Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Education (S) 5/16/2017 9:00 AM |
Angela Grover | Presence Health | Presence Health |
Bob Palmer | Housing Action Illinois | Housing Action Illinois |
Brian Nord | self | self |
Bryen Johnson | Illinois Federation of Teachers | IFT |
Grace Rabier | None | Self |
John Donovan | Office of the Cook County Sheriff | Office of the Cook County Sheriff |
Jonathan Doster | Ounce of Prevention | Ounce of Prevention |
Josephine Longo | None | Self |
Kari Castor | None | Self |
Kurt Hilgendorf | Chicago Teachers Union | Chicago Teachers Union |
Kyle Hillman | National Association of Social Workers Illinois Chapter | National Association of Social Workers - Illinois Chapter |
Lisa Griffin | none | self |
Lisa Hendrickson | Self | Record of appearance only |
Lori Fennel | Self | Self |
Maryellen Schwartz | Taxpayer | Taxpayer |
Matthew Bush | Soapbox Co. | Soapbox Co. |
Michelle Ishmael | Illinois Education Association | Illinois Education Association |
Nathan La Porte | Self | Self |
Niya Kelly | Chicago Coalition for the Homeless | Chicago Coalition for the Homeless |
Nora Collins-Mandeville | Illinois Collaboration on Youth | Illinois Collaboration on Youth |
Rachel Becknell | Constituent | Self |
Rochelle Kramer | Self | Indivisible |
Todd Rapp | None | Self |
Hearing Date and Time: Elem Sec Ed: Licensing, Admin. (H) 4/25/2017 4:00 PM |
Alison Twite | Self | Self |
Anne Campbell | Connections of Illinois | Connections of Illinois |
Christi Wessel | constituent | |
Dan Campbell | Connections of IL | |
Dr Bruce R Brown | North Cook ISC-ROE5 | North Cook ISC-ROE5 |
Edilberto Vazquez | Connections for the Homeless | |
Holly Rotman-Zaid | Center of Concern | Center of Concern |
Karen Kelly | Connections of IL 501c3 | |
Kim Gallo | Connections of Illinois, inc | |
Laura Bookler | Registered Nurse | |
Marla Contos | Individual | |
Matt Hanafee | citizen | |
Mia Jusufi | Regional Office of Education | |
Rachel Contos | Individual | |
Regina DSouza | Mrs. | Connections of Illinois |
Richard Duran | North Cook Intermediate Service Center | |
Ryan | Riversie School District 96 | Riverside School District 96 |
Shawn Schleizer | East Maine School District 63 | East Maine School District 63 |
Shirley J Bloom | North Cook ISC | North Cook ISC |
Sue Geegan | Holy Family Parish | |
Tom Bookler | North Cook INtermediate Service Center | |
Traci Bookler | RB Enterprises | |
Vince Heneghan | Housing Options | |
Hearing Date and Time: Elem Sec Ed: Licensing, Admin. (H) 3/22/2017 8:00 AM |
Amanda Lamorte | Elk Grove High School | |
Anna Fogt | Wheeling High School | |
Anne Campbell | Connections of Illinois | |
Beth Lindley | Self | |
Bob Palmer | Housing Action Illinois | Housing Action Illinois |
Bruce Brown | North Cook ISC ROE5 | Dr. Bruce R. Brown |
Catherine M Wood | Niles Family Services | |
Debra VanGetson | Private citizen | teacher |
Dr Daniel Cates | Township High School District 211 | Township High School District 211 |
Elizabeth Coyne | NA | myself |
Ellen Dethloff | Connections of Illinois, Inc. | |
Eva Ginis | Glenview District 34 | |
Hugh Brady | AHAND | mental health advocacy |
Hugh Brady | NAMI Barrington Area | Homeless children |
Iris Barrios | YWCA Evanston North Shore | Iris Barrios, YWCA Evanston North Shore |
James Menzer | Lake County Regional Office of Education | |
Janet Mellenthin | Citizen | |
Judith Treadway | School District 65 | School District 65 |
Karen Kelly | Connections of IL | |
Kurt Hilgendorf | Chicago Teachers Union | Chicago Teachers Union |
Kyle Hillman | National Association of Social Workers Illinois Chapter | National Association of Social Workers - Illinois Chapter |
Laura Bookler | Maxim Health Care | |
