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Public Act 103-0215 Public Act 0215 103RD GENERAL ASSEMBLY |
Public Act 103-0215 | SB1367 Enrolled | LRB103 27724 KTG 54101 b |
| AN ACT concerning housing.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The Housing Authorities Act is amended by | changing Sections 8.10a, 17, 25, 25.01, and 25.02 as follows: | (310 ILCS 10/8.10a) | Sec. 8.10a. Criminal history record and housing data. | (a) Every Authority organized under the provisions of this | Act shall collect the following criminal history record data : | (1) the number of applications submitted for admission | to federally assisted housing; | (2)
the number of applications submitted for admission | to federally assisted housing by individuals with a | criminal history record, if the Authority is conducting | criminal history records checks of applicants or other | household members; | (3)
the number of applications for admission to | federally assisted housing that were denied on the basis | of a criminal history record, if the Authority is | conducting criminal history records checks of applicants | or other household members; | (4)
the number of criminal records assessment hearings | requested by applicants for housing who were denied |
| federally assisted housing on the basis of a criminal | history records check; and | (5)
the number of denials for federally assisted | housing that were overturned after a criminal records | assessment hearing. | (b) The information required in this subsection Section | shall be disaggregated by the race, ethnicity, and sex of | applicants for housing. | (b) Every Authority organized under the provisions of this | Act shall collect the following data: | (1) the number of vacant rental units within each | housing project operated by the Authority; and | (2) information on whether each waiting list | maintained by the Authority is open or closed. | (c) The information collected under subsections (a) and | (b) This information shall be reported to the Illinois | Criminal Justice Information Authority and shall be compiled | and reported to the General Assembly annually by the Illinois | Criminal Justice Information Authority. The Illinois Criminal | Justice Information Authority shall also make this report | publicly available, including on its website, without fee.
| | (Source: P.A. 101-659, eff. 3-23-21.)
| (310 ILCS 10/17) (from Ch. 67 1/2, par. 17)
| Sec. 17. Definitions. The following terms, wherever used |
| or referred to in this
Act shall have the following respective | meanings, unless in any case a
different meaning clearly | appears from the context:
| (a) "Authority" or "housing authority" shall mean a | municipal
corporation organized in accordance with the | provisions of this Act for
the purposes, with the powers and | subject to the restrictions herein set
| (b) "Area" or "area of operation" shall mean: (1) in the | case of an
authority which is created hereunder for a city, | village, or incorporated
town, the area within the territorial | boundaries of said city, village, or
incorporated town, and so | long as no county housing authority has
jurisdiction therein, | the area within three miles from such territorial
boundaries, | except any part of such area located within the territorial
| boundaries of any other city, village, or incorporated town; | and (2) in the
case of a county shall include all of the county | except the area of any
city, village or incorporated town | located therein in which there is an
Authority. When an | authority is created for a county subsequent to the
creation | of an authority for a city, village or incorporated town | within
the same county, the area of operation of the authority | for such city,
village or incorporated town shall thereafter | be limited to the territory
of such city, village or | incorporated town, but the authority for such
city, village or | incorporated town may continue to operate any project
| developed in whole or in part in an area previously a part of |
| its area of
operation, or may contract with the county housing | authority with respect
to the sale, lease, development or | administration of such project. When an
authority is created | for a city, village or incorporated town subsequent to
the | creation of a county housing authority which previously | included such
city, village or incorporated town within its | area of operation, such
county housing authority shall have no | power to create any additional
project within the city, | village or incorporated town, but any existing
project in the | city, village or incorporated town currently owned and
| operated by the county housing authority shall remain in the | ownership,
operation, custody and control of the county | housing authority.
| (b-5) "Criminal history record" means a record of arrest, | complaint, indictment, or any disposition arising therefrom. | (b-6) "Criminal history report" means any written, oral, | or other communication of information that includes criminal | history record information about a natural person that is | produced by a law enforcement agency, a court, a consumer | reporting agency, or a housing screening agency or business. | (c) "Presiding officer" shall mean the presiding officer | of the
board of a county, or the mayor or president of a city, | village or
incorporated town, as the case may be, for which an | Authority is created
| (d) "Commissioner" shall mean one of the members of an | Authority
appointed in accordance with the provisions of this |
| Act.
| (e) "Government" shall include the State and Federal | governments and
the governments of any subdivisions, agency or | instrumentality,
corporate or otherwise, of either of them.
| (f) "Department" shall mean the Department of Commerce and
| Economic Opportunity.
