Illinois General Assembly - HB1134Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For HB1134  103rd General Assembly

Bill Status

Legislation: HB1134
Proponents: 230Opponents: 16No Position: 0
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 4/4/2024 10:00 AM
Douglas WinstonLaw Abiding Gun Owners of IllinoisLaw Abiding Gun Owners of Illinois
Michael LuebbersIllinois Freedom Civic Coalition dba Illinois Freedom AllianceOn behalf of IFCC dba IFA
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 4/2/2024 4:00 PM
Brad KoenigAdams Electric Cooperative
Brad SmithAdamselectriccoopSelf
brian thomas busbyselfself
Dean GraffSelfSelf
Gary W Waltonmyselfmyself
Harold CraneSelfSelf
Jarred FlowersSelf
Robin Millerself
Tyler DeFoeSelfLaw Abiding Gun Owners of IL, Myself, My Family
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 3/9/2023 2:00 PM
c payneNANA
Casey CameronSelfSelf
Dallas BearState of IllinoisSelf
Jeff DzikIllinois ResidentMyself
Kevin SharpSelf
Laura RenkeNoneSelf
ron darnallSELFSELF
Ron SparrowN.A.Self
Ryan BrkljacicOn behalf of selfSELF
Ryan BrkljacicOn behalf of selfSELF
Scott McWethySelfSelf
Shane Shaddenselfself
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 3/7/2023 4:00 PM
Aaron SparlingSelfSelf
Adam WillaredtSelfSelf
Allen MoralesNoneSelf
Amy HoardSelfSelf
Andrew C MyszkaSelfSelf
Barbara SalineMyselfMyself
Besnik NeziriSelfSelf
Beverly BryantSelfSelf
Bill BahrNAMyself
BJ BahrNAMyself
Bobbi QuinnSelfSelf
Bradley SwansonNASelf
Brian KnerienGood2Geaux, LLC
Brian BahrNAMyself
Brian CabaSelfSelf
Brian KnerienSelfSelf
Brian KnoxSrlfSelf
Brian NielsenSelfIllinois gun owners
Brian NorwoodNana
Brian RodriguezSelfSelf
Caitlin V CollinsNot ApplicableSelf
Cameron KilgoreSelf
Chad BerckBlackhawk Tactical
Charles BishopSelf
Charles ThomasRetiredAll, Family and Friends of Illinois
Chasity HolmquistSelf
Cheryl KozlovNaSelf
Chris DarinSelfIL citizen for 2A
Chris W CoxISRA
Christopher DeweeseNANA
Christopher FerinoSelfSelf
Christopher HendersonHenderson Trucking
Christopher PollardSelfSelf
Cindy SieverSelfFamily
Corey DelbySelfGR4I
Craig BullSelfself
Craig BullSelfSelf
Crystal KnerienSelf
Cynthia SavoieOn behalf of selfSelf
Cynthia SavoieOn behalf of selfSelf
Dallas BearState of IllinoisSelf
Dan WartaNaSelf
Dante KomaterNANA
David GreenbergSelfSelf
David Richterself
david tomekretired
Dean WillaredtSelfSelf
Deborah QuayleSelf
Denise CollinsNot ApplicableSelf
Dennis CristSelfFamily
Diana KnoxSelfSelf
Diana KnoxSelfSelf
Dominic Sabatinanoneself
Dorothy PetersenSelfSelf
ellen smithna
Emily WilcoxSelfSelf
Eric rollinsonNoneMy family
Eric ThomasSelfSelf
Erik SwierengaSelf
Eron GundelachSelfSelf
Fernando CervantesCITIZEN
Frederick P FollmerNASelf
Gabriel HartSelfSelf
Glennette BarclayselfNA
Grace Novakself
Greg EccherNoneNone
Greg McKeanSelfSelf
Harold LenceNa
Holly BoersmaNASelf
Jacob McWilliamsSelfSelf
jaime Francisco ChavezNAna
Jake NorinSelfSelf
James BarclayselfNA
James LemieuxSelfSelf
Jane DidwayFamilyFamily
Jane DidwayFamilyFamily
Janet BladeSelfSelf
