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Public Act 095-0210
Public Act 095-0210 |
HB1425 Enrolled |
LRB095 08963 AJO 29154 b |
| AN ACT concerning civil law.
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| represented in the General Assembly:
| Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the | Illinois Radon Awareness Act. | Section 5. Definitions. As used in this Act, unless the | context otherwise requires: | (a) "Agent" means a licensed real estate "broker" or | "salesperson", as those terms are defined in Section 1-10 of | the Real Estate License Act of 2000, acting on behalf of a | seller or buyer of residential real property. | (b) "Buyer" means any individual, partnership, | corporation, or trustee entering into an agreement to purchase | any estate or interest in real property. | (c) "Final settlement" means the time at which the parties | have signed and delivered all papers and consideration to | convey title to the estate or interest in the residential real | property being conveyed. | (d) "IEMA" means the Illinois Emergency Management Agency | Division of Nuclear Safety. | (e) "Mitigation" means measures designed to permanently | reduce indoor radon concentrations according to procedures | described in 32 Illinois Administrative Code Part 422. |
| (f) "Radon hazard" means exposure to indoor radon | concentrations at or in excess of the United States | Environmental Protection Agency's, or IEMA's recommended Radon | Action Level. | (g) "Radon test" means a measurement of indoor radon | concentrations in accordance with 32 Illinois Administrative | Code Part 422 for performing radon measurements within the | context of a residential real property transaction. | (h) "Residential real property" means any estate or | interest in a manufactured housing lot or a parcel of real | property, improved with not less than one nor more than 4 | residential dwelling units. | (i) "Seller" means any individual, partnership, | corporation, or trustee transferring residential real property | in return for consideration. | Section 10. Radon testing and disclosure. | (a) Except as excluded by Section 20 of this Act, the | seller shall provide to the buyer of any interest in | residential real property the IEMA pamphlet entitled "Radon | Testing Guidelines for Real Estate Transactions" (or an | equivalent pamphlet approved for use by IEMA) and the Illinois | Disclosure of Information on Radon Hazards, which is set forth | in subsection (b) of this Section, stating that the property | may present the potential for exposure to radon before the | buyer is obligated under any contract to purchase residential |
| real property. Nothing in this Section is intended to or shall | be construed to imply an obligation on the seller to conduct | any radon testing or mitigation activities. | (b) The following shall be the form of Disclosure of | Information on Radon Hazards to be provided to a buyer of | residential real property as required by this Section: | DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION ON RADON HAZARDS | (For Residential Real Property Sales or Purchases) | Radon Warning Statement | Every buyer of any interest in residential real property is | notified that the property may present exposure to dangerous | levels of indoor radon gas that may place the occupants at risk | of developing radon-induced lung cancer. Radon, a Class-A human | carcinogen, is the leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers | and the second leading cause overall. The seller of any | interest in residential real property is required to provide | the buyer with any information on radon test results of the | dwelling showing elevated levels of radon in the seller's | possession. | The Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) strongly | recommends ALL homebuyers have an indoor radon test performed | prior to purchase or taking occupancy, and mitigated if |
| elevated levels are found. Elevated radon concentrations can | easily be reduced by a qualified, licensed radon mitigator. | Seller's Disclosure (initial each of the following which | applies) | (a).......... Elevated radon concentrations (above EPA or | IEMA recommended Radon Action Level) are known to be present | within the dwelling. (Explain) | (b).......... Seller has provided the purchaser with all | available records and reports pertaining to elevated radon | concentrations within the dwelling. | (c).......... Seller has no knowledge of elevated radon | concentrations in the dwelling. | (d).......... Seller has no records or reports pertaining | to elevated radon concentrations within the dwelling. | Purchaser's Acknowledgment (initial each of the following | which applies) | (e).......... Purchaser has received copies of all | information listed above. | (f).......... Purchaser has received the IEMA approved | Radon Disclosure Pamphlet. | Agent's Acknowledgment (initial) (if applicable) | (g).......... Agent has informed the seller of the seller's | obligations under Illinois law. |
| Certification of Accuracy | The following parties have reviewed the information above and | each party certifies, to the best of his or her knowledge, that | the information he or she provided is true and accurate. | Seller Date Seller Date | Purchaser Date Purchaser Date | Agent Date Agent Date | (c) If any of the disclosures required by this Section | occurs after the buyer has made an offer to purchase the | residential real property, the seller shall complete the | required disclosure activities prior to accepting the buyer's | offer and allow the buyer an opportunity to review the | information and possibly amend the offer. | Section 15. Applicability. This Act shall only apply to | transfers by sale of residential real property. | Section 20. Exclusions. The provisions of this Act do not | apply to the following: | (1) Transfers pursuant to court order, including, but | not limited to, transfers ordered by a probate court in | administration of an estate, transfers between spouses | resulting from a judgment of dissolution of marriage or | legal separation, transfers pursuant to an order of |
| possession, transfers by a trustee in bankruptcy, | transfers by eminent domain, and transfers resulting from a | decree for specific performance. | (2) Transfers from a mortgagor to a mortgagee by deed | in lieu of foreclosure or consent judgment, transfer by | judicial deed issued pursuant to a foreclosure sale to the | successful bidder or the assignee of a certificate of sale, | transfer by a collateral assignment of a beneficial | interest of a land trust, or a transfer by a mortgagee or a | successor in interest to the mortgagee's secured position | or a beneficiary under a deed in trust who has acquired the | real property by deed in lieu of foreclosure, consent | judgment or judicial deed issued pursuant to a foreclosure | sale. | (3) Transfers by a fiduciary in the course of the | administration of a decedent's estate, guardianship, | conservatorship, or trust. | (4) Transfers from one co-owner to one or more other | co-owners. | (5) Transfers pursuant to testate or intestate | succession. | (6) Transfers made to a spouse, or to a person or | persons in the lineal line of consanguinity of one or more | of the sellers. | (7) Transfers from an entity that has taken title to | residential real property from a seller for the purpose of |
| assisting in the relocation of the seller, so long as the | entity makes available to all prospective buyers a copy of | the disclosure form furnished to the entity by the seller. | (8) Transfers to or from any governmental entity.
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect January | 1, 2008.
Effective Date: 1/1/2008