Lauren Manola | High School District 214 | |
Maria Ynot | Connections for the Homeless | Connections for the Homeless |
Marla Contos | Individual | |
Michael Sanders | Retired | |
Michelle Dipping | Occupational Therapist | |
Niya Kelly | Chicago Coalition for the Homeless | Chicago Coalition for the Homeless |
Nora Collins-Mandeville | Illinois Collaboration on Youth | Illinois Collaboration on Youth |
Rachel Contos | Individual | |
Raymundo Galarza | Wheeling High School | Homeless students |
Regina DSouza | Connections of Illinois | Connections of Illinois |
Sandy Godinez | The Harbour | The Harbour |
Sharon King | Alliance to End Homelessness in Suburban Cook County | |
Shirley Bloom | North Cook ISC | |
Sue Geegan | Holy Family Parish | |
Susanne Loellbach | Self | |
Terri Channer | WINGS Program, Inc. | |
Timothy OBrien | DNA | |
Tom Bookler | NCISC Regional Office of Education | |
Vince Heneghan | Housing Options | |
Hearing Date and Time: Elem Sec Ed: Licensing, Admin. (H) 3/15/2017 8:00 AM |
Bob Palmer | Housing Action Illinois | Housing Action Illinois |
Nora Collins-Mandeville | Illinois Collaboration on Youth | Illinois Collaboration on Youth |
Hearing Date and Time: Elem Sec Ed: Licensing, Admin. (H) 3/8/2017 8:00 AM |
Adam Cohen-Lewe | Person | |
Alexis Allegra | Connections for the Homeless | |
Amanda Marti | self | self |
Andrew Seibert | Connections for the Homeless | |
Anne Campbell | Connections of Illinois | |
barbara sutton | citizen | |
Bob Palmer | Housing Action Illinois | Housing Action Illinois |
Cathleen LeMaire | Self | |
Cathy Feltner | Embarras River Basin Agency | Housing Action Illinois |
Charles Warner | Faith Community Homes | |
Christi Wessel | Alliance To End Homelessness | |
Christine Farnsworth | Faith Community Homes | |
Christine Gregory | Dove, Inc. | |
Dan Campbell | Connections of Illinois | |
David A Harrison | Madison County Community Development | Madison County Partnership to End Homelessness |
David Fries | Fries Consulting Group | |
Dawn Wagner | Connections of Illinois | |
Deborah Augelli | none | |
Debra VanGetson | Private citizen | |
Diane Oltman Ayers | McHenry County Regstered Voter | Self |
Dianne Sharma | None | Self |
Drew Knobloch | Self | Self |
Edilberto Vazquez | Association of Homeless Advocates in the Northern District-AHAND | Association of Homeless Advocates in the Northern District-AHAND |
Edilberto Vazquez-MSW | Connections for the Homeless | Connections for the Homeless |
Eileen Zanillo | None | |
Ellen Swanson | District 62, Des Plaines | |
Francine Greco | Odeum Expo | |
Frank VanGetson | Private citizen | |
Fred Chin | Connections of Illinois, Inc | |
Hadeel hejja | Self | |
Harold Sweeney | ICEARY | |
Heather Britton | Private | |
Holly Rotman-Zaid | Center of Concern | |
Hugh Brady | AHAND | mental health advocacy |
Iris Barrios | YWCA | Iris Barrios, YWCA Evanston North Shore |
Jake Bradley | Housing Forward | People experiencing homlessness, including families with schoolaged children and unaccompanied minors |
James Contos | Barrister Investigations and Filing Services | |
James Mayer | Faith Community Homes | |
Jane Drezen | Village BAnk | |
Janet Gow | Housing Forward | |
Jeffrey Rabin | Law Offices of Rabin, Kodner & Brown | |
Jennifer DiGioia | Schaumburg School District 54 | Schaumburg School District 54 |
Jennifer Feuer-Crystal | Connnections for the Homeless | |
Jennifer Hill | Alliance to End Homelessness in Suburban Cook County | Alliance to End Homelessness in Suburban Cook County |
Jennifer Johnson | constituent | |
Jim | Citizen | |
Joann Boblick | BEDS Plus Care Inc. | Bruce Malak, Lisa Sheehan |
Joanne Contos | Unemployed | |
Joel Williams | PADS Lake County | PADS Lake County, Inc. |