| (g) "Project" shall include all lands, buildings, and | improvements,
acquired, owned, leased, managed or operated by | a housing authority, and
all buildings and improvements | constructed, reconstructed or repaired by
a housing authority, | designed to provide housing accommodations and
facilities | appurtenant thereto (including community facilities and
| stores) which are planned as a unit, whether or not acquired or
| constructed at one time even though all or a portion of the | buildings
are not contiguous or adjacent to one another; and | the planning of
buildings and improvements, the acquisition of | property, the demolition
of existing structures, the clearing | of land, the construction,
reconstruction, and repair of | buildings or improvements and all other
work in connection | therewith. As provided in Sections 8.14 to 8.18,
inclusive, | "project" also means, for Housing Authorities for
| municipalities of less than 500,000 population and for | counties, the
conservation of urban areas in accordance with | an approved conservation
plan. "Project" shall also include: | (1) acquisition of: | (i) a slum or
blighted area or a deteriorated or |
| deteriorating area which is
predominantly residential | in character, or | (ii) any other deteriorated
or deteriorating area | which is to be developed or redeveloped for
| predominantly residential uses, or | (iii) platted urban or suburban land
which is | predominantly open and which because of obsolete | platting,
diversity of ownership, deterioration of | structures or of site
improvements, or otherwise | substantially impairs or arrests the sound
growth of | the community and which is to be developed for | predominantly
residential uses, or | (iv) open unplatted urban or suburban land
| necessary for sound community growth which is to be | developed for
predominantly residential uses, or | (v) any other area where parcels of
land remain | undeveloped because of improper platting, delinquent | taxes
or special assessments, scattered or uncertain | ownerships, clouds on
title, artificial values due to | excessive utility costs, or any other
impediments to | the use of such area for predominantly residential | uses;
| (2) installation, construction, or reconstruction of | streets, utilities,
and other site improvements essential | to the preparation of sites for
uses in accordance with | the development or redevelopment plan; and |
| (3)
making the land available for development or | redevelopment by private
enterprise or public agencies | (including sale, initial leasing, or
retention by the | local public agency itself). | If, in any city, village,
or incorporated town, there | exists a land clearance commission created
under the Blighted | Areas Redevelopment Act of 1947 (repealed) prior to August 20, | 2021 (the effective date of Public Act 102-510) having the | same
area of operation as a housing authority created in and | for any such
municipality, such housing authority shall have | no power to acquire land
of the character described in | subparagraph (iii), (iv), or (v) of
paragraph (1) of the | definition of "project" for the purpose of
development or | redevelopment by private enterprise.
| (h) "Community facilities" shall include lands, buildings, | and
equipment for recreation or social assembly, for | education, health or
welfare activities and other necessary | utilities primarily for use and
benefit of the occupants of | housing accommodations to be constructed,
reconstructed, | repaired or operated hereunder.
| (i) "Real property" shall include lands, lands under | water,
structures, and any and all easements, franchises and | incorporeal
hereditaments and estates, and rights, legal and | equitable, including
terms for years and liens by way of | judgment, mortgage or otherwise.
| (j) The term "governing body" shall include the city |
| council of any
city, the president and board of trustees of any | village or incorporated
town, the council of any city or | village, and the county board of any
| (k) The phrase "individual, association, corporation or
| organization" shall include any individual, private | corporation, limited or general partnership, limited liability | company,
insurance company, housing corporation, neighborhood | redevelopment
corporation, non-profit corporation, | incorporated or unincorporated
group or association, | educational institution, hospital, or charitable
organization, | and any mutual ownership or cooperative organization.
| (l) "Conservation area", for the purpose of the exercise | of the
powers granted in Sections 8.14 to 8.18, inclusive, for | housing
authorities for municipalities of less than 500,000 | population and for
counties, means an area of not less than 2 | acres in which the structures
in 50% or more of the area are | residential having an average age of 35
years or more. Such an | area by reason of dilapidation, obsolescence, deterioration or | illegal
use of individual structures, overcrowding of | structures and community
facilities, conversion of residential | units into non-residential use,
deleterious land use or | layout, decline of physical maintenance, lack of
community | planning, or any combination of these factors may become a
| slum and blighted area.
| (m) "Conservation plan" means the comprehensive program | for the
physical development and replanning of a "Conservation |
| Area" as defined
in paragraph (l) embodying the steps required | to prevent such
Conservation Area from becoming a slum and | blighted area.
| (n) "Fair use value" means the fair cash market value of | real
property when employed for the use contemplated by a | "Conservation Plan"
in municipalities of less than 500,000 | population and in counties.
