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Public Act 096-0322
Public Act 096-0322 |
HB4169 Enrolled |
LRB096 02002 RLC 12013 b |
| AN ACT concerning criminal law.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 5. The Unified Code of Corrections is amended by | changing Section 5-3-2 as follows: | (730 ILCS 5/5-3-2) (from Ch. 38, par. 1005-3-2)
| Sec. 5-3-2. Presentence Report.
| (a) In felony cases, the presentence
report shall set | forth:
| (1) the defendant's history of delinquency or | criminality,
physical and mental history and condition, | family situation and
background, economic status, | education, occupation and personal habits;
| (2) information about special resources within the | community
which might be available to assist the | defendant's rehabilitation,
including treatment centers, | residential facilities, vocational
training services, | correctional manpower programs, employment
opportunities, | special educational programs, alcohol and drug
abuse | programming, psychiatric and marriage counseling, and | other
programs and facilities which could aid the | defendant's successful
reintegration into society;
| (3) the effect the offense committed has had upon the |
| victim or
victims thereof, and any compensatory benefit | that various
sentencing alternatives would confer on such | victim or victims;
| (4) information concerning the defendant's status | since arrest,
including his record if released on his own | recognizance, or the
defendant's achievement record if | released on a conditional
pre-trial supervision program;
| (5) when appropriate, a plan, based upon the personal, | economic
and social adjustment needs of the defendant, | utilizing public and
private community resources as an | alternative to institutional
| (6) any other matters that the investigatory officer | deems
relevant or the court directs to be included; and
| (7) information concerning defendant's eligibility for | a sentence to a
county impact incarceration program under | Section 5-8-1.2 of this Code.
| (b) The investigation shall include a physical and mental
| examination of the defendant when so ordered by the court. If
| the court determines that such an examination should be made, | it
shall issue an order that the defendant submit to | examination at
such time and place as designated by the court | and that such
examination be conducted by a physician, | psychologist or
psychiatrist designated by the court. Such an | examination may
be conducted in a court clinic if so ordered by | the court. The
cost of such examination shall be paid by the | county in which
the trial is held.
| (b-5) In cases involving felony sex offenses in which the | offender is being considered for probation only or any felony | offense that is
sexually motivated as defined in the Sex | Offender Management Board Act in which the offender is being | considered for probation only , the
investigation shall include | a sex offender evaluation by an evaluator approved
by the Board | and conducted in conformance with the standards developed under
| the Sex Offender Management Board Act. In cases in which the | offender is being considered for any mandatory prison sentence, | the investigation shall not include a sex offender evaluation.
| (c) In misdemeanor, business offense or petty offense | cases, except as
specified in subsection (d) of this Section, | when a presentence report has
been ordered by the court, such | presentence report shall contain
information on the | defendant's history of delinquency or criminality and
shall | further contain only those matters listed in any of paragraphs | (1)
through (6) of subsection (a) or in subsection (b) of this | Section as are
specified by the court in its order for the | report.
| (d) In cases under Section 12-15 and Section 12-30 of the | Criminal
Code of 1961, as amended, the presentence report shall | set forth
information about alcohol, drug abuse, psychiatric, | and marriage counseling
or other treatment programs and | facilities, information on the defendant's
history of | delinquency or criminality, and shall contain those additional
| matters listed in any of paragraphs (1) through (6) of |
| subsection (a) or in
subsection (b) of this Section as are | specified by the court.
| (e) Nothing in this Section shall cause the defendant to be
| held without bail or to have his bail revoked for the purpose
| of preparing the presentence report or making an examination.
| (Source: P.A. 93-616, eff. 1-1-04; 93-970, eff. 8-20-04.)
Effective Date: 1/1/2010