john sonderegger | faith community homes | |
John Spaw | None | Self |
Jonathan Doster | Ounce of Prevention | Ounce of Prevention |
Jonathon Spaw | None | |
Joseph Mellenthin | Schaumburg resident | |
Joseph Mellenthin | Schaumburg resident | |
Karen Lee Kelly | Connections of IL NFP | |
Kim Gallo | Connections of Illinois, Inc. | |
Kristin Ginger | Housing Action Illinois | |
Laura Bookler | 1234 | |
Leticia I Lobo | Connections Of Illinois | Connections Of Illinois |
Lisa Menich | self | self |
Mariana Puentes | A Safe Place | |
Marla Contos | Individual | |
Mary Geary | PAEC | |
Matt Hanaf | private citizen | |
Michael A Meyers | Glenview Community School District 34 | |
Michael Heneghan | Housing Options | |
Michael Pietrzak | None | |
Michelle Dipping | None | |
Michelle Gorka | The Harbour, Inc. | |
Monica velez | None | Self |
Monika Ronti Ghosh | Independent | |
Nancy Kneip | Self | |
Niya Kelly | Chicago Coalition for the Homeless | Chicago Coalition for the Homeless |
Nora Collins-Mandeville | Illinois Collaboration on Youth | Illinois Collaboration on Youth |
Patricia Masek | None | Self |
Patrick Rodgers | the Alliance to End Homelessness in Suburban Cook County. | |
Paul Goldberg | Schaumburg 54 | |
Rachel Contos | Individual | |
Rachel Fandel | Individual | |
Regina DSouza | Connections of Illinois | Connections of Illinois |
Renee Gladstone | self | self |
Richard Duran | North Cook Iintermediate Service Center ROE 5 | |
Richard Waterson | None | |
Robert Zanillo | None | |
Roland Fouche | HB 261 | |
Rose Ann Porucznik-Olan | Self | |
Ryan Bookler | Riverside School District 96 | |
Samantha Hennessy | English Rows Eye Care | |
Sandy Godinez | The Harbour | The Harbour |
Shanna Simpson | Self | |
Sharon King | Alliance to End Homelessness in Suburban Cook County | |
Shirley J Bloom | None | |
Sonia Ivanov | Northwest Compass, Inc | |
Stacy Knoderer | Plainfield School District | |
Sue Geegan | Holy Family Catholic Church | |
Sue Loellbach | Self | Self |
Sue Wiemer | Turnstone Development Corp | |
Susan Beaumont | Embarras River Basin Agency | |
Tara Turner | Self | NA |
Terri Channer | WINGS Program, Inc. | |
Thaddeus Augelli | none | |
Tiffany Spaw | Self | |
Timothy A Wayman | Faith Community Homes | |
Tom Bookler | North Cook Educational Service Center | Tom BooklerR |
TRACI Bookler | Riverside School District 96 | Reading Specialist |
Tracy Lawson McKeithen | Family Promise Chicago North Shore | Families |
Valerie Erickson | Self | Self |
Vivian-Grace | Catholic Charities | Catholic Charities |
Hearing Date and Time: Elem Sec Ed: Licensing, Admin. (H) 2/23/2017 8:30 AM |
Amanda Wood | Self | Self |
Becky Bonjour | self | self |
Bob Palmer | Housing Action Illinois | Housing Action Illinois |
emily beaufort | self | self |
John Cusick | Illinois Federation of Teachers | Illinois Federation of Teachers |
Kaylie Honkala | CPS | |
Hearing Date and Time: Elem Sec Ed: Licensing, Admin. (H) 2/16/2017 8:30 AM |
Bob Palmer | Housing Action Illinois | Housing Action Illinois |
Heather Spear | Elgin High School | |
John Cusick | Illinois Federation of Teachers | Illinois Federation of Teachers |
Hearing Date and Time: Elem Sec Ed: Licensing, Admin. (H) 2/8/2017 3:00 PM |
Amy Basque | NA | Myself |
Bob Palmer | Housing Action Illinois | Housing Action Illinois |
Bob Palmer | Housing Action Illinois | Housing Action Illinois |
Bob Palmer | Housing Action Illinois | Housing Action Illinois |
Bob Palmer | Housing Action Illinois | Housing Action Illinois |
Hugh Brady | AHAND | mental health advocacy |
John Cusick | Illinois Federation of Teachers | Illinois Federation of Teachers |
Sara Turk | On Behalf Of Self | Self |
Sean Denney | Illinois Education Association | Illinois Education Association |