| (o) "Community facilities" means, in relation to a | "Conservation
Plan", those physical plants which implement, | support and facilitate the
activities, services and interests | of education, recreation, shopping,
health, welfare, religion | and general culture.
| (p) "Loan agreement" means any agreement pursuant to which | an Authority
agrees to loan the proceeds of its revenue bonds | issued with respect to a
multifamily rental housing project or | other funds of the Authority to any
person upon terms | providing for
loan repayment installments at least sufficient | to pay when due all principal
of, premium, if any, and interest | on the revenue bonds of the Authority issued
with respect to | the multifamily rental housing project, and providing for
| maintenance, insurance, and
other matters as may be deemed | desirable by the Authority.
| (q) "Multifamily rental housing" means any rental project | designed for
mixed-income or low-income occupancy.
| (r) "Federally assisted housing" means any housing units | or subsidized housing programs funded in whole or in part by |
| the federal government including all properties owned or | financed by a housing authority, or a subsidiary or | partnership in which the housing authority is a member. | (Source: P.A. 101-659, eff. 3-23-21; 102-510, eff. 8-20-21; | 102-813, eff. 5-13-22.)
| (310 ILCS 10/25)
(from Ch. 67 1/2, par. 25)
| Sec. 25. Rentals and tenant selection. In the operation or | management
of housing projects an Authority
shall at all times | observe the following duties with respect to rentals and
| tenant selection:
| (a) It shall not accept any person as a tenant in any
| dwelling in a housing project if the persons who would occupy | the dwelling
have an aggregate annual income which equals or | exceeds the amount which
the Authority determines (which | determination shall be conclusive) to be
necessary in order to | enable such persons to secure safe, sanitary and
uncongested | dwelling accommodations within the area of operation of the
| Authority and to provide an adequate standard of living for | themselves.
| (b) It may rent or lease the dwelling accommodations | therein only at rentals
within the financial reach of persons | who lack the amount of income which
it determines (pursuant to | (a) of this Section) to be necessary in order to
obtain safe, | sanitary and uncongested dwelling accommodations within the
| area of operation of the Authority and to provide an adequate |
| standard of
| (c) It may rent or lease to a tenant a dwelling consisting | of the
number of rooms (but no greater number) which it deems | necessary to provide
safe and sanitary accommodations to the | proposed occupants thereof, without
| (d) It shall not change the residency preference of any | prospective
tenant once the application has been accepted by | the authority.
| (e)
If an Authority desires a criminal history records | check of all 50 states
or a 50-state confirmation of a | conviction record, the Authority shall submit
the fingerprints | of the relevant applicant, tenant, or other household member
| to the Illinois State Police in a manner prescribed by the | Illinois
State Police. These
fingerprints shall be checked | against the fingerprint records now and hereafter
filed in the
| Illinois State Police and
Federal Bureau of Investigation | criminal history records databases.
The Illinois State Police | shall charge a fee
for conducting the criminal history records | check, which shall be deposited in
the State Police Services | Fund and shall not exceed the actual cost of the
records check. | The Illinois State Police shall furnish pursuant to
positive | identification, records of conviction to the Authority. An | Authority that requests a criminal history report of an | applicant or other household member shall inform the applicant | at the time of the request that the applicant or other | household member may provide additional mitigating information |
| for consideration with the application for housing.
| (e-5) Criminal history record assessment. The Authority | shall use the following process when evaluating the criminal | history report of an applicant or other household member to | determine whether to rent or lease to the applicant: | (1) Unless required by federal law, the Authority | shall not consider the following information when | determining eligibility for federally assisted housing | whether to rent or lease to an applicant for housing : | (A) an arrest or detention; | (B) criminal charges or indictments, and the | nature of any disposition arising therefrom, that do | not result in a conviction; | (C) a conviction that has been vacated, ordered, | expunged, sealed, or impounded by a court; | (D) matters under the jurisdiction of the Illinois | Juvenile Court; | (E) the amount of time since the applicant or | other household member completed his or her sentence | in prison or jail or was released from prison or jail; | or | (F) convictions occurring more than 180 days prior | to the date the applicant's applicant submitted his or | her application for housing is reviewed for | acceptance . | (2) The Authority shall create a system for the |
| independent review of criminal history reports: | (A) the reviewer shall examine the applicant's or | other household member's criminal history report and | report only those records not prohibited under | paragraph (1) to the person or persons making the | decision about whether to offer federally assisted | housing to the applicant; and | (B) the reviewer shall not participate in any | final decisions on an applicant's application for | federally assisted housing. | (3) The Authority may deny an applicant's application | for federally assisted housing because of the applicant's | or another household member's criminal history record, | only if the Authority: | (A) determines that the denial is required under | federal law; or | (B)
determines that there is a direct relationship | between the applicant or the other household member's | criminal history record and a risk to the health, | safety, and peaceful enjoyment of fellow tenants. The | mere existence of a criminal history record does not | demonstrate such a risk. | (f) It may, if a tenant has created or maintained a threat
| constituting a serious and clear danger to the health or | safety of other
tenants or Authority employees, after 3 days' | written notice
of termination and without a hearing, file suit |
| against any such tenant for
recovery of possession of the | premises. The tenant shall be given the
opportunity to contest | the termination in the court proceedings. A serious
and clear | danger to the health or safety of other tenants or Authority
| employees shall include, but not be limited to, any of the | following
activities of the tenant or of any other person on | the premises with the
consent of the tenant:
| (1) Physical assault or the threat of physical | assault.
