Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of Public Act 103-0195
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Public Act 103-0195


Public Act 0195 103RD GENERAL ASSEMBLY



Public Act 103-0195
HB3578 EnrolledLRB103 25676 MXP 52025 b

    AN ACT concerning transportation.
    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
represented in the General Assembly:
    Section 5. The Illinois Vehicle Code is amended by
changing Sections 3-606, 3-606.1, and 3-610.1 as follows:
    (625 ILCS 5/3-606)  (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-606)
    Sec. 3-606. Members of General Assembly. Upon receipt of a
request of a member of the General Assembly, accompanied by
the appropriate application and fee, the Secretary of State
shall issue to the member 2 plates as described in this
Section. Except as otherwise provided in this Section, if If
the member so requests, the Secretary shall issue 2 identical
sets of such registration plates for use on 2 different motor
vehicles. A member may request that the Secretary of State
issue registration plates in the name of a corporation when
the corporation owns or leases the vehicle to be registered
and the member is an officer or director of that corporation.
Such registration plates shall be issued for a 2-year period
beginning January 1 of each odd-numbered year and ending
December 31 of the subsequent even-numbered year. If the
application is from a member of the Senate, there shall appear
on the rear plate, in addition to the designation of the State
and the year for which the license was issued, the word
"official" and appropriate wording or abbreviation indicating
that the holder is a member of the Senate, followed by the
number of the senatorial district of the member. On the front
plate, there shall appear appropriate wording or abbreviation
indicating that the holder is a member of the Senate. If the
application is from a member of the House of Representatives,
there shall appear on the rear plate, in addition to the
designation of the State and the year for which the license was
issued, the word "official" and appropriate wording or
abbreviation indicating that the holder is a member of the
House of Representatives, followed by the number assigned to
the member. On the front plate, there shall appear appropriate
wording or abbreviation indicating that the holder is a member
of the House of Representatives. Numbers 1 through 118 shall
be assigned and members with the longest length of service as
members of the legislature shall be given the lower numbers.
    When members have an equal length of service, the lower
numbers shall be given in alphabetical order based on
    A member of the General Assembly who has a disability as
defined under Section 1-159.1 may request one set of
specialized plates which display the International Symbol of
Access and shall be subject to the provisions within Section
3-616. The set of specialized plates displaying the
International Symbol of Access shall only be issued along with
the assignment of a corresponding disability placard that must
be displayed in the vehicle. The surviving spouse of the
member shall not be entitled to retain this plate.
(Source: P.A. 88-661, eff. 9-16-94.)
    (625 ILCS 5/3-606.1)  (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 3-606.1)
    Sec. 3-606.1. Retired members of the General Assembly.
Upon receipt of a request from a retired member of the General
Assembly, accompanied by the appropriate application and fee,
the Secretary of State shall issue to such retired member
plates bearing appropriate wording or abbreviations indicating
that the holder is a retired member of the General Assembly.
Such plates may be issued for a 2 year period beginning January
1st of each odd-numbered year and ending December 31st of the
subsequent even-numbered year. Except as otherwise provided in
this Section, upon Upon the death of a retired member who has
been issued a retired member of the General Assembly plate,
that member's surviving spouse shall be entitled to retain the
plate so long as the surviving spouse is a resident of Illinois
and transfers the registration to his or her name within 90
days of the death of the retired member.
    A retired member of the General Assembly who has a
disability as defined under Section 1-159.1 may request one
set of specialized plates which display the International
Symbol of Access and shall be subject to the provisions within
Section 3-616. The set of specialized plates displaying the
International Symbol of Access shall only be issued along with
the assignment of a corresponding disability placard that must
be displayed in the vehicle. The surviving spouse of the
retired member shall not be entitled to retain this plate.
    "Retired member" means any individual who (a) has served
as a member of the General Assembly for a minimum of 6 years,
or (b) is 62 or older, has served as a member of the General
Assembly for a minimum of 4 years, and retired prior to the
convening of the 83rd General Assembly.
    The fees and procedures relating to such plates for
retired members of the General Assembly shall be the same as
the fees and procedures applicable to personalized plates
issued under this Code.
(Source: P.A. 98-223, eff. 8-9-13.)
    (625 ILCS 5/3-610.1)
    Sec. 3-610.1. Retired members of the Illinois
congressional delegation. Upon receipt of a request from a
retired member of the Illinois congressional delegation,
accompanied by the appropriate application and fee, the
Secretary of State shall issue to the retired member special
registration plates bearing appropriate wording or
abbreviations indicating that the holder is a retired member
of the Illinois congressional delegation. The plates may be
issued for a 2 year period beginning January 1st of each
odd-numbered year and ending December 31st of the subsequent
even-numbered year.
    An applicant shall be charged a $15 fee for original
issuance in addition to the applicable registration fee. This
additional fee shall be deposited into the Secretary of State
Special License Plate Fund. For each registration renewal
period, a $2 fee, in addition to the appropriate registration
fee, shall be charged and shall be deposited into the Retired
Members of the Illinois Congressional Delegation Fund.
    A retired member of the Illinois Congressional delegation
who has a disability as defined under Section 1-159.1 may
request one set of specialized plates which display the
International Symbol of Access and shall be subject to the
provisions within Section 3-616. The set of specialized plates
displaying the International Symbol of Access shall only be
issued along with the assignment of a corresponding disability
placard that must be displayed in the vehicle. The surviving
spouse of the retired member shall not be entitled to retain
this plate.
    "Retired member of the Illinois congressional delegation"
means any individual who has served as a member of the U.S.
Senate or U.S. House of Representatives representing the State
of Illinois. The term does not include an individual who is
serving in the U.S. Senate or U.S. House of Representatives.
(Source: P.A. 88-685, eff. 1-24-95; 89-282, eff. 8-10-95.)

Effective Date: 1/1/2024