Illinois General Assembly - SB1426Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For SB1426  103rd General Assembly

Bill Status

Legislation: SB1426
Proponents: 18Opponents: 89No Position: 1
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Executive (S) 3/29/2023 3:00 PM
Alex TaylorSelfSelf
Brittney BastidaDominican Universitymyself
Cary Archerselfself
Dennis Broderickselfself
Jennifer QuinnSelfIllinois Resident
Kai Lehockyselfself
Karina AguilarSelfSelf
Lindsey KnightPlanned Parenthood of IllinoisSelf
Lori GreenPlanned Parenthood of IllinoisSelf
Mary Jane MaharrySelfMary Jane Maharry
Mary Johnsonselfself
Mike Van WinkleMED-Project USAMED-Project USA
Orlando LaraSelfSelf
Rob LucianSelfSelf
Shannon Miller BelliniPharmaceutical Product Stewardship Work GroupPharmaceutical Product Stewardship Work Group
Vanessa Ann WellberyAdvocates of Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest MissouriAdvocates of Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri
Hearing Date and Time: Executive (S) 3/22/2023 3:00 PM
Jim WilsonMED-Project USAMED-Project USA
Shannon Miller BelliniPPSWGPharmaceutical Product Stewardship Work Group