| (2) Illegal use of a firearm or other weapon or the | threat to use in
an illegal manner a firearm or other | weapon.
| (3) Possession of a controlled substance by the tenant | or any other person
on the premises with the consent of the | tenant if the tenant knew or should
have known of the | possession by the other person of a controlled
substance, | unless the controlled substance was obtained
directly from | or pursuant to a valid prescription.
| (4) Streetgang membership as defined in the Illinois
| Streetgang Terrorism Omnibus Prevention Act.
| The management of low-rent public housing projects | financed and developed
under the U.S. Housing Act of 1937 | shall
be in accordance with that Act.
| Nothing contained in this Section or any other Section of | this Act shall
be construed as limiting the power of an | Authority to vest in a bondholder
or trustee the right, in the |
| event of a default by the Authority, to take
possession and | operate a housing project or cause the appointment of a
| receiver thereof, free from all restrictions imposed by this | Section or any
other Section of this Act.
| (Source: P.A. 101-659, eff. 3-23-21; 102-538, eff. 8-20-21; | 102-813, eff. 5-13-22.)
| (310 ILCS 10/25.01) | Sec. 25.01. Notification. Before denying an applicant's | federally assisted housing application based, in whole or in | part, on a criminal history record permitted under this Act, | the Authority shall provide the opportunity for an individual | assessment. The applicant for federally assisted housing shall | be provided with a clear, written notice that: | (1) explains why the Authority has determined that the | criminal history report it obtained requires further | review, including detailed information on whether the need | for further review is based on federal law or on the | Authority's determination that the criminal history record | of the applicant or other household member indicates a | risk to the health, safety, or peaceful enjoyment of | housing for other residents; | (2) identifies the specific conviction or convictions | upon which the Authority relied upon when making its | decision to deny the applicant's federally assisted | housing application; |
| (3) explains that the applicant has a right to an | individualized criminal records assessment hearing | regarding the Authority's decision to deny the applicant's | federally assisted housing application, as set forth in | Section 25.02; | (4) provides clear instructions on what to expect | during an individualized criminal records assessment | hearing, as set forth in Section 25.02; | (5) explains that if the applicant chooses not to | participate in an individualized criminal records | assessment hearing, the applicant's application will be | denied; and | (6) provides a copy of the criminal history report the | Authority used to make its determination.
| (Source: P.A. 101-659, eff. 3-23-21.) | (310 ILCS 10/25.02) | Sec. 25.02. Criminal records assessment hearing. | (a) An applicant has the right to an individualized | criminal records assessment hearing if the applicant's | application for federally assisted housing requires further | review because of the applicant's or another household | member's criminal history record. The individualized criminal | records assessment hearing shall allow the applicant or other | household member to: | (1) contest the accuracy of the criminal history |
| record; | (2) contest the relevance of the criminal history | record to the Authority's decision to deny the applicant's | application for federally assisted housing; and | (3) provide mitigating evidence concerning the | applicant's or other household member's criminal | conviction or evidence of rehabilitation. | (b) The Authority shall not rent or lease to any other | person the available federally assisted housing unit that is | the subject of the applicant's individualized criminal records | assessment hearing until after the Authority has issued a | final ruling. | (c) The Authority shall adopt rules for criminal records | assessment hearings in accordance with Article 10 of the | Illinois Administrative Procedure Act.
| (Source: P.A. 101-659, eff. 3-23-21.)
Effective Date: 1/1/2024