Illinois General Assembly - SB1897Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For SB1897  103rd General Assembly

Bill Status

Legislation: SB1897
Proponents: 13Opponents: 0No Position: 0
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Executive (H) 4/19/2023 10:00 AM
Chris SmithCorn Belt PortsCorn Belt Ports
David KubikIL Soybean GrowersIL Soybean Growers
Greg CoxC&G Consulting PartnersIL Soybean Association
Honey ZimmermanNot applicableSelf
John CoultasIllinois Municipal LeagueIllinois Municipal League
Michael LuebbersIllinois Freedom Civic Coalition-Illinois Freedom Allianceself
Michael ThomsCity of Rock IslandCITY OF ROCK ISLAND
Robert SinklerCorn Belt PortsCorn Belt Ports
Russ OrrillIllinois Corn Growers AssociationIllinois Corn Growers Association
Sarah HaydenCity of Rock IslandCity of Rock Island
Tim MaiersUpper Mississippi, Illinois and Missouri Rivers Association
Hearing Date and Time: Local Government (S) 3/8/2023 3:30 PM
David KubikIL Soybean GrowersIL Soybean Growers
John CoultasIllinois Municipal LeagueIllinois Municipal League