Janet WindishWindish Insurance Agency, LLCAll
Jason AlbertsSelfSelf
Jason L HolbrookSelfself
Jeffrey RoesnerNANA
Jeffrey SavoieOn behalf of selfOn behalf of self
Jeffrey SavoieOn behalf of selfOn behalf of self
Jennifer BrouchMyselfMy family
Jennifer Edwards-SteffaniSelfSelf
Jennifer MucciantiselfConstitution follower
Jessica RawlinsSelf
Jill DarinSelfIL citizen for 2A
Joe CosentinoWe the People Firearms TrainingCitizens of Illinois and all those who respect the Constitution
John BahrNAMyself
John HansonSelfSelf
John KaramichosSelfSelf
Joseph J DraegerNA
JT DowninNa
Julie PejakovichSelfSelf
Karen ReederSelfSelf
Karen WhitneySelfSelf
Kathleen EddySelf
Katie DavisSelfMy family
Kay DavisNone
Kenny HorsleySelfSelf
Kim NorwoodNAna
Kimberly SparlingSelfSelf
Kyle FlattSelf
Kyle JohnsonSelfSelf
Larry DidwayFamilyFamily
Larry DidwaySelfFamily
Laurie MartinSelfSelf
Levi SmithCIL Range Enthusiasts
Linda FuhrSelf
Linda WolfeSelfMy Family
Lisa BowmanSelfSelf
Lisa M Tegelerselfself
Lisa McCormickCitizen
Lola BahrNAMyself
Luella EllisonSELFSELF
Luella EllisonSELFSELF
Luella EllisonSELFSELF
Luella EllisonSELFSELF
Marc BahrNAMyself
Marilyn MohringSelf
Mark L JastowskiNoneMyself
Mark RaneyIllinois Farm Bureau
Mary RakowskiSelfSelf
Matt BowmanSelfSelf
Matt MooreSelfSelf
Matthew GulattoNANA
Matthew GulattoNANA
Michael CollinsNot ApplicableSelf
Michael LuebbersIllinois Freedom Civic Coalition-Illinois Freedom Allianceself
Michael RIleyNANA
Michael Thompsonmyselfmyself
Michael VandermillenSelfSelf
Michelle BahrNAMyself
Michelle CunneyNone
Michelle WelkerNone
Mike BrightNoneNone
Mike CordumSelfSelf
Mike LawrencenaGlen Lawrence
Mike LawrencenaGSL
Mike Lawrencenaself
Mike Lawrencenaself
Mollyann HesserSelfSelf
Mubeen KhanSelfSelf, Aurora Sportsmen's Club
Mylo MagnessNA
Nicholas MitchellSelfSelf
Owen FalkOn Behalf Of SelfSelf
Patricia GriffinSelfSelf
Patrick BuzzoSelfSelf
Patrick HarlanSelfSelf
pattie tackettna
Patty MillerSelfSelf
Patty MillerSelfSelf
Piotr WojtanowiczSelfSelf
Randy Walkerselfself
Randy Walkerselfself
Randy Walkerselfself
Ranee WardSelf
Raymond BladeSelfSelf
Rex TurnbullTurnbull FarmsNone
Ricardo VillaSelfSelf
Rich QuayleSelf
Richard BeilerSelfSelf
richard moronyselfself and wife
Richard WalkoeNaYself
Robert BahrNAMyself
Ron EsserSelfSelf
Ron NorwoodNaNA
Ronald HafemanOn behalf of selfOn behalf of self
Ronald HesserSelfSelf
Ronald HesserSelfSelf
Ronald PartonNASelf
Ruth Ann HeltonSelfSelf
Ruth Ann HeltonSelfSelf
Scott CollinsNot ApplicableSelf
Scott Mitchell Jrselfself
Sean LefeversSelfSelf
Shane Shaddenselfself
shawn tackettna
Shelly BahrNAMyself
Sherry HannaNANA
Steve Tegelerselfself
Steven NoahNoneSelf
Suzanne RickmanSelfSelf
Sydney PetersenSelfSelf
Terry ThomasNAMyself
Thomas LangleyNoneMy self
Tiffany Sabatinanoneself
Tim MillerSelfSelf
Tim MillerSelfSelf
Todd LingafelterSelfVoter
Tom Klingbeilnot applicableMyself
Troy FrankNoneTroy Frank
Walter RatajczakSelfSelf
Will LudwigSelfSelf
William BahrNAMyself
William FrazierSelfSelf
William johnsonNa
William McGrewNaNa
Willie BahrNAMyself
Wolfe GreeneNA