rachel DohertyNorth Suburban Legal Aid ClinicIndividual
Rachel HeicherHOPE of East Central ILself
Rachel JohnsonSelfSelf
Rebecca LevinTASC - Treatment Alternatives for Safe CommunitiesTASC - Treatment Alternatives for Safe Communities
Rebecca ThomasAnewself
Richard C PardoFirst Unitarian Church of ChicagoFirst Unitarian Church of Chicago,. Socail Justice Group
Rick ReinboldVillage of Richton Parkself
Riley BoganSelfSelf
Robin DusekMeself
Rose MurphyNot ApplicableSelf
Ruth CarterHOPE of Ogle CountyHOPE of Ogle County
Ryan Anthony Blaynoneself only
Ryan GougisCook County Justice Advisory CouncilCook County Justice Advisory Council
Samantha CortinaWINGS Program, Incself
Samantha SilberbergNorthwestern LawSelf
Sandra BrownWomen's Justice InstituteSelf
Sandra RigsbeeSelfSelf
Santera MatthewsSelfSelf
Santera MatthewsSelfSelf
Sara BlockAscend JusticeAscend Justice
Sara BlockAscend JusticeAscend Justice
Sarah BeuningIllinois Coalition Against Sexual AssaultIllinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault
Sarah BreedenNoneSelf
Sav FelixLaw Office of the Cook County Public DefenderLaw Office of the Cook County Public Defender
Scott AasengUnitarian Universalist Advocacy Network of ILUnitarian Universalist Advocacy Network of Illinois
Scott AasengUnitarian Universalist Advocacy Network of ILUnitarian Universalist Advocacy Network of Illinois
Scott MainJuvenile Defender Resource Centerself only
Selenne DominguezselfSelenne Dominguez
Shanae Denise BeasleyCrosspoint Human ServicesShanae
Shannon McElroyQuanadaJustice for Survivors of Gender-based Violence
Shari Stone-MediatoreParole IllinoisParole Illinois
Sharna HinesHines Consulting LLCSharna Hines
Sherri Meyerselfself
Shirley AdamsselfSelf
SirenaWomen Justice InstituteWomen Justice Institute
Soomin JeongSelfSelf
Stephanie KollmannChildren and Family Justice Centerself
Steve Hetzelselfself
Sue Stealeynoneself
Susan Balabanselfself
Susan Bramlet LavinIllinois National Organization for WomenIllinois NOW
Susan Bramlet LavinIllinois National Organization for WomenIllinois NOW
Susan E HerzogRetiredSelf
Susan JaffeeKnit Nirvana llcBusiness owner
Susan MansfieldNoneSusan Mansfield
Susan ShulmanNorth suburban legal aid clinicMyself
Susana StollSelfSelf
Susie kensilDove, Inc. Shelby CountyDomestic violence survivors and other victims of crime
Tabbitha Nadine WilsonStopping Woman Abuse Now, IncSWAN
Tanya Hansennana
Taryn Smithnoneself
Tasnim TanveerSelfSelf
Terri ShihSelfSelf
Tessa KuipersFamily RescueFamily Rescue
Tracy McLellanNot applicableSelf
Verlyn BierenoneSelf
vianney leonselfself
vianney leonSelfSelf
vianney leonSelfSelf
Victoria VillegasSelfSelf
Virginia KellerIndividualSelf
Virginia MuellerQuanadaself
William K SellersIndivisible Lincoln SquareIndivisible Lincoln Square
William K SellersIndivisible Lincoln SquareIndivisible Lincoln Square
Yoloxochitl GuerreroUniversity of Illinois ChicagoYoloxochitl Guerrero
Zack SchrantzSaint Leonard's MinistriesSaint Leonard's Ministries (including